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Nairobi National Park is a national park in Kenya. Established in 1946, the national park was Kenya's first.

[2] It is located approximately 7 kilometres (4 mi) south of the centre of Nairobi, Kenya's capital city,[3] with only a fence separating the park's wildlife from the metropolis.[4] Nairobi's skyscrapers can be seen from the park. The proximity of urban and natural environments has caused conflicts between the animals and local people and threatens animals' migration routes.[2] Still, despite its proximity to civilization and relative small size for an Africannational park,[5] Nairobi National Park boasts a large and varied wildlife population.[6] Migrating herbivores gather in the park during the dry season, and it is one of Kenya's most successful rhinoceros sanctuaries.[3]

British colonists arrived in the area where the park is located in the late 19th century. At this time, the Athi plains east and south of what is today Nairobi had plentiful wildlife. Nomadic Maasai lived and herded their cattle among the wildlife. Kikuyu people farmed the forested highlands above Nairobi. As Nairobi grewit had 14,000 residents by 1910conflicts between humans and animals increased. Residents of the city carried guns at night to protect against lions. People complained that giraffes and zebras walked on and ruined their flower beds. Animals were gradually confined to the expansive plains to the west and south of Nairobi, and the colonial government set this area aside as a game reserve. Settlers from Nairobi including Isak Dinesen, author of Out of Africa, rode horses among gazelles, impala, and zebras in this reserve.[2] The conservationist Mervyn Cowie was born in Nairobi. Returning to Kenya after a nine-year absence in 1932,[7] he was alarmed to see that the amount of game animals on the Athi plains had dwindled. Expanding farms and livestock had taken the place of the game. He later recalled this place as a paradise that was quickly disappearing. At this time, the area that would later become Nairobi National Park was part of the Southern Game Reserve. Hunting was not permitted in the reserve, but nearly every other activity, including cattle grazing, dumping, and even bombing by the Royal Air Force was allowed. Cowie started to campaign for the establishment of a national park system in Kenya.[2] The government formed a committee to examine the matter.[7] Officially opened in 1946,[2] Nairobi National Park was the first national park established in Kenya. [5] Maasai pastoralists were removed from their lands when the park was created.[8] Cowie was named as director of Nairobi National Park and held this position until 1966.[2]In 1989, Kenyan President Daniel arap Moi burned twelve tons of ivory on a site within the park. This event improved Kenya's conservation and wildlife protection image.[9]

The park covers an area of 117.21 square kilometres (28,963 acres) and is small in comparison to most of Africa's national parks.[5] The park's altitude ranges between 1,533 metres (5,030 ft) and 1,760 metres (5,774 ft).[1] It has a dry climate.[4] The park is the only protected part of the Athi-Kapiti ecosystem, making up less than 10% of this ecosystem.[10] The park has a diverse range of habitats and species.[5] The park is located about 7 kilometres (4 mi) from the Nairobi's centre. There is electric fencing around the park's northern, eastern, and western boundaries.[2][4] Its southern boundary is formed by the Mbagathi River. This boundary is not fenced and is open to theKitengela Conservation Area (located immediately south of the park) and the Athi-Kapiti plains.[3][4] There is considerable movement of large ungulate species across this boundary.[4] The fence that separates the park from the city runs along a high way leaving the airport, this is one fact many Kenyans are proud of - this park is the only natural safari park that has a city scape background that can be seen from almost any part of the park, as seen in the picture of the giraffe and the sky scrapers.


Nairobi is situated in the Central Highlands of Kenya and enjoys a very nice climate for most of the year (similar to California) with temperatures averaging between 50 and 82 Fahrenheit (10 and 28 Celsius). There are two rainy seasons, the first is from March to the end of May and the second shorter season runs from October to the end of November. The sunniest time of year is December to March and the cloudiest time is from June to September (locals refer to this as the winter months).

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