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Providing Quality Affordable Housing Opportunities Since 1998

06/17/2013 Dear Perspective Kickball Teams:

This year, Heart of the City Neighborhoods, Inc. (HOCN) will be hosting our Annual Kickball Tournament on Saturday, August 3rd in LaSalle Park. This fundraiser is an effort to support neighborhood revitalization, and enjoy a healthy community activity! This event will feature local organizations, community members, friends, and family from across Western New York. Teams will compete in our tournament, advancing with each win in the hopes of becoming 2013s champions. This is our 4th tournament, and were looking forward to another exciting game day! Weve made a few changes this year that we hope youll enjoy. The price per player has increased, but weve also eliminated the need for players to purchase beer tickets separately beer is now included in your registration until the kegs run dry. Were also introducing a Best Team Costume/Uniform award, so get creative! We would love your organization or company to take part in this years tournament! Early Bird Registration: 12:00pm, June 17th 12:00pm, June 28th $20 per player with a ten (10) player minimum Player will receive free lunch and beer (players 21+ only) All players must sign a Tournament Terms & Conditions Form General Registration: 12:00pm, June 28th 12:00pm, July 25th $30 per player with a ten (10) player minimum Player will receive free lunch and beer (players 21+ only) All players must sign a Tournament Terms & Conditions Form
All registration forms and full payment must be received by Heart of the City no later than the specified end date. Payments do not have to accompany registration forms, but must be received by no later than 12:00pm on July 25th. Signed Terms & Condition Forms can be handed in or signed on game day.

Save o ver per pla 30% yer!

Did we mention theres a trophy? So get your team together and join us on game day! Dont forget your cheerleaders- bring your family and friends for support! Dont miss this exciting opportunity to compete with other area professionals and community stakeholders! Should you have any questions, feel free to contact me by email at [email protected] or by phone at (716) 882-7661 ext 202. Were looking forward to kicking it for affordable housing with you! Sincerely,

Jennifer Yuhnke Development Coordinator

Heart of the City Neighborhoods, Inc. 251 Virginia Street, Suite A || Buffalo NY 14201 Phone (716) 882-7661 || Fax (716) 882-7662


al b k c Ki

ual n n A nt e m r na u o T l

Te a m Re gistr ation
Saturday, August 3rd
12pm 4pm

LaSalle Park
Registration is $30.00 a player per team, with ten players minimum. Registration includes your participation in the tournament, as well as free lunch and Flying Bison beer (for players ages 21+) as long as the kegs last! Dont forget to compete in the best team costume/uniform contest! Registration Forms received

by 12:00pm on June 28th

will be accepted with a payment of
Team Representative:______________________________________________________________

only $20 per player!

Organization/Company/Affiliation:_________________________________________________ 2010 Champions: Address:__________________________________________________ City:_________________________

The Good Neighborhood

2011 Champions:


Phone #:___________________________________

The Pork Swords

Number of participants:____________ 2012 Champions:

Stieglitz Snyder Architecture Payment Registration forms with full payment enclosed must be received at Heart of the City Neighborhoods by July 25th, 2013. Mail your completed registration form, team list, and payment to:
Heart of the City Neighborhoods, Inc. Attn: 4th Annual Kickball Tourney 251 Virginia Street, Suite A Buffalo, NY 14201 Checks money orders and PayPal accepted ONLY. Checks and money orders should be made payable to Heart of the City Neighborhoods Inc. If paying with PayPal, please mail registration forms only and make payment to: [email protected]

Think youve got what it takes to be the 2013 Champion?

Total Enclosed: $______________________ Payment Types Enclosed:

Heart of the City Neighborhoods, Inc.

251 Virginia Street, Suite A Buffalo, NY 14201 Tel: (716) 882-7661 Fax: (716) 882-7662


Money Order


Your PayPal Email (if applicable):_________________________


al b k c Ki

ual n n A nt e m r na u o T l

Te a m Re gistr ation
Saturday, August 3rd
12pm 4pm

LaSalle Park
Please complete your team registration by filling out your team list below. Your team contact should be included as player #1 on this list.

NAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.



Heart of the City Neighborhoods, Inc. 4th Annual Kickball Tournament 251 Virginia Street, Suite A, Buffalo NY 14201


All game play rules have been adapted from the World Adult Kickball Association (WAKA) 2012 Rules. Teams that do not agree to these rules and sign the Terms & Conditions will not be eligible to participate in the Tournament.


1. PARTICIPANT CONDUCT 1.01 All participants must respect and obey all the rules and regulations outlined for game play. Participants breaking field rules must be ejected from the game by the referee. The tournament host has final say in all judgment. 1.02 Outside alcoholic beverages are not allowed at the tournament. Only beer purchased at the concession stand will be allowed on the premises. Alcohol may only be consumed by players over the legal drinking age of 21 years. Participants who violate these rules will not be tolerated and must immediately vacate the premises. 1.03 Participants are expected to act in a mature manner at this family event. Both physical and verbal fighting will not be tolerated, and will be grounds for a teams immediate forfeit at the referee and tournament hosts discretion. This is a community event- have fun!
_____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. GAME PLAY 2.01 All participants must respect and obey all rules and regulations for games. Participants breaking field rules must be ejected from the game by the referee. The tournament host has final say in all judgment. 2.02 Only ten players from the defending team may be on the field during game play. Any number of players on the offensive team may kick. 2.03 Due to time constraints, games will end after 5 innings or 40 minutes, whichever comes first. a. In the event of a tie score at the end of the game, a tie breaker will be initiated by the referee(s). 2.04 Game day will happen, rain or shine! If games have been canceled due to severe weather problems, we will make every effort to reschedule the games. If circumstances does not allow for makeup games, please consider your registration fee as a donation to a worthy cause in the community. 3. REFEREES 3.01 Subject to volunteer limits, games will be officiated by at least 2 referees each game: a Head Referee, and a First Base Referee. The Head Referee governs all game play and issues all final rulings. Other Referees may assist these officials when available. 3.02 Referees have jurisdiction over play and may: a. call a time out; b. penalize a player, including game ejection, for any reason. This includes but is not limited to un-sportsman like conduct, fighting, delay of game and excessive verbal abuse. Ejected participants must leave the field area and may not return to the game. 3.03 Referees have jurisdiction over play and must call off any game still in play after 40 minutes. 3.04 Referees may make rulings on any points not specifically covered in the rules (at the time of occurrence), but the ruling shall not be deemed as a precedent for future rulings. 4. PITCHING, CATCHING AND FIELDING 5.01 Balls must be pitched by hand. There are no restrictions on pitching style. 5.02 Proper Field Position is: a. All fielders besides the catcher must start play and remain behind the 1st-3rd base diagonal until the ball is kicked. b. The pitcher must start the act of pitching within the pitching mound and have at least one foot on or directly behind the pitching strip when releasing the ball. c. The catcher must field behind the kicker, within or directly behind the kicking box, and may not cross home plate nor be positioned forward of the kicker before the ball is kicked.

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6. KICKING 6.01 All kicks must be made by foot or leg, below the knee. Any ball touched by the foot or leg below the knee is a kick. 6.02 Bunting is allowed. 7. RUNNING AND SCORING 7.01 Runners must stay within the baseline. Any runner outside the baseline is out: a. Runners are free to change course to avoid interference with a fielder making a play. 7.02 Fielders must stay out of the baseline. Runners hindered by any fielder within the baseline, not making an active play for the ball, shall be safe at the base to which they were running. Runners may choose to advance beyond this base while the ball is still in play. 7.03 Neither leading off base, nor stealing a base is allowed. A runner may advance once the ball is kicked. 7.04 Hitting a runners neck or head with the ball is not allowed. Any runner hit in the neck or head is safe, and advances to the base they were running toward when the ball hits the runner. If the runner intentionally uses the head or neck to block the ball, and is so called by the Referee, the runner is out. 7.05 Running past another runner is not allowed. The passing runner is out. 7.06 A run scores when a runner touches home plate before the third out is made, EXCEPT that no run can score when the third out is made during a force play situation, or when the kicker is put out before touching first base. At the end of a game the team with the most runs wins. 7.07 When a base is displaced during play, any runner is safe while in contact with the base's original and correct location. All displaced bases should be restored at the end of each play. 8. STRIKES 8.01 A count of three (3) strikes is an out. 8.02 A strike is: a. a pitch that is not kicked and is not called a ball that enters any part of the strike zone b. an attempted kick missed by the kicker inside or outside of the strike zone 8.03 Foul balls never count as strikes. 9. BALLS 9.01 A count of four (4) balls advances the kicker to first base. 9.02 A ball is: a. a pitch outside of the strike zone as judged by the Referee where a kick is not attempted b. a pitched ball that does not touch the ground at least twice or roll before reaching the kicking box; c. a pitched ball that exceeds one foot in height from the bottom of the ball as it enters the kicking box; d. a pitched ball that exceeds one foot in height from the bottom of the ball at any time while passing through the kicking box, prior to reaching the kicker; e. a pitched ball that is higher than one foot at the plate. 10. FAIRS AND FOULS 10.01 A count of four (4) fouls is an out. Foul balls never count as strikes. 10.02 A foul ball is: a. a kicked ball landing in foul territory (see Diagram 3); b. a kick made on or above the knee c. a kicked ball touched more than once or stopped in the kicking box by the kicker; 10.03 A fair ball is: a. a kicked ball landing and remaining in fair territory (see Diagram 3); b. a kicked ball landing in fair territory then traveling into foul territory beyond the 1st-3rd base diagonal (see Diagram 3). 11. OUTS 11.01 A count of three (3) outs by a team completes the team's half of the inning. 11.02 An out is: a. a count of three (3) strikes or four (4) fouls; b. any kicked ball (fair or foul) that is caught by a fielder; c. a ball tag on a base to which a runner is forced to run, before the runner arrives at the base; d. a runner touched by the ball or who touches the ball at any time while not on base, while the ball is in play e. a ball tag of a runner on base, in which the runner does not tag-up as required when a ball is caught f. a runner who misses a base, as called by a Referee upon the conclusion of the play; 12. BALL IN PLAY
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12.01 Once the pitcher has the ball in control and retains possession on the mound, the play ends. Runners who are off base at this time and in forward motion may advance only one base. Runners who are off base at this time and not in forward motion must return to the base from which they were running. 12.02 During any play where a ball is popped or deflates significantly, that play shall be replayed with a properly inflated ball. 13. GHOST MEN 13.01 Ghost men are not allowed. 14. INJURY AND SUBSTITUTIONS 14.01 In cases of injury or illness, a time-out may be requested for participant removal and replacement with a substitute. 14.02 If a player is ejected, injured, or becomes ill and cannot continue, the kicking order will continue in the same formation, less the removed player. 14.06 Only runners who are injured while traveling to a base, and who successfully make it to a base, may be substituted. There are no other allowable runner substitutions.

15. HAVE FUN! 15.01 This is a charity and community event, not the summer olympics- have fun with it!

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We, the undersigned of team _____________________________________, hereby acknowledge that we have read and understood the official kickball rules that will apply to the 4th Annual Kickball Tournament and will furthermore accept all fair calls made by referees. We understand that outside alcohol is prohibited at this tournament. We will conduct ourselves in a mature manner at this family event and respect the terms and conditions laid out in Section 1.0 of the Official Rules. We understand that we are expected to play under these conditions and should the rules be violated, the team will be forced to forfeit the tournament and vacate the premise. By signing below, each player agrees to the terms and conditions of the 4th Annual Kickball Tournament:

Players Signature


Players Signature


Players Signature


Players Signature


Players Signature


Players Signature


Players Signature


Players Signature


Players Signature


Players Signature


Players Signature


4th Annual Kickball Tournament Official Rules *Please attach additional signature to a separate Page 4 of 3sheet or write on back of form.

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