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QTO Tutorial

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This Tutorial is copyrighted by Kevin R. Miller. Modified 06-12-2012

QTO assists the estimator to quantify a project. By having the documents generated from BIM many off the quantities can be obtained from the model and for items not modeled, measurements can be taken on the computer monitor to generate the quantities that are needed. DWF or DWFx files are needed for model takeoff; DWF,DWFx, PDF, TIF, GIF, JPG files can be used for Manual takeoff. QTO doesn't takeoff directly from the Revit model files rather, QTO use the DWF(x)files which are generated from Revit. The benefit of using the DWF files instead of the Revit model files are that the file is read-only, the files sizes are much smaller than the original Revit model file, and the estimator has copy of the model that doesn't change.

The Dataset for this tutorial is found on the Schedule page as the link 411 Data Files. This data file needs to be downloaded and then extracted in order to be used with the instruction found in this tutorial. To start QTO, press the Start button , All Programs , Autodesk , Autodesk Quantity Takeoff 2013 , then select Autodesk Quantity Takeoff 2013 to start the application.

After the program opens, the Project Wizard window should be open (If the windown doesn't open, go to the File pulldown menu and select New ). Name the project QTO??? and replace the question marks with your initals. The path for the project should be F:\CM 411\QTO\, then press Next . In the Specify Settings screen accept the defaults. Press Next .

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QTO Tutorial

In the Specify Settings screen accept the defaults. Press Next . In the Select Catalog window, press the down arrow and

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select Browse . Browse to F:\CM 411\QTO\Catalogs and select CSI-48QTO2011.att. Press Import . Press Next . In the Import Files screen, press the Add button and browse to F:\CM 411\projects\dormitory and select all the DWF files. Do NOT select the PNG file. Press the Import button. Then press the Finish button. On the Congratulations! window press Close . On the Select Items To Import window, press OK . The hard drive will spin for a minute or two and then a screen like this should appear. If the Documents and Takeoff windows are not visible or docked on the left of the screen, go to the

Window pulldown menu

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QTO Tutorial

If the Documents and Takeoff windows are not visible or docked on the left of the screen, go to the Window pulldown menu and select the Documents and Takeoff options. If they are docked on the left side of the window, select the tab and press the Thumbtack icon so it is pointing down (pinned) instead of to the left . This will lock the window open so it remains visible.

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Schedule Price Drawings Solutions Readings Home Links In the Takeoff window is a list of the 48 CSI codes. Many of the codes do not relate to the project that is going to be taken off so we will delete some of the CSI codes below to make the list shorter (If the codes would have been unselected from the Select Items To Import window that open as the last step of the project creation, the codes also would not have been in the project). To delete the CSI codes they first need to be unlocked. You will have less problems if you unlock all the groups at once, press the padlock at the top of the column to unlock all the groups. The divisions to delete are listed below. Div. 00 - Procurement & reqs. Div. 01 - General Requirements Div. 13 - Special Construction Div. 34 - Transportation thru Div. 48 - Electrical Power Gen Now left click on the groups above and press the Del key on the keyboard, or right click and select Delete . In the Documents palette, rename the folders below. To rename the folders left click on the name, wait a second and then left click again. An alternate method is to right click on the folder Rename . To speed things up, you may want to copy the descriptions below and paste them into QTO. Rename the following folders on the Documents palette: QTO Dormitory Revit 3D DWF to 3D Model QTO Dormitory Revit A100 Sheet to A100 Site Drawings QTO Dormitory Revit A101 Sheet to A101 Arch Floor Plans QTO Dormitory Revit A200 Sheet to A200 Arch Elevations QTO Dormitory Revit A300 Sheet to A300 Sections QTO Dormitory Revit A601 Sheet to A600 Reflected Ceiling Plans


Now from the QTO Dormitory Revit A103 Sheet folder drag the drawing (Sheet: A103 - Upper Level 2 & Roof) to the A101 Arch Floor Plans folder, then delete the QTO Dormitory Revit A103 Sheet folder. To delete the folder, right click and select Delete . Repeat this process for the 2 remaining folders by dragging the sheets to the appropriate folder and then deleting the QTO folder. Note: If all the drawings were contained in 1 DWF(x) file, there would have only been one folder created and no need to

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QTO Tutorial

Note: If all the drawings were contained in 1 DWF(x) file, there would have only been one folder created and no need to drag and drop the images. On the Takeoff palette groups and items need to be created so the takeoff can be organized. To create a group named 09 22 16

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Non-Structural Metal Framing, right click on the Div. 09 Finishes and select New Group. Then type 09 22 16 into the WBS column and Non-Structural Metal Framing in the description column. Repeat the process for the groups below. Hint: Right click and copy from this tutorial and then paste the number into the WBS field and the name into the Description field. 09 20 00 Wall Assemblies 09 29 00 Gypsum Board 09 30 00 Tiling Expand Division 08 Openings, it would probably be better to put the Metal Frames and Wood Doors as groups under DOORS AND FRAMES. To do this, drag the Metal Frames group onto the DOORS AND FRAMES group. This makes the Metal Frames a subgroup of DOORS AND FRAMES. Now drag Wood Doors onto the DOORS AND FRAMES group. Now summarize or collapse all the groups on the Takeoff palette so that only the major divisions are visible.


The Takeoff palette is organizationally divided into Groups, Subgroups, Items and Objects. At the Item level, Units of Measure can be defined and the objects that are taken off are displayed under the Item level. Instructions on how to define the Unit of Measure is described below during the door takeoff example below. Prior to doing any takeoff, on the Documents palette, left click on Sheet: A101 - Entry Level & Upper Level 1. Notice that all the lines are black with no other color in the plan area. The black lines indicate that no takeoff has occurred. As the takeoff process moves forward, many of the black lines will switch to various colored lines indicating that takeoff has occurred on those objects. Navigational hint: To Zoom in and out, roll the mouse roller. To pan, press the mouse roller down and hold it down, then drag to where you would like to go.

MODEL TAKEOFF Model takeoff goes through the DWF(x) files and searchs for the objects in the model and create a list of objects that were 12-Jun-13 1:04:12 PM

QTO Tutorial

Model takeoff goes through the DWF(x) files and searchs for the objects in the model and create a list of objects that were found. To perform a takeoff of all the items found in the model, do the following 2 steps.

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1. On the Documents palette open the 3D Model folder, select the QTO_Dormitory_2010.rvt. Now the Model Takeoff Tool is available. Press the Model Takeoff tool (or from the Takeoff pulldown menu select Model).

2. Now left click on the model (in the Canvas area) to perform the takeoff. When the program is done creating a list of objects found in the model, a Model Takeoff window is displayed. Press Close. The figure at the right shows the Takeoff palette. The lower portion of the window shows where the takeoff quantities are generated from the Model or by performing Manual takeoff. The upper portion of the window is where the estimator organizes the takeoff quantities in a manner that can be used to prepare and estimate. In a general sense, the lower portion of the window could be considered takeoff quantities while the upper portion of the window could be considered estimate quantities.

PLEASE NOTE that the QTO_Dormitory_2010.rvt group inside of QTO is not the actual the Revit model file. It is a copy of the Revit model that was generated in the DWF file.

The process of moving objects from the Takeoff Qty's section of the list to the Estimate Qty's portion of the list, creates the opportunity for the estimator to organize the takeoff items according the estimators view of the project and it also allow for changes in the estimate structure rather than being "hard coded" to a specific organization structure. After the model takeoff is complete, notice on the Takeoff palette that the last row is a group named QTO_Dormitory_2010.rvt. The number in parathesis is the number of objects that were taken off from the model. Also notice that in the 3D model, the colors have changed and the objects have become transparent.

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QTO Tutorial

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Press the black arrow next to the QTO_Dormitory_2010.rvt in the Takeoff palette. The takeoff groups from the model are now displayed. Throughout the remainder of the tutorial, the doors, elevators, walls, fire extishinquishers and ceramic tile will be taken off, illustrating various forms of takeoff that are possible with QTO. There are additional forms of takeoff that can be done using QTO that are not currently covered in this tutorial. To learn how to use the other forms of takeoff, go to the help menu and review the getting started guide.

Expand the Doors group (located in the Description column) that is under the QTO_Dormitory_2010.rvt, expand the Single-

Flush group, expand the 30" x 80" group. In this group a Single-Flush [89861] takeoff object is visible. Notice in the Type

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QTO Tutorial

column that it is undefined. What undefined means is that the unit of measurement (UOM) for this object has not been defined. To define the UOM right click on the 30" x 80" group, select Properties and change the Type: to Count. There are other options that could be set, but for now click OK . Now right click on the Single-Flush [89861] object and select Properties . Click on the Properties tab and expand each area. Notice that nowhere does it state the material of the door. It could be wood,

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metal, fiberglass etc. Press OK to close the properties window. When this door was created in the model, it was created as a generic door therefore no material was identified. For this tutorial we will say that the Single-Flush [89861] is a wood door. To include it in the takeoff and place it in Div 08, left click the 30" x 80" Item (not the object) and drag it to 08 14 00 Wood Doors on the Takeoff palette. The 36" x 84" doors need to be included as well, so on the Item make their Type be Count and drag them to the 08 14 00 Wood Doors group. Under the 36" x 84" item, right click on the Single-Flush [78958] object and select Views and then Sheet: A101 - Entry Level & Upper Level 1. The door is now shown in the Canvas area and should look something like the figure to the right. Notice the red text that has been added, this helps you identify what has been taken off. After many items have been taken off, the red text may become distracting. If you do not wish to see the red text, from the View pulldown menu remove the check mark next to Labels. The two different groups of doors will now be included in the estimate. To make it easier to navigate on the Takeoff palette, collapse the Div. 08 - Openings group.

The next objects to be included in the takeoff are the elevators. On the takeoff palette expand the Generic Models group and the i_Elevator-Center subgroup. In the group 80" x 51" ADA min. notice that there are 6 elevator objects shown. Does this mean that there are 6 elevators or 1 elevator with 6 stops or some combination in the middle? To determine this, right click the first elevator object and examine the Views . Before you right click and select Views on the second elevator object, just left click on the second elevator object. Notice that it is just to the right of the first elevator object. Now Zoom out (roll the mouse wheel) to where the whole page is visible. Now left click on the third elevator object. Notice that it is on the floor plan for the Level 2, but is in the same location at the elevators on Level 1. Right click on the 5th elevator object and select views, zoom out to see the full sheet and it becomes apparent that there are 2 elevators that serve 3 levels of the structure. Therefore the information needed for the takeoff is that there are 2 - 3 stop elevators instead of 6 separate elevators. To accomodate this expand Div. 14 - Conveying equipment and right click on 14 20 00 ELEVATORS. Select New Item and change the description to 3 Stop Elevator. Set the unit of measure in the Type column to Count . Now drag the first two elevator objects from the model area of the Takeoff palette to the 3 Stop Elevator takeoff item. The other 4 objects are not needed for the cost model so right click on the QTO_Dormitory_2010.rvt group, select New Group , and in the WBS column type zNot Needed. Now drag the i_Elevator-Center item group in the model to the zNot

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QTO Tutorial

The other 4 objects are not needed for the cost model so right click on the QTO_Dormitory_2010.rvt group, select New Group , and in the WBS column type zNot Needed. Now drag the i_Elevator-Center item group in the model to the zNot Needed. This will let others know that these objects have been reviewed but are not needed for the cost model for the project.

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Now collapse all the Elevator groups, by collapsing the groups it easier to navigate.

The next items to be taken off are gypsum board and metal studs. The first thing that should be done is to create the items for the 5/8" drywall and the 3 5/8" metal studs. Expand Div. 09 - Finishes so that the wall assemblies, metal studs group, and gypsum board groups are visible. Under the 09 22 16 Non-Structural Metal Framing group, right click and create an New item with a description of 3 5/8" Metal Studs and in the Type column of the Takeoff palette change the Type of Count, don't change the WBS column. Under the 09 29 00 Gypsum Board group create an item with a description of 5/8" Drywall and the Type of Linear. The last item to create is under the Wall Assemblies group. Create an item with a description of 10' Tall 3 5/8" Studs 16 oc 1 Layer each side . Right click on the new Item and select Properties . Change the Type to Linear. On the Assembly tab press the + button and browse to find 3 5/8" Metal Studs and the 5/8" Drywall items that were just created. Hold down the CTRL key and left click on both items, then press the Select button. Press the Apply button. Now left click on the 5/8" Drywall row in the Quantity 1 column. In the Quantity Values drop down box, select Length. Now type *, now from the Quantity Values drop down box, select Height , and finally type * 2 . It should look like the image to the right.

Now press the green Check Mark


Now click on the 3 5/8" Metal Studs row in the Quantity 1 column and from the Quantity Values drop down box select Length then enter * .75. This will count a stud every 16". Click OK on the Takeoff Item Properties window. Navigate to the QTO_Dormitory_2010.rvt, groups Walls, Basic Wall, Interior - 4 7/8" Partition (1-hr) , on the itemInterior - 4 7/8" Partition (1-hr) change the Type to Linear and the Length from Undefined to Length. Now drag the object Basic Wall [64072] to the 10' Tall 3 5/8" Studs 16 oc 1 Layer each side takeoff item that you just created. If the item 10' Tall 3 5/8" Studs 16 oc 1 Layer each side is collapsed, press the down arrow by the item. Now right click on the object Basic Wall [64072] and select

Properties . Notice that the length of the wall is 16.00 feet. On the

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QTO Tutorial

Now right click on the object Basic Wall [64072] and select Properties . Notice that the length of the wall is 16.00 feet. On the Height: row where is says Undefined , left click there and change it to Unconnected Height . The value now changes to 10 ft. Press OK to close the window. By changing the value from Undefined to Unconnected Height, QTO now knows and should remember that for height you want to use the parameter of Unconnected Height from the Revit models.

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If the Workbook palette is not visible, from the Window pulldown menu, select the Workbook. Press the thumbtack on the Workbook palette should be pointing down so this window will remain visible. Below the Model and the Workbook palettes will be covered. Model Isolation Various objects on the model can be isolated to ensure that you are selecting the right objects for the takeoff. To isolate the Interior - 4 7/8" Partition (1-hr) wall objects, do the following: Before you can isolate any object the 3D model must be visible on the canvas. If it is not, go to the Documents palette and select the 3D model. The Model palette needs to be visible, if it is not visible do the following. From the Windows pulldown menu, make sure there is a check mark next to Model. If there is a check mark, the Model palette is docked at the left side of the screen. Select the Model palette that is docked and then pin it open. If you are running out of screen space you can adjust the palette widths and/or unpin the Takeoff palette. On the Model palette, expand the Walls and Basic Walls folders. Right click on the Interior - 4 7/8" Partition (1-hr) folder and select Hide others . Now from the model, only the 4 7/8" partitions are visible. As you click on and off the object that was moved up to the wall assembly, you should notice a color difference. This color difference helps you identify the objects that have been moved to the estimate. (If there is not enough color difference, right click on the item wall assembly select Properties and change the color to a color that will stand out.) To show the entire model again, right click on any group or object on the Model palette and select Show All . Workbook On the summary tab of the Workbook, expand the Div 09 -Finishes group until the 3 5/8" Metal Studs and the 5/8" Drywall are visible. The quantities were generated by the takeoff item 10' Tall 3 5/8" Studs 16 oc that was just created. The 5/8 " Drywall area is 320 ft. To correct the unit, double left click on the unit and change it to ft2. To check the calculation remember the length of the wall was 16', and the height was 10' and there was a layer on each side of the wall. Note: On the Workbook, the quantities are only shown for the sheet currently selected on the Document palette. The numbers in parathesis on the Takeoff palette are for the entire project. If you want the Workbook to show the quantities for the entire project rather than just the sheet press the palette menu button the select Project . , select Workbook Filter

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Now that you have check to quantities to make sure that it works as anticipated, drag all the 4 7/8" partitions to the Wall Assemblies items. The reason that we didn't previously drag them was so you could easily check the calculation.

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On each floor outside the elevator doors, the designers forgot to include fire extinguishers. The fire extinguishers can be included in the takeoff by performing a manual takeoff. First, select the floor plan (A101) on the Documents palette then select the Count tool . Now on each floor plan (A101, A103), left click somewhere in the area of the elevator doors. A

Takeoff Item Conflict window may open, just press Close in this window. As you do this, at the top, or possibly the bottom, of the Takeoff palette, a Count item is automatically created. Expand this takeoff item see the 3 objects. Drag the Count item under 10 44 16 Fire Extinguishers. Single left click on the Count item (not the 3 objects), wait a second and single left click again, and rename the takeoff item to Fire Extinguishers.

Not only can QTO perform takeoff from 3D models and 2D DWF files, but also takeoff can be performed from image file formats (TIF, JPG, GIF and PNG) as well. To import a PNG image file go to the File pulldown menu and select Import , select Sheets & Models . Browse to F:\CM 411\projects\dormitory and select QTO Dormitory A101 Sheet.png. On the Documents palette, a new folder called QTO Dormitory A101 Sheet is created. Drag the PNG file to the A101 Arch Floor Plans folder. Delete the QTO Dormitory A101 Sheet folder. Select the sheet QTO Dormitory A101 Sheet.png on the Documents palette. From this sheet ceramic tile will be taken off in the 2 bathrooms on the Level 1 plan. Before the takeoff can occur, the scale for the drawing needs to be set. Since there aren't any dimensions on the sheet, use the width of the south entry door (Door 16) is 6' 0". Select the Polyline Area Takeoff tool to measure the area of the 2 bathrooms on Level 1.

A prompt then appears to set the scale. In the Drawing Units field, change the value to Feet. The Sheet Scale: value should be Custom. Now select the Set scale by plotting points... In the field Baseline Segment Length: enter 6 and leave the unit field at Feet. Now left click on the drawing at one side of the entryway, the left click again at the other side of the entryway. Press the OK button on the Set Scale by Plotting Points window. Press OK in the Document Properties window. On the Takeoff palette, go the 09 30 00 group. Create an New Item called Ceramic Tile. Change the Type to Area. Now select

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QTO Tutorial

On the Takeoff palette, go the 09 30 00 group. Create an New Item called Ceramic Tile. Change the Type to Area. Now select the Area Takeoff tool to measure the area of the 2 bathrooms on Level 1. Double left click to close the area.

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On the Workbook palette, goto the Div 09 - Finishes tab. Expand the groups to review the square footage takeoff to ensure that Schedule Price Drawings Solutions Readings Home Links To delete points, do the procedure above, but hover over an existing point and the cursor will have a minus by it and then you can delete a point from a manual area or linear takeoff. To add points to the shapes, select the line or area that you want to add to, select the linear or area takeoff tool, hold the control key and add points. (notice the plus sign by the cursor). the quantity makes sense. If the quantity isn't reasonable, set the scale again. (How should I know what is reasonable, you can always open the PNG file in OST, do a takeoff there and see if it matches the takeoff from QTO).

It is important to be able to export the takeoff to another application like a spreadsheet or estimating program. To export the entire takeoff, from the File pulldown menu select Export , then select Quantities . From the Export Quantity Options window select All Sheets , then press OK . Save the file to F:\CM 411\QTO. Using Windows Explorer or My Computer , browse to F:\CM 411\QTO and double left click the XML file. Internet Explorer should open with a File Download window. Press the Open button in the window and Excel should open the file. As you look around the spreadsheet, adjust the column widths to make them readable. Notice that Labor, Material, Equipment costs could be placed on the objects in QTO. This was not done in the tutorial because most companies will already have an estimating database created that would have the costs for the takeoff. Therefore adding them into the QTO objects would be redundant work and create more maintenance work to be done in QTO. In Excel, save the file as an Excel Workbook to the F:\CM 411\QTO and then upload the file to Moodle.

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