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SAP HR Schemas and Rules: Expanding Within a Main Time or Payroll Schema
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There are two main ways to expand a Payroll or Time Schema and each has advantages and disadvantages over the other. One is to run the programs for at least one individual with the Log Display option selected. The other is through transaction RPDASC00 which allows for the option of exploding the s chemas down as far as individual s teps within a PCR. Expanding or exploding a s chema can be extremely useful in route-causing issues or locating configuration which may need to be copied or maintained.

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RPDASC00 The main difference with Displaying the Log of a payroll or time processing, is that RPDASC00 explod es the entire schema (to whatever level is chosen) not just the part relevant to a particular employee. This is particularly useful in locating such things as wagetypes and PCRs which will not neces sarily have been processed. Layout also differs being more the traditional table view format rather than the tree view format presented by the Dis play Log. However, s ince this is an expansion of the whole schema, there is exact reference to line numbe rs and sub schemas (excluding any lines which have been commented out), making location and editing of a particular point within the schema easier. If the options are selected such that all s chemas and calculation rules are expanded, a search for (e.g.) a particular wagetype will return every possible occurrence of that wagetype within the schema. This allows tracking of every stage of processing and may help to reveal errors in PCRs, configuration which can be duplicated and modified, etc. The disadvantage of this way of expanding the s chemas is that any wagetypes which are not process ed within the schema but are just read in and pos ted to a table, to the RT for instance, will not be found. Display Log When running both Time and Payroll schemas either in real or simulation, there is an option to Displ ay [the] Log. If this option is not selected but the schema encounters an error which prevents proces s completion, a partially expanded s chema (down to the error point) will be displayed. If the s chema executes s uccess fully, th ere will be no Log displayed. With the Display Log s elected and the program executed, the respective schema is displayed for the employee(s) being processed. In this instance the s chema displayed may not be the entire schema. Only those s ections which have been processed in relation to the employee(s) selected are shown. This is a distinct advantage when traci ng, for example, a wagetype through the s chema to as certain how its value in the RT relates to its initial value, or wh y it has not been processed or output. The other major benefit of this way of expanding the s chema is that actual data and meaningful values can be followed through making errors easier to identify than when using the exploded s chema view via RPDASC00. Since the expanded views of PCRs show only those steps through which any one employee has been s ent, errors in calculation (particularly if s teps within a PCR are printed out) can very eas ily be identified. The disadvantage of expanding the schema in this way is that any wagetypes which are hardcoded into PCRs as ass ignment wagetypes and then written straight out to the RT without any further processing, will not be found on searching. They may be located in the RT but it is more difficult to as certain how their value was derived. This Schema is expanded within a tree view which shows clearly the relationship of processing steps to the various parts of the schema (Gross Payments, Loans, Benefits etc). The main immediate difference between payroll and time schemas at this stage is the at the former displays by payroll period and the latter by day.

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