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Author notes: This was supposed to be published a year ago.

Well, I found it was too lengthy and my story was too draggy. Thats why I rewrite back. However, I also found that I got stuck here and there in continuing the witch story. If you notice, my last chapter is a little bit off. Maybe it was because the period where I stopped writing it was too long and the feeling started to wear off from me. Maybe, just for a starter, you can help me check this chapter. This will not be published. Sorry about that. Frankly speaking, I am hoping for this to be a starter and also a main motivation for me to keep writing. Although there is high possibility I will drop the witch, but I have something in my mind to write new story. XDD. YesI know, it is crazy. You havent finished another story, but you have already another inside your mind. Anyhow, thanks once again. Just tell me honest opinion regarding to the stories. I welcome harsh comments. It would help me in my writing in the future. XDD


Sometime he would toss to the right. Then, back to the left again. After a while, he turned his body, covered his head with the pillow, still, he could not sleep. Unable to control it, his body shot up and he shouted angrily.

Arghhhhhhhhhh!!! The loud deep voice echoed in the master room, breaking the silence of night.

Still, Yamapi could not release the stress that swarmed up within him. Glancing to the clock on the table, he groaned when he found out it was five oclock in the morning. Damn!! Because of Masami he could not sleep for the whole night. Yamapi muttered under his breath. Kicking his blanket, the half naked man went out of his bed and strolled toward his door. All way through, he managed to grab his white shirt before exited the room.

Shit!! This is difficult! Why it comes like this? He did not believe those things! Still, it bothers him so much!

Sigh came out from his mouth as he reminisced the previous event that happened in his office earlier. Shaking his head, his feet kept moving toward the kitchen. Taking out a drink, more questions played inside his mind.

What if all the things that she said are true? That she is really pregnant with my baby? is not belonged to Kengo?

Yamapi stopped drinking. Somehow, he never thought about that. About Masami being pregnant with his baby. His baby. Not his stepbrother.

Will he be happy? That he will become a father? But.but Masami is now with Kengo. And he.

Closing his eyes, Yamapi shoved the thought out of his mind. Shit, this is getting nowhere. Yamapi cursed inside him. Ramming the water bottle back into the refrigerator, he walked out of the kitchen while grunting softly.

What should I do? Should I trust her? Orshould I do the DNA test on the baby. Just to check whether the baby is mine.

His footsteps stopped with the sudden thought came inside his mind.

Then.. If the baby yours, Pi? Are you going to go back to Masami Pi? .. And forgive everything what Masami had done to you? Idont know How about your marriage then? Are you going to end it? Our marriage will end eventually Really? Though your feelings started to change on her, Pi? Wh-What? Tch! Since when do I have feelings for her? You dont? Of course I dont! What the heck I..

His mind stopped instantly at sudden sight. The living room was bright and light filled up the room despite it has been dark outside. Curious played within inside his mind as he noticed that his wife was there, alone, in the living room. Even, she did strangest thing ever. Tilting his head, Yamapi stared at the woman for a long time, thinking what the woman tried to do. Unfortunately, he could not think of it. Unknowingly, his feet dragged him toward the place.

Mou. The word came out from Makis mouth helplessly.

Rubbing her eyes, sleepiness still wore on her face. Still, it was difficult for her. This is not helping at all. Maki mumbled alone inside her heart. Thinking about the failure of the method made the woman cursed once again. Stupid Toda!!

What the heck are you doing, Marina? Maki startled with Yamapis deep voice.

Her gaze flew toward the voice direction and found the hunky man was staring at her as if she did the weirdest thing ever.Ignoring the man, Maki continued on what she did. Still, the tangles of the wool made her hands stuck. Not giving up, she tried again. Then, she found her husband flopped his body on the sofa close to her, as his eyes never leaved from her face.

Looking around, Yamapi found that balls of wools in different colours were all over the living room, with its threads stuck and tangled around his wifes hands. Seeing the scene made the mans lips flickered up a little bit. For him, the current sight was something beyond his imagination especially when it involved the witch. Still he tried to force the laugh at the back of his throat.

Umm, Marina. Are you trying to tie yourself with these wools? With his question, Yamapi got the sharpest glare ever from the witch. Amusement increased inside him immediately.

Then, are you trying to assemble back the threads around your hands?Another guess came out from his mouth. Hearing this made Maki rolled her eyes. She tried her best to ignore the man; despite she was struggling between her sleepiness and tiredness. try.. Noticing her husband unstoppable words, Maki felt annoy immediately.

Shut up, Tomo! Maki snapped at his words angrily.

In response, the man threw a widest grin to her. Instantly, her brown orbs shifted back to her failure knitting again as she could not see those smiles. Those stupid-smiles that becomes switch of her thumping heart. Focusing back, she tried once again. This time, the tangles became worst than ever. All the thread was all over her and surrounded her small hands. Still, she tried her best, following what the dummy book had asked her to do.

Moving one. Then another one.. Then..

Yes! She was tied nicely on the wool threads for the fifteenth time.

Her brown orbs blinked for a few times, staring at the tangles that stuck around her hands. The best thing was it was tight enough for her. And she could not move her hands anymore. Widened her eyes in horror, she gasped softly. Damn! She was stuck. Before she could think any further, a fit of laughter broke the silence of night. Instantly, her gaze flew to the man who chortled like mad on the sofa.

Dont laugh, baka!! Its not funny! Maki snapped angrily when Yamapi never stopped laughing while looking at her. Hearing this, Yamapi stopped and stared at the woman innocently. However, it happened only for a while before he burst laughing back. This time, his laughter was louder and it rumbled through the living room.

Mou!! Maki shifted her gaze back and trying to pull her hands back from the mess. However, it was difficult and her action looked comical enough for her husband to laugh even harder than before. Brushing some tears at the corner of his eyes, Yamapi stifled the laugh while spoke to her.

Ma..Marina.youyou looked really stupid with those wools around your hands.

Maki glared at the man when the word stupid hit his sentence. Gritting her teeth, she shifted her eyes back to the mess. This time, she tried to struggle to get out of it, but, the wools thread that stuck around her wrist started to leave pains around it. Even, it leaved angry mark around her wrists.

She dont care! This time she should get out of this mess!! This is Todas fault!! Baka!! This is not knitting!! This is killing and wasting!!

Maki cursed inside her. This time she tried harder. Pains started to feel in both of her wrist. This was noticed by her husband who already stopped laughing and still has the stupid grin on his face.

Do you want me to help you with that, Marina? Yamapi tried to make he sounded helpful to the woman.

Shut up, Tomo!! Go away!! Maki snapped angrily. At that moment, the mans help was the last thing she needed. Not when he laughed at her and called her stupid. Noticing his wifes anger, Yamapis lips flickered up a little bit. Standing up, he stood up and bumped next to his wife. Reaching her hands, the man started to nag at her.

Gee. You are so difficult. Just say please, help me Tomo. I will help you.Yamapi spoke softly as he started to untie the tangles from her wrists carefully. However, Maki yanked her hands harshly from the man as she slashed the man with anger words.

Go away, Tomo!! I can do myself! Maki scooted her body far away from the man and struggled very hard to get her hands off the mess. Seeing this made Yamapi shook his head slightly as he muttered stubborn woman beneath his breath. Still, he reached the womans hands once again.

Baka! How are you going to get off from these messes, Marina?

I know how to do myself.

By struggling very hard and let pains and angry marks leaved on your hands later? Like that? Yamapi shot the words back to the woman in black pajamas. With that, Maki became silence at once. The hunky man focused back on the threads that surrounded his wifes hands. Shaking his head, he mumbled softly.

What the heck are you doing with these wools Marina?Yamapi lifted his gaze and asked the woman. His hands still remained on her soft ones. Maki sighed deeply before answered the question involuntarily.

Knitting,Yamapi widened his eyes in surprise.

Knitting? This you call it as knitting? Oh god Marina, this is not knitting, this is.. Before Yamapi could finish his words, the woman glared at him. Immediately he stopped, reading the sign that his wife gave to him. Heaving a deep sigh, he apologized to the woman.

Okayokay. Fine. I stop okay?

Maki averted her gaze to somewhere else as her forehead creased to a deep frown. At this moment, teasing and also mocks could not be accepted anymore. Not when sleepiness started to feel and tiredness worn her out. And the failure of knitting annoyed her even more.

Seriously Marina, why are you doing this? Especially doing this early in the morning. The tangles on her hands started to lose a little bit as Yamapi pulled it one by one threads carefully. Maki licked her dried lower lips before she mumbled softly.

I cant sleep. Yamapi stopped and lifted his gaze.

Why?Maki only silenced as she looked on her hands back.

Is it because Mukai Osamu?Maki shifted her gaze and found Yamapi stared at her for a long time. Slowly, she shook her head.


I..have a nightmare.

You do?Yamapi asked back as he started to loosen the tangles that surrounded her hands. Maki nodded innocently. The man muttered softly as he worked on the threads that stuck on Makis hands back.

Then tell me about it. Maki hesitated upon hearing this. For her, telling the man is the last thing she would do. Noticing the woman silence made, Yamapi repeated his words back while persuading back.

You can tell me about it Marina. Who knows, later you can sleep back.His words were soft and persuasive. However, the woman in black pajamas replied softly.

I cant sleep back no matter what methods I do, Tomo.

Try first. Still the woman shook his head, being stubborn with her decision. This made Yamapi sighed.

Fine, if you dont want to do it.

Why you cant sleep, Tomo?The man pulled a thread from her hands as he succeeded in loosening the tights threads.

Who says I cant sleep?

Your puffy eyes and dark circles say it.

Tch! Those dont count.

But, you really cant sleep right, Tomo?

I can sleep, very soundly.Yamapi lied to the woman as he untied another threads. The woman who sat in front of her silence first while staring at her husband for a long time before a words flew out from her mouth.


What did you call me?

A liar.

Tch! You call me a liar, Marina? Tch! What did I lie to you?

That you can sleep.

I say truth after all. I can sleep.

You cant.

I can. Why you keep saying I cant sleep.

Because I know that you cant sleep. Since you came back six hours ago, you never sleep a blink arent you? The sounds never stopped coming from your room. Maki told him with honesty reflected inside her brown orbs. Somehow, hearing the womans words made the man lost his words.

Did something bothering you? Maki asked the question to the man. However, the man remained silence with his dark gaze fixed on the woman. After a long time, he heaved a deep sigh as leant back the chair.

Its nothing Marina.

Really? Yamapi closed his eyes as the question that she asked for him was something heavy for him to face it.



Will you forgive someone who lied to you for a long time?


Will you?

How about you, Tomo? Will you?

It depends on situation.

So, meaning you will forgive the person that lied to you?Like that? Even though that person betrayed you just for their own benefits?

Then, if you, you will not forgive the person?



Because it is too hurtful.the pains were too hurtful when the person betrayed you.

Right, Tomo?

Then, Marina? You will not forgive the person anymore, no matter how much the person resent for their sins? How much they love you and sacrificed for you?

Then, will you forgive the person, Tomo?

Do you forgive the person Tomo?

Yes. I will.

No matter how the person hurt you in the first place?



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