Middle East Conflict

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Middle East Conflict: The Arab and the Jews

1. What is the importance of eastern Mediterranean? The eastern Mediterranean has been one of the great crossroad of the world for thousands of years. Therefore its very important to people of different cultures. 2. What is the old history of Israel? before 1000BC, Jewish people settled in what is now Israel. In 63BC , the area became part of th Roman empire. 3. How was jews scattered all over the world? Because of constant rebellions, the Romans scattered the Jews all over the world in Ad70. 4. What is Zionism? this is a movement return and settlement of Jews again in Israel. 5. What is the background of Zionism? It was not important until the 19th century when many Jews were driven out of Russia. By 1914, about 85,000 Jews had settled in Palistine and working peacefully beside the 750,000.

Origin of the Arab and the Jews conflict

6. How Did the Jews start to settle in Palestine? In World War I, the disintegrating Turkish Empire which controlled Palestine was defeated. During the war, the British government promised the Arabs self-government in return for their military support against the Turks. In 1917, Balfour Declaration promised that the Jews would be given Palestine 7. How Did the Jews start to settle in Palestine? What is mandate? it is the commission given by the League of Nations to a member state to administer another territory. 8. Which countries were controlled by Britain after World War I? After the war, Britain took control of Palestine and Jordan as mandate.

Britain also unofficially controlled Iraq. The British allowed Jewish immigrants to pour into Palestine. 9. What is the reaction of Arabs and Britain? The Arabs were very angry and were united. Between the wars , there were constant terrorist attacks, riots and protests by the Arabs. In 1939, Britain issued a document stating that it would not allow Palestine to become a Jewish state and that the number of Jews would not exceed one-third of the total population. 10. What is the situation of Palestine after World War II? When the danger of Nazism was over, the Jews demanded the right to flood into Palestine in huge numbers. Jewish terrorist gangs such as Irgun were formed and began a non-stop campaign of killing British troops. 11. What was the decision of Britain in 1947 about Palestine? in 1947, Britain said that it was withdrawing from the area and that the united nations must take over. 12. What is the decision of UN about Palestine? Under the strong Zionist pressure in New York, the United divided Palestine into three parts (i) a Jewish state called Israel (ii) an Arab state (iii) the international city of Jerusalem. 13. How was war between The Jews And The Arabs started? the British troops withdrew to their departure points, there were violent riots between the Arabs and the Jews. Prime Minister Ben-Gourion proclaimed that Israel was a state in its own right in 1948.Armies from Egypt , Syria, Jordan and Iraq invaded to seize Arab land. 14. What were the results of the 1st Arab Israel war? Arab Armies were defeated on every front. Israel seized half of the city of Jerusalem and other important areas of Arab land, sending a million Arab refugees to camps in Jordan. Egypt managed to hold on to part of the Gaza Strip. 15. What was the Suez Crisis of 1965? The Suez Canal was important to British and French trade. When Egyptian





leader, Nasser announced to nationalized it, British, French and Israeli troops invaded to seize the canal. The United States and Russia both threatened to use nuclear weapons against aggressors. Therefore, the western power withdrew, and the Egypt went on to complete the canal operation successfully. Why Israel Attacked Egypt in 1967. Egypt built up its military force with help of Russia. There was an economic crisis and high rate of unemployment in Israel. To divert attention of its masses Israel attacked Egypt in June 1967 without notice. Within a few hours, the Israelis had destroyed the whole of the Egyptian force. What were the results of the War? The Egyptian, Syrian, Jordanian and Iraqi armies were pushed back. Israel seized the whole of Jerusalem, the west bank of Jordan, the whole of Sinai and the important of Golan Heights in Syria. Write about the 1973 war. Egyptian troops invaded Sinai, and Syrians recaptured part of the Golan Heights. The UN arranged a cease fire, but the the situation remained extremely tense. What was the situation of Arab after 1977? Sadat , president of Egypt, made a very short visit to president Begin in Israel to start a peace treaty. Under the leader ship of Arafat, head of Palestine Liberation organization (PLO) steady progress has been made. Some Arab land has been handed back to Palestinians.

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