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School of the Built Environment

Structural Analysis Notes

Moment-Area Theorems
The Moment-Area theorems provide us with further equations which we can use to solve structural problems which are statically indeterminate. They are also used to calculate beam deflections. Remember that, in Plane (i.e. 2-dimensional) Statics, we have three equations of static equilibrium: H = 0 V = 0 M = 0 With which we can solve a maximum of three reaction forces. Many Civil Engineering structures are built with some degree of redundancy more reactions or more members than are needed to satisfy the requirements of stability alone. This makes them stiffer and more resistant to damage. Most Structural Analysis textbooks contain derivations of these theorems, so I will not repeat them here. They are derived from the equation of circular bending with which you are already familiar: M = I y = E R

And if we re-arrange the first and third terms, we get M = 1 EI R The deflection of a beam can be related to the curvature 1/R by examining the M/EI diagram. This is simply the bending moment (M) diagram divided by the appropriate value of EI at each point along the beam. In the examples which follow, we will only

look at beams of constant EI, so the M/EI diagram will be identical in shape to the bending moment diagram. The two theorems can be stated as follows: Theorem I: The change in slope of the deflected shape of a beam between points A and B is equal to the area under the M/EI diagram between those two points. The deflection of point B from the tangent at point A is equal to the first moment of area of the M/EI diagram between A and B about point B.

Theorem II:

Note that the theorems express relationships between different parts of a beam when it is bent, not between its original and deflected shape. A

deflected shape


A = area of shaded area M/EI diagram

Centroid of shaded area

Figure 1: Deflected shape and M/EI diagram. Theorem I: Theorem II: angle BA = area A deflection vBA = area A x (units: radians) (units: mm)

The moment-area theorems are particularly useful when dealing with single-span beams containing one or more built-in (fully-fixed) support. This is because at a fully-fixed support the beam does not rotate and the tangent at this point therefore remains stationary, providing us with a useful reference line. Look at the illustration below, which shows how to calculate the deflection of a point on a cantilever beam. 20 kN A 8m B 2m C


M/EI diagram centroid

x tangent at A deflected shape vBA vCA

Figure 2: Deflection of a cantilever. To calculate the deflection of point B, the point of application of the concentrated load: MA = 20 8 = 160 kNm Area under M/EI diagram (between A and B) = (160 6 )/EI = 480/EI Hence deflection vBA = 480/EI 4 = 1920/EI Where 4m is the distance between point B and the centroid of the M/EI diagram. If we wished to calculate the deflection of point C: Area under M/EI diagram (between A and C) = 480/EI because the area under the M/EI diagram between B and C is zero, so deflection vCA = 480/EI 6 = 2880/EI

where 6m is the distance from point C to the centroid of the M/EI diagram. Equations of Compatibility The moment-area theorems, or indeed any method of calculating deflections, become much more useful when applied to the solution of indeterminate structures. Take for instance the propped cantilever shown below: 20 kN A B 2m 8m C

M/EI diagram

Figure 3: Propped cantilever. Notice that there are now four possible reactive forces three at A, plus a vertical reaction at C, and we cannot therefore solve these unknown quantities using only the three equations of static equilibrium. What we need is another equation. We can say from the figure 3 that the deflection of point C is zero, so if we can write an expression for the deflection of point C and equate it to zero, this will give us our fourth equation. We do this by splitting up the problem into two statically determinate parts.

First, remove the support at C: 20 kN A 8m -160 M/EI diagram centroid B 2m C

x = 6m tangent at A deflected shape vload

Figure 4: Propped cantilever with prop released. and then look at the effect of the support force without the load:


deflected shape

vreaction 8RC x = 16/3 m M/EI diagram Figure 5: Fixing diagram. centroid

Now, clearly the beam moves neither up nor down at point C. It is fixed here, hence the name of the bending moment diagram in figure 5. But both of the beams in figures 4 and 5 are statically determinate, so we can calculate the deflections vload and vreaction. All we are then going to say is that the two added together equal zero this is our equation of compatibility (which simply states, in this case, that the amount by

which the load wants to deflect point C downwards is equal and opposite to the amount by which the reactive force wants to push it up). Using the first moment-area theorem, we can write: vload = (-160 6)/EI 6 = -5760/EI

vreaction = (8RC 8)/EI 16/3 = 1024RC/3EI We then simply add these two together and equate to zero: 1024RC/3EI - 5760/EI = 0 Hence RC = 16.9 kN

Notice that the numerical value of EI is unimportant the value of RC depends solely upon the magnitude and position of the load. Those of you who are more adventurous may wish to use the moment-area theorems to derive the values of end moments for a fully-fixed beam:

A a

b L



Figure 6: Fully-fixed beam. Answer: MA = Pab2/L2 MB = Pa2b?L2

Hint: use both of the moment-area theorems - you can see that the deflection of B from the tangent at A is zero and the rotation of the tangent at B from the tangent at A is also zero. This will give you two simultaneous equations. Several textbooks give the solution look under the section describing Moment Distribution.

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