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Towards an Empowered Youth, Impacting Positively on National Development

Ministry of Youth and Sports, August 2010

In memory of 19th April, 2013 We were 10 men and women strong #1SimpleStep

Dedicated to: @MutombodaPoet (Percy Osei-Appiah) @attigs (Nehemiah Senyo Attigah) @kwabena (Kwabena Akuamoah Boateng) @MawuliTsikata (Mawuli Tsikata) @kinna (Kinna Likimani) @ganyobisaki (Nii Saki Sackey) @wrathymarcel (Gideon Marcel Commey) @ghanabakwabena (Cecil Ato Kwamena Dadzie) @EkOwMaIsSe (Ekow Atta-Baidoo) Sowah Tawiah @GHANAmomoni

This document is complementary to the National Youth Policy of Ghana, as published by the National Youth Authority of Ghana. This document is created and printed by Golda Naa Adaku Addo May 2013. Accra. Ghana. +233(0)244828322
Acknowledgements (Images): ; ; ;


Once upon a time, the inter-generational gap between the old, the elderly,
and the young used to be well-oiled and well-primed. The youth therefore learnt well, and grew well into adults, and it was a forgeone conclusion that youth would always practice and learn from the elderly, and the elderly would always part with nuggets of knowledge, lore, and culture to make for a stable herald of the future. But for the past generation and the current one, there now lies a yawning chasm where there used to be a well-oiled gap; and where elders used to have values to share, they are now busy with other issues, leaving the youth dangerously unethical, immoral, unpatriotic, and unprepared for life and adulthood. Even when the elders have something worth sharing to the youth, the youth are now not interested in learning, too deep in the race of survival and self-interest. All is chaos. Yet the youth ARE the future. What future are we heading towards then? .

Youth development does not occur in a vacuum. The Youth must prepare, and also be prepared to take up this leadership role. Government, the Youth themselves, Parents, Civil Society Organisations, Development Partners, and the Media are enjoined by the Constitution and moral suasion to take up this responsibility and discharge it to the best of their ability. A well formulated policy like this one, is the outcome of a wide consultative process, and it is expected that the ultimate beneficiaries of this policy the youth will be challenged enough to maximize the use of this policy to justify their deserved and rightful inclusion in national development, and also their full empowerment.
Akua Sena Dansua, (MP) Minister for Youth and Sports August 10, 2010

The youth are a valuable resource, and must be harnessed for national development. The existence of this National Youth Policy is what makes it possible for Government to engage with youth and stakeholders in meaningful partnership (tie your cloth-end to my cloth-end) to develop the necessary platforms and projects for youth empowerment and development.


This all-powerful document (policy) is what will give directions to all stakeholders who work in implementation of policies, programmes and projects, so that they know how to go about their work for a positive impact on the youth. It is also a demonstration of how committed Mother Ghana is to all the international conventions and charters (laws, and other things that if you do not do, will get you in court or in prison) it has signed on Youth issues.
This policy has been divided into 12 important sections, each dealing with some issues affecting the youth in Ghana. See back of book [Pages 1-2].
This is how much I love my young people. Pregnant but still carrying more


RATIONALE For Govt-Youth-Stakeholder engagement and meaningful partnership For Youth Empowerment
Who is a Stakeholder? noun 1 a person or organisation that is involved in a particular project, system, or group, etc., especially because they have invested in that project, system or entity, or because they have stakes to protect in that project or entity

Therefore, who is the Stakeholder here?

Chiefs Politicians Mentors Teachers

The Young Man; & the Young Woman

Society Parents Spouses Employers

What is Empowerment?
Em.power.ment syn AUTHORIZATION to give somebody more control over their own life or the situation they are in

What does the NY Policy mean when it says Youth empowerment? The concept of empowerment is to create a nurturing environment that grows the youth in the right direction and also helps them to get knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, ethics. These things are RESOURCES from society, and help the youth to contribute to the economic, social, and cultural progress of themselves, their families, and the nation.

In other terms, it is like the latest Samsung Galaxy phone with all its accessories, in the hands of someone who has been given the knowledge and motivation to use it, such that it becomes beneficial to himself, the phone company, the telecom company, and all those he/she communicates, messages, and emails with via the phone. Through this NY policy, government wishes to prepare all young Ghanaians to meet the many obstacles and challenges that come with adolescence, adulthood, and the transition inbetween. By working with partners and stakeholders to create events, forums, camps, stakeholder support, dialogue and other useful activities, the government can motivate the youth to become socially, morally, emotionally, physically, and economically independent, as well as highly able to think smartly and intelligently through issues. S3bi s3bi, if you cannot think, or are not useful to anybody, who wants you? But at the same time, if someone takes you as you are, and works on you so that you can think and become useful, you will begin to realize the importance of all these things listed by the policy above. Where resources and energy are being spent on you to make you a responsible youth, do not give anyone cause for regret. Show that you deserved it, and even more!

Let us say it; when it comes to imagination, ideas, energy, and vision, the Youth are the tops! This means that they are the major source of human capital for Mother Ghana. They are also the inventors and innovators of technology for the country. The more we help them with their educational training, literacy, intellectual growth, and productive ability, the more we confirm the progress and future of this good country. That is why we like to use this word IMPERATIVE so proudly when we put it to you that the development and empowerment

of the youth is imperative for the attainment of national development goals. Let us take account of our Youth!

Giving them opportunities to gain skills and education? Teaching them how to appreciate good decision-making? Instilling in them the communal spirit?

Poverty Social exclusion Desperate measures for survival Peer pressure and negative foreign influences Economic marginalization (high unemployment) Government has beaten its chest and promised: Effective mobilization of the youth Productive engagement of their talents and energies Creation of an enabling environment so the Youth can realize their full potential. Let us hold them accountable, and our elders too. But most importantly, the Youth!

?do they ensure that the older generation and government keep up their end of the bargain?

How do the young people ensure that they are worthy of support, and how intelligently

Remember those jokes about how a parent is always a parent, and how your parent would be 80 years old, and you would be 50, but he/she would still try to lash you like a child? How young or old is youth? And whose definition must we pick? See back of book for details.

EXAM: Objective Questions (Choose one) A YOUTH is someone between the ages of: (A) 15 years to 35 years (B) 12 years to 40 years?

Furthermore, the NY Policy has divided young people into GROUPS, expectant that this will help stakeholders to better know how to prepare their support:
o Rural and Urban o Male and Female o Adolescents and Adults o Physically-challenged and Able-bodied o Educated and Uneducated o In-School and Out-of-School o Organised and Unorganised o Skilled and Unskilled

Do all of the above make sense to you? Do you feel a category has been left out? Do these groupings help the situation, or rather divide the Youth?

What are the systems you know of, in society and under Government that strengthens the Youth under these divisions?


facing the challenges?

or are we rather

Access to quality education and the inadequate or inappropriate training for the real world and the job market.

Unemployment and underemployment as a result of this

Negative effects of urbanization and modernization Growing cases of youth involved in violence, conflicts, juvenile delinquency (political, social, ethnic) Erosion of traditional social support systems and the weakening role of the family High vulnerability to hunger, malnutrition, disease High incidence of drug and substance abuse Inadequate recreational and counseling facilities Inadequate mentoring opportunities leading to weak moral, social, cultural, and religious values in the youth High vulnerability to STIs and STDs, including HIV/AIDS Inadequate opportunities for youth participation in decision-making at societal, district, and national levels Inadequate appreciation of and involvement in protection and conservation of the environment to ensure a sustainable future Peer pressure Streetism

Erosion of patriotism Come

again! parents are themselves still children; and others live at

Irresponsible parenthood Some

their workplaces


Get-rich-quick schemes and attitudes; laziness

This policy is founded on ACCESS, EQUITY, and MEANINGFUL
PARTICIPATION for all youth. But how does it envision ideal Youth conditions? How does the

NYA regard the ultimate purpose of an empowered youth? See their strategies at the back of the book [Page 7-8]. Guiding the framework are key principles that the NY identifies as: Patriotism Self Reliance Honesty & Integrity Participation Equity Access Leadership Good Governance Gender Mainstreaming Respect Coordination & Collaboration.
Hello, gorgeous. Did you

know there are 11 big key

principles in our National Youth Policy?

These big, important-sounding words are the main platforms that the NY Policy will stand on to ensure that all youth have access, equity, and meaningful participation to the plans of the nation!
They are 11 principles in all. No, the number has nothing to do with anything. I just thought Id let you know. Maybe it will make for good conversation.


Furthermore, in most policies, there are many ideas and recommendations, but when it comes down to order of preference, there are the big fish then the small fish (kituwaa eni
ak3se3). So in this important document from the National Youth Authority with its
pleeeeenty recommendations, which ones are the big fish? They are as follows, and the Policy

calls them PRIORITY AREAS: Education and Skills Training Science, Research & Technology Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Youth and Employment Entrepreneurial Development Youth in Modern Agriculture Gender Mainstreaming Environment Health, HIV and AIDS Networking and Partnership Mentoring Arts & Culture Governance, Democracy & Leadership Sports & Recreation Youth in Conflict Prevention & Peace Building National Youth Week Youth and Vulnerability Youth, Patriotism, and Volunteerism Nationalism and Conscientization of the Youth
Ah! They are plenty oh! All of them priority?


Why these many priority areas? Do you feel they all qualify as priority? If you had your way, what would you advise, and why?

How will Government and stakeholders focus when these many areas have been prioritized?


Another group oh. This time, this one looks at some of the SERIOUS issues affecting some of the Youth, and what solutions can be put in place (read more on Page 19]: 1. Post-basic and Secondary School Drop-Outs The policy says it will facilitate equal access to relevant skills and quality educational opportunities.
Do you think there should rather be a complementary category of schooling that takes care of drop-outs who find the normal system intimidating or confusing; and other teaching spaces for youth who need informal training and literacy rather than normal schooling?

2. Students in Tertiary Institutions Prepare them for gainful employment and responsible citizenship for national and their own social, political, and economic development.
Do you think our schools and curriculums are enabling this?


3. Out-of-school, Unemployed, and Under-employed Youth Develop and implement programmes and projects that will benefit youth, create self-employment and wealth, and be marketable in the global environment.
How is this happening? What is it going to take to transform the situation?

4. Female Youth Advocate for the elimination of all forms of discrimination, protect them from sexual harassment, physical violence and abuse, labour exploitation, and other negative attitudes and cultural practices. This policy will protect their rights and interests, advance them, and give them dignity and motivation as equal partners in the national development agenda.
Is this a fair or biased perspective, if you were male? To females, is this patronizing or dignifiying or merely necessary? Is it a believable intention, in your view?

5. Pregnant Adolescent Youth And Education Ensure that the adolescent mother is well cared for, and a framework followed to encourage completion of at least, secondary education.
What are the systems in place for this, and who are the direct stakeholders to ensure this? Have you been an adolescent mother before, and what were your experiences? Are you the product of an adolescent pregnancy, and what did/does your mother think? What was her experience then? What was your life like? Does this policy impress you?

6. Youth in Crime and Violence-Related Problems Address the disturbing trend of increasing youth in substance abuse, armed robbery, violence, occultism, by providing rehabilitation towards law-abiding conduct.
Should there not be a proactive measure against this that ensures that young people do not even get to the stage of committing crimes and violence; rather than setting reactive measures that attempt to put salve on a deep wound that might never heal? What do you think?


7. Youth at risk Conflict survivors, orphans, terminally ill youth, youth left from broken homes, street children will all be handled by counseling centres and rehabilitative facilities.
Really? What have you seen happening in terms of this? Have you actually seen anything happening so far? What do you think is the most practical thing to put in place?

8. Youth with Disability and Health Challenges Uphold societys responsibility towards youth with disability and difficult health circumstances.
How many of our buildings and places of access are friendly to disabled and challenged people? How many trotros and taxis can take a disabled person? How many of these vehicles have drivers who WILL take disabled passengers?

9. Youth with special talents Provide encouragement and opportunities to adequately harness and utilize the creative potentials of young persons in this domain, for national development.
Are you a specially talented youth? Would you trust this policy to address your talent positively? Why, or why not? What even qualifies as special talent? Do you know?


It says under this section that:
The rights of the Ghanaian, including the Youth are enshrined in the 1992 Constitution of Ghana, and any treaty/convention related to the Youth to which Ghana has appended its signature, shall be respected and upheld by ALL stakeholders.


This is serious English, and you should take a look at our Constitution just to have a good understanding of what exactly these rights are. Plus, when you are talking or arguing with someone about your rights as a young person, you can utter those big sentences with confidence. But the government is quick to add this:
You must also internalize the fact that rights thrive best with responsibilities.

What they are only saying is that if you want us to scratch your back, you scratch ours. If you want me to watch your yard when you are not around, then you must also watch my yard when I am absent.

When we talk about the Youth, there are certain groups in society who are irrevocably
responsible for the good or bad that comes out of young people. According to the NYA, these

groups are: o The State to ensure that the youth enjoy their fundamental rights as have been penned in the 1992 Constitution. Who
penned? will pen our latest one, and when will it be

o Parents/Guardians families need to create culturally sensitive guidance systems, and provide the resources needed for the proper growth and development of the youth, to contribute to their respective societies and/or communities. o The Youth the Ghanaian culture upholds moral upbringing and law abiding citizenship as a social necessity.


o The Private Sector the policy takes due cognizance of the role of the private sector in national development. It is therefore anticipated that the private sector will provide a number of jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities for the youth. o Civil Society Organisations/Institutions these groups are helpful in facilitating ways in which the youth obtain exposure to leadership and decision-making situations, as well as transit smoothly into adulthood. o Religious Organisations, Traditional Authorities, and SocioCultural Groupings the youth need to grow within a proper cultural context. It is imperative to provide the correct moral compass to guide them in leading responsible youth and adult lives. o International Organisations the ECOWAS, AU, UN, Commonwealth Secretariat are all required to promote awareness of their international obligations amongst the youth. o Development Partners and Donor agencies this policy acknowledges the depth of support and collaboration received in the past from International Development Partners and Donor Agencies in national development and youth empowerment programmes. This behoves on them to sustain their responsibility.

To put into effect all the nice-nice things that have been said above, the National Youth Council is mandated and expected to facilitate and institute a Youth Stakeholders Forum that


will play an active role with all identifiable youth groups at national, regional, and district levels. It will therefore work to do the following: Bring together and coordinate where necessary, government institutions, NGOs, and youth organisations, as well as stakeholders for youth empowerment. The ministry responsible for youth development will oversee the coordination, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and review of the NY Policy. This shall be done through the Natiaonl Youth Council with the active participation of the youth and in collaboration with ministries, departments, and agencies (MDAs), NGOs/institutions and other stakeholders. The NYC shall ensure that Youth associations in Ghana shall play an active role at national, regional, and district levels in the implementation of this NY Policy. They shall position themselves as the bridges between government and the youth, to ensure that policy makers are kept informed on the views and aspirations of the youth. Civil society orgs, NGOs, non-profit making institutions, and community-based organisations play a crucial role in youth development. In recognition of their positive contributions, certain roles will be expected from them. This policy further recognized the important supportive roles of International Development Partners in national development and the promotion of youth empowerment.


In collaboration with the Ministry responsible for youth affairs, the National Youth Council shall monitor the implementation of the National Youth Policy to ensure that it responds


to the development needs and aspirations of the youth, and their contribution to the broader development agenda of the state. Meaning, it will keep watching and analyzing the impact of the policy, and how many marks it should be awarded for usefulness. If it looks like things are not looking too commendable, the policy will be reviewed (they will look at it again, and
change things here and there, so it becomes better). This re-looking will be done

whenever necessary (but at least once in every five years) and in line with other government policies.

Action Plan
The National Youth Policy will be implemented through an ACTION PLAN, which will outline comprehensive strategies, projects and activities, time frame with respect to immediate, short, medium and long term and the budget lines that will achieve its desired
Is this ACTION PLAN confusing to you? Me too!

objectives. The National Youth Council, in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, has developed the National Action Plan for the implementation of this policy and will be reviewed as and when necessary.


The Youth are one of the critical resources of the nation, considering their potential, numbers, vitality, and capabilities as change agents for national transformation. The State requires a vibrant National Youth Policy to guide and direct systematic mobilization and development of the youth for sustainable national development. This policy document captures the major concerns and issues critical for youth development. It gives direction to the youth and


programmes and services expected of all stakeholders involved in youth development and empowerment. They need opportunities, space and resources to realize their individual and collective vision. In this Policy, Government declares the importance of youth involvement in national development and emphasizes the complementary role of MDAs, MMDAs, NGOs, the Donorcommunity, as well as other stakeholders in the common pursuit of youth development in Ghana. Government therefore implores all stakeholders to collaborate in the effective implementation of the policy.

Nota Bene:


The Back of this Book All the relevant details of the National Youth Policy that we have referred you to are better read in the original document! Now, go get a copy. It determines your future. Read it. Know it. Ask Questions. Argue and debate the contents. Then step forward with direction. Are you for this policy? Or against it? Why?
Accra. May 2013.

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