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Relationship Marketing in Sports Today and Tomorrow

Overview of Chapter Introduction Summary of the Previous Seven Chapters Implementing a Holistic Relationship Marketing Programme Trends and Challenges in Relationship Marketing and in Sports Conclusions

Learning Outcomes
On completion of this chapter the reader should be able to:

recall the key aspects of this book describe the current status of relationship marketing in sports explain the main issues professional sporting organisations have to consider in order to establish and maintain healthy relationships with their primary customers name some relationship marketing trends explain the challenges professional sporting organisations are likely to face in the future

In this nal chapter we will rst look back at the previous seven chapters and summarise their key aspects. We have also incorporated three brief Todo-lists with regard to fan relations, sponsor relations and media relations in order to emphasise the most important steps for professional sporting organisations again. Furthermore, this chapter brings together the individual relationship marketing approaches aimed at the various stakeholders of sporting organisations as presented in the preceding chapters and ultimately presents a holistic approach which already works in practice. With regard to the future perspectives of relationship marketing in sports we will look at general trends in relationship marketing rst. Then we will identify the main trends and challenges of relationship marketing in the context of sports and

Discussion Questions Guided Reading Websites



C H A P T ER 8 : Relationship Marketing in Sports Today and Tomorrow

provide our vision of how relationship marketing in sports will develop over the next years. Finally we will have a look at Gary Smith again and see what the Marketing Director of our ctional football club has learned from this book and how he turned his newly gained knowledge into a strategic relationship marketing programme at Nowhere FC.

In the previous seven chapters we have learned how relationship marketing can be applied to the eld of sports these days. We have presented various practical examples from the past and the present. Besides looking at the current status of relationship marketing in sports we also want to take this nal chapter as an opportunity to look ahead by addressing the main trends and challenges of relationship marketing in the context of sports. It would be great to have a crystal ball which tells us the future, but unfortunately we dont have one. Therefore we base our predictions on general trends in relationship marketing on the one hand and on our intuition as sports marketing academics and practitioners on the other hand. Although we will try to be as realistic as possible we will also try to be visionary because visions shape our future and the success of sports is partly based on the right vision. However, only history - and hopefully many future studies by fellow academics - will tell whether we had the right vision for relationship marketing in sports.


Before we look at the future, we will now take a look back at the previous chapters in order to summarise the current status of relationship marketing in sports. In Chapter 1 we identied the need for relationship marketing in sports. We concluded that many sports-related organisations still do not appear to maximise their marketing potential or leverage their ability to exploit the relationship dimension. Therefore, a new paradigm in the context of sports marketing is needed. Indeed, relationship marketing provides sports marketers with the opportunity to establish, develop and maintain meaningful and mutually benecial long-term associations with fans, sponsors, and the media as well as internal and external stakeholders. The effective management of all these relations is one of the main challenges a professional sporting organisation faces nowadays.

Summary of the Previous Seven Chapters


In Chapter 2 we introduced the principles of relationship marketing and explained the basic concepts and theories of relationship marketing in general. We have also described the shift from a transactional marketing approach to relationship marketing and explained the key variables for relationship success. Furthermore, we proposed our own denition of relationship marketing in sports (i.e. the establishment and maintenance of positive, enduring and mutual benecial relations between professional sporting organisations and their stakeholders) and subsequently highlighted the benets that may be associated with the adoption and implementation of a relationship marketing approach within a professional sporting organisation. Finally, we have shown that the implementation of sophisticated marketing strategies is an absolute precondition for any sporting organisation in order to be able to compete not only with other sporting organisations but also with the large variety of leisure time activity offers. Chapter 3 rst introduced the business of sports as the context in which professional sporting organisations operate. We concluded that the sports business can be seen as an independent and very serious business, in terms of income and number of employees. We also emphasised the unique characteristics of the sports industry (e.g. the uncertainty of outcome, the attitude towards prots and the extraordinary public perception) and highlighted the need for marketing people to take these specic characteristics into consideration when dealing with sports. We then introduced the main stakeholders of the sports business and subsequently identied fans, sponsors and the media as primary customers of any professional sporting organisation on the one hand. On the other hand we dened other stakeholders such as suppliers, agencies and the sports entities employees as secondary customers of professional sporting organisations. The key message of this chapter was that sports clubs, associations and teams have to deal with many different customer groups and therefore with many different relationships. The professional application of relationship marketing therefore seems to be the logical consequence for any sporting organisation, in order to make and keep the primary and secondary customers happy. In Chapter 4 we have focused on the relationship between professional sporting organisations and their fans whom we dened as anyone who is emotionally attached to a specic sport, club or team. Therefore, the term fan involves not only supporters attending games but also people watching games on television or the internet. When dealing with fans professional sporting organisations face various challenges, bearing in mind that fans are a heterogeneous group of people with different backgrounds, motives and needs who need to be targeted and treated differently. In the course of the


C H A P T ER 8 : Relationship Marketing in Sports Today and Tomorrow

chapter we provided a number of examples as how sports entities can apply relationship marketing techniques to fans and how they can establish and maintain a good relationship with their supporters. To-do-list1 summarises the key points for professional sporting organisations with regard to fan relations.

To-Do-List 8.1

How to Improve Fan Relations

Segment your fan base into useful segments (e.g. kids, die-hard supporters, regular spectators, once-a-season ticker buyer) using demographic, sociocultural and psychographic factors. Find out about the needs and wishes of your fans base through consumer and market research (e.g. fan satisfaction surveys). Be creative in what you offer your fan base. Supporters have a good sense when it comes to differentiating original ideas from bad copies. Provide value-added offers tailored to the specic customer segments, but do not exploit your fan base. Always keep in mind that fans might be loyal but that their loyalty is not a blind one. Solve problems with fans by consulting them personally, but drive a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to troublemakers such as hooligans. Establish loyalty programmes such as member schemes or kids clubs to reward and encourage the loyalty of your fan base.

Chapter 5 dealt with the relationship between professional sporting organisations and their sponsors. First we introduced the nature of sports sponsorship before we explained the importance of sponsors for sport clubs, associations and teams. The relationship itself was examined from both the sponsors and the sponsees perspectives and potential areas of conict, where identied. We also incorporated recent research on the concept of relationship quality in the sponsorship dyad and thus identied a number of variables which are likely to make the relationship a success (e.g. trust, mutual understanding, long-term perspective, communication, and cooperation). Finally we provided numerous examples and suggestions for sporting organisations to establish and maintain healthy relationships with their sponsors. In To-do-list2 we have summarised the main steps which help professional sporting organisations to build and maintain a healthy relationship with their sponsors.

Summary of the Previous Seven Chapters


To-Do-List 8.2 How to Improve Sponsor Relations


Find out as much as you can from potential sponsors and the businesses they operate in. Your insight knowledge might not only impress the sponsor in question but also shows that you try to understand the other side. Find out what the sponsor tries to achieve with the sponsorship of your sporting organisation and try to nd ways in order to help the sponsor achieving those objectives. Be committed to the sponsorship and do not risk a long-term partnership just because a competitor of the sponsor leads you in temptation with a better offer. However, if there is an offer you cannot possibly deny, talk to your long-term sponsor in an open and frank way about it. Conduct negotiations openly and sincerely. Do not make any promises you cannot possibly keep. Be realistic about what you can offer or not. Try everything to keep to the promises you made. Do more than what is expected from you or what is stated in the contract. Implement and establish regular get-togethers with your sponsors, e.g. workshops with representatives of your sponsorship partners in order to improve the sponsorships together. Remember that a leisure programme should always be a part of such workshops in order to give your sponsors the opportunity for bonding and networking in a more relaxing atmosphere.

Chapter 6 looked at the relationship between professional sporting organisations and the media, which is mainly characterised by interdependence. The simple rule in this relationship is: sports needs the media and the media needs sport. Therefore both parties are well-advised to aim for a healthy relationship. In this respect, relationship marketing offers a number of concepts and techniques which should be applied by sports clubs and associations. In To-dolist 3 the key points with regard to media relations are summarised for professional sporting organisations.

To-Do-List 8.3 How to Improve Media Relations


In order to deal with the media in a professional manner you should have a dedicated team of people taking care of media relations. Always provide the best possible working conditions for the media at your events. The provision of a specic media section with state-of-the-art


C H A P T ER 8 : Relationship Marketing in Sports Today and Tomorrow

technology at the venue is a clear must for any professional sporting organisation.

Response to media enquiries immediately and ensure an effective ow of information. However, if a media request cannot be met explain your reasons for it. Design and establish a media relation policy involving rules and regulations for a better and more effective cooperation between your organisation and the media. It might be a good idea to involve media representatives in designing such a policy. Point out the importance of healthy media relations to your staff, especially the players and managers of your team. Being available for the media nowadays is part of their job. Whenever needed organise media trainings for them. Establish regular meetings with the media in different settings and for different purposes (e.g. press conferences before and after games, background information meetings in a private setting with selected journalists). Try to establish a private but also professional relationship with journalists and engage them in unique events (e.g. a game between the sports entitys managerial staff and the representatives of the media at the respective sporting venue). However, the implementation of relationship marketing techniques comes with a warning note because some journalist or editors could perceive well-intentioned approaches (such as invitations to away games) as some kind of bribery. Indeed, journalists need to remain objective in their coverage and therefore should not be inuenced strongly by sporting organisations.

In Chapter 7 we explained how the marketing mix might be used in a relationship marketing approach and in the context of sports marketing. We strongly believe that the extended marketing mix (i.e. the 7Ps) should be used as a tool to stimulate relationship marketing thinking in a professional sporting organisation. We thereby concluded that a well blended mix of the three service elements in addition to the general four marketing mix instruments is essential to achieve the goals of relationship marketing. However, we also emphasised the challenge for sports marketers to picture a consistent view of all elements on the one hand and to determine where to invest the limited resources to create the best outcome on the other hand. In the course of the chapter we also provided a range of examples as how sports entities can apply the various marketing instruments in combination with a relationship marketing approach and thus make and keep their customers happy. All the previous chapters have more or less focused on specic elements of relationship marketing in sports. In this nal chapter we are now

Implementing a Holistic Relationship Marketing Programme


presenting a holistic approach which considers all relevant customer groups and brings together individual elements.


So far, most professional sporting organisations have failed to implement a coherent relationship marketing programme which targets not only one but all customer groups of a club. This is mainly due to a lack of resources. Sports clubs and associations seldom have the money (and the right people) to implement a systematic relationship marketing programme; and even if they commit considerable resources to relationship marketing, they nd it difcult to manage the relationships efciently due to a clear lack of supporting IT-programmes. Of course, there are many CRM programmes available, but most of them are not applicable to the needs of sports entities. Case study 8.1 describes one of the few CRM solutions which have been adapted to the context of professional sports and which is affordable even for sports entities with limited resources.

C A S E S T U D Y 8 . 1 . Ta i l o r m a d e C R M S o l u t i o n s f o r P r o f e s s i o n a l Sporting Organisations
ller and Hartmut Voss Martin Lochmu
Sports clubs need more than sporting success to be successful in the long run. The professional handling with sponsors, members, fans and the media is becoming more important. Therefore professional sporting organisations need a minimum of human resources who are not only interested in sports, but who also have a good business understanding. They should consider sponsors, fans, members and the media as real customers and need to use new technologies and media for the clubs success. On the other side, sports entities need systems which can represent every process in a sports club. They should be easily understood, easy to handle and should offer the best communication possibilities for different groups of customers. Normally, most clubs have persons who meet the demands mentioned above. In the periphery of nearly each club there are many persons who are extremely interested in working for their preferred club. In addition, many graduates from degree programs like sports marketing, sports economy and sports management are looking for these types of jobs. They have a qualied education and are highly skilled. The administrative managements rst task is to engage such high potentials. The second aspect is more difcult to fulll. In spite of intensive research during the last 3 years, the authors could not nd a system which allows for the various demands of sports clubs. Indeed there are a lot of rst class CRM systems, but these systems generally neither know memberships, fan clubs, sponsors, ticketing systems, catering areas



C H A P T ER 8 : Relationship Marketing in Sports Today and Tomorrow

nor VIP lounges. But these aspects are relevant for professional sporting organisations.

Combining a state-of-the-art CRM tool with soccer club specic needs VMC Sports
The most important point of efcient customer service is a central database. Normally sports clubs use a minglemangle of different systems of databases which dont match and cannot communicate with each other. In addition, various persons apply and maintain them or members of staff have to keep up with customer information in different Excel sheets. In fan shops it is seldom known if a buyer is member of the club. Season tickets are maintained in other databases than day tickets, and newsletter subscribers are known only as an e-mail-address but not as individuals. Another problem is that many addresses exist twice or even more often. Furthermore, information about staff members from sponsors or the media exists rudimentarily or not at all. Overlapping contents between the involved target groups are hidden. The data situation of most sports entities is shown schematically in the following diagram.

The solution to the above mentioned problems is presented by Voss Management Consulting which extended a repeatedly prizewinning CRM-software for medium-sized enterprises with functions allowing to represent each target group in a database and which masters the specic requirements of these segments in the sports business. Technically, data management is based on a Microsoft SQL or Oracle database system. A central data archive allows access for every authorized user from each workstation. Further important features are, to a large extent, free customising to individual requests as well as the possibility to exchange data via interfaces between other systems like inventory management, ticketing or accounting. Integrated ofce applications and e-mail clients facilitate not only standard letters, but also offer individualised serial-emails. Due to CTI (Computer Telephony Integration) every phone call can be recorded. This guarantees a complete verication of all customer contacts (members, fans, sponsors, media, etc.). The unique aspect about VMC Sports is that in comparison to other CRM systems VMC Sports is fairly priced, easy to learn and to handle and can be customised

FIGURE 8.1 Typical database of a professional sporting organisation.

Implementing a Holistic Relationship Marketing Programme


FIGURE 8.2 Components of VMC Sports.

individually to the sports clubs needs. Based upon the open and approved architecture of CAS AGs base software the sporting organisation benets from many realisations of other branches completed with typical solutions for sports clubs which have not been existent until yet. call, fee payment, tribute, etc.) with a member or fan will be registered and will be available for each member of staff in the electronic customer le. Therefore sports entities can target members and fans, inform them in an optimal way and offer them suitable products of the club or their partners. A CTI-able telephone-system and a scan-to-PDF solution guarantee the completeness of the customer le. Multiplexed information of ticket sale and fan shop will give an integrated view on the club customer and will provide the opportunity of a signicant segmentation of fans and members. The classication of fans and members to different target groups will then offer the possibility of an efcient campaign management. Figure 8.3 shows a typical description of a fan target group.

Professional fan (and member) management

The central point of the VMC Sports solution is the member management, consisting of member and fee administration. Depending on the chosen member class maximised exibility is guaranteed. Yet, slightly bigger sports clubs have a lot of member classes with different service bundles. For example, there are lifetime memberships, premium memberships, supporting memberships and gift memberships. For non-permanent members, membership can be developed otherwise and active junior players pay different fees, depending on their team. The software must and can represent each of these alternatives. Efcient fee administration is another specic requirement from medium-sized to big (professional) sports clubs. The number of members is often lying in a four or ve digit range. Therefore an automatic accounting of incoming fees is urgently required. The quality of dunning processes is increasing thanks to a club-specic CRM system because defaulters can be reached more easily within their preferred communication channels. In general, VMC Sports supports each management task along the customers life cycle, starting from the acquisition of members and fan support to measures of longstanding relationships (e.g. integrated bonus programme), cross- or up-selling activities (ticket sale, fan merchandising) until cancellation of the membership. Every contact (letter, phone

Professional management of sponsors

Today a professional support of sponsors is essential for most professional sporting organisations. Therefore a signicant database is indispensable. At any time a club requires updated data of the sponsors contact persons and their responsibilities, the subject matters and terms of contracts as well as an immediate summary of fulllment of contract or possible changes. In addition, it is important to document the relations between club and sponsor and between sponsor and its members of staff in a preferably simple way. The sponsorship contract presents the main issue of contract management. It provides all necessary information of the contract like performance, consideration, responsibility and duration. Great importance is attached to the permanent recording of performance and consideration



C H A P T ER 8 : Relationship Marketing in Sports Today and Tomorrow

FIGURE 8.3 Fan segmentation.

which many clubs actually do not control. In addition, agreements will often be modulated or marginally changed with the result that neither the sponsor nor the clubs responsible person knows an actual agreement. A central database can help to check changes and fulllments anytime. Besides a real time warning system is implemented (e.g. when a contract is expiring) so that crucial deadlines or periods can be noticed in advance. As a matter of fact different rules and periods for these warning functions can be dened (e.g. warnings once a month or once a quarter). Updated information as well as other important features (numbers of members, merchandising turn over, sales of tickets, etc.) offer predened analyses in the so-called cockpit which can be congured in a task-related way for all responsible persons of management or agency. So important indexes are available anytime and important decision processes can be pre-structured and managed. In the module media management all contact persons of the different media as well as the respective contact history are lodged. Press distribution lists facilitate the contact to media representatives and standardised patterns help to answer requests quickly. The module naturally supports the organisation of press conferences, the coordination of interview appointments or visits on practice elds as well as the accreditation of journalists for match days. For inquiries, the document archive in which press reports and also statistics are stored could be used. The permanent actualised knowledge of all matters concerning the club (numbers of members, activities of sponsors, etc.) is helpful when it comes to writing press releases and to present the sports entity in the media optimally.

VMC Sports in practice: the case of 1. FC Lokomotive Leipzig

VMC Sports expands the classical membership administration of sports clubs with real functions in customer management. The support service of members, fans and fan clubs

Professional management of media contacts

Also the handling of external media (television, radio, print, internet) always requires updated and short response time.

Implementing a Holistic Relationship Marketing Programme


FIGURE 8.4 Mask sponsorship contacts.



C H A P T ER 8 : Relationship Marketing in Sports Today and Tomorrow

FIGURE 8.5 Mailing list representatives of the press.

as well as sponsors and media representatives can be performed individually and always traceable. At the same time all members of staff have easy access to updated information and personalised addresses are prepared quickly and economically. In addition, cross- and up-selling-potentials can be realized easily. The rst German football champion 1. FC Lokomotive Leipzig has been convinced by all these arguments and has established VMC Sports in their organisation. Lokomotive Leipzig as one of the most traditional clubs in German football has about 1.600 members and ranks among the top 100 clubs in Germany concerning attendance. Because of some nancial problems in the past, the club has decided to develop an efcient administration infrastructure in order to utilize the enormous potential of fans and sponsors in a better way. Lok Leipzig intended to achieve the following primary aims by the installation of VMC Sports:

Traceability of all contacts with members using the customer le CTI-support and scan-to-PDF system in order to scan applications for membership and link them with the address using the document port Access to members for all ofce staff members and all trainers Prevention of data duplication Review of all information concerning sponsors contracts More efciency in administration of season tickets

Increase efciency in the administration of members by automated booking of membership fees (signicant economy of time)

Katrin Pahlhorn, treasurer of Lok Leipzig, stated: For a long time we have been in search for a system which could help us to improve activities in ofce and, at the same time, serve all fans, members and sponsors in a more efcient way. Now we gather all club information in one central data base and all authorized members of staff can access. Hereby we are enabled to help fans and fan clubs faster, to inform members in a better and more updated way and to advise our sponsors more competently. The system also facilitates the teamwork

Trends and Challenges in Relationship Marketing and in Sports


with media enormously and different, otherwise time-killing jobs (e.g. messages for associations) can be done automatically thus the members of staff have more time left to serve fans, members and sponsors much better. Step by step Lokomotive Leipzig intended to link the merchandise management system of the fan shop in order to achieve better information of all former buying decisions and to increase sales using target-group specic activities. Furthermore, the club thinks about introducing a bonus system in order to increase the number of members and, closely connected, also membership fees and incomes of provisions. The example of Lok Leipzig shows the opportunities linked to the implementation of a professional customer

management in a midsize sports club even with limited nancial resources. Clubs which are prepared to create professional structures in administration and to develop individualised and target-group specic activities for serving fans, members, sponsors and the media will be more competitive in the future. Dr. Hartmut Voss is the founder and owner of Voss Management Consulting (a German based consultancy with special focus on strategic marketing, international ller marketing and relationship marketing), Martin Lochmu works as a CRM Consultant for VMC.

Now that we have looked at the previous chapters and summarised the status quo of relationship marketing in sports we can focus on the future. What are the general trends and challenges and where are the main opportunities and threats for sports marketers in the future? On the following pages we will aim for some answers.


Marketing is a consistently developing subject with new trends and challenges emerging on a regular basis. A few decades ago, marketing was a simple task because it was directed towards all customers. There was no segmentation, no differentiation. Mass marketing and a transactionorientated marketing strategy did the job. However, new challenges such as the shortening of product life cycles, an increasing variety of products and most of it all higher customer expectations emerged. Therefore, a new marketing paradigm was needed because the transactional paradigm couldnt cope with the challenges anymore. Companies had to become more customer-oriented in order to stay competitive and subsequently applied a relationship-oriented strategy. Some companies were struggling and never succeeded in this process, some others are still struggling and again some others successfully achieved the turn around. However, as the process


C H A P T ER 8 : Relationship Marketing in Sports Today and Tomorrow

towards relationship-oriented marketing still goes on, marketing develops further and new marketing trends are emerging. As a consequence, companies in general and professional sporting organisations specically have to face new challenges in the near future. In the following we will name and describe ve trends we think will be crucial both in general marketing as well as in sports marketing.

Personalisation of products and services

Nowadays, marketing is more and more directed towards specic customer groups which have been differentiated on the basis of segmentation. The focus is on establishing and maintaining good relationships with customers. Companies now use relationship marketing instruments such as CRM programmes, databases, and direct marketing. Personalisation is a key issue in this respect and becomes even more important. In the future, marketing will be directed towards each individual customer and companies will offer unique products which are tailored to each individual customer. They will distribute the products individually and they will communicate with the customer on an individual basis. Of course, some companies already use such an approach, but in the future individual approaches will become more effective and efcient and therefore applicable for many more companies. However, there still will be mass marketing and transaction-oriented strategies as we know it from the old days, but from our point of view this will vanish sooner or later. With regard to sports, personalisation of products and services will be an important issue as well. As we have seen before, professional sporting organisations have to deal with a growing number of heterogenic customers. For example, the spectatorship in a football stadium becomes more and more heterogenic. Different supporters have different needs which have to be satised by the sporting organisation. Consequently relationships in sports will become more and more individual and therefore more difcult to manage. One-to-one-marketing techniques such as personalised communication will be a crucial factor in identifying and subsequently satisfying the individual fans personal needs, wishes and desires. In addition, demand for personalised products (such as customised merchandising) and personalised services (such as unique events for individuals) will increase, and needs to be satised. Knowing and understanding the individual customer (e.g. individual fans or sponsors) is a precondition for personalising products and services and therefore consumer research becomes even more important in the future. Furthermore, professional sporting organisations need to be more creative when designing such personalised products and services.

Trends and Challenges in Relationship Marketing and in Sports


The focus on C2C relationships

So far relationship marketing has mainly focused on relationships between organisations (B2B) and between organisations and customers (B2C). However, relationships between customers (C2C) have been widely neglected. Therefore, a new approach could be the study of C2C relationships and the impact of such relationships on the B2C relationship. Customerto-customer relations can be of vital importance bearing in mind that wordof-mouth is one of the most powerful marketing tools these days. The personal recommendation of other customers might sometimes be the key factor when it comes to purchasing decisions. Therefore, companies need to develop a stronger interest in the relationships between their customers. In the context of sports, relations between fans need to be studied in more detail in order to make use of supporters opinions. We are strongly convinced that most professional sporting organisations still dont understand the full benets consumer research is able to offer in this context. For example, qualitative consumer research approaches such as focus groups can help sports entities to gain a better understanding of how fans interact and how they communicate with each other. This knowledge then has to be translated into creative relationship marketing approaches.

The increasing importance of strategic partnerships

Strategic partnerships are long-term orientated and aim for mutual benets. However, they are nothing new in the world of business. The Walt Disney Corporation and McDonalds, for example, have been engaged in a 10-year marketing partnership until recently in order to benet from each other. McDonalds was allowed to use characters of Disney movies for promotional activities which, in turn, generated more publicity for Disney. The importance of such strategic partnerships will further increase from our point of view. In order to make the relationship a success, companies need to understand each other and need to be clear on what the partnership should achieve for both parties. One of the most popular examples of a strategic partnership between professional sporting organisations is the alliance of Manchester United and the New York Yankees. In order to exchange know-how & expertise, to help one another and to develop joint products and services for their fans, both clubs successfully engaged themselves in a strategic partnership. We believe that more and more sports entities will understand the benets of such strategic alliances and will start looking for the right partner across different sports and/or across different countries. However, in order to make


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the partnership a success, sporting organisations need to do more than just bringing their brands together. They need to design and offer creative and useful products for their fans. Furthermore, they need to generate business for each other (e.g. by introducing potential sponsors or investors).

The internationalisation of relationship marketing

Globalisation brought a lot of change to humankind in the last twenty years and it is a process which still goes on and on. As a consequence the internationalisation of relationship marketing will further develop. At the same time the importance of cross-cultural issues will increase further as Flambard-Ruaud (2005, p. 53) notes: The environment is and remains multi-cultural. In that sense, the dangers of ethnocentrism must be avoided and, on the contrary, the phenomena of acculturation and local appropriation must be embraced. To be successfully implemented, relationship marketing should reect the value system of the population to which it is targeted. The internationalisation of relationship marketing not only demands specic knowledge about cultural differences between various target groups but also a new cultural setting and understanding of relationship marketing. So far the classical relationship marketing theory has been determined by the Western perspective. However, an Eastern perspective as well as their understanding of relationships, might develop relationship marketing as a whole. In Chinese society, for example, conducting business is based on the concept of guanxi (which describes the basic dynamic in the complex nature of personalized networks of inuence and social relationships). From our point of view, Western and Eastern orientated relationship marketing approaches have to be seen as complementary rather than contrary concepts. The internationalisation of sports and of the sports business is an ever growing process. It started slowly with the signing of a few foreign players. Nowadays, professional sports teams consist of a hotchpotch of players from all over the world. The variety of international star players as well as media exposure and clever marketing strategies led to the development of international (and in the case of Manchester United or Real Madrid even global) fan bases. This process will develop further and relationships in sports will become more and more international (e.g. international sponsors or fan bases outside the domestic market) and therefore cross-cultural issues will become more and more important. Sports marketers need to be aware of



cultural differences in the rst place. However, they should also be able to apply different marketing approaches to different cultural markets.

The shift from relationship marketing to network marketing

A very important shift and one which has already begun is the shift from a relationship marketing approach to a network marketing approach. This might sound dramatic, but it is a logical advancement in view of the fact that networks are nothing more than a complex web of many relationships. However, network marketing has already gained a bad reputation because it is often associated with direct selling organisations which are characterised by multilevel organisational structures. Such marketing approaches have to be viewed critically because they are similar to so-called pyramid schemes (a non-sustainable business model that involves the exchange of money primarily for enrolling other people into the scheme, usually without any product or service being delivered). From our point of view, network marketing could be the new paradigm in marketing if it is seen as a marketing approach which aims at networks and focuses on the relationships involved. In sports, too, relationships will transform more and more into networks. For example, the sponsors of one sports property could do business together, thereby creating one network. Another network could consist of various fans. The sponsors network could then do business with the fans network. Or sponsors of one sports property could form a network in order to do business with a network of sponsors from another sports entity. The more networks involved and the bigger the individual networks, the more complex it becomes. Therefore, sporting organisations need to manage these networks properly. Again, a deep understanding of the nature of networks as well as the dynamic processes behind and between such networks is needed to successfully apply network marketing approaches in the future.

Relationship marketing in sports is not only a very interesting topic but also an area which develops further and further. Professional sporting organisations need to keep up-to-date with developments in order to be able to successfully adapt general relationship marketing trends to their specic context and needs. We are strongly convinced that the successful management of relationships as well as the useful application of relationship marketing techniques will contribute to the overall success of any sporting organisation. In contrast, sports properties which neglect the importance of


C H A P T ER 8 : Relationship Marketing in Sports Today and Tomorrow

healthy relationships and/or are not able to implement a systematic relationship management programme will nd it more difcult to stay competitive in the business of sports. We therefore hope that this book has provided professional sporting organisations with the necessary basic concepts of relationship marketing on the one hand and that it has generated a lot of new ideas on the other hand. We are looking forward to the further development of relationship marketing in general as well as in the context of sports. And we will keep our eyes open for new and innovative ideas in the eld of sports marketing as long as it remains our passion and profession.

(1) How would you describe the status quo of relationship marketing in sports? (2) How can professional sporting organisations establish and maintain healthy relationships with their fans, sponsors and the media? (3) Explain the main aspects of a holistic CRM programme such as the one by Voss Management Consulting. (4) Which of the ve general relationship marketing trends presented in this chapter is the most important one from your point of view? (5) What are the main challenges professional sporting organisations have to face in the future? (6) How will relationship marketing develop in the context of sports? (7) What exactly have you learned from this book?

For further reading we would like to recommend an empirical paper called The Past, Present and Future of Relationship Marketing by Michael John Harkern and John Egan. The paper, which has been published in the Journal of Marketing Management in 2006, concludes that relationship marketing is here to stay, whether or not it is recognised as the dominant logic/paradigm of marketing.

Voss Management Consulting



Nowhere FC Their Learnings from this Book

After reading this book, Gary Smith developed a sophisticated relationship marketing strategy for Nowhere FC. His rst step was to persuade the Board of Directors that the club needs to manage its relationships with the clubs stakeholders more effectively and more professionally in order to stay competitive. Gaining the directors commitment was the rst achievement in Garys strategy; the second one was negotiating a considerable budget for his relationship marketing programme. After some weeks of further planning and negotiating he changed the organisational structure of the club and introduced single units focusing on Human Resource Management, Media Relations, Investor Relations, Fan Relations and Sponsor Relations. Gary also hired a dedicated relationship marketing consultant who had to keep himself up to date with latest trends and research in the eld of relationship marketing in order to support the other departments and coordinate the different relationship marketing activities within the club The main task of the Fan Relations Department was to engage the club and its fans in a deeper relationship. Therefore a worldwide membership scheme was developed which provided the clubs supporters around the world with unique benets and a wide range of offers. The Nowhere FC Membership Scheme gained a lot of publicity and became very popular because the income generated by the annual membership fees was used to nance an international star player who was then promoted as the fans player. Nowhere FC soon became a very popular and attractive football club for fans worldwide because of their approach to view fans not as captive consumers but as an important and integrative part of the club. In order to run the Media Relations Department a former journalist was hired as the new Media Relations Director. He soon implemented regular meetings with the media and established some professional standards (e.g. regulations with regards to player access). The major challenge for the Media Relations Department was to nd a healthy balance between offering the best service available and remaining a professional distance. However, extraordinary events such as a post-season match between the managerial staff of the club and media representative at the clubs home ground led to a deeper relationship between the club and the media on a personal level. On an organisational level, the club entered into a number of media cooperations with various local and regional newspapers, radio stations and TV channels. The Sponsors Relations Department is run by a dedicated team of marketing professionals taking care of the clubs sponsors and partners. Their daily work is based on the question as what they can do for their sponsors and how they can nd ways to make the sponsorship a success. This rather proactive approach was a huge success factor for the club because the sponsors felt that their investment in the club was the right decision. As a consequence more and more companies wanted to engage themselves in the club and therefore revenue streams from sponsorship increased signicantly. The club eventually became a prominent case study when it came to mutual beneting cooperation models in sports sponsorship and servicing the sponsorship partner. The HRM Department contributed to the overall success story of Nowhere FC because it put the clubs employees rst, cared for their needs and supported their skills. The club was soon awarded with the Best Employer of The Year Award and had no difculties in attracting high potentials any more which, in turn, led to a further professionalisation of the whole club. The Investor Relations Department was implemented in order to establish and maintain healthy relationships with internal stakeholders of the club (e.g. the clubs shareholders) as well as external stakeholders such as the local community, suppliers and the governing bodies of football (i.e. the National Football Association, UEFA and FIFA). With regard to the local community, Nowhere FC was able to establish a joint project with various non-for-prot-organisations in order to keep young people with deprived backgrounds away from the street. This and other social projects won the club many sympathies in and around Nowhere and led to a stronger bond between the local community and its club. Two years after the introduction of a systematic relationship marketing programme, Nowhere FC was able to signicantly increase all of their revenue streams because the healthy and mutually benecial relationships with all their stakeholders paid off. As a consequence, the club was investing heavily in the team and soon became one of Europes top clubs.

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