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Length of Certification Term

When API receives your completed application, confirms that all the requirements have been met and you passed the examination, you will obtain API Supplemental Inspection Certification as an Inspector with the Advanced Knowledge of Risk-Based Inspection. The certification is for a three-year period.

Policies and Procedures for Submitting a Certification Application

Attached you will find your certification application. Minimum Qualification Requirements for this Supplemental Inspection Certification program include at least one current API certification for either API 510, 570 or 653. Please completely fill out each page of the application, attach your payment, and return the package to API. Please make sure you postmark your application no later than the application deadline corresponding to your chosen examination date. When we receive your application it will be processed in the order it was received. If you are qualified and your application is properly filled out, with payment attached, we will send you a notification and schedule you to take the test.

Application Life Span

Each new application has a life span of 18 months. API offers Supplemental Inspection Certification examinations every 6 months. Therefore, API grants each applicant three consecutive attempts during an 18-month period to pass the examination starting with the first exam administration you registered for. You must pass the examination within these 3 consecutive exam administrations. This means that each of the three exams offered by API during this 18-month period, whether you fail to appear, cancel your appearance and reschedule, or write the exam and fail it, will count as one of these three attempts. If you did not obtain a Supplemental Inspection Certification within this period of time, you will have to start your application process again, including submission of a full fee and a complete new application.

Incomplete Applications
If your application is incomplete, API will notify you in writing of the deficiencies found in your application. Please try to resolve those deficiencies as soon as possible to ensure your seat at the test.

Admission tickets
Once the review and processing of all the submitted applications is completed, we create rosters for each examination site. Those rosters are then sent to our test administrating company to ensure adequate number of seats at each site. The test administrating company then creates and mails admission tickets for each applicant. Admission tickets include applicant s test ID, the exact exam location, time and other details. The admission tickets are usually mailed 3 weeks before the examination date. Please look for it in your mail.

Test locations
You may request a change in the testing site, if it is necessary. If you contact our office before the application deadline, there is no fee for this change. There is a fee of $100 for changes made after the application deadline but before the final rosters are compiled. However, there is no guarantee that your site may be changed. API reserves the right to deny requests to change exam site. Room sizes are limited and we may not be able to accommodate your request. Requests for site changes must be submitted in writing by mail or by fax.

Other changes or cancellations

If for some reason you are unable to attend the exam, you have the option of signing up for the next exam or requesting a refund. Requests to take the next exam or to obtain a refund must be submitted in writing by mail or by fax. (See the section on Refunds.) If you wish to reschedule for the next exam date you must submit a reschedule fee of $50. However, please remember that once you signed up for a particular exam date, it will count as your first attempt. Please try to minimize reschedules and cancellations, so you do not run out of permitted attempts.

Examination Information
? Candidates are given four hours to complete the examination. There will be a total of 70 questions at this examination, all multiple-choice and only closed book. No reference materials will be permitted at the examination. All the questions on this examination will be based on API Recommended Practice 580 Risk-Based Inspection. If you pass the exam and all sections of your application are complete, you will be certified and receive wallet card and certificate of Supplemental Inspection Certification approximately 10-12 weeks after the examination date.

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What to Bring to the Examination

? ? ? ? No. 2 pencils; A non-programmable calculator (a calculator with only simple functions); Your admission ticket; and A picture ID (i.e. driver s license).

API Exams grading

This examination has a set passing point of 70%, or 49 correctly answered questions.

Exam results notification

Approximately eight weeks after taking the examination you will receive an official Exam Score Report generated by our test administration company. The exam results are sent to API at the same time, so please do not call API before that time. If you passed the exam, you will receive a wallet card and a certificate from API approximately four weeks after receipt of your score report. Under no circumstances will grades be given over the telephone.

Grievances or Appeals of Exam Scores

During the examination the candidates will have an opportunity to challenge individual exam questions. All challenges regarding the questions on the exam must be submitted at the conclusion of each section of the exam. After the exam has been administered, a panel of subject matter experts will review all the challenges submitted. As a result of this review, if challenges were found to be legitimate, the scoring may be adjusted, effective for all candidates taking the same exam. Challenges or complaints regarding the conditions or environment of the exam administration must be submitted to API in writing. Examinations are graded using a computerized system. You may request a manual scoring of your exam for an additional fee of $50. Requests for manual scoring of exams should be submitted in writing by mail or by fax.

Refunds and Fees

All requests for refunds must be submitted in writing by mail or by fax to API. Refunds will be given under the following circumstances: ? If you notify our office in writing prior to the application deadline that you will not be sitting for the exam and you do not wish to reschedule, you are entitled to a full refund of your entire examination registration fee. If you did not appear to sit for the exam and do not wish to reschedule your exam date, you may request a refund of 50% of your certification fee.

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Refunds must be requested in writing no later than 1 year from the date API received your payment. Fee schedule API Member
Initial Certification Fee 225

Non Member
Initial Certification Fee 275

Additional Fees
? If you wish to reschedule your examination, there is a $50 reschedule fee that must be paid. Please remember that once you signed up for a particular exam date, it will count as your first attempt. Please try to minimize reschedules and cancellations, so you do not run out of permitted attempts There is a $100 fee for exam location change if the request is made prior to roster finalization and API can accommodate the request.

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IMPORTANT NOTE: As already stated, you must pass the test within 3 consecutive exam administrations starting with the first exam you registered for. If you fail to appear for and/or pass the exam during one of the three offered consecutive API test sessions you are required to submit a full fee and a new certification application again. ? API is not responsible for payments made through third parties.

Contact Information for Individual Certification Programs: API, Individual Certification Programs; 1220 L Street, N.W.; Washington DC 20005 Telephone: (202) 682-8064; Fax: (202) 682-8348; Website:

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