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Purpose : To tell the readers what happned in the past through a sequence of event Text Organization : Orientation ( who were involved in the story,when,where) Events (tell what happened in a chronological order ) Evaluation ( comments of the writer about experience) Re-orientation (conclusion of the experience)

Language features : The use of nouns and pronous The use of action verbs The use of past tenses The use of time conjuction The use adverbs and adverbs phrases Adjectives

Example : Earthquake I was driving along the coast road when the car suddenly lurched to one side. You know what happened? At first I thought a tire had gone flat but then I saw telegraph poles collapsing like matchsticks. Its terrible, isnt it? Next, guess what! The rocks came tumbling across the road and I got back to town, well as I said, there wasnt much left. My God, that was nightmare!!

Purpose : To amuse or entertain the readers with actual or imaginary experiences in difference ways. Text Organization : Orientation Complication Resolution

Language features : The use of noun phrases The use of connectives The use of adverbial phrases of time and place The use of simple past tenses The use of action verbs The use of saying verbs The use of thinking verbs,feeling verbs,verbs of senses

Example :
GoldenEggs Long time ago a remote village, in central China was inhabited mainly with farmers and hunters. One day, a poor farmer lost his entire livestock to flood. He prayed hard to God for help or his family would die of starvation. Few days later, an old man with long grey beard, passed by his house took pity on him. He gave him a goose and said I dont have any expensive thing to give you and hope this goose will help you to ease your hardship. A week later to almost surprise the farmer found and egg in his ya rd. This was no ordinary egg. It was a golden egg. He was suddenly overcome with joy. Thereafter, his livelihood had rapidly improved but the farmer had forgotten his earlier hardship. He became lazy, arrogant and spendthrift. Strangely, the goose only laid one golden egg every six months. The greedy farmer lost his patient and slaughtered his goose thinking there were plenty of golden eggs inside its stomach. Though he very much regretted for his foolishness, its already too late.

Purpose : To help us do a task or make something. Text Organization : Goal Materials Steps

Language features : Use of imperatives Use of action verbs Use of connectives Use of adverbial phrases

Example : HOW TO MAKE INSTAN FRIEND NOODLES Look here, were going to make instant fried noodles. Listen. First heat a saucepan of water until it boils. Then put the noodles in the boiling water. Next put the seasoning and oil into plate. Mixture the noodles are cooked, take them out of the water and drain well. After that mix the noodles well and dont forget put some chili sauce and the soybean sauce. Finally serve the noodles on a plate.

Purpose : to describe a particular person,place or thing Text Organization : Identification Description

Language features : The use of adjectives and compound adjectives. The use of linking verbs The use of attributive has and have.

Example : She is slim,blonde hair,pointed nose and rather big ears.her face is oval. She is an attractive girl in her blue jeans. She likes wearing a cotton jacket. She is a cheerful and friendly girl. She is a humorous and creative girl. Her hobbies are shopping and swimming.

Purpose : to inform the readers,listeners, or viewers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy. Text Organization : Newsworthy events Background events Sources

Language features : Use of headlines Use of action verbs Use of saying verbs Use of passive sentences Use of adverbs in passive sentences

Example : Twenty-one killed in road accident SAUDI ARABIA: twenty-one people were killed when two vehicles collided on a highway near the red sea port city of Jeddah, a news paper reported on Saturday. Al-riyadnewspaper said the accident occurred on Friday when a vehicles carrying 14 yemenies and two Saudis tried to avoid a police check point by going around it,and rammed into an incoming car carrying 5 passengers from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Sudan.

Purpose : To describe the ways things are such as man-made thing animals, plants. Text Organization : General Classification Identification (behavior,habitat,parts)

Language features : Use of general nouns Use relating verbs Useof present tenses Use of behavioral verbs Use of technical terms

Example : Describe butterfly. It is small,delicate, fragile,and colourful. It has two antennae, four wings,and six legs. It eats nectar of flower.

Purpose : To persuade by presenting arguments To analyse or explain how and why

Text Organization : A thesis Arguments Reiteration

Language features : Emotive verbs Link arguments Words that quality statements Use present tenses Use of compound and complex sentences

Example : SHOULD CHILDREN WEAR HATS AT SCHOOL? I believe that you should always wear a hat at school when you are playing outside , to keep from getting sunburn . Firstly, if you don't wear a hat, you will get sunburn and a sunburn is painful. Secondly, sunburn could lead to skin cancer. Sunburn can lead to health problems later in life. Many older people suffer from skin cancer which can kill them.

Purpose : to tell an event with a humorous twist. Text organization : Orientation Events Twist

Language features : Use of action verbs Use of connectives Use of adverbial phrases of time and place Use of simple past tense.

Example : Once a man was walking in a park with a penguin. He took it to the policeman and said what should I do? the policeman replied take it to the zoo. The next day, the policeman saw the man in the same park, the man was still carrying the penguin. The policeman was rather surprised and walked up to the man and asked why are you still carrying the penguin? Didnt you take it to the zoo? the man replied I certainly did, and it was a great idea because the penguin really enjoyed it. So, today I am taking it to the movie.

Purpose : to persuade the readers or listener something should or should not be the case. Text organization : A thesis Arguments Recommendations

Language features : Use of emotive verbs Words that quality verbs Words that linking verbs Use of present tense Use of modal and adverbs Use of compound and complex sentences Use of subjective opinions using pronouns

Example : Tourism Benefit on Local People What is the benefit of tourism for local people? Well, Tourism is now a huge contributor to the economies of most countries. Tourism industries can bring money, job vacancy and advancement especially to developing regions. However, this money often goes into the pockets of foreign investors, and only rarely benefits for local people.Tourism industries will not give much benefit for local people if, for example, multinational hotel chains don't care about the surrounding nature when they build new hotels. This can cause many social, cultural and geographical problems. Some local people may get job and money from that International hotel chain. However in case of missing that opportunity, some of them still have their own environment.Moreover, some facts show that tourists tend to go, visit and spend their money in restaurants, bars and even luxury hotels of that multinational chains. They less go to such places; restaurant, bar, hotel, shop which are owned by local people. This can prevent the local people's business from becoming even larger.Most important thing, tours or excursions of tourism have little effect on nature. Even it can disrupt or destroy ecosystems and environments, and if it does, the local people will get the risk.So the local government policies should be put in place to ensure that tourism will make the benefit spreading widely. The policies should guarantee that tourism will not cause any harm to any local people or places.

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