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Juanito Garcia and Alberto Dumago v. Philippine Airlines (PAL) G.R. No.

164856, January 20, 2009

Facts: Philippine Airlines filed a case against its employees herein petitioners for allegedly caught in the act of sniffing shabu when a team of company security personnel and law enforcers raided the PAL Technical Centers Toolroom Section.After due notice, PAL dismissed petitioner for transgressing companys Code of Discipline prompting them to file a Complaint for illegal dismissal which the Labor Arbiter (LA) in its decision ruled on their favor ordering PAL to immediately comply with the reinstatement aspect of the decision.Prior to the judgment, SEC placed PAL under Interim Rehabilitation Receiver who subsequently replaced by Permanent Rehabilitation Receiver. On appeal, NLRC reversed said decision and dismissed petitioners complaint for lack of merit.

Subsequently, LA issued a Writ of Execution respecting the reinstatement aspect of his decision. Respondent filed an Urgent Petition for Injunction with the NLRC. The NLRC affirmed the validity of the Writ and the Notice issued by LA but suspended and referred the action to the Rehabilitation Receiver for appropriate action.On appeal, the appellate court partially granted the petition and effectively reinstated the NLRC resolution insofar as it suspended the proceedings. By manifestation, respondent informed the Court that SEC issued an Order granting its request to exit from rehabilitation proceedings.

Issue: Whether petitioner may collect their wages during the period between the LAs Order of reinstatement pending appeal and the NLRC decision overturning that of the LA, now that PAL hasexited from rehabilitation proceedings.

Ruling: A dismissed employee whose case was favorably decided by the LA is entitled to receive wages pending appeal upon reinstatement, which is immediately executory. Unless there is a restraining order, it is ministerial upon the LA to implement the order of reinstatement and it is mandatory on the employer to comply therewith.The Court reaffirms the prevailing principle that even if the order of reinstatement of the LA is reversed on appeal, it is obligatory on the part of the employer to reinstate and pay the wages of the dismissed employee during the period of appeal until reversal by the higher court. It settles the view that the LAs order of reinstatement is immediately executory and the employer has to either re-admit them to work under the same terms and conditions prevailing prior to their dismissal, or to reinstate them in the payroll, and that filing to exercise the options in the alternative, employer must pay the employees salaries.When reinstatement pending appeal aims to avert the continuing threat or danger to the survival or even the life of the dismissed employee and his family, it does not contemplate the period when the employercorporation itself is similarly in a judicially monitored state of being resuscitated in order to survive.

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