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Absolutely Magic Dog Training Canine Daycare- Owner Waiver and Agreement

Owner: _________________________________Phone Number: ________________ Dogs Name: ______________________________Breed:______________________ 1. I hereby represent that I am the legal owner of the dog described above to be enrolled in Absolutely Magic Dog Trainings Canine Daycare. 2. I hereby waive and release Absolutely Magic Dog Training, its employees, directors, owners and agents from any and all liability from any injuries or illnesses which my dog may suffer, including specifically, but not without limitation, any injury or damage whatsoever arising from my dog attendance and participation at Absolutely Magic Dog Training. 3. I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Absolutely Magic Dog Training; its employees, directors, owners and agents from any and all claims by any member of my family or any other person accompanying me to a function of Absolutely Magic Dog Training, or while attending the premises thereof, as a result of any action by any dog or failure of equipment. 4. I hereby represent that my dog is of good health and has not been ill with any known contagious diseases within the past 30 days. 5. I recognize that the health of the dog is the owners responsibility. I hereby represent that all required vaccinations (rabies, bordetella, distemper and parvovirus) are up to date. I will also continue to ensure that the required vaccinations will be kept up to date for as long as my dog(s) attends Absolutely Magic Dog Trainings Canine Daycare. I will provide proof of all vaccinations to Absolutely Magic Dog Training. 6. I further understand and agree that in admitting my dog, Absolutely Magic Dog Training has relied on my representation that my dog is in good health and has not harmed or shown aggression or threatening behavior towards any other person or any other dog. 7. I further understand and agree that Absolutely Magic Dog Training and their caregivers will not be held liable for any problems that might develop with my dog including, but not limited to sickness, disease, injury, running away and death, provided that reasonable care and precautions are followed. 8. I understand and agree that any problem that develops with my dog will be treated as deemed best by the caregivers of Absolutely Magic Dog Training at their sole discretion and that I assume full financial responsibility for any and all expenses incurred. 9. The hours or operation of Absolutely Magic Dog Trainings Canine Daycare are 7:00a.m. to 7 p.m. (closing time) Monday thru Friday (excluding holidays). I agree that the management of Absolutely Magic Dog Training retains the right to amend the hours of operation at any time. Absolutely Magic Dog Training ~ Doggy Daycare Waiver Page 1

10. Absolutely Magic Dog Trainings Doggy Daycare fees and packages are non-refundable. 11. I agree that my dog may be videotaped, photographed and or recorded without compensation. Absolutely Magic Dog Training shall be the exclusive owner to the images and all proceeds of such media. 12. Absolutely Magic Dog Training reserves the right to permanently remove a dog from daycare at any time. 13. I understand that the rules above apply to any dog(s) of mine attending daycare, training and all special events. I, _______________________________________________ Date____/____/____ Certify that I am eighteen years of age or older and have the legal capacity to enter into a binding contract. Further, I certify that I have read and understand the rules and regulations set forth in this agreement. I agree to abide by the rules and regulations and accept all the terms, conditions and statements of this agreement.

Absolutely Magic Dog Training ~ Doggy Daycare Waiver

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