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QUESTIONS What is oxidation state? ANSWERS It is defined as the number of charges on an atoms, molecule or compound is called +1 Oxidation State. For example in Na , the oxidation number of Na is +1 while 1 is valency. What is the oxidation number of Cr in 2H + Cr + 4(O) = 0 chromic acid (H2CRO4) 2(+1)+Cr+4(-2) = 0 +2+Cr-8 = 0 Cr-6 = 0 Cr = 6 Identify reducing agent in the following reaction. +6 R. Agent +1 o CuO + H2 ------------> Cu + H2O CuO + H2 ------------> Cu + H2O
O Agent

Write chemical reactions that occur in Nelsons Cell Why tin plated steel is used to make food cans.

2Na +2Cl +2H2O -->Cl2+H2+2OH


Tin plated steel is used to make food cans because the components of food beverages and the preservatives contain organic acids or their salts. They may form toxic substances by reacting with iron. These acids and salts are corrosive. Tin plating is non-poisonous and prevents corrosion. Explain one example from daily life which The formation of a loose flaky layer of involves oxidation-reduction reaction. hydrated Iron (III) oxide, Fe2O3 on the surface of Iron is called Rusting. In the rusting of Iron, following reaction occurs. 4Fe + 3O2 -------> 2Fe2O3 Define oxidation and reduction in terms of Oxidation is defined as the gain of loss or gain of oxygen or Hydrogen. oxygen atoms. Reduction is defined as the gain of Hydrogen atoms. Define oxidation and reduction in terms of A process that involves the loss of loss or gain of electrons. electrons by an element is called oxidation. For example +1 Li --------------> Li +e +2 Mg -------------> Mg + 2e A process that involves the gain of electrons by a substance is called

reduction. For example -3 N + 3e --------------> N O + 2e ------------->O List the possible uses of electrolytic cell It is used for commercial preparation of sodium metal. It is used for commercial preparation of sodium hydroxide. It is used to produce aluminium metal commercially. It is used for the purification of copper. It is sued to electroplate metals such as tin, silver, nickel etc. Sketch a Daniel Cell, labeling the cathode, [***Draw diagram from book***] anode and direction of flow of the electrons. Describe how a battery produces In battery, anode is the zinc metal and electrical energy. cathode is an inert graphite rod. The electrolyte is a mixture of moist NH4Cl and ZnCl2. This cell produces a potential of 1.5 Volt. Most the metals are recovered from Describe the method of recovering metal from its ores. their ores by Redox reactions because most of the metals are found in nature as oxides or Sulphide ores. Purified metal oxides are reduced to free metals by using reducing agent. Aluminium, Coke, Carbon etc are mainly used as reducing agent. Explain electrolytic refining of copper. Electrolytic cell is used to purify copper. An impure copper is made anode and thin sheet of pure copper is made cathode. Copper Sulphate solution is used as electrolyte. Impurities i.e. Ag, Au, Pt, Fe and Zn settle down as anode mud. +2 +2 At cathode Cu is reduced but Zn +2 and Fe remain in the solution. In this way 99.5% pure copper is obtained. Compare the effects of Al2O3 and Fe2O3 Fe2O3 is used in blast furnace method formation on their parent metals and cite and Al2O3 is used in Electrolysis for the examples from daily life. extraction of Aluminium metal. Both metals are used in Alloys. Explain how food and beverage industries Tin plated steel is used to make food deal with Corrosion? cans because the components of food



Explain how chemistry interacts with photography

beverages and the preservatives contain organic acids or their salts. They may form toxic substances by reacting with iron. These acids and salts are corrosive. Tin plating is non-poisonous and prevents corrosion. Inactivated silver bromide is removed from the film by using a solvent called a fixer. Sodium thiosulphate is used for this purpose.

The areas of the film exposed to the light appear darkest because they have the highest concentration of metallic silver. Thus Photography involves oxidationreduction reaction. Electrolysis has a major role in a) *** Draw diagram *** electrochemical industries. b) Electrochemical processes are a) Sketch an electrolytic cell, label the oxidation-reduction reactions in anode and cathode and indicate the which chemical energy released by direction of electron transfer. a spontaneous reaction is converted b) Describe the nature of to electricity or in which electrical electrochemical process. energy is used to drive a nonc) Distinguish between electrolytic and spontaneous reaction. voltaic cell. c) Define oxidation number or oxidation It is defined as the number of charges on state an atoms, molecule or compound is called +1 Oxidation State. For example in Na , the oxidation number of Na is +1 while 1 is valency. Find the oxidation state of nitrogen in the NO2 = +4 following compounds. NO2, N2O, N2O3, N2O = +1 HNO3. N2O3 = +3 HNO3 = +5 Find the oxidation state of S in the H2S = -2 following compounds H2SO3 = +4 H2S, H2SO3, Na2SO3 Na2SO3 = +4 Define oxidizing and reducing agents. An oxidizing agent is the reactant containing the element that is reduced (gains electrons) in a chemical reaction. A reducing agent is the reactant containing the element that is oxidized (loses electrons) in a chemical reaction.


Identify the oxidizing agents and reducing agents in the following reactions a) H2S + Cl2 ----> 2HCl + S b) 2FeCl2 + Cl2 ----> 2FeCl3 c) 2KI + Cl2 ----> 2KCl + I2 d) Mg + 2HCl ----> MgCl2 + H2

a) Cl2 is oxidizing agent and H2S is reducing agent. b) FeCl2 is reducing agent while Cl2 is oxidizing agent. c) KI is reducing agent while Cl2 is oxidizing agent. d) Mg is reducing agent while HCl is oxidizing agent. What is difference between valency and The combining capacity of one element oxidation state? with the other element is called valency. i.e. valancy of Na = 1, Ca = 2 etc. Oxidation state is the numbers of charges on an atom, molecule or +1 compound i.e. In Na +1 is oxidation state and 1 is valency. Differentiate between Electrolytic Electrolytic Conduction: The movement Conduction and Electronic Conduction. of charged ions through the electrolytic solution is

Which is the final destination of electrons of anions being discharges at Anode? Which type of current is used in the study of electrochemical changes?

What are the commercial uses of electrolysis?

Can we do the electrolysis of aqueous solution of PbCl2.

known as electrolytic solution. It is carried out in a cell. For example electrolytic conduction in NaCl Electronic Conduction: The movement of electrons through the metal environment is known as electronic conduction. It is carried out around of the metal surface. i.e. Electronic conduction in iron metal. The final destination of electrons which are discharged at anode is cations of cathode. In order to study electrochemical changes, one must use direct current in which the electrons move only in one direction, not in oscillating back and forth pattern of alternating current. Metals like sodium, magnesium, aluminium and copper. Gases like chlorine and fluorine. Compounds like caustic soda No. Lead chloride PbCl2 is very sparingly soluble in water. In other words, is almost insoluble in water. Hence, its electrolysis

cannot be done.

Why Zn has lost electrons and Cu has gained them in Daniels Cell. Explain the movement of K and Cl ions in the salt bridge in Daniels Cell What are two important factors which control the process of electrolysis? What is meant by Anodized Aluminium?

Why Cyanide Ions are toxic in nature?

Reduction takes place at copper electrode and oxidation at zinc electrode. IN salt bridge K ions move toward copper compartment and chloride ions move towards Zn compartment and make them electrically neutral. Concentration Types of electrode Process of anodic oxidation of metals (Aluminium) with the object of giving protection against corrosion called anodized Aluminium. Because sodium cyanide prevents the hydrolysis of the electrolyte, therefore

Why we prefer tin plating over iron plating on industrial level? Define Electroplating?

Define Electrolytic Cell and Voltaic Cell?

solution containing cyanide ions must not be dropped into rivers and streams. This is responsible for killing fish and other animals. Tin plating is non-poisonous and prevents corrosion. It is the art of depositing one metal over the surface of another metal with the help of Electric Current. Purpose: i) Preservation from rusting and enhancing the life of metals ii) Decoration. Electrolytic Cell: - In this cell a nonspontaneous oxidation -reduction reaction takes place with the help of electrical energy. Voltaic Cell: - In this cell a spontaneous oxidation-reduction reaction is used to produce electric current.

Question: How rusting can be prevented? i) ii) iii) iv)


Corrosion can be prevented by painting the metal, so that it does not come in contact with oxygen and moisture. The tendency of iron to oxidize can be greatly reduced b alloying it with other metals. Metals that readily corrode can be protected by coating with a thin layer of another metals that resist corrosion. In the process of tin plating, clean iron sheet is dipped in a bath of molten tin and then passed through hot pair of rollers.



Question: Describe the Manufacture of Sodium Metal from fused sodium chloride by Downs Cell: i) A reactive metal sodium is obtained by the electrolysis of fused sodium chloride. ii) The cell used for this process is called Downs Cell. (***Draw Fig here) iii) A graphite anode and steel cathode is used in this process. iv) The electrolysis gives sodium metal and chlorine gas as products. v) It is necessary to keep these products separate, otherwise they will react again to give sodium chloride. vi) For this purpose cathode and anode are separated by a steel gauze. Reaction at Cathode: 2Cl ---------------Reaction at Anode: 2Na
+ -

> Cl2 + 2e

+ 2e ---------------- > 2Na

Question: Define Electrolyte and also write its types? The compounds in molten state or in aqueous solution through which electricity can pass are called electrolyte. And the compounds through which electricity cannot pass are called non-electrolyte. Strong Electrolyte: Ionization is complete in these electrolytes. For example, in a dilute solution of NaCl there will no formula unit present. Their examples of strong electrolytes are mineral acids, caustic alkalies and their salts. Weak Electrolyte: Ionization is incomplete in these electrolytes. Their examples are ammonium hydroxide, tartaric acid, citric acid and carbonic acid. Question: Define Electroplating and describe its objectives? Also describe its process. It is the process in which a metal is deposited on another metal electrolytically. There are three main objectives of electroplating: Decoration: We deposit noble metals (like Gold & Silver) on inferior metals to enhance their beauty. Protection: Electroplating protect the inferior metals from rusting and reaction of organic salts. Repair: To weld the broken parts of the machinery by electro-deposition of metals. Procedure of Electroplating: i) ii) iii)

The article to be electroplated is first cleaned with sand and then washed with caustic soda solution and then with plenty of water. This article is then made a cathode, while the metal to be deposited is made anode.



iii) iv)

v) vi) vii)

The electrolyte is a salt of the metal being deposited and the electroplating is carried out in a tank made of cement, glass or wood. It is called electrolytic tank. The electrolyte chosen should have following properties: a. Very soluble in water. b. Good conductor c. Not easily oxidized or reduced or hydrolyzed. d. Cheap. Electrodes are dipped in the electrolytic tank and current is passed through it. A thin layer of the noble metal is deposited on the article to be electroplated. The following conditions should be fulfilled to get good deposits. a. High current density. b. Low temperature. c. Higher concentration of the metal in its electrolyte. =*=*=*=*=


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