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The Second Age

1 Foundation of the Elven-kingdoms in the west of Middle-earth, Mithlond and Lindon. 32 Arrival of the Edain in Nmenor. Elrond's brother Elros becomes their first King, taking the name Tar-Minyatur. c. 40 Around this time Dwarves out of the Blue Mountains migrate eastwards and settle alongside the Longbeards in Khazad-dm. 61 Birth of Vardamir, the eldest child of Elros Tar-Minyatur. 213 Birth of Aulendil, third child of Vardamir Nlimon. 222 Birth of Nolondil, youngest child of Vardamir Nlimon. 350 Birth of the eldest son of Tar-Amandil, later to rule Nmenor as Tar-Elendil. 442 Death of Elros Tar-Minyatur. He is succeeded as King of Nmenor by his son Vardamir, who immediately abdicates in favour of his own son Tar-Amandil. 443 Vardamir Nlimon was officially held to have ruled Nmenor in this year, though in fact he had passed the Sceptre directly to his son Tar-Amandil. 471 Death of Vardamir Nlimon, accounted the second King of Nmenor. c. 500 After a long period of secrecy following the War of Wrath, Sauron begins his resurgence in Middle-earth. 512 Birth of Caliondo, son of Erendur of the House of Elros. 521 Birth of Silmarin, daughter and eldest child of King Tar-Elendil of Nmenor. 532 Birth of Isilm, second daughter of King Tar-Elendil of Nmenor. 590 Tar-Amandil surrenders the Sceptre of Nmenor. He is succeeded by his son, who becomes King Tar-Elendil. 600 Vantur becomes the first Nmenrean to make the journey back to Middle-earth. 630 Birth of Valandil, later to become the first Lord of Andni. 700 Birth of rild, daughter of Cemendur of Hyarastorni. c. 700 From about this time the Dredain of Nmenor begin to migrate back to Middle-earth. c. 730 Second voyage of Aldarion to Middle-earth. 740 Tar-Elendil surrenders the Sceptre of Nmenor. He is succeeded by his son, who becomes King Tar-Meneldur. 750 Foundation of Eregion. Foundation of the Guild of Venturers by Aldarion. 751 Death of Tar-Elendil of Nmenor. 771 Birth of Erendis. 870 Wedding of Aldarion and Erendis. 877 Spring Aldarion's flagship Hirilond is launched. 882 Aldarion returns to Nmenor after a six-year voyage aboard the Hirilond. 883 Tar-Meneldur surrenders the Sceptre of Nmenor. He is succeeded by his son, who becomes King Tar-Aldarion. 900 Death of Caliondo. 985 Death of Erendis, apparently by drowning. c. 1000 Sauron settles in the land of Mordor and begins the building of Barad-dr. 1003 Birth of Anrion son of Ancalim, later to rule Nmenor as Tar-Anrion. 1075 Tar-Aldarion surrenders the Sceptre of Nmenor. He is succeeded by his daughter, who becomes the first Ruling Queen, Tar-Ancalim. 1098 Death of Tar-Aldarion of Nmenor, 23 years after surrendering the Sceptre. 1200 Sauron comes to the Elves of Eregion in a fair guise, and begins to teach them. 1280 Tar-Anrion succeeds his mother Tar-Ancalim to become King of Nmenor. 1394 Tar-Anrion surrenders the Sceptre of Nmenor. He is succeeded by his son, who becomes King Tar-Srion. 1404 Death of Tar-Anrion of Nmenor.

1474 Birth of Minastir son of Isilmo, later King Tar-Minastir of Nmenor. c. 1500 The first of the Rings of Power are made in Eregion. 1556 Tar-Srion surrenders the Sceptre of Nmenor. He is succeeded by his daughter, who becomes Queen Tar-Telperin. c. 1590 Completion of the Three Rings in Eregion. c. 1600 The first building of Barad-dr is completed. c. 1600 Sauron forges the One Ring in Orodruin, and reveals his true purposes to the Elves. 1693 War begins between the Elves and Sauron. 1695 Gil-galad requests aid from Nmenor, and a great fleet is sent out. Elrond is sent out by Gil-galad to aid in the defence of Eregion. Sauron leads an invasion into Eriador. 1697 Eregion is destroyed by Sauron's forces, and Celebrimbor slain. The foundation of Rivendell. 1699 Sauron's forces gain control of Eriador. 1700 Ciryatur brings a Nmenrean fleet to Middle-earth, and drives back Sauron's invading forces. 1701 Sauron's forces are overwhelmed by the Nmenreans, and Sauron himself is driven back to Mordor. 1731 On the death of Queen Tar-Telperin, Tar-Minastir becomes King of Nmenor. c. 1800 The Nmenreans begin to colonise and exploit Middle-earth. 1869 Tar-Minastir surrenders the Sceptre of Nmenor. He is succeeded by his son TarCiryatan 1873 Death of Tar-Minastir, formerly King of Nmenor. 1986 Birth of Tar-Atanamir's heir, later King Tar-Ancalimon. 2029 Tar-Ciryatan surrenders the Sceptre of Nmenor. He is succeeded by his son, who becomes King Tar-Atanamir. c. 2250 First appearance of the Nazgl. 2251 Death of King Tar-Atanamir the Great of Nmenor. He is succeeded by his son, who becomes King Tar-Ancalimon. Political divisions begin to emerge in Nmenor 2277 Birth of Tar-Vanimeld daughter of Tar-Telemmait. 2280 The Haven of Umbar is first fortified by the Nmenreans. 2286 Birth of Herucalmo, later consort to Queen Tar-Vanimelde. 2350 Pelargir is founded. 2386 Death of Tar-Ancalimon. He is succeeded by Tar-Telemmait. 2516 Birth of Calmacil son of Tar-Alcarin, later King Tar-Calmacil of Nmenor. 2526 Death of Tar-Telemmait. He is succeeded by his daughter, who becomes the third and last of the Ruling Queens, Tar-Vanimeld. 2637 Death of Queen Tar-Vanimeld of Nmenor. Her true Heir is her son Alcarin, but the Sceptre is seized by her husband Herucalmo, who takes the name Tar-Anducal. 2657 Death of the false King Tar-Anducal of Nmenor. He is legitimately succeeded by his son, who becomes King Tar-Alcarin. 2709 Birth of Adnakhr, later to rule Nmenor as King Ar-Adnakhr. 2737 Death of Tar-Alcarin. He is succeeded as King of Nmenor by Tar-Calmacil. 2798 Birth of Ar-Zimrathn son of Ar-Adnakhr, later King of Nmenor. 2825 Death of King Tar-Calmacil of Nmenor. There is some confusion over the succession, but he appears to have been succeeded by his son, who became King Tar-Ardamin. 2899 Ar-Adnakhr becomes King of Nmenor. 2962 Death of Ar-Adnakhr. He is succeeded as King of Nmenor by his son, who rules as

c. 3029 3033 3102 3118 3119 3177 3209 3219 3255 3261 3262 c. 3290 3299 3310 3316 3319 3320 c. 3320 3399 3429 3430 3431 3434 3440 3441

Ar-Zimrathn. Approximate year of the birth of Amandil. Death of Ar-Zimrathn. He is succeeded as King of Nmenor by his son, who rules as Ar-Sakalthr. Death of Ar-Sakalthr. He is succeeded as King of Nmenor by his son, who rules as Ar-Gimilzr. Birth of Pharazn, later Ar-Pharazn, King of Nmenor. Probable date of the birth of Elendil. Death of Ar-Gimilzr. He is succeeded as King of Nmenor by his son, who rules as Tar-Palantir. Probable date of the birth of Isildur. Probable date of the birth of Anrion. Ar-Pharazn, last King of Nmenor, usurps the throne. Ar-Pharazn sails to Middle-earth. Sauron submits himself to Ar-Pharazn as a prisoner, and is taken back to Nmenor. There, he begins to corrupt the Nmenreans. Sauron destroys Nimloth, the White Tree of Nmenor. Probable date of the birth of Meneldil. Convinced by Sauron to attack Aman, Ar-Pharazn begins building his Great Armament. Amandil abandons Nmenor and sails into the West to seek the aid of the Valar. Ar-Pharazn sails into the West to assail the Valar. The Downfall of Nmenor. Arnor and Gondor are founded by Elendil and his sons Isildur and Anrion. Sauron returns in secret to the land of Mordor. Approximate date of the construction of many great towers and citadels, including Minas Ithil and Isengard. Likely date of birth of Cemendur, son and eventual heir of Meneldil. Sauron launches an assault on Gondor, and captures Minas Ithil. Formation of the Last Alliance. Probable date of the birth of Valandil, youngest of the four sons of Isildur. The forces of the newly-formed Last Alliance of Elves and Men assemble in Imladris under their leaders, Gil-galad and Elendil. Sauron's forces are defeated in the Battle of Dagorlad. The Siege of Barad-dr begins. Anrion slain in the Siege of Barad-dr. Defeat of Sauron by the Last Alliance. Barad-dr is destroyed, but both Gil-galad and Elendil are lost. The Nazgl go into the shadows.

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