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Internal Auditing in the Public Sector: Promoting Good

Governance and Performance Improvement

Thomas Asare - [email protected]

In the past, managers in the public sector had a narrower range of expectations for the
role of internal audit than managers in the private sector. This explains why the internal
audit function in the public sector was dominated by pre-payment audits. Thus internal
auditors devoted most of their time to the checking on individual transactions before the
payments were made. However, in recent years internal auditing has assumed a strategic
dimension and that underscores why it has become an essential component of public
sector governance and financial management reforms in many developing countries. The
intent of this paper is to present a position that internal auditing in the public sector,
when well structured and given the required mandate to perform, improves performance
and serves as a valuable resource in promoting good governance. It generates thoughts
on the importance and challenges of public sector internal auditing.
Keywords: Internal auditing, public sector, value addition, performance improvement

Internal auditing is a profession and activity involved in advising organizations regarding
how to better achieve their objectives through managing risks and improving internal
control. Internal auditing involves the utilisation of a systematic methodology for
analyzing business processes or organisational problems and recommending solutions.
The scope of internal auditing within an organization is broad and may include various
internal control related activities such as the review of the effectiveness and efficiency of
operations, the reliability of financial reporting, investigation fraud, risk assessment,
safeguarding of assets, and compliance with laws and regulations. Internal audit activities
therefore provide assurance on the effectiveness of public sector entities’ internal control
environment and may identify opportunities for performance improvement.

Definition of Internal Auditing

Historically, internal auditing was perceived as being confined to merely ensuring that the
accounting and underlying records of an organization’s transactions were properly
maintained, that the assets management system was in place in order to safeguard the
assets and also to see whether policies and procedures were in place and were duly
complied with. With changing times, the concept of internal auditing has undergone
significant changes with regard to its definition, scope of coverage and approach. In some
organisations, the scope of modern internal auditing has been broadened from financial
issues to include value for money, evaluation of risk, managerial effectiveness and
governance processes.
In 1978, the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) defined internal auditing as:
“An independent appraisal activity established within an organization as a
service to the organization. It is a control, which functions by examining and

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evaluating the adequacy and effectiveness of other controls. The objective of
internal auditing is to assist members of the organization in the effective
discharge of their responsibilities. To this end, internal auditing furnishes
them with analyses, appraisals, recommendations, counsel and information
concerning the activities reviewed” (Ali and others,. 2007, pp 25-26).
The modern scope and focus of internal auditing are reflected in the current definition
that was formally adopted by the IIA in 1999:
“An independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add
value and improve an organization’s operations. It helps an organization
accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to
evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and
governance processes”.
The notable difference between the definitions of 1978 and 1999 (as repeated in IIA
2008) is the prominence of objectivity in internal audit activities and also the emphasis on
the evaluation and improvement of the effectiveness in risk management and governance
processes. The current definition also contemplates two main internal audit services:
assurance and consulting services.
Assurance services, according to IIA (2008, p.2):
Involve the internal auditor’s objective assessment of evidence to provide an
independent opinion or conclusions regarding an entity, an operation, a
function, a process, system, or other subject matter. The nature and scope of
the assurance engagement are determined by the internal auditor. There are
generally three parties involved in assurance services: (1) the person or
group directly involved with the entity, operation, function, process, system,
or other subject matter - the process owner, (2) the person or group making
the assessment - the internal auditor, and (3) the person or group using the
assessment - the user.
And consulting services, according to the same source:
Are advisory in nature, and are generally performed at the specific request of
an engagement client. The nature and scope of the consulting engagement are
subject to agreement with the engagement client. Consulting services
generally involve two parties: (1) the person or group offering the advice -
the internal auditor, and (2) the person or group seeking and receiving the
advice - the engagement client. When performing consulting services the
internal auditor should maintain objectivity and not assume management
responsibility (IIA 2008, p. 2).
Internal auditing is conducted by persons within or outside the organization and in
diverse legal and cultural environments; within organizations that vary in purpose, size,
complexity, and structure. Even though the above differences may affect the practice of
internal auditing in each environment, conformance with The IIA International Standards
for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards) is essential in meeting the
responsibilities of internal auditors and the internal audit activity (IIA 2008, p.1).

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Evolution of Modern Internal Auditing Practice
Until the mid-20th century, internal auditors were primarily concerned with checking
accounting records and detection of financial errors and irregularities. Internal auditing
emerged as a profession in 1941, when the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) was
founded in New York by a group of practicing internal auditors. The need for a common
body of knowledge and standardization of practices was then recognised despite the fact
that internal auditors worked in different businesses and industries. This was the
beginning of the process of achieving an identity for internal auditing as a distinct
profession concerned with providing independent appraisals for all activities within an
organization and making recommendations to management.
Before the issuance of the first version of the Statement of Responsibilities by the IIA in
1947 most internal auditors focused on routine tasks. Meigs (1951, p.518), describing
internal audit practice in the era of 1941, stated:
“To most businessmen in that era, internal auditors were either clerks
assigned to the routine task of a perpetual search for clerical errors in
accounting documents, or they were traveling representatives of corporations
having branches in widely scattered locations”.
According to the IIA historical timeline, the first textbook for the practice, Brinks Internal
Auditing was published in 1941. The IIA technical journal, Internal Auditor, was first
distributed in 1943. The Code of Ethics was issued in 1968 and in 1978 the IIA published
the Standards for Professional Practice to serve as the primary source of reference for
directing an internal audit function. The first Certified Internal Auditor (CIA)
examinations were written in 1974 to test the knowledge of individuals against a
recognized body of knowledge before they become internal audit professionals.
Today, the IIA has transformed into the internal audit profession's global voice, chief
advocate, recognized authority, acknowledged leader, and principal educator. It is
internationally recognized as a trustworthy standard-setting body for internal auditing and
currently has membership across 165 countries.

Organizational Arrangements of Internal Audit in the Public

The nature of internal audit organizational arrangement determines its independence and
effectiveness. The size and complexity of the public sector have influenced the diverse
forms of internal audit organisational arrangements and service delivery approaches.
Internal audit structure in the public sector can broadly be classified as following either a
centralized or a decentralized model.
Describing these two models, Diamond (2002, p.10) states that “in the centralized model
the Ministry of Finance (MOF) not only plays a key role in budgeting and allocating
funds to line ministries, but also directly intervenes in ex-ante controls, placing its own
staff in the line ministries. In the more decentralized approach, each line ministry takes
full responsibility for spending its own budget and for ensuring appropriate checks and
safeguards on the way this is spent”. The author here specifies that as pertains in the
United Kingdom as well as some “mixed” model in other practice: “The United
Kingdom, the origin of the Anglophone countries’ systems, has basically decentralized

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the internal audit function. However, there are other models based on unique approaches
to internal audit, some of which appear to be a mix of internal and external audit
functions” (Diamond 2002, p.11).
Based on a critical assessment of current international practice, there appear to be five
main means by which internal audit function in the public sector can be configured and
these are outlined below with reference to current practices in selected countries.

Internal Audit as part of the Accountant-General’s Office

This is the case where internal audit function is placed under the supervision of
Accountant-General’s Office. A risk usually associated with this arrangement is the
possibility that an officer performing accounting duties may subsequently be required to
perform internal audit duties soon after performing accounting duties in the same or
related department. Swaziland and Tanzania are examples in Africa where the central
internal audit function of government rests with the Accountant-General's Department.
This was also the practice in Ghana before the passage of the Internal Audit Agency Act
in 2003.

Internal Audit Function under the Ministry of Finance

In some countries the internal audit function is supervised by a Director or a person of an
equivalent rank at the Ministry responsible for Finance. In these situations, the internal
auditors are either stationed at the Ministry of Finance from where they are sent to
Departments to carry out their functions; or they are assigned to specific Departments
where they remain at post until they are re-assigned. This arrangement has the
characteristics of separating the internal audit function from the accounting and external
audit functions. However, the internal audit function runs the risk of being seen as an
extension of external audit because the internal auditors are not employees of the
Departments as expected of internal audit staff according to the ethics of the professional
practice. However, this model can provide a good level of independence for internal
The above arrangement is similar to that of Kenya where there is an Internal Audit
Service as a department within the Treasury, the Service being responsible for providing
internal audit services for all government departments and is headed by the Internal
Auditor-General. The Internal Auditor-General is responsible for effective review of all
aspects of risk management and control throughout the Civil Service of the Republic of
Kenya. In Botswana, Uganda and Zambia internal audit staff in the Ministries are
seconded from the internal audit department in the Ministry of Finance. The head of this
internal audit department is a senior official in the Ministry of Finance with status
equivalent to the Accountant-General.

Decentralized Internal Audit function situated at the entity level

In another scenario, internal audit has been made an integral part of Government
Departments in some countries. In these situations, the internal auditors are part of the
organisations they work for and report to a level appropriate for taking action on internal
audit recommendations. The United States has Inspector-Generals for government
Departments and Agencies. The United Kingdom, the origin of the Anglophone

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countries’ systems, has basically a decentralised internal audit function. In Africa, South
Africa and Ghana are examples where the internal audit units are managed without
guidance or control from the central Finance Ministry. The units form part of the
departments’ own structures. However, in the case of Ghana there exists an Internal Audit
Agency that is established as an oversight agency and charged with responsibility of
facilitating, coordinating and providing quality assurance for internal audit practices and
technical performance. The oversight agency reports to the President.

Internal Audit as part of the Auditor-General’s Office

In some countries internal audit is a function of the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI). This
configuration has not been popular in recent times as most countries are shifting away
from the practice of combining internal and external audit functions under the same
institution. Where such a practice exists, internal auditors report only to the Auditor-
General and are subject to professional, technical guidance and supervision from only the
SAI. Staffs in such cases perform mainly pre-audits rather than a professional internal
auditing function. Germany is a case in point where internal auditors operate within
agencies, but are subject to technical and professional guidance, as well as supervision by
the SAI, the Federal Court of Audit. This was also the practice in Ghana before the
transfer of internal audit responsibility to the Controller and Accountant-General’s

Centralized Internal Audit Function under Cabinet

Under this arrangement, internal audit function acts as a centralised independent agency
operating under the responsibility of the Cabinet Office and provides assurances of
proper internal controls and procedures in departments and agencies. An example is the
case of Malta, where Internal Audit and Financial Investigations Directorate carries out
internal audit and financial investigative functions across government departments and
agencies. The Directorate functions under the Office of The Prime Minister and has a
Board that is chaired by Secretary to Cabinet. After the Directorate has completed an
internal audit assignment, it transmits its report to the Permanent Secretary of the
Ministry under whose supervision the auditee falls. The Directorate may also transmit a
copy of such report to the auditee.

Role of Internal Auditing

The role of internal auditing can be identified as involving three main elements, namely
the evaluation and improvement of risk management, control and governance processes.
These elements are sometimes referred to as the “three pillars” of internal auditing
(Figure 1 below). The three elements are further discussed below as reinforcements of the
fundamentals of an internal audit function in the public sector. Risk management, control
and governance encompass the policies and procedures established to ensure the
achievement of objectives and include the appropriate assessment of risk, the reliability
of internal and external reporting and accountability processes, compliance with
applicable laws and regulations, and compliance with the behavioural and ethical
standards set for public organizations and employees.

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Figure 1 - The Three Pillars of Internal Auditing

Source: Asare 2008, p.22

The Role of Internal Auditing in the Public Sector - Governance

Public sector governance relates to the means by which goals are established and
accomplished. It also includes activities that ensure a government’s credibility, establish
equitable provision of services, and assure appropriate behaviour of government officials
whilst reducing the risk of public corruption (IIA 2006a, p.3).
According to ANAO (2003, p.6) “Public sector governance has a very broad coverage,
including how an organisation is managed, its corporate and other structures, its culture,
its policies and strategies and the way it deals with its various stakeholders. The concept
encompasses the manner in which public sector organisations acquit their responsibilities
of stewardship by being open, accountable and prudent in decision-making, in providing
policy advice, and in managing and delivering programs”.
The broader nature of public sector governance necessitates an effective internal auditing
function in order to meet the demanding responsibilities imposed by stakeholders.
Internal audit can help to improve governance processes by focusing on how values are
established to ensure effective and efficient control and management of public sector
entities. Such a value system requires an open government that is transparent in its
dealings with a high sense of ethical behaviour and fairness. The complexity of the
public sector operating environment requires that the internal audit structural design,
approach, practice and scope are reformed to ensure open, accountable and prudent
decision-making within all public sector organizations.

Specific Governance roles of internal audit function

Internal auditors’ roles in governance are broadly identified to be twofold. Firstly,
internal auditors provide independent, objective assessments on the appropriateness of the
organization's governance structure and the operating effectiveness of specific
governance activities. Secondly, they act as catalysts for change, advising or advocating
improvements to enhance the organization's governance structure and practices (IIA
2006b, p.4).

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According to standard 2130, internal audit activity should assess and make appropriate
recommendations for improving the governance process to accomplish the following
• promoting appropriate ethics and values within the organization.
• ensuring effective organizational performance management and accountability.
• effectively coordinating the activities of and communicating information among
the Board, external and internal auditors and management.

The Role of Internal Audit in the Public Sector - Control

Management control in the public sector includes all the policies and procedures put in
place by a government and the management of public sector entities aimed at promoting
accountability of resources. Another term for management control is internal control. In
the public sector, controls are mainly in-built in the public financial management system.
Public financial management includes the legal and organisational framework for
supervising all phases of the budget cycle, including the preparation of the budget,
internal control and audit, procurement, monitoring and reporting arrangements, and
external audit. The broad objectives of public financial management are to achieve
overall fiscal discipline, allocation of resources to priority needs, and efficient and
effective allocation of public services. Internal audit, in turn, has the key function of
reporting to the senior management of public sector entities on the functioning of the
management control systems, and recommending improvement where applicable.
Control structures and the accountability framework covers a broader spectrum of Public
Financial Management issues as shown in figure 2 below, which include strategic
planning (including budgeting), managerial activities (procurement, public debt and asset
management), accounting and reporting, internal and external audit; and legislative
Figure 2: Public Financial Management Cycle

Source: Baltaci & Yilmaz,2006, p.11

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According to Baltaci & Yilmaz (2006, p.15), the effort to reform a fiscal system should
include internal control and audit due to the crucial role they play in enhancing
accountability and effectiveness. Internal audit provides both governments and related
parties with a powerful tool for understanding the extent to which the public institution in
question has delivered on budget and effective services. Internal audit activity has
become an essential internal assurance mechanism in public financial controls and tool
for monitoring and evaluating managerial activities prior to external evaluation by
external auditors. Internal auditors in the public sector work with management to improve
service delivery, secure their commitment to improve internal controls and to ensure
compliance with applicable laws.
Public procurement constitutes a huge portion of government expenditure and is an area
that is often vulnerable to conflicts of interest and corruption of public officials. Internal
audit activities will further enhance transparency, fairness, reduce corruption and ensure
value for money in public procurement. According to Szymanski (2007, p.8), “control
systems play an important role in enhancing the accountability and transparency of a
public procurement system and hence in detecting and preventing corruption. Such
systems should include adequate independent internal control and audit with a clear
coordination of all control mechanisms”.
However, internal auditing as a control measure does not only minimize the
opportunities for corruption through the verification of procurement processes but also
ensures effective physical monitoring of capital items procured and actual utilisation to
avoid fraud and abuse.

The Role of Internal Auditing in the Public Sector - Risk Management

The demand for proper risk management strategies in the public sector emanates from the
complexity and dynamism of the operating environment, ever-increasing needs of society
coupled with general unpredictability pattern and dwindling of resources for national
development. Risk management should constitute an essential part of the strategic
management process of any entity involved in the implementation national development
According to the Australian Department of Finance and Deregulation, risk management
is an important responsibility for any public sector entity for effective and efficient use of
resources. It defines risk management as follows:
Risk is the possibility of an event or activity impacting adversely on an
organisation, preventing it from achieving organisational outcomes. Risk
management comprises the activities and actions taken to ensure that an
organisation is conscious of the risks it faces, makes informed decisions in
managing these risks, and identifies and harnesses potential opportunities.
Managing risk well requires careful consideration of the key concepts of
minimising loss, maximizing opportunity and preparing for uncertainty
(Commonwealth of Australia 2008, p.5)
The internal auditor’s role in risk management involves assessing and monitoring the
risks that the organization faces, recommending the controls required to mitigate those
risks, and evaluating the trade-offs necessary for the organization to accomplish its

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strategic and operational objectives. Griffiths (2006, p.4) “internal auditing provides
independent and objective assurance to an organisation’s management that its risks are
being mitigated to an acceptable level, and reports where they are not”.
Fraud and corruption are key risks that need to be managed in the public sector.
Management has the responsibility to put in place systems and processes that will prevent
and detect fraud within an organisation. However, it is internal audit that gathers
sufficient objective information for management to carry out its stewardship function and
to be well informed on the risks of fraud and effectiveness of fraud control procedures
and to enable them to understand the complexities of fraudulent activities.
Internal audit adds value through improving the control and monitoring environment
within organizations to detect fraud (Coram and others, 2007, p.1). The very presence of
internal audit review in an institution serves as a deterrent measure on the assumption that
any fraud perpetuated may be uncovered. Good governance principles require that audit
committees or similar oversight bodies, work closely with internal auditors in fraud risk
evaluation and investigations especially when recent trends suggest perpetration by senior
management in collusion with other employees.
Khan (2006, p.9) identified the useful role internal audit could play in the investigation
process and made the following suggestion:
“Internal auditors can play a vital role assisting the agencies responsible for
investigation of alleged cases of corruption in public sector organisations by
way of interpretation of various rules, explanation of various practices, and
the sharing some of the confidential information that they may possess as they
usually have more diversified and detailed knowledge of the operations in
different parts of the organization than the investigating agency staff that are
deployed only for a particular case”.
The challenge of public sector internal audit, however, is to avoid becoming compliance-
based due to the presence of a strict legal framework that sets out the public financial
controls and internal auditing processes. Moving towards risk-based internal audit will
require a foresight function of monitoring and advising on the improvement of program
efficiency and effectiveness and mitigating risks that hinder the achievement of
organisational objectives.

Importance of Internal Auditing in the Public sector

The audit function has become an integral part of government financial management and
an instrument for improving performance in the public sector. The need for good
governance and accountability has compelled governments to demonstrate a stronger
sense of responsibility in the use of public funds and efficiency in the delivery of
services. Management of national economies today is more complex and demands greater
competency and professionalism from internal auditors if they are to be able to assist
government in ensuring that scarce resources are deployed more efficiently and to also
effectively deal with the associated risks.
Effective internal oversight and monitoring are crucial to good governance and effective
Public Financial Management (PFM). Internal oversight includes the internal audit
function that must be effective and should comply with generally accepted auditing

International Journal on Governmental Financial Management 23

standards with regards to practice and approach. The focus of internal auditing is to
determine whether public funds have been spent for the purposes for which they were
appropriated and thereby promoting accountability. Internal audit undertakes reviews of
individual systems and processes and consequently makes recommendations to heads of
public sector entities on how internal controls could be improved.
An internal audit function is an essential part of any public expenditure management
system and should ensure that public spending is within budgetary provisions;
disbursements comply with specified procedures, provides for the timely reconciliation of
accounts and effective systems for managing and accounting for physical and financial
assets (Commonwealth Secretariat 2005, p.17).
Van Gansberghe (2005) puts forward the case that “Management must recognize the
value added role of internal audit and contribute towards its effectiveness.”, and that “As
internal auditing in the public sector assumes a status of professional practice,
management would benefit from its recommendations in improving its decision-making
and thus would be playing a more proactive and foresight role.”
Internal audit function provides internal consulting service to the management in public
sector institutions and hence the executive arm of government for smooth and efficient
functioning and for reviewing and improving its performance. It also ensures that there
are efficient controls and greater transparency in the decision and policy-making
processes of government functionaries and institutions in delivering services successfully
and in carrying out development programs in an efficient and appropriate manner. Public
Sector controls cover all aspects of activities including financial, managerial and
operational policies and are intended to safeguard assets, ensure the accuracy and
reliability of financial information and promote operational efficiency.
The internal audit function is in a good position to help senior management of public
institutions to identify risks, suggest risk management strategies and, ultimately, provide
assurance that the risks are being appropriately managed. Thus, the internal auditing
function evaluates the effectiveness of public institutions in achieving agreed objectives
and thereby promoting strong governance and accountability regime. Internal audit
function also applies professional skills through the evaluation of the policies, procedures
and operations that management put in place to ensure the achievement of the
organisation’s objectives. The recommendations made by internal audit for improvement
helps management in public sector entities to improve their risk management, control and
governance processes.
With the emergence of the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA)
framework in developing countries (PEFA, 2005), performance measurement framework
and results indicators have become key concepts in managerial practices and in the
formulation and execution of budgets. Indicators recently introduced in some countries
measure nationwide socio-economic progresses, stimulate public debate, and thus help
Government decide on important issues. “National Performance Indicators” are vital for
fulfilling public accountability that emphasises results and outcomes. Internal audit forms
part of the evaluation process in monitoring performance and verification of data quality
to ensure credibility of reported achievements. Also internal auditors could play
instrumental role in performing value-for-money (VFM) audits otherwise called
“Performance Audit”. Performance audits are concerned with the audit of economy,

International Journal on Governmental Financial Management 24

efficiency and effectiveness of government expenditures or spending plans. In practice,
performance auditing is focused on assessing whether organisations are doing the right
things and in the smartest way.
According to the INTOSAI, performance auditing is an independent examination of the
efficiency and effectiveness of government undertakings, programs or organizations, with
due regard to economy, and the aim of leading to improvements (INTOSAI, 2004, p.11)
Performance audits may serve as a good mechanism in evaluating operating performance
in the budget execution process. It is based around the following questions and function:
• How much do programs cost?
• How were they financed?
• What was achieved?
• What were the processes followed in achieving the outcome?, and
• Assessing impacts that may provide a useful feedback and corrective mechanism
in subsequent planning cycles.

Challenges to Public Sector Internal Audit

Relationship between Internal and External Audit in the Public Sector

Professionally, internal auditors strive to create an effective function whose results can be
relied upon by the external auditors as evidence of the overall strength of internal
financial control. The detailed background knowledge which internal audit has of the
organisation may be of particular value in allowing their external counterparts to
understand the background and circumstances of the activity they are reviewing.
However, publicity about the role of external auditors in high profile private sector cases
such as Enron has increased public and parliamentary expectations of external auditors,
and has rightly or wrongly made public sector external auditors more cautious about the
degree of reliance they place on internal audit (Glass 2005, p.8).
Establishing a professional working relationship between the internal auditor and the
external auditor should deliver benefits to both parties. Such relationship allows potential
overlaps and gaps in the overall audit activity to be identified and addressed, and assists
in maximizing the extent to which external audit is able to rely on the work of internal
audit in undertaking its work. Internal auditors also need to be aware of planned and
actual external audit coverage in order to assist in identifying their information needs
(ANAO, 2007, p.28).
An effective co-operation between internal and external audit helps both parties achieve
their objectives and also helps them provide a better service to the bodies they work with
and ultimately to Parliament and the public. However, such cooperation can only thrive in
an environment where there is mutual confidence and the recognition that internal and
external audits are both conducted within relevant professional standards and information
exchanged is treated professionally and with integrity (NAO, 2000, p.11).

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Quality of Service Delivery
Internal control evaluation and risk assessment are the main value services that internal
audit in the public sector could provide. Advisory services are another area where internal
audit can add value. Providing advisory services in the public sector is a defining
challenge especially in developing countries. In many cases internal auditors stick to the
routine task of a perpetual search for clerical errors in accounting documents and the
function is dominated by pre-payment audits. In most cases, no performance
measurement criteria are used to assess the performance of internal audit functions.

Audit Committee Oversight

Audit committees should maintain direct oversight on the internal audit function in order
to ensure that management is addressing issues on control and risk management raised.
However, most public entities have not recognized its importance and effectiveness in the
control, risk management and governance processes. Audit committees could play key
role in helping audit to carry out its legal and fiduciary responsibilities, and contribute
towards the integrity of the government’s financial information, system of internal
control and legal and ethical conduct of management and employees.
The public sector also faces an enormous challenge of finding people from outside public
organisations, who are willing to serve as audit committee members and have sufficient
knowledge of the public sector operations and risks to make an effective contribution to
the risk management.

Attraction and Retention of Competent Staff

The attraction and retention of competent internal audit staff remains a serious challenge
in the public sector due to unattractive remuneration packages compared to those in the
private sector. Internal audit staffs are expected to have a greater knowledge of the
entity’s business objectives, systems, risks and culture. Thus private sector audit staff
may not have the necessary skills and knowledge relevant to the public sector. The
inability to attract staff that can respond to the competence requirements and changing
needs of the public sector could affect the operational effectiveness and efficiency of the
internal audit function.

A well configured internal audit function can play a vital role in the governance and
accountability process of public sector institutions through their assessments on the
effectiveness of key organisational controls, governance and risk management processes.
Governing bodies and senior management in the public sector need the services of
internal audit to be effective and efficient. At the same time the legitimacy of internal
audit activity and its mission should be understood and supported by senior management
of government entities to enhance its effectiveness in promoting good public sector
governance, control and risk management systems.
Modern internal audit practice has transformed into a professional discipline of its own
and as a partner to governance bodies with strategic focus of contributing towards the
improvement of organisational governance and risk management strategies. Internal audit
has now found itself in the corporate spotlight and it is no longer seen as a less important

International Journal on Governmental Financial Management 26

financial function and a nursery school for careers in finance. A career in internal
auditing has assumed a strategic significance and requires exposure to thorough
organisational processes and through interaction with executive management. One needs
to go through a broader base of experiences both technical and behavioural to be effective
in this function especially in the public sector where controls are still weak and public
expectations are enormous.
It is generally expected that individual internal audit staff will be members of the IIA and
other relevant professional accountancy bodies. Internal audit staffs are expected to use
their membership of such professional bodies to keep abreast with the emerging
professional and industry developments and use networking opportunities to assist in
resolving challenges they may encounter in the course of their work.

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