Kinetic Energy Recovery System

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Abstract: This paper deals with the design of Kinetic Energy Recovery Systems (K ERS) by means of Flywheel Energy Storages (FES). KERS by means of FES are curren tly under development both for motor sport and road hybrid vehicles. The aim of the work is the optimalization and implementation to the hybrid and electric roa d vehicles. Testing equipment for the experimental analysis of the simplified FE S was designed. Keywords: Kinetic Energy Recovery System, Flywheel Energy Storage, Kinetic Stora ge, Flywheel, Reluctance Motor, Electric Generator / Motor, Regenerative / Recup erative Braking. 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction to Regenerative Braking A regenerative brake is a mechanism tha t reduces vehicle speed by converting some of its kinetic energy into another us eful form of energy - electric current, compressed air. This captured energy is then stored for future use or fed back into a power system for use by other vehi cles. For example, electrical regenerative brakes in electric railway vehicles f eed the generated electricity back into the supply system. In battery electric a nd hybrid electric vehicles, the energy is stored in a battery or bank of twin l ayer capacitors for later use. Other forms of energy storage which may be used i nclude compressed air and flywheels. Regenerative braking utilizes the fact that an electric motor can also act as a generator. The vehicle's electric traction motor is operated as a generator during braking and its output is supplied to an electrical load [Fig. 1.]. It is the transfer of energy to the load which provi des the braking effect. Fig. 1. Regenerative braking kinetic energy stored in a battery Regenerative braking should not be confused with dynamic braking, which dissipat es the electrical energy as heat and thus is less energy efficient. 27

Fig. 2. Mechanism conceptual diagram Fig. 3. System control battery storage Conceptual diagram of mechanism shows comparison characteristic curve between hy draulic and regenerative braking, while driver intentionally brakes [Fig. 2.]. R egenerative braking reuse kinetic energy by using its electric motor to regenera te electricity. Normally, electric motors are turned by passing an electric curr ent through it. However, if some outside force is used to turn the electric moto rs, it functions as a generator and produces electricity. This makes it possible to employ the rotational force of the driving axle to turn the electric motors, thus regenerating electric energy for storage (in the battery) and simultaneous ly slowing the car with the regenerative resistance of the electric motors. The system control coordinates regenerative braking and the braking operation of the conventional hydraulic brakes [Fig. 3.], so that kinetic energy, which is norma lly discarded as friction heat when braking, can be collected for later reuse in normal driving mode. Typically, driving in city traffic entails a cycle of acce leration followed by deceleration. The energy recovery ratio under these driving conditions can therefore be quite high. To take advantage of this situation, th e system proactively uses regenerative braking when running the car in the low s peed range. The regenerative braking effect rapidly reduces at lower speeds; the refore the friction brake is still required in order to bring the vehicle to a c omplete halt. The friction brake is a necessary back-up in the event of failure of the regenerative brake. Most road vehicles with regenerative braking only hav e power on some wheels (as in a 2WD car) and regenerative braking power only app lies to such wheels, so in order to provide controlled braking under difficult c onditions (such as in wet roads) friction based braking is necessary on the othe r wheels. 1.2 Introduction to Flywheel Energy Storage Kinetic storages, also kno wn as Flywheel Energy Storages (FES), are used in many technical fields. While u sing this technical approach, inertial mass is accelerating to a very high rotat ional speed and maintaining the energy in the system as rotational energy. The e nergy is converted back by slowing down the flywheel. Available performance come s from moment of inertia effect and operating rotational speed. 28

Flywheel mass is either mechanically driven by CVT (Continuously Variable Transm ission) gear unit [Fig. 4.] or electrically driven via electric motor / generato r unit [Fig. 5.]. Fig. 4. Mechanically driven composite flywheel Fig. 5. Electrically driven flywheels Devices that directly use mechanical energy are being developed, but most FES sy stems use electricity to accelerate and decelerate the flywheel. In comparison w ith other conventional ways of storing electricity (batteries and capacitors), e lectric FES systems combined with innovative concept offer essential advantages. Especially considering full-cycle lifetime, operating temperature range and ste ady voltage and power level, which is independent of load, temperature and state of charge. Thus FES provides minimally much higher power output and energy effi ciency. 2 SYSTEM COMPONENTS [Fig. 6.] refers to KERS components, respectively: Electric Propulsion Motor / G enerator, Power Electronics Inverter, and the Quad Flywheel Storage. Fig. 6. KERS components Fig. 7. Motor / Generator 2.1 Electric Propulsion Motor/Generator Electric Propulsion Motor and Generator in one, also known as a MGU - Motor Generator Unit [Fig. 7.]. 2.2 System Control System communication is provided via CAN interface (ControllerArea Network). 29

Fig. 8. Overview of KERS System control 2.2.1 Power Electronics [Fig. 9.] refers to integrated power electronics liquid cooled Inverter. Fig. 9. Liquid cooled Inverter An inverter is an electrical or electro-mechanical device that reversely convert s direct current DC - from flywheel, to alternating current AC - to MGU. The res ulting AC can be at any required voltage and frequency with the use of appropria te transformers, switching, and control circuits. 2.2.2 Control Electronics [Fig . 10.] refers to flywheel storage subunits equipped with bonding pad for control electronics. Fig. 10. Control electronics ECU Fig.11. Microprocessor of Control unit Design of bonding pad provides direct connection of control unit, which works si milar to ECU - Engine Control Unit. 30

2.3 Flywheel Energy Storage Fig. 12. Quad FES consists of 4 subunits [Fig. 13.] refers to one of 4 subunits of Quad FES, which consists of water-cool ed housing and heat sink with contact surface for control electronics. Further w e could see an electrical configuration for direct connection of control unit. Fig. 13. FES Subunit overview Fig. 14. Cross-section - coolant duct 2.3.1 Flywheel Rotor - Reluctance Motor Rotor flywheel mass works as reluctance motor in contrast to common mechanical flywheel. [Fig. 15.] refers to cross-sect ion through storage subunit as reluctance motor. Fig. 15. FES - Reluctance motor Fig.16. Hybrid-Bearing Flywheel energy storage subunit consists of stator, incl. stator windings and ch annel for coolant backflow. Further we could see flywheel rotor equipped with Hy brid-Bearing [Fig. 16.]. 31

Hybrid-Bearing is combination of hydrodynamic and ball bearing, works in depende nce on RPM. Ball bearing acts during starting acceleration from low speed. Hydro dynamic bearing starts working contactless at high revolutions. 2.3.2 Safety Con cept Safety concept concerning Control System is following: Control unit limits rotational speed by a hardware lock in the output stage. Control system monitors all security parameters. During idle operation is no voltage induced. In case o f error messages or breakdown, control system discharge KERS. Controlled and saf e discharge of the system is possible by converting rotational energy in thermal energy. In the flywheel storage system, the critical energy is reduced by using several small storages, coolant ducts and channels in stator [Fig. 14.], [Fig. 15.]. FES is designed as a reluctance motor and its resulting safety benefits ar e following: Inner flywheel rotor is designed as homogenous flywheel mass withou t any additional coil former, windings, magnets or rotor cage. Laminated rotor c onsists of sheetmetal packet, incl. disc spring and rotor shaft equipped with hy brid bearing [Fig. 17.]. Fig. 17. Flywheel rotor of storage subunit In case of breakdown, homogeneous flywheel rotor made only from sheet-metal stoc k has no massive fragmental parts. The stator is also used as a crumple zone and works as a safety bandage. Laminated rotor consists of sheet-metal packet has v ery high bursting strength. Highest stress of rotor sheets is approximately 70% of Proof stress Rp0.2. (Offset Yield Strength). 3 BASIC PRINCIPLES 3.1 Stored Energy Basic principle of kinetic energy storage is made by rotationa l energy. While using this technical approach, inertial mass is accelerating to a very high rotational speed and maintaining the energy in the system as rotatio nal energy. Stored energy is proportional to inertia of rotor and is a quadratic function of revolution speed: ES = 2 I 2 R 2 32 (1)

3.2 Regenerative braking - charge mode Car is decelerating during recuperative c harge mode. Electric motor works as generator and sending energy to flywheel storage. Flywheel rotor is accelerated in recuperative charge mode. Fig.18. KERS braking simulation - Recuperative charge braking mode 33

3.3 Boost acceleration - discharge mode Car is accelerating during boost dischar ge mode. The Flywheel rotor is decelerated during boost discharge mode and the energy is converted back. Flywheel acts as a generator and sending energy back to electric motor, which wo rks as propulsion motor. Fig.19. KERS boost simulation - Discharge generator boost mode 4 EXPERIMENT - FES MEASUREMENT Testing equipment for the experimental analysis of the simplified FES was design ed in order to prove the basic principles of discharge generator mode. Stored en ergy is proportional to inertia of rotor and is a quadratic function of revoluti on speed ( ES = 2 I 2 R 2 ). During boost discharge mode the flywheel rotor acts as a generator and is decelerated. 34

Experimental facility consists of: Power Supply, Power Electronics, Electric Mot or, Flywheel, Amperemeter, Voltmeter and Shunt [Fig. 26.]. Fig. 20. Experimental facility Fig. 21. Electromotor with elastic coupling Fig. 22. Theoretical solution Discharging characteristics of unloaded FES Stored energy Eak vs. RPM 35

Fig. 23. FES on load Propeller Fig. 24. Experiment Discharging characteristics of FES on load - Generated volta ge 5 CONCLUSION 5.1 Comparison with other storage technologies In comparison with other battery storage technologies, KERS offers: Cycle durability [Fig. 25.] - 90% efficiency of flywheel (including power electronics) in both directions during KERS referen ce duty cycle. Extensive operating temperature range [Fig. 26.]. Steady voltage and power level [Fig. 27.], which is independent of load, temperature and state of charge. High efficiency at whole working speed range. No chemistry included, thus no environmental pollution and great recycling capability. 36

Fig. 25. Comparative chart in terms of cycle loading Fig. 26. Comparative chart - Operating temperature range (at appr. 80% Performan ce) Fig. 27. Comparative chart in terms of Voltage stability (full cycle) 37

5.2 Vision for race and stock cars In motor sports applications this extra boost energy is used to improve acceleration. Fig. 28. Race vehicle from Le Mans - Chrysler Patriot equipped with FES KERS by means of FES are currently under development both for F1 motor sport and road hybrid vehicles. F1 Teams have said they must respond in a responsible way to the world's environmental challenges. The FIA allowed the use of 60 kW KERS in the regulations for the 2009 Formula One season. Energy can either be stored as mechanical energy, as in a flywheel [Fig. 29.], or can be stored as electrica l energy, as in a battery or supercapacitor). Fig. 29. Williams Hybrid Power F1 KERS Fig. 30. Kinetic storage for hybrid car Same technology can be applied to road hybrid cars to improve fuel efficiency, e specially in city traffic. [Fig. 30.]. Road vehicles with electric or hybrid dri ve utilizing regenerative braking. Vision for stock car is in convenient hybrid system with high energetic efficiency and dynamics. Flywheel storage technology provides boost acceleration and braking force. FES supports starting and guarant ees light, silent and emissionfree starts of combustion engine. KERS also suppli es all electric appliances, stabilizes on-board power supply and offers stable a ir-condition. Kinetic recuperation based on braking energy stored in flywheel is without cycle loading, unlike braking energy repeatedly stored in battery. 38

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