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The Nazirite

Throughout the period of his separation he is consecrated to the LORD. Numbers 6:8

Playing the Nazirite

The Nazirite is consecrated unto the Lord God at an early age (and sometimes before birth) and is set apart to be an instrument of the Lord. Nazirites are commonly called wild priests or hermits as they often exist on the fringes of society, not wanting much to do with the ways of the world. This does not mean that the Nazirite is ill-mannered or primitive; in fact, they are often well educated and quite intelligent visiting the silent monks of the monasteries quite often for trade, learning, and meditation. The Nazirites affinity for seclusion often makes them a beacon for Gods message.

Their proximity to Gods voice allows them to temporarily raise one Attribute by +2 plus 50% (round down) of their natural AR for 2d4 hours. Example: Samuel chooses to raise his Strength AR. His natural STR AR is 6, during his time of enhancement Samuels STR is 10 (6+2+3) (6, divided by 2 = 3). Only one AR can be affected by the enhancement at a time for that particular time period. The Nazirite also gains any bonuses for the enhanced AR for the same time period as well.

The Nazirite must live their life strictly by a set of Holy codes that Original Art by Pozas are dictated to them when he/she accepts the Lords commission for their life. They must not cut their hair, consume alcoholic drink or eat the fruit of the vine, and they can never go near a dead body. For as long as the Nazirite can maintain these restrictions, then they gain the bonuses to their abilities. When a Nazirite breaks their vow or code, by will or by force, they must undergo a spiritual cleansing whereby they must shave their head (male & female) and pray for 3d4 days at the nearest monastery or chapel for atonement.

Armor Restrictions
The Nazirite prefers natural garments and will not own anything manufactured solely for self defense purposes. Robes, linen, furs and rough leather Weapon Restrictions The Nazirite will only use natural weapons or those expressly designed for purposes.

Clubs, Staves and Knives only

Holy Lands: Light Edition - Supplement

The Nazirite
Creating the Nazirite
Attribute Requirements
Patience: 5 Charisma: 7

Weapon Skills
You may select a Weapon Skill from the following list in place of selecting a Talent or Craft. W.S. Combat Arms W.S. Thrown

Life and Faith

Life: 2d6(GE) + (Strength, Endurance, and Wisdom) Faith: 2d4(GE) + ( Patience)

Initial Equipment
Torch Pouch of 50 gold and 2d8 silver Tunic Cloth breeches Boots Waterskin, sm Sleeping blanket, small pack, medium candle 2d4 food rations

CSS Evade Disarm Miracle; High Preach Sacred Studies W.S. Hand to Hand

Choose four (4) Talents and three (3) Craft at Level 1. Animal Science CSS Bounding CSS Grapple CSS Tackling Camp Carpentry Demonology Food Works Herbal Science H.P. Hearing H.P. Sight Intuition Meditation Poison Science Presence Read/Write/Speak Add. Language

Progressing the Nazirite

Experience Points
Progresses the same as the Spy class

Life and Faith

Add the following to the Nazirites Life and Faith upon reaching each new level: Life: + 1d6(GE) Faith: +1

Original class creation by Brian Penn Holy Lands: Light Edition - Supplement

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