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Dear EQ Classic Development Team,

It is my honor and privilege to present to you a field guide to all the items that once existed in the blessed realms of Norrath. The items contained herein have either been removed from the game entirely or nerfed in some way as to spoil their original use. Before you begin to sift through the pages of this brief tome, I must issue several warnings. First, I do not guarantee the accuracy of anything contained within this work. Of all the facets of EverQuest, there is none that is filled with more speculation, misinformation, and myth as that of the history of loot in this game. Even on reputable websites and blogs, there are mounds of incorrect statements and statistics. Instead, what I can guarantee is that this compilation is the most complete listing of all loot that once dropped off the mobs in Norrath. You will not find a more detailed listing and explanation of these items anywhere including Allakhazam, Castersrealm, or Magelo. I have sifted through defunked websites, patch histories, and ancient screen shots of the game-gone-by to provide you with the most accurate and detailed listing of lost items ever put together into one work. Second, always double check your own database before entering anything you find here. In completing this book, I assumed that you were working with a database that was 2004 or older. If that is correct, you may still have some of these items in your database. If your DB is newer than that, I may have to go back through and amend this work. There were several items that were taken out or changed after 2004, but finding which ones they were is a very difficult task. Im up to it if the need should arise, so please, let me know if your database is newer than 04. Finally, do not feel compelled to include every item that I have cataloged. While it would be my personal preference that every item possible makes it into the game, some of these items were taken out for good reasons. A few of them caused problems on the server side and could lead, on rare occasions, to a crash. Some of them might just be rumors handed down year after year. Each item should be looked at individually, and a decision made that is best for your project. If needed, I am happy to provide any additional information you may require. If I could make one suggestion when it comes to these items, it would be to somehow mark them as being different from the rest of the items that drop in the game. For instance, you might add a tag in the information like Legendary in a line under the item name when you inspect it. Or, perhaps, you could add The Legendary in front of the name. So the Box of Abu-Kar would become The Legendary Box of Abu-Kar. That might work best for distinguishing between nerfed and pre-nefered versions of the same item. Whatever you decide, I would just suggest that there be some way to obviously tell the difference between these items and the rest of the items that drop in Norrath. It will make getting one of them something very special for the players and ensure that a player who doesnt spend hours and hours pouring over old webpages wont get ripped off by someone who does. Before I leave you to your reading, let me quickly explain the format I have chosen to present this information. Items are listed in alphabetical order. That means that A Glowing Black Stone ends up being first. I did this because more than likely, the items will appear that way in your database. Each item has its original inventory icon pictured next to its name. I wanted to have its on-screen graphic too, but that just became in impossibility. Some items are just too rare to find a screen of. Lastly, I have arranged the vital statistics in the following bulleted format:

Item Name: (the items name, of course) Era: (the time period it was introduced: Classic, Kunark, Velious) Stats: (the numerical values of the item) Slot: (the inventory slot where the item could be equipped) Race: (the races who could equip the item) Class: (the classes who could equip the item) Drop Info: (when possible, the mob that dropped the item and its drop rate) Zone: (the zone or zones where the item was dropped) Nerf/Removal Info: (the reasons this item was modified from its original state) Personal Comment: (I added my own personal commentary on most items just to give additional background and offer humble suggestions when I though they might be useful) Thank you very much for reading, I hope you enjoy what you find between these pages. Its been a pleasure. Sincerely, -Troy Costisick Sources: -3882.html


Item Name: A Glowing Black Stone Era: Classic Stats: LORE ITEM QUEST ITEM; INT: +9, SV MAGIC: +10, WT: 0.4 Size:

Slot: Primary/Secondary/Range Race: All Class: All Drop Info: Dropped off Pyzjin (a level 13-15 halfling mob w/level 10 skeleton pet ) Zone: Qeynos Hills Nerf/Removal Info: This item was once a range item as well, but in one of the September 1999 patches (most likely the September 13, 1999 patch) it was changed to primary/ secondary only, probably because the Range slot was just a typo. Personal Comment: There have been and still are rampant rumors that the Glowing Black Stone was equippable in the Ammo slot. This was never true. The first few months of the game allowed it to be equipped in the range slot. However, extremely few of these ever dropped so the urban myth around it is understandable. The only thing I dont know is if they were retroactively changed to be Primary/Secondary only. These items remained extremely scarce in the early days and the few GBSs that were dropped and looted at this time probably stayed with the original owners. There is virtually no way to know what ultimately happened to them. Item Name: A Gunthak Harpoon Era: Kunark

Stats: Skill: Piercing; Atk Delay: 33, DMG: 15, Dmg Bonus: 18, WT: 20.0; Size: GIANT Slot: Primary Race: All Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD ROG Drop Info: Dropped of Pirate Destroyer, a rare spawn level 33-36 mob, drop rate was 100%. Zone: Firiona Vie Nerf/Removal Info: Okay, lets get the complicated items out of the way here in the beginning. Originally, the Harpoon was No Rent/No Drop, then it became rentable (permanent) and droppable, now it is Lore and No Drop. This item went through several incarnations during Classic, however, notice that in all incarnations, it was a nonmagical weapon.

Personal Comment: Its hard to guess what Verant intended with this item. Needless to say, it is a very solid weapon for classic era though not without tangible drawbacks to it. Item Name: A Jagged Shard of Bone Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP, Skill: Piercing Atk Delay: 32, DMG: 5 Dmg Bonus: 18, Effect: Fear (Combat, Casting Time: Instant) at Level 15; WT: 2.0 Size: SMALL Slot: Primary/Secondary Race: ALL except ERU, HIE Class: WAR RNG MNK BRD ROG Drop Info: Dropped off Undead Sprite, level 5-7, drop rate was approx 2%. Zone: Lesser Faydark Nerf/Removal Info: With this weapon, fear-kiting for rangers and bards became extremely easily. It was removed from the loot table of this mob, then the items that were left in the game were all changed to Secondary slot only to further prevent their abuse. Personal Comment: An example of a hard nerf by Verant. Not only was the item removed from loot tables, the ones that had been looted were retroactively changed. Item Name: A Servants Blade Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP; Skill: 1H Slashing Atk Delay: 30, DMG: 11 Dmg Bonus: 18, DEX: +5 STA: +5 HP: +5, WT: 5.0 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Primary/Secondary Race: All Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG Drop Info: Dropped of A Servant of TVyl, a level 20 mob that spawned at the bottom of the stairs on the second level in Befallen. Zone: Befallen Nerf/Removal Info: Mob and item were removed in August of 2001. Mobs were added some time after launch to encourage adventuring in Befallen. They were later removed when people actually started adventuring there (go figure). Personal Comment: Befallen has little to offer in the way of loot and has earned quite a reputation as being a corpse eater for the sub-25 level crowd. The Servants Blade (along with Gynok of course) was one of the few reasons to go there.

Item Name: Adarras bow of the Unseen Era: Velious

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP, Skill: Archery Atk Delay: 50; DMG: 30 AC: 7, STR: +7 DEX: +7 STA: +7 HP: +15, SV MAGIC: +7 SV POISON: +15, WT: 0.5 Range: 150 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Range Race: All Class: ROG Drop Info: This was a bonus award during the 9th ring quest from Peffin in the Eastern Wastes. Zone: Eastern Wastes Nerf/Removal Info: Much to the chagrin of warriors and rangers, this was indeed a rogue only weapon. Complaints about getting this as a reward (everyone got it, but only rogues could use it) during the ring quest got so loud, that Verant decided to spite them all and remove the thing from the game totally. Personal Comment: Never played a rogue, but I knew many who were upset about this. There were a lot of rogue players who held a grudge against ranger players for a long time after this item was removed. Item Name: Ashenbone Hammer Era: Classic

Stats: LORE ITEM MAGIC ITEM NO DROP; SKILL: 2hb, Atk Dly: 43 Dmg: 34, Dmg Bonus: 68, Wt: 7.0, Size: MEDIUM Slot: Primary Race: All Class: WAR Drop Info: Formerly dropped off Innoruuk, the god of Hate. Zone: Plane of Hate Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed in mid 2000. Personal Comment: Some of Innoruuks items were moved to mini-bosses early in Hates development, however, some items were just removed from his loot table totally. This is one of them.

Item Name: Axe of the Slayers Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Skill: 2H Slashing Atk Delay: 48, DMG: 23 Dmg Bonus: 75, Effect: Rampage (Combat, Casting Time: Instant) at Level 30, WT: 15.0 Size: LARGE Slot: Primary Race: All Class: WAR Drop Info: Drops off Grazhak the Berzerker, a level 30 orc Zone: Mountains of Rathe Nerf/Removal Info: This item used to proc at level 1. It was a major twink item until a patch changed the proc to level 30. Personal Comment: No big loss, IMO, but it is somewhat bewildering considering that the proc isnt nearly as powerful as many others and was limited to just Warriors. Item Name: Ball of Golem Clay Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP; Charges: Unlimited, Effect: Illusion Earth Elemental (Any Slot, Casting Time: 6.0); WT: 0.5 Size: SMALL Slot: Ammo Race: All Class: All Drop Info: Used to drop off a stone golem a level 30-32 mob. This was a rare drop. Zone: The Accursed Temple of Cazic Thule Nerf/Removal Info: When CT was revamped the mob and the item disappeared. However, unlike most items that are removed, this one did make a comeback much later in the Plane of Earth. Special Note: using this illusion would make you non-KoS in The Hole. Personal Comment: This is not to be confused with the potion by the same name. Item Name: Band of the Arisen Cultist Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM NO DROP; AC: 5, STR: +5 STA: +10 WIS: +10 INT: +10 HP: +25 MANA: +25 ENDUR: +25, SV DISEASE: +15 SV POISON: +15, WT: 1.0 Size: TINY

Slot: Finger Race: All Class: All Drop Info: dropped off Cultist Geralissan, a level 60 mob, as his common drop. He was on Venril Sathir faction, gave faction bonus to Inhabitants of Firiona Vie. Zone: Trakkanons Teeth Nerf/Removal Info: It is speculated that since the Band was not lore, it was considered to be too powerful and was removed for that reason. Personal Comment: These were pretty common on servers where this mob was farmed for his gear. In fact, he may still be in your database. Im not sure when he was removed. Make sure you double-check it before making this a Legendary item. Item Name: Barbed Scale Whip Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Skill: 1H Slashing Atk Delay: 11, DMG: 4 Dmg Bonus: 18, STR: +3, WT: 1.0 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Primary/Secondary Race: ALL except ERU HIE IKS Class: WAR RNG BRD SHD Drop Info: Dropped of Draketamer, a named level 36-37 sarnak. Zone: Frontier Mountains Nerf/Removal Info: Verant tried to fix this item by retroactively making it a Secondary only item useable by just warriors and rangers. When it still proved too good, they removed the mob and the item from the game. Personal Comment: There were many low dmg/low dly weapons in the Kunark expansion that were eventually banished by Verant. Other than, the item was just too good we never got much of an explanation from the devs. Item Name: Basilisk Bracer Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; AC: 1, AGI: +5 WIS: +3, WT: 5.0 Size: SMALL Slot: Wrist Race: All except IKS Class: All

Drop Info: This item used to drop off a Deep Lava Basilisk, a level 22-25 mob that spawned in the lava pit in Lavastorm Mountains. Zone: Lavastorm Mountains Nerf/Removal Info: This mob was removed from the game in October 1999. The bracer had great stats for its level. Anyone with high enough fire resist could pull it from the lava to a group safely on land which trivialized the encounter. Personal Comment: This mob presented a unique challenge since it spawned in lava. The puller needed have high Fire resist and casters could only land magic and ice based DD spells on it. Its fire resist was super high. Item Name: Bassoon Haste Gauntlets Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP; AC: 0 STR: +5 AGI: +5 DEX: +5, Hit Points: +25, Effect: Haste (worn, 46%); Wt: 0.1 Slot: Hands Race: ALL Class: MNK Drop Info: Dropped of Maestro of Rancor, very rare drop Zone: Plane of Hate Nerf/Removal Info: The haste on these gauntlets were superior to the Cloak of Flames. After a while, Verant decided that it was too much haste to have on an item and removed it from the game. Personal Comment: For some reason, it always seemed that Plane of Fear raids were always more popular than Plane of Hate raids. This item enticed monks to get out of bed and add some much needed DPS to PoH raids. It would be a shame, IMO, for this item not to be included in the Maestros loot table for both a historical and logistical standpoint. Item Name: Beckon Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO TRADE; Skill: 2H Slashing Atk Delay: 42, DMG: 30 Dmg Bonus: 66, INT: +10, WT: 9.5 Size: LARGE Slot: Primary Race: SHD Class: TRL OGR Drop Info: This item once dropped off Innoruuk.

Zone: Plane of Hate Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed from his loot table some time in late 2000 or early 2001. Personal Comment: This item, which resembled a huge scythe, may have been removed since Iksars couldnt use it and thus had no real reason to go to Plane of Hatewhich was a real point of contention at times in the early days of Kunark. However, no true reason was ever given. Item Name: Bits of Golem Metal Era: Classic Stats: NO DROP

Slot: Inventory Race: N/A Class: N/A Drop Info: dropped of a steel golem, a level 35-37 mob in CT Zone: The Accursed Temple of Cazic Thule Nerf/Removal Info: When the CT revamped happened, this mob and his loot disappeared. Personal Comment: I was completely unable to find what this item was used for. My best guess is that it was for a quest that was never completed/discovered. Item Name: Black Iron Girdle Era: Classic Stats: MAGIC ITEM; AC: 6, STA: +5, WT: 2.0 Size: SMALL

Slot: Waist Race: All Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG SHM Drop Info: Dropped off The Goblin King a level 25 named mob as an uncommon drop. Zone: Runnyeye Citadel Nerf/Removal Info: Runnyeye was revamped in early 2001, many of the mobs and items that once resided there were removed. Personal Comment: See entry on Blackened Iron Armor

Item Name: Black Iron Medalion Era: Classic Stats: MAGIC ITEM; WIS: +3 INT: +3, WT: 0.1 Size: TINY

Slot: Neck Race: ALL Class: ALL Drop Info: Dropped off The Goblin King a level 25 named mob as a rare drop and off a pickclaw fleshburner as a rare drop. Zone: Runnyeye Citadel Nerf/Removal Info: Runnyeye was revamped in early 2001, many of the mobs and items that once resided there were removed. Personal Comment: See next entry

Item Name: Blackened Iron Armor (Armplates, Boots, Bracers, Collar, Gloves, Legplates, Mail, Spaulder, Waistband) Era: Classic Stats: 1 less AC than Banded Armor of the same slot., MAGIC Slot: Arms, Feet, Wrist, Neck, Hands, Legs, Chest, Shoulders, Waist) Race: All Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG SHM Drop Info: Dropped off The Goblin King a level 25 named mob as a common drop and off a pickclaw foeslicer as a rare drop. Zone: Runnyeye Citadel Nerf/Removal Info: Runnyeye was revamped in early 2001, many of the mobs and items that once resided there were removed. Personal Comment: Of all the nerf/pre-nerf issues you will examine, this one might be one of the thorniest. For those who started playing when Velious was released, Blackened Alloys is probably all they know. For those who came in with the original game or Kunark, they have a fondness for Blackened Iron armor. Both are classic, and both were essential to outfitting a character in the halcyon days of EQ. If I could be so bold to make a suggestion, Ill tell you what I would like to see. Blackened Alloy is generally 2AC higher than Banded, obviously an upgrade. So, I believe that Blackened Iron should drop at its original rate off the mobs that dropped it, and the Alloy armor/items should drop at a Legendary rate. This way, Runnyeye would provide nice upgrades

without unbalancing the game and people would have a reason to explore that dungeon for many, many levels. Item Name: Blackened Iron Bastard Sword Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Skill: 2H Slashing Atk Delay: 47, DMG: 20 Dmg Bonus: 74, WT: 9.0 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Primary Race: All Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD BER Drop Info: Dropped off The Goblin King a level 25 named mob as an uncommon drop and off a pickclaw crusader as a rare drop. Zone: Runnyeye Citadel Nerf/Removal Info: Runnyeye was revamped in early 2001, many of the mobs and items that once resided there were removed. Personal Comment: See above comment. Item Name: Blackened Iron Coif Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; AC: 5, STR: +5, SV FIRE: +5 SV DISEASE: +5 SV COLD: +5 SV MAGIC: +5 SV POISON: +5, WT: 6.0 Size: SMALL Slot: Head Race: All Class: ALL except DRU NEC WIZ MAG ENC Drop Info: Dropped off The Goblin King a level 25 named mob as an uncommon drop and off a pickclaw foeslicer as a rare drop Zone: Runnyeye Citadel Nerf/Removal Info: Runnyeye was revamped in early 2001, many of the mobs and items that once resided there were removed. Personal Comment: See above comment. Item Name: Blackened Iron Eye Totem Era: Classic Stats: MAGIC ITEM, HP: +10 MANA: +5, WT: 0.8 Size: SMALL

Slot: Primary/Secondary Race: All Class: CLR DRU BRD SHM Drop Info: Dropped off The Goblin King a level 25 named mob as an uncommon drop and off Sludge Damnkmire as a common drop Zone: Runnyeye Citadel Nerf/Removal Info: Runnyeye was revamped in early 2001, many of the mobs and items that once resided there were removed. Personal Comment: See above comment. Item Name: Blackened Wand Era: Classic Stats: MAGIC ITEM; STA: +1, SV MAGIC: +5, WT: 0.5 Size: SMALL

Slot: Primary/Secondary Race: All Class: NEC WIZ MAG ENC Drop Info: Dropped off The Goblin King a level 25 named mob as a common drop and off Priest Amiaz as a common drop Zone: Runnyeye Citadel, Befallen Nerf/Removal Info: Runnyeye was revamped in early 2001, many of the mobs and items that once resided there were removed. At the same time, this item was removed from the loot table for Priest Amiaz in Befallen. Personal Comment: No idea why it was removed from Amiazs loot table. Item Name: Blade of the Black Dragon Eye Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Skill: 1H Slashing Atk Delay: 24, DMG: 14 Dmg Bonus: 18, Effect: Envenomed Breath (Combat, Casting Time: Instant) at Level 50, WT: 0.5 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Primary/Secondary Race: All Class: WAR SHD ROG Drop Info: Dropped of a froglock reet knight a level 55 mob. Drop rate was .17% Zone: Old Sebilis

Nerf/Removal Info: Even with a drop rate of less than 1%, this item became too common and too powerful for Verants taste. They removed the item from the mobs loot table. Personal Comment: None, other than to say it really sucked when this thing was removed. Item Name: Bladestorm, Katana of Steel Sleet Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP; Skill: 2H Slashing Atk Delay: 45 DMG: 30, Dmg Bonus: 72, Effect: Rain of Swords (Combat, Casting Time: Instant) at Level 40, WT: 2.0 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Primary Race: All Class: WAR Drop Info: Used to drop of Cazic Thule himself. Zone: Plane of Fear Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed from the game sometime in early 2000 prior to the release of Kunark. Personal Comment: This was a favorite of warriors at the time. Guildmasters used it as a lure to get their tanks to show up to a Plane of Fear raid. In the brief time between this item being removed and the warrior epic going through PoFear, it would sometimes be hard to get tanks to show up. Item Name: Blighted Mare Hide Era: Classic Stats: MAGIC ITEM NO DROP; WT: 5.0 Size: LARGE

Slot: Inventory Race: N/A Class: N/A Drop Info: Dropped off a Blighted Mare, a level 25-26 mob. Zone: Lesser Faydark Nerf/Removal Info: This was part of a quest called Child of Innorruuk that led to a 10 slot, 30% weight reduction, GIANT capacity, 4.0 Wt. Backpack (see entry on Ebon Backpack). Weight reduction bags were closely watched by Verant in the beginning and at least 2 of them didnt make it (Box of Abu-Kar is the other).

Personal Comment: The name of the game is EverQuest. The quest being the most entertaining part of the game. Its a shame when they take out a quest with a great reward like this. Item Name: Blighted Mare Hoof Era: Classic Stats: MAGIC ITEM NO DROP; WT: 0.5 Size: SMALL

Slot: Inventory Race: N/A Class: N/A Drop Info: Dropped off a Blighted Mare, a level 25-26 mob. Zone: Lesser Faydark Nerf/Removal Info: The Blighted Mare was removed from the game in early 2002. This item was used in a quest, but the quest is unknown. Either the quest was broken, unfinished, or undiscovered. Personal Comment: Items like this may provide components for you to use to add custom content and quests to EQC if you were ever so inclined. Item Name: Bone Handled Dagger Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM; Skill: Piercing Atk Delay: 26; DMG: 5 Dmg Bonus: 20; Backstab DMG: 6; DEX: +3 INT: +4 SV MAGIC: +5; Effect: Deadeye (Must Equip, Casting Time: 10.0); WT: 2.0 Size: SMALL Slot: Primary/Secondary/Range Race: DEF HEF HIE ELF Class: ENC NEC SHD BRD ROG Drop Info: Once dropped off Linara Parlone in Najena. Zone: Najena Nerf/Removal Info: This item was eliminated from her loot list in the October 13th, 1999 nuking of EQ content. Personal Comment: According to one source, there was a sub-storyline with this mob that she was actually betraying her father in Felwithe. The key from the mob in Unrest was not for anything in Najena, but to some secret passage in the royal Thexian palace. The storyline and this item were dropped altogether in the infamous J-boots/Rubicite patch of 99. It wasnt mentioned specifically, but there were so many changes implemented that patch that one can assume the developers wanted to only touch on the major

ones. Item Name: Box of Abu-Kar Era: Classic

Stats: LORE ITEM; WT: 2.0 Weight Reduction: 100%, Capacity: 10 Size Capacity: GIANT Slot: Inventory Race: ALL Class: ALL Drop Info: This item was on the loot table for ALL mobs level 35 and higher. Its drop rate was .01% or less. Zone: All Nerf/Removal Info: This item lasted only about a year in game. It was removed from all mob loot tables in mid 2000. The reason it was removed is unknown, but speculation suggest a general dislike on the part of the devs for 100% weight reduction containers. Personal Comment: These items later became popular rewards for GM events, so many exist on servers of all ages. Item Name: Breezeboot's Frigid Gnasher Era: Velious

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP; Charges: Unlimited, Skill: Archery Atk Delay: 50, DMG: 20, Effect: Knockback 100 feet (Must Equip, Casting Time: 10.0) at Level 45, WT: 25.0 Range: 150 Size: GIANT Slot: Primary/Range Race: All Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD ROG Drop Info: This item was a reward for a quest called The Pirate Ship. Information on the quest is as follows: o You say, 'hail Breezeboot Swordrattler' o Breezeboot Swordrattler says 'Arr! Well, blow me down and hoist me mizzenmast! Swab the fo'c'sle and kick the bosun! Arrgh, to the four winds with this! I am cold, wet, hungry, shipwrecked, and bloody tired of playing at being a pirate. Breezeboot is not really my name, but it will do for now. I do not know how you got here, but you give me hope of escaping this frozen hell. We have been shipwrecked here for weeks now, though that is a long story.

o You say, 'what long story' o Breezeboot Swordrattler says 'We were trying to make a good coastal map of Velious, you understand, and to do that, we needed to circumnavigate the continent. Figured we might find some treasure too. It was not an easy trip, but the boys I brought along are pretty good sailors, and they all know their business, unlike that group of pretend pirates back at the Iceclad landing. We were doing fine until a storm blew up, and ran us right into these rocks. Our port screw, or was that starboard, anyway, the one on the left, broke on the bottom, and we started shipping water, floodiing the boiler. There is no way we can repair the damage. So here we are - stuck! o You say, 'I will help you' o Breezeboot Swordrattler says 'Well, we will need lumber - a good bit of it. I saw some likely wrecks when we sailed up the Cobalt Scar, you might want to look there. We also need rope, a lot of it, to lash the logs together, at least one hundred feet. Finally, we need something we can use as a sail - I do not like the idea of trying to paddle all the way back. I am not sure what you can find for that, but it needs to be strong, light, and not pass much air. Gather all that up, and come see me. I think I might have a bit of plunder and booty I can part with, in payment. o He needs you to collect the following items: o Sail -- A Huge Drake Wing which is Dropped by Tranala, a lv 65 named drake in Western Wastes. o Rope -- Water Proofed Rope which drops off of a haunted sea chest, a lv 51 mob which can be found in Cobalt Scar (In water). o Lumber -- Seaworthy Planking. This is a random ground pop in the Iceclad Ocean. It usually pops near the gnomes. You should try to find it on some empty small isle. o Bring him these three items for your reward.

o Related Zones: Cobalt Scar, Iceclad Ocean o Related Creatures: Tranala, a haunted sea chest Zone: Western Wastes Nerf/Removal Info: The quest was removed from the game in 2002. Personal Comment: The items inventory icon looks like a toolbox. Its graphic is said to resemble a leaf blower or the BFG from DOOM. Item Name: Brokenskull Club Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; skill: 2H Blunt Atk Delay:41, DMG: 33, Dmg Bonus: 55, AC: -15, DEX: -10, INT: -10, AGI: -15, SV DISEASE: -15, SV POISON: -15, Range: 50, WT: 10 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Primary/Range/Ammo Race: BAR TRL OGR Class: WAR SHD Drop Info: Dropped off drovlarg sentries, guardians, and bodyguards in KC. Zone: Karnors Castle Nerf/Removal Info: It is unknown why this item was removed. Personal Comment: I guess you could throw this item at someone? Thats about all its good for, IMO. This might be the only item that got removed because it was too awful to stay in the game. It had the same drop rate as the other weapons in the zone such as Sionaches Partisan. Item Name: Circlet of Shadow Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Charges: Unlimited, AC: 5, MANA: +10, SV DISEASE: +10 SV POISON: +10, Effect: Gather Shadows (Any Slot/Can Equip, Casting Time: 0.1) at Level 20, WT: 1.0 Size: SMALL Slot: Head Race: ALL Class: SHD NEC Drop Info: Dropped off a goblin bodyguard, a level 36-37 mob. Had a drop rate of about 44.44%

Zone: Temple of Droga Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed and replaced with a similar item called Circlet of Shadows. The devs felt that the unlimited charges of invisibility (Gather Shadows) was just too powerful in-game. Personal Comment: This item is so famous I hesitated to even include it, but in the interests of thoroughness I must. Item Name: Cloak of Shadows Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Charges: 5 or unlimited, AC: 12, DEX: +13, SV DISEASE: +10, Effect: Cloak of Shadows (invisibility), must equip, WT: 0.0 Size: LARGE Slot: Back Race: All Class: All Drop Info: Drops off a guano harvester (eew!), a level 17 mob. Zone: Nagafens Lair Nerf/Removal Info: Supposedly, this item either had unlimited charges or 5 charges of a spell by the same name. Magelo lists the spells information as: o Class: none o Mana: 0 o Casting time: 0 sec o Skill: Special o Target: Self o Duration: 00:10:00 o When cast on you: You gather shadows about you. o When cast on other: Someone steps into the shadows and disappears. o When it wears off: Your shadows fade. Personal Comment: I dont remember this, but apparently the information is out there. I never owned a Cloak of Shadows until Velious era. If the item existed, it was nerfed fairly early in EQs history. As for how many charges it had, it may have started with unlimited, been nerfed to 5, and then nerfed again to none. In any event, this item was retroactively nerfed and none of the pre-nerfed versions exist now. I dont find it too hard to believe a pre-nerf version existed given that the next item (Cloak of Impercep-

tion) appears to have a strong resemblance to the Cloak of Shadows (perhaps a fixed version of it) and it too used to have unlimited invis charges. Item Name: Cloak of Imperception Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Charges: Unlimited, AC: 10, SV COLD: +12, Effect: Gather Shadows (Any Slot, Casting Time: 30.0), WT: 3.0 Size: SMALL Slot: Back Race: All Class: All Drop Info: dropped off Grand Lorekeeper Kino Shai`din a level 56 mob at a rate of 48.15% Zone: Chardok Nerf/Removal Info: This item was later retroactively changed to have only 10 charges. The devs felt that classes that could invis (especially clerics) shouldnt have access to unlimited clicky invis despite its long casting time. Personal Comment: Practically all items that cast some form of invisibility were eventually nerfed. It makes me wonder how so many made it out of beta. Item Name: Cros Treewind's Staff Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Skill: 2H Blunt Atk Delay: 32, DMG: 12 Dmg Bonus: 57, WIS: +5 MANA: +30, WT: 3.5 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Primary Race: HUM ELF HEF HFL DRK Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG DRU BRD Drop Info: Dropped of Cros Treewind, a level 30 half elf that attacked PCs who killed bears and wolves, and also it dropped off a Defiled Grizzly a level 20+ mob that was added when Cros was removed from the game. Zone: Qeynos Hills Nerf/Removal Info: Cros was removed from the game due to complaints from players about being jumped by this guy while they were hunting in QH. The reason the Defiled Grizzly was removed is unknown. Personal Comment: Cros shouldnt have been removed in the first place IMO. He was part of the challenge the original EQ presented. Yeah, he was a pain, but you just had to

watch out for him. Taking him out was just the first step in making this game easier and easier to play. Item Name: Crossbone Cape Era: Kunark

Stats: LORE ITEM; AC: 4, AGI: +3 HP: +5, SV FIRE: +5 SV COLD: +5, WT: 0.2 Size: SMALL Slot: Shoulders/Back Race: All Class: All Drop Info: Used to drop of a mob in Timorous Deep named Captain Crag. He was a level 30 skeleton that spawned on the same island where the barrel raft docked taking travelers to and from the Oasis of Marr on the opposite side of the island from the Ogre camp. Zone: Timorous Deep Nerf/Removal Info: This mob lasted a couple weeks and then was removed. The cape was a common drop, but it didnt drop every time. Personal Comment: I guess a 4 AC, 5 Hit Point cape is just too powerful for Kunark era characters. (/sarcasm off) I cant see any reason why this item was removed. Item Name: Deluxe Sewing Kit Era: Classic Stats: 10 Slot trade skill container

Slot: Inventory Race: All Class: All Drop Info: This item came about after a very strange patch. Originally, there were two types of sewing kits: Small and Large. Large sewing kits had 10 slots. After the patch (mid 2000, I believe) Large Sewing Kits became 8 slots, and anyone who already had a large kit was given a Deluxe kit that had 10 slots. Zone: Numerous Nerf/Removal Info: The devs decided that 10 slots was too many, and ordered the change. Personal Comment: Its too bad they decided to do this. 10 slots kits offer devs many more options for creating new recipes. If you want to include this item, Id suggest making it a reward for a very difficult quest.

Item Name: Denon's Disruptive Discord (song) Era: Classic Stats: Song,

o 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 8 (L18) to 24 (L80) per tick if target is not moving o 2: Decrease AC by 5 (L18) to 24 (L80) Slot: NA Race: All Class: BRD Drop Info: This item could be bought from vendors in various Bard Guilds. Zone: Various Nerf/Removal Info: This song was nerfed to only affect stationary mobs. Personal Comment: At one time swarm-kiting was thought to be an efficient means of soloing mobs for bards. However, spending an hour and a half killing 40 mobs by running in circles never seemed efficient to me. Charm-kiting became much more popular and effective. Item Name: Donal's Chestplate of Mourning Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Charges: Unlimited, AC: 40, DEX: +12 WIS: +12 AGI: +12 MANA: +80, Effect: Complete Heal (Must Equip, Casting Time: 30.0) at Level 45, WT: 10.0 Size: LARGE Slot: Chest Race: All non-Iksar Class: Cleric Drop Info: Dropped off Trakanon at a drop rate of 7.84%. Zone: Old Sebilis Nerf/Removal Info: This item now has a buff icon that prevents it from being used multiple instances on the same character within a certain period of time. Its original function allowed it to be used over and over without a timer or delay buff. The 30 second casting time was considered the balancing factor. Personal Comment: This nerf caused a major uproar, but it was understandable. Its right up there with the Manastone for raw power. It should definitely be in, IMO, but at a very rare drop rate.

TINY Slot: Ear

Item Name: Earring of Grachnist Era: Kunark Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; AC: 5, STR: +2 HP: +10, WT: 0.1 Size:

Race: All Class: All Drop Info: Dropped off Grachnist the Drestoyer at a rate of 1.68%, this was later replaced by the Shrunken Goblin Skull Earring. Zone: Warsliks Wood Nerf/Removal Info: No reason was ever given for the removal of this item. Personal Comment: Its a pretty nice earring, but at such a rare drop rate, it is a little strange it was removed. The item that replaced it is superior IMHO. Item Name: Earthshaker Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Skill: 2H Slashing Atk Delay: 70, , DMG: 37 Dmg Bonus: 102, STR: +6 DEX: -5 STA: +6, Effect: Earthquake (Combat, Casting Time: Instant) at Level 45, WT: 16.0 Size: GIANT Slot: Primary Race: All Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD Drop Info: Dropped of Master Yawl. Zone: The Hole Nerf/Removal Info: Quoting from Allakhazams website: o "Some people might be alarmed by the change to fix shaker paging, so let me explain how shaker paging worked and how it will be affected by this patch. o Shaker Paging depends on a combination of an Area Effect melee attack combine with an Area Effect spell effect. o The spell comes from weapon with a Point Blank Area Effect proc, like Earthshaker, which can hit every NPC within a small radius. o The melee attack is an AE rampage ability which is available to warriors. o To do this right, you want to pull a huge train into a small space around the person with the AE weapon. The AE melee attack will hit every one of them. This can easily be several thousand melee swings in a very short period of time.

o Prior to this patch, each of those melee swings would have a chance to trigger the weapon proc. So the Area Effect spell might be triggered many, many times. Since every AE affects every nearby creature, it would kill them all. So, with 10 NPC's nearby, you might do a nice amount damage from the proc. Pulling 100 mobs instead would do 1000 times as much damage. o This patch won't affect the number of melee swings. Warriors will still be able to do thousands of attacks in a short time. This is a relief to those who were worried that the rampage ability might get a cap on the number of targets affected. o When a warrior rampages, only a tiny fraction of those attacks actually affect the NPC listed in the warrior's target window. After today, those will be the only attacks which will trigger the weapon proc. So instead of hundreds of procs, the warrior will see a normal number of procs. Each proc will still be an AE spell which can hit many, many targets, so they would probably kill a lot of grey-con mobs. o There just won't be the massive number of swings which can trigger a massive number of AEs. AE melee won't combine with AE damage to produce staggering waves of death. o For every other purpose, the AE weapons and AE abilities will remain exactly as before. In fact, I hope they put Earthshaker back in the game and add some other AE weapons. Personal Comment: This item was intensely fun before it was nerfed, but it was indeed overpowered in certain, limited situations. It was not, however, any good in raid situations since it generated way too much agro and agroed to many mobs for the raid to deal with. Item Name: Earthshaker's Mantle Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP; Slot: SHOULDERS, Charges: unlimited, AC: 9, STR: +8 DEX: +8 WIS: +8, SV FIRE: +10 SV MAGIC: +10, Effect: Earthquake (Must Equip, Casting Time: 4.0) at Level 49, WT: 2.5 Size: SMALL Slot: Shoulders Race: All Class: Ranger Drop Info: Result of the Ranger Test of Earth quest Zone: Plane of Sky Nerf/Removal Info: This item now has only 2 charges of Earthquake and a casting time of instant. The devs stated that this item was too strong in its original form, so it was retroactively nerfed.

Personal Comment: This is a really difficult quest, and there werent many of these that made it on the older servers in the first place. Plane of Sky is rarely raided for loot, but as the previous item showed, AoE effects have always been on a watch list for the EQ devs. I just have a personal, negative reaction whenever a quest gets nerfed. Item Name: Ebon Backpack Era: Classic Stats: 10 slot, 30% weight reduction, Wt: 4.0, capacity: GIANT

Slot: Inventory Race: All Class: All Drop Info: This was a result of the Child of Innuoruuk quest which was later removed. Here is the quest information: o You say, 'Hail Zyrria I`Vanres' o Zyrria I`Vanres narrows her eyes as she briefly but carefully studies the Wolf Elemental before her. A look of irritation crosses her features as she exhales slowly in a faint growl. 'Yes? State your business, Kaylorn . One such as I has not the time for idle and pointless conversation. There are much more [meaningful tasks] to which of my esteemed position and power of skills must attend.' o You say, 'What about meaningful tasks' o Zyrria I`Vanres raises her brow sharply, her beautiful features twisting in disgust and surprise. 'Are you to say that you do not recognize who and what I am? I am Zyrria I`Vanres of the Ebon Mask, sent here by my master, Tani N`Mar. Within Neriak, I am second to only him in rank and power, although I chose not to dabble in the political affairs that have abound in our city, thus why I am not widely recognized. My place lies elsewhere - in the shadows. I am a rogue, after all; a keeper of secrets and a bargainer with chance. Despite this location, tainted with the disgusting stench of the Fier`Dal, Tani has made quite an intelligent decision in sending me here to [observe]. It is most pleasing to have one recognize my talents and put them to an important use.' o You say, 'What about observe' o Zyrria I`Vanres says 'The forest, not to dodge the most abase of answers. Much of [great interest] to the Ebon Mask has occurred here in these past days. In fact, so interesting that I believe I might be so lucky as to gain council with the [Child of Innoruuk] regarding my reports here. o You say, 'what about great interest'

o Zyrria I`Vanres says 'Not too long ago, the powers of The Faceless touched these lands. In his wake, he left behind some... things of interest. Alterations to the frail nature of this area, if you will. All of which seems rather trivial for a divine power of his stature and following, but amusing none the less. What has been done to the [precious maiden unicorn] is by far the most pleasing news I have had in many years. o You say, 'what about precious maiden unicorn' o Zyrria I`Vanres smiles wickedly as her eyes light with a sadistic amusement. Equestrielle, a creature that was said to be closest to Tunare in its creation and existence. A being that represents purity, faith, honor, and life. No more does she show such things, as she is now a being of Cazic-Thule's will. How marvelous, is it not? There are some I know who find it most tragic. A forest filled with sobbing fair elves! Hahaha! And to think, this greatest wonder came from the hand of Firiona Vie herself! It is a pity that one cannot obtain the horn as the champion carries it with her, but I believe I could make do without. Bring me two hides of a blighted mare and two enchanted platinum bars. They may not be Equestrielle herself, but they are steeds of The Faceless's creation. o When you turn in the two blighted mare hides + 2 bars of enchanted plat you get a pack that has 30% weight reduction and holds medium items. Here is the text that follows... o Zyrria I`Vanres says 'Excellent... oh, wait, damn. I can't use these. The properties I was searching for seemed to have vanished in the death of the creature, although they are not entirely useless. I cannot let you go without reward, it would be a foolish loss of investment. Here, at least these hides should be of some use to someone. It is truly a pity that I cannot obtain Equestrielle's horn. What glorious perversions we could create in furthering its corruption and pushing Tunare farther away from these lands/ Unfortunately for us, this is Cazic-Thule's territory, and so [his minions] have come to lay claim to such spectacular finds. o Your faction standing with EbonMask got better. o Your faction standing with GuardsofQeynos got worse. o Your faction standing with WolvesoftheNorth got worse. o Your faction standing with GuardiansoftheVale gotworse. o Your faction standing with CarsonMcCabe got worse. o You gain experience!! o You say, 'what aboout his minions'

o Zyrria I`Vanres says 'There is one called Ytharisth Nerishar, an Iksar and supposed officer of the Cult of the Arisen. I have made attempts several times to make peace with him and bargain for researching territory, but he seems adamant about keeping all of this for himself and his people. Perhaps... no, no I would be asking too much of one as yourself, and although you have proven yourself worthy of being my loyal dog, I do not think you are quite the type to perform any acts of diplomacy. Zone: Lesser Faydark Nerf/Removal Info: No real reason was ever given for removing this quest other than it provided a nice weight reduction bag. Personal Comment: Again, its a shame to remove a quest from the game, since thats what the game is all about. Id understand if this were a 10 slot 100% weight reduction bag, but it isnt. Item Name: Ebon Scythe Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Skill: 2H Slashing Atk Delay: 45, DMG: 17 Dmg Bonus: 72, STR: +5 CHA: -10 INT: +2 MANA: +5, SV DISEASE: -5 SV POISON: -5, WT: 15.0 Size: LARGE Slot: Primary Race: All Class: WAR SHD Drop Info: Dropped off Asaka LRei in befallen, she spawned near the back of the front foyer in Befallen. Zone: Befallen Nerf/Removal Info: No reason for this items removal was ever given. Personal Comment: This weapon may have the most negative stat modifiers of any weapon in Classic. It doesnt seem as if it was game breaking in any way. Item Name: Egg-Shaped Pumice Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM, Charges: 5, Effect: Pillage Enchantment as Enchanter level 42 Spell, (Any Slot, Casting Time: 3.0) WT: 0.8 Size: SMALL Slot: N/A Race: ALL Class: ALL

Drop Info: These could be bought in every starting city except Cabilis. They would cost between 16-18pp. Zone: Many Nerf/Removal Info: No official reason was given. There was some speculation about Abashi losing a dual to someone who had one of these, but I dont take much stock in it. The best guess is that it caused a lot of problems on the PvP servers. Personal Comment: This item is not really a big deal. In fact, this might be the only item I suggest just putting back in as a non-legendary item. Of course, if you want to make everybodys day, you can make it a Legendary drop off any mob in all the newbie zones. People would love being able to loot something they can sell to a merchant for a ton of plat. Item Name: Emerald Armor Breastplate Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; AC: 20, STA: +5 AGI: +10 HIT POINTS: +40, WT: 10.0 Size: LARGE Slot: Chest Race: ALL Class: PAL Drop Info: This item once dropped off the Cazic Cenobite, a level 35 lizardman as a very rare drop. Zone: The Accursed Temple of Cazic Thule Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed from this mobs loot table at the same time all the Rubicite armor was removed. The mob then dropped Ravenscale armor until it was removed in the CT revamp. Personal Comment: This was an exceedingly rare drop, so my information may be somewhat off. This item was the best pally BP pre-Plane of Hate and consequently saw little time in the EC tunnel on the auction block. Once it was removed, it was passed down from pally to pally as a twink item. Item Name: Emerald Cloak of the Faydark Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP; Charges: 1, AC: 5, CHA: +10 HP: +25 MANA: +25, SV DISEASE: +10 SV POISON: +10, Effect: Fay Gate (Must Equip, Casting Time: 10.0), WT: 0.0 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Back

Race: All Class: All Drop Info: This item was a reward for the Boodboil quest. Here is the quest information: o Talisyn wants you to obtain a wing dropped by an undead sprite named Bloodboil. Bloodboil spawns in the middle of the mushrooms. He does not drop the wing that often. If you bring back the wing, you will get your reward. o Related Creatures: Bloodboil (Lesser Faydark) o Related Items: A Broken Bloodboils Wing Zone: Lesser Faydark Nerf/Removal Info: The quest for this item was removed in June 2001. The power of any class being able to gate to Greater Faydark (even if the item only had 1 charge of it) was too strong, and Verant was moving towards a new storyline anyway with Luclin approaching. Personal Comment: Quests are fun. This quest was especially fun and rewarding. Lfay used to be a much more interesting zone before Verant started taking out all the good quests involved with it. Item Name: Enchanted Fine Steel Bastard Sword Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM; Skill: 2H Slashing Atk Delay: 42, DMG: 20 Dmg Bonus: 66, STR: +7, WT: 8.5 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Primary Race: All Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD Drop Info: Dropped off of Knight V`Tal as a rare drop. It had a drop rate of around 1.8%. Zone: Befallen Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed from Knight V`Tals loot table to be used in the Battle of Bloody Kithicore for the Halloween 1999 GM event. It was never returned to his loot table. Personal Comment: Its just as well it was removed. It has pretty decent stats for that early in the game.

Item Name: Enchanted Fine Steel Great Staff Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM; Skill: 2H Blunt Atk Delay: 42, DMG: 15 Dmg Bonus: 66, WIS: +4 INT: +4, WT: 7.5 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Primary Race: All Class: All except BRD ROG Drop Info: Dropped off of Kahaptra Z`Taj as a rare drop. It had a drop rate of around 4.8%. Zone: Befallen Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed from Kahaptra Z`Tajs loot table to be used in the Battle of Bloody Kithicore for the Halloween 1999 GM event. It was never returned to her loot table. As far as I know, her table remained empty until she was removed from the zone totally in 2002. Personal Comment: There were a whole host of enchanted fine steel items that once dropped in Befallen and were never returned. Item Name: Enchanted Fine Steel Long Sword Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM; Skill: 1H Slashing Atk Delay: 28, DMG: 7 Dmg Bonus: 18, STR: +5 AGI: +2, WT: 7.5 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Primary/Secondary Race: All Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG Drop Info: Dropped off of Knight V`Tal as a common drop. It had a drop rate of around 98%. Zone: Befallen Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed from Knight V`Tals loot table to be used in the Battle of Bloody Kithicore for the Halloween 1999 GM event. Strangely, this item was returned to his loot table unlike many of the other Enchanted Fine Steel items. Personal Comment: This item remained on his loot table until 2002. Item Name: Enchanted Fine Steel Morning Star Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM; Skill: 1H Blunt Atk Delay: 30, DMG: 7 Dmg Bonus: 18, STR: +2 WIS: +5, WT: 9.0 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Primary/Secondary Race: All Class: ALL except NEC WIZ MAG ENC Drop Info: Dropped off Asaka LRei in Befallen. This was her common drop. Zone: Befallen Nerf/Removal Info: No reason for this items removal was ever given. Personal Comment: Oddly enough, this item was not used in the Battle of Bloody Kithicore and therefore wasnt removed from the mobs loot table. Item Name: Enchanted Fine Steel Rapier Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM; Skill: Piercing Atk Delay: 19, DMG: 5 Dmg Bonus: 18, STR: +2 AGI: +5, WT: 4.5 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Primary/Secondary Race: All Class: WAR RNG SHD BRD ROG Drop Info: Dropped off of Korven Nisere as a rare drop. Zone: Befallen Nerf/Removal Info: This item used to drop off Korven Nisere as a very rare drop. He was a half-elf who converted to TVyl and was helping the dark elves plot against Rivervale in Befallen prior to the Battle of Bloody Kithicore. This item was taken off his loot table to be used in the Battle of Bloody Kithicore in 1999 GM event, but wasnt returned. It was replaced with the Shimmering Ruby Stiletto. The mob was eventually deleted from the zone altogether in 2002. Personal Comment: Another item taken out for a GM event, but IMO the Dmg/Dly on this thing was way too good for a level 20 dungeon anyway. If you decide to include this item, it will be a nice tie-in to the lore for the Battle of Bloody Kithicore. For those of us who were there when it went down, it left a major mark on our EQ experience. It made the game super-cool to play. Items like this definitely hearken back to a more magical and exciting time in the history of MMORPGs. Item Name: Enlarged Fire Beetle Eye Era: Classic Stats: WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL; Light Source: Torch; Charges 1, Effect: Enchant

Silver Slot: Primary/Secondary/Range Race: ALL Class: ALL Drop Info: Rare drop off Queen Kliknik, Queen Klaknak, and lava beetle. Zone: North Qeynos (the Queens), Nagafens Lair (lava beetle) Nerf/Removal Info: These were uncommon drops off some of the larger beetles in Norath. They were removed for unknown reasons. At what time, Im not sure. They no longer appear on these mobs loot tables and havent for some time. Personal Comment: Some reports state that this spell summoned the enchanted bar or silver without the silver bar regent. Im inclined to believe that report since the eye comes with only one charge. Item Name: Equestrielles Eye Era: Classic Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP; WT: 0.1 Size: TINY

Slot: Inventory Race: All Class: All Drop Info: Dropped off Equestrielle the Corrupted, a level 40 horse mob. Zone: Lesser Faydark Nerf/Removal Info: Mob and item were removed some time in 2004. Personal Comment: The quest that involved this item was either broken, undiscovered, or unsolved. No known use for the eye exists. Item Name: Fanged Skull Stiletto Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM; Skill: Piercing Atk Delay: 22, DMG: 12 Dmg Bonus: 18, Backstab DMG: 12, WT: 5.0 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Primary/Secondary Race: All Class: ALL except CLR PAL DRU MNK SHM Drop Info: Obtained by handing the Head of Stanos to Hanns Krieghor in North Qeynos.

Zone: Qeynos/Kithicore Forest Nerf/Removal Info: This quest was removed from the game when the Head of Stanos when this quest started to interfere with the Rogue epic. Personal Comment: The fact that this item stayed in the game for as long as it did is amazing to me. The Dmg/Dly is amazing. Stanos used to spawn on his own, but now he only spawns as part of the rogue epic raid event in Kithicore. Item Name: Fishgill Necksash Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; AC: 4, STA: +4 HP: +10, Effect: Enduring Breath (Worn, Casting Time: Instant), WT: 0.2 Size: SMALL Slot: Neck/Waist Race: All Class: All Drop Info: This item dropped off First Mate Morgan, a level 25-27 mob. He was an undead skeleton that spawned next to Captain Crag (see Crossbone Cape entry). Zone: Timorous Deep Nerf/Removal Info: This mob and item were removed at the same time Captain Crag was. The two mobs were related in some storyline that was never given enough time to be discovered. Personal Comment: This item dropped from First Mate Morgan every time. Even though he was somewhat of a rare spawn, these items became very common on any server that was live at the time they appeared during the Kunark expansion. Since EB items were very rare at this point, Verant decided to remove this one quickly. Only a few dozen necksashes exist on any one server. Its quite understandable that this item was removed, though a reduction in its drop rate would have made much more sense. There really arent enough EB items in the game, especially since several classs epics go through Kedge Keep. I think one can surmise that the original intent of the Fishgill Necksash was to help those classes procure their epics. Item Name: Flowing Red Silk Sash Era: Kunark Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Haste: +6%, WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL

Slot: Waste Race: All Class: All

Drop Info: This item was the rare drop off First Mate Morgan, a level 25-27 skeleton. Zone: Timorous Deep Nerf/Removal Info: See above entry (Fishgill Necksash). Personal Comment: This item is pretty weak. It almost seems like they should have switched the drop are of the FRSS and the Necksash. This item was easier to get than the Sporali Gloves and the FBSS and provided a nice, lowbie option for a Haste item. Its a shame it had to go. Item Name: Fungus Covered Great Staff Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Charges: Unlimited, Skill: 2H Blunt Atk Delay: 35, DMG: 18 Dmg Bonus: 59, CHA: -10 WIS: +8 INT: +8, SV FIRE: +5 SV DISEASE: +5,Effect: Fungal Regrowth (Any Slot, Casting Time: Instant), WT: 1.1 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Primary Race: All Class: DRU SHM Drop Info: Dropped off the Myconid Spore King as his rare drop (fungi tunic was common at the time). Zone: Old Sebilis Nerf/Removal Info: This item used to be able to be clicked from the inventory by any class and could be cast on any target. Eventually, it was changed to only able to be cast on groupmates then later self only. Personal Comment: The reason for the targeting changes was that on PvP servers, players would target other PCs with the staff and snare them. That proved too powerful for the Zek servers, and the items were changed on all servers as a result. Item Name: Gem Encrusted Ring Era: Kunark Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; AC: 10, STR: +7, WT: 0.1 Size: TINY

Slot: Finger Race: All Class: All Drop Info: Drops off Reet Shaman and Reet Wizards. Drop rate was approximately 8.48%

Zone: Old Sebilis Nerf/Removal Info: Originally, these dropped on the same table as the Forest Loop. The devs decided it was too strong of an item like that, and changed it to Reet Shaman and Reet Wizards in Old Seb. Then it was removed from their loot tables some time later. Personal Comment: This item was removed shortly after Verant put focus effects on all sorts of random items. This item got Affliciton Efficiency III which increased the speed and duration of roots and dots on mobs. It was a common enough drop that too many shaman and druids were getting a hold of them and soloing became much easier. Rather than removing the focus effect, they removed the item. Item Name: Gem Encrusted Circlet Era: Kunark Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; AC: 1 INT: +6 WT: 0.5 Size: SMALL

Slot: Head Race: HUM ERU HIE DEF GNM IKS Class: NEC WIZ MAG ENC Drop Info: This item dropped off Overseer Miklek Zone: Frontier Mountains Nerf/Removal Info: Reports of this mob spawning and this item dropping end in early 2002. Personal Comment: This item may still be in the game, but there has been no account of it in over six years. If it was removed, it was taken out right around the time of Luclin- perhaps just before or just after. Your database may have the answer. Item Name: Glimmer Ring Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM, LORE; AC: 1 INT: +2, Charges: 1, Effect: Gate (Worn, Casting Time: 10) at level 1. Slot: Finger Race: All Class: All Drop Info: This item was a common drop off Mina Glimmerwing (a level 20-21 farie mob) Zone: Lesser Faydark

Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed after the first 5 months of the game being live. Personal Comment: Unlike many other items, the Glimmer Ring was deleted from players inventory slots. The next time players tried to move or click on the item after they logged in following the patch that removed it, the ring vanished. The resulting tumult helped form the policy of leaving nerfed or removed items on the characters that already had one. Slot: NA Race: All Class: All Drop Info: This item could be purchased from merchants in the Neriak zones. Zone: Neriak Nerf/Removal Info: This item was part of a quest that was either unfinished, undiscovered, or broken. Personal Comment: This item may be something you can use to add custom content. Item Name: Green Platemail Gloves Era: Classic Item Name: Glowing Blade Era: Classic Stats: LORE ITEM NO DROP; WT: 7.0 Size: MEDIUM

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; AC: 14, STR: +7 DEX: +5, WT: 5.5 Size: LARGE Slot: Hands Race: ALL Class: MNK ROG Drop Info: Dropped off a Cazic Cenobite, a level 35 lizardman, as a rare drop. Zone: The Accursed Temple of Cazic Thule Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed along with several others during the Rubicite nerf and replaced with Ravenscale armor. Personal Comment: At first the name of this item confused me. Obviously monks and rogues cant normally wear plate. But this item was confirmed to exist by both the old Allakhazam archives and Monkley business. When it comes to monk info, theres no site I trust more.

Item Name: Goblin Eye Poker Era: Kunark

Stats: Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY; Skill: Piercing Atk Delay: 18, DMG: 3 Dmg Bonus: 18, WT: 0.0 Size: TINY Slot: Primary/Secondary Race: All Class: All Drop Info: This item could drop off any goblin in the Lake of Ill Omen zone. Zone: Lake of Ill Omen Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed because it was an All/All weapon. It was never intended for Monks, Clerics, Paladins, or Shadow Knights to equip. Personal Comment: It seemed like it was just more of an annoyance to the Devs rather than an over powered item. It wasnt magical and that is a serious drawback. Item Name: Goblin Two-Handed Sword Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Skill: 1H Slashing Atk Delay: 35, DMG: 8 Dmg Bonus: 18, STA: +5 AGI: +5, WT: 6.0 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Primary/Secondary Race: All Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG Drop Info: The lore on this item is convoluted and isnt helped by the fact that much later, after it was removed from mob loot tables, it made a return as a quest in the Planes of Power expansion. This item could either drop off any goblin on Kunark or any sarnak on Kunark. Or possibly, off any goblin or sarnak. In any event, its drop rate was probably close to the Sarnak Earring of Station. Zone: Various Kunark Zones Nerf/Removal Info: It was originally removed along with several other weapons like the Jade Inlaid Crescent Axe and the Blade of the Black Dragon Eye. Personal Comment: There was a point in time when Verant removed many, many items from the game. It was quite disheartening for players who were active during those days. This item wasnt all that common to begin with and really wasnt causing trouble during the Kunark era. Apparently some dev had a special place in his heart for the item and that is why it returned in the PoP era.

Item Name: Golem Metal Wand Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM; Charges: 5, Effect: Pillage Enchantment (Any Slot, Casting Time: 4.0), WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Slot: Primary/Seconary/Range Race: All Class: All Drop Info: Dropped off Kahaptra Z`Taj (a level 22-24 dark elf wizard that spawned on the third floor down in Befallen) and off the Stone Golem in the Accursed Temple of Cazic Thule. Zone: Befallen/The Accursed Temple of Cazic Thule Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed from both mobs loot tables since it proved to be too powerful on PvP servers. Personal Comment: This is another item that is almost worthless in a PvE environment but is devastating on PvP. If the Zek servers didnt exist, this item probably would have stayed in the game even when both those mobs disappeared in the Befallen and CT revamps. Item Name: Guise of the Deceiver Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM, Charges: Unlimited, AC: 4, CHA: +13, SV MAGIC: +7, Effect: Illusion Dark Elf (Any Slot, Casting Time: 6.0), WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL Slot: Face Race: All Class: All Drop Info: Dropped off a Ghoul Assassin Zone: Lower Guk Nerf/Removal Info: This item became over camped by classes of all sorts who wanted to look like a dark elf. It was removed from the Ghoul Assassins loot table and replaced with the Mask of Deception. Personal Comment: One of the most sought after, prestigious, legendary nerfed items of all time. Item Name: Heartstone Amulet Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM; Charges: 5, AC: 4, CHA: +9, Effect: Beguile Undead (Any Slot, Casting Time: Instant), WT: 1.0 Size: SMALL Slot: Neck Race: All Class: NEC WIZ MAG ENC Drop Info: Dropped off a Vampire Bodyguard (a level 50-51 shadowknight undead mob) that spawned at the approximate /loc of 126.03, -108.08, -159.26. Zone: Castle Mistmoore Nerf/Removal Info: This mob was fearsome back in the day. He had a 500 point harm touch. His job was to guard the room next to Magrek (see Werewolf Tail entry). He was a very rare spawn and was taken out in late 1999. His harm touch proved too powerful for most groups to recover from. The item reapered many times as rewards in GM events. Apparently it was flagged as safe for the play environment. Personal Comment: The top floor of Castle Mistmoore was one scary place back in the day. However, it was worth the risk to get items like this. The mobs up there were unique and each had their own storyline. If I remember right, as far as the lore goes, his job was to guard Magrek (as if she needed it). Item Name: Holgresh Elder Beads Era: Velious

Stats: LORE ITEM; Charges: Unlimited, SV FIRE: +1 SV COLD: +1 SV MAGIC: +2, Effect: Eye of Zomm (Any Slot, Casting Time: 4.0), WT: 0.2 Size: SMALL Slot: Neck Race: All Class: All Drop Info: Dropped off An Elder Holdgresh, a level 39-44 magician mob that also had a level 29 pet. Zone: Wakening Lands Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed because necromancers and shadow knights could life tap the eye an infinite number of times to heal themselves and recharge their mana base. Personal Comment: This item would have been a fun little toy if Verant had just nerfed the life tap interaction instead. The Singing Steel Helmet never caused any problems.

Item Name: Iksar Hide Mask Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Charges: Unlimited, AC: 4, CHA: +13, SV MAGIC: +7, Effect: Illusion Iksar (Any Slot/Can Equip, Casting Time: 6.0) at Level 38, WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL Slot: Face Race: All Class: BRD ROG Drop Info: Dropped off Harbinger Dronik (Levels: 49 - 50) Zone: Trakkanons Teeth Nerf/Removal Info: When this item was first introduced it granted the bard or rogue the regeneration and AC bonus of the Iksar. It was later nerfed to just be a cosmetic illusion only. Personal Comment: The price on these initially crashed then rebounded since they were so hard to get. In the end, people werent too upset over it. There just werent a lot of bards and rogues in the game at that time to care. Item Name: Illusionists Stone Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM; Charges: 5, Effect: Illusion Tree (Any Slot, Casting Time: Instant), WT: 0.8 Size: SMALL Slot: Primary/Secondary Race: All Class: All Drop Info: Dropped off Old Dimmerwing, a level 15 butterfly farie mob. Zone: Lesser Faydark Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed for unknown reasons and later added to the Kings Casino on Luclin. Personal Comment: To my knowledge, there were never any complaints about this item or the difficulty of the mob. Item Name: Imbued Granite Spauldors Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM, AC: 20, SV FIRE: +10, SV DISEASE: +10, SV COLD: +10, SV MAGIC: +10, SV POISON: +10, WT: 19.4, Size: SMALL

Slot: Shoulders Race: HUM BAR ELF HIE DEF HEF Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD SHM ROG Drop Info: Dropped off a massive construct, an elemental warrior, and Slizik the Mighty. Zone: The Hole Nerf/Removal Info: This item received an upgrade. Originally it was not Rogue wearable. In August of 2001, it was upgraded to allow Rogues to wear it. Personal Comment: As Luclin approached, Verant wanted all the classes to have plenty of access to resist gear. This item was changed, along with a few others like the Stone of Morrid to help balance resist gear. I would recommend making the upgraded/de-nerfed version the Legendary drop and keeping the original in its place on these mobs loot tables. As a side note, the item was later changed to a WT. of 25.5, but that is such a small change (and I have no idea when it happened) that I dont think its worth making a second entry for in this work nor in your database. Item Name: Incarnadine Breastplate Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Charges: Unlimited, AC: 35, STR: +15 DEX: +15 INT: +5 HP: +25, Effect: Gather Shadows (Any Slot, Casting Time: 8.0) at Level 50, WT: 7.0 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Chest Race: All Class: WAR SHD Drop Info: Dropped off Bethezid Zone: Chardok Nerf/Removal Info: This item used to be able to be clicked from the inventory slot. It was later nerfed to be equipped only. Personal Comment: A small change that made a big impact. Item Name: Intes Sword of Death Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP NO RENT, Skill: 2H Slashing, Atk Delay: 15, DMG: 150, STR: +12, WIS: +12, MANA +25, SV FIRE: +5, SV DISEASE: +5, SV COLD: +5, SV MAGIC: +5, SV POISON: +5, Effect: Flame Shock Slot: Primary

Race: ALL Class: PAL Drop Info: Dropped off Inte Akera, a quest NPC. Zone: Plane of Sky Nerf/Removal Info: Inte was part of the Fiery Avenger quest. He was an NPC, not a mob really, and was not designed to be hunted. When he was finally killed by one of the uber guilds at the time, he dropped this ridiculous sword. The dev team clearly never meant for any such item to be a part of the game, so Intes loot table was deleted as was this item from the players inventory. Personal Comment: This is not something that needs to be in the game. It is merely a historical curiosity. Item Name: Issued Footman Armor (Cap, Cape, Choker, Cord, Gloves, Pants, Sandals, Shawl, Shirt, Sleeves, Veil, Wristband) Era: Classic Stats: Same as cloth in same slot except these were all NO DROP. Slot: All Armor Slots Race: All Class: All Drop Info: From the extremely scant info on these items, they appear to be quest rewards. The most likely explanation is they were the reward for 4 ruined wolf pelts. You would turn them in to Sir Edwin Motte who spawned both in Qeynos Hills and East Freeport. As a side note, they had a really cool black tint to them, and anyone who had a full set looked awesome (for a noob). Zone: Qeynos Hills and East Freeport Nerf/Removal Info: These items were taken out pre-Kunark. The reason why is anyones guess. Personal Comment: I know these things existed, and I know you could get them in FP and QU. Im just not sure my quest info is 100% correct. There is scant research out there on them, but what I put in the Drop Info is as accurate as I could make it. This set of armor is also may have been components in a larger quest that was never discovered or finished. Item Name: Jade Chokidai Prod Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Skill: Piercing Atk Delay: 30, DMG: 11 Dmg Bonus: 18, STA: +3 WIS: +6, WT: 4.2 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Primary/Secondary Race: All Class: WAR RNG SHD BRD ROG SHM Drop Info: Dropped off of the Chancellor of Dizok Zone: Lake of Ill Omen Nerf/Removal Info: This item was later nerfed to be SHM only. Personal Comment: Many people think that this item used to be SHM ROG. Thats incorrect. It was once equipable by many classes. The change seems a little odd since the item is used in the quest for the Howling Stones key. Regardless of what class you are, youre going to want at least one of these at some point. Item Name: Jade Inlaid Crescent Axe Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM, Skill: 2H Slashing, Atk Delay: 40, DMG: 32, Dmg Bonus: 96, STR: +6, DEX: +6, AGI: +6, HP: +25, WT: 10.0, Size: LARGE Slot: Primary Race: ALL Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD Drop Info: Dropped off Korocust, a level 62 Sarnak Zone: Chardok Nerf/Removal Info: This was last reported dropping in mid-2001. That doesnt mean it stopped dropping then, but there is no record of it after that. Personal Comment: The Jade items from Kunark were some of the most iconic. Who doesnt remember the Jade Mace or Jade Prod? Im not sure if this item was removed or not, your database might be able to tell you. Korocust had plenty of other drops, so its not like people wont camp him anyway. Item Name: Journeymans Boots Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM NO DROP; Charges: Unlimited, AC: 1, Effect: Journeyman Boots (Any Slot, Casting Time: Instant), WT: 2.5 Size: SMALL Slot: Feet Race: All

Class: All Drop Info: Used to drop off Drelzna. Zone: Najena Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed from Drelznas loot table and turned into a quest or a merchant item in the Temple of Solusk Ro. Personal Comment: This item was a big reason people went to Najena. Once it was removed from Drelznas loot table, the place became a ghost town. Thats too bad, really. Its a fun dungeon to adventure in and a great place for newbies to cut their teeth in dungeoneering. Item Name: Kelins Seven Stringed Lute Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO TRADE; Stringed Instrument 2.5, DEX: +9 CHA: +15 AGI: +9, WT: 0.6 Size: SMALL Slot: Primary/Secondary Race: All Class: BRD Drop Info: This item formerly dropped off the Maestro of Rancor. Zone: Plane of Hate Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed from his loot table in mid-2000. Personal Comment: There was a time in EQ history when the Maestro of Rancor didnt drop a single musical instrument. Weird, huh? Item Name: Lady Nidras Wings Era: Classic Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP; WT: 0.1 Size: TINY

Slot: Inventory Race: NA Class: NA Drop Info: Dropped off Lady Nidra the Escaped, a level 17-19 farie. Zone: Lesser Faydark Nerf/Removal Info: This item and mob were removed some time in 2001.

Personal Comment: The lore goes that she escaped from Castle Mistmoore, however, no use for her wings were ever found. Either the quest was unfinished, undiscovered, or broken. This is another item you might be able to use in some custom content. Item Name: Legionnaire Torn Shoulderpads Era: Classic Stats: MAGIC ITEM NO DROP; AC: 1

Slot: Shoulders Race: All Class: All Drop Info: Dropped off Orc Legionnaires in Crushbone. Zone: Crushbone Nerf/Removal Info: This item was there in the early days, but was removed at some point before Kunarks Release (probably in early 2000). Personal Comment: This item was most likely part of a quest that was never finished, discovered, or that was broken. It may provide fodder for your own custom content. Item Name: Locket of Escape Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Charges: 1, Effect: Bind Affinity (Must Equip, Casting Time: 2.0) at Level 10, WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Slot: Neck Race: All Class: All Drop Info: This item dropped off Chief RukGus. Zone: Temple of Droga Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed because it unbalanced the game. Personal Comment: Oh come on. This item was very difficult to camp, was lore, and had only one charge. This thing did not unbalance the game. As a side note, it would allow melees to bind anywhere. So, okay, it was pretty good after all. Item Name: Lustrous Russet Boots Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM NO DROP; AC: 20, WIS: +5 INT: +5 AGI: +5, SV DISEASE: +15 SV POISON: +15, WT: 4.9 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Feet Race: All except IKS Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG SHM Drop Info: This item dropped off any Amygdalan warrior. Zone: Plane of Fear Nerf/Removal Info: This item was taken out in late 1999. Personal Comment: This was one of the items that made PoFear both an alluring and deadly place. Thered be those whod try to camp these things and end up losing their corpses in there. Of course, the ninja looting that was rampant over this line of armor was just as legendary! Item Name: Lustrous Russet Bracer Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM NO DROP; AC: 12, STR: +3 DEX: +3, SV FIRE: +7 SV COLD: +7 SV MAGIC: +7, WT: 3.0 Size: SMALL Slot: Wrist Race: All except IKS Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG SHM Drop Info: This item dropped off any Amygdalan warrior. Zone: Plane of Fear Nerf/Removal Info: This item was taken out in late 1999. Personal Comment: See entry on Lustrous Russet Boots. Item Name: Lustrous Russet Breastplate Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM NO DROP; AC: 35, STR: +15 DEX: +15 STA: +15, WT: 7.5 Size: LARGE Slot: Chest Race: All except IKS Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG SHM Drop Info: This item dropped off any Amygdalan knight and off of Fright, Terror, and Dread.

Zone: Plane of Fear Nerf/Removal Info: This item was taken out in late 1999. Personal Comment: There are only 2 reasons I can guess at as to why this was removed: 1) best BP in the game during Classic, 2) caused way too many arguments during a raid heh heh. Actually, the latter is probably more likely. Item Name: Lustrous Russet Gauntlets Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM NO DROP; AC: 16, DEX: +5 STA: +5 HP: +50, WT: 3.8 Size: SMALL Slot: Hands Race: All except IKS Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG SHM Drop Info: This item dropped off any Amygdalan warrior. Zone: Plane of Fear Nerf/Removal Info: This item was taken out in late 1999. Personal Comment: See entry on Lustrous Russet Boots. Item Name: Lustrous Russet Greaves Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM NO DROP; AC: 20, STR: +5 STA: +5 AGI: +5, WT: 5.6 Size: LARGE Slot: Legs Race: All except IKS Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG SHM Drop Info: This item dropped off any Amygdalan warrior. Zone: Plane of Fear Nerf/Removal Info: This item was taken out in late 1999. Personal Comment: See entry on Lustrous Russet Boots. Item Name: Lustrous Russet Helm Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM NO DROP; AC: 20, CHA: +5 INT: +5, WT: 4.5 Size: SMALL Slot: Head Race: All except IKS Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG SHM Drop Info: This item dropped off any Amygdalan warrior. Zone: Plane of Fear Nerf/Removal Info: This item was taken out in late 1999. Personal Comment: See entry on Lustrous Russet Boots. Item Name: Lustrous Russet Vembraces Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM NO DROP; AC: 20, STR: +9 DEX: +5, WT: 4.9 Size: SMALL Slot: Arms Race: All except IKS Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG SHM Drop Info: This item dropped off any Amygdalan warrior. Zone: Plane of Fear Nerf/Removal Info: This item was taken out in late 1999. Personal Comment: See entry on Lustrous Russet Boots. Item Name: Manastone Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM; Charges: Unlimited, Effect: Mana Convert (Any Slot, Casting Time: Instant), WT: 1.0 Size: SMALL Slot: Primary/Secondary Race: All Class: CLR DRU BRD SHM NEC WIZ MAG ENC Drop Info: This was the rare drop off the Evil Eye in Lower Guk. Zone: Lower Guk. Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed when the haves lorded it over the havenots, and the have-nots /petitioned enough to the point where Verant removed the item then later retroactively nerfed it to only work in old world zones.

Personal Comment: When people think of nerfed or removed items, there is one singular loot that instantly comes to mind. It is the essence of myth and legend not just in Everquest but in all of the MMORPG kingdoms. It is the Manastone. This thing was removed because of whining, not because it was never intended to drop/work with any class. This item was part of Verants vision for the game from beta all the way through late 1999. If it hadnt been for a bunch of cry babies, this thing would have been relevant well past the Velious expansion in the game until the Flowing Thought mechanic made the Manstone outdated. The main thing the dev team has to decide is this, is EverQuest Classic The Way Verant Intended going to have a Manastone that works in all zones or just in zones on the original 3 continents? Its a hard choice. There were lots of items in Beta that never made it to live. Verant intended for this item to be there, however, there is no denying its power. Item Name: Mempo of Likato Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP; AC: 6, Effect: Ultravision (Worn) WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL Slot: Face Race: HUM IKS Class: MNK Drop Info: This item dropped off the Maestro of Rancor. Zone: Plane of Hate Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed from the Maestros Loot table. No reason was given. Personal Comment: I always associated the Maestro with bards, but as this item guide shows, he was also quite partial to monks as well. Item Name: Mosscovered Branch Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Skill: 2H Blunt Atk Delay: 15, DMG: 5 Dmg Bonus: 19, WT: 3.0 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Primary Race: All Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK Drop Info: Dropped off a Mangy Brute as a rare drop. Zone: Frontier Mountains

Nerf/Removal Info: The low delay on this item made it too easy to get skill bumps for 2hb for the devs taste. Personal Comment: The beta testing for Kunark must not have been all that great. There were tons of weapons that were nerfed or removed a few months after its release. They all later became status symbols and the source of all kinds of mis-information and ubran legends. Item Name: Mosscovered Twig Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Skill: 1H Blunt Atk Delay: 10, DMG: 3 Dmg Bonus: 18, WT: 2.0 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Primary/Secondary Race: All Class: WAR RNG MNK Drop Info: Dropped off a Mangy Brute as an ucommon drop. Zone: Frontier Mountains Nerf/Removal Info: This item is arguably better than the Mosscovered Branch but was more common! It was removed for the same reason in the September 19, 2000 patch. Personal Comment: Once it was removed, it was almost never sold in EC or in the Bazaar. It was handed down from character to character. It was just too precious to let go. Item Name: Oaken Scimitar Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM, Skill: 1H Slashing, Atk Delay: 24, DMG: 7, Dmg Bonus: 25, WIS: +10, MANA: +25, WT: 2.0, Size: MEDIUM Slot: Primary Race: HUM ELF HEF HFL Class: DRU Drop Info: Dropped off Grizzelknot, a named Treant as a rare drop. Zone: South Karana Nerf/Removal Info: The Oaken Scimitar was supposed to be the reward for a quest. But there was a problem with the quest, and you could just get it by killing Grizzelknott. The dev team couldnt figure out how to fix it, so they just removed the item in one of the all too common temper tantrums.

Personal Comment: Ok, so this was supposed to be the quest reward. Grizzelknot didnt drop the Oaken Scimitar every time. In fact, it was pretty rare. He also had three other loot drops! It wasnt the players fault that he dropped the Oaken Scimitar. But instead of working to fix the quest or create a new quest for it from scratch, Verant just wanted to blame the players for using an exploit to get it. This is the sort of thing that really annoyed those of us who played at the time. The relationship between fans and developers back then was much more antagonistic than it is now. Now, companies have learned to listen to their fans and take their suggestions. Back then, we were ruining their game. As if the game was created for Verants pleasure. Item Name: Orc Wrath Bracer Era: Classic Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; AC: 2, CHA: -2, WT: 4.0 Size: SMALL

Slot: Wrist Race: All Class: All Drop Info: This item dropped off Lord Shin Ree, a level 17-20 orc. Zone: East Commonlands Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed from his loot table without any explanation or warning (not that anyone really cared). Personal Comment: No explanation was ever given. It may have been part of a quest. If it was, the quest was never discovered or perhaps it was broken/unfishined. Item Name: Ornate Runed Dagger Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Skill: Piercing Atk Delay: 16, DMG: 3 Dmg Bonus: 18, Backstab DMG: 3, DEX: +2, SV MAGIC: +3, WT: 2.5 Size: SMALL Slot: Primary/Secondary/Range Race: All Class: ALL except CLR PAL DRU MNK SHM Drop Info: This item dropped off Ambassador DVinn, a level 18-22 Rogue. Zone: Crusbone Nerf/Removal Info: Two months after the release of EverQuest, this item was replaced by the Dragoon Dirk. It was removed from all players inventory slots (much like the Glimmer Ring mentioned previously).

Personal Comment: This item was called the Bible Dagger on my server since its dmg/dly was 3:16. Item Name: Ornate Velium Pendant Era: Velious

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Charges: Unlimited, CHA: +6 WIS: +6, Effect: Alliance (Must Equip, Casting Time: 0.1) at Level 45, WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL Slot: Neck Race: All Class: All Drop Info: These used to drop off Councilors Amberfeld (Level: 45), Coldember (Level: 43), Darakor (Level: 44), Darkfrost (Level: 44), Deynekn (Level: 43), Dirkins (Level: 46), Glacierbane (Level: 44), Icelok (Level: 44), Icepike (Level: 47), Juliah Lockheart (Level: 60), Thubins (Level: 47), and Wintershade (Level: 44) Zone: Icewell Keep Nerf/Removal Info: This item used to have unlimited charges. It was later nerfed to only have 4. Personal Comment: These items were obviously to be used to aid in complete the armor mould quests on Velious. When this item started doing that, it got nerfed. Sometimes Verant created a lot of its own problems, and sometimes the problems werent problems to begin with. Item Name: Pearly Sarnak Bangle Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM; AC: 2, STA: +10 HP: +35, SV DISEASE: +5 SV POISON: +5, WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Slot: Ear Race: All Class: All Drop Info: Arch Inspector Nibi`zi (Level: 57) Zone: Chardok Nerf/Removal Info: This item was last reported as dropping in October 2001. Personal Comment: Of all the nerfed/removed items Kunark to last, this one remained the longest. The funny thing is, for its slot, its one of the best ever.

Item Name: Polyphenomenal Axe Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Skill: 2H Slashing Atk Delay: 48, DMG: 37 Dmg Bonus: 75, SV FIRE: -10 SV DISEASE: -10 SV COLD: -10 SV MAGIC: -10 SV POISON: -10, WT: 10.0 Size: LARGE Slot: Primary Race: All Class: PAL SHD Drop Info: This item was nestled in our old friend the Drovlarg Captains loot table. It was between the Jade Mace (uncommon drop at the time) and the Lupine Dagger (very rare drop at the time). It was rare, but not so rare that many palys and sks got used to having them before they were removed in late fall 2000. Zone: Karnors Castle Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed from the game. The Jade Mace became a rare drop and the Lupine Dagger remained very rare. Personal Comment: The DC camp in KC is one of the most classic camps in Kunark. It was a sad day when this was removed. However, despite the penalties to all the saves, this item still had tremendous value. Its dmg/dly ratio was one of the best in the game at the time. Item Name: Priest of Innoruuks Heart Era: Classic Stats: LORE ITEM NO DROP; WT: 0.8 Size: SMALL

Slot: Inventory Race: All Class: All Drop Info: This dropped off a Teirdal Sruveyor, a level 25-26 cleric mob. Zone: Nektulos Forest Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed from the game with no explanation. No use for this item was ever found. The quest for it must have gone undiscovered, unfinished, or broken. Personal Comment: This item may be useful to you for creating some custom content for EQC.

Item Name: Pristine Studded Boots Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP; AC: 6, AGI: +5, SV COLD: +3, WT: 3.0 Size: SMALL Slot: Feet Race: All Class: ALL except NEC WIZ MAG ENC Drop Info: Dropped off a Guardian of T`Vyl, a level 24-28 dark elf warrior mob down on the third floor of Befallen. Zone: Befallen Nerf/Removal Info: This item along with the mob were removed in 2002 for lore reasons. Personal Comment: The pristine leather armor dropped by this mob provided a nice starting point for level 20-30 characters. However, the task of getting them was very difficult. Befallen is a nasty dungeon where it can be very difficult to retrieve a corpse from deep in its bowels. Once these items (along with many of the others that I have previously mentioned) were taken out, Befallen was abandoned for the most part. Item Name: Pristine Studded Bracer Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM NO DROP; AC: 6, INT: +2 HP: +5, SV FIRE: +3, WT: 1.0 Size: SMALL Slot: Wrist Race: All Class: ALL except NEC WIZ MAG ENC Drop Info: Dropped off a Guardian of T`Vyl, a level 24-28 dark elf warrior mob down on the third floor of Befallen. Zone: Befallen Nerf/Removal Info: This item along with the mob were removed in 2002 for lore reasons. Personal Comment: See entry on Pristine Studded Boots Item Name: Pristine Studded Gloves Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP; AC: 5, DEX: +2 WIS: +2 MANA: +5, WT: 0.2 Size: TINY Slot: Hands Race: All Class: ALL except NEC WIZ MAG ENC Drop Info: Dropped off a Guardian of T`Vyl, a level 24-28 dark elf warrior mob down on the third floor of Befallen. Zone: Befallen Nerf/Removal Info: This item along with the mob were removed in 2002 for lore reasons. Personal Comment: See entry on Pristine Studded Boots Item Name: Pristine Studded Leggings Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP; AC: 12, DEX: +2 STA: +5, WT: 5.0 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Legs Race: All Class: ALL except NEC WIZ MAG ENC Drop Info: Dropped off a Guardian of T`Vyl, a level 24-28 dark elf warrior mob down on the third floor of Befallen. Zone: Befallen Nerf/Removal Info: This item along with the mob were removed in 2002 for lore reasons. Personal Comment: See entry on Pristine Studded Boots Item Name: Pristine Studded Sleeves Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP; AC: 8, STR: +3 STA: +2 HP: +5, WT: 2.0 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Arms Race: All Class: ALL except NEC WIZ MAG ENC

Drop Info: Dropped off a Guardian of T`Vyl, a level 24-28 dark elf warrior mob down on the third floor of Befallen. Zone: Befallen Nerf/Removal Info: This item along with the mob were removed in 2002 for lore reasons. Personal Comment: See entry on Pristine Studded Boots Item Name: Pristine Studded Tunic Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP; AC: 14, STR: +2 DEX: +2 AGI: +2, SV MAGIC: +5 SV POISON: +5, WT: 5.0 Size: LARGE Slot: Chest Race: All Class: ALL except NEC WIZ MAG ENC Drop Info: Dropped off a Guardian of T`Vyl, a level 24-28 dark elf warrior mob down on the third floor of Befallen. Zone: Befallen Nerf/Removal Info: This item along with the mob were removed in 2002 for lore reasons. Personal Comment: See entry on Pristine Studded Boots Item Name: Pulsing Goo Era: Velious

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP; Charges: 1, Effect: Resuscitate (Must Equip, Casting Time: 0.2) at Level 50, WT: 0.0 Size: TINY Slot: Primary Race: All Class: All Drop Info: This item dropped off an amorphous mass, a level 49-51 mob. Zone: Dragon Necropolis Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed and replaced by Pliable Goo. Personal Comment: This item was often given to monks or shadow knights. They could Fein Death if a raid was about to wipe, then later resurrect a cleric to being back the rest of the party. It was very handy item to have around. The effect was Resuscitatethe 60% exp rez.

Item Name: Red Dragon Tooth Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM; EXPENDABLE Charges: 1, Effect: Invoke Death (Any Slot, Casting Time: Instant) as Level 50, WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL Slot: Inventory Race: All Class: All Drop Info: This item dropped off Lord Nagafen Zone: Nagafens Lair Nerf/Removal Info: This item was taken out of the game because the skeleton pet could be summoned at any level. Personal Comment: The tooth would summon a level 41 skeleton pet that had a 20 pt life tap. Since this could be used by any class at any level, it was nerfed. The devs felt that pets should only belong to certain classes. Item Name: Red Wurm Gut Era: Kunark Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP; WT: 0.1 Size: TINY

Slot: Inventory Race: All Class: All Drop Info: These used to drop off both Phurzikon and Nezekezena. Now they just drop off Nezekezena. Zone: Burning Woods Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed from Phurzikons loot table. No reason was given. Personal Comment: The red wurm guts arent the real bottle-neck for the bard epic. Kedge Keep and Old Seb hold the true stop-gaps for the Singing Short Sword. Item Name: Rhino Hide Armor (Arm Guards, Boots, Cape, Chest Guard, Collar, Gloves, Leggings, Shoulderpads, Skullcap, Snout Guard, Waistband, Wrist Guard) Era: Kunark Stats: Same as Leather in all slots.

Slot: All armor slots. Race: ALL Class: ALL except NEC WIZ MAG ENC Drop Info: These items used to drop off any mob in Kurns Tower. Zone: Kurns Tower Nerf/Removal Info: These items were removed from the mobs loot tables and turned into merchant items in East Cabilis. Personal Comment: It was much more fun to get this armor when it dropped than when you bought it. It made Kurns a great lowbie dungeon for the burgeoning Iksar race. Item Name: Ringed Mace of the Ykesha Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM; skill: 1H Blunt Atk Delay: 22, DMG: 10, Effect: Ykesha (Combat, Casting Time: Instant) at level 50, Dmg Bonus: 25, WT: 3.9 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Primary/Secondary Race: ALL Class: ALL except NEC WIZ MAG ENC Drop Info: Dropped off a drovlarg sentry in KC. Zone: Karnors Castle Nerf/Removal Info: It is unknown why this item was removed. Personal Comment: Nothing really all that impressive about this weapon. Especially since it doesnt proc until level 50. +15 Item Name: Ring of the Oceancaller Era: Classic Stats: 5 AC, STR: +3 DEX: +3 INT: +3 WIS +3 CHA: +5 HP: +10 MANA:

Slot: Finger Race: ALL Class: CLR DRU SHM NEC WIZ MAG ENC BRD Drop Info: This item once dropped off Allizewsaur. Zone: Ocean of Tears Nerf/Removal Info: This item was taken out fairly early in the classic era. No reason has been found to my knowledge. There arent many reports about it.

Personal Comment: The Allizewsaur is sort of the boss of ocean of tears. Ive never personally seen him, but I understand he looks like a giant alligator. This is a worthy prize for a level 50 mob. I am a little suspicious about this item, but there is nothing else of note on his loot table. So its entirely plausible this item once dropped in OOT. Item Name: Robe of Living Fungus Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; AC: 10, STA: +12 WIS: +4, SV FIRE: +10, Efect: Fungal Regrowth (worn) at level 1. WT: 0.2 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Chest Race: HUM ERU HIE DEF IKS Class: CLR DRU MNK Drop Info: Formerly dropped off the Myconid Spore King as a rare drop. Zone: Old Sebilis Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed essentially because it was usable by monks. There was an effort to nerf monk regen items when they proved too good at making them soloers. Personal Comment: This move really pissed off the clerics and druids who could wear this item. They felt the regen let them concentrate more on healing others in their group. This item was retroactively nerfed so that none of the robes that dropped previously had the Fungal Regrowth effect. Item Name: Rod of Annihilation Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Skill: 1H Blunt Atk Delay: 40, DMG: 60 Dmg Bonus: 18, INT: -50, SV MAGIC: +10, WT: 5.0 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Primary/Range Race: All Class: NEC WIZ MAG ENC Drop Info: Dropped off the Crypt Caretaker, a level 55 mob as a rare drop. Zone: Old Sebilis Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed because it made a terrific twink item. Personal Comment: This thing sure made you dumb, but boy, does it hit hard!

Item Name: Rod of Mourning Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Skill: 2H Blunt Atk Delay: 36, DMG: 29 Dmg Bonus: 60, STR: +5 WIS: +5 INT: +5 AGI: -5 HP: +25 MANA: +25 ENDUR: +25, Effect: Force (Combat, Casting Time: Instant) at Level 50, WT: 8.5 Size: LARGE Slot: Primary Race: All Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK Drop Info: Dropped off Emperor Chottal. Zone: Old Sebilis Nerf/Removal Info: Ive read that this item no longer drops. Personal Comment: Im not sure if this item has been removed or not. Youd have to check your database to be sure. It fits all the criteria for a typical weapon removal from the Kunark expansion, but I cant be certain on this one. Item Name: Rubicite Armor (Boots, Bracer, Gauntlets, Greaves, Helm, Vembraces) Era: Classic Stats: Exactly the same as Fine Plate at the same slot except these are MAGIC ITEMS, could be worn by chain classes, and has a really sweet red color. Slot: Various Race: All except Iksar Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG SHM Drop Info: Dropped off a Thul Tae Ew Cenobite as a common drop. Zone: The Accursed Temple of Cazic Thule Nerf/Removal Info: These items were removed because of a bunch of WHINERS! Personal Comment: Okay, Im calmed down now. All rubicite armor was removed because very early in EQs history twinking was seen as a cardinal sin in the game. It was unfair that chain users could get plate armor. It was unfair that a level 1 warrior got a regen BP. Oh how ignorant we were back then. Little did we know that some day wed see twinks running around with a Swift Blade of Zek and an Iksar Ceremonial BP. Oh well. Anyway, this entry just has the generic Rubicite items. None of these have any stats other than their AC and MAGIC ITEM tag. It is important to note that while theres nothing too special here, the Boots did allow users to kick magic weapon-only mobs like Will-o-wisps, so they were prized for that. Later, some Rubicite Items were given out in various GM events on certain servers where they would then go for tens of

thousands of plat. This is how some Rubicite items ended up on servers that went live after these items were removed from the game. Item Name: Rubicite Breastplate Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; AC: 19, Regeneration: +3, WT: 6.0 Size: LARGE Slot: Chest Race: All except Iksar Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG SHM Drop Info: This used to drop off the Avatar of Fear- he looked like a mini Cazic Thule. Zone: The Accursed Temple of Cazic Thule Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed because of a bunch of WHINERS! Personal Comment: This is the item that caused ALL the trouble. This breastplate regenerated characters at a measly 3 hit points per tick. Yeah, at the time, that was great, but by Kunark it was far out done by the Fungus Scale Tunic and the Ceremonial Iksar Chestplate. Item Name: Rubicite Cloak Era: Classic Stats: MAGIC ITEM; AC: 10, AGI: +5, WT: 3.0 Size: LARGE

Slot: Back Race: All except Iksar Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG SHM Drop Info: Dropped off a Thul Tae Ew Cenobite as an uncommon drop. Zone: The Accursed Temple of Cazic Thule Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed because of a bunch of WHINERS! Personal Comment: See entry on Rubicite Armor. Item Name: Rubicite Collar Era: Classic Stats: MAGIC ITEM; AC: 8, DEX: +5

Slot: Neck

Race: All except Iksar Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG SHM Drop Info: [ Zone: The Accursed Temple of Cazic Thule Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed because of a bunch of WHINERS! Personal Comment: See entry on Rubicite Armor. Item Name: Rubicite Mask Era: Classic Stats: MAGIC ITEM; AC: 7, CHA: +5, WT: 0.8 Size: SMALL

Slot: Fave Race: All except Iksar Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG SHM Drop Info: Dropped off a Thul Tae Ew Cenobite as an uncommon drop. Zone: The Accursed Temple of Cazic Thule Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed because of a bunch of WHINERS! Personal Comment: See entry on Rubicite Armor. Item Name: Rubicite Pauldron Era: Classic Stats: MAGIC ITEM; AC: 10, STR: +5, WT: 2.5 Size: SMALL

Slot: Shoulder Race: All except Iksar Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG SHM Drop Info: Dropped off a Thul Tae Ew Cenobite as an uncommon drop. Zone: The Accursed Temple of Cazic Thule Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed because of a bunch of WHINERS! Personal Comment: See entry on Rubicite Armor. Item Name: Rubicite Waisteband Era: Classic Stats: MAGIC ITEM; AC: 9, STA: +5, WT: 2.4 Size: SMALL

Slot: Waiste Race: All except Iksar Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG SHM Drop Info: Dropped off a Thul Tae Ew Cenobite as an uncommon drop. Zone: The Accursed Temple of Cazic Thule Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed because of a bunch of WHINERS! Personal Comment: See entry on Rubicite Armor. Item Name: Runed Fighters Staff Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Skill: 2H Blunt Atk Delay: 20, DMG: 19 Dmg Bonus: 19, WT: 6.0 Size: LARGE Slot: Primary Race: All Class: WAR MNK Drop Info: Dropped off a frenzied pox scarab (Levels: 55 - 56) Zone: Old Sebilis Nerf/Removal Info: This item was changed in 2000 from WAR MNK to monk only. Personal Comment: They said it was too powerful in the hands of a warrioras if monks arent known for their dps or something. Item Name: Sarnak Ceremonial Bracer Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP; AC: 6 STA: +2 INT: +4 CHA: +6, MANA: +10 SV MAGIC: +12 Slot: Wrist Race: All Class: SHD BRD NEC WIZ MAG ENC Drop Info: Could drop off any Sarnak in Kunark. Had about the same drop rate as Sarnak Ceremonial Sword. Zone: Various Kunark Zones Nerf/Removal Info: This was taken out soon after Kunarks launch. It may have been deleted from player inventories as well.

Personal Comment: Ive only read passing mentions of this item. However, the vitriol surrounding its removal seems real enough. Even so, I regard this item as potentially suspect. Item Name: Sarnak Liberator Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM; Skill: 1H Slashing Atk Delay: 39, DMG: 6 Dmg Bonus: 18, Effect: Spirit Strike (Combat, Casting Time: Instant) at Level 20, WT: 4.5 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Primary/Secondary Race: All Class: All Drop Info: Dropped of a sarnak flunkie, a level 14-16 mob. Zone: The Overthere Nerf/Removal Info: This item was taken out because it was an ALL/ALL 1hs. Personal Comment: The devs didnt like seeing clerics wielding a sword. Item Name: Sarnak Wristguard Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP; AC: 8 STR: +2 STA: +2 CHA: +4, MANA: +10 SV MAGIC: +3 SV POISON: +4 Slot: Wrist Race: ALL except ERU, HIE Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG SHM Drop Info: Could drop off any sarnak. Had about the same drop rate as Sarnak Emblazoned Tabbard. Zone: Numerous Kunark Zones Nerf/Removal Info: Supposedly, it was removed in the first patch after the Kunark expansion went live (most likely May 16, 2000) and was retroactively removed from all player inventories. Personal Comment: No reason was ever given, though I honestly dont remember anyone talking about this when it happened. Its possible this item never existed or perhaps it was only in the beta test. If it werent for the fact that several dozen items were removed from the game shortly after Kunarks release, I might be inclined to dismiss it altogether. But since so many items were nerfed/removed, I wanted to include it for you just incase you want to make sure it gets added to the EQC database.

Item Name: Sash of Infinite Blows Era: Classic Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; 5AC, Effect: Haste 41% (Worn), Wt 0.1

Slot: Waist Race: All Class: MNK Drop Info: Dropped off the Dracoliche in Plane Of Fear Zone: Plane of Fear Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed in the February 23, 2000 patch because it was a ridiculous twink item. This was one of the in preparation for the upcoming Kunark expanion changes the patch message talked about. Personal Comment: This was the PoF version of the Basson Gauntlets. The only difference was this thing was droppable for some reason. It was removed from the game in early 2000 because its effect worked at level 1. It was bad enough when humans were the only monks, Iksars would have made the thing even more abusive. Item Name: Scimitar of the Mistwalker Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Skill: 1H Slashing Atk Delay: 25, DMG: 10 Dmg Bonus: 18, Effect: Mistwalker (Combat, Casting Time: Instant) at Level 50, WT: 2.5 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Primary/Secondary Race: All Class: RNG DRU Drop Info: This dropped off Lady Vox (Level: 55). Zone: Permafrost Nerf/Removal Info: This item used to summon a wolf pet equal to the level 45 shaman spell Frenzied Spirit when it proced. The wolf would last until it was killed. This item was later nerfed to where the wolf would only last until the mob it proced on was dead. Personal Comment: I was unable to find the proc rate for this weapon. Item Name: Scourgetail Whip Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM; Skill: 1H Slashing Atk Delay: 5, DMG: 30 Dmg Bonus: 18, Effect: Weak Poison (Combat, Casting Time: Instant), WT: 5.0 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Primary/Secondary Race: All Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG Drop Info: Dropped off A Scourgetail Scorpion (Levels: 9 - 14) Zone: Field of Bone Nerf/Removal Info: This was fixed really fast in the May 16, 2000 patch. It was changed to have a dmg/dly of 5/30 instead of 30/5. Personal Comment: Verant offered an apology in their patch notes about changing this item, but I think few would argue that a 30/5 weapon that proced at level 1 was appropriate for the game. Given the massive numbers of items, especially those from Kunark, that were nerfed or removed and received no apology at all, it befuddles the reader as to why they bothered for something that was so obviously abusive. This item was the result of a typo, and therefore probably not something that is really a worthy candidate for your consideration as a Legendary item. Item Name: Scoutting Dagger Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Skill: Piercing Atk Delay: 25, DMG: 4 Dmg Bonus: 18, Backstab DMG: 4, AGI: +2 DEX: +2 CHA: +2 WT: 2.5 Size: SMALL Slot: Primary/Secondary Race: All Class: RNG BRD ROG Drop Info: This was the original reward for the Bloody Shank quest in High Keep. Zone: High Keep Nerf/Removal Info: This item was changed in the October 13, 1999 patch along with many other items and zones. It was retroactively replaced with the item bearing the quests name: A Bloody Shank (of course, back then it was called the Scouts Dagger quest). Personal Comment: This change affected me personally and made me quit the game for a few months. The quest is hard at that level and causes you to ruin your Rivervale faction if the other halfling guards got in the way of killing the traitor. The item the replaced it with was useable by many more classes and thus made the quest more accessible to the player base.

Item Name: Sense Magic Spell Era: Classic

Stats: Spell Type: Beneficial Skill: Divination, Mana: 450 Target Type: Self, Casting Time: 3 Duration: Instant, Recast Time: 30 Resist: Unresistable (0), Fizzle Time: 2.25 Range to target: 0, AE Radius: 240 Interruptable: Yes, Location: Any Time of Day: Any, Reflectable: Yes Slot: NA Race: All Class: All except Bard, Rogue, Warrior, Monk Drop Info: This item was sold by vendors. Zone: Various Nerf/Removal Info: This spell was something every class got. Its levels were: CLR/1 PAL/3 SHD/ 3 RNG/3 SHM/1 NEC/2 WIZ/1 MAG/1 ENC/1. It was retroactively replaced for most classes at the same level by True North; for other classes it was just eliminated altogether. Personal Comment: This spells effect was the same as the higher level Sense the Dead spell, but came at a much much higher mana cost. It really had little effect in the game. If you wanted, you might make it a rare drop in some of the lowbie dungeons like Crushbone, Befallen, Najena, Blackburrow, Kurns Tower, and The Warrens. Item Name: Shield of the Arisen Cultist Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; AC: 15, HP: +15, SV FIRE: +5 SV MAGIC: +5, WT: 7.5 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Back/Secondary Race: ALL except DWF TRL OGR HFL GNM Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG SHM Drop Info: This item dropped off Cultist Geralissan (a level 60 Iksar Shadow Knight). Zone: Trakanons Teeth Nerf/Removal Info: This item is said to have disappeared after the first time the Sleeper was released. Personal Comment: I dont know if this items disappearance was directly related to the Sleeper or not, and honestly, I cant for sure verify that it no longer drops. But in case it has ceased to exist in the game, I wanted to include it here. Double check your database to make sure.

Item Name: Shield of the Immaculate Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Slot: BACK SECONDARY, Charges: Unlimited or Charges 4, AC: 25, STR: +10, SV DISEASE: +25, Effect: Cure Disease (Any Slot, Casting Time: 1.0) or Effect: Rune IV (Any Slot, Casting Time: 1.0), WT: 7.3 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Back/Secondary Race: All Class: PAL Drop Info: Dropped off an eerie chest (level 55) Zone: Plane of Hate Nerf/Removal Info: This item had several changes made to it. First it had 4 charges of Rune IV at instant speed from your inventory. Then it was changed to Unlimited Cure Disease. Then it became All/All. Later, some time after LdoN (which doesnt affect you guys at all) it switched from an augment slot 3 to an augment slot 7. Personal Comment: I dont know what to tell ya here. This item changed so much, that its hard to tell what the original intention was. All its incarnations were interesting. Item Name: Shimmering Ruby Stiletto Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM NO DROP; Skill: Piercing Atk Delay: 30, DMG: 10 Dmg Bonus: 18, DEX: +2, SV POISON: +10, Effect: Ignite (Combat, Casting Time: Instant), WT: 0.8 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Primary/Secondary Race: All Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG Drop Info: Dropped off of Korven Nisere as an uncommon drop. Zone: Befallen Nerf/Removal Info: This item replaced the Enchanted Fine Steel Rapier on Korven Nisere. This mob was later removed from the game in 2002. Personal Comment: There were several mobs removed from Befallen in 2002 for lore reasons. Korven was one of them. Item Name: Shralok Pack Era: Classic

Stats: WT: 0.4 Weight Reduction: 25%, Capacity: 8 Size Capacity: GIANT Slot: Inventory Race: All Class: All Drop Info: Dropped off Recfek Shralok. Zone: Highpass Hold Nerf/Removal Info: Ive read that this item was changed to LORE. It was most certainly not LORE during the classic era. Personal Comment: Ive had several of these on the same character at the same time. Perhaps those accounts are just mistaken. Item Name: Silk Lined Steel Helm Era: Classic Stats: MAGIC ITEM; AC: 4, WT: 0.2 Size: SMALL

Slot: Head Race: GNM Class: All Drop Info: This item could be bought off the vendor Rylin Coil for 15pp 7gp 4sp 9cp. Zone: AkAnon Nerf/Removal Info: This item was changed to WAR CLR PAL ROG only. Personal Comment: The nerf, of course, defeated the entire purpse of the helm being lined with silk!!! This nerf made no sense from a game balance standpoint and a lore standpoint. There may have been an entire suit of this armor available at one time, but since I never played a gnome, I have no idea if that is true or not. This is the only piece I can confirm right now. Item Name: Silver Plated War Sword Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP; Slot: PRIMARY, Skill: 2H Slashing Atk Delay: 38, DMG: 15 Dmg Bonus: 62, STR: +5 CHA: -5 HP: +15, WT: 4.0 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Primary Race: All Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD

Drop Info: This item dropped off Baron Telyx V`Zher (Level: 30). Zone: Befallen Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed along with many other mobs in early 2002. Personal Comment: This mob was related to several others I have mentioned previously. Item Name: Singing Steel Boots Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Charges: Unlimited, AC: 21, Effect: Summon Food (Any Slot, Casting Time: 3.5) at Level 45, WT: 6.5 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Feet Race: All Class: BRD Drop Info: Used to drop off a drolvarg bodyguard (Levels: 48 - 52), a drolvarg guardian (Levels: 43 - 46), a drolvarg sentry (Levels: 40 - 44). Zone: Karnors Castle Nerf/Removal Info: The effect on this item was retroactively changed in the March 27, 2001 patch to Effect: Agilmente's Aria of Eagles (Must Equip, Casting Time: 3.5) at Level 45. Personal Comment: Players complained that the effect was not commiserate with the other clicky armors of Kunark. So it went from an inventory clicky item to an equip clicky item and gained the group lev song. Later, in Velious, some kind of wished they had one of the old ones because it could be hard to buy food on that continent if you were on a long term mission. Item Name: Singing Steel Greaves Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Charges: Unlimited, AC: 26, STR: +8 DEX: +8 CHA: +8 AGI: +8, Effect: Summon Water (Must Equip, Casting Time: 4.0) at Level 45, WT: 7.5 Size: LARGE Slot: Legs Race: All Class: BRD Drop Info: Dropped off Venril Sathir (Level: 55). Zone: Karnors Castle

Nerf/Removal Info: The effect on this item was retroactively changed in the March 27, 2001 patch to Effect: Angstlich's Appalling Screech (Must Equip, Casting Time: 4.0) at Level 45 Personal Comment: See previous entry. Item Name: Six Note Blade Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP, Skill: 1H Slashing, Atk Delay: 25, DMG: 11, Dmg Bonus: 25, All instrument types, Instrument Modifier: 1.5, WT: 3.0, Size: MEDIUM Slot: Primary/Secondary Race: ALL Class: BRD Drop Info: Uncommon drop off Maestro of Rancor Zone: Plane of Hate Nerf/Removal Info: The instrument effect and modifier were removed a couple months after the first few SNBs dropped from Hate. The dev team had trouble making the voice modifier work. All were retro-actively nerfed. Personal Comment: A lot of bard items in a row, thats kind of strange. But Verant had a hard time knowing what to do with this class. Anyway, I guess they felt that having a weapon that functioned as an instrument (even a weak one) was too good. They brought the idea back for the Singing Steel Short Sword epic, but didnt experiment with it again until after SoV. Note that the Six Note Blade looks like it used like an upside down SSOY on the Maestro, but looks like a normal SSOY when held by a PC. Item Name: Skeletal Rod Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Skill: 1H Blunt Atk Delay: 27; DMG: 4 Dmg Bonus: 18, WT: 5.0 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Primary/Secondary Race: All Class: All Drop Info: This item dropped off Skeleton Lrodd who is also part of the Thex Mallet quest. Zone: Befallen

Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed pretty early on in EQs history. Best guess would be September 1999. Personal Comment: This is nothing more than a magic club. Nothing special, other than the name of the item rhymed with the name of the mob that dropped it. The devs had a sense of humor after all! The graphics for this item were later used for the Cracked Femur from Kurns Tower. Item Name: Skull Mask of Innervation Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Charges: Unlimited, MANA: +20, Effect: Intensify Death (Must Equip, Casting Time: Instant) at Level 23, WT: 5.0 Size: SMALL Slot: Head Race: DEF Class: NEC Drop Info: Used to drop off a Priest of Innoruuk. Zone: Plane of Hate Nerf/Removal Info: This item is now listed as a GM reward, but originally it was a rare drop from a Priest of Innoruuk in the Plane of Hate. You can just hear the necromancers screaming, NBG! NBG! Personal Comment: I find it interesting that so many items that used to drop but were removed later became rewards in GM events. Wellwere they broken or not? Thats what Id like to ask a dev some time. Item Name: Small Brass Trumpet Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Brass Instrument 2.5, WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL Slot: Secondary Race: HEF ELF Class: BRD Drop Info: Once dropped off a deathly usher Zone: Castle Mistmoore Nerf/Removal Info: This item was taken out because it proved too powerful with several of the Bard DoTs.

Personal Comment: There are very few magical bard instruments in the game. This one shows why. Improving dots like that make them very powerful. Item Name: Solists Icy Wand Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Charges: Unlimited, Effect: Shock of Ice (Must Equip, Casting Time: 5.0) at Level 12, WT: 1.0 Size: SMALL Slot: Primary/Secondary Race: All Class: WIZ Drop Info: Dropped off a "Burynai Excavator" (Levels: 12 - 16) and a "lesser icebone skeleton" (Levels: 16 - 18) Zone: Kurns Tower Nerf/Removal Info: These were made into No Drop items in late 2001 to prevent twinking. Personal Comment: Yeahto prevent twinkingcause they drop in a low level dungeon. Okay. Sure, Verant. Whatever. Item Name: Songweavers Mantle (v1.0) Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE NO DROP, AC: 9, DEX: +7, CHA: +5, AGI: +5, Effect: Fury (Must Equip, Casting Time: Instant) at Level 45, cWT: 2.5 Size: SMALL Slot: Shoulder Race: ALL Class: BRD Drop Info: Like the Sphinx Eye Amulet youll read about in just a bit, this item was the result of a very hard quest in the Plane of Sky. Zone: Plane of Sky Nerf/Removal Info: This item went through several changes. This is the first incarnation that had unlimited clickies of the Shammy Buff: Fury. Personal Comment: For the difficulty in completing it, this is a pretty weak reward in its nerfed form. Its doubtful anyone would take the time to do the quest for it for only 5 charges. You have several options here. Keep the pre-nerfed version as the quest reward. Make the nerfed version a rare drop on one of the mobs in Plane of Sky. Result of Bards test of voice quest. Nerfed in spring of 2001. Removed later that summer. Replaced with Mantle of the Songweaver which adds +7 STR (whoopdie-doo) to the

nerfed version when bards complained about nerf. Plane of Sky is the least raided plane of all. Well, maybe PoMischief is less visited, but if so, just barely. I would encourage you to give people every reason to come to the plane. Thus, I think the original Songweavers Mantle should be the quest reward. The nerfed songweavers mantle and the Mantle of the Songweaver should drop off mobs. Just a thought. Item Name: Songweavers Mantle (v2.0) Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE NO DROP, Charges: 5, AC: 9, DEX: +7, CHA: +5, AGI: +5, Effect: Fury (Must Equip, Casting Time: Instant) at Level 45, cWT: 2.5 Size: SMALL Slot: Shoulder Race: ALL Class: BRD Drop Info: Like the Sphinx Eye Amulet youll read about in just a bit, this item was the result of a very hard quest in the Plane of Sky. Zone: Plane of Sky Nerf/Removal Info: This item went through several changes. This is the first incarnation that had unlimited clickies of the Shammy Buff: Fury. Personal Comment: See above entry. Item Name: Sorrowsong Boots Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM; Slot: FEET, Charges: Unlimited, AC: 25, AGI: +6 HP: +30 MANA: +35, SV FIRE: +8, Effect: Cinder Bolt (Any Slot/Can Equip, Casting Time: 7.0) at Level 51, WT: 3.0 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Feet Race: All Class: BRD Drop Info: Used to drop off the original Gyrating Mass (level 30-32) as a very rare drop. Zone: The Accursed Temple of Cazic Thule Nerf/Removal Info: It was removed from the game when CT was revamped. The ones that remained in inventories were later nerfed to only be clickable at level 51 or higher to prevent twinking.

Personal Comment: This was a rare drop off a rare spawn. Very few bards got their hands on a pair. Item Name: Sphinx Eye Amulet Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE NO DROP, AC: 8, STR: +7, CHA: +3, WIS: +3, INT: +14, MANA: +25, Effect: Ultravision (Worn, Casting Time: Instant), WT: 0.1, Size: TINY Slot: Neck Race: ALL Class: SHD Drop Info: This item was the original reward for the Shadowknight Test of Bash. Zone: Plane of Sky Nerf/Removal Info: This item was replaced some time in late 2000, I believe, with the Amulet of the Sphinx Eye. Personal Comment: All the stats of the new amulet are the same except it has 7 more AC. No reason was given for the upgrade, other than for a PoSky quest, the original amulet is hardly worth the trouble. Not sure what to suggest here. Maybe you could make this item a rare drop on one of the creatures in PoSky. The quest is so hard to complete and no doubt the Amulet of the Sphinx Eye is the proper reward. Item Name: Spiroc Healers Cloak (v1.0) Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE NO TRADE, AC: 6, DEX: +7, AGI: +7, Effect: Regeneration (Worn, Casting Time: Instant) WT: 5.0 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Back Race: ALL Class: RNG Drop Info: This was the result of the Ranger Test of Defense. Zone: Plane of Sky Nerf/Removal Info: Nerfed in early 2000 to have charges, then removed in mid 2001 and replaced by Dark Cloak of the Sky. Personal Comment: This is the last of the PoSky quest changes contained in this tome. There were a number of Plane of Sky quests that received nerfs in 2001. Ive already covered two of them. I have no idea why Verant did this. These things are hard enough to do as it is. Anyway, this thing was the result of the Ranger Test of Defense. It was

replaced by the Dark Cloak of the Sky. The regen on this was originally a worn effect (5HP per tick), then a charged item (with 5 charges), then replaced. As with the bard mantle, I recommend making two of the cloaks droppable and one of them the quest reward. Since none of them are all that great, Im not sure which is best suited to drop or be rewarded. Item Name: Spiroc Healers Cloak (v2.0) Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE NO TRADE, Charges: 5, AC: 6, DEX: +7 AGI: +7, Effect: Regeneration (Any Slot/Can Equip, Casting Time: Instant) at Level 45, WT: 5.0 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Back Race: ALL Class: RNG Drop Info: This was the result of the Ranger Test of Defense. Zone: Plane of Sky Nerf/Removal Info: Nerfed in early 2000 have charges, removed in mid 2001 and replaced by Dark Cloak of the Sky. Personal Comment: See above entry. Item Name: Staff of Forbidden Rites Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM; Charges: 10, Skill: 2H Blunt Atk Delay: 50, DMG: 25 Dmg Bonus: 78, WIS: +9 HP: +50 MANA: +50 ENDUR: +50, Effect: Resurrection (Any Slot, Casting Time: Instant), WT: 6.5 Size: LARGE Slot: Primary Race: All Class: CLR PAL DRU SHM Drop Info: Dropped off Lady Vox (Level: 55) Zone: Permafrost Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed from the game because you could sell it to a merchant, then buy it back with all the charges restored. Personal Comment: Ah, the funny old exploits of years gone by.

Item Name: Staff of the Arisen Cultist Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Slot: PRIMARY, Skill: 2H Blunt Atk Delay: 35, DMG: 20 Dmg Bonus: 59, DEX: +10 CHA: +5 INT: +5, WT: 7.0 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Primary Race: HUM ERU HIE DEF GNM IKS Class: WAR SHD NEC WIZ MAG ENC Drop Info: Dropped off Cultist Ral'Arloshanis (Level: 60) Zone: Trakanons Teeth Nerf/Removal Info: At some point this mob and his loot table were removed from the game. Im not sure if that during the classic era or not. Personal Comment: Youll need to double check your database to see if he is still in there. Item Name: Staff of Temperate Flux Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP; Charges: Unlimited, Skill: 1H Blunt Atk Delay: 30, DMG: 6 Dmg Bonus: 18, SV FIRE: +5 SV COLD: +5, Effect: Malaise (Any Slot/Can Equip, Casting Time: Instant) at Level 20, WT: 4.0 Size: LARGE Slot: Primary Race: HUM ERU HIE DEF GNM Class: WIZ Drop Info: This was a result of the Staff of Elemental Flux quest started in Lesser Faydark. Zone: Lesser Faydark Nerf/Removal Info: The clicky effect used to have the Malaise effect as a level 18 SHM/21 MAG. Personal Comment: The effect was later retroactively changed to Lower Element I. Item Name: Staff of Udead Leagions Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM; Skill: 2H Blunt Atk Delay: 47; DMG: 20 Dmg Bonus: 83; Effect: Charm Undead (Combat, Casting Time: Instant) at Level 46; WT: 6.5 Size:

LARGE Slot: PRIMARY Race: HUM ERU DEF GNM IKS Class: NEC Drop Info: Dropped off a dracoliche (Level: 58), Fright (Level 55), and Terror (Level: 55) Zone: Plane of Fear Nerf/Removal Info: This item was nerfed in 1999 along with several others. Personal Comment: This was changed to a combat proc rather than a charm proc, which is more practical. Item Name: Stein of Moggok Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM, Skill: 1H Blunt, Atk Delay: 28, DMG: 6 Dmg Bonus: 25, DEX: +5, INT: +10, HP: +10, SV DISEASE: +25, Effect: Light Healing (Combat, Casting Time: Instant), WT: 2.5 Size: SMALL Slot: Primary/Secondary Race: ALL Class: ALL Drop Info: This was the original reward for the Exotic Drinks/Stein of Moggok quest. Zone: Oggok Nerf/Removal Info: This was changed to a clicky item with 3 charges. The reason might not be obvious at first, but as a monk twink item, this thing was amazing. Monks with a high DEX could get this thing to proc often and be an amazing tank. It just proved too good in that context, so they changed it. Personal Comment: I really hate how the nerfed version had charges. I get why it was changed. A monk already has Mend and they are usually good at bandaging themselves too. So procing a heal two or three times a combat was silly. But why 3 charges? Should have been unlimited. Past the lower levels, Light Healing isnt any good anyway. Oh well. Cant wait to make a monk twink with one of these. Item Name: Stone of Morid Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; STA: -5, SV FIRE: +30 SV COLD: +30, WT: 7.0 Size: TINY

Slot: Range Race: IKS Class: All Drop Info: Dropped of a Goblin Fanatic. Zone: Temple of Droga Nerf/Removal Info: This is one of the few items that received a de-nerf. It was originally Ikar only, then in the Octobew 31, 2001 patch it became useable by BAR TRL OGR as well. Personal Comment: Most people are going to remember this item as being Iksar only. If you choose to make a Legendary version, I would suggest making it the one that is useable by BAR TRL OGR IKS. Item Name: Targishin's Bone Mask Era: Kunark Stats: LORE ITEM; AC: 12

Slot: Face Race: All Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG MNK SHM Drop Info: This was a rare drop off Targishin, a level 34-36 skeleton that used to guard the entrance to Kaesora and kill newbies who wandered too close. Zone: Field of Bone Nerf/Removal Info: This mob was removed when too many Iksar newbies complained about being killed by this guy. There was a rumor this guy could drop the Knuckleduster, but this was completely false. He never dropped any such item. Personal Comment: Never saw one of these masks. They were probably just sold to merchants since theres no real stats attached to them. It looks like just a really high AC item that fits with the rest of Kunarks theme. As for Targishin himself, I felt it was wrong to remove him. Much like Cros Treewind, he made the game a challenge for new players. Taking him out nerfed the whole game and brought it much closer to the mutated thing we see it as today. Regardless of what you do with the item, the mob should be replaced to his original form and spawn point. Item Name: Terror Forged Mask Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP, AC: 4, CHA: -5, WIS: +7, SV MAGIC: +5, Effect: Call of Bones (Any Slot/Can Equip, Casting Time: 6.0) at Level 25, WT: 1.5 Size: SMALL Slot: Face Race: HUM, ERU Class: Cleric Drop Info: This was the original reward for the Summoning of Terror quest in Paineel. Here is the quest info: Talk to Miadera Shadowfyre and she will tell you that she seeks a fellow apostle of Cazic Thule to assist her in the [summoning of terror]. Ask her what summoning of terror and she will say that it will be a frightfully fulfilling summons. To do this, she needs eye of urd (from Guk) 2.some Basalt Drake Scales (in Rathe Mountains) 3.the lens of Lord Soptyvr (in Gorge of King Xorbb) 4.a lock of widowmistress hair (in Najena) Zone: Paineel Nerf/Removal Info: Call of Bones gave clerics a way to basically have unlimited mana. It was tedious and time consuming, but it did work. The original Terror Forged Mask wasnt as efficient as the Manastone, but it was still decent. In the nerf, it was changed to Effect: Fear. Personal Comment: The fact that this could be activated from your inventory made it especially good. While its not as broken as some of the items on this list, it is still pretty darn good. It absolutely needs to make into the game, but at a pretty rare drop rate. The thing that makes it hard to know what to do here is that its a NO DROP quest reward. So its not like someone can easily just do the quest over and over to get one. Unlike the Scouting Dagger and Stein of Moggok which can be sold, theyd have to destroy the mask they got before trying again. Your solution for making quest rewards like this will take some real creativity IMO. Item Name: Thaumaturgists Sash Era: Classic Stats: MAGIC ITEM, LORE ITEM, NO DROP; AC: 4, INT: +3,

Slot: Waist Race: All Class: SHD BRD NEC ENC MAG WIZ Drop Info: This item dropped off an Arisen Thaumaturgist as a rare drop. Zone: Befallen

Nerf/Removal Info: You may recognize this mob from the monk quests in Freeport. In the October 31 2001 Patch there was a problem with this mob on several servers. On some it was a dark elf, on others it was a Erudite. This was part of the lore change in the lead up to Luclin, but there was a problem. On the Eudite mob, this item would drop as a rare drop (the Antiqued Silver Band was still the common drop) On November 8, this item was removed from the mobs loot table and models were fixed to all be dark elves again. It was a strange and very brief event. Personal Comment: There were so many problems leading up to Luclin. Zones were crashing, mobs were spawning at a higher level than they should have. All sorts of things were going wrong and they only got worse when Luclin was released. Im not sure what happened to this item after the November 8 patch. It may have been removed from players inventories, it might not have. Probably only a very few ever dropped during the brief period it was live. Item Name: Thex Dagger Era: Classic

Stats: LORE ITEM; Skill: Piercing Atk Delay: 24, DMG: 4 Dmg Bonus: 18, Backstab DMG: 4, SV DISEASE: +50, WT: 2.5 Size: SMALL Slot: Primary/Secondary/Range Race: All Class: ALL except CLR PAL DRU MNK SHM Drop Info: This was a result of the Thex Dagger quest that started with Princess Lenya. This reward for the quest was replaced by the Silent Watch Shield. Here is the quest info that I could find: o This quest starts in Felwithe. It is very long and involved, and results in a relatively weak item for all the effort you need to put into it. The parts are actually better than the quest as a whole. o Hail Tynkale, a Paladin guildmaster, and say "I am ready to serve the Clerics of Tunare." He will ask if you are new to this or experienced (something to that degree). If you say you are inexperienced, you get the Tandan Nybright quest. If you say you have been with them for awhile (or whatever [xxxx] line equates to that) he will give you a quest involving the slaying of Jojongua, a Kobold found in Innothule swamp. He is found in the aptly named "Jojongua's Tower." Loot the Very Large Hide and take it back to Tynkale for experience, faction and an item. o He will then ask you to meet up with a man named Tolon Nurbyte in Highkeep. He is found at a local inn, and will spawn if you ask the innkeeper "Who is Tolon

Nurbyte." Tell him "The glory of mother shines bright." You'll then need to find Tearon Bleanix in Highkeep and tell him "All is not bright above the clouds." o To get to Tearon you need a lottery ticket. Get this by doing "The Lottery Ticket" quest in East Freeport. o The key is named "Highkeep Royal Suite" and will open a locked door on the third floor. Behind the door you'll find "Tearon Bleanix" who responds to questions about "Princess Lenya". o Say the key phrase to Tearon and he will give you a bracer and tell you to take to the Highpass Hussy (AKA Mistress Anna) on the fourth floor. She'll tell you to seek out Tyrana Slil and Marlin Shirtov (she tells you to kill him; but you dont have to). You do need to kill Tyrana Slil. She drops a fishfood container. Mix in it three fairy dusts and one Sands of Ro to make fish food. Find Marlin in the Rooster Inn in Highpass. He will ask for a silk evening gown found in Qeynos. Bring him the gown and you will get a key. Now, go to Lake Rathetear and find the "royal fish." Feed the royal fish the final fish food product, and it turns out that it was in fact Princess Lenya Thex. Give the princess the bracer and the marlin key and receive an amulet in return. Now go back to Tearon Bleanix, give him the amulet and the highpass key #3. For this effort you get the Thex Dagger. Zone: Felwithe Nerf/Removal Info: This quest was removed in the spring of 2000. Personal Comment: Fun and very involved quest. Too bad it was taken out. Item Name: Ton Pos Bo Stick of Understanding Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Skill: 2H Blunt, Atk Delay: 40, DMG: 44, Dmg Bonus: 96, Effect: One Hundred Blows (Combat, Casting Time: Instant) at Level 50, WT: 2.5 Size: LARGE Slot: Primary Race: All Class: MNK Drop Info: Dropped of Trakanon. Zone: Old Sebilis Nerf/Removal Info: Supposedly, this item only dropped once.

Personal Comment: This item absolutely was on live, but Im not sure it only dropped once. None-the-less, it was an incredible item. It easily rivals the Primal weapons dropped in the Sleepers Tomb. Item Name: Totem of the Wizened Spirits Era: Kunark Stats: MAGIC ITEM; WIS: +6 MANA: +10, WT: 2.0 Size: TINY

Slot: Range Race: All Class: CLR DRU SHM NEC WIZ MAG ENC Drop Info: Could drop off any goblin in Lake of Ill Omen or Warslicks Wood. Zone: Lake Of Ill Omen/Warslicks Wood Nerf/Removal Info: This item was taken out a couple months after Kunark went live. Personal Comment: Several of the other spirit totems survived to today, so I have no idea what this one didnt. Item Name: Unicorn Horn Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM; Charges: 5, Wind Instrument, Effect: Purge (Any Slot, Casting Time: Instant), WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL Slot: Secondary Race: All Class: BRD Drop Info: Dropped of Eqiestrielle the Corrupted (a level 40 unicorn mob). Zone: Lesser Faydark Nerf/Removal Info: This item and loot table were removed from the game. Personal Comment: Your database may still have Equestrielle in it. Its hard to say when she was removed from the game. Item Name: Venomous Axe of the Velium Brood Era: Velious

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Skill: 1H Slashing Atk Delay: 24, DMG: 11 Dmg Bonus: 18 AC: 10, Effect: Poisonous Chill (Combat, Casting Time: Instant) at Level 1, WT: 4.0 Size: MEDIUM

Slot: Primary/Secondary Race: All Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG Drop Info: This item drops off a Frenzied Velium Stalker (Level: 47) Zone: Velketor's Labyrinth Nerf/Removal Info: This item was changed to not proc until level 35. Personal Comment: This action was taken to prevent twinking, however, it was done some time after the release of Luclin. In classic, this weapon always proced at level 1. Im not sure what database you might be working with, so I wanted to make sure I included this item so you can double check how it works in your testing. Item Name: Warding Star Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM; Skill: 1H Blunt Atk Delay: 24, DMG: 14 Dmg Bonus: 18, Effect: Guard (Combat, Casting Time: Instant) at Level 50, WT: 2.2 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Primary/Secondary Race: All Class: WAR PAL BRD Drop Info: Dropped off the Skeleton Sepulcher (a level 40 skeleton) Zone: Howling Stones Nerf/Removal Info: This item was later replaced by the Guardians Mace. Personal Comment: The only difference between the two items is that the Guardians Mace cant be used by warriors. I guess Verant felt a 14/24 weapon was too strong for the warrior class. Item Name: Werewolf Tail Era: Classic

Stats: 8AC MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Effect: Haste 41% (Worn) at level 1 Wt1.0, All/All Slot: Waste/Wrist Race: All Class: All Drop Info: This dropped off Magrek, a level 50 female dark elf caster mob who spawns on the top floor of Castle Mistmoore at approximately loc 81.29, -103.19, -159.19.

Zone: Castle Mistmoore Nerf/Removal Info: This item was removed in the spring of 2000 because it threatened the uniqueness of the planar drops. The mob disappeared as well soon after. Personal Comment: This was one of the items that made Mistmoore as legendary as it was. And contrary to urban myth, this was never part of Mayong Mistmoores loot table. The original MM was never killed, not even in beta, so no one knows what his loot table looked like. Item Name: White Dragon Tooth Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM; EXPENDABLE Charges: 1, Effect: Invoke Death (Any Slot, Casting Time: Instant) as Level 50, WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL Slot: Inventory Race: All Class: All Drop Info: This item dropped off Lady Vox Zone: Permafrost Nerf/Removal Info: This item was taken out of the game because the skeleton pet could be summoned at any level. Personal Comment: The tooth would summon a level 41 skeleton pet that had a 20 pt life tap. Since this could be used by any class at any level, it was nerfed. The devs felt that pets should only belong to certain classes. Item Name: Writhing Lash Era: Classic

Stats: MAGIC ITEM, Skill: 1H Slashing; Atk Delay: 23, DMG: 5 Dmg Bonus: 20; STR: +2, AGI: +5; WT: 5.0 Size: MEDIUM Slot: Primary, Wrist Race: ALL Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG Drop Info: Original drop off Tentacle Terrors Zone: Najena, The Estate of Unrest Nerf/Removal Info: These were replaced by Tenticle Whips. Personal Comment: Supposedly, according to one source, Writhing Lashes were retroactively changed to Tentacle Whips. I have no idea if this is accurate or not. It is an in-

teresting weapon, though. Note that it can be worn as a bracelet.

Item Name: Wurmslayer Era: Kunark

Stats: MAGIC ITEM; Skill: Piercing/ Throwing, Atk Delay: 40, DMG: 25 Dmg Bonus: 18, Range: 40, AC: 5, STR: +5, SV MAGIC: +5, WT: 15.0 Size: LARGE Slot: Primary/Range. Race: All Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD Drop Info: This is the result of the Dragon Scales quest. Zone: Firiona Vie Nerf/Removal Info: This item was later changed to Primary only, 1 handed slash on August 9, 2000. Personal Comment: This item changed from a spear-like weapon to more of a hack-nslash type weapon. It looks sorta like a spear, but swings like a sword. Complaints about the weapon being lost when it was accidentally thrown got it changed. The biggest change, obviously, was that it was no longer usable in the range slot. One suggestion for an item like this is to have a separate quest for it; that way, the quest item everyone is used to getting is still available. It might suck to do the Wurmslayer quest and end up with the Legendary version instead. Then again, it might not. Who knows, eh? :) The End

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