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Jaeger Tri-Packs / Hacketten

Product Bulletin 600

Superior performance by design Raschig GmbH - Jaeger Products, Inc

Product Bulletin-600 Page 1

Raschig Jaeger Technologies Features & Benefits Physical Properties Jaeger Tri-Packs Performance Comparisons Pressure Drop Curves Flooding Curves Liquid Holdups Jaeger Tri-Packs vs. AIRSTRIP HTU FOR CO2 Desorption Absorption/Scrubbing Data Scaling, Fouling and Disinfection Conversion Factors Other Jaeger Packings 2 3 4 5-10 11-14 15 16 17-18 19 20 21-22 23 24

Product Bulletin-600 Page 2

Raschig Jaeger Technologies September 2006

In order to establish a new alliance in mass transfer business RASCHIG GmbH and its parent company PMC GLOBAL INC have acquired JAEGER PRODUCTS INC., a Houston Texas based company, which is a major manufacturer of tower packings, column internals and speciality trays and very active in the Mass Transfer and Environmental Business. RASCHIG JAEGER will be integrated into the PMC network of highly specialized, internationally operating companies and will therefore be better prepared to meet increased globalization and further improved customer orientation. Wherever in the world in all continents RASCHIG JAEGER is on the spot.


This strategic acquisition combining RASCHIG and JAEGER into one larger group gives a great advantage to our customers giving them access to products of both entities in Europe, The Americas and in other parts of the world. It will create new dimensions in mass transfer technology. The advantages of our process engineering know-how and our technologies benefit even more the planning, modernization and construction of our clients processes. And: saving energy and investment cost is part of it. The new alliance offers a diverse array of products to meet the mass transfer needs of the industries. While specializing in high performance products, the comprehensive products line of RASCHIG JAEGER also includes traditional fractional trays as well as structured and random packing types that best fit the application.

Leading In-house distributor test-facility

The company operates one of the largest in-house distributor test-facilities worldwide. Liquid distributors can be tested up to 12m in diameter at a maximum liquid load of 2400m3 per hour. All products of RASCHIG JAEGER are the result of consistent development work long years of experience. Comprehensive quality management in all stages of production and the principle of offering complete solutions are the basis of our excellent reputation worldwide.

Product Bulletin-600 Page 3

Jaeger Tri-Packs

Jaeger Tri-Packs are hollow, spherical packings made of injection molded plastic, available in four diameters: 1, 11/4, 2, and 31/2. Symmetrical geometry made from a unique network of ribs, struts, and drip rods. High active surface areas. Extremely low pressure drops. Extremely high operating capacities.

High mass and heat transfer rates. Excellent gas and liquid dispersion characteristics. Resist nesting, making removal easy. Installs to packed position - no settling. Available in a wide variety of plastics. Predictable performance.

Jaeger Tri-Packs-PP are NSF Certified to ANSI/NSF Standard 61 when made in polypropylene

Specifications & Physical Properties

Twelve standard, injection moldable plastics are available: Polypropylene (PP) TopEx (LCP) Polyethylene (PE) Kynar (PVDF) Polypropylene Halar (ECTFE) Glass-Filled (PPG) Teflon (PFA) Noryl (PPO) Tefzel (ETFE) Polyvinylchloride (PVC) Tefzel GlassCorzanTM (CPVC) Filled (ETFE-G) Other plastics are available on request. IMPORTANT NOTE: Design data presented in this bulletin are for preliminary calculations only. Contact Jaeger before finalizing calculations. Jaeger TRI-PACKS is a Registered Trademark of Jaeger PRODUCTS, INC.

Product Bulletin-600 Page 4

Properties Table
Size (in.) Geometric Surface Area (ft2/ft3) Packing Factor (1/ft) Void Space (%) Bulk Density (lb/ft3) (PP) 1 85 1 1/4 70 2 48 3 1/2 38













Maximum Operating Temperatures for Plastic Jaeger Tri-Packs Jaeger Tri-Packs are available in a variety of injection-molded plastics for different applications. The maximum operating temperatures for these different resins vary from material to material and are also affected by specific process variables. The data presented below correspond to maximum continuous operating temperatures at atmospheric pressure and systems that are essentially air and water. The presence of solvents, acids, free radicals, and oxidants needs to be considered. Furthermore, these temperatures correspond to the maximum recommended bed depth for each packing size and material. These maximum bed depths are different depending on the application. Consult with Jaeger in respect to the maximum bed depth for your particular application.
Material Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Polyethylene (PE) Polypropylene (PP) CorzanTM (CPVC) Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) Polypropylene - Glass-Filled (10-30%) (PP-G) Noryl (PPO) Kynar (PVDF) Halar (ECTFE) Tefzel (ETFE) Teflon (PFA) Tefzel - Glass Filled (25% Glass) (ETFE-G) *Depending on glass content. Maximum Temperature (Deg. F) (1 atm, air/water, at max. recommended depth) 140 160 180 230 210 210-230* 230 280 290 350 400 410 Bulk Density Factor 1.50 1.02 1.00 1.74 1.74 1.17-1.38* 1.24 1.98 1.86 1.93 2.45 2.2

Product Bulletin-600 Page 5

Performance Comparison
2R Tellerettes vs 2 Tri-Packs HCl/Caustic Scrubbing @ 70oF, 1 atm, 100 ppmV Inlet
ppmV Out Removal Effcy. % p/H H2O/ft 0.11 0.065 0.042 0.086 2 Pall Rings 2R Tellerettes 3 1/2 Tri-Packs 2 Tri-Packs

17.5 3.8
9,000 CFM @ 70oF 100 ppmv HCl

82.5 96.2 96.2 99.5

3.8 0.5

2 Tri-Packs give a 97% improvement in outlet HCl concentration compared to 2 Pall Rings -2 Tri-Packs outperform 2R Tellerettes by 87% 3 1/2" Tri-Packs give a 78% improvement when compared to 2 Pall Rings 3 1/2" Tri-Packs equal 2R Tellerettes performance with 35% lower pressure drop

Tellerettes HTU data from Ceilcote catalog 12-1 0.60; p data from 12-10.11 Tri-Packs HTU curves are simulations based on available HTU data from other systems.

Superior Performance by Design

Product Bulletin-600 Page 6


Which column design is less expensive? Column A


Which design is less expensive? If you chose column B, then you might be in for a surprise. The price you pay for pollution abatement is composed of two parts. First, theres the direct capital cost for the scrubber or stripper. This includes the up-front money you are charged for the column, the packing and the internals. But theres also an ongoing energy expense that you must pay for gas compression and for liquid pumping. The capital cost is usually carefully monitored and controlled because it is oftentimes a large lump sum payment charged before abatement even begins. By contrast, energy is paid for on an ongoing basis. It is a cost not often considered in the evaluation of designs submitted by different vendors because it is presumed that this cost should be about the same for all designs. It then follows that the cost for abatement is minimized by minimizing the capital expense. But this reasoning can be seriously flawed. Energy costs are extremely sensitive to design choices like column diameter, packed depth, gas loading per square foot of column cross sec-tion, and materials of construction. The only proper way to choose a design is to balance capital expenses against operating expenses. The annual abatement cost is the sum of the depreciated capital cost and the annual energy cost. The proper choices of column diameter, packed depth, and gas loading per unit cross section are those that minimize this annual abatement cost. When the capital depreciation time is relatively long, the column diameter increases in order to bring the pressure drop down and thus lower energy costs. Conversely, when capital is depreciated more quickly, the column size shrinks (at the expense of higher pressure drop) in order to lower the up front expense. In short, then, a smaller column can be more expensive to operate than a larger one when all cost factors are taken into account Jaeger can work closely with your organization to develop cost models for your project and we can optimize a design based on these models to meet your financial objectives. Contact us about your design needs.

Product Bulletin-600 Page 7

Jaeger Tri-Packs Outperform Lanpac

Verified by Independent Test

*HTU values for 3.5 Lanpac calculated from Lanpac HTU correlation reported in Lantec Technical Bulletin TL-901. 2 Jaeger Tri-Packs performance data taken from U.S. Department of Commerce document AD-A158 811 June 1985

Product Bulletin-600 Page 8

Again & Again!!

Jaeger Tri-Packs Out Distance Lanpac in Stripping and Pressure Drop Tests

When Manatee County, Florida required H2S stripping towers for water treatment in 1992, they were concerned about long-term energy cost. The OEM Manufacturer retained by the county conducted tests on different packings to assure that their client received the most efficient packing and system. The partial results shown in the two graphs at the left show why they picked 31/2 Jaeger Tri-Packs over 31/2 Lanpac as the most efficient and affordable packing available. When these two products - of comparable size - are used for identical purposes with identical conditions, the 31/2 Jaeger Tri-Packs overwhelmingly outperform the 31/2 Lanpac. Stripping efficiencies for 31/2 Jaeger TriPacks averaged 36.5% better than those for 31/2 Lanpac. These results are illustrated by the graph at the top left. The same trend is evident in the pressure drop, as illustrated by the graph on the lower left. The data shows the advantage in energy savings that 31/2 Jaeger Tri-Packs offers over the 31/2 Lanpac. 31/2 Jaeger Tri-Packs were recommended and installed because they outperformed 31/2 Lanpac in both mass transfer efficiency and pressure drop. The 31/2 Jaeger Tri-Packs are still in service and will con-tinue to provide the energy savings and value originally desired by Manatee County Give us a call. Jaeger can provide the products and services to get you the most out of your packing or mass transfer device.

Data from test performed in 1992 by Duall Division, Metpro Corporation, Owosso, Michigan.

Product Bulletin-600 Page 9

Packing Comparison
KGa vs. Liquid Loading

CO2 Air/Caustic Countercurrent Flow

Tellerettes data from Ceilcote Technical Bulletin 12-10.60 Column diameters and packed depths varied among the tests reported here

Product Bulletin-600 Page 10

Pressure Drop Comparison

Plastic Packing
Ambient Air/Water (70oF, 1 atm) at 20 gpm/ft2

+44, 45, 48, 68 ft2/ft3 reported in Lantec Literature. Lanpac data from Lantec Technical Bulletin TL-905. 2K & 2R Tellerettes data from Ceilcote Catalog 12-10.11 and 12-10.13. Pall ring data from Jaeger Catalog 700-pd705. Snowflake data from Norton Bulletin ISPP-1. Super Intalox saddle data from Norton Bulletin DC-11.

Product Bulletin-600 Page 11

Pressure Drop vs. C-Factor

1 Plastic Jaeger Tri-Packs
Ambient Air-Water Systems for Various Liquid Loadings

For Air/Water systems at 70oF & 1 atm: C-Factor x 7776.2 = lb/hr-ft2; gpm/ft2 x 499.7 = lb/hr-ft2

Product Bulletin-600 Page 12

Pressure Drop vs. C-Factor

1.25 Plastic Jaeger Tri-Packs
Ambient Air-Water Systems for Various Liquid Loadings

For Air/Water systems at 70oF & 1 atm: C-Factor x 7776.2 = lb/hr-ft2; gpm/ft2 x 499.7 = lb/hr-ft2

Product Bulletin-600 Page 13

Pressure Drop vs. C-Factor

2 Plastic Jaeger Tri-Packs
Ambient Air-Water Systems for Various Liquid Loadings

For Air/Water systems at 70oF & 1 atm: C-Factor x 7776.2 = lb/hr-ft2; gpm/ft2 x 499.7 = lb/hr-ft2

Product Bulletin-600 Page 14

Pressure Drop vs. C-Factor

3.5 Plastic Jaeger Tri-Packs
Ambient Air-Water Systems for Various Liquid Loadings

For Air/Water systems at 70oF & 1 atm: C-Factor x 7776.2 = lb/hr-ft2; gpm/ft2 x 499.7 = lb/hr-ft2

Product Bulletin-600 Page 15

Generalized Flooding Curves

Plastic Jaeger Tri-Packs
Ambient Air-Water Systems at 1 atm, 700F

For Air/Water systems at 70oF & 1 atm: C-Factor x 7776.2 = lb/hr-ft2; gpm/ft2 x 499.7 = lb/hr-ft2 SRP Separations Research Program, University of Texas at Austin

Product Bulletin-600 Page 16

Liquid Holdups
Jaeger Tri-Packs
31/2 Jaeger Tri-Packs 2 Jaeger Tri-Packs

11/4Jaeger Tri-Packs

1Jaeger Tri-Packs

Fractional holdups estimated from formula presented in I&EC Research, 5(33), 1222 (1994). For Air/Water systems at 70oF & 1 atm: C-Factor x 7776.2 = lb/hr-ft2; gpm/ft2 x 499.7 = lb/hr-ft2

Product Bulletin-600 Page 17

Independent Tests Prove

Jaeger Tri-Packs Outperform

Product Bulletin-600 Page 18

Jaeger Tri-Packs Exceed Expectations

AirStrip Predictions

2 Jaeger Tri-Packs performance data taken from U.S. Department of Commerce document AD-A 158 811, June 1985. AirStrip v.1.2 is a computer program which uses the mass transfer correlations of Onda et al., to design and rate air strippers.

Product Bulletin-600 Page 19

HTUOX for CO2 Desorption from Water

2 Plastic Jaeger Tri-Packs

For Air/Water systems at 70oF & 1 atm: C-Factor x 7776.2 = lb/hr-ft2; gpm/ft2 x 499.7 = lb/hr-ft2

Product Bulletin-600 Page 20

Absorption / Scrubbing
Absorption System HCl-H2O HCl-NaOH Cl2-NaOH NO2-Na2S+NaOH NH H SO
32 4

G (lb/hr-ft2) 1792 1567 1229 717 492 512 512 1946 1844 1229

Temp. (oF) 77 68 122 68 68 68 68 140 77 68

HTU-Inches 1 2 10.6 8.8 14.5 49.2 6.0 8.4 5.4 12.0 6.9 19.4 32 12.0 10.0 16.0 54.0 7.0 10.0 6.2 14.0 8.1 22.0

2048 2048 2202 1127 1024 1024 4096 4096 3072 1331

7.0 6.1 9.9 32.0 4.1 5.6 3.6 8.1 4.6 13.0

3 2

3 2


Typical Design Parameters

Gas Velocity 100-500 ft/min. These loadings are based on the cross-sectional area of the scrubber as seen by the gas. In counter-current scrubbers this area corresponds to the cross-section of the tower. In crossflow scrubbers, it corresponds to the cross-section on a vertical plane of the packed bed.

Liquid Loading 2-10 gpm/ft2 These loadings are based on the cross-sectional area of the scrubber as seen by the liquid. In counter-current scrubbers, this area corresponds to the cross-section of the tower. In cross-flow scrubbers, it corresponds to the cross-section on a vertical plane of the packed bed. Packing Size pH For random packings, optimum size scrubber diameter/packing size ratio is 12:1. pH needs to be specified and controlled for any absorption involving contaminants which can dissociate in aqueous solution. Contact Jaeger for your specific application. Packed bed pressure drop in new scrubbers should be between 0.02 and 0.2 water/ft. of packed bed depth for optimum design.

Pressure Drop

Blowdown and These two variables need to be determined by process design and material balance Makeup Rates considerations within the constraints shown above. Consult Jaeger for the proper values for your application

Product Bulletin-600 Page 21

Jaeger Understand Your Water Treatment Needs

Among the biggest long term maintenance problems facing personnel charged with operating scrubbers and strippers are scaling, fouling, and disinfection. Scaling is the precipitation and deposition of water-insoluble salts onto column internals and packing. Scaling is distinct from fouling, which involves the formation of deposits other than salts and which may be due to corrosion or biological growth. Finally, operators must consider disinfection if the water being treated is ultimately destined for human or animal consumption. Scaling is especially troublesome when the contaminant being dealt with can dissociate or needs to dissociate in water to effect its efficient removal. For these contaminants, water pH is adjusted by adding strong acids or bases to prevent or enhance dissociation. Generally speaking, dissociation needs to be prevented when the contaminant is to be stripped from water; it needs to be enhanced when the contaminant is to be scrubbed from air. Unfortunately, when these pH adjustments are performed on hard water, one is often forced to cross the solubility envelopes for sparingly soluble salts of calcium, iron, or magnesium (among others). If these solubility phase boundaries are crossed, precipitation is a thermodynamic inevitability. Contrary to popular belief, packing geometry plays little or no role in the scaling process. The rate at which a packing scales, therefore, depends primarily upon the initial water hardness and the pH driving force, i.e. the difference between the operating pH and the pH at the solubility limit for the salt in question, with secondary effects caused by liquid and gas loading The pictures shown are of actual packings and internals taken from different air stripping towers in the field. The picture on the top right is of 31/2" Lanpac, claimed by its manufacturer to be scaling and fouling resistant. It came from an air stripper located in an area where the groundwater is high in iron. The middle picture is of a conventional Pall ring that also fouled severely in an air stripping application. Finally, the bottom right picture is of the distributor removed from the same tower which held the Pall rings of the center photo. Two very common contaminants - ammonia and hydrogen sulfide require that water pH be adjusted for effective stripping or scrubbing to take place. Ammonia is a weak base while hydrogen sulfide is a weak acid. Vapor/liquid equilibrium considerations make ammonia normally amenable only to scrubbing while hydrogen sulfide can be scrubbed or stripped. The top graph on the opposite page illustrates the effect of pH on the dissociation of these two compounds. The bottom graph is a solubility phase diagram for three of the more common cations found in hard water. Comparison of these two graphs illustrates that there can be significant overlap of the regions of best operational pH into regions of high scaling potential for these two example compounds. Similar analyses could be done for other compounds and/or other cations Clearly, the best way to avoid costly shutdowns from scaling is to prevent them. Addition of sequestering agents or other appropriate chemicals can drastically minimize column down time. In situations where chemical addition is inappropriate, or perhaps even prohibited, a proper maintenance and cleaning program should be implemented, which might include in situ acid or caustic washing of the packing and internals. These measures will also help to reduce fouling.

Product Bulletin-600 Page 22

Disinfection refers to the killing of microorganisms. Most forms of disinfection, including chlorination and ozonation, kill organisms by oxidation. The exception is UV disinfection, which kills organisms with ultraviolet radiation. Chlorination is by far the most common disinfectant in use in the United States. One concern associated with chlorine use is its potential to react with suspended or soluble organic matter to produce trihalomethanes (THMs). These compounds appear to be potent carcinogens. The trihalomethane formation potential (THMFP) is a measure of the tendency of a water source to produce THMs. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of chlorine is decreased by high pH and low temperature. For these reasons, ozone is becoming a more common disinfectant. Ozone is a much more powerful oxidant than chlorine. It is also naturally unstable, with half-life of approximately 20 minutes. It, therefore, must be generated at its point of use. Ozonation is very common in Europe. It has received increased attention recently because it is the only disinfectant that appears to be effective against cryptosporidium. Today, Jaeger is the only packing supplier offering you more than just rhetoric on the subjects of scaling, fouling, and disinfection. For example, our non-toxic pretreatment product, JP-7, is a proven technology based on polyphosphate chemistry. Polyphosphates sequester hard cations in solution by complexing with them to form large, soluble clusters. In addition, JP-7 has been approved by the EPA, the Department of Agriculture, and several state health agencies for use in potable water systems. Where water comes in contact with metals JP-7 has the added benefit of acting as a corrosion inhibitor. Contact Jaeger for additional information about scaling, fouling, and disinfection and how we might help you to overcome these difficulties.

Product Bulletin-600 Page 23

Conversion Factors
FROM g/ml 1/ft atm atm atm C C C-factor (air/water @70oF) ft/se F ft ft ft2/ft3 ft3 ft3 g/cm3 gm/cm3 gpm/ft2 hr in in wc/ft in wc/ft kg kg kg/m2*sec kg/sec kg mole/m2*sec kW lb m2 m2 m2/m3 m3 mg/l Millions of Gallons/Day min ppmW TO ppmW 1/m psia psig torr F K lb/hr ft2 K cm m m2/m3 gal (US) m3 lb/ft3 kg/m3 lb/hr ft2(water @ 70oF) sec m dyne/cm3 Pa/m gm lb lb/ft2*hr lb/hr lbmole/ft2*hr hp gm cm2 ft2 cm2/cm3 liters ppm W gpm sec ppbW MULTIPLY BY 1.0 3.2808 14.696 14.696 760 1.8 1 7776.2 .5556 30.48 .3048 3.2808 7.4805 .0283 62.428 1000 499.7 3600 .0254 81.5617 815.6168 1000 2.2046 737.3402 7936.6829 737.3402 1.341 453.59 10000 10.7639 .01 1000 1.0 694.46 60 1000 255.3722 ADD OFFSET

-14.696 32 273.15

Physical Properties of Jaeger

Size (nominal) Packing Factor [1/ft] 1" 11/4" 2" 31/2" Nr. 0.6 Nr. 2 1" 2" 31/2" 5/8" 1" 11/4" 2" 31/2" 1" 2" 3" 31/2" 7" Plastic Packing 28 25 16 12

Product Bulletin-600 Page 24 Packings

Weight [lb/ft3] Surface Area [ft2/ft3] 6.2 5.6 4.2 3.3 3.9 3.5 4.0 3.5 3.2 7.8 5.9 4.8 4.3 3.8 4.7 3.3 2.8 2.8 2.2 85 70 48 38 63 30.5 85 50 40 108 64 44 33 26 60 30 20 32 30 Void Space [%] 90 92 93.5 95 93 96 92 93 94 86 80 91 92 93 91 94 95 95 95

Jaeger Tri-Packs

Raschig Super-Ring

Cascade Mini-Rings

Jaeger Rings

Jaeger Saddles Bio-RingTM Cascade Bio-RingsTM

26 16 12 97 52 32 25 16 33 21 16 NA NA Random Metal Packing

Raschig Super-Ring

Nr. 0.3 Nr. 0.5 Nr. 0.7 Nr. 1 Nr. 1.5 Nr. 2 Nr. 3 Metal Structured Packing 100Y 150Y 200Y

21.2 17.2 11.6 10.3 10.6 10.6 9.4

96 76.2 55 45.7 36.5 30.5 24.4 30.5 45.7 61 76.2 91.5 106.7 122 152.4 228.6 77 190 102 78 61 37 28

96 97 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 97 97 96 96 97 73 74 74 75 77 77

Raschig Super-Pak


250Y 300Y 350Y 400Y 500Y 750Y 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 11/2" 2" 3"

19-22 Ceramic Packing 201 131 97 52 40 22

12.8 43.0 41.0 40.3 40.3 36.8 35.9

Novalox Saddles

Weights of plastic based on polypropylene Weights of metal based on 300 series stainless steel All weights are dry weights

100 General Product Information 200 Metal Random - RSR 300 Mist Eliminators Wire Mesh 400 Fractionation Trays and Hardware 450 High Capacity Nye Trays 475 High Capacity CoFlo Trays 500 Metal Structured Packing RSR 525 Metal Structured Packing - MaxPak 550 Plastic Structured Packing RSP

600 Plastic Random Jaeger Tri-Pack/Hackentten 625 Plastic Random RSR 650 Plastic Random LPR 675 Plastic Random Nor Pak 700 Plastic Random Rings and Saddles 800 Ceramic Random Packing 900 Winsorp Software 1000 Process Information 1100 Column Internals 1200 Reactor Internals

Locations / Production Sites

Ludwigshafen and Espenhain, Germany Houston, Texas El Dorado, Kansas And Monterrey, Mexico. Furthermore we co-operate with reliable partners all over the world RASCHIG JAEGER TECHNOLOGIES Mundenheimer Strasse 100 67061 Ludwigshafen - Germany Phone: +49.62.5618-602 Fax: +49.621.5618-604 email: [email protected] Jaeger Products, Inc. 1611 Peachleaf Street Houston, TX 77039 Phone: 281.449.9500 Fax: 281.449.9400 800.678.0345

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