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Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 68 (2008) 477488

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To deceive or not to deceive: The effect of deception on behavior in future laboratory experiments
Julian Jamison a , Dean Karlan b , Laura Schechter c,
a b c

Brain and Creativity Institute, University of Southern California 3620 McClintock Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90089, United States Department of Economics, Yale Univerisity, 27 Hillhouse Avenue, New Haven, CT 06520, United States Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Taylor Hall, 427 Lorch Street, Madison, WI 53706, United States

a r t i c l e

i n f o

a b s t r a c t
Experimental economists believe (and enforce the idea) that researchers should not employ deception in the design of experiments. This rule exists in order to protect a public good: the ability of other researchers to conduct experiments and to have participants trust their instructions to be an accurate representation of the game being played. Yet other social sciences, particularly psychology, do not maintain such a rule. We examine whether such a public goods problem exists by purposefully deceiving some participants in one study, informing them of this fact, and then examining whether the deceived participants behave differently in a subsequent study. We nd signicant differences in the selection of individuals who return to play after being deceived as well as (to a lesser extent) the behavior in the subsequent games, thus providing qualied support for the proscription of deception. We discuss policy implications for the maintenance of separate participant pools. 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Article history: Received 17 January 2008 Received in revised form 6 September 2008 Accepted 7 September 2008 Available online 17 September 2008 JEL classication: A12 C81 C90 Keywords: Laboratory experimental methods Experimental economics Deception Psychology and economics Laboratory selection effects

1. Introduction In two of the original experimental economics textbooks, Davis and Holt (1993) and Friedman and Sunder (1994), among others, proscribe the use of deception in experiments. The primary concern with deception is that many experimental laboratories use a common pool of participants. Thus, a public goods problem exists in which experiencing deception in one experiment may cause participants to react differently (and uncertainly) in future games with other researchers. Clearly, maintaining this public good involves trade-offs between benets to the individual (ability to conduct experiments that require deception) and the group (maintaining a subject pool that is trained to believe that experiment instructions are truthful). As some research questions may be better answered by using deception, should we forego the knowledge that could be acquired through such experiments in order to maintain a common pool of deception-free participants? This concern warrants testing, and in this paper we determine the presence and extent of such sample contamination in a particular setting. Although we focus here on the particular issue of deception, the overall methodological question of understanding what we mean by control in the laboratory is important more generally. Levitt and List (2007) discuss the tradeoffs between the

Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (L. Schechter). 0167-2681/$ see front matter 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jebo.2008.09.002


J. Jamison et al. / Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 68 (2008) 477488

laboratory and the eld, specically focusing on how the manner in which individuals are selected and watched may alter their behavior. Deception is just one example of how a subject pool may be altered that may inuence interpretation of later experiments. If a subject pool is entirely condent that the environment is deception-free, this may heighten control at the expense of reality. On the other hand, in the eld one may have participants who are suspicious of deception in unknown ways (thus exhibiting less control, but more reality). This paper does not compare the eld to the laboratory with respect to behavior in economic experiments. Instead we examine an important selection effect: does a singular experience in the laboratory affect the likelihood that different individuals return in a future month for another experiment run by a different researcher? Bonetti (1998) writes the rst, and perhaps only, article arguing that deception should be allowed in experimental economics. He reviews the evidence from experiments in psychology and concludes that deception has a minimal effect on behavior. Two immediate, mainly philosophical, replies to Bonettis argument are Hey (1998) and McDaniel and Starmer (1998). Later, Ortmann and Hertwig (2002) conducted a thorough review of the evidence from experiments in psychology and concluded that the experience of deception does affect participants expectations, suspicions, and future behavior. Here we give a brief overview of the different strands of the psychology literature looking either at the effects of suspicion of deception or the effects of past experiences with deception itself on different outcomes. A reader interested in more details should consult the review by Ortmann and Hertwig (2002). There is a rather large strand of literature in psychology looking at differences in behavior based on whether a participant admits to being suspicious of deception. Stricker et al. (1967), one of the seminal papers on this topic, nd that subjects who admitted to suspecting deception in the experiment in which they participated conformed less (i.e. were less likely to agree to unreasonable propositions simply because other subjects agreed) than those who claimed not to suspect anything. The converse of this line of study is that which looks at whether subjects who have been deceived claim they will be suspicious of information given to them by experimenters in the future. Both Epley and Huff (1998) and Krupat and Garonzik (1994) nd that deceived subjects anticipate being more suspicious in the future. There is a third line of literature looking at the effects on behavior of being warned before an experiment by the experimenter that the experiment might include misinformation or of being informed by a confederate before the game that it actually does involve deception. This type of forewarning tends not to lead to changes in behavior (see Wiener and Erker, 1986 for the rst type of warning and Golding and Lichtenstein, 1970 for the second), although there is some mixed evidence. The three areas of literature discussed above do not look at the direct effects of experiencing deception in one experiment on behavior in future experiments. These consequences are the principal motivation for the prohibition of deception in experimental economics and are the focus of this paper. There do exist a few experiments in psychology that attempt exactly this type of test, albeit with non-economic experiments such as personality tests and memory games.1 Some of these papers nd that experiencing deception leads to changes in behavior (Silverman et al., 1970; Christensen, 1977) while others do not (Fillenbaum, 1966). Some nd that past experiences with deception lead to changes in behavior when the rst and second set of experiments are noticeably similar, but not when the experiments are dissimilar (Brock and Becker, 1966; Cook et al., 1970). There are many differences between the above psychological literature measuring the effects of experienced deception on play in future experiments and the setup in this paper. Some of the psychological experiments did not give the control group (those who were not deceived) any prior experimental experience (Silverman et al.). Other experiments subjected the control group to a very different experience than that experienced by the deceived (Christensen). In contrast, in this paper, the initial treatment was almost identical for those who were deceived and those who were not. Additionally, in some of the psychological experiments, the rst and second treatments were conducted immediately sequentially. After the participants took part in the rst experiment, a different researcher walked into the room and claimed that he really needed more subjects and wondered if they might have time to participate in one more experiment being run next door (Brock and Becker, 1966; Cook et al., 1970; Christensen, 1977). This is not the conventional method of subject recruitment. In the current paper, the initial and secondary experiments were separated by approximately 3 weeks, and the recruitment mechanism for both experiments used e-mail, a conventional approach. In almost all of these psychological experiments, the deception involved lying to the subjects about the purpose of the experiment. For example, subjects were given two poems by Robert Frost, were told that one was by Frost and one by a high school English teacher, and were then asked to rate the merits of the two poems. After the experiment they were debriefed and told that both poems were actually by Frost and that the experiment was looking at how beliefs regarding authorship affected the rating of the poems. In another experiment participants were told to try to write down as many phone numbers as they could as quickly as possible. After doing so, they were told that excellence in writing phone numbers quickly was a sign of obsessive compulsive disorder. Then they were told to try again. After the experiment, they were told that excellence in writing phone numbers was not actually a sign of obsessive compulsion; rather the experimenter wanted to see whether the participant would write fewer phone numbers after hearing that misinformation. Experimental economists tend not to implement this particular form of deception. One of the more common forms of deception used in economic experiments is deceiving the player with regards to the partner with whom he is matched.

1 Ortmann and Hertwig (2002) discuss in detail nine papers that look at the effects of past deception on behavior in future experiments in Section 3.2.2 of their paper. Here we focus on ve of those studies.

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Weimann (1994), Blount (1995), Scharlemann et al. (2001), Sanfey et al. (2003), and Winter and Zamir (2005) all told players that their partners are humans, when in fact they are computers playing either predetermined or random strategies. Kim and Walker (1984) told subjects that they were playing a public goods game with many more individuals than was in fact the case, using a stochastic variable to approximate the contributions from the nonexistent players. Ball et al. (2001) and Gibbons and Van Boven (2001) tell players that their partner is of a certain intelligence level or personality type. Although their partner is a human, not a computer, the type is generated articially. This may not, as implemented, constitute deception per se, but it is similar to the type of experiment which does constitute unambiguous deception. These experiments allow the researcher to test how subjects react to specic situations that may not arise naturally with high probability. Different types of deceit may lead to different contamination of subjects. In this paper, we focus on one specic type of deception, and the results may not be generalizable to all types of deception. Specically, we deceived subjects as to the identity of their partner. We chose this type of deception because, from both conversations with experimental economists and the small literature in experimental economics using deception (mentioned in the previous paragraph), this seems to be the type of deception that economists are primarily interested in. We randomize subjects into a treatment group that experiences deception regarding the identity of their partner and a control group that participates in a similar experiment but with no deception. Then we measure the effects of deception on the sample selection of those who return to participate in further experiments, as well as on subjects behavior in those future experiments. 2. Experimental procedures 2.1. Overall setup The Xlab (experimental social science laboratory) of the University of California at Berkeley maintains two participant lists, consisting primarily of undergraduates but also a few graduate students as well as some staff members. One participant list does not maintain the no-deception rule; it is less active but is sometimes used by behavioralists in the business school.2 The second participant list is used primarily by economists and maintains the no-deception rule. Occasionally, as in the present experiment, researchers are allowed to deceive subjects from the latter pool, who are then moved to the former. In all cases, potential subjects are recruited using a variety of methods, including mass emails (to class lists or student organizations), yers posted around campus, and booths at student and staff activity fairs. Subjects must actively choose to join the list, which then makes them eligible to receive announcements regarding (and to subsequently sign up for) specic experimental sessions. There are approximately six to ten unique experiments and concomitant e-mail announcements in a given month. Our rst round of experiments involved 261 subjects across ten sessions, each of which lasted for approximately 1 h. Five of these sessions involved deception (treatment) while ve did not (control). The three initial sessions were necessarily control so that we could use that data to program the computer players, but after that sessions were randomized as to treatment or control. Subjects signed a consent form and were given a written instruction sheet (see Appendix A), which was then read aloud by the researcher. The experiment itself was conducted on laptop computers implementing a z-Tree (Zurich Toolbox for Readymade Economic Experiments) program. When all subjects had completed the experiment, payoffs were determined and subjects waited approximately 15 min for individual checks to be lled out and distributed. In the non-deception treatment (ve sessions, 132 subjects), subjects were randomly assigned to roles and matched with one another, and payoffs were determined according to actual play. (The actual games are described in detail below.) In the deception treatment (ve sessions, 129 subjects), subjects were randomly assigned to roles, but in all cases their opponents actions were determined by a computer program that simulated the human play.3,4 During the check-processing wait time, these subjects were informed that they had been deceived and that they had actually been partnered with a computer rather than with another human. They were told that this was necessary for the research (but no more specic details) and were asked to sign a second consent form allowing their data to be used. All subjects signed this consent form. Two to three weeks later, all subjects from the rst round were sent a recruitment email for new experimental sessions using the name of a researcher different from that in the rst round. This email was identical to the standard Xlab recruitment email, except that it promised $10 above and beyond the normal earnings in order to facilitate sufcient return rates. Subjects did not know that only they had received this particular email, although it is possible that some of them checked with friends and noticed that it had not gone out to the entire pool. However, that in itself is not an uncommon occurrence given various screening criteria used by other researchers at the lab. In all, 142 people returned for one of the eight sessions that took place 34 weeks after the sessions in round one. These lasted slightly under an hour, and each consisted of a mixture of both deceived and non-deceived subjects. A different

The psychology department maintains a separate pool, although it is entirely possible for a subject to be on both the Xlab list and the psychology list. We explain this in more detail in the next section. 4 If we were only interested in the results from the rst round of experiments, it may have been possible to use a technique suggested by Bardsley (2000) that avoids deception while at the same time maintains a setup in which players who think their partner is a human are actually partnered with a computer. Using this technique, though, would not allow us to measure the effects of being deceived on return rates and play in subsequent experiments.


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researcher than in the rst round was physically present in the room for these sessions. Subjects signed a standard consent form, were given the instructions, and then completed the experiment as three separate interactions on the VeconLab website. Afterward, as they waited to be paid, they were informed that these sessions were in fact a continuation of the previous experiment, and they were asked to sign another consent form allowing use of their data. For those from the deception treatment, this was thus the fourth informed consent form that they signed in the course of the full protocol. None of the participants refused to give their consent at any point throughout the experiments. 2.2. Specic games In our rst set of sessions, we ran a trust game (Berg et al., 1995) with a $20 endowment to the trustor.5 The trustor chose an amount (the investment) to send to the trustee, and this amount was then tripled. The trustee then returned as much or as little as desired. There were two practice rounds and four actual rounds. Anonymous partners were randomly chosen and maintained for all six rounds (and, like everything else above, subjects were told that this would be the case), but individuals were not told the identity of their partner at any point. No communication in the room was allowed. One of the four actual rounds was randomly chosen to determine payoffs. All subjects were given an additional $5 to make sure that no one received a nal payout of $0, so the potential individual range (for both roles) was $565. In fact, players in both roles sometimes received $5 (i.e. $0 in the game itself), and some trustees received $65. We ran three non-deception sessions rst and used those to program the computer play in the deception sessions in order for it to match the human play as closely as possible. Since these were repeated games, we needed to try to mimic the entire strategy, not simply the observed play-paths. Obviously this was imperfect, but in the end we categorized trustors into ve types and trustees into three types. A small percentage of trustors never invested more than $5 of their endowment in any round, while a signicant fraction invested $20 every time. We also included a trigger strategy for all types of trustors (as observed in the real subjects): if the trustee ever sent back less than what was invested, the trustor never again invested anything. Section 3 outlines the summary statistics showing that the actual game play by participants in the deception and non-deception treatments is not signicantly different. In our second set of sessions, which occurred 34 weeks after the rst session, we ran three different games with each subject. All games were run with subjects simultaneously connected to the VeconLab website at the University of Virginia. The three decision problems were run as independent sequential online sessions since the type of game was different in each case. All instructions were provided on the website under the game selection categories of Bargaining and Fairness/Bargaining Games, Individual Decision Problems/Lottery Choice Menu, and Game Theory Experiments/2 2 Matrix Games, respectively. The rst game was a dictator game with an endowment of $20 (i.e. subjects chose how much of this amount to give away to an anonymous partner). All subjects played the role of sender (and therefore, in effect, also the role of potential receiver), but for payoffs only half of the matchings were consummated, so that each subject ended up as either sender or receiver but not both. The second game was a series of gambles (Holt and Laury, 2002), with 10 ordered binary choices between two lotteries. The exact payoffs are shown in Appendix Table A. The rst choice was between a (safe) lottery that paid $11 with 10 percent chance and $8.80 with 90 percent chance and a (risky) lottery that paid $21.20 with 10 percent chance and $0.55 with 90 percent chance. Here the rst lottery was risk-dominant and also had a signicantly higher expected value. As the choices progressed, the probability of the higher payoff in each lottery increased by 10 percent until the nal choice was between $11 (with certainty) versus $21.20 (with certainty), so that the second lottery dominated in all respects. In the third game, subjects played a prisoners dilemma with payoffs (C,C) = (10,10), (D,D) = (6,6), and (D,C) = (15,1). They were randomly assigned to be the row or column player and were randomly matched with one another. No deception was involved for any of the games in these sessions. Finally, one of the three games was randomly chosen to determine payoffs. (In the risk game, which involved multiple decisions, one decision was randomly chosen.) We also paid each player $10 in addition to the earnings from the games (as promised in the recruitment email). These three games were chosen in part because they are so common in the eld and laboratory and in part because previous research has suggested that subjects behave differently in the dictator game and in the prisoners dilemma when they think their partner is a human versus when they think their partner is a computer. Our hypothesis was that players who had been deceived in the past as to the identity of their partner would be suspicious in subsequent experiments that their partner was actually a computer, even when we told them they were playing with a human. There is evidence that, in the prisoners dilemma, players cooperate more often when they are playing with another human than they do when playing with a computer (Abric and Kahan, 1972; Kiesler et al., 1996; Rilling et al., 2004). Thus, we hypothesized that those players who had been deceived in the past would suspect they might be playing against a computer and would thus cooperate less often in the prisoners dilemma. Frohlich et al. (2001) nd that players in a dictator game who suspect that they were not paired with real people give less. Thus, we also hypothesized that players who had been deceived

5 Despite evidence suggesting that the rst player in the Trust game is not merely acting due to trust but also due to a desire to take risks (Karlan, 2005; Schechter, 2006), we use the canonical terminology here of trustor and trustee.

J. Jamison et al. / Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 68 (2008) 477488 Table 1 Selection effects in round two (based on player characteristics) mean, standard errors and number of observations. Total Proportion returned to the lab in round two Proportion of males who returned to the lab in round two Proportion of females who returned to the lab in round two Proportion of High Passers (Player A) who returned to the lab in round two Proportion of Low Passers (Player A) who returned to the lab in round two Proportion of High Passers (Player B) who returned to the lab in round two Proportion of Low Passers (Player B) who returned to the lab in round two 0.547 (0.031) 261 0.558 (0.049) 104 0.541 (0.040) 157 0.490 (0.050) 102 0.724 (0.084) 0.533 (0.075) 45 0.538 (0.062) 65 Not deceived 0.583 (0.043) 132 0.482 (0.067) 56 0.658 (0.055) 76 0.471 (0.071) 51 0.800 (0.107) 34 0.500 (0.096) 28 0.655 (0.090) 29 Deceived 0.512 (0.044) 129 0.646 (0.071) 48 0.432 (0.055) 81 0.510 (0.071) 51 0.643 (0.133) 47 0.588 (0.123) 17 0.444 (0.084) 36


t-Stat: diff = / 0 1.162 1.682* 2.895*** 0.393 0.927 0.564 1.706*

Standard errors are in parentheses. * signicant at 10 percent; ** signicant at 5 percent; *** signicant at 1 percent. A player is a High Passer if they passed at least half of what they could pass in the Trust game, and a Low Passer otherwise.

would keep more as dictator in the dictator game. We included the Holt-Laury sequence of risky lotteries as a control, our hypothesis being that those who were deceived would not play any differently than those who were not deceived, as it did not involve a partner (unless they believed that part of the deception was our lying about the results of random draws). 3. Results As there were 261 participants who participated in the rst round and 142 in the second round, our sample size is somewhat small when compared with some studies of selection effects. This may make it more difcult to nd statistically signicant results. On the other hand, adding more participants would have meant deceiving even more subjects. Before conducting this research we did not know how large an effect deception might have on the participants and were thus conservative in our recruiting. A second potential drawback of the data is that in the Xlab no demographic information was universally collected other than sex and the number of experiments in which the participant had previously participated. Before looking to see if being deceived in a previous experiment affects play in a subsequent experiment, we would like to make sure that both the randomization and the deception were successful. Remember, the rst round of our experiment involved six rounds of a trust game. The senders who were deceived (not deceived) sent on average $14.11 ($12.88) in the rst round, $11.68 ($9.95) in the last round, and an average of $14.59 ($13.33) in all six rounds. Using a t-test with equal variance, the t-values are 1.041, 1.160, and 1.281, respectively. The receivers who were deceived (not deceived) returned 0.435 (0.438) of what they had received in the rst round, 0.186 (0.174) in the last round, and on average 0.413 (0.407) in all rounds. The t-values for these tests are 0.095, 0.261, and 0.318, respectively. Males make up 37 percent of the deceived population and 42 percent of the non-deceived population, yielding a t-value of 0.858. Since none of these differences is signicant the randomization appears to have been successful.6 3.1. Effect of deception on selection into subsequent experiment The next step in our analysis involves looking at the effect of deception on return rates. As described above, all subjects were invited to participate in another round of experiments approximately 3 weeks after the rst round. Subjects were not led to believe that this subsequent experiment was in any way related to the previous experiments. Only 55 percent of the original participants returned for the second round of experiments. Table 1 shows that 51 percent of those who were deceived returned while 58 percent of those who were not deceived returned and that this difference is not statistically signicant. While the subjects were not living in a vacuum during the 3 weeks between the rst and second set of experiments, because of the randomization we only need to assume that these two groups had, on average, similar experiences in the time between the two experiments. Interestingly, gender differences played a signicant role in our analysis: females who have been deceived are signicantly less likely to return than females in the control group. On the other hand, males who were deceived are signicantly more likely to return than males in the control group. In results not shown here, we tested for return status based on the number of previous experiments at the Xlab in which the player participated. Although participants who have participated in other experiments in the past are signicantly more likely to return in general, the deception effect does not differ for the more or less experienced.

6 Psychologists believe there may be faithful subjects who attempt to take the experiment at face value, even if he suspects deception. Hence, the fact that the deceived and non-deceived play no differently in the initial experiment could be a sign that the deceived do not suspect the deception or that they are merely being faithful.


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Table 2 Selection effects in round two (based on player experience) mean, standard errors and number of observations. Total Proportion of High Receivers (Player A) who returned to the lab in round two Proportion of Low Receivers (Player A) who returned to the lab in round two Proportion of High Receivers (Player B) who returned to the lab in round two Proportion of Low Receivers (Player B) who returned to the lab in round two Proportion of players whose actual payout was not determined by last round who returned to the lab in round two Proportion of players whose actual payout determined by last round who returned to the lab in round two 0.500 (0.063) 64 0.556 (0.068) 54 0.505 (0.052) 93 0.676 (0.078) 37 0.565 (0.037) 184 Not deceived 0.464 (0.096) 28 0.586 (0.093) 29 0.549 (0.070) 51 0.867 (0.091) 15 0.568 (0.051) 95 Deceived 0.528 (0.084) 36 0.520 (0.102) 25 0.452 (0.078) 42 0.545 (0.109) 22 0.562 (0.053) 89 t-Stat: diff = / 0 0.497 0.480 0.922 2.117** 0.090

0.506 (0.057) 77

0.622 (0.081) 37

0.400 (0.078) 40


Standard errors are in parentheses. * signicant at 10 percent; ** signicant at 5 percent; *** signicant at 1 percent. Player A is referred to as a High Receiver if Player B sent back at least as half as much as he received in the Trust game. Player B is referred to as a High Receiver if their Player A passed at least half of what they could pass. The nal two rows divide the sample into those whose payout was determined by the last round, and those whose payout was determined by any other round. Many passed zero back in the nal round, since the nal round was pre-announced. Thus, those whose last round was chosen as the actual round earned on average less money.

The next few rows of Table 1 examine further selection effects. We look at return rates dividing the sample into four categories: High Passers and Low Passers, and Player As (trustors) and Player Bs (trustees).7 We nd no signicant differences within three of these four groups. Only Low Passer, Player B types seemed to be inuenced by the deception in their decision to return. One possible explanation for this is that after the untrustworthy (i.e. the Low Passers) found out that they were deceived, they felt more self-conscious about their behavior. One could worry that, in making multiple comparisons, a few of them are bound to appear signicant when in fact there are no true differences. We employ a Bonferonni correction for multiple signicance tests in order to correct the signicance of independent comparisons and derive conservative estimates for these non-independent comparisons. Given our correlated outcomes, the Bonferonni correction may hold each test to an unreasonably high standard and increase the probability of a Type II error. Still, it is interesting to see which, if any, of our comparisons will stand up to the Bonferonni correction. In Table 1, only one comparison remains signicant (at the 5 percent signicance level) after making the Bonferonni correction, and that is the fact that deceived females are less likely to return to participate in the second set of experiments. In Table 2, we look at selection effects not based on how the player himself played, but rather on how his partner treated him or on the round of the trust game that was randomly chosen to count for payoffs. When we compare return rates conditional on the play of the partner we nd that, for the sub-sample of Player Bs who were sent very little by Player A, being deceived made them less likely to return. Thus, it seems that deception most inuenced the individuals decision to return to the laboratory when he also was not lucky in the game. (Recall that Player B had no endowment. If Player A sent him very little, then he went home with very little.) Clearly, then, it was not merely the experience of deception that altered the future decision, but rather deception coupled with low winnings. This is further reinforced by the nal two rows of Table 2. Here we examine the effect of the deception treatment on those whose payoffs were determined by the nal round of the Trust game. We had randomly chosen which round of the Trust game determined payoffs. Earnings in the nal round, presumably due to backwards induction, were signicantly lower than in the previous rounds. There is no difference in overall return rates for those players for whom the last round determined their earnings as opposed to those for whom an earlier round determined earnings. We nd that players who were deceived and for whom the last round of the trust game counted were much less likely to return. (We should note that none of the comparisons in Table 2 stand up to the Bonferonni correction.) Summarizing Table 2, being deceived made individuals less likely to return only when they were unlucky insofar as having received a low payout. Perhaps these players felt that not only did we deceive them in terms of the identity of their partner, but that we may have also deceived them either in terms of purposely choosing to pay them for the round with the lowest payoffs or by programming the trustor computer to send them very little. (This, of course, was not the case.) One could argue that it might not be the experience of deception per se that encouraged these unlucky players not to return; they may have felt that the procedures in the experiment were unjust and not have returned for that reason. For more on this, refer to Thibaut and Walker (1975), whose seminal work on procedural justice nds that, holding the outcome constant, satisfaction depends upon the process by which outcomes are reached.

7 A player is a High Passer if he passed at least half of what he could pass, and a Low Passer otherwise. When categorizing players as high or low passers we ignore play in the last round of the trust game. Since many Player As passed no money in the last round, making it impossible to calculate the share returned by Player B in that round, this also allows us to include more observations.

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3.2. Effect of deception on play in a subsequent experiment Next, we analyze whether deception has an effect on play in future experiments. We preface these results with the caveat that we cannot differentiate in practice between any indirect selection effects and direct deception effects. If all participants came back to play in the second round of experiments, we could claim that any differences in play were due to the direct effect of having experienced deception. Since only 55 percent of the participants came back for the second round, any differences in play in the second set of experiments may be due to a change in behavior at the individual level after experiencing deception: a player who was deceived once begins to second-guess the experimenter and uses a different strategy than he would otherwise. However, differences in behavior may also be due to the selection effect: a player who was deceived once may not play differently in future experiments, but only certain types of players may decide to return after having been deceived. Although we cannot separate the indirect and direct effects, the combination of the two makes up the true effect on subsequent experimental outcomes, which is the practical outcome of interest. Table 3 presents these results. We measure four outcomes: (1) the amount kept in the dictator game, (2) risk aversion from the Holt-Laury gambles (if consistent), (3) a binary variable if responses to the risk aversion questions were inconsistent, and (4) defection in the prisoners dilemma. We analyze the results for the sample as a whole as well as for (a) inexperienced versus experienced participants, (b) males versus females, and (c) those who took on the role of Player A versus Player B in the rst round. Lastly, we make an attempt at controlling for selection. We saw previously that those players who were deceived and unlucky (either because their payoffs were decided by the last round of the trust game or because they were a trustee who received very little from their trustor) were less likely to return than those who were not deceived and unlucky. By limiting our analysis to only lucky players, we can look specically at the group of players exhibiting less selection. The top left quadrant of Table 3 shows the primary results for the full sample. We show via a t-test that mean behavior of the deceived is different from the non-deceived. We also carry out Levenes test comparing the variance of behavior of the deceived to that of the non-deceived. For the results on variance we look only at the amount kept in the dictator game and at the number of safe choices in the Holt-Laury risk game. We do not compare the variances of the two binary outcome variables. One might imagine there to be more noise in the actions of the deceived because they may believe that their actions are less likely to map into payoffs. As can be seen, we nd that the deceived individuals were more likely to behave inconsistently in the risky gambles, and we nd no signicant differences in the other three outcomes. For the Holt-Laury risk lotteries, we nd no differences in risk aversion either in the full sample or in any sub-sample analysis (except for those who were lucky). However, 8 percent of the players did not make consistent choices and were categorized as switchers, and we do nd a difference for these individuals. Remember, the Holt-Laury experiment involves a series of choices between a risky and safe option. As one moves along in the series, the risky option becomes more and more appealing. A rational player should not switch back and forth between the risky and safe options, but rather switch from the safe option to the risky one at one and only one point. If we compare the risk aversion of the players who played consistently, there is no difference, as we expected, between those who were deceived and those who were not. The measure of risk-aversion in Table 3 is the number of safe choices, which could hypothetically range from 0 to 10, with higher values representing more risk aversion. Using Levenes test for equality of variance, in the full sample we nd that the variance for the deceived is signicantly higher than for the nondeceived at the 5 percent level. The variances are also signicantly different for all Player Bs at the 10 percent level, for all players and Player Bs who had participated in at least 10 previous experiments (at the 5 percent level), and for all females (at the 10 percent level). The variances of the amount kept in the dictator game are not signicantly different in any of the comparisons. We also nd that signicantly more of the deceived players are switchers; it is possible that they no longer take the research seriously and thus switch back and forth between the risky and safe choices. This result is quite signicant among the general population of players, as well as among females and the more inexperienced participants.8 Using the Bonferonni correction within panels of Table 3, the only nding that remains signicant at the 10 percent level is that deceived females are more likely to play inconsistently in the Holt-Laury gamble.9 In the dictator game, we nd no signicant effect of previous deception on the amount kept in the pooled sample. We do nd, however, that those who played as trustor in the rst round and were deceived kept signicantly more as dictator than did Player As who were not deceived. Further analysis shows that this result holds for both the inexperienced Player As (i.e. who had participated in fewer than 10 previous experiments in the Xlab) and female Player As. For the prisoners dilemma, we nd no difference in behavior among those who were deceived versus those who were not (except that females were almost signicantly more likely to defect if deceived).

8 There is also one player who chose all 10 safe lotteries. As the tenth lottery gives 100% probability to the higher of the two payoffs, and the high payoff is higher for the risky choice, no rational player should choose all 10 safe lotteries. The player who did this had also been deceived (although we do not consider this player to be a switcher). 9 Note that this effect, albeit signicant statistically, is small in terms of the proportion of individuals who answer inconsistently in either the deceived or undeceived pool.


Table 3 Effect of deception in round one on behavior in round two games mean and standard errors.
Full sample Not deceived Deceived t-Stat: mean diff = / 0 (3) 0.477 0.968 2.537** 0.293 Levene test f-stat: S.D. ratio = / 1 (4) 1.032 0.586** Player A in round one Not deceived Deceived t-Stat: diff = / 0 (7) 2.029** 0.732 1.461 0.651 Levene test f-stat: S.D. ratio = / 1 (8) 0.996 0.660 Player B in round one Not deceived Deceived t-Stat: diff = / 0 (11) 1.193 0.685 2.117** 0.223 Levene test f-stat: S.D. ratio = / 1 (12) 0.963 0.514*

(1) Panel A: Full Sample Amount kept in dictator game Risk aversion (Holt-Laury gambles if consistent) Risk aversion (Holt-Laury gambles switchers) Defected in prisoners dilemma Number of observations 14.584 (0.484) 6.067 (0.156) 0.026 (0.018) 0.653 (0.055) 77

(2) 14.923 (0.518) 5.804 (0.236) 0.138 (0.043) 0.677 (0.058) 65

(5) 13.472 (0.676) 6.171 (0.254) 0.028 (0.028) 0.611 (0.082) 36

(6) 15.441 (0.697) 5.867 (0.338) 0.118 (0.056) 0.686 (0.080) 34

(9) 15.561 (0.658) 5.975 (0.191) 0.024 (0.024) 0.692 (0.075) 41

(10) 14.355 (0.771) 5.731 (0.331) 0.161 (0.067) 0.667 (0.088) 31

J. Jamison et al. / Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 68 (2008) 477488

Panel B: participants played at least 10 prior games in laboratory Amount kept in dictator game 15.179 (0.687) Risk aversion (Holt-Laury gambles if 6.211 (0.233) consistent) Risk aversion (Holt-Laury gambles 0.026 (0.026) switchers) Defected in prisoners dilemma 0.684 (0.076) Number of observations 39 Panel C: participants played fewer than 10 prior games in laboratory Amount kept in dictator game 13.974 (0.675) Risk aversion (Holt-Laury gambles if 5.919 (0.206) consistent) Risk aversion (Holt-Laury gambles 0.026 (0.026) switchers) Defected in prisoners dilemma 0.622 (0.081) Number of observations 38 Panel D: males Amount kept in dictator game Risk aversion (Holt-Laury gambles if consistent) Risk aversion (Holt-Laury gambles switchers) Defected in prisoners dilemma Number of observations Panel E: females Amount kept in dictator game Risk aversion (Holt-Laury gambles if consistent) Risk aversion (Holt-Laury gambles switchers) Defected in Prisoners dilemma Number of observations Panel F: non-unlucky Amount kept in dictator game Risk aversion (Holt-Laury gambles if consistent) Risk aversion (Holt-Laury gambles switchers)

15.032 (0.734) 5.923 (0.404) 0.133 (0.063) 0.700 (0.085) 31

0.146 0.659 1.723* 0.138

1.103 0.487**

13.941 (0.979) 6.411 (0.429) 0.000 (0.000) 0.824 (0.095) 17

14.882 (0.996) 6.143 (0.592) 0.125 (0.085) 0.706 (0.114) 17

0.674 0.376 1.510 0.792

0.967 0.639

16.136 (0.922) 6.048 (0.244) 0.045 (0.045) 0.571 (0.111) 22

15.214 (1.125) 5.667 (0.555) 0.143 (0.097) 0.692 (0.133) 14

0.630 0.724 1.017 0.689

1.055 0.338**

14.824 (0.740) 5.700 (0.272) 0.143 (0.060) 0.657 (0.081) 35

0.850 0.653 1.828* 0.310

0.930 0.711

13.053 (0.947) 5.944 (0.286) 0.053 (0.053) 0.421 (0.116) 19

16.000 (0.985) 5.625 (0.375) 0.111 (0.076) 0.667 (0.114) 18

2.154** 0.687 0.637 1.504

1.034 0.652

14.895 (0.939) 5.895 (0.305) 0.000 (0.000) 0.833 (0.090) 19

13.647 (1.057) 5.786 (0.408) 0.176 (0.095) 0.647 (0.119) 17

0.886 0.219 1.961* 1.252

0.883 0.756

14.111 (0.902) 5.703 (0.291) 0.000 (0.000) 0.769 (0.084) 27

14.516 (0.746) 5.393 (0.339) 0.097 (0.054) 0.581 (0.090) 31

0.349 0.694 1.671 1.508

1.272 0.714

13.818 (1.394) 5.545 (0.511) 0.000 (0.000) 0.818 (0.122) 11

14.214 (1.065) 5.545 (0.593) 0.214 (0.122) 0.643 (0.133) 14

0.230 0.000 1.661 0.948

1.346 0.742

14.313 (1.217) 5.813 (0.356) 0.000 (0.000) 0.733 (0.118) 16

14.765 (1.066) 5.294 (0.418) 0.000 (0.000) 0.529 (0.125) 17

0.280 0.938 NA 1.178

1.227 0.683

14.840 (0.567) 6.271 (0.175) 0.040 (0.028) 0.592 (0.071) 50

15.294 (0.725) 6.214 (0.314) 0.176 (0.066) 0.765 (0.074) 34

0.498 0.170 2.122** 1.645

0.902 0.534*

13.320 (0.774) 6.458 (0.276) 0.040 (0.040) 0.520 (0.102) 25

16.300 (0.936) 6.053 (0.415) 0.050 (0.050) 0.714 (0.101) 20

2.532** 0.842 0.158 1.342

0.942 0.557

16.360 (0.723) 6.083 (0.216) 0.040 (0.040) 0.667 (0.098) 25

13.857 (1.143) 6.556 (0.444) 0.357 (0.133) 0.846 (0.104) 14

1.942* 1.063 2.829*** 1.163

0.715 0.632

13.867 (0.604) 6.091 (0.213) 0.022 (0.022)

14.675 (0.649) 5.480 (0.265) 0.154 (0.059)

0.912 1.803* 2.214**

0.976 0.858

13.593 (0.779) 6.192 (0.304) 0.037 (0.037)

15.043 (0.870) 5.667 (0.388) 0.182 (0.084)

1.245 1.079 1.679*

0.942 0.888

14.278 (0.976) 5.944 (0.286) 0.000 (0.000)

14.176 (0.990) 5.267 (0.358) 0.118 (0.081)

0.073 1.499 1.504

1.03 0.763

J. Jamison et al. / Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 68 (2008) 477488

Table 3 (Continued.)
Full sample Not deceived Deceived t-Stat: mean diff = / 0 (3) 0.397 Levene test f-stat: S.D. ratio = / 1 (4) Player A in round one Not deceived Deceived t-Stat: diff = / 0 (7) 0.162 Levene test f-stat: S.D. ratio = / 1 (8) Player B in round one Not deceived Deceived t-Stat: diff = / 0 (11) 0.378 Levene test f-stat: S.D. ratio = / 1 (12)

(1) Defected in prisoners dilemma Number of observations 0.659 (0.072) 45

(2) 0.700 (0.073) 40

(5) 0.630 (0.095) 27

(6) 0.652 (0.102) 23

(9) 0.706 (0.114) 18

(10) 0.765 (0.106) 17

Standard deviations are in parentheses. * signicant at 10 percent; ** signicant at 5 percent; *** signicant at 1 percent. Some observation numbers are different than those reported. For the dependent variable proportion kept in dictator game, the observation numbers change to the following: For Panel C, there are 34 for not deceived in the Full Sample; 17 for not deceived in Player A. For the dependent variable Risk Aversion if Consistent, the observation numbers change to the following: For Panel A there are 75 not deceived and 56 deceived in the Full Sample; 35 for not deceived and 30 for deceived in Player A and 40 for not deceived and 26 for deceived in Player B. For Panel B, there are 38 not deceived and 26 deceived in the Full Sample; 14 deceived in Player A; 21 not deceived and 12 deceived in Player B. For Panel C, there are 37 not deceived and 30 deceived in the Full Sample; 18 for not deceived and 16 for deceived in Player A; 14 for deceived in Player B. For Panel D there are 28 deceived in the Full Sample; 11 for deceived in Player A. For Panel E there are 48 not deceived and 28 deceived in the Full Sample; 24 for not deceived and 19 for deceived in Player A; 24 for not deceived and 9 for deceived in Player B. For Panel F there are 44 not deceived and 33 deceived in the Full Sample; 26 for not deceived and 18 for deceived in Player A; 15 for deceived in Player B. For the dependent variable Risk Aversion, Switchers, the observation numbers change to the following: For Panel B there are 30 deceived in the Full Sample, 16 deceived in Player A, and 21 not deceived and 12 deceived in Player B. For Panel C there are 17 deceived in Player B. For Panel F there are 39 deceived in the Full Sample; 22 deceived in Player A. For the dependent variable defected in prisoners dilemma, the observation numbers change to the following: For Panel A, there are 75 for not deceived in the Full Sample; 35 for deceived in Player A; 39 for not deceived and 30 for deceived in Player B. For Panel B, there are 38 for not deceived and 30 for deceived in the Full Sample; 21 for not deceived and 13 for deceived in Player B. For Panel C, there are 37 for deceived in the Full Sample; 18 for not deceived in Player B. For Panel D there are 26 for not deceived in the Full Sample; 15 for not deceived in Player B. For Panel E there are 49 not deceived in the Full Sample; 22 for not deceived in Player A; 24 for not deceived and 13 for deceived in Player B. For Panel F there are 44 not deceived in the Full Sample; 17 for not deceived in Player B.



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In panel F we look only at the lucky players, focusing attention on the group of players that exhibits less selection. Within this group of players, we still nd that players who experienced deception are more likely to play inconsistently in the risk game. On the other hand, there are no differences in play in the dictator game or the prisoners dilemma within this group of people. This gives suggestive evidence that the difference in behavior in the risk game, which does not involve a partner, is not due to selection, but rather to the effect of experiencing deception. On the other hand, any differences in behavior in the dictator game and prisoners dilemma, games that do involve partners, may be due to selection. 4. Conclusion We nd that deception inuences both the selection of experiment participants as well as their behavior. Specically, we nd that females are less likely to return after being deceived and that those who fare badly due to luck and are deceived are less likely to return than those who fare badly due to luck and are not deceived. Regarding behavior for those who return, we nd an increase in the likelihood of answering risk aversion questions inconsistently and an increase in the variance of the number of safe gambles chosen for those who do answer consistently. We suggest that this is evidence of not taking the games seriously.10 We also nd that Player As, especially those who are either female or inexperienced, kept more of their money in the dictator game in the second round. We have discussed these results with both psychologists and economists and are struck by their reactions: both see the data as supporting their priors! Perhaps this should come as no surprise, given what we know about conrmation bias (Lord et al., 1979). We fully understand that although we do nd clear differences in behavior, they are subject to interpretation as to their economic (or psychological) importance, as well as to further renement regarding their magnitude and generalizability. The irony is that further study of how deception inuences behavior, both in the laboratory and in the real world, requires relaxing the no-deception rule. In one sense, all we have shown is that prior experiences in life inuence the way individuals play games in a laboratory and that experience in the laboratory is a part of real life (and hence inuences later behavior). An opponent of the nodeception rule might argue that deception is no different than other such (uncontrollable) experiences, which must simply be assumed to be orthogonal to the treatments of interest. However, experimental deception is in fact controllable and, as we have demonstrated, has some non-random effects on behavior in the types of treatments that interest experimental economists. At the very least, since prior exposure to deception is potentially knowable information to researchers, it should be accounted for when possible. Another possibility is that it may be necessary to deceive subjects in order to convince them that they have not been deceived.11 This is perhaps most evident when dealing with probabilities, where people tend to have strong and incorrect preconceived notions. For instance, it is well known that individuals underestimate the number of long strings of either heads or tails in a sequence of random coin-ips, so when presented with a truly random sequence they may well become suspicious upon observing an extended sequence of one outcome. Slightly more subtly, if an experiment involves a very small probability of some extreme event, subjects may doubt the researcher if it ever does occur (especially if this entails a negative outcome for the subject). This provides an incentive to ensure that such extreme events never happen. Lastly, one further point should be made: all we have shown is that those who were deceived behave differently than those who were not, primarily in terms of return rates. If deception is deemed rampant in the real world, are we better off testing behavior in a sterile, deception-free environment? Or would we get more widely relevant results if individuals were suspicious of the administrators, just as they may be in the real world with respect to economic transactions? To the extent that we want to use laboratory experiments to infer real world behavior, merely nding that deceived individuals behave differently than non-deceived individuals does not tell us which pool behaves in a lab more as they would in their natural environment. These issues are drawn out in more detail in Levitt and List, which discusses the link between the laboratory and the real world and how issues such as those discussed here inuence the interpretability of laboratory experiments. The debate in the deception literature thus far has been pursued at a philosophical level (something to which economists are not often accustomed), rather than as a cost-benet analysis (something to which economists are accustomed).12 This paper identies some of the costs, but does not address the benets. The benets clearly accrue from the research questions that would remain unanswered because of a proscription on deception. Maintaining separate subject pools, conceivably with a higher rate paid for access to unadulterated subjects, might be one way to address this issue. Ortmann and Hertwig (2001) discuss four characteristics of experimental economics that are not used by experimental psychologists, one of which is the proscription of deception. They argue that psychologists can learn from economists practices. Roth (2001) replies that the public costs to deception may be lower for psychologists than they are for economists. Even if psychologists were to stop using deception as an experimental tool today, students would continue to be taught about research that used deception. Thus, participants in psychological experiments may remain suspicious for many years. Since

10 An alternative explanation is selection: those who did not fully understand the deception and why it mattered are more likely to return, and such individuals are also less likely to understand the risk aversion questions. 11 Thanks go to Matthew Rabin for suggesting this line of reasoning. 12 For instance, some academics pose ethical considerations as reason for this rule. We suggest this is the role for the human subjects review boards at universities, not for one subeld of one discipline to decide independently of the rest of academe. See Friedman and Sunder for more discussion on this.

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economists have maintained the reputation of eschewing deception, the costs of deception carried out by a few researchers in economics may be higher for the profession as a whole. The effect of deception on non-deceived participants is even harder to measure. Those who have not yet been deceived may talk to deceived participants or hear about experiments using deception in their economics classes, thus tainting their perceptions of experimentation.13 If these spillover effects are truly large, it may suggest that the maintenance of a deception-free participant list is not enough to limit the effects of deception on experimental outcomes. Acknowledgements The authors thank Jennifer Alix-Garcia, James Andreoni, Colin Camerer, Martin Dufwenberg, Dan Friedman, John List, George Loewenstein, Andreas Ortmann, Matthew Rabin, Uri Simonsohn, Richard Thaler, Roberto Weber, and seminar participants at UC Berkeley and the ESA 2006 meetings for useful discussions, and the Yale University Institute for Social and Policy Studies for funding. Research assistance from Mark Borgschulte, Elysha Massatt, Scott Nelson, and David Owens is appreciated. Appendix A. Supplementary data Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.jebo.2008.09.002. References
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