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Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies - Volume I

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Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies - Volume I

By Rudolf Steiner GA 235
On-line since: 26t h December, 2004

At the end of his life Rudolf Steiner took up the task that was his special destiny ; to bring to the West a knowledge of reincarnation and karma. To do this he gav e ov er eighty lectures in 1 924 in which he ex plicitly and concretely rev ealed the destinies of v arious indiv iduals from one life to the nex t in order to show how the general laws of karma operate in indiv idual cases. He also rev ealed many details of the karmic streams of the members of the Anthroposophical Society . These v olumes constitute an immeasurable contribution to the understanding of reincarnation and karma, and the tasks of the Anthroposophical Society in connection with the Archangel Michael. Twelv e lectures giv en at Dornach, Switzerland, from 1 6th February to 23rd March, 1 924. Published here with the kind permission of the Rudolf Steiner Nachlassv erwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland. Translated from shorthand reports unrev ised by the lecturer. The original tex ts of the lectures are contained in V ol. 1 of the series entitled Esoterische Betrachtungen karmischer Zusammenhnge in the Complete Edition of Rudolf Steiner's works. (No. 235 in the Bibliographical Surv ey , 1 961 ).
Copy ri gh t 1972

Some editions and/or translations of this book are av ailable for purchase from: Steiner Verlag (Germ an ), SteinerBooks Rudolf Steiner Press, Am , or, search for related titles av ailable for purchase at Am ! Find more information at Google Book Search .



Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies - Volume I

Th i s e.Text edi ti on i s prov i ded wi th th e cooperati on of: Th e Ru dol f St ei n er Press

T hanks to an anony m ous donation, this lecture series is now av ailable.

Cover Sheet Note Contents Introduction Lecture I Lecture II Lecture III Lecture IV Lecture V Lecture VI Lecture VII Lecture VIII Lecture IX Lecture X Lecture XI Lecture XII Complete Edition (ref.) February 16, 1924 February 17, 1924 February 23, 1924 February 24, 1924 March 01, 1924 March 02, 1924 March 08, 1924 March 09, 1924 March 15, 1924 March 16, 1924 March 22, 1924 March 23, 1924

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