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An index of Tolkiens English Runes

By Per Lindberg July 2012

This is an attempt to index all authorial specimina of Tolkiens use of English runes, especially for use in The Hobbit. This index may be called DRS (Daeron Rune Specimina) in accordance with the DCS and DTS (Daeron Certh and Tengwar Specimina, q.v. at This index has been compiled with the help of Mellonath Daeron.Thanks also to Damien Bador of Tolkiendil for spotting several less obvious specimina. References are in many cases structural, thus avoiding confusion caused by pagination of different editions. These abbreviations are used: H L HH1 HH2 RS TI AH The Hobbit Letters of Tolkien History of the Hobbit, vol 1 (of the 1st ed) History of the Hobbit, vol 2 (of the 1st ed) Return of the Shadow The Treason of Isengard Art of the Hobbit

Daeron Rune Specimina DRS 1 - The Foreword Title Reference: H foreword Characters: 26 Description: The title of the foreword, written in runes. DRS 2 - The Foreword Quotations Reference: H Foreword Characters: 139 Description: Quotes from Thror's map (side door explanation and moon-runes) and explanation of some runes, especially for letters not present on the map. DRS 3 - Thror's Map Explanation Reference: H Thror's map Characters: 38 Description: Runic text on the map, explaining details about the secret door, with the added signatures of Thror and Thrain. DRS 4 - Thror's Map Secret Door Mark Reference: H Thror's map Characters: 1 Description: a D rune marking the secret door on the Lonely Mountain DRS 5 - Thror's Map Compass Points Reference: H Thror's map Characters: 4 Description: runes marking the compass points (E S W N)

DRS 6 - Thor's Map Moon Runes Reference: H Thror's map Characters: 97 Description: rendition of the invisible runes that could only be seen in moonlight during certain conditions DRS 7 - The Farrer Card Reference: L 112 Characters: 574 Description: a postcard to Katherine Farrer. A transcription is available in the endnotes. DRS 8 - Allen & Unwin Dust Jacket Runes Reference: H Dust Cover (A&U ed.), AH plate 101 characters: 148 Description: a full (lengthty) title of the book, with the author and publisher's name. DRS 9 - Houghton Mifflin Dust Jacket Runes Reference: H Dust Cover (HM ed.) Characters: 147 Description: Same as DRS 8, a full (lengthty) title of the book, with the author and publisher's name changed to "HOUGHTON MIFFLIN AND CO". According to The Annotated Hobbit, Appendix B, it is not known if Tolkien himself updated these runes. DRS 10 - Longmans Greens Dust Jacket Runes Reference: H Dust Cover (LG ed.) Characters: 70 Description: a full (somewhat shorter than DRS 8) title of the book, with the publisher's name. DRS 11 - Fimbulfambi's Map Explanation Reference: HH1 frontispiece, AH Intro map ill. Characters: 29 Description: a different text than DRS3: FANG THE SECRET PASAGE OF THE DWARVES. DRS 12 - Fimbulfambi's Map Secret Door Mark Reference: HH1 frontispiece, AH Intro map ill. Characters: 1 Description: a rune marking the secret door on the Lonely Mountain (different from the rune in DRS 4) DRS 13 - Thror's Map I Explanation Reference: HH1 Plate I Characters: 38 Description: Runic text on the map, explaining details about the secret door. See also DRS 3. DRS 14 - Thor's Map I Compass Points Reference: HH1 Plate I Characters: 4 Description: runes marking the compass points (N E S W) DRS 15 - Gandalf's Letter, First Phase Version A Reference: RS p154 Characters: 7 Description: The letter from Gandalf to Bingo (Frodo) at the Prancing Pony, with runes for "GANDALF" in the signature. Also, a peculiar rune-like symbol (rune "G" with a diamondshaped box) for Gandalf's sign, occuring after the signature and on the outside of the letter.

DRS 16 - Gandalf's Letter, First Phase Version B Reference: RS p158 Characters: 7 Description: Similar to DRS 15. Gandalf's pecuilar sign (see DRS 15) also occurs on RS p156. DRS 17 - Gandalf's and Bilbo's Stone-marking, First Phase Reference: RS p194 Characters: 2 Description: The two runic letters G and B in a circle, inscribed on a stone marking the place where they hid the trolls's gold. DRS 18 - Gandalf's Sign on the Fireworks, Second Phase Reference: RS p235 Characters: 1 Description: Gandalf's peculiar sign (see DRS 15) on the fireworks bundles. DRS 19 - Galadriel's Rune on Sam's Box Reference: TI p274 Characters: 2 Description: A flowering G-rune on Galadriel's gift-box to Sam. Also another, purely formal elaboration of the rune on the following manuscript page. DRS 20 - Saruman's Sign on the Orc Caps Reference: TI p382 Characters: 1 Description: An S-rune (for Saruman) on the front of the orc's caps at Amon Hen. DRS 21 - Saruman's Sign on the Orc Caps, Fair Copy Manuscript Reference: TI p387, note 5 Characters: 1 Description: An S-rune (for Saruman) on the front of the orc's leathern caps at Amon Hen. The rune is not depicted, but described in detail; it has wavy lines. DRS 22 - Balin's Tomb Inscription, Initial Draft Reference: TI p456 Characters: ? Description: The runic inscription on Balin's Tomb in Moria was initially written in Old English runes, but then at once rewritten in the "Runes of Beleriand", i.e. cirth. The actual manuscript is not shown, however. CJRT only reproduces the latter versions on Plate V (p 464). DRS 23 - Saruman's Sign on the Stone Head Reference: WR p138, note 5 Characters: 1 Description: The Old English S-rune, struck out, before the words "The red eye", describing the struck-off stone head at the crossroads in Ithilien (see p. 132). Cf. DRS 20-21. The actual manuscript is not shown, however. DRS 24 Thrors Map proof Reference: AH plate 29 Characters: 140 Description: An earlier version of Thrors Map, but very similar to the final (DRS 3-6, plate 28 in AH). The moon-runes use the boxed version of the D rune.

DRS 25 Moon-lettes Sketch I Reference: AH plate 30 Characters: 98 Description: The text of the moon-runes in mirror-reverse as Elrond saw them. Also contains another phrase written in Cirth. DRS 26 Moon-letters Sketch II Reference: AH plate 31 Characters: 98 Description: A cleaner version of the moon-runes from DRS 25. DRS 27 Moon-letters Sketch III Reference: AH plate 32 Characters: 98 Description: A yet cleaner version of the moon-runes from DRS 26, now in outline. Titled The MoonRunes. DRS 28 Moon-leetters Sketch IV Reference: AH plate 33 Characters: 98 Description: The final draft of the moon-runes from DRS 27, now no longer in mirror-reverse. Titled These are the Moon Runes seen by Elrond. DRS 29 Runic Alphabet Reference: HH 2nd ed. Addendum (v), Ad.Ms.H.S.4 Characters: 32 + 35 in the text and notes Description: Tolkiens own chart for the Runes used by Thorin & Co., with explanatory text. The runes are given names in modern English.There are, however, some differences with how the runes are actually used in The Hobbit (q.v. the paper on Tolkiens English Runes by this author). There is also an accompanying similar ms (Ad.Ms.H.S.5) published in HH 2nd ed. which shows Anglo-Saxon Runes. It is not indexed here. The runes used by Thorin & Co. are said to be very like, but not the same as theAnglo-Saxon Runes. Note TN4 also mentions two other similar chars of Anglo-Saxon Runes; Ad.Ms.H.S.1 & 3. DRS 30 Gandalfs Mark on Bilbos Door Reference: AH plate 3 Characters: 3 Description: The runes that Gandalf wrote on Bilbos door to guide the dwarves. Consists of a B-rune, a D-rune and a rune that is not seen elsewhere. DRS 31 Aunt Janes Runic Alphabet Reference: Literature and Illustration, Including the Library of Neville L. Fakes, CBE. Catalog for auction L02303. London: Sotheby's, 2002. Lot 781. Characters: 27 Description: A manuscript with the runic alphabet page inserted in a copy of The Hobbit with dedication to Tolkiens aunt Jane, offered for sale by Sothebys. A fairly complete Anglo-Saxon rune alphabet, with the Anglo-saxon names (and modern English translations) and sound values.

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