The Students Are Requested To Remit The Fee For SAP Dubai As Per The Following Details

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Duration of the SAP & Fee Details

Fees for AUUP S. No Destination Fees for AUR, AUMP, AUH & AGBS With Without Accommodation Accommodation




25-01-2013 to 15-03-2013

With Without Accommodation* Accommodation Programme Fee in AED BBA 8000 2000 MBA 7500 1500 B. Tech 9200 3200 BHM 9000 3000 B.Sc. FS 9000 3000

Same as AUUP

Same as AUUP

*This Programme fee only covers the SAP-Dubai fee & accommodation on sharing basis for the students at IMT
Hostel. The students can also pay the programme fee^ and arrange for their own accommodation. For Dubai campus the following fee will be charged in addition to the above:VISA for 2 months : AED1600 Airport Transfers: AED200 Cost for 3 meals at IMT hostel*: AED1000/- per month (this is optional, students can take meals and nearby food outlets as per their convenience as well) Further any other expenditure like return air tickets, medical insurance charges, out of pocket expenditure etc.. will be borne by the students.

The students are requested to remit the Fee for SAP Dubai as per the following details:1. Mode of Payment : 2. Payment to be made In favour of :
a. b. c. Beneficiary IBAN Bank Swift Code : : : :

Electronic Transfer

All bank charges both in India & overseas have to be borne by the students. The students are advised to give institutions to bankers making remittance for charges mentioning Remittance charges should be OUR 2. Programme Structure & Syllabus a. Courses to be taught at Indian campuses & Dubai Campus PG & UG :For Programmes other than Management The courses to be taught at the Dubai Campus and parent institution will be decided as per the specific programme requirement. At AUD the students will continue to study the same courses which he had been studying in the parent institution. HoIs will submit to Dean, Academics separate programme structure for these programmes from which students have been enrolled for SAP Dubai 2013. Final approval will be given by the Acting Vice Chancellor. This exercise must be completed by January 17, 2013. For Management Programmes Credit Units S. Campuses of assigned No study UG PG



India Campuses


Overseas Campuses

Includes: Core courses Elective Courses 10-20 10-20 NTCC* including Internship/ Project/ Dissertation. Value added courses, Includes 16+CU 16+ CU 4 courses of 4 credit units for for each and country country one country report of 6-12 report report credit units*.

To be finalized by Dean (Academic) + Dean (FMS)+ HOIs

Given in 4b.

Courses to be taught at overseas campuses:Course Course Title Continuous Code Evaluation SUG104/ Project 30 SUP104 Management skills for International Operations SUG101/ International 30 SUP101 Economics of Strategy and the Organization SUG102/ Entrepreneurship 30 SUP102 without borders SUG103/ International 30 SUP103 Research Methods and Report Preparation SUG130/ Compulsory SUP130 Country report*
SUG: Under Graduate Programmes SUP: Post Graduate Programmes

End-Term Examination 70

Total Marks 100

Credit Units 4



70 70

100 100

4 4


The courses to be taught at the parent institution will be decided as per the specific programme requirement. HoIs will submit to Dean, FMS separate programme structure for those programmes from which students have been enrolled for SAP 2013. This exercise must be completed by January 16, 2013. Note: Certain courses without the knowledge of which a management programme is insufficient shall be covered with the students during the period of End Term Examinations as fast paced learning programme before the commencement of the odd semester. However, these will not be evaluated. b. A minimum of 30 hours of class room teaching is required for each course taught at campuses abroad. c. The country report will be made by the students as per the guidelines under the supervision of faculty . d. The entire evaluation of these courses will be done at the same campus where the course has been delivered. e. In addition to the regular degree/ mark sheet a certificate mentioning the completion of Study Abroad to be issued to all successful students. f. In case a student fails to get Visa than he/she has to make up for the loss of studies and will continue to study with existing batch.

3. Activity Schedule for SAP Dubai 2013 S. No Activities 01. Notice to be uploaded on AMIZONE 02. Last date for submission of SAP application form, undertaking, indemnity bond & fees. 03. Confirmation of correctness of the documents 04. Dean, FMS to communicate to the campuses abroad to arrange for the accommodation of the students and faculty members & get their confirmation in this matter. 05. Compilation of Internal Assessment of the courses covered in India and uploading the marks on AMIZONE ( for the students enrolled for Singapore, Dubai & Mauritius) 06. Briefing session hosted by Dean FMS with the blessing of Acting Vice Chancellor for the registered students and nominated faculty members leaving for abroad campuses 07. Students departure from India 08. Course commence at campuses abroad (Singapore, Dubai & Mauritius) 09. Course commence at campuses abroad 10. Conduct of all components of Continuous (Internal ) Assessment for courses covered in abroad campuses (Singapore, Dubai & Mauritius) 11. Final Examination & Viva-vice of courses to be covered abroad (Singapore, Dubai & Mauritius) 12. Course finishes at campus abroad (Singapore, Dubai & Mauritius) 13. Finalization of result (Singapore, Dubai & Mauritius) 14. Students enrolled for SAP 2013 at Singapore, Dubai & Mauritius to report back at Parent Institution & submit SAP learning report as per format 15. Examination for the courses which were covered in India and classes for remaining courses of Indian Module. 16. Submission of final result by the campuses abroad to the Indian coordinator 17. India Coordinator to collate the same for all students and send to examination section. 18. Fees submission date for the even study if already over as per the fee schedule published by the University Due Date Friday; 04-01-2013 Friday; 11-01-2013 Monday; 14-01-2013 Wednesday; 16-01-2013

Wednesday; 23-01-2013

Before Wednesday; 23-012013 Friday; 25-01-2013 Monday; January 28, 2013 Monday; 25-02-2013 Friday; 08-03-2013

11-03-2013 to 13-03-2013 Friday; 15-03-2013 Friday; 15-03-2013 Wednesday; 20-03-2013

As per even semester schedule. Monday ; 25-03-2013 Friday; 29-03-2013

As per the fee calendar

4. Application Process and Selection of the students a. Students to apply for SAP to their respective HoI through their programme coordinator b. Students selection to be recommended by the Programme Coordinator and approved by HoI. c. Dean FMS will designate a faculty coordinator (selected from the respective Institutes from where students for SAP will be selected), who will accompany the students to each overseas campus and who will also deliver the assigned course(s) & will monitor the progress. Further Dean, FMS will nominate a faculty (selected from the respective Institutes from where students for SAP will be selected) to monitor the progress of the students & will coordinate with the faculty coordinator deputed overseas from each of the institute. Approval of the Vice Chancellor shall be obtained on this. d. List of the students who are going for SAP will be forwarded to Dy. Director Academics & CoE for necessary information. e. IAD will assist the HoIs in Visa Application process of the students.

5. General Guidelines for Students: a. The students must adhere to the highest standards of conduct stipulated by the Amity University Uttar Pradesh. b. The students must help the faculties in making their classroom sessions as interactive and full of learning as possible. c. When going for industry visits, showcasing themselves as brand Amity and leave a positive lasting impression with the corporates. d. As international brand ambassadors of Amity they must showcase the best of themselves. Most importantly they must spread the message that all Amitians are not only good at theoretical conceptuality but are good human beings and value driven individuals. e. In-case the student is selected for the SAP programme and due to any reason he does not get a Visa, in that case the student will continue to attend the regular classes and will do extra assignments under the guidance of SAP faculty coordinator to make up loss of classes if any. f. The students have to submit the following forms to their respective Programme Coordinator/Programme Leader:1. SAP Application Form (Annexure A) 2. Indemnity Bond on a Rs.100/- stamp paper, notarized and signed by their parents. (Annexure B) or In-case the student is opting for own accommodation then he must submit the Indemnity Bond on a Rs.100/- stamp paper, notarized and signed by their parents. (Annexure D) 3. Undertaking on a Rs.10/- stamp paper, notarized and signed by themselves. (Annexure C)

Dean Academics

Annexure A

Institution:- ______________________________ Campus opted for the Study Abroad Programme 2013: Preference 1st Preference 2nd

Name: _________________________ Programme: ________________________ Academic Performance:Semester SGPA CGPA

Enrolment No: ______________________ Batch: __________________ Semester: _________

No. of Back papers

Write a short note on how you stand to benefit from this Study Abroad Programme? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ _______________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ______ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ______ Passport Details (please attach photocopy). Passport No:- ___________________ Date of Issue: _____________ Valid upto : ________________ Place of issue: ___________________________ Issued by: __________________________________ Parents Details: Fathers Name: ___________________ Occupation: __________________ Organization: ___________ Designation: _________________ Mobile No: _____________ Email: __________________________ Mothers Name:___________________ Occupation: __________________ Organization: ___________ Designation: _________________ Mobile No: _____________ Email: __________________________

Any previous Medical History: ________________________________________________________ Financial Details: How are you going to fund your SAP trip: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Family Income: ________________________________ Contact Details: Residential Address: __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Mobile No: _____________________ Email Id: ____________________________________________ Emergency Contact Details: _______________________ Mobile: ______________________________ Undertaking: All the information given above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I have submitted the undertaking for Study Abroad Programme in prescribed format of the Amity University. Date: .. Signature: .. Recommendation of Programme Coordinator/Programme Leader: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ______ Signature: .. Date: .. Name: ___________________ Designation:_______________ Contact No: _______________

Approval by Head of Institution: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ______ Date: Final Approval by Dean, Faculty of Management Studies Approved/ Not approved Date: Dean, Faculty of Management Studies Signature: .... Name: ___________________

Annexure B

I am the father/natural guardian aged of Mr./Ms.________________, about _________years, who r/o__________________ is studying at


__________________(Institutes Name) in its ____________________ Programme bearing enrolment no. ________, is now proceeding to . as a part of Study Abroad Programme (SAP) 2013. I have understood that Amity and (Visiting Institution for SAP) have made the necessary arrangement for the conduct of said program. I have gone through the rules and regulations prescribed by the Amity and to be followed by the students, while on an outstation tour, which I have found very appropriate, and the same has also been read and understood by my son/daughter who has also executed an undertaking for the same. I have fully understood that my son/daughter is going entirely at his/her own accord and Amity and (Visiting Institution for SAP) shall not be responsible for his/her own actions and deeds during their stay in .(Place of visit) I hereby promise to keep indemnified and harmless the Amity and .(Visiting Institution for SAP), its Parents body, their Employees /officials, from every type of loss(s) or damage(s) which may arise out from the action or inaction of my son/daughter, during the said tours, and also from any claim arising from those action or inaction of my son/daughter.

Signature of the Indemnifier_____________________ Name of the Indemnifier _____________________

1. Signature of Witness:____________ Name: ___________________________ Date: ____________________________ Address: _________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

2. Signature of Witness:_____________ Name: ___________________________ Date: ____________________________ Address: __________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

Annexure C

I _____________________, s/d/o _______________________ about Name) in ______yrs, is r/o ________________ studying Programme at bearing

_____________________________aged ____________________________(Institutions


enrolment no ____________________, and now proceeding to ____________________(Visiting Institution for SAP), for ` Study Abroad Programme (SAP) 2013 from .. till .. ... I have taken the necessary permission/concurrence from my Parents/Guardian, for my travel to this study abroad programme.

I hereby undertake that: 1. I shall follow the rules and regulations as laid by Amity & _________________ ____________(Visiting Institution for SAP) for the Study Abroad Programme (SAP) 2013 which have been clearly read and understood by me. 2. I shall not break any of the rules & regulations and also the laws of the Country where I am proceeding. 3. I shall not indulge in any unlawful activity and any activity other than my duties & obligations. 4. I shall not do anything which may cause any injury or damage to me or to any other person. 5. I shall keep my visa papers with full security & always ready. 6. I shall observe strict discipline and follow the instructions of my Teachers/Professors/Attendants and other authorities during my stay at .. 7. I shall not do anything while undergoing the said tour at disrepute to Amity & (place of visit), which may bring

(Visiting Institution for SAP), its officials, or prejudice the relations

between Amity and the participating institutions. 8. I will make the complete payment as laid down by Amity & ________________ Visiting Institution for SAP) for the said Programme. 9. I have taken the necessary Insurance Policy, and Amity & _____________________ (Visiting Institution for SAP) has no liability whatsoever, to bear, in case any mishap / mishappening occurs to me. 10. I shall in no case leave ..(place of stay) during my stay for this Study Abroad Program and would proceed straight back to India post completion. In case due to extreme circumstances I need to leave (place of stay)., I understand that I would need the written permission of Director, Amity ....................................

11. I also understand that in case I am found guilty of any unlawful activity or breaking the rules mentioned above or otherwise, I shall be liable to be deported back to India and Amity & ................ (Visiting Institution for SAP) shall not be liable for any financial claims/refunds. 12. I am responsible for my visa documentation and shall not hold Amity &

______________________(Visiting Institution for SAP) responsible for Visa Rejection. 13. I would make the complete payment towards any loss or damage caused by me to the Institutes property or the Arrangements made during my stay at ..(place of stay).

(Signature of the Student) Name:___________________

(Signature of the Witness) Name ____________________

Address: _________________ ________________________ Date_____________________

Address___________________ _________________________ Date______________________

Annexure D (for students who opt for Own Accommodation)

I am the father/natural guardian aged of Mr./Ms.________________, about _________years, who r/o__________________ is studying at


__________________(Institutes Name) in its ____________________ Programme bearing enrolment no. ________, is now proceeding to as a part of Study Abroad Programme (SAP) 2013. We have made necessary arrangements for the accommodation of our ward on our own at . I have understood that Amity and (Visiting Institution for SAP) have made the necessary arrangement for the conduct of said program. I have gone through the rules and regulations prescribed by the Amity and to be followed by the students, while on an outst ation tour, which I have found very appropriate, and the same has also been read and understood by my son/daughter who has also executed an undertaking for the same. I have fully understood that my son/daughter is going entirely at his/her own accord and Amity and (Visiting Institution for SAP) shall not be responsible for his/her own actions and deeds during their stay in .(Place of visit) I hereby promise to keep indemnified and harmless the Amity and .(Visiting Institution for SAP), its Parents body, their Employees /officials, from every type of loss(s) or damage(s) which may arise out from the action or inaction of my son/daughter, during the said tours, and also from any claim arising from those action or inaction of my son/daughter.

Signature of the Indemnifier_____________________ Name of the Indemnifier _____________________

1. Signature of Witness:____________ Name: ___________________________ Date: ____________________________ Address: _________________________ _________________________________


2. Signature of Witness:_____________ Name: ___________________________ Date: ____________________________ Address: __________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

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