Winona Health 2008 Annual Report

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Our Vision

To be a recognized leader in the revolutionary

transformation of community healthcare.

Our Mission
Devoted to improving the health and well-being
of our family, friends and neighbors.

Our Cornerstones
These cornerstones are the key success factors that support our mission
and define our strategic planning initiatives:
• Customer Focus: To exceed customer expectations
• People: An environment where people can realize their full potential
• Care and Service: Excellence and leadership in clinical care and service
• Stewardship of Resources: To balance mission and healthcare costs

Our Values
• Integrity: We do no harm
• Service: We serve with compassion, dignity and respect
• Loyalty: We build relationships that exceed expectations
• Excellence: We improve performance through learning and innovation

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Table of Contents
From the President/CEO | 4
From the Winona Health Board Chair | 5
Winona Health Board of Directors | 6

Customer Focus: Urgent Care Helps Get You on Your Way | 8
People: Countless Opportunities Make a Difference in Lives | 9
Care and Service: Thank You, Lake Winona Manor | 10-11
Stewardship: Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities | 12


Customer Focus | 14-15
People | 16
Care and Service | 17-18
Stewardship | 18-19


From the Winona Health Foundation Board Chair | 22
Donors | 23-37
Choose to Leave a Legacy | 24
Appreciating Guardian Angels | 27
Thank You, Winona Health | 28
A Legacy That’s Truly a Gift | 33
Financial Report | 38
Community Benefit Report | 39

Winona Health Community Report 2008 | 3


Committed to serving
the community’s healthcare needs
The past year held many opportunities and many challenges for all of us at
Winona Health, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

The Winona Health and Winona Clinic merger secured the future of unified,
progressive and strong community healthcare. The merger resulted in
significant changes, which have led to positive, “patient-centered” outcomes.
We continually evaluate how we provide services, striving to understand our
services from your perspective so we can do the best for you!

And doing the best for you also means recruiting and retaining stellar providers.
We count our blessings for the high caliber of providers we have in Winona,
including the 17 new providers who joined us in 2008 alone. They are
Rachelle H. Schultz committed to serving our community’s healthcare needs -- a commitment
President/CEO Winona Health has had for 114 years.

While our opportunities were plentiful this past year, we also had our share of
challenges. It is in these challenging times, I believe, that we see what we are
made of -- what values we hold dear. At Winona Health, we have held
Our future remains bright because steadfastly to our values and mission of serving our community’s healthcare
needs -- and they will guide us as we enter 2009.
of the dedication of the medical staff,
I look forward to 2009 with anticipation, knowing that it will be full of
the staff, volunteers and our board challenges and opportunities requiring even more innovation and
collaboration. Our future remains bright because of the dedication of the
members to ensuring high standards medical staff, the staff, volunteers and our board members to ensuring high
standards of care and compassion in our daily work.
of care and compassion in our
On behalf of all of us at Winona Health, I extend our deepest gratitude for your
daily work. support and patronage. Winona Health remains committed to an exceptional
level of performance in meeting your healthcare needs, assisting you to
maintain your personal health and well-being, and stewarding our role in the
community to sustain the health and well-being of us all.

Warm regards,
Rachelle H. Schultz


Rachelle H. Schultz Nancy Brown Kathleen Lanik, RHIT, CPHQ Charles Shepard, MD
President/CEO Executive Director of Development Chief Quality and Safety Officer Medical Director, CMH
Mike Allen Sara Gabrick, RN, MSN Brad Lenertz
Chief Financial Officer Chief Nursing Officer Administrator, Winona Health Physician Clinics
Loretta Bronson William Gould Mary Miller-Hyland, RN
Chief Communications Officer Chief People Resources Officer Administrator, Winona Senior Services

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Winona Health, Winona Clinic and the

families we serve—Healthy Together
No item discussed this year by the Winona Health Board of Directors was more
important to the long-term sustainability of our community’s healthcare system
than the Winona Health-Winona Clinic merger. The merger represented a huge
task and a wonderful step forward. And, as I think about all the highlights of
another exciting year, I realize (although I have said it before) that topping this
one isn’t likely for a long time.

Not all that long ago, the thought of the clinic and hospital merging was, in the
minds of most--certainly mine--an insurmountable hurdle. But during the
recent past, the two organizations found more to talk about and more to
collaborate on.
Gary W. Evans
More and more the officials of each organization recognized that our worlds Board Chair
were inextricably linked. And more and more we realized, too, that as a united
organization we could be far more effective in making certain that Winona--for
generations to come--will be served by a strong and progressive healthcare
system. ...we realized, too, that as a united
While the merger, I believe, was a critical step in creating a brighter future for organization we could be far more
healthcare in Winona, the work is far from complete. In fact, there is much to be
done, led by the issue (provider recruitment) that first brought us together. We effective making certain that
definitely need more providers--more doctors--and I firmly believe that
recruiting for them as a new, enlarged and enhanced organization makes our Winona will be served by a strong
appeal stronger. Already that is being demonstrated by recruiting successes.
progressive healthcare system.
The merger occurred on January 1, 2008. The fact that we made that deadline
was a magnificent piece of work by the employee leaders of Winona Health and
the Winona Clinic. And since then staff at our newly integrated health system
continue to work at fully integrating services. As board members, we applaud
the efforts being undertaken by staff, because we know they will result in greater
focus on what is key to all of us--our patients and their healthcare needs.

The Winona Health-Winona Clinic merger embodies the theme of this year’s
annual report: Healthy Together. Together, Winona Health--its physician clinics,
hospital and senior services--are positioned to meet this community’s
healthcare needs for years to come.

Yes, it was a terrific year…a year that will benefit Winona area residents
for decades to come.

Gary W. Evans
Board Chair

Winona Health Community Report 2008 | 5


Winona Health’s Board

of Directors has primary
responsibility for
developing and following
the organization’s Paul Ballweg Scott Biesanz Scott Birdsall, MD Matt Broghammer, DO
Director Director Director Director
mission and vision.

Their dedicated,
compassionate leadership
defines and supports
Winona Health’s role in
providing outstanding
healthcare services Vicki Decker Gary Evans Richard Ferris, MD Joseph J. Greshik
Director Chair Director Director
to our community.

Herb Highum Mark Jacobs Hugh Miller Ken Mogren

Director Director Director Director

Daniel Parker, MD Rachelle H. Schultz Kim Schwab Mark Wagner Jack “Butch” Walz
Director President/CEO Director Director Director

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Winona Health Community Report 2008 | 7

Urgent Care helps get you on your way

Kayaking, muskie fishing, traveling – the last thing this active 63-year-old has
time for is not feeling well. That is why L.E.* is grateful for Winona Health’s
Amy Christianson, NP, examines a patient at the seven-day-a-week Urgent Care Clinic.
Winona Health Urgent Care Clinic.
Since the Urgent Care Clinic opened its doors at Sarnia Square in the fall of 2007,
Sonya Kratch, medical lab technician (above right) L.E. has relied upon the staff at the Clinic twice, and this Fountain City resident
at the Winona Health Urgent Care Clinic, examines a lab said she has received excellent care. “They relate to you real well when you’re not
test. The Urgent Care Clinic is open seven days a week. feeling well,” L.E. said. “That’s a nice thing to have.”

During its first year providing seven-day-a-week services, the Urgent Care Clinic
provided care to a total of 18,167 patients. “Urgent Care has been a wonderful
addition to our community. Being able to provide non-emergent healthcare
seven days a week has allowed Winona Health to be able to serve the needs of
our patients,” said Marie Luhmann, director of clinical operations for specialty
care. “Seeing these kinds of numbers makes you realize there was a void that
At Urgent Care, you go in, needed to be filled in our community.”

Being a resident of the Winona area most of her life, L.E. sees great value in
see a provider and you’re Urgent Care. “The Emergency Room is a necessity for those who need that level
on with life. of care,” L.E. said. “But if your illness isn’t that serious, the last thing you want to
be doing is sitting in the Emergency Room. At Urgent Care, you go in, see a
provider and you’re on with life. ”

Luhmann agrees. “If you or a loved one is not feeling well, it’s a great place to
have your needs addressed quickly. We are very pleased to be able to offer this
service in a community of this size.”

As for L.E.’s future, she is on a quest to catch her first muskie – she has the spot
on her wall all ready for the “big one.” “I want to be able to do everything while I
can,” L.E. said. “I hope I don’t need Urgent Care again, but if I do, it’s reassuring to
know that Winona Health is there when I need them.”

*Name is withheld upon request.

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Countless opportunities
make a difference
in the lives of others
For Helen Bagshaw, CCRN, moving to Winona
from England was not a typical decision for a
family of six with teenaged children. However,
the opportunities it has provided are beyond
what she imagined, especially her decision to
work at Winona Health. “If you had told me
five years ago that I’d have had all these
opportunities, I would not have believed you,” Bagshaw said. “Winona Health is Helen Bagshaw, CCRN (standing, right),
friendly, progressive and has fulfilled my personal needs as a working mother of appreciates those she works with
four as well as my educational needs.” every day. “I care for our patients
with an excellent team of
In addition to growing in her career, Bagshaw has made a difference in the lives of professional co-workers who
those around her. She earned her certification in critical care nursing, is a mentor support and respect each other,”
for area nursing students from Minnesota State College-Southeast Technical and Bagshaw said.
Winona State University, helps conduct new employee orientation and is a First
Aid/CPR and non-violent crisis intervention instructor. Bagshaw was honored by
her Winona Health peers with a Living Service Excellence award in 2007.

“Those I work with inspire me to provide the best service I can,” Bagshaw said. My message to those around me,
“My message to those around me, and especially to nursing students, is that
patients may not remember the technology or treatment regiments they
and especially to nursing students,
received, but they remember if people were kind, if they listened and if they is that patients may not remember the
cared. The focus is always on the patient,” she added.
technology or treatment regiments
Last spring, Bagshaw helped facilitate a new patient-centered initiative in the
hospital’s Intensive Care Unit. Through extensive research she learned that they received, but they remember if
patient recovery time improved by providing them with two uninterrupted people were kind, if they listened and
hours of quiet time each day. The department designated 2 - 4 p.m. as quiet
time, during which only necessary interruptions and activities occur. if they cared. The focus is always
“We’ve received a multitude of compliments from patients and families on on the patient.
having the quiet time,” said Robin Hoeg, director of inpatient services. “Helen’s
efforts on this initiative are truly appreciated by all of us.”

Continued learning and giving back to others is truly what Bagshaw is all about.
“Caring for others is so important,” Bagshaw said. “The most rewarding part of
my job is having the chance to learn, improve and provide quality care to the
people I live and work with every day.”

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Former Lake Winona Manor resident, Lorraine Untiet, celebrated her husband Merlin’s 90th birthday with their children Karen, Larry, Linda, and Janet.

Dear Staff (and now friends) of

As a family we have all been impressed Lake Winona Manor,
with the level of compassion and Merlin, Larry, Karen, Linda and I want to thank you for your love and
care for our mother Lorraine all these years. As a family, we have all
commitment you have for both our been impressed with the level of compassion and commitment you
have for both our mother and dad. And we’ve experienced that
mother and dad... we’ve experienced compassion firsthand as we learned to let go of mom for her
that compassion first hand...
If we listed each kindness you have shown, this letter would get
extremely lengthy. Suffice it to say…

~ We noticed the extra minutes someone took to fix mom’s hair

just right, arrange her lap blanket, pin on a brooch, or choose
socks to match her skirt.

~ We noticed when someone made sure that she had the food
she liked, that her laundry was put carefully away and her
plants were watered.

~ We noticed the time many of you took to be sure mom got to

bingo or dad got a wheelchair ride to and from his car.

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It will always remain a very special memory to us girls the ways

you cared for mom through the night hours those last few days.
As we came in and out of sleepy consciousness, we learned
about you and from you how to care for someone with dignity
and tenderness even when she could no longer respond.

Thank you for all of your time and energies devoted to our family
-- for answering a myriad of questions, for getting us resources,
for trying new things to provide for mom’s care.

“Thank you” is not sufficient. No words in the English language


Go home tonight and call your moms and tell them you love
them. Take care of “old business” while you have them. And if
your mom has already passed, then hug your kids!

~Janet E., Rochester, MN

*From a letter received by Lake Winona Manor

Many hands and hearts

care for patients, residents and
their families at Winona Health.

Lorraine Untiet celebrated her 82nd birthday at Lake Winona Manor.

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Destiny, age 9 (above), pictured (right) with mom,

Tammy, and brother, Andon, ran her first race, the
Goodview Gallop, in July 2008.
Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities
As part of our stewardship efforts, Winona Health works to improve the
community’s health status. In 2008, we launched the Healthy Kids Club to
encourage children age 6-11 to make healthy lifestyle choices.

Meet Destiny….a happy and healthy nine-year-old who enjoys being active
with her family and often helps her mom plan family meals.
Destiny is one of the many children involved with Healthy Kids Club, a
I really like journaling and the games collaborative effort organized by Winona Health in partnership with area
schools and other community organizations. Destiny attended the Club’s kick-
in the journal were fun. off event on October 13, 2007, after learning about it through her physical
education teacher. “I really liked all the activities at the kick-off event--especially
the Ironman inflatable. And I remember the tobacco booth because it made me
realize how bad smoking is for you,” said Destiny.
At the event, she received a free Wellness Journal, thanks to the Winona Health
Foundation, to track her eating and exercise habits throughout the year. “I really
like journaling and the games in the journal were fun,” Destiny noted. “I learned
that it’s better to make healthy choices because it gives me more energy.”
In July of 2008, Destiny ran her first race, a 2K in the Goodview Gallop. She said
she’s also replaced some of her lunchtime snacks with healthier choices like
Fiber One bars. Destiny said, “I’m excited to attend more Healthy Kids Club
events and start my new Wellness Journal!”
Destiny’s mom, Tammy, feels good about Destiny’s involvement in Healthy Kids
Club as well. “The mission of Healthy Kids Club is a positive one for both kids
and adults. As a parent, I can teach my children to be healthy, but Healthy Kids
Club reinforces our message and engages kids and gets them involved and
thinking about being active and healthy at a young age.”
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Winona Health Community Report 2008 | 13

Cornerstone #1:
Customer Focus
Initiatives Strategic Objective #1: Anticipate and exceed patient and resident needs and
• Based on customer feedback, Winona Health launched a new paper satisfaction
survey in October 2008 for its clinics, hospital and senior services.
Goal: Integrate Winona Health and Winona Clinic processes to achieve the
shared goals of improved community access to healthcare, successful physician • Lake Winona Manor received its second consecutive 5-Star rating -- the highest
recruitment and growth in healthcare services given -- from the Minnesota Department of Health’s Nursing Home Report Card,
which surveys long-term care residents about their satisfaction with services.
On January 1, 2008, Winona Health and Winona Clinic • Assisted living residents and their families were 100% satisfied with overall services
merged, creating a unified organizational structure. Since received at Watkins, Adith Miller and Roger Metz Manors.
then, several support departments have integrated,
• Winona Health Home Care patients rated their overall satisfaction with services at
including clinic billing, transcription, credentialing and
92.7%.; with nurses, 91%; home health aides, 96%; therapy, 97%; and comfort at
switchboard services, and others are working on
home, 100%.
integration, including laboratory services. In addition,
both organizations continue to focus on improving • Community Memorial Hospital patients rated the respect and courtesy shown by
systems to benefit patients, as demonstrated by their physicians at 96.37%, better than the peer group rating of 93.07%.
combining clinic patient registration and check-in Outpatient Surgery patients rated their doctors’ care at 86.34%, with the peer score
processes. Most importantly, the merged health system at 81.64%; Emergency Department patients rated their physician care at 76.2%,
has recruited a record number of providers in 2008, compared to the peer score of 70.01%.
including physicians, nurse practitioners and physician • The Emergency Department received top performer scores in nine categories,
assistants. Adding these new providers allowed for including overall quality, sensitivity to patient needs, patient involvement in care
expansion of hours in the Urgent Care Clinic and and nurse communications.
additional appointment availability in Family Practice, • The Outpatient Surgery Department was ranked a top performer in 16 of 23 patient
Pediatrics, Internal Medicine and the Center for satisfaction categories, including overall quality, wait times, pain management,
Women's Health. patient-centeredness and nurse and provider overall ratings.

COMPUTERIZED PROVIDER ORDER ENTRY (CPOE) • Overall patient satisfaction in the hospital’s Behavioral Health unit was a 2.69
Goal: Deploy fully Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) in all on a 3-point scale.
Community Memorial Hospital (CMH) clinical departments • Ninety percent of dialysis patients rated their care as very good or excellent, up
from 85% in 2007.
A team of physicians, nurses and other healthcare
• Physical/Occupational Therapy patients rate their satisfaction with quality of care
providers worked throughout the year to deploy CPOE in
and obtaining results at the 90th percentile. Cardiac Rehab patients rate their
all CMH departments, after its successful pilot in the
satisfaction as “excellent.”
Emergency Department last year. Nationwide, only 5% of
all hospitals have implemented CPOE, which creates a • Community Memorial Hospital’s Room Service staff achieved a 96% satisfaction
safer, more reliable healthcare system by standardizing score for their food and service delivery. One patient commented, “I’d rate the food
orders around best practices and eliminating steps in the a 10. Better than a café or restaurant!”
ordering process. It also eliminates potential errors that • A Valet and Guest Services program was launched in 2008 at the south clinic
result from transcribing providers’ written orders. As part entrance. In its first year, staff greeted more than 335,000 patients and visitors,
of its work, the CPOE Team created 192 standard order assisted 44,000 and transported 1,900 people, and parked more than 2,700 cars.
sets for patients with specific conditions and 14 alerts
• More Winona Health customers turned to its website, which had a 59.9% increase
reminding providers of important steps within an order or
in unique visitors from 2007 to 2008 and a 46% increase in visits.
warning them of potential complications. The team’s goal
was to have 80% of all hospital provider orders submitted • Winona Health chaplains initiated a No One Dies Alone program that provides a
electronically; thanks to 100% participation by the volunteer companion for patients and residents nearing the end of life.
medical staff, this goal was exceeded. • Lake Winona Manor expanded, relocated and redecorated its Transitional Care
Unit, which now accommodates 38 residents -- 17 more than previously. It also
expanded its rehabilitation gym.
• Lake Winona Manor decentralized its social workers and therapeutic recreation
staff, moving them closer to the residents, and added weekend and evening
• Winona Health now offers a driver assessment service, thanks to a grant from the
Winona Health Foundation’s Quality & Excellence Program.
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Pediatrician Craig Anderson, MD,
interacts with Patrick, 15 months,
during a well-baby exam in the
Pediatric/Adolescent Medicine
Department at Winona Clinic.
Dr. Anderson joined Winona Health’s
medical team in 2008.

• The Assisted Living staff adopted the Minnesota Health & Housing Association’s • Winona State University Student Health Services implemented Winona Health’s
Code of Ethics and Guiding Principles for Dementia Care. electronic medical record, so students’ health records and tests are available online
at the campus and in clinics and the hospital.
• The Winona Clinic simplified its registration and check-in processes by relocating
them to the departments where a patient is seen. This change benefitted more • Staff completed the re-credentialing process for Winona Health physicians and
than 48,000 patient visits in the first six months. other providers, verifying their educational, licensure and board certifications and
reviewing their quality results. At the end of fiscal year 2008, Winona Health’s
• With support from 17 community partners, Healthy Kids Club, designed for children medical staff included:
ages 6-11, completed its first year with the following impact: - 40 physicians on its “active” medical staff (current practicing).
- 693 Wellness Journals were given to area children thanks to funding from the - 6 on its “honorary” staff (retired physicians).
Winona Health Foundation. - 62 on its “clinical” staff (physician assistants, nurse practitioners, certified
- Three special events attended by about 625 individuals promoted children’s registered nurse anesthetists and surgical assistants).
health and wellness, while providing resources for parents. - 179 on the “courtesy” staff (physicians, podiatrists, dentists and others who are
- Chris Stoltman, registered dietitian, coordinated an “In the Kitchen with qualified for membership but make only limited use of the hospital).
Healthy Kids Club” class with Winona Volunteer Services, showing children and
their families healthy and easy tips to make more nutritious meals. • Winona Health recruited a record number of new providers in 2008, including:
- Craig Anderson, MD, Pediatrics
• The second annual Winona Health Celebrates Women provided a fun-filled, - Angela Fink, NP, Urgent Care Clinic
educational morning for approximately 100 area women. - Holly Fratzke, NP, Center for Women’s Health
- Mary Funk, NP, Long-term Care
Strategic Objective #2: Achieve strategic unity with community and tertiary - Bob Giese, PA-C, Urgent Care Clinic
providers - Howard Gorder, PA-C, Urgent Care Clinic
• Winona Clinic and Winona Health fully integrated their Human Resources - David Lofgren, MD, Family Practice
departments and their provider credentialing, transcription, switchboard and clinic - Nicholas Modjeski, MD, Family Practice - starting fall, 2009
billing systems. - Douglas Orlich, OD, Eye Care Center
- Scott Pastryk, OD, Eye Care Center
• Urgent Care services were expanded at the Sarnia Square location, providing care to - Sima Rad, MD, Emergency Medicine
more than 18,000 patients and exceeding previous year visits by 564%. - Bryan Reed, DO, Internal Medicine
• Winona Health Hospice Services’ average daily census increased from 21 patients in - Elie Richa, MD, Hospitalist
2007 to more than 30 in 2008. - Susan Smith, NP, Urgent Care Clinic
• Community Memorial Hospital’s market share for primary cases grew to almost - Tara Suffrins, NP, Center for Women’s Health
70% -- an 11% increase in five years. In the 55987 zip code area, CMH has a 74% - Kevin Vanderveen, MD, Emergency Medicine
market share for primary cases, a 12% increase in five years. - Hans Zinnecker, MD, General Surgery - starting January, 2009
Winona Health Community Report 2008 | 15
OUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Winona Health staff were recognized for their special skills and talents throughout
2008, including:
Cornerstone #2: - Autumn Herber, volunteer coordinator, received the Heart of Minnesota Award

People from the Healthcare Auxiliary of Minnesota.

- Kathy Redig and Bill Flesch, chaplains, presented their work on Godly Play at the
Minnesota Homes and Housing Alliance annual Institute.
Strategic Objective #3: Become the employer of choice for top regional talent - Ryan Goergen, Materials Management, presented on Winona Health’s Lean
• Winona Health’s staff increased by 30% in 2008, both from the Winona Clinic supply efforts at the Cerner national conference.
merger and from other service growth. - Kathleen Lanik, chief quality and safety officer, spoke about Winona Health’s
use of the Baldrige quality framework at a meeting of the Rochester Area
• Continued efforts to reduce musculoskeletal injuries led to a 15% decrease in Quality Council. She and Brian Zmolek, director of quality resources, presented
injuries. Winona Health’s quality journey at the Minnesota Quality Award conference.
• The health system decreased its staffing vacancy rate by 60% from 2007 to 2008 - Frank A. Bures, MD, is a four-time recipient of the Minnesota Medical
or from 5.7% to 2.57%. Association’s Physician Communicator Award for his weekly newspaper column,
• More than 81% of staff participated in the 2008 Employee Pride Survey, with Healthful Hints.
overall satisfaction increasing for the third consecutive survey. - Michal Roskos, Health Information Management Department, was recognized
by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission for outstanding
• Winona Health’s self-insurance program introduced an account-based plan, work in providing vital product safety information extracted from our patient
resulting in about 70% of all plan dollars being spent locally, a 10% increase. database.
• The Winona Health University Leadership Academy was launched, providing - Ruth Moes, MD, and Loretta Boyer, RN, worked with Institute for Clinical Systems
management team educational programming on key organizational processes. Improvement teams on pre-operative evaluation protocols and skin safety,
• Integration of Employee Health with Occupational Health Services was begun. respectively.
- Rachelle Schultz, president/CEO, was named to the Institute for Clinical Systems
• Winona Health physicians now have a “one stop shop” for needed materials, thanks Improvement Board of Directors and was invited by Gov. Tim Pawlenty to
to a medical staff Intranet site deployed this year. participate in the AcademyHealth and Commonwealth Fund’s State Quality
• Winona Health continues its Malcolm Baldrige quality improvement journey: Brian Improvement Institute.
Zmolek and Mary Miller-Hyland completed national examiner training, while • Winona Health staff strengthened their work-related skills by receiving advanced
Kathleen Lanik and Loretta Bronson completed Minnesota Council for Quality degrees and certifications in 2008, including:
examiner training. Rachelle Schultz completed training and serves as a judge for - Satya Gorty, MD, anesthesiologist, passed his oral examinations and is now
the Minnesota Quality Award. board-certified by the American Society of Anesthesiologists.
• Five Winona Health employees were selected by their peers to receive Living - Shawn Delton and Jody Doebbert, RNs, Emergency Department, received
Service Excellence Awards in 2008: Certification as Emergency Nurses (CEN).
- Barb Kujak, Environmental Services - Rita Nesler, Jane Dittrich and Cindy Byerly, RNs, Intensive Care Unit, received
- Corrie Searles, Rehabilitation Services Critical Care certification, earning the credentials CCRN.
- Autumn Herber, Volunteer Services - Heidi Ferris, RD, CDE, achieved re-certification by the National Certification Board
- Xaisoua Xiong, Environmental Services for Diabetes Educators.
- Donna Hoffman, Lake Winona Manor - Julie Gregory, Rehab, obtained certification as a Pilates instructor.
- Brianna Frisch, Rehab, completed certification as an Advanced Clinical
- Jennifer Carpenter, Marketing, completed her Master’s in Educational
- Cheryl Krage and Jennifer Ready, Assisted Living, became site surveyors for the
Minnesota Health & Housing Alliance’s Confident Choices Program.
- Lynn Sprain, Cardiac Rehab, received certification as an Exercise Physiologist.

Each year during National Hospital and Long-term

Care Week, Winona Health recognizes some of its
outstanding employees. These employees (pictured) were
selected by their peers to receive Service Excellence Awards
in 2008: Back row, L-R: Barb Kujak, Environmental Services;
Corrie Searles, Rehabilitation Services; Autumn Herber,
Volunteer Services. Front row, L-R: Xaisoua Xiong,
Environmental Services; Donna Hoffman, Adith Miller Manor.

16 | Winona Health Community Report 2008

Community Memorial Hospital received a
Minnesota Hospital Association Patient
Safety Excellence Award for prevention of
patient falls. Winona Health’s Safe from Falls
Team includes, from left to right: Joann Tingum,
nursing assistant; Robin Hoeg, RN, MS, director of
Inpatient Services; Jodi Haag, LPN; Judy Bunke,
RN; Beth Krage, nursing assistant; Missy
Barnholtz, administrative assistant of Inpatient
Services; and Elizabeth Burns, physical therapist.
Not pictured: Kathy Green-Kaminsky, RN.

Cornerstone #3: • Winona Clinic was recognized by the MN Community Measurement (MNCM) as a

Care and Service “high performing clinic” for its care of cardiovascular patients. MNCM also
recognized the clinic for showing “the greatest improvement over the last five
years” in breast cancer screenings.
Strategic Objective #4: Use integrated systems, lean principles and technology to
achieve optimum clinical outcomes and operational efficiencies • Winona Health Physician Clinics established best practice targets for treating
patients with chronic diseases: In the first three quarters of 2008, asthma and
• Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) was deployed throughout Community hypertension targets were exceeded in every quarter, while diabetes was exceeded
Memorial Hospital, ensuring better patient outcomes by standardizing physician in two quarters. The clinics bi-annual audit for best practice preventive care
orders around best practices. More than 80% of all hospital orders were submitted showed all three screenings -- breast cancer, cervical cancer and colon cancer --
electronically in the first weeks after its launch. exceeded targets.
• Winona Health is one of 3,700 hospitals nationwide participating in the Institute • Winona Health’s Home Care services ranked in the 89th percentile compared to
for Healthcare Improvement’s 5 Million Lives campaign, whose goal is to protect others in the state on national quality measures.
patients from incidents of medical harm. Winona Health participates in all six
initiatives, with the following results: • A Palliative Care program was piloted in Lake Winona Manor, which also received
- Prevent Harm from High-Alert Medications - 0 incidents one of ten grants from Stratis Health to bring palliative care programs to rural
- Reduce Surgical Complications - 97% compliance rate; top 20% in nation communities. Palliative Care offers patients living with chronic and incurable
- Prevent Pressure Ulcers - fewer than 1% of hospital patients develop ulcers, conditions better relief from their symptoms.
better than the best-in-class rate of 2.3%
• A new protocol was developed and deployed that standardizes the approach to
- Reduce Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Infections - met
Patient Controlled Analgesia. This new protocol enhances safety for patients
national goal to reduce transmission, lowering the rate from 0.65% to 0.32% in
receiving intravenous narcotics.
one year
- Deliver Reliable, Evidence-based Care for Congestive Heart Failure - 89.5% • Ninety-six percent of Winona Health dialysis patients receive adequate dialysis
compliance rate; top 20% in the nation treatments, 11% points better than the best practice benchmark of 85%.
- Get Boards on Board - Quality & Safety Committee of the Board actively
engaged in monitoring clinical quality and safety metrics • Lake Winona Manor exceeded all of its quality improvement goals reported on the
National Nursing Home Star Network. LWM monitors its measures related to
• Community Memorial Hospital was named a top performer in a Center for Medicare pressure ulcers, depression, chronic care pain and three other items.
& Medicaid Services-Premier project that rewards hospitals for delivering high
quality care. Based on third-year results, CMH ranked in the top 10% for overall • Lake Winona Manor had an excellent Minnesota Department of Health survey,
quality for heart attack patients and in the top 20% in caring for Congestive Heart receiving only five minor citations that were corrected immediately.
Failure patients.
• Winona Clinic’s Internal Medicine Department is piloting a Pre-Visit Planning
• The Minnesota Department of Health completed its survey of Community Memorial program for patients with diabetes, ensuring they leave each appointment with the
Hospital, noting only two minor deficiencies -- that were quickly corrected -- out of tests needed and self-management recommendations to adopt before the next
478 items. physician visit.
Winona Health Community Report 2008 | 17
• The electronic STEP form was launched, offering a more efficient way to gather - The American Hospital Association published a feature article on Winona
and access quality improvement ideas from staff. In the first month, 223 STEP Health’s response to the 2007 flooding.
Opportunity Statements were submitted, almost equivalent to all those submitted - A special article on Winona Health’s Valet Services staff was published in
in the previous year. HeartBeat magazine, Sodexo’s national staff publication.
• Health Information Management staff have decreased turnaround time for - A case study was published by Actuate Corporation about Winona Health’s use
emergency dictations from two hours to less than 15 minutes. For all services, they of technology to track performance excellence.
decreased turnaround from 24 hours to less than eight hours. - Rachelle Schultz, President/CEO, was interviewed for a story on how Winona
Health uses technology to improve efficiency; this case study was published in
• Winona Health garnered numerous awards and honors in 2008, including: Exec-Digital.
- Most Wired-Small & Rural Hospitals Award from Hospitals & Health Networks. - An American Hospital Association article was published on Winona Health’s
- Patient Safety Excellence Awards for prevention of falls and prevention of collaborative agreement to provide around-the-clock psychiatric coverage.
pressure ulcers from the Minnesota Hospital Association (MHA).
- MHA’s Patient Safety Improvement Award for its efforts to prevent
pressure ulcers. Cornerstone #4:
- Minnesota Quality Award - Achievement Level from the Minnesota Council
for Quality.
- The Minnesota Bridges to Excellence Award to Winona and Lewiston Clinics Strategic Objective #5: Maintain an independent, locally controlled, community
for optimal care of patients with diabetes and cardiovascular disease. healthcare system
- Top 25% Home Care Agency recognition from HomeCare Elite, which compiles
a list of the most successful Medicare-certified home healthcare providers in • The Winona Health-Winona Clinic merger was completed, with the clinic budget
the U.S. based on quality outcomes, quality improvement and financial incorporated into the Winona Health operating budget in fiscal year 2008.
performance. • Operating expenses were within 2% of budget for the sixth consecutive year.
- Recognition from EnhanceMed as having a best practice for training new • Winona Health opened its Urgent Care Clinic seven days a week based on customer
providers in the Emergency Department. feedback. This service level change saved community members about $500,000 in
- Best in Class designation from Dictaphone for Health Information medical expenses by switching from emergency department care to clinic services.
Management’s use of speech recognition protocols. HIM reached 90% speech
recognition proficiency, with a targeted goal of 60%. • Community Memorial Hospital’s Laboratory, Dialysis Department, Physical Therapy
- The American Diabetes Association’s Education Recognition Certificate for Winona and CT Scans all showed volume growth in 2008.
Health’s Diabetes Education Program geared to patient self-management. • As part of its commitment to the community, Winona Health:
- Quality Respiratory Care Recognition for Community Memorial Hospital’s - Provided free screening and medical information at eight community
respiratory care services. health fairs.
- Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Minnesota’s Recognizing Excellence program praised - Conducted nine free depression screenings and 126 prostate cancer screenings.
Winona Clinic for its provision of quality care to its cardiovascular patients. - Held an open house for community members to showcase services at Sarnia
• Winona Health staff and services received local, state and national media coverage Square. Free blood pressure and glucose checks were available.
in 2008, including: - Shared information with 544 students through high school career fairs and
- A PBS NewsHour with Jim Lehrer feature segment broadcast on National Public field trips.
Television for the health system’s unique advancements in its community-wide, - Spoke to about 593 community members as part of our Speakers Bureau.
integrated electronic medical record. - Served on the committee to bring activities to the Winona Community Center
- Healthcare Financial Management magazine interviewed Mike Allen, CFO, for an for parents and their children living in low income neighborhoods. Monthly
article on financial management in healthcare systems in an ever-changing programming started in September, with more than 35 children attending a
world. free “healthy snack” presentation.

PBS NewsHour health

correspondent, Susan Dentzer
(left), with her PBS news team
and Winona resident Richard
Etnier. The PBS NewsHour team was
in Winona in March to tell the story of
healthcare providers in Winona
collaborating to use technology to
streamline processes, improve
healthcare quality and safety and help
people manage their health. The story
is available on the Winona Health

18 | Winona Health Community Report 2008

The Winona Health Auxiliary’s
Fabulous Fifties Follies helped
raise $31,000 toward replacing
dialysis machines in Community
Memorial Hospital’s Dialysis
Department. The performance
featured a cast and crew of more
than 90 volunteers, community
members and Winona Health staff.

- Offered seven free Community Health Talks on topics such as eye health, • The Winona Health Foundation awarded $21,200 through its Community
dementia and breast cancer. With 154 people attending these educational Engagement Grant program, including $12,000 to sustain the MediAppS program
sessions. at Catholic Charities.
- Exceeded its $22,500 fundraising goal for the Greater Winona Area United Way. • The Winona Health Foundation awarded $13,819 through its competitive Quality &
- Supported Ten Days of Giving, Gifts for Winona and the American Cancer Excellence Grant program, which awards grants to Winona Health staff projects:
Society’s Daffodil Sales. - Cardiac Rehabilitation received funding for an audio-headphone system to
- Served as a training site for Winona State University and Minnesota State improve patient education.
College - Southeast Technical students as they learned about nursing, - Physical Therapy received funding for enhanced Pilates equipment and
radiology, sports medicine and social work. expanded patient education software.
• More than 24,000 individuals were served by Winona Health’s community benefit - The hospital’s Medical/Surgical patients’ laptop program was funded.
activities in 2008. Community Benefit activities improve the community’s health - The Department of Behavioral Medicine received funding for a program that
and well-being and included the launch of the Healthy Kids Club, job shadowing, engages patients in work-related activities.
donations to local non-profit organizations and free community health screenings. - Watkins Manor received a Wii game console for resident use.
See page 39 for details. • The Winona Health Foundation assisted 254 Rushford residents affected by the
• The Winona Health Auxiliary gifted $52,834 to Winona Health for patient overhead August 2007 flood with their medical bills via a grant from the Medtronic
lift systems, flood relief and items for Lake Winona, Adith Miller and Roger Metz Foundation. The Ben & Adith Miller Patient Care Fund also assisted flood victims.
Manors. In addition, $20,000 were awarded in scholarships to 21 healthcare • Individuals, families and businesses contributed more than $2.1 million to the
students, totaling $72,834 in Auxiliary gifts. Winona Health Foundation in 2008.
• The Winona Health Auxiliary’s 389 volunteers contributed a total of 30,419 hours -- • In 2008, 100% of the Winona Health Foundation Board, the Winona Health Board
or $570,964 of service -- to Winona Health. Five volunteers contributed more than and the Winona Health Senior Leadership Team contributed to the Winona Health
500 hours in the last year: Dana Jonsgaard, Mary Brenno, Jan Wanek, Jenny Kahl Foundation.
and Marlene Mulrooney. Seven volunteers have contributed a cumulative total of
5,000 or more hours: Jenny Kahl (9600 hours), Haryette Newman (9500 hours), • The number of staff contributing to the Winona Health Foundation’s Family Giving
Jan Wanek (6400 hours), Diane Barge (6400 hours), Carole Forest (5800 hours), Campaign tripled in 2008, with 184 -- 15.5% -- making a donation. Their collective
Mary Brenno (5400 hours) and Grace Miner (5300 hours). gifts and pledges totaled more than $22,300.
• The Auxiliary conducted several successful events in 2008: Its third annual Garage • Sixty-three Winona Health employees were recognized by patients and families
Sale raised more than $11,000; the Used Book Sale, Victorian Tea, $5 Jewelry Sale during the first year of the Foundation’s Guardian Angel program.
and Birthday Ball all raised record-breaking amounts.
• The Ben & Adith Miller Classic golf tournament raised $170,000 for the Ben & Adith
Miller Patient Care Fund, a $5,000 increase over 2007. The fund covered $744,377
of medical expenses for 294 patients in 2008.
Winona Health Community Report 2008 | 19
Key Initiatives
Goal: Strengthen satisfaction scores throughout Winona Health to ensure a positive patient/resident experience in all
services -- clinics, hospital, ambulatory and senior services
Target: Achieve 80th percentile ranking in an index created for all service lines by the end of 2009

Goal: Strengthen the capture and communication of our patient/resident health issues by using technology and
training to improve clinical documentation and coding processes that align with industry best practices.

Target: Align 75% of identified measures with industry best practices

Goal: Reorganize Winona Health's legal entities, clinical and business processes, ultimately simplifying patient/resident
bills and improving patient/resident-centered care

Target: Achieve 100% reorganization by the end of 2009

20 | Winona Health Community Report 2008

Winona Health Community Report 2008 | 21

Building a Healthy Foundation

On behalf of the Winona Health Foundation, I want to thank all of the individuals
and businesses listed in the next several pages. Their generous gifts to the
Foundation during our past fiscal year are helping ensure that Winona Health
maintains its own good financial health.
Financial strength is more important today than ever. We’ve seen many
healthcare organizations struggle in recent years from increasing numbers of
uninsured patients and from inadequate reimbursement from government
payers, and we here in Winona are affected by those realities, too. Many
organizations that were once community-owned and locally managed have been
absorbed by larger regional systems, sometimes to the detriment of those
communities. Fortunately, that’s not the case here.
Winona-area people have always come together to support good health in our
community. We owe a debt of gratitude to early Winonans who pooled their
resources in 1894 to found what we today call Winona Health, and we are blessed
to have had a long line of community leaders who have voiced the message
through the years that we dare not take our local healthcare for granted. This has
Ken Mogren resulted in an amazing tradition of generosity that has steadily helped build a
Foundation Board Chair financially strong, community-owned healthcare system that is truly one of our
area’s greatest assets.
Winona-area people have always The Winona Health Foundation is dedicated to perpetuating this culture of
generosity. Judging by the long list of supporters that follows, it’s clear the
come together to support good health tradition is alive and well and, for that, we sincerely thank you.
in our community. Sincerely,
Ken Mogren
Foundation Board Chair


Ellen Smith Mike Allen Andy Blomsness Steve Blue Judy Bodway Nancy Brown Bob Gilbertson
Director Treasurer Director Vice-Chair Director Secretary Director

Jerry Kellum Jim Killian Ken Mogren John Mulrooney, MD Rachelle H. Schultz Jack “Butch” Walz Barbara Winbush
Director Director Chair Director President/CEO Director Director

22 | Winona Health Community Report 2008


Thank you for your contributions

The names listed on the following pages reflect gifts received by the Winona Health Foundation between October 1, 2007, and
September 30, 2008. We are grateful for the thoughtful generosity of each of our donors. Therefore, every effort has been
made to ensure accuracy. We apologize for any omission or error and encourage you to contact Nancy Brown, executive
director of development, at 507.457.4342 or [email protected], if you notice any inaccuracies.

Joyce E. Abeyta Mary & Greg Bambenek Betty Biltgen Dan & Theresa Brendel Dorothy J. Chuchna
Norris & Rhoda Abts Lori Bambenek Josephine Biltgen Mary & Duane Brenno Ronald L. Cichanowski
Kathy Accola Phoebe C. Bambenek Lowell & Darlene Bjoraker Bernice Breza Kris & Rick Cichon Family
Eloise Adank Stanley E. Bambenek Margaret Blake Jim & Sonja Breza Dick & Pat Cichosz & Family
Cheryl Aeling Ann Banicki Arlene M. Blank Mary Breza Steve & Carol Cichosz
Clare Aeling Ed & Rachel Barak Edward & Joyce Blank The Michael Breza Family Ardelle Cierzan & Family
Dorothy Ahearn Diane Barge Judy Blank Vanita V. Breza Dee & George Cipov
Lori, Jen & Bethany Ahrens Steven Barge Anna Blaskowski Gene, Amy, Ryan, Brady Brink Shirley A. Cirelli
Sonny & Joanne Ahrens, Doris J. Barkeim Chuck & Karen Bleess Drs. Matt & Laurie Broghammer Francis & Arlene Cisewski
Tim & Mark Knutsen Betty Ann Barnewitz Andy & Jan Blomsness Roger & Carolee Bronk Ron Cisewski
Dennis F. Albrecht Mike & Kathy Barnholtz Steve & Ann Blue Julie, Joe, Chelsey & Marissa Brosig Vincent D. Cisewski
John & Karen Albrecht Dr. Daniel & Mickey Barr Nebbs & Franky Bobo Paul & Jan Brosnahan Carla Ciszak
Mary Albrecht Marilee A. Barrientos Carol A. Boden Rosemary Broughton Karen & Frank Ciszak & Family
Allaire Family Fund of the Winona LaVerne & Darlene Bartelson Judith R. Bodway Bill Brown Sheryl Clegg
Community Foundation Boeing Employee’s Credit Union Danna & Brian Brown Gayla Clemons
Betty Barth
David J. Allen Marcia & Arnie Boese Dean Brown & Nancy Boym-Brown Meredith Clifford
Bruce & Sandy Bauer
Michael & Kimberly Allen Bonnie Boettcher Nancy M. & James R. Brown Larry & Jean Clingman
Mabel C. Beach
Alliance Bank Evelyn Bohri Estate Roger & Sharon Brown Charlie, Laurie, Bryan,
Sandie Beck
Alliance Card, INC. Hermie Boland Doloris B. Brugger Daniel, & Michael Clobes
Billy & Gladys Becker
Beverly Allin Rose Boland Dr. & Mrs. James S. Cole
Susan M. Becker Judith A. Brugger
Bob & Beth Allred Ken & Irene Boldt Madeline T. Cole
Betsy Beech Gerald Bruss
Diane & Don Amann S. Boll Jill Comara
John Beech Jerry & Carla Bruss
American Lung Association Jeanne E. Boller Jeanette Combs
of the Upper Midwest James G. Beeman Mr. & Mrs. Don Bublitz, Jr.
Dick & Sharon Behnke Laurel Bollin Sally Bublitz Arlene & Jeff Compton
Irma Amundson Jeremy Compton
Mrs. Ray K. Amundson Shawn & Amy Beier Marti Bollman Sharon Budnick
Chris & Rich Beirne Violet Boltz Nancy & Ernie Buhler Sherry Connaughty
Rose & Horace Andersen Barbara & Lawrence Conway
Becky Anderson Richard Belisle Lorraine F. Bonine Evelyn Bunke
Kristi & James Bell Kathy Boone Max & Gladys Bunn Dennis & Lisa Coon
Carlis M. Anderson Susan E. Cooper
John E. Anderson Michael & Cathy Bellesbach Heidi Borgwardt James Burke
Christine Bellock Angie Bork Kelley Burke & Scott Lande Julie Corcoran
Roger & Marie Anderson
Henry Benke Dana (Huntley) Borkowski Eric Thomas Burmeister Barbara A. Corey
Jack Andresen
Ken & Rose Benke Mary Borkowski & Family Richard Burmeister Helen Corey-Fort
Barbara A. Angst
Susan K. Benke Roxanne & Doug Borkowski Anne E. Burmester David & Ramona Coron
Anonymous (34)
Gladys F. Bennick George Parke & Bruce Burnham Pat & Joan Costello
Carol & Steve Appelwick
Walt & Bunny Bennick Sabina Bosshard-Parke Jean Burrington Steve & Gina Craney
Yvonne E. Appelquist
Allan & Jeanine Aspen Judy Benson Kurt & Tonya Bosteter John & Irma Burros Sandy Creeley
Linda Atkinson McLean & Rebecca Benson Steve & Connie Bowen Lee & Margaret Burros Brenda M. Cross
Maxine & Larry Armitage Randy & Kim Benson Stanley S. Bowman Brenda M. Burt Kay Cumiskey
Bill & Bonnie Armstrong Mrs. Roger Benson John & Jody Sue Boyle Lynda Burt Don & Catharien Cummings
David & Muriel Arnold Charles & Barbara Bentley Avys Boynton Carol A. Byrne Marty Cummings
Arnold Family Fund of the Winona William “Bill” Bergaus Donna J. Boyum Jodie & Terry Byrne Mary Cummings
Community Foundation Betty Beranek Sylvia L. Boyum C.P.F. Marion Cunningham
Dean & Mary Auna Marie Berg Leona Braatz Gerry & Peggy Cada Kevin Cyert
Mary Meinert Austin Alice & Carl A. Bergmann Ted Braatz Jon, Vickie & Colin Cada David C. Czapiewski
Gary & Sue Babcock Leonard L. Bernatz Carl & Deloris Brackett Pat Cada Betty Czaplewski
Roger & Judi Babcock Michael & Denise Bernatz Debbie Brady John Caldwell Catherine & Leroy Czaplewski
Bob & Bev Babler Ellen E. Berry Diane L. Branch Angus & Judy Callender Lois E. Czaplewski
Elizabeth K. Bach Megan Berry David & Andrea Brand Lynne A. Carlisle Joseph & Shayna Dais
Dorothy Bachler Vic & Bonnie Bertel Fumi Brand Darlene M. Carlson Dan & Shelly Daley Family
Mercille Bagniewski Tanya Berzinski Myrtle Brand Jenny & Bruce Carpenter Tim & Peggy Dalton
Rod & Karen Bagniewski Rosanna M. Beseler Terri L. Brand James & Ruth Carroll William Daniel
Helen & Peter Bagshaw Janice & Galen Betsinger Barbara E. Brandon Peggy A. Carroll Jim Danneker
Frances B. Bahl Judith Betsinger John & Pat Brandt Cars-N-Credit, Inc. Susan C. Daubner
Ann E. Baker Betty Betts Bob & Paula Brang Mr. & Mrs. Brantly Chappell Helen E. Davies
Violet Balk Ray & June Beyers Susan & Richard Brang Danelle & Kevin Chiarini Judy & Bill Davis
Paul & Pauline Ballweg Mary Jo Beyerstedt Thomas Brang Children’s Miracle Network/Gundersen Loretta Davis
Carl & Barbara Bambenek Mr. & Mrs. William Beyerstedt Glenn & Janice Bratberg Lutheran Medical Foundation Susan J. Day
Eleanor Bambenek Ted & Patti E. Biesanz Betty Breitenfeldt Jon Christensen Maryellen E. Dean
Gary & Claire Bambenek Scott & Jane Biesanz John & Penny Breitlow Kathleen & David Christenson Henry & Audrey Deblon
Joe Bambenek Betty Bilder Sherri M. Brekke Lavonne J. Christie Julie & Darin Decker
Winona Health Community Report 2008 | 23
Vicki & Dennis Decker Jim Duffy
Jim & Anne Deedrick Robert & Barbara DuFresne
Leone H. Deedrick Ed & Marianne Dulek
Velma Degallier Rosemary Duran
Emilio & Monica Degrazia Donald H. Duresky
Carolyn C. Dematta Judy Durfey
Eric & Wendy Denzer Pat & Sue Durnen
Jacqueline Denzer Karen L. Dworschack
Kristi Deppa Ralph Dybing
Bob & Marg Deter Diane M. Ebert
Greg & Janice Dienger Larry & Peggy Ebert
Diane Dingfelder Samuel Ebnet
Joliene Olson makes a Rita S. Dingfelder David Echelard & Suzanne Cooley
difference in the future Doug & Nancy Dionysius Yvonne Echelard
of local healthcare as a Judith Joyce Dischler Margaret B. Eckblad
member of the Winona Don & Jan Dittrich Mary & Jim Eddy
Merlin & Irene Doblar Lou & Geri Edelschein
Health Foundation’s Ralph & Thora Doblar Nick & Lori Edstrom
Circle of Visionaries. Scott Doblar Don & Judy Eger
Lorraine A. Doehling John E. Ehlers
Bill Doerer Joyce O. Ehlers
James Dombroski Paule & Antoinette Ehmcke
Joy A. Donnelly Angie & Darrell Ehrlick
Nancy Dorn June Eichhorst
Rose Dorn Jean M. Eide

Choose to leave a legacy James & Gloria Dotzler

Norma & Paul Double
Beverly A. Douglas
Clarence & Luella Dow
Michael & Shirley Eide
Viola D. Eide
Eli Lilly & Co.
Marvin & Gladys Ellinghuysen
Darrell Downs & Natalie Siderius Carol & Robert Ellings
Joliene Olson believes whole-heartedly in planning for the future and Loyola Draine Conway & Beth Elton
leaving a legacy. So when she decided to become a member of the Christine W. Draper Douglas J. Emanuel
Winona Health Foundation’s Circle of Visionaries, she did so with the Helen Drazkowski Joseph* & Gladys Emanuel
future of others in mind. Janice M. Drazkowski Bev Engel
Rosann Drazkowski, David Sobeck, Tammi Engen
Bonnie Sadowski Alvina Engler
“You don’t have to be a millionaire to leave a legacy,” Olson said. “I’m Ron & Helene Dreas Harriet M. Engler
just an ordinary person who is trying to do my small part in leaving the Charlie & Vicki Drenckhahn Mary L. Engler
world a better place.” James & Ann Drier Betty Englerth
Robert & Paula Drumm Dale & Lynn Engrav
The Circle of Visionaries supports the community’s ever-evolving Norma J. Duden Dennis Engrav &
healthcare needs. Members are individuals who believe in the mission David & Mary Ann Duellman Patricia Matzke-Engrav
Marilyn & Jerry Duellman Henriette M. Engrav
of Winona Health and have chosen to designate a future gift to the Mary Jo, Sarah & Samantha Duellman Brenda & Matt Entz
Winona Health Foundation in their estate plans. Mike & Jolene Duellman Gladys I. Erdmann & Family
Greg Duffy John & Glenda Erdmann
Olson’s history with Winona Health’s Community Memorial Hospital Harriette Duffy Kent & Dawn Erdmann
extends over 30 years. She served as a staff nurse, nurse manager and
retired in 1998 as a nurse administrator.
Circle of Visionaries
When her busy retired life provided an opportunity, she began The Circle of Visionaries comprises individuals who have
volunteering with the Winona Health Auxiliary to give back to the designated a future gift to the Winona Health Foundation in
place she had worked most of her life. “Sometimes it’s hard to go back their estate plans. Through such gifts, members of the Circle of
to where you’ve come from,” Olson said. “You get nostalgic though, Visionaries help ensure the future of community-based
and it has been great.” healthcare for the greater Winona area.
Olson believes in leading by example. She hopes her decision to
Noris & Rhoda Abts Roger & Ramona Metz
become a Circle of Visionaries’ member shows others how easy it can
Jack Andresen Ken & Sally Mogren
be to make a difference in the future of community-based healthcare Henry E. Benke Joliene W. Olson
in Winona. “You really can make a difference just a few dollars at a Scott & Jane Biesanz Jeffrey & Pam Prenatt
time,” Olson said. “If everyone gave a little bit, it would equal a lot. You Dave & Shirley Binius Ruth & Douglas B. Robinson
can leave a legacy and make a difference in the world.” Steve & Ann Blue Susan & R. Peter Roehl
Judith R. Bodway Robert & Rachelle Schultz
Susan J. Day Charles & Judy Shepard
For more information about becoming a Circle of Visionaries member, Vicki L. Decker Royal & Lucille Thern
contact the Winona Health Foundation office at 507.474.3328. Gary & Ellen Evans Mark S. Wagner
Robert & Erika Gilbertson Jack M.“Butch” & Barb Walz
Joseph J. and Joan Greshik Jack N. Walz
Roy H. Knoll Barbara & Calvin Winbush
Beverly A. Larson Leslie R. Woodworth

24 | Winona Health Community Report 2008

Rita Erdmann & Family Mark & Marie Gernes Michael & Carol Hansen Bob & Mitzie Hennessy Joe & Doris Howlett
James & Ruth Erickson Kyle Gernes-Petry & John Petry Cletus A. Hanson Brent & Autumn Herber Daniel & Dorothy Hoyt
Judy Erickson Jack & Maureen Gerson Doris E. Hanson Marlene A. Herber Wilfred & Nancy Huff
Theresa Erickson Kathleen M. Gerth Renee M. Hanson Ann Hermann Rod Hughbanks
Barbara A. Ernster Henrietta Gerth Jim & Shannon Hanzel Mike Herzberg Dr. Sidney O. Hughes
Jim & Gretchen Erwin Steve & Susie Gessner S. Quinn Hanzel Luann E. Heublein Bertha Hunt
Mark, Jan, Kyle, & Kelsey Erwin Mavis M. Gielow Rev. Thomas J. Hargesheimer Mary & Ronald Hewett Barbara A. Hunter
Jeff & Bev Essig Stanley & Diane Gierhan Eleanor & Charles* Harkness Ruby & Herb Highum Carol M. Hurlburt
Gary & Ellen Evans Shirley Gierok Monica L. Harrell Marcia Hilgendorf & Don E. Kiekbusch Jim & Marylou Hurley
Marian Evans Giers Family Bishop Bernard J. Harrington Carol & Jim Hill David D. Husman
Dorothy Evanson Robert & Erika Gilbertson Georgina & Kenneth Harris Susan C. Hill Rita Husman
Br. Ed Everett Walter & Dorothy Gilbertson Irene A. Harris Walter & Dot Hinds Holly Hythecker
Lyndie L. Fabian Greg, Tracy, Isabelle, Cheryl Hartert Ruth Hinton Immanuel St. Joseph Hospital
Scott & Barb Fabian Brady & Gregg Gile Harvest House Myrtle Hinz Immanuel United Methodist Women
Jan & Duane Fakler Susan R. Gilman Kathy Harvey Dolores C. Hitt International Business
Cathy & Chris Fangman Fern M. Girtler Bob & Lois Hass David Hittner Machines Corporation
Marian L. Farner Katherine Girod Estate Delores M. Irmscher

Betty L. Farrand Bob & Joan Gleason Jim & Mary Jean Ives
Mary, Marty & Mike Farrell Damian & Becky Glodowski Karen M. Jacobs
Dr. & Mrs. Oran G. Featherstone Marilyn J. Glover his summer, my husband and I had our first Mark & Tricia Jacobs
Phil Feiten Bill Glowczewski Marian Pletke Jacobson
Marguerite Feldmeier Steve & Shari Goergen child at Winona Health, and we received the Michael Jacquart
Dolores Felsheim Arlene Goetz Diane Jameson
Dr. Arnold & Alanna Fenske Florence K. Goetzman very best care one could ever imagine. A friend Marlene & Bob Jandt
Ralph Fenske Julia & Steven Goldberg Robin & Jeff Jandt
John & Pat Ferden Linda & Paul Goodfellow who recently moved to the area had her second Joyce & Al Jarvinen
Stan & Sue Ferguson Greg & Amy Goodland Elizabeth J. Jaszewski
Heidi & Richard Ferris Goodview Activity Group child there and she said the same thing. We Frank & Betty Jaszewski
Elaine Fetting Family Dennis & Carolyn Goplen Ramona Jezewski
Nell (Lejk) Ficken Marilyn & Richard Gora cannot believe the staff 's personalized attention, Marc & Deborah Jaworski
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Carole & Bob Gorden Connie Jensen
Earl Finden Cass & Mary Gordon care and concern. You have a wonderful group Joseph & Monnie Jereczek
Margaret Finkelnburg Boyd Mary Anne & Odean Goss Ruth D. Jerowski
Richard Fischer Michael & Joette Gostomski of staff members at Winona Health. I truly Lillian A. Jeske
Robert & Frances Fischer Bill & Heather Gould James & Cheryl Jick
Judy Fitzgerald Tom & Margaret Graham appreciate the care I received. John D. & Cathine T.
Linda & Steve Fix George & Betty Grangaard MacArthur Foundation
Chuck & Marlene Flanagan Kendra, Nick & Logan Granseth ~Maggie M. Charles & Marijean Johns
Sharon & Richard Flatten Lois Grant Betty Johnson
Phyllis Fletcher Lillian Gravos Dr. Curtis M. Johnson
Mae Florin Beth Gray Douglas & Catherine Johnson
Carole & David Forest Al & Debbie Greenwood Ken & Darlene Johnson
Dr. & Mrs. John Forrette Julie Gregory Sue Hassinger Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Hively-Johnson Pamela J. Johnson
Dave & Maryann Forsythe Joan & Joseph Greshik Tony Hassinger Janice Hock Phylliss Mae Johnson
Dean & Robyn Fox Rainy Griesel Jo Hassinger Robin Hoeg Tianna Johnson
Diane S. Fox Denise & Jeff Griffin Dick & Karen Hastings Leone Hoenk Darla Jokela
Gene & Lois Frank Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Griffithe Edward & Teresa Hauck George Hoeppner Annah Jonsgaard
Roger Frank William M. Grochowski Mary Haugen Herman G. Hoesley Lisa Jonsgaard
Cody Frankard Donna Groth Charles & Eileen Haugh Hoffe Family Alan & Peggy Joswick
Robert & JoAnn Franzen Alice Grover Rita L. Haugh Carolyn Hogan Mary S. Joyce
Bob & Elizabeth Fratzke Joyce Gulbrandsen Nancy & LaVern Hauschildt Steve & Linda Hogden Dennis Julson
George & Mary Lu Frey Gene & Jane Gunderson Danny Hauser Gloria & Dennis Hohmann Ann & Brian Junker
Shirley M. Frickson Joan M. Hackbarth June & Ron Hawley Linda M. Hoialmen Jan & Don Justin
Mark & Christina Friederichs Lois I. Hackbarth Steve & Anne Hayes Irene & Tom Holan Leonard J. Kaczorowski
Dolores Fritz Pat Haddad Healing with Harmony Margaret T. Holland Dan Kammerer
Joanne Fritz Orma H. Hadley Jim, Kris & Nick Healy Florence L. Hollingsworth Marlene & John G. Kane
Julie & Kevin Fritz Clyde & Marlis Haedtke Bernice Heaser Kenneth O. Holm Dick & Nadine Kanz
Jeanne Fugina Elayne Haedtke Beverly Heftman Keith & Marie Holmquist Elizabeth Kanz
Terry & Tina Full Julie & Tod Haedtke Thomas M. Heftman Robert Holz Jack & Deborah Kanz
Greg & Jackie Gabbert Randy E. Haedtke Hollis & Joanne Heiden Tess & David Holzer Toni M. Karasch
Sara & Mike Gabrick Shirley F. Haesly Dureen J. Heim* Will & Sherry Holzer Richard Karnath
Gertrude Gabrych Susan & Willie Hahn Jodie Heim Walter & Maurine Holzworth Kasson United Methodist Women
Rog & Ben Gabrych Larry Halik Anita Hein Carol J. Honsey Evelyn L. Kasten
Julie & Rick Galewski Leah A. Hall Robert & Carol Heineman Don & Jeanette Hoppes Donald & Anne Kaufman
Cassandra Gallati Marilyn Hall Bill & Cindy Heitman Carol A. Horman Jim & Linda Kauphusman
Debbie & Martin Gappa Marlene & Lyle Halliday Renee & Harold Heller Roger & Linda Horner Pat & Cathy Kauphusman
Carole Gardner Clifford & Dianne Hallum Julianna Hemmelman Richard Horst Raymond L. Kauphusman
Jean Gardner & Dorothy Brom June Halverson Marlene M. Hemsey Claire Horton, Pam Fennig, Shirley Kauphusman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Garlick Barbara R. Halvorson Dave & Jeanne Henderson Sandee Jeresek, Nancy Newhall, Shirley R. Keil
Pat Georgens Gloria Hammond Angeline A. Hengel & Tammy Rench Kevin & Tina Keilholtz
Char Gepner L. Hanks Elizabeth Hengel Bruce & Diane Hoseck Ginger Keith
Lois Gernes Roger & Barbara Hannon Geraldine Hengel Family Dave Howlett Jerry & Patty Kellum

Winona Health Community Report 2008 | 25

Esther L. Kelm Lois & Wayne Kramer Ardis Liebenstein Ivan & Lois McElhiney Ronald & Wilma Mueller
Jean R. Kendall Gary & Sonya Kratch Kae Lieberman Yvonne A. McElmury Mary Mugo
Diane & Mike Kennedy Bob Kratz Gabriel & Mary Liegey Joan Ella McGill Jon Mullen
Marie Kennedy Ken & Lois Krause Harold & Dorothy Lilla Lila McGill Marty & Lisa Mullen
Mike & Jean Kertzman Alex & Judy Kreidermacher Jerry Linander Liz McGrory Michael & Elizabeth Mullen
Mary & David Kesler Lorraine J. Krenz Irene Lindeman Carolyn & Kelly McGuire Sylvester C. Mullen
Frani J. Kieffer Gary & Linda Kreter Jack & Debbie Lipinski Patricia A. McGuire John & Marlene Mulrooney
Keith Kieffer Bill Kriesel Brenda L. Litscher L. Donald McLeod Linda L. Murphy
Virginia G. Kiekbusch Jean W. Kronebusch Joyce O. Locks Elaine McMartin Rick Murtinger
Bob Kierlin & Mary Burrichter Joe & Katherine Kronebusch Ron & Mary Loftness Pete & Wendy McMartin & Family Dolores A. Myers
Paul & Peg Kilkus Frank & Karen Kropidlowski Roy & Dixie Loken Dennis & Marian McMillan & Family Steve & Deb Myers
Jim & Doris Killian Mrs. Rose Krueger-Weber Darrell & Kathy Loos Jenna & Fallon McMillan Daryl & Joan Nagel
Richard King Ronald & LaDonna Kruse Dorothy & Francis Losinski Betty M. McNally Mabel D. Nagle
Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Kiral Laura Kruth Jerry & Mary Lowery Jerry & Bev McNally Lynn Nankivil
Raymond Kiral Cornelia & Leo Kryzer Laurie R. Lucas Jim & Sheila McNally Jane & Steve Napieralski
Donna Kirch Charles Kubicek Patricia N. Lucas Norma McNally Mike & Janice Nascak
Rosemary & James Kirchner Rosanne M. Kubicek Ann Ludovissie Bob & B. J. McQueen Cheryle M. Nation
Linda Kirkeby Clinton & Barbara Kuhlmann Mary & David Ludwigson Donald & Gayle McRae Thelma “Dee” & Curtis* Neal
Ada C. Kittle Donald A. Kuhlmann David & Rita Lueck Elaine Meier Nona J. Nehring
Delaine E. Kjos Kathleen M. Kujak Bud & Marge Luedtke Ruth H. Meier Barb Neilson
Donald & Joan Klagge August & Orphie Kukowski Audrey F. Luehmann Don & Patti Meierant Dan, Sharon, Shelby & Brianna Neitzke
Mary Lou Klagge David & Lynne Kulas Lucille Luehmann Merchants Bank Harry & Lois Neitzke
Rod & Jan Klagge Dorothy Kulas & Joan Malotke Marjorie Luehmann Don & Louise Merchlewitz Marilyn N. Neitzke
Sharon Klein Katherine M. Kulas Dennis & Nancy Luhmann Frank & Bonnie Merchlewitz Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Neitzke
Jerome & Darlene Klein Mickey Kulas Elaine Luksa Joanie Merchlewitz Beverly H. Neldner
Eugene & Donna Kleinschmidt Wayne & June Kulas Michele Lund Lisa Merchlewitz Mr. & Mrs. Ardell Nelsestuen
Jim & Paulette Klinger Ginny Kulig Nick & Maria Lundquist Rebecca J. Merchlewitz Arnold & Mechelle Nelson
Elizabeth Klinski Bob & Ardell Kunst Frances Lux Judy & Dave Mertes Jim & Diane Nelson
Sheryl & Tim Klug Joseph & Phyllis Kupietz Rich & Ann MacDonald Charles & Anita Mettille Mr. & Mrs. Ken Nelson
Lambert Kluzik Family Debbie Lafee Mary D. Mack Roger & Ramona Metz Leslie H. Nelson
Richard J. Kluzik Ray Lafky Randy Magno Mark & Marsha Metzler Michelle Nelson
Chris & Linda Knecht Lorraine Lager Jackie Malay Beverly Meyer & Pauline Spalding Travis Nelson
Dave & Cheryl Knight Lake Winona Manor Resident Council Mark & Vickie Malay Robert Meyer Neva Neumann
Pauline & Harland Knight Rodger & Susan Langbehn Pat Malay Terry, Mary, Luke & Laura Meyer Linda L. Neville
Mike & Carol Knox James Lang Patricia & Chris Malotka Family Audrey Meyers Sandra M. Newhouse
Jerry & Betty Knuesel Sherry Lange Cindy Marek Margaret E. Michaels Frances M. Newell
Dr. Gretchen Koehler Mr. & Mrs. Jim Langowski Mildred L. Marg Jeffrey & Paula Michalowski Helen & John Newell
Susie Koehler Irene Langowski Thomas Markey Mildred Micheel Stephen Newell
Bertha Kohner Marcella Langowski Greg Markielewski Drs. Mary & Christian Michener David Niccum
David & Ann Kohner Charles E. Lanik Patricia Markwardt Curt & Barbara Mihm Amelia Nichols
Ed & Jane Kohner Kathleen & Jim Lanik Gervae Marmsoler Clarise M. Miller Sharon Nichols
Jessica Kohner Phyllis E. Lanz Ben & Jan Maroushek Dawn Miller, & Jeffrey Miller Dick & Barb Niemeyer
Martha Kohner Adam R. Larson & Family Kathy Mart Hugh & Vera Miller Ione M. Nilsen
Mary R. Kohner Blair W. Larson & Family Doloris L. Martin James & Marleen Miller Donnis N. Noer
Nancy A. Kohner Carolyn & Phillip Larson Lynn & Jim Martin Jerry & Susan Miller Ruth A. Nordby
Roger & Renee Kohner Cheryl L. Larson Dr. & Mrs. Mark L. Martin June S. & Glenn E. Miller Robert M. Norton
Steve & Candi Kohner Donald E. Larson, Jr. Michael W. Martin Sheryl A. Miller Kathleen Northrup
John & Robin Kolar Eric Larson Dave & Jeanine Maschka & Family Mary Miller-Hyland Deb Novak
Dolores Kolter Garrick Z. Larson & Family Francis Maschka Dorothy Minnie Novo Nordisk Inc.
Leona M. Konkel Linda & Allen Larson Harriet Masyga Mrs. David Miranda Christi & Jon Nowland
Marcella Konkel Martha E. Larson Shari Masyga Evelyn E. Modjeski Bernard & Peggy Nownes
Lorraine M. Konter Roger Larson Joe, Denise, Dylan, Jeanette Modjeski-Welch Chuck & Patty Nuzum
Mary L. Koontz Shirleen & Bruce Larson Ashley & Gavin Matejka Richard & Eugenia Moe Pete & Jenny Nyseth
Dave & Becky Korder Doris Laska Michael & Mariann Matejka Jerry & Jane Moen Bud & Karen Nystrom
Phyllis Korpal Rich, Carol, Jenelle & Nathan Laska Mark & Laurie Mathot Steven M. Moen John O’Connor
Helen Koscianski Earl L. Laufenburger Margaret Matson Dr. Ruth Moes & Mr. James Moes Jim & Beth O’Dea
John E. & Rita Kosidowski Lois M. Laufenburger Janette Matthees Ken & Sally Mogren Kay M. O’Dea
George & Julie Kosidowski Barbara J. Laumb Sharon Matthees Julie & Jim Moldenhauer Bruce & Karen Odell
Tom & Eileen Kosidowski Judy Lawson Joy & Holly Mattison Boyd Monroe Amparo K. Oevering
George & Ruth Kostner Kris Lawson Bernice Matzke Carolos & Jill Morales Hellen Oevering
Pat Kotlarz Tom & Amy Leach Merle W. Matzke Phyllis I. Morcomb Elmer Ollhoff Estate
Bernetta M. Kouba Barbara F. Leaf Wally & LaVerne Luedtke\ Bruce & Traci Morken The Olmsteads
Dona & David Kouba Bill & Shelly Leaf Dave & Sandi Matzke Evelyn Motschke Estate Doris H. Olness
John & Becky Kouba Debra & Bob Leaf Deborah Maus Gladys Mrachek Bob & Sandra Olson
Barb & Don Kough Jemay & Kevin Leahy Judith & Edwin Maus Steve & Judy Mrachek Ellen & Jim Olson
Joseph & Ruthe Kowalsky C.M. Lecheler Mary Jane May Barbara A. Mrozek Jennifer Olson
Irene Krackow Lois A. Ledebuhr Bob & Joann Mayer Ms. Bev Mueller Keith & Mary Ann Olson
Paul & Cheryl Krage Irene Lee Mr. & Mrs. Tim McBeth Bob & Laurel Mueller Kelsey Olson
Ed Krall Roger & Gracie Lee & Family Dick & Beth McChesney Elizabeth & Marvin Mueller Marilyn B. Olson
Lynda Krall Tricia Lee Dean McClenathan Joy A. Mueller Myrna Olson
Mike & Sandy Kramer Greg & Gail Lemmer Marlys McCluskey Pam Mueller Dr. Paul N. Olson
Robert Kramer Michelle & Brad Lenertz Janet L. McCoy Patti Mueller Phil & JoAnn Olson

26 | Winona Health Community Report 2008

Appreciating Guardian Angels
Every time Ruth Streater begins her shift at Winona Health’s Lakeside
Café, she puts on her employee badge and sees her Guardian Angel
pin. That pin immediately reminds her of Ella Guyon.

Ella was a frequent Lakeside Cafe guest while visiting her friend at
Lake Winona Manor. Ruth and other Café staff developed a warm
relationship with her. “We were all so moved by her. She made such
an impact on all of us,” Ruth explained. “She was the kind of person
you wanted to be yourself.”

After Ella passed on, her daughter and son-in-law, Joan and Joe Joseph S. Greshik Ella Guyon
Greshik, wanted to honor the Winona Health Food and Nutrition Father of Joe Greshik Mother of Joan Greshik
Services staff for their kindness and care shown to Joan’s mother.
The Guardian Angel program provided them the perfect way to
honor both the staff and Ella’s memory.

The Winona Health Foundation’s Guardian Angel program allows people to recognize a physician, nurse or other staff
member who made a difference in the life of a Winona Health patient or resident. When a gift is made to the Foundation in
honor of a guardian angel, that staff member receives an acknowledgement letter and a special lapel pin to wear.

The Greshiks appreciated the mission of the Guardian Angel program and made an additional donation in memory of Joe’s
father, Joseph S. Greshik. In his later years, Joseph experienced an array of Winona Health hospital services and spent his
final two years at Lake Winona Manor.

Joe recalls his father’s care received at Lake Winona Manor: “Everyone touched my father’s life – the dietitians,
housekeepers, LPNs and RNs,” Joe said. “I wanted a way to honor them for making a difference.” He added, “The Guardian
Angel program is a way of showing one’s appreciation in a small way. It is an excellent, excellent idea,” he said. “Now I know
that when all of these amazing staff members see their pins, they will think of my father, my mother-in-law, our family and
the impact they had on all of us.”

Guardian Angels Bev Engel Sarah Jackson Ann Olson Annette Soddy
Joan & Joseph Greshik Family of Ella Guyon Sally & Ken Mogren Greg A. Tarras
Cindy Ahrens
Joe & Doris Howlett Dr. Richard Ferris John Kouba Dr. Daniel Parker Bridget Spencer
Sally & Ken Mogren Anonymous Barbara T. Rivers Joan & Joseph Greshik
Suzanne Auger Barbara T. Rivers Mary Krage Rachelle H. Schultz Family of Dureen Heim
Mara Rukavina Rachelle Schultz Joan & Joseph Greshik Kathleen Squires
Kathy Benke Christine & Larry Stoltman Tom Pfeifer
Laurel Kruse Winona Health Sarnia Square Group Joan & Joseph Greshik
Edward & Jane Kohner, Jr. Pamela Flanagan Mara Rukavina Family of Dureen Heim
Dr. Scott Birdsall Todd Graff & Laurie Ziliak Erica L. Ping
Erin Latten Rachelle H. Schultz Ruth Streater
Maryann & Dave Forsythe Juan Flury Joan & Joseph Greshik Family of Ella Guyon
Kris & Scott Walters Geraldine Kratz Dr. Bryan Reed
Darleen Loretz Tara Suffrins
Dr. Matthew Broghammer Marti Gabel Joan & Joseph Greshik Christine & Larry Stoltman
Kris & Scott Walters
Todd Graff & Laurie Ziliak Kris & Scott Walters Dr. Rebecca Lossen Dr. Thomas Retzinger
Jennifer Burmeister Carol A. Byrne LeAnn Van Den Bosch
Lois Gernes Anonymous
Mara Rukavina Julie N. McCormick
Rose Marie Seales Joanne Lynch Dr. Richard Romeyn
Sheila Collom Ed & Rachel Barak Karen and Gabe Pehler Craig Vessey
Heather Gould
Anonymous Todd Graff & Laurie Ziliak
Joan & Joseph Greshik Rebecca McDonald Dr. J. David Rowekamp
Betty Crawford John Gray Joan & Joseph Greshik Maryann & Dave Forsythe Kelli Wheeler
Sally & Ken Mogren Edward & Jane Kohner, Jr. Family of Dureen Heim Anonymous
Sandra Ruben
Rachelle Schultz Mary J. Miller Sharon Meier Irene M. Dittrich Sheri White
Marilou Dienger Mr. and Mrs. Alton Semling Anonymous Diane J. Gottschalk
Phonesavanh Sacksith
Rachelle Schultz Carole Gregory Sheila Meldahl Edward & Jane Kohner, Jr. Winona Health Family
Jody Doebbert Joan & Joseph Greshik Family of Ella Guyon Birth Center Staff
Traci Morken Dr. Cullen Schwemer Mara Rukavina
Geraldine Kratz Dawn Gronner
Joan & Joseph Greshik Greg A. Tarras Christine & Larry Stoltman
Rachelle Schultz Penny Wunderlich
Mary Harms Dr. John Mulrooney Angie Seberg Edward & Jane Kohner, Jr.
Jean Dzwonkowski Ed & Rachel Barak
Ed & Rachel Barak Carol A. Byrne Maryann & Dave Forsythe Rosie Zeller
Michele Ekern Jake Ilika Dr. Dennis Nolan Andrew Seltz Family of Ella Guyon
Barbara J. Laumb Joe & Doris Howlett Diane J. Gottschalk Leola P. Kluender
Winona Health Community Report 2008 | 27
Greg Schuh, woodworking artist,
is one of the 294 individuals
who received assistance
through the Ben & Adith Miller
Patient Care Fund in 2008.

Thank you,
Winona Health
“Thank you, thank you, thank you, Winona Health” was the lifted off my shoulders,” said Greg. “I thought it was the
phrase Greg Schuh repeated while talking about the nicest thing anyone could do for me.”
financial assistance he received from the Ben & Adith Miller
Patient Care Fund. Before woodworking, Greg was a construction contractor
until his health started to decline. While in construction,
A 31-year resident of Fountain City, Wisconsin, Greg, a Greg did some work on Ben Miller’s house. “I’ve always had
woodworking artist, found himself needing surgery. John great respect and good working relations with the Miller
Mulrooney, MD, a Winona Health Internal Medicine family,” added Greg. He felt even more grateful to learn
physician, referred Greg to David Rowekamp, MD, a general that a family whose house he helped work on was now
surgeon at Community Memorial Hospital. helping him through their special fund set up in 1986.

“Winona’s hospital system is world class,” Greg stated. “Dr. As a way to give back, Greg has donated some of his art to
Mulrooney, Dr. Rowekamp, Dr. [Dennis] Nolan and Dr. the Winona Health Auxiliary Birthday Ball and to the
[Charles] Shepard tackled my case with professionalism. We Business Office as a reminder of his appreciation.
are so blessed to have a beautifully consolidated facility
with a world-class team of doctors and nurses right here in “I’ve been a patient at Winona Health all my life. I
our area.” remember my mother taking me to see Dr. Rogers, who
was our family physician. My whole experience with
Greg was no longer able to afford health insurance once he Winona Health has always been wonderful,” said Greg. “I’ll
started his woodworking career 15 years ago. So he met always be appreciative of Winona Health for all they’ve
with Jean Dzwonkowski in Winona Health’s Business Office done on my behalf.”
to set up a payment plan for his surgery bill. Jean
encouraged Greg to apply for the Ben & Adith Miller Patient In 2008, the Ben & Adith Miller Patient Care fund provided
Care Fund. $744,377 in aid to 294 individuals. To learn more about the
Ben & Adith Miller Patient Care Fund, call 507.457.4579.
“When I learned that my surgery bill was paid for by the
Ben & Adith Miller Patient Care Fund, I felt a huge weight

28 | Winona Health Community Report 2008

Oppenheimer Funds Legacy Program Marcie, Frank & Pat Pomeroy Margaret & Lee Roberts Robert & Linda Schrupp Ellen & Brent Smith
Carol A. Orlowske Walt & Phyllis Porter Jeanne H. Robinson John Schueler Mr. & Mrs. Gary Smith
Michael & Kathryn Orlowske Bob & Janet Poss John & Connie Roche Cecilia (Sally) M. Schuh Gene & Barbara Smith
Kevin & Susan O’Reilly Daryl & Beverly Potter Susan & R. Peter Roehl Harold & Carol Schuh Jerry A. Smith & Susan Clouse Smith
Lorraine Orr Darlene Pozanc Chris & Ruth Roffler Frances K. Schuldt Justin Smith
Gordy & Kathy Overing Irene C. Pozanc Charlene Rogers Ann Schultz Rose M. Smith
John & Dorothy Overing Mark & Barb Pozanc Rohn Family Bernard & Darlene Schultz The Smiths
Thomas Overland Mike & Lisa Pozanc Dr. & Mrs. Curtis Rohrer Betty Schultz Carol Snidarsic
Dick & LaVonne Ozmun Jeffrey & Pam Prenatt Elaine M. Rohrer Joe Schultz, Jr. Cathy M. Snyder
Carol & Dennis Pack Patricia Price Bernard & Barb Rolfing John C. Schultz Dawn Snyder Family
Karen Packer John & Keri Prigge Bev Romine Marcia Schultz Arlene L. Sobeck
Scott & Sandra Paetzel Ken & Joyce Prigge Greg Rommes Rachelle & Bob Schultz Gene Sobeck
Jim & Doris Palbicki Mary Prochowitz Anne & Mike Rompa Sally Schultz Marion G. Sobotta
Sylvia Palbicki Cathy & Mike Prondzinski Rita K. Rompa Sharon Schultz SOFA Committee
Jane Palmer Lewyelln G. Prondzinski Marjorie J. Ronnenberg Vivian Schultz Clarice B. Solberg
Lyelle & Mary Palmer Julie Anne Prondzinski Bob & Darlene Roraff Frank E. Schulz Lilly G. Somers
Timothy & Tammy Palubicki Judith Pronk Linda A. Rose Florence Schumacher Sometimes 8
Mary Pampuch Stanley & Arlene Prosen Michal A. Roskos Kenneth F. Schumann Phillip C. Sonnenberg
Carmene Pangrac Pearl Prudoehl Robert Rossin & Mona Stolpa Kim & Pete Schwab Soporex, Inc.
Sandra Pankratz Allan & Joan Pruka Florence R. Rother Marilyn Schwab Bill & Becky Soranno
Brian, Bridget & Brie Papenfuss Irene Pruka Selma J. Rott Marian Schwantz Catherine B. Sorom
Joan (Merchlewitz) Papenfuss Luena Pruter Dr. David & Betsy Rowekamp Gayle Schwarz Betty Spalding
Marie Papenfuss Allen E. Przybylski John & Bonnie Ruben Lou Anne Schwarz Beverly A. Spande
Fred & Betty Parpart Mr. & Mrs. David Przybylski Betty Ruedy Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Scovil Lynn Orphan Speed
Carol & Larry Partington Mark & Peggy Przybylski Amy & John Rukavina Corrie Searles Art & Jeanette Speltz
Dorothy M. Paskiewicz John Przytarski Dan & Pat Rukavina Doug & Angie Seberg Bev Speltz
Ralph & Marjorie Passe Gary & Teresa Puetz Andy & Renee Rumpca Linda & Jerrie Seibert Charlotte & John Speltz
Mary Ann & Bill Patterson Leo & Elaine Putzier Jennifer Rupprecht Dorothy* & Loyley Seifert Don & Rosie Speltz
Harold C. Paulson Bettie A. Raciti Mr. & Mrs. William Saehler Patricia Kidd Selmanoff Herbert Speltz
Robert G. Pavek Sandy & Eugene Rackow Bernice Safranek Estate Roberta J. Semling Kelly & Carolyn Speltz
Armella F. Pawlak Jean M. Rader Saint Mary’s University Alan H. Senstad Pete & Maureen Speltz
Lois & Eric Pawlowski Kevin & Jennie Rafferty St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church Betty J. Senty Bridget Spencer
Kay Pedretti Family Ruth Rahn Arnett Lloyd & Sharon Salisbury Delpha Serva Lillian E. Spencer
Gabe & Karen Pehler Family Rita Ramczyk Lorraine & Ann Salisbury Jim & Kathy Serva Carol Spiten
Anne R. Pellowski Patty Ramer Mark & Bernita Salmon Jerry & Nita Serwa Rick & Jami Spitzer
Barbara Pellowski Bruce & Carol Ramsdell Don & Deb Salyards Pam Serwa Tim & Carol Spring
Dave & Karen Pellowski Doris Randall Donna Sammann Mr. & Mrs. Paul Serwa Kathleen & Bill Squires
Daniel W. Pelowski Lee Randall Dorothy & Paul Sanders MaryAnn & Tom Severson Ruth Squires
David G. Pendleton Russell R. Rattunde Betsy B. Sawyer Wayne H. Severson Alan Stachowitz
Donna M. Peplinski Tammy A. Rayfield Forrest Sawyer Helen Shaw Keith Stachowitz
Ron & Cindy Peplinski Robert & Jean Raz Gordon & Joan Schacht Warren Shaw Donna Stackhouse
Mary Kay & Kenneth Peshon Jennifer & Paul Ready Bert & Ruth Schaffner Judy & Bill Shay Eleanore Stahl
Kenneth & Coleen Peterman Joan Redig Dale & Jenny Schaffner Lori Sheldon Phyllis Staige
Duane & Patte Peterson Kathy & Robert Redig Rita M. Schallau Dr. Charles & Judy Shepard Shirley M. Stanford
Eloise Peterson Wilfrid & Marguerite Redig Raymond J. Schammel Mike & Dee Sherman James Stanislawski
Gordon & Ann Peterson Bruce & Mary Reeck Debi Lei Scharmer Pat Sherman Raelene R. Stanislawski
Grace L. Peterson Tom & Mary Reeck Millie Scharmer Evelyn E. Shiel Dennis, Sue, Tim, & Olivia Stark
June Peterson Bruce & Grace Reed Craig & Paula Scheevel Wayne & Kathleen Shustrom Heidi Stark
Kathy & Bill Peterson Jacque H. Reidelberger Edwin Schell Karen & Tom Sibenaller Sis Starzecki
Ken Peterson Family Rebecca J. Reinarts Randolph J. Schenkat Julie A. Sichler Barbara A. Steele
Steve, Jeannie & Skyler Peterson Dale Reishus Mr. & Mrs. Jack Scherer Lillian T. Siebenaler Mary Steffenhagen
Normagene Pettersen Polly & Martin Renk Rick & Jennifer Schewe & Family Lynn C. Siebenaler Sondra & Wayne Steffenhagen
Diane Petz Don & Barbara Repinski Steve & Margaret Schild Andy, Jim, Carol Siefert Warren, Krist & Brecken Steinfeldt
Jackie Petz Dorothy Reps Darlene Schlesser & Sharon Wicka Jerry & Jo Stejskal
Tom & Kathy Pfeifer Douglas F. Reps Robert C. Schlink Judy M. Sievers Arlene Stender
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Pflughoeft Lillian Reps Family Albert J. Schloegel Gloria Siewert Getty M. Stephens
Rich & Denise Pflughoeft Doreen & Clarence Ressie Dale, LuAnn, Amy Barbara Simmons Calvin Stettler
Paula Philipps Betty Rholl & John Schmidtknecht Lois Simons Crystal Stevens & Family
Joyce E. Phillips Donna Rice Beth Schneider Barry & Earlene Simonson Joy & Joel Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Phillips Elizabeth Richter Family Jule & Marg Schneider Barb Sims Ron & Diane Stevens
Roger Phillips Delores E. Rieger Julie & Mark Schneider Caroline Sines Jeff & Kathy Stier
Fred & Liz Picha Doreen Rieger Sam & LaVonne Schneider Dawn Singer Shirley Stock
Cindy Pickering Eunice Rihs Sue Schneider Max & Betty Singer Shelly Stockhausen
Randy & Judy Piel Lavonne & Duane Ringler Dr. & Mrs. Eugene V. Schoener Jim & Barb Skeels Rita R. Stoll
Steve & Linda Pierce Dan & Diane Rinn Greg & Linda Schoener Jean Skime Terry Stolpa
Joe Plaisance John P. Rislove Doris R. Schoenike Michael J. Skroch Larry & Christine Stoltman
Marge & Ken Poblocki Susan M. Rislove Donald L. Schoening Albin & Nancy Slaby Leona Stoltman
Rhonda & Mac Pohn Kayla Ritter Theodore & Donna Schoewe Steve & Barb Slaggie Carol Heyl & Don Stone
Sharon Pollard Don & Lori Rivers Deanna Schotzko Tom Slaggie Mary T. Stoos
Nancy & Gerry Polson Jodi Rivers Earl & Phyllis Schreiber Darryl & Sue Smelser Laura Stover
Jean Polus Sue Rivers Susan M. Schreiner Keith & Leah Marie Smelser Ruth, Mark, & Will Streater
Leonard & Shirley Pomeroy Helen Roberton Donald Schroeder Al Smith Bruce E. Streng

Winona Health Community Report 2008 | 29

Donald J. Wadewitz Residents of Winona Arms

I had been on my way to a Mayo rheumatology appointment when I

Linda & Mike Wadewitz
David & Nancy Wagner
Mark S. Wagner
Winona Community Foundation
Winona Eagles, Aerie #1243
faded a bit in Lewiston. I had my choice of being transported from there to Mr. & Mrs. Charles Waldo Winona Elks Lodge No. 327
Winona Fire Department
Kay & Peter Walsh
either [another hospital] or Winona Health, but the decision was not a Jessica Walsky Relief Association
Winona Health Auxiliary Volunteers
Paula J. Walter
difficult one. This hometown care becomes a factor of increasing import to Kris & Scott Walters Winona Health ECG & Respiratory
Care Depts.
Marlene & Jake Walther
Winona Health Employees
me in our modern-day health care delivery system. While I've always been Mrs. Don Walz, Sr. & Don Jr.
Winona Health Valet Services
Jack M.“Butch” & Barb Walz, Jr.
Winona Hims
grateful that we work well with the out-of-town specialists when necessary, Jack N. Walz, Sr.
Winona Kiwanis Sunrisers
Patricia A. Wanek
Winona National Bank
I continue to value the personal touch we all receive from our friends and Ed & Dorothy Wantock Winona Rivertown Lions Club
Betsie Ward Winona State University
neighbors here who deliver high quality, compassionate health care to Joyce M. Warnken Think Pink Event
Dawn Warren Colette Wodarz
patients when we need it. David & Vicki (Harris) Wason Greg & Katie Wohletz
Karen A. Waters Chris Wojciechowski
Watkins Incorporated Dolores Wojciechowski
Bart & Emerine Weaver
From the nurse practitioner at Lewiston Clinic to the EMT in the ambulance Norm Weaver
Fran Wojciechowski
Mary E. Wojciechowski
Roger & Mary Weaver
to the care I received in the Emergency Department and ICU, I could not Ian & Dawn Webster
Duane & Edwina Wolfe
Marge Wolfe
Eileen Wedge
have been treated with more concern and respect. Having“A Friend for Life” Dale & Lise Weegman
Marvin & Pamela Wolfmeyer
Mary & Jane Wolfram
Louise Weese
close by becomes an even greater comfort to those of us closer to the end of the Joan B. Wehlage
Alma M. Wollin
Women of Purpose Fund of the
Richard R. Weilandt Winona Community Foundation
spectrum than the beginning. But as WH fulfills its“cradle to grave” mission, Sue Schain Weiner Women’s Fellowship of First
Dave & Bette Weinmann Congregational Church
we celebrate our high quality health care with a hometown touch delivered to Jim & Pat Welch Cecelia Wondrow
Joe & Kara Welch Connie Wood
people of all ages. Wenzel Family Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Wooden
~Sue C. Margaret A. Wera Pat & Ron Woychek
Gladys Wershofen, Sandra Koraff, Warren J. Wunderlich & Romadel Rian
& Jeffrey Wershofen Xaisoua Xiong
Rita J. Wessel Jim Youngs
Randy & Christine Streukens Bonnie Thill Harriet A. Turner Helen M. Zaborowski
Rosemarie Strong Rita E. Thill Dr. Scott & Kathy Turner Loretta Westlund
Jim & Toni Zaborowski
Karen, Chris & Michael Stuart Susan Thilmany David Tveten Jean A. Whalen
Mary June Zbylicki
James & Ann Stueve Kevin & Sharon Thode Harriet Tweedy & Family Jeanne Whetstone
Kim Dehlin Zeiher
Mary Lou Stutzka Harley & Edith Thompson UCare Minnesota Jerry & Judy Whetstone Ida M. Zeller
Judy Styba Joel & Sue Thompson United Methodist Women - Winona Mary Whillock Susan & Brian Zeller
Ray & Marge Sultze Lorraine Thompson United Way of the Arlene White Jerry & Joan Zenke
Sugar Loaf Ford Lincoln Mercury Sharon Thompson Greater Winona Area Sharon Wicka & David & Theresa Ziegeweid
Dick & Barb Sulack Tim & Schelly Thompson Mary & Jim Uphoff Andrew Siefert Family Ila Zieman
Maureen & Larry Sutton David & Vicki Thrune Karen & Ed Urbick Bob & Jan Wieczorek Becky & Brad Zittel
Mary E. Swart Mr. & Mrs. Ray Thrune June Urness Mary & Bill Wieczorek Nancy & Terry Zittel
Aunt Sydney Al & Bonnie Thurley Frank Utecht Rosie & Jim Wieczorek Brian & Julie Zmolek
Carl & Katherine Szczesniak Lavonne M. Tibesar Pauline R. Utzinger Holli & Mark Wieser Thomas Zolondek
T. R. Hennessy Family Charitable Trust Yvonne M. Tindal V.F.W. Ladies Auxiliary Stacy Wilhelm
Takeda Pharmaceuticals Howard & Betsy Tobak Elaine S. Valentine Bob & Janet Wilke In Memory
North America, Inc. & Affiliates Scott & Sharon Tolleson Peggy Vanderwerf Dick & Jaci Will
Betty M. Acheff
Jeanne & Steve Tanamachi Dorothy Tomashek Dolores Vaughn Vivian Wille Becky Anderson
Carol Tarras Howard & Patte Tomashek Jack & Bonnie Vaughn Chuck & Claire Williams Jan Wanek
Clay & Cherisa Templeton Frank Took Penny & Kenneth Venus Laurie Williams
David & Brenda Terpstra Alice T. Torgerson Teri Verbeet Ann Williamson Dorothy H. Ahrens
Mary Teska Nancy Toulou Judi Veronese & Lois Streich Karen Williamson Gary & Renae Ahrens
Bill Tews & Phyllis Brynestad Dave & Karen Trickett Fund of the Matt & Lyla Vetter Nancy & Lloyd Williamson Helen M. Ahrens
Tom & Diane Thatcher Gordon & Gloria Vick Mary L. Wilma John & Cindy Ahrens
Winona Community Foundation
Don & Vange Thaldorf Chris & Tom Wilmot Lori R. Ahrens
Hilda Trochta Lisa J. Vieth
Robert V. Ahrens
Alice F. Theis Bela Trubacek Stuart B. Virnig Eunice B. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Ahrens
Jean H. Theis Brenda, Fred, Chelsea, & Nicole Tryan Greg & Mary Volkart Marvin & JoAnn Wilson Jill M. Barrientos
John F. Theis Delwin & Sherrie Tschumper Patti Volkman Ruth E. Wilson James & Carolyn Bruha
Linda L. Theis Edith & Byrle Tschumper Robert Von Rohr Wiltgen Family Community Memorial Hospital
Mary Ann Theis Bernice Tulius Janis Vose Rosemary A. Winczewski Patrick & Carol Cunningham
Shirley A. Theis Marion Tulius Grace & Duane Waadevig Joe & Vicki Wineski Ron Fuglestad
Shelly L. Theisen Gloria K. Tullius Joe & Audrey Wachowiak Bob & Virginia Winestorfer Patricia L. Harris
Wally & Leona Thiele Joan Tullius Mildred Wachowiak Winmar Sleep Center Maurine & Walter Holzworth
Marian Thiewes Brad Turner & Ellyn English Beth A. Wadewitz Winona Agency Employees M. Jerome Nauman
30 | Winona Health Community Report 2008
Donna M. Peplinski Philip & Janis Conway June Bublitz Doris M. Cerney John & Pat Ferden
Pleasant Green Townhouse Pat & Joan Costello Sharon Budnick Debbie & James Dilling Gene & Lois Frank
Association Charles & Anita Mettille Carol A. Byrne Phylliss Mae Johnson David & Jeanne Fugina
Milton & Clinton Ronnenberg Ann Tyler Merchants Bank Bernice Gates-Parkin
Hazel G. Buege
Donna Sammann & Family Jan Wanek Ann Schultz Charlotte Gepner
The Family of Hazel Buege
Jerry Schneider Wanek Vogel Fnd Eq Agency Rainy Griesel Joanne & Don Thiesse & Lori C. J. & Bleva Grajczyk
Schott Distributing Company Nancy A. Zittel Joan & Joseph Greshik
Lillian E. Spencer Phyllis M. Buege Ruth Church
Dr. Doug Boyer Peter & Joanna Berhow & Family Steve & Sandee Grulkowski
F. Craig & Dianne Zeches Community Memorial Hospital Nancy & Patrick Hull
Dr. David & Betsy Rowekamp Steve & Candi Kohner Andrea Church
Arvilla A. Albrecht Roger Church Jim & Barb Jabrosky
Verona C. Bradfield Laurel & Robert Mueller
Community Memorial Hospital Kay & Peter Walsh Thomas & Laurel Church & Family Artie & Tami Johns
Pat & Jerry Haessig Phylliss Mae Johnson
Vayden S. Anderson Beth & Jim O’Dea Dennis & Sandra Kiehne & Family
Leslie J. Burch, Jr. Cecilia B. Keeling
Susan J. Day Fyrn O’Dea Robert & Barbara Allan Clifford Clovning Bob & Marlene Kohner
Joyce O. Locks Kay O’Dea Gayle & Maryanne Anderson Mary & Larry Gutknecht Candi & Steve Kohner
Winnie Armitage Holly Jo Lecheler
Mark & Barb Pozanc Dorothy & Francis Losinski
Marian I. Auer Betty M. McNally
Joy & David Schmidtknecht Nora Lee & Fred Naas
Leon & Donna Nesbitt
Judy Bain Duane & Patte Peterson
Cletus A. Hanson
Eunice Rihs
James N. Banicki Betsy B. Sawyer
Dorothy Banicki Jim & Sheri Schell
Mark & Barb Pozanc Bonnie & Richard Scott
Theodore M. Barr Brenda & Bryan Scott
Donald & Ruth Marg Dawn E. Snyder
Duane & Patte Peterson Lillian E. Spencer
Jeffrey & Pam Prenatt Sharon M. Summers
Edmund V. Bartz Jerry & Sandi Van Hoof
Pearl Prudoehl Mildred Wachowiak
Walter Bauer Ron H. Cutliff
Jerry & Corrine Grochowski Doreen Bengtsen
Jacquelyn A. Blahnik
John ‘Darby’ Beck
Ana Contraras
Julie & Rick Galewski
Linbeck Group, LP
Joseph & Susie Nienow
Karine Pruka
Sadie Beirne Kelly Rizzo
William & Sadie Beirne Family
Walter E. Davis
William Beirne Community Memorial Hospital
William & Sadie Beirne Family
Neal Decker
Kenneth C. Benter Al & Debbie Greenwood
June & Ron Hawley
Dorothy A. Berger
Fred & Carol Buse
Charlotte & Ramon McElmury
I didn't like having to have surgery, but the nurses took very good
Dr. Daniel Degallier
Dr. Scott & Debra Birdsall
Betty J. Breitenfeldt
Jeff & Kitty Molitor care of me and they were really friendly! Sharon E. Budnick
Carole & David Forest
Bert Beyerstedt ~Apryl B. (age 9) Jim & Shannon Hanzel
Barbara Ramer Janice & Robert Lee
Ted Biesanz, Sr. Dr. David & Betsy Rowekamp
Les & Vi Boelter Josef Alois ‘Wisi’ Bragger Georg Burch Dr. Charles & Judy Shepard
Alan & Carole Nelson Community Memorial Hospital Candlewood Townhome Associate Mildred L. Clow Rick & Jami Spitzer
Donna M. Peplinski Cecilia & Randall Gotz Pam & Al Mueller Kay & Peter Walsh
Barb & Steve Slaggie John W. Brand
Sharon Budnick Tom & Margaret Graham Monica L. Conway Rudolph “Rudy” Dietrich
Mary & Bill Wieczorek David C. Hohenstein Judy & Ron Benson
Michael J. Brand Lois M. Christensen
Leona Binius Mary A. Kintzle Chuck & Karen Bleess Linda & Steve Fix
Sharon Budnick Kenneth & Barbara Lundeen
Shirley & Jim Engbrecht Sandra & Craig Brooks Walter & Dorothy Gilbertson
Fern Brandt Dora Schwartz Sharon Budnick
Evelyn Bohri Carolyn & Dennis Goplen
Sandra & Bruce Bauer Mr. & Mrs. Les Schwartz Margaret & Gerald Cada
Joan & Joseph Greshik Paul & Eleanor Griesel
Laura Brandt Cynthia Timm Gloria & Karl Conrad
Jim & Doris Killian Gary & Lois Halverson
Rainy Griesel Sandra & Bruce Bauer Isabelle Timm Philip & Janis Conway Harold & Carolene Jacobson
Ruth & Pat Leahy William Burk Sue & Jack Cornwell Leroy & Lynn Jasnoch
Elmer A. Brommerich Diana Cyert
Charles & Sandra Wunderlich Bev Engel Mary & Jerry Lowery
Boomer’s Quality Plumbing
R.J. & Jane Dorn Nancy L. Schultz
Vincent J. Boland Irene Calek
Esther Brooks Jerry & Judy Dyba Kathryn & Paul Weiner
Ashley Furniture Industries, Inc Alice Matts
Mary A. Boland Anonymous Carol & Le Roy Dybing
Jim & Gretchen Erwin Bernice Dingfelder
Steven & Theresa Boland Jo Dee Bruening Jerry Cerise
Sally Bublitz Peter Bruening Peter & Mary Faber Joan & Joseph Greshik
Bernice Gates-Parkin
Sharon Budnick O.J. & Karen Fawcett Beth Nelson

Winona Health Community Report 2008 | 31

Willard “Bill” Dittrich Robert & Rachelle Schultz Joseph S. Greshik Ria & Orin Midtlien Mary & David Larson
Community Memorial Hospital Dr. James & Mary Testor Vicki & Dennis Decker Shirley A. Miller Jackie Overkamp
Jane Dittrich Judy & Ron Theis Bev Engel Heather R. Nelson
Chris & Tom Wilmot Lillian Hilden
Gary & Ellen Evans J. Robert & Jeanne Nelson Community Memorial Hospital
DeWayne A. Doebbert
Dolores M. Ewing Lorraine Glanzer Onalaska Pupil Services Building Staff
Community Memorial Hospital
Michele & Ivie Popplewell Family Joan & Joseph Greshik Ronald & Patricia Pavek Edna Hobbs
Lowell Doenier Kenneth & Lois Haeuser Virginia & Charlie Prussing Bev Engel
Bev Engel Scott Farman Christine & John Ramirez Lois Laufenburger
Judy & Angus Callender David & Janeen Melmer
Polly & Merle Ratz Beth Nelson
Gertrude (Trudy) Donovan Roger & Ramona Metz
Mark Full Kenny & Mary Salwey Marcia & LeRoy Wantock
Conway & Beth Elton Reinarts Stained Glass Studios Inc.
Community Memorial Hospital Bert & Ruth Schaffner Lyle Horton
Tom & Chris Wilmot Robert & Rachelle Schultz
Parkview & CMH Pharmacy Staff Sue & Dave Schaffner Community Memorial Hospital
Michael & Jane Voelker
Lu Ann F. Duffy Mary Ann Full Judge Gary & Shelby Schlosstein
Rena Hotopp
Fran & Jean Dzwonkowski Community Memorial Hospital Doris M. Grzybowski Lucile B. Schneider
Sandra & Bruce Bauer
Parkview & CMH Pharmacy Staff Duane & Patte Peterson Frank & Janet Servais
William Duffy John J. Howrigan
Mark & Barb Pozanc Elizabeth & Kevin Smith
Sharon Budnick Allen P. Gappa Gabriel & Mary Liegey
Stephan M. Stacy
Chris Whetstone Carol A. Byrne Delores Guenther
Christine B. Stoa Arvilla M. Hund
Community Memorial Hospital Bev Engel
Marie E. Dunn Gladys M. Story Fran & Jean Dzwonkowski
Marty & Debbie Gappa Kathy Sundquist
Judy Alexander Ruth H. Gustavson
Dian F. Gappa Delores Sutter Donna Huwald
Katherine & Gerald Calengor Scott & Sharon Tolleson Bob & Virginia Winestorfer
Jacqueline J. Swan Mary & David Larson
Edward & Michelle Dau
Geoff Gardner Ella Guyon Bela Trubacek
Dick & Suzanne Dunn Lauretta Jahimiak
Joni & Ted Benson Roma Anderson Ray & Marilyn Viitala
Margaret Engel Community Memorial Hospital
Sharon Budnick Tom & Linda Anesi Peggy & Gerry Wojchik
First Congregational Church
Community Memorial Hospital Ellen Appel John & Judy Wolfe Darrell D. Jenkinson
Donald & Jean Florin
Robert & Erika Gilbertson Melvin & Donna Arcand Carole & John Zierden Verne & Darlene Bartelson
Cheryl Krage
Mark & Barb Pozanc Vi Balducci Robin & Jeff Jandt
Charles & Anita Mettille Eleanor M. Haines
Irene Battye & Ramona Hegstrom Irene Langowski
Natural Resource Group Barb A. Gernes Laurel & Robert Mueller
Jim Battye
John & Norma Pierson Beth M. Bergmans James J. Jeresek
Robert & Sandra Battye Bob Haney
Lillian Spencer Elizabeth G. Boyer Carol A. Byrne
Daniel De Cook & Magdalana Angie Bork Robert & Duella Murphy
Todd & Debbi Spencer Gloria & Karl Conrad
Donovan-De Cook Sandra & Craig Brooks
Wayne & Sondra Steffenhagen Linda W. Hass Helen E. Davies
Rebecca & Steve Demmer Shirley A. Brooks
Allan & M. Sue Stork Hazel Casey Tom & Margaret Graham
Roger H. Ganser Cochrane-Fountain City Schools
William & Karen Warmack Gloria Hassinger
Groffrey & Kristin Hjerleid Community Memorial Hospital Willfred C. Haug
Leona M. Elliott Michele J. Cummings Family & Friends Mark & Barb Pozanc
Jolene Hjerleid & Peter Buchman
Betty Breitenfeldt Vicki & Dennis Decker Bob & Rosemary Shoup
Kristin & Groffrey Hjerleid Ray G. Haun
Amy & Dennis Kunkel Diane Dobrzenski Joyce O. Ehlers Dr. George Joyce
Joseph P. Emanuel Jerry & Connie Dobrzenski Family
Manuel & Julie Pena David & Carole Fratzke Mary S. Joyce
John & Penny Breitlow Muriel & Paul Douglas
John Petry & Kyle Gernes-Petry Patricia J. Squires
Bob & Susan Briggs Mary Ann Duellman Julius J. Justin
Margaret M. Claus Steve & Darlene Richardson
Sue E. Rothschild Julia Dwyer Elaine R. Hauser Chris Whetstone
Karen & Dennis Cleveland Community Memorial Hospital
Shari A. Tjossem Tom & Beth Ede Kenneth F. Kafer
Jeanette Drake
Alan & Susan Utesch Stephen & Nancy Emmett Merna B. Hazelton Thomas & Sheila Abts
The Family of Joseph Emanuel
Bev Engel Karen & Dennis Cleveland Ruth Bradford
Gene & Lois Frank Donald H. Geronime Dave & Jean Evans Lois & Ted Czaplewski Jack & Maureen Dray
Marian Hopkins Evelyn Ecklund
Gary & Ellen Evans Fraternal Order of Eagles Mary Ann Duellman
Daniel & Dorothy Hoyt
Carol D. Gerth Marjorie H. Everson Ladies Auxiliary Ethel M. Kelley & Paul Krumholz
Kevin Mahoney
Katherine Kulas Marian Farner Victor & Linda Erdmann Joseph & Denise Kish
Curtis & Barbara Mihm Robert & Kathleen Hazelton
Alice Neitzke Laurette Florin Elaine M. Krumholz-Spika
Richard & Eugenia Moe Arlene Neitzke Roy & Mary Lou Hazelton
Alice Neitzke Kyle Fons & Tracy Linden & Carolyn Larson
Sue & Rick Fons Patricia J. Hein
Arlene Neitzke Esther Gierhan Jon & Carolyn Kosidowski Dorothy McPherson
Donna M. Peplinski Community Memorial Hospital Enda B. Fried Richard & La Vonne Mikrut
Pharmacy Staff Mary Ann & Keith Olson
Betsy B. Sawyer Alethea H. Fugina Tom Sawyer & Connie Mettille Rose Obenchain
Dave & Maryann Forsythe Jeanne & David Fugina
Stewart & Kay Shaw David & Janet Sebo Sigrid Perrin
Arlen & Marla Gall & Family Lorraine Glanzer
Lillian E. Spencer Michael & Amanda Weilandt Ruth A. Schaffner
Diane & Stanley Gierhan Lynn A. Green
Barbara A. Steele Parkview Pharmacy Staff Kay B. Whetstone James & Marilyn Scholmeier
John & Martha Walski Jennifer Greshik Steve Zolondek Connie & Gavin Strand
Tom & Vicki Witt
Nicholas & Nancy Whaley Joan & Joseph Greshik
Martha Witmer Giese Marilyn Hein Darlene Kaiser
Eleanor M. Griffin
Victor W. Erdmann Martha Witmer Giese Family Fran & Jean Dzwonkowski Michael & Ursula Barrie
Kent & Dawn Erdmann Katherine G. Griffin
Robert & Lois Groop Ethan E. Henderson Christine & Lance Duellman
Eugene W. Gile Lori & Ahmed El-Afandi
Maryann Erickson Chris Whetstone Ed & Mary Helmueller Community Memorial Hospital
RTP Company William & Sally Junge
Don & Yvonne Herold Harold Herber
Grace Rote Gordon Patrick & Amy Kaiser
Miriam Erwin George W. Jeffrey Community Memorial Hospital
Anonymous Scott & Suzanne Roberts
Michael & Ann* Bruder Joe Kaczorowski & Kalene Engel Dorothy Zeches
Earl K. Graves Michael Heth
Community Memorial Hospital Marj & Bill Kammueller
Dennis & Lisa Coon Verne M. Kaliher
June & Ron Hawley Judy Benson Charles & Mary Kirchner
Wayne & Meri-Ruth Pflughoeft Wayne Benson Shirley & Claude Klein Betty Hildebrand ALM Holding Company/Mathy
Bruce & Mary Reeck Jean & Fran Dzwonkowski Ruth & Pat Leahy Patty Haack Construction
Dr. Thomas & Bonnie Retzinger Richard & Eugenia Moe Lillian & Emmett Long Richard Hildebrand Yvonne & John Foegen

32 | Winona Health Community Report 2008

Diane Barge, Mary Brenno,
Carole Matejka and Jan Wanek
carry on Glady D. Miller's
legacy through their
work in the Winona
Health Auxiliary's Glady
D. Miller Gift Shop.

A legacy that’s truly a gift

Before there was a gift shop in Community Memorial Carole agrees: “I love volunteering…it’s a lot of fun, with
Hospital’s main lobby, there was a tiny gift shop off a this group especially. And it feels good to know we’re
corridor founded by dedicated volunteer Glady D. Miller. accomplishing something to help others.”
Glady was a generous person who selflessly gave of her
time. When she died in 1980, her husband Rudy knew Diane added, “Volunteering here is a good use of time
she’d want to support the gift shop’s expansion. and effort. I love creating gift shop displays and planning
Holiday Happiness,” which
Thanks to the couple’s transforms the hospital’s third
philanthropic spirit, the gift shop Between 1979 and 2008, the Glady D. floor into a holiday wonderland
was named for Glady in January for several days each November.
1981, and in January 1983 the Miller Gift Shop and Holiday
new shop opened in the “As you grow older,” said Mary,
hospital’s main lobby. Happiness have given more than “you need to stay active and in
contact with people. The people
Today’s gift shop chairwomen $650,000 in proceeds to benefit I work with through volunteering
follow in the footsteps of Glady have become such good friends.
and original gift shop organizers community healthcare. We all get along; we work well
Irene Renk, the late Rita Sullivan, together; and we laugh a lot.”
Faye Kiekbusch and Alice
Sheridan. It takes countless volunteer hours to run the All four women agree that carrying on Glady’s legacy of
Glady D. Miller Gift Shop, which is organized today by giving is as important as the personal reward they receive
Diane Barge, Mary Brenno, Carole Matejka and Jan Wanek. from volunteering. “When we donate the gift shop profits
They handle gift shop purchasing, pricing, displaying and each year, we all know what we’ve been working for,”
bookkeeping. Each of them says that gift shop volunteering noted Mary. “It’s ultimately a gift to enhance healthcare
is as much a gift to them as it is to others. for our community.”

“Volunteering gives me a purpose to get up in the

morning,” said Jan, who added with a laugh, “And I’m a born
saleslady, so I especially love volunteering in the gift shop.”

Winona Health Community Report 2008 | 33

Mildred Loretz Shirley & Jim Engbrecht
Bev Engel Sharon J. Kaczorowski
David Mahlke, Sr. Merchants Bank
Dr. Daniel & Mickey Barr Charles K. Millam Family
Jim & Gretchen Erwin Don & Lori Rivers
Robert & Erika Gilbertson John & Janet Ruggeberg

Partners: Chuck & Patty Nuzum

Cherre & David Pye
Jay Martin
Dr. L.J. & Ramona English
Julie A. Schoener
Brenda & Bryan Scott
Dr. Charles & Judy Shepard
Jerry & Sandi Van Hoof
Joan & Joseph Greshik Ben & Adith Miller
Bud & Karen Nystrom
Susan & R. Peter Roehl Larry & Christine Stoltman
Phyllis McClenathan Benjamin A. Miller
Charles & Barbara Bass Steven & Laure Maki
Big Brothers Big Sisters Winona Area Public Schools Dean McClenathan
Denise McClenathan & Rob Hard Stuart Miller
of Greater Winona Winona Daily News Gayle B. Goetzman
Family Medicine of Winona Donald W. McCormick Cletus A. Hanson
Winona Family YMCA Sharon Budnick
Habitat for Humanity Alton F. Morken
Winona Park and Recreation Department Eric McElmury Mary Lou & Richard Baylon
Lewiston-Altura Community Education Scott & Suzanne Roberts Ray & Colleen Cenfield
Winona Post
Minnesota Marine Art Museum John L. McGuire Community Memorial Hospital
Winona Radio Patricia A. McGuire Conway & Beth Elton
Project FINE Winona Volunteer Services Dale & Lynn Engrav
Margeret McGuire
Project Get Outdoors Community Memorial Hospital Julie & Rick Galewski
Paula & Robert Drumm Roger & Ginger Glende

Thank You!
Rushford-Peterson Schools Richard Iverson
J. Ray McNally Betty L. Johnson
United Way of the Greater Winona Area Verne & Darlene Bartelson Bob Kierlin & Mary Burrichter
Winona Area Ambulance Service, Inc. Velma Melcher Leighton & Joan Kragness
Brad & Kathy Benke John & Ramona Litcher
Henry Benke Marlys M. Morken
Dick Kaminer Teresa A. Knutson Ruth Kukowski Susan K. Benke Marlin & Linda Petersen
Sharon & Brian Budnick June & Ron Hawley Nick & Kendra Granseth Bob & Susan Briggs Jean Rose
Randi & Bill Reinarts Dee & George Cipov Diane & Frank Wohletz
Reuben & Lily Kaste Arlene J. Kohner Community Memorial Hospital
Elsie L. W. Kaste Judy Benson Max V. Kulas Jon, Cathy & Andrea Hatleli Evelyn R. Motschke
Sandee Katula Jenny Bushman Lorraine E. Bauer Marlene & John Kane Friends & Family
Community Memorial Hospital Faye Flynn Mickey Kulas Margaret Lambert Mary M. Mullen
Scott & Barb Fabian Terri Hesson Roger Kulas Carolyn & Phillip Larson Community Memorial Hospital
Parkview Pharmacy Staff Florence M. Kohner Michele & Ivie Popplewell Rich & Bev Lindseth Scott & Barb Fabian
Winona Health Materials Tom Kohner Larry & Christine Stoltman Jackie J. Mahlke Katherine Kulas
Management Co-workers Donald & Jean Nadeau Bob & Laurel Mueller
Karen M. Kunce Materials Management Staff
Albert W. Smith, Jr. Beth Nelson
Jacqualine Joyce Keenan Katy & Matthew Smith Community Memorial Hospital My Children, Karla,
Emily B. Campbell Barbara Pellowski
Marian Lambert Lynn & John Stansfield Kalene & Kevin
Judith C. Bautch Marie Kowahl Bev Engel
Cathy Fangman Carolyn & Phillip Larson Judy & David Stoltman
Douglas J. Keller Leona H. Stoltman Curtis D. Neal
Parkview Pharmacy Gang George Krage, Jr. Gary LaPoint Joseph P. Watkowski Betty Bergler
Jill M. Barrientos Jack Andresen Karen Williamson
Joseph J. Keller Linda O. Nelsestuen
Community Memorial Hospital Community Memorial Hospital Hazel Larson Robert ‘Bobby’ Merchlewitz Donna J. Ernst
Tami & Kipp Eckert Lynn M. Sprain
Maxine Kiefer Cletus A. Hanson Donald B. Nelson
Robert & Erika Gilbertson
Judith M. Plock Margaret Lauer Delores Merchlewitz
Bruce & Janice Harem Dawn & Kent Erdmann
Bud & Becky Baechler Family Marilyn B. Olson
Albert E. King Brent & Autumn Herber Mary P. Mikrut Robert Nelson
Don Alman Tess & David Holzer Beth Nelson Joyce Alma Marie Miesbauer
Community Memorial Hospital
Chris Antoff Shirley & Joseph Kamrowski Jack Andresen
Cheryl & Paul Krage Richard Lawrence Barb & Jeff Breza Thomas Nelson
Jean & Mark Bambenek Community Memorial Hospital
Roxann Gilson Geraldine F. Krage Jim & Gretchen Erwin Helen E. Davies
Isabelle T. King Jack & Dorothy Krage Harold J. Libera Heather Everson Jim Nervig
Beth Nelson Les & Vi Boelter Rainy Griesel
Gerry Preckowski Community Memorial Hospital Gloria & Karl Conrad
Mary Jane Reed Jeff & Robin Peterson Robert A. Hoodecheck
Conway & Beth Elton & Suzanne Jelense Char Nesler
Fran Schmidt Mark & Barb Pozanc Dr. L.J. & Ramona English
Ellie Shannon Carrie Miesbauer Community Memorial Hospital
Shirley A. Theis
Barb & Steve Slaggie Norven H. Lockwood Mark & Barb Pozanc Honora M. Nesler
Donald & Joanne Thiesse
Beverly & Robert Stein Community Memorial Hospital Betsy B. Sawyer
Nancy & Terry Zittel Julie & Rick Galewski Community Memorial Hospital
Robert Stephens Family Beverly & Robert Stein
David Kissinger Chris Whetstone Jerry & Sandi Van Hoof Jean M. Nett
Harvey & Sherri Stever
Cletus A. Hanson Melvin Loerch Winona National Bank Marna L. & William H. Stevens
Tammy & Bill Stiever
Kenneth R. Kleist Carole & Eldon Thomas Community Memorial Hospital Charles K. Millam Karen Newman-Price
Family & Friends James & Barbara Walters Bev Engel Community Memorial Hospital
Gloria M. Ames
Kathleen M. Gerth Judy & Jerry Whetstone Helen Lorenz Russell T. Church John N. Noeska
Susan Landowski Dick & Jaci Will Mary Freeman Cheri & Patrick Dienger Mark & Barb Pozanc
34 | Winona Health Community Report 2008
Wayne R. Noeske Joan Puetz
Helen E. Davies
LeRoy Nordeng
Fran & Jean Dzwonkowski
Dorothy Banicki
Mary Jo Duellman
Chuck & Patty Nuzum
I would like to convey my gratitude and that of my family for the
Clara P. O’Brien
Shirley Ramer care shown to me on admittance to the CMH emergency room. On
Winona Postal Employees
Scherrie Foster & Peter Van Dyken
Merchants Bank
Margaret E. Redig admission by a very caring, professional nurse, she noted a change in
Community Memorial Hospital
Bonnie J. Sadowski
Ardell Doering my condition and quickly transferred me to a treatment room.
Elmer Ollhoff Kathy Foley & Sam Shea
Winona County Old Settlers Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center I immediately realized that I was in the hands of an efficient and
Association Jim & Shannon Hanzel
Norene Oppriecht
Charles & Anita Mettille
William & Rebecca Mitchener
professional medical team. You saved my life!
John & Penny Breitlow James & Lois Morcomb
Anita R. Orzechowski Donald & Delores Rakstad
Boomer’s Quality Plumbing Jane M. Redig As I progressed to ICU, I encountered a great group of nurses who
Kathy & Robert Redig
Joseph Orzechowski Tina Shea watched me like a hawk on the monitor but were always ready to
Boomer’s Quality Plumbing
John A. Reszka, Jr.
Carol & Thomas Sauerer
Lillian E. Spencer explain tests and procedures. Thanks to a very busy doctor who
Ruth Oslund William H. Rickoff, Sr
Community Memorial Hospital Conway & Beth Elton
treated me with care and concern.
Scott A. Parker Barbara T. Rivers
Community Memorial Hospital Ann E. Baker, Chanda & Erica Koby,
& Danny Rivers
I am proud to support our Winona Health facility and its dedicated staff.
Josephine ‘Josie’ Pehler
Isabelle Baker & Norman Von Haden
Community Memorial Hospital
Mark & Marie Gernes Norman Baker You are a great team. Thanks and God bless you all!
Marilla Pehler
Gary & Marilyn Grob ~Enda F.
Jason Roffler
Community Memorial Hospital Jennifer & Jamie Nogosek
Avonelle Pelofske John A. Rohrer
Sherrie & Charles Knopp State Farm Insurance Shirley M. Sobeck John R. Torgerson
Elaine M. Rohrer
Charles & Anita Mettille – Jack Warnemunde Community Memorial Hospital Community Memorial Hospital
Jaci & Dick Will Elmer Rote Mary Ann Theis Carole & David Forest Dan Trainor, Jr.
Anonymous Ron & Judy Theis Audrey J. Smith
Loren Pelofske Susan & R. Peter Roehl
Victor Schewe Kay & Peter Walsh Carol Snidarsic
Doris A. Anderson Dorothy Tumlinson
Merlin & Pat Ellinghuysen James E. Youngs Randy & Deb Sobeck
Louis Czarnowski Al & Debbie Greenwood
Audrey & Henry Deblon Mickey Kulas John Schuh Eileen Wedge
Marlene & Charles Flanagan Bob & Virginia Winestorfer Cecilia (Sally) M. Schuh Earl Tumlinson
Charlene Speed
Heidi Joyce George E. Schneider Sophia Schuh Scott & Suzanne Roberts Al & Debbie Greenwood
Charles & Anita Mettille Kathleen & Dan Blasko Cecilia (Sally) M. Schuh Sanford S. Tyler
Marjorie & Ralph Perry Marcia & Arnold Boese Phyllis M. Stever
Robert Schuler Helen E. Davies Bev Engel
Donna & Donald Peterson Duane & Diane Bohn Sharon J. Kaczorowski
Sheri Brandvold Rainy Griesel Fran & Jean Dzwonkowski
Martin & Polly Renk Melrose-Mindoro Area Schools
Beverly & Robert Stein Cynthia S. Burt Loretta W. Schultz Norm Weaver
Judy & Jerry Whetstone Lawrence & Cynthia Burt Don & Karen Schultz Mary ‘Connie’ Stiever Rory N. Vose
Jaci & Dick Will Community Memorial Hospital Roy E. Schultz Community Memorial Hospital Rose & Horace Andersen
Maryann R. Frietsche Maxine E. Anderson
Bernard C. Plachecki Jean Schultz Tammy & Bill Stiever
Donna M. Peplinski Joanne L. Gilbertson Diane Barge
Richard & Leslie Gordon Hilda C. Selmer Dragcia Stjepanovic Joyce B. Beard
Robert J. Plinski Tom & Margaret Graham Dick & Jaci Will Lou Anne Schwarz Walter & Bunny Bennick
Sharon E. Budnick Gerry & Kathleen Gunderson Angie Bork
Leroy M. Senn Merle Stoa
John F. Pozanc Keith & Marie Holmquist Roxanne & Doug Borkowski Community Memorial Hospital Gail Bradbury & Bernie Frisch
Duane & Diane Bohn Philip & Julie Kish Community Memorial Hospital Robert & Erika Gilbertson Carol A. Byrne
Traci & Lee Jensen Lori A. Lisowski Mary Jo Duellman Duane & Patte Peterson Marcia & Bill Chaffee
Barbara Pozanc Mike & Lynda Martin Bev Engel Gerri & John Taylor Dee & George Cipov
Irene C. Pozanc Mike & Janice Nascak Mary Ann Senn Betty J. Dolentz
Peter & Mary Nelson Roland Stover Paula & Robert Drumm
Isabelle J. Prochowitz Roma Lee Sing Laura Stover
Rick & Michele Nester Fran & John Edstrom
Margie Krause Roger & Carol Buege
Joseph & Susie Nienow Bernie Sula Jean S. Engler
Clarence Prudoehl Bob & Geri Quinlan Craig & Anita Mueller Bob & Virginia Winestorfer Vicki Englich
Pearl Prudoehl Leslie Randall, III & Bob & Laurel Mueller Ruth & James Erickson
Barbara Hight-Randall Dorothy Swenson Carole & David Forest
May Prudoehl Robert L. Skappel
Sue Rivers Wayne & Meri-Ruth Pflughoeft Cal & Arlayne Fremling
Pearl Prudoehl Community Memorial Hospital
Craig & Paula Scheevel Gertrude Teskey Bernie Frisch & Gail Bradbury
William Prudoehl Elaine & Henry Scherdin Bev Engel Carol & Warren Galbus
Pearl Prudoehl Fran & Jean Dzwonkowski
Jerry Schneider Eugene Slaby Susan Gannaway
Marlon ‘Johnny P.’ Przybilla Robert & Cheryl Schroeder Joy Buehler George J. Thilmany Carolyn & Dennis Goplen
Community Memorial Hospital Don Snider Community Memorial Hospital Beth Nelson Norma J. Grausnick
Winona Health Community Report 2008 | 35
Joan & Joseph Greshik Warren J. Wenner John & Penny Breitlow — Margaret T. Holland Verlie Sather*
Marilyn & Henry Hansen Kathleen A. Carroll 50th Anniversary Catherine E. Slaby Lou Anne Schwarz
Jim & Shannon Hanzel Jean Knutzen Bernie & Janet Wagnild
Home & Community James & Bernice Semling —
Monica L. Harrell Gary & Judy Wenner Nancy Dorn — Birthday 50th Anniversary
Carol J. Heyl & Donald Stone Options Family
Robert J. Wernecke Pearl Prudoehl Roxanne & Doug Borkowski
Tom & Bea Hoffmann RTP Company
Haryette Newman Family Rose Dorn Arnie Severtson
Marian & Richard Hopkins Cindy Howlett
Allen Whetstone Pearl Prudoehl Jim & Judy Severtson
Daniel & Dorothy Hoyt Karen S. Clausen
Helen & August Keiper Audrey J. Smith Bev Engel — Retirement Bev Speltz
Karla M. Miller Suzanne M. Jelense, M.D. — Robin Hoeg
Donald & Joan Klagge Lyle Whetstone Retirement
Rose & Richard Kowles Sharon Budnick Dave & Jean Evans — Telecare Volunteers
Eileen E. Amundson
LaDonna Kruse Community Memorial Hospital 60th Anniversary Catherine Slaby
Hermie Boland
Geraldine Landers Virginia Ekern Joan & Joseph Greshik Laura Stover
Jeanne E. Boller
Edna & Nelson Loughlin Julie & Rick Galewski Phil Feiten & Barb Owecke’s Barbara A. Bollinger Dr. & Mrs. James V. Testor
Polly & John Lyons Bill & Carol Geiger Marriage
Donald & Ruth Marg Betty Breitenfeldt Robert & Erika Gilbertson
Richard & Diane Murray Dr. L.J. & Ramona English Carol A. Byrne
Meadow Acres Townhouse Association Dennis Theede
Bob & Sandy Olson Dr. Arnold W. Fenske Community Memorial Hospital
Brenda & Luke Merchlewitz RTP Company
Mark & Barb Pozanc Mary S. Joyce Diana L. Cyert
Curtis & Barbara Mihm Thomas Thomsen
Dick & Eileen Moos Chris Whetstone Ralph Fenske Dr. L.J. & Ramona (Jezewski) English
O.J. & Karen Fawcett Winona Health Surgery &
Friends of Tahra Vose Gordon Will Pearl Prudoehl Anesthesia Departments
Jane Ochrymowycz Judy K. Gerdes
Mike & Jane Trok Sharon Flatten — Birthday Robert & Donna Verdick
Barbara B. Owecke Mary S. Joyce
Dick & Jaci Will Carl & Bonnie Troke Pearl Prudoehl
Donna & Donald Peterson Roger & Ramona Metz
Beatrice A. Wistrcill Al & Debbie Greenwood James S. Pelowski
Bruce & Carol Ramsdell Harry & Maureen Voss Marriage
Dr. Charles & Judy Shepard Ann & Donald Wistrcill Linda & Duane Franzwa – Dorothy Sanders Stephen & Constance Rader
Barb & Steve Slaggie 30th Anniversary Richard & Mary Schneider
James T. Wood Fran & Jean Dzwonkowski JoAnn Weisbrod
Maxine & Jack Speltz Gertrude Votruba Susan & Ronald Buermann
Joan E. Hinds
Dr. Scott & Kathy Turner Jeanne & John Freund — Connie Wood
John & Carolyn Vitek John Woodworth 50th Anniversary Drs. Matt & Laurie Broghammer Winona Health Auxiliary
Janis C. Vose Les & Vi Boelter Bob & Rosemary Shoup Volunteers
Bev Keiper Carol A. Byrne
Washington-Kusciusko School Susan & R. Peter Roehl Alethea H. Fugina —
Judy & Jerry Whetstone Al & Debbie Greenwood Autumn Herber
95th Birthday
Dick & Jaci Will Arlene Young Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Kiehnbaum Winona Health Communications/
Joan & Joseph J. Greshik
Darold & Diane Wolff Beverly A. Manske Joseph S. Greshik* Robert & Erika Gilbertson Marketing Staff
Jaci & Dick Will Mark & Loretta Bronson
Albert Wacholz Richard Young Ron Galewski Lake Winona Manor Nurses
Helen Olsen Steve Young Genevieve Kulas & CNAs Winona Health Emergency
Hubert Wacholz Judy K. Gerdes Dale Van Brunt Room Staff
Robert Young Scott & Rebecca Lamberty
Helen Olsen Nancy & LaVern Hauschildt Doris Van Brunt
Sharon Budnick
Connie Wood Winona Health ICU Staff
Betty L. Wadewitz Bruce Zeller Robert Michael – 89th Birthday
Cletus A. Hanson Fran Gerlach Joan & Joseph Greshik Family of Barbara T. Rivers
Rhonda & Mac Pohn
Anonymous Winona Health Physicians
Jerome D. Wantoch Dr. Mary S. Michener
Bob Gilbertson — Birthday Goltz Pharmacy – Neil, Daniel
Joe & LaVae Wantoch In Honor of Jerry & Corrine Grochowski
Donna J. Ernst
& Paul Goltz
James Ward Selma M. Arsnow — Birthday Peggy Graham The Michelle Miller Wedding Winona Health Switchboard Staff
Genevieve Kulas Pearl Prudoehl Betty Breitenfeldt Cletus A. Hanson Tony & Sue Hassinger
Jim Welle David Binius Dr. Larry Green Mary K. Murphy Winona Health Valet Services
Karen & Dennis Cleveland Community Memorial Hospital Carol A. Byrne Portia Club Laura Stover
My Family

D uring the past year, we have had a few visits to the Emergency
Arlene L. Sobeck
Amy Nankivil & Peter Shortridge
Winona Health
Service Gifts
Room at Community Memorial Hospital to receive care for our Jean Lauer
The following Winona Health
employees chose to direct a gift to the
children. Each time, our children received excellent care from the Dr. Dennis Nolan
Winona Health Foundation as a way to
celebrate their service anniversaries.
doctors, nurses and staff of the Emergency room. As parents, we felt well Evelyn M. Odegaard Cindy Ahrens, 15 years
– 90th Birthday Virginia Bunny Bennick, 35 years
supported and that our children were receiving high-quality care from Cletus A. Hanson Sara Blair, 10 years
Dick & Jaci Will Loretta Bronson, 5 years
professionals who truly cared about them and about us. … Please Rodney H. Oppriecht Faye Conners, 30 years
John & Penny Breitlow Kimberly Devine, 5 years
know that I am deeply grateful to Winona Health for its great care of Our Children & Grandchildren
Robert Elam, 5 years
Karen Engel, 10 years
Larry & Marlene Tipton
me [for surgical care] and of my family over the past year. Sandy & Dick Pope —
Andrea Erickson, 5 years
Stanley Gierhan, 5 years
50th Anniversary Maria Goodroad, 5 years
~ From a letter accompanying a Guardian Angel donation Paula & Robert Drumm Bill Gould, 5 years
Doris & James Killian Julie Gregory, 10 years

36 | Winona Health Community Report 2008

Dr. Sheila Hadaway, 10 years Theresa & Peter McCamley
Joan Hinds, 10 years
Connie Hodge, 5 years
Merchants Bank
Roger & Ramona Metz Contributions to the Winona Health Auxiliary
Diane Jereczek, 20 years Mikrut Properties LLLP
Susan Jertson, 5 years Miller Felpax The Winona Health Auxiliary Auxiliary Stuart Miller
Christianne Keiper, 5 years Wm. Miller Scrap Iron & Metal Co supports the mission of Winona Carole & David Forest
Remembrance Fund Pauline & Harland Knight
Peggy Krage-Koenig, 30 years NXC Imaging/Toshiba Health through direct service to our
Betty M. Acheff Jeffrey & Pam Prenatt
Brenda Kuehn, 5 years PPG Industries, Inc. patients and residents as well as
Rebecca Lamberty, 10 years Diane Barge
Rachelle & Bob Schultz through sponsoring a variety of Mary & Duane Brenno
Curtis D. Neal
Carolyn Larson, 30 years RTP Company activities and special events including Yvonne (Hagberg) Appelquist
Joanne Lynch, 5 years Glady D. Miller Gift Shop
Schwab LLC the Birthday Ball, the Follies, the Skip & Suzy Comeau
Tamara Matthees, 5 years Carol & Jim Hill
SGL Carbon Group Glady D. Miller Gift Shop, used book Dwight Hagberg
Winona Health Auxiliary Volunteers
Amanda McCasland, 5 years Sodexo Health Care Services and jewelry sales and much more. In Scott Hagberg
Laurie McLevis, 5 years Solvay Advanced Polymers Theodore M. Barr Carol & Jim Hill
Jill Morales, 5 years
addition, the Winona Health Auxiliary Dr. Scott & Kathy Turner
Sport & Spine Physical Therapy Alan & Suzanne Klochany
Dr. Dennis Nolan, 30 years
receives gifts to celebrate happy
of Winona, Inc. Vincent J. Boland Geo & Joie Klochany
Arlyn Picken, 5 years occasions and to memorialize loved Dave & Judy Mertes
Travelers Steve & Candi Kohner
Danielle Quist, 5 years Victrex USA, Inc.
ones. The names listed in this section Dee (Hagberg) Neal
reflect gifts made between October 1, Phyllis M. Buege
Jennifer Ready, 10 years Vision Design Group Sharon & Richard Flatten Duane & Norma Plank
Katie Rothering, 5 years W&C Printing 2007 and September 30, 2008, to the Jeffrey & Linda Sass
Winona Health Auxiliary and its Carol & Jim Hill
Dr. Christopher J. Schubert, Wells Fargo Bank Jane (Hagberg) Shinners
5 years WHV, Inc. Happy Occasion and Remembrance Monica L. Conway Bob & Elin Tillman
Rachelle Schultz, 5 years Wiman Corporation Funds. Jeffrey & Pam Prenatt Carol & Brian Walters
Jean Skime, 35 years WinCraft, Incorporated Dr. Daniel Degallier Shirley Sobeck
Tom Smart, 10 years Winona Agency Betty & Jerry Knuesel
Lacy Squires, 10 years Contributors Eileen Wedge
Winona Excavating Co. Cletus A. Hanson Joseph P. Emanuel
Donna Stackhouse, 5 years Merle Stoa
Winona Lighting International Business Machines Peggy A. Carroll
Ruth Streater, 10 years Richard & Mary Lou Baylon
Winona National Bank
Mary Styba, 20 years Miriam Erwin Vic & Bonnie Bertel
Winona State University Christine & Thomas Brandt
Dr. Robert Wilfahrt, 5 years Dr. Scott & Kathy Turner
Foundation Sandra & Craig Brooks
Ziebell’s Hiawatha Foods, Inc. Geoff Gardner
Marilyn & David Burger
Ben & Adith Miller In Memory Dr. Scott & Debra Birdsall
Peggy A. Carroll
Carol A. Byrne
Classic Sponsors and Gifts-In-Kind Honora M. Nesler Carole & David Forest Gail Christiaansen
Contributors Candi Kohner Autumn & Brent Herber O.J. & Karen Fawcett
Babies R US Rochester Kermit Verthein Carol & Jim Hill Calvin R. Fremling
All Trades Service, LLC Lori Bambenek David & Carole Forest Pauline & Harland Knight Joan & Joseph Greshik
Arnold-Rukavina Partnership Dr. Daniel & Mickey Barr Jeffrey & Pam Prenatt John & Barbara Heddle
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Douglas & Suzanne Benter Kim & Pete Schwab Marlene & John Kane
of Minnesota, Inc. Community Bible Church – Gloria Siewert Marilou & Carl Kiehnbaum
ATR Awana Kids Winona Health Auxiliary Volunteers Cheryl Krage
Bayer MaterialScience Kerri Ferstl Auxiliary David & Therese McNally
Joseph S. Greshik
Cerner Corporation Terry Gray Happy Occasion Fund Rose & Horace Andersen Mary K. Murphy
Channel Prime Alliance Healing with Harmony Dr. Jim & Jenny Kahl Mary E. Pendleton
Hal Datta
Corporate Express Darrell Jenkinson Family Dr. Scott & Kathy Turner Betsy B. Sawyer
Robert Datta
Digicom, Inc. Heidi Joyce Jim L. Stoa
Autumn Herber Eleanor M. Haines Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Stoa
Donlen Corporation Kitchen Solvers of La Crosse, Inc. Tony & Sue Hassinger
Carole & David Forest Marilyn I. Swart
Fastenal Founders: Beverly & Jim Kohner Carol & Jim Hill
Mike Gostomski, Jenene Lobner Suzanne M. Jelense, M.D. — Dr. James & Mary Testor
Retirement Harold Herber Phyllis W. Thysell
Bob Kierlin, Steve Slaggie Margaret Michaels
Rose & Horace Andersen Carol A. Byrne Stephen & Rita Thysell
Remembering Geoff Gardner Modern Woodmen of America Kim & Pete Schwab
Mary & Joseph Goldberg Sandra Pankratz Peter & Gisele Johnson — Marriage Dr. Scott & Kathy Turner
Kris & Scott Walters
Julia & Steven Goldberg Kami Putz Pauline & Harland Knight Sanford S. Tyler
Goodson Shop Supplies Michal A. Roskos Donald Lueck Carol & Jim Hill
Mary C. Krage — Retirement Helen E. Davies
Grant Thornton, LLP Greg Schuh Rose & Horace Andersen Kermit Verthein
Fraternal Order of Eagles 1243
Gundersen Lutheran Fran Stark Autumn & Brent Herber
Medical Center Amy Nankivil & Peter Shortridge — David Mahlke, Sr.
Lynda Tillman Donna & Donald Peterson
Cletus A. Hanson Marriage Kathy & Brad Benke
Winona Area Quilters Guild Mary Lou Klagge Kim & Pete Schwab
HBC, Inc. Winona Daily News David & Carole Forest Winona Health Auxiliary Volunteers
HDR Architecture, Inc. Jon Nienow — Birthday Beverly Olson
Winona National Bank Rory N. Vose
HealthPartners Marion Whetstone Jeffrey & Pam Prenatt
Winona Post Autumn & Brent Herber
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Ye Old School House Shoppe Don & Donna Peterson — Jay Martin
Gloria Siewert Winona Health Auxiliary Volunteers
Kaplan, Strangis & Kaplan, P.A. 50th Anniversary
Kraus-Anderson Construction Carole & David Forest Joyce Alma Marie Miesbauer Don Walz, Sr.
Company *Deceased Sue & Jack Cornwell Mrs. Don Walz, Sr.
Mary Jo Wiltgen — 80th Birthday
Lindquist & Vennum Gloria & Karl Conrad Carol & Jim Hill
Laurel & Mike Littrell – T. & K. Wirkus
Radiology Consultants of Winona

Winona Health thanks the individuals and families who shared their stories with us in 2008.
If you have a story to share, contact us at: [email protected] or call 507.457.4157.

Winona Health Community Report 2008 | 37

2008 Financial Report
ASSETS 2008 2007
Cash and cash equivalents $8,353,261 $13,280,191
Assets limited as to use 2,416,207 784,837
Other marketable nonequity securities 4,616,910 6,265,103
° Patient and resident, net of estimated uncollectibles of
$12,440,000 in 2008 and $9,050,000 in 2007 13,998,051 11,315,842
° Insurance proceeds 120,417 899,341
° Pledges 164,018 22,267
Supplies 1,684,836 1,336,279
Prepaid expenses 651,729 534,214
Total current assets 32,005,429 34,438,074
ASSETS LIMITED AS TO USE 6,336,989 10,566,762
PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT 60,197,143 57,390,225
Long-term investments 16,593,915 17,054,943
Deferred financing costs, net 447,265 464,135
Goodwill, net 2,300,108 --
Other 402,616 377,918
Total other assets 19,743,904 17,896,996
Total assets $118,283,465 $120,292,057


Current maturities of long-term debt $344,000 $400,000
Accounts payable
° Trade 2,349,459 2,785,655
° Construction 720,000 1,166,742
° Estimated third-party payor settlements 136,977 269,584
Accrued expenses, primarily salaries, wages and benefits 9,820,807 6,398,699
Total current liabilities 13,371,243 11,020,680
LONG-TERM DEBT, less current maturities 32,651,000 32,995,000
Total liabilities 46,022,243 44,015,680
Unrestricted 63,564,720 69,108,546
Temporarily restricted 831,964 1,186,851
Permanently restricted 7,864,538 5,980,980
Total net assets 72,261,222 76,276,377
Total liabilities and net assets $118,283,465 $120,292,057

38 | Winona Health Community Report 2008

Community Benefit Report
We demonstrate our commitment to community service through community benefit programs,
such as community health screenings, community education classes, charity care, student interns
and donations to nonprofit organizations. These activities are designed to better the health and
well-being of our community. Below is a detailed list of Winona Health’s community benefit
activities for Fiscal Year 2008, along with the number of people served by these activities.

Category Description People Served Value of Benefit

Community Health Improvement Education classes, support groups,
Community Health Talks and health screenings 18,901 $75,010
Health Professional Education Clinical training site for nursing and other students 1,425 $229,554
Financial Donations Contributions to local non-profit organizations for
Healthcare, youth and other community needs $26,180
In-Kind Donations & Fundraising Staff expertise, meeting rooms, donated items and time spent
for Community Programs working on fundraising programs for the United Way and other
local non-profit organizations 1,533 $72,822
Community Building Activities Partnering with local organizations on Healthy Kids Club
and other projects to enhance the quality of life in the community 1,914 $64,018
Charity Care Cost of free or discounted services provided to individuals
who qualify 333 $411,438
Minnesota Care Tax Tax paid by Winona Health to fund the Minnesota Care
Health Insurance program $1,072,079
Medicaid Surcharge Assessment paid by Winona Health to help fund the Medical
Assistance/Medicaid program $847,648
Medicaid Under-Funding The difference (shortfall) between the cost of providing
Care and payments received for providing care to Medical
Assistance/Medicaid patients $1,063,390
Community benefit operations Costs of management and recordkeeping for community benefit $7,183


Medicare Under-Funding The difference (shortfall) between the cost of providing care
and payments received for providing care to Medicare patients $4,571,622
Taxes and Fees (Real Estate Tax) Tax assessed on property $110,513
Bad Debt Amounts for services provided, in which payment is expected
but not received $1,848,655
Discounts offered to uninsured $101,904



Winona Health Community Report 2008 | 39

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