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Vaccination Is Not Immunization What Do You Really Know About Vaccines? This is the most important decision you will make in the life of your child. Educate Before You Vaccinate.
From the Desk of Tim O'Shea DC Author and Instructor, Childhood Immunology Originator of thedoctorwithin - The Pourcyrous Study: the peer reviewed medical study proving that vaccines cause brain hemorrhages, apnea, and heart damage in infants. - The Peanut Allergy Epidemic: how vaccines have been found as the proven cause of over 1 million children hypersensitive to peanuts, now the #1 cause of child anaphylaxis - The new Shaken Baby industry, a possible cover-up for vaccine injury - The ongoing Autism Epidemic, affecting between 2-4 million children today Much of this research is effectively banned from mainstream media, for reasons which will be obvious. Yet each fact, each statistic is meticulously documented from the best sources available. There is nothing sensationalistic or conspiracy based about the actual physical science behind brain injury and vaccines. The solid mainstream references make this information bulletproof: it is virtually unassailable. The vaccine industry today is in a panic. It can no longer keep these secrets hidden. More and more people are learning about the real brain effects in their children, and they're opting out, signing exemptions. Thats what all the hysterical new laws about school vaccines are really about.

Do you even know what Prevnar or Human Papilloma Virus, or MCV4 or DPT or Rotateq do you even know what these vaccines are for? And even if you do, wouldn't you like to know what the scientists who make the vaccines have said about them, down through the decades? Or are you going to get all your information from the clinic that makes its living selling vaccines? Trust them implicitly to make the most important decision of the child's life. That's what we do. It would be the same as if you were buying a Ford and you got all your information about cars only from the Ford dealer and nowhere else. Except this is much worse this isn't about the car you drive. This is about the formative immune system of your child, which is established in the early years, and largely determines their health throughout their lives. We are shocked to find that many medical doctors know the information in this book and do not vaccinate their own children. Ironically, the majority of the endorsements on the back cover of the book are from medical doctors. Here's one of the most recent: "It is impossible to estimate the true value of Dr O'Shea's work. His review of the history of the vaccination industry is vastly more thorough than that taught in medical schools and decisively more balanced. "Many primary care providers and parents who assume that the vaccine program was built on sound principles will be shocked at the flimsy foundations of immunization science. More relevant than its roots, what every parent and doctor must decide is whether the risks of vaccination are offset by the potential benefits. While the public is rarely exposed to the full extent of vaccine adverse reactions, Dr O'Shea takes the reader through a thorough review of each "vaccine-preventable" disease and the risk/benefit of their vaccine counterpart. "The book will serve as a valuable resource to parents and physicians who wish to gain further knowledge and understanding of the risk and benefits of the numerous shots being promoted for the proclaimed benefit of public health. Parents need no longer feel guilty or confused about the decision to vaccinate their children. Knowledge is the freedom and power to decide with confidence what is best for their children. "With explosions in chronic illnesses in virtually all subsets of our population, critical thinking is necessary to protect our loved ones and our future. Dr O'Shea has once again blessed us with an up-to-date resource that will allow parents to make an informed choice, and for medical professionals to take pause at what they had been indoctrinated to believe was valid science and good medicine." - David Ayoub, MD Clinical Radiologist As a parent, do you have doubts whether vaccines can really protect your child from illness or disease? Do you worry that your child could become autistic, or develop asthma, allergies or even a fatal childhood disease, like Sudden Infant

Death syndrome? These are not theories. Millions of American infants have these conditions today. Yet most other countries on earth recommend less than half the vaccines we do. What you're about to read may come as a shock. It did for me when I first began to research vaccines and their effect on the body over a decade ago. Hundreds of hours of digging into the medical literature and checking the facts compelled me to speak out. Much of what I discovered was in conflict with the way most of us are taught to care for our children. Let's face it most parents agree to have their newborn child vaccinated and believe it is the right thing to do. It's what their parents did, and it's what their doctors recommend. Once they start, the child goes on to receive numerous vaccinations year after year, up through their teens. All the while you, the parent, continue to think you're doing the right thing. Well. . .as it turns out, it's often a mistake. What you'll see when you peek behind the curtain of the multi-billion dollar drug and vaccine cartels should scare the life out of you. . .because your child is being put in harm's way more than you are being told.

The Harsh Truth

Whether or not to vaccinate is a decision only you can make. Sadly, it's not likely you can turn to your pediatrician for help with this decision. You see, most doctors have staked their reputations and their financial well-being on the assumed safety and effectiveness of vaccines. They are bound by their profession to promote vaccinations. But there's another point of view, just as valid. You're about to discover that vaccination is big business and big money for doctors, for the drug companies and for the government; vaccines are by no means proven safe, as you are being led to believe.

You deserve to know the facts. You deserve to have access to the information being put forth by doctors, scientists, and researchers all over the world who are speaking out today the facts can no longer be denied. Some top scientists in the field of human genetics go so far as to say it's an outright assault on children and the future of the human race.

One Canadian physician, Dr. Guylaine Lanctot, puts it this way: "The medical authorities keep lying. Vaccination has been an assault on the immune system. It actually causes a lot of illnesses. We are actually changing our genetic code through vaccination. . .100 years from now we will know that the biggest crime against humanity was vaccines." Renowned author and pediatrician, Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, is equally direct: "The greatest threat of childhood diseases lies in the dangerous and ineffectual efforts made to prevent them through mass immunization. Much of what you have been led to believe about immunization simply isn't true. If I were to follow my deeper convictions, I would urge you to reject all inoculations for your child." He goes on to say: "There is no convincing scientific evidence that mass inoculations can be credited with eliminating any childhood disease. If immunizations were responsible for the disappearance of these diseases in the U.S., one must ask why they disappeared simultaneously in Europe, where mass immunizations did not take place."

No Proof of Safety
It might be shocking for you to hear this for the first time, but when you read about the history of vaccines and understand the financial forces that are in play, you may begin see the drug industry as an enormous machine, feeding off endless government funding for vaccines. Remarkably, vaccination has never been clinically proven to be effective in preventing disease! I find this to be one of the most shocking discoveries of all, and so will you. The double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, the gold standard of organized medicine, has never been used to compare vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. No risk-to-benefit studies have ever been done. Vaccines remain scientifically unproven! So while health authorities loudly credit vaccines for reducing disease and continually send the message that vaccines are safe, and necessary, the science isn't there. Many assumptions made by local clinics are directly contradicted by the most well regarded government statistics, published medical studies and the opinions of credible and highly respected research scientists all over the world. In addition, reports coming out of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are finding the same contradictions.

Who Really Cares about Your Child?

Is it the vaccine manufacturers, who are behind virtually everything you have ever been told about the safety of vaccines? Dr. Samuel Katz, developer of the measles vaccine states, "Government doesn't fund clinical studies of vaccines. Industry does." The current number of vaccinations your children will receive by the time they are 18 years old is an astounding 68! And more vaccinations are on their way. That is one gigantic cash industry, coming in at around $50 billion dollar annually. Australian researcher Viera Scheibner, PhD, after investigating some 60,000 pages of medical literature on vaccination, summarized it: "Immunizations, including those practiced on babies, not only did not prevent any infectious diseases; they caused more suffering and more deaths than has any other human activity in the entire history of medical intervention." But you can avoid this damage.

The One Resource They Don't Want You to Read

I decided early on that I would take a stand for the truth regarding vaccines, no matter what the cost. I was determined to write a book that was referenced from the most legitimate, scientific sources, so that as a parent you could make the most informed decision. Drug companies support medical journals with their advertising. FDA Advisory Committee members admit openly that they have financial ties to the vaccine manufacturers. It's no secret. What's more, Congress passed a law exempting the liability of these companies. In other words, if your child is damaged or dies after vaccination, you can't sue the vaccine company.

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