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AFFIDAVIT Affidavit on stamp paper of Rs. 100/- duly notorized by the Notary Public to be submitted by the Society / Trust.

I, .. (name) Son/ Daughter/ W.o. Shri .and aged about. Years resident of .. and President/ Chairman/ Secretary/ Manager of the Society/ Trust i.e. .. which is Registered vide Regd No.. Dated .. and the same is established and operated for not for profit under Societies / Trust Act, made application vide no. NRC APP. To the Northern Regional Committee of the National Council of Teacher Education at Jaipur, Rajasthan seeking grant of recognition for .(Course), do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows:1. That the (Society / Trust) has passed a resolution on dated .. for submitting the application for recognition of .. (course) in the name of . With intake/ additional intake under section ..(14/15 of the NCTE Act, 1993, to the NRC NCTE and as per this resolution the institution has submitted this application NRC APP No. (A copy of the resolution is attached). 2. That.. (Society / Trust) has applied for only one course for the basic unit of the land for which land documents have been submitted with this application NRC APP., as per clause 8(2) of the NCTE Regulations, 2009. Also there is no application is pending with the NRC for decision and no other application submitted by the Society/ Trust with the said application in the NRC, NCTE, Jaipur, Rajasthan. 3. That the land & building of the institution for the proposed teacher training programme with the application i.e. NRCAPP No are exclusively meant for running the proposed teacher education programme i.e. . and the institution has a well demarcated area or building and shall not have any other course(s) in its building as per the clause 8 (7) (ii) of the NCTE Regulations 2009. The land of the institution for which land documents has been submitted is free from all encumbrances. 4. That the details/ information of existing teacher education programme/course and details of programme other than Teacher education given by the institution at page no. of the said application (NRC APP No..) are true and no details/ information have been concealed by the (Society/ Trust). 5. That .(Society/ Trust) has applied for additional course/ additional intake vide above application after completion of three academic sessions of the respective course as per clause 8(3) of the NCTE Regulations, 2009. The society/ Trust undertakes that the maximum intake capacity of the institution for all teacher education course including the above application for which recognition/ permission if granted by the NRC, Jaipur Rajasthan shall not exceed 300 as per clause 8(3) of the NCTE Regulations, 2009. I do hereby swear that the above contents of the affidavit are true and correct and in case they are found to be false of incorrect, the

..(Society/ Trust) shall be liable for civil and criminal action under the relevant provisions of the Indian Panel Code and other relevant Laws. Signature with Seal: Name of Applicant: Address: Note: Point 5 of the Affidavit shall be applicable to the Society/ Trust which has applied for additional course/ additional intake etc. under section 15 of the NCTE Act, 1993.

Affidavit on stamp paper of Rs.100/- duly notarized by the Notary Public

(to be submitted by the institution in support of the reply/representation of the institution to the NRC, NCTE Jaipur alongwith all necessary documents as per provisions of the NCTE Act, Rules & Regulations.)

I, _____________________________, authorized representative of the i.e. management/office

________________________________________________________ in connection with my/our application for grant of recognition / permission of . to conduct Teacher Training course ____________________ (Name of the course) with _____ intake/additional intake under section ________________ (14/15) of the NCTE Act, 1993 on behalf of the institution namely ________________________________________________ do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. That_______________________________________________________ That_______________________________________________________ That_______________________________________________________ That_______________________________________________________ That I do hereby swear that the above declarations/statements are true and correct

to the best of my knowledge & belief and it conceals nothing and that no part of this is false. In case the content of affidavit are found to be incorrect or false, I shall be liable for action under the relevant provisions of the Indian Penal Code and other relevant laws.

Signature with seal:_____________________ Name of the Applicant:__________________ Address:______________________________ _____________________________________

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