Connection: Let Freedom Ring!

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A publication of First Christian Church of Edmond, OK Vol. 5 No. 25 June 27, 2013

The Chalice

An Encounter at Deer Trail

By Rev. Chris Shorow, Senior Minister
The Middle School Encounter trip ended on Saturday night at 11:00. 39 tired middle school campers and 10 dedicated sponsors made their way into the church parking lot after a wonderful and exhausting experience. I was lucky to be one of the sponsors, and I was profoundly moved by the encounter and the deep spirituality of the kids. The trip started with a bang, literally. One of the church buses broke down on a remote Colorado freeway and we were stuck in Deer Trail, Colorado for several hours. Thanks to strong leadership, beginning with Mark Taylor, our youth minister, we got through the whole ordeal without too much of a hitch. I think beginning the trip with a tragedy was the best thing that could have happened. It bonded us together and cemented the theme of flexibility into our minds. Im not saying that Mark planned the breakdown, but it was a great lesson in Christian faith for all of us. Flexibility is an essential Christian trait. We dont know what the future will hold for us and we cannot control it. But we can respond in a positive way to any event in our lives, if we have faith that God will walk with us on our journeys. And God is, and was present. That was another reminder that Mark had for all of uswhere would we see God in our everyday lives. And at our closing worship each night, we heard the kids tell of how they saw God present every day. And their stories were rich in faith. Our time together concluded with a 10-mile hike up to Sky Pond, an 11,000 foot high pond accessible only by climbing a waterfall and crossing a treacherous glacier. I was amazed at the number of kids who made the hike, pushing themselves beyond limits they didnt think they could pass. And the number of kids who took the plunge in the near-freezing water to become members of the fabled Polar Bear Club was either inspirational or nearly crazy! And they did it as a the freedom we know as citizens of this country. So, in conjunction with the annual, Edmond Liberty Fest Parade on July 4th, 2013, First Christian will host another Freedom Fest and distribute free hot dogs, chips, bottles of water, and watermelon to over 1,000 of the 50,000 parade attendees. This wonderful event affords us a grand opportunity to partner with our community in serving group, encouraging one another and helping each other out to ascend the mountain. It is the story of our Christian faith. We help one another through the challenges of our lives to accomplish things we did not think were possible. With the help of God, seen in our everyday lives, and with the help of our fellow Christians, we do Gods work and make it to the summit. Thanks to Mark Taylor and our summer interns, Ally Nash and Trevor Gibson, that lesson was learned by 39 wonderful youth. And our sponsorsBrian Cain, Cole Stanley, Charles Hoppe, Robert Hall, Robbi Kinnaird and Kim Kerrall deserve a round of applause for their dedication and love for our kids, and for a week of sleepdeprived leadership. Our lesson from the kids is simple look for God every day. You will be surprised at how blessed your life can be when you feel Gods constant presence. Even in a break down in Deer Trail!

Let Freedom ring!

Few moments of national celebration are more exciting than Independence Day. Its just one of the hallmark events in the calendar year. Firework displays, musical concerts, parades, and family gatherings typify our cherished, patriotic, and national spirit. And our church family is no exception to this spirit. Freedom is a giftthe freedom we know in Christ and

others. And it gives us a superb moment to demonstrate our deep commitment to radical hospitality. Join us on this day of national patriotism, community celebration, and faith in action. We need your help! Please sign up at the table display in the rotunda or online at www. to serve with us and/or make donations. - Your Evangelism Ministry Team

A Great Week at VBS: Athens!

By Michelle Fritz, Director of Childrens Ministries
Wow!! What an exciting adventure we had in Athens for VBS. We visited Pauls tent everyday where he shared how God loves us all and about His son Jesus. Arena games were so fun. It was just like being in the competitions in Ancient Greece. The Athens marketplace was so exciting, we shared about our God to those who served many gods and made some really cool things, like pottery, a Greek lyre and so much more! During Operation Kid-to-Kid, we learned how there are more children in India than any other country in the world and 116 Gods Love For You Bible books printed in Hindi will be sent to the children of India with special messages of Gods love from us, the children of FCC Edmond!! Our VBS adventure concluded with a picnic with our families and finished in a celebration where we shouted: God loves us all! Its True! Check out the pictures ( Children/vbs13) and video ( from VBS: Athens! I want to thank VBS co-directors, Desi Stout and Jennifer McGrew, plus all the leaders and assistants that helped make this VBS a success. Thank you to everyone who donated art supplies, watermelons, scenery, decorations and their time decorating, setting up, cleaning up, feeding us, etc. Letitia Anthony Benny Christensen Sarah Douthitt Brian Haley Melissa Hendricks Jennifer Hunt Molly Larrison Cassie Miller Amy Roberts Anna Lisa Stanley Sherrye VanOsdol Jake Blevins Peter Gaddy Jaxon Humphrey Sara Raines Monica Benear Vernon Conaway Jamie Gable Molly Haley Amy Hepler Martha Jacobs Janell Lee Chad Miller Erin Robertson Cole Stanley Jill Wilburn Andrea Deal Emily Gresh Jimmy King Caleb Stanley Allyson Cain Muriel Correa Kelsey Gable Margaret Hall Madi Huffer Jenny Jewell Randle Lee Jennifer OHagan Michele Schlough Tana Stufflebean Cameron Woods Cora Deal Anna Hall Gabrielle Lee Caleb Swearingen Janet Caldwell Clark Cummins Frank Gresh Steve Hanson Jennifer Humphrey Adam Jewell Chrisha McGann Susan Prejean Bev Schmoyer Kacy VanOsdol Kimberly Woods Delaney Ernst Jacob Hall Jesse Raines Christian Swearingen Lee Christensen Mady Cummins Debby Gresh Janet Helms John Humphrey Diane King Shannon Medley Derek Price Beth Shorow Melissa VanOsdol Mike Adkins Mitchem Ernst Chloe Houk Carter Raines Shelby Wilkerson

Thank you to anyone who was inadvertently left off this list and should have been on it. I would also like to thank the church staff, Elders and leaders of the church for their support and letting us create Athens in our church all week. God bless you!

Prayers of the People

OUR PRAYERS FOR THOSE IN THE HOSPITAL Carrie Akin, Bradford Village for rehab THOSE IN NEED OF PRAYER Ola Drennon, Sondra Danner (Will & Laura Harris daughter), Dana Stilwell (Roger Stilwells brother), Joan Grant, Sue Fraim, Anne Holzberlein, Chris Gibson, Debby Gresh, Doris Dowell, Dale & Betsy Jones, Earl & Loree Rice, Judy Joy, Gayle Jones (Jennifer Cains mom), Lori Snider (Loretta Parks daughter), Cynthia David (Winnie Halls daughter), Bill & Mary Lou Womble CELEBRATING THE GIFT OF A NEW LIFE Kinley Jane Garrett born June 20 to Greg & Jenna Garrett. Grandparents are Ted & Becky Garrett.

Happy Birthday!
6/30 Glenn Blunk, James Beason, Mike OMeara, Brian Jones 7/1 Wendy Conaway, Alyssa Danley, Pat Farley, Jennifer Hunt 7/2 Bernice Moslander, Madi Price 7/3 Judy Barr, Joanna Baugh, Brittani Belardo, Bob Bennett, Arlene De Stefano, Charles Hoppe, Juli Marzuola 7/4 Sharon Jantz 7/5 Jason Rivera, Shawn Roberts 7/6 Jean Barnes, Robert Felix, Emily Woods 7/7 Lindley Ayers, Gary Bates, Gay Gauldin

Sundays through August 25, we invite all adult Sunday school classes to meet in the Fellowship Hall for Unified Summer Sunday School! Summer Sunday School will showcase programs by special people in our community and church family. We will start at 10:00am with refreshments and fellowship time. Our speaker for Sunday, June 30, will be Rev. Dr. Bill Tabbernee, the Executive Director of the OK Conference of Churches. Prior to his position, he served as the president of Phillips Theological Seminary in Tulsa. He is an ordained minister in the Christian Church (DOC) and has written and taught extensively on Christian history and thought. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact Rev. Chuck Shorow at 341-3544. Come join the fellowship and fun! We hope to see you on Sunday, June 30!

Sundays through August 25 10:00 - 10:50am in Fellowship Hall


Attention All First Christian Church Key Holders:

All entry door locks - for the main church building and the Family Life Center - have been changed (with the exception of the exterior door to BOB - it is the same). This means the keys will no longer work on exterior doors. Access to the exterior doors will be limited to access entry codes, access cards or fobs only. Access entry codes or cards are distributed by FCCEs Business Administrator, Karla Mahan. All interior locks will remain the same. So, those with a key should keep their keys for the doors to the classrooms and closets in each building. Also, for security purposes, please do not unlock exterior doors for your meetings. Participants in your meetings can be given the access entry codes. They will work only during your meeting times, and allow access to the building for all your participants. If you previously had an entry key, you should have received an access code, card or new fob from the office. If you did not receive a code or if you have questions, contact Karla Mahan at 341-3544 or [email protected] Thank you for your understanding and patience.

8:15, 9 & 11am

at First Christian
June 30, 2013

Message: Rev. Chris Shorow Rev. Charles Shorow Scripture: Obadiah 10-15

Following the Unified Worship Service on July 7, please join us for a brief congregational meeting to vote on two by-law modifications. To review the modifications, go to or pick up a copy at the Welcome Desk. Please contact Robbi Kinnaird, Board Moderator, with questions at 340-2427 or [email protected]

Sunday, July 7 10:45 AM in the Sanctuary

First Christian Church Congregational Meeting

July 7, 2013 9:30am Sunday School 10:45am Unified Worship

Message: Rev. Chris Shorow

Volunteer Opportunities For You

ReNewing Hands Ministry Needs You!
Do you love working in the outdoors? Do you enjoy gardening? Are you wanting to help others? If so, ReNewing Hands is looking for volunteers to help with garden clean up and mulching for some of our members who need help. If you are interested, call Marcia Tunison at (405) 285-1506 or email her via the Hub!

Looking For a Way to Serve?

Are You a People Person?

FCC Open Doors (Evangelism) needs Door Greeters & Front Desk Helpers on Sunday mornings - before Sunday School and before each worship service. If you love welcoming and meeting people, this is a great ministry for you! Your time commitment is only 15 minutes a month for Door Greeters and 1 hour a month for Front Desk Helpers. Contact Randy Huston via the Hub or at [email protected]


Jennifer Humphrey, Editor [email protected] Read News Online @ Submit Articles to [email protected]

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