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John E.

Flaherty MCCARTER & ENGLISH, LLP Four Gateway Center 100 Mulberry Street Newark, NJ 07102 Tel: (973) 622-4444 Fax: (973) 624-7070 OF COUNSEL: Robert L. Baechtold Scott K. Reed Ha Kung Wong FITZPATRICK, CELLA, HARPER & SCINTO 1290 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10104 Tel: (212) 218-2100 Fax: (212) 218-2200 Attorneys for Plaintiffs UCB, Inc., UCB Pharma GmbH, Research Corporation Technologies, Inc. and Harris FRC Corporation IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF NEW JERSEY UCB, INC., UCB PHARMA GMBH, RESEARCH CORPORATION TECHNOLOGIES, INC. and HARRIS FRC CORPORATION, Plaintiffs, v. ZYDUS PHARMACEUTICALS (USA), INC. and CADILA HEALTHCARE LTD. dba ZYDUS CADILA, Defendants. X : : : : : : : : : : : : : X

C.A. No. ____________

COMPLAINT FOR PATENT INFRINGEMENT Plaintiffs UCB, Inc., UCB Pharma GmbH, Research Corporation Technologies, Inc., and Harris FRC Corporation, (hereinafter Plaintiffs), by their undersigned attorneys, for their Complaint against defendants Zydus Pharmaceuticals (USA) Inc. (Zydus USA) and Zydus Cadila (collectively Zydus) hereby allege as follows: PARTIES 1. Plaintiff UCB, Inc. is a corporation organized and existing under the laws

of the State of Delaware, having its principal place of business at 1950 Lake Park Drive, Smyrna, Georgia 30080. 2. Plaintiff UCB Pharma GmbH (UCB Pharma) is a corporation organized

and existing under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany, having an office and place of business at Alfred Nobel Strasse 10, 40789 Monheim, Germany. UCB Pharma was formerly known as Schwarz Pharma AG (Schwarz). 3. Plaintiff Research Corporation Technologies, Inc. (RCT) is a nonprofit

corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, having its principal place of business at 5210 East Williams Circle, Suite 240, Tucson, Arizona 85711-4410. 4. Plaintiff Harris FRC Corporation (Harris) is a corporation organized

and existing under the laws of the State of New Jersey, having its principal place of business at 2137 State Highway 35, Holmdel, New Jersey 07733. 5. On information and belief, Zydus USA is a corporation organized and

existing under the laws of the State of New Jersey, having its principal place of business at 73 Route 31 North, Pennington, New Jersey 08534.


On information and belief, Zydus USA is a wholly owned subsidiary of

Cadila Healthcare Ltd. dba Zydus Cadila (Zydus Cadila). On information and belief, Zydus Cadila is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of India, having its principal place of business at Zydus Tower, Satellite Cross Roads, Ahmedabad, 380015, Gujarat, India. JURISDICTION AND VENUE 7. This is an action for patent infringement of United States Reissued Patent

No. RE 38,551 (the 551 patent), arising under the United States patent laws, Title 35, United States Code. This action relates to Zydus USAs filing of an Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) under Section 505(j) of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (the Act), 21 U.S.C. 355(j), seeking United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval to market generic pharmaceutical products. This Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter of this action under 28 U.S.C. 1331 and 1338(a). 8. This Court has jurisdiction over Zydus USA. On information and belief,

Zydus USA has its principal place of business in New Jersey. On information and belief, Zydus USA is in the business of, among other things, formulating, developing, manufacturing, marketing and selling generic copies of branded pharmaceutical products for the U.S. market, including in New Jersey and in this judicial district. On information and belief, Zydus USA is registered with the State of New Jersey Wholesale Drug and Medical Device registry under Registration No. 5003171. On information and belief, Zydus USA purposefully has conducted and continues to conduct business in New Jersey, and New Jersey is a likely destination of Zydus generic products. 9. This Court has jurisdiction over Zydus Cadila. On information and belief,

Zydus Cadila is in the business of, among other things, formulating, developing, manufacturing,

marketing and selling generic copies of branded pharmaceutical products for the U.S. market, including in New Jersey and in this judicial district, through various directly or indirectly owned operating subsidiaries, including its wholly owned subsidiary Zydus USA. 10. On information and belief, Zydus Cadila and Zydus USA are agents of

each other with respect to the development, regulatory approval, marketing, sale and distribution of generic pharmaceutical products throughout the United States including New Jersey and in this judicial district. 11. This Court has personal jurisdiction over Zydus by virtue of, inter alia, the

above-mentioned facts. 12. Venue is proper in this Court pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1391(b), (c), and

(d) and 28 U.S.C. 1400(b). CLAIM FOR RELIEF PATENT INFRINGEMENT 13. UCB, Inc. holds approved New Drug Application (NDA) No. 022253

for Vimpat tablets (50 mg, 100 mg, 150 mg, and 200 mg dosage strengths), which tablets contain the active ingredient lacosamide. The FDA approved NDA 022253 on October 28, 2008. UCB, Inc. lists the 551 patent in Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations (the Orange Book) for NDA 022253. 14. UCB, Inc. holds approved NDA No. 022254 for Vimpat intravenous

solution (200 mg/20 mL dosage strength), which solution contains the active ingredient lacosamide. The FDA approved NDA 022254 on October 28, 2008. UCB, Inc. lists the 551 patent in the Orange Book for NDA 022254. 15. UCB, Inc. holds approved NDA No. 022255 for Vimpat oral solution

(10 mg/ mL dosage strength), which oral solution contains the active ingredient lacosamide. The

FDA approved NDA 022255 on April 20, 2010. UCB, Inc. lists the 551 patent in the Orange Book for NDA 022255. 16. Vimpat tablets are indicated as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of

partial-onset seizures in patients with epilepsy aged 17 years and older. Vimpat intravenous solution is indicated as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of partial-onset seizures in patients with epilepsy aged 17 years and older when oral administration is temporarily not feasible. 17. The United States Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) legally issued the

551 patent, entitled Anticonvulsant Enantiomeric Amino Acid Derivatives on July 6, 2004. A copy of the 551 patent is attached as Exhibit A. 18. The 551 patent is a reissue of United States Patent No. 5,773,475, which

legally issued on June 30, 1998. 19. The 551 patent claims, inter alia, lacosamide, which is known chemically

as (R)-2-acetamido-N-benzyl-3-methoxypropionamide (under IUPAC nomenclature), and as (R)-N-benzyl-2-acetamido-3-methoxypropionamide. The chemical structure of lacosamide is:

. 20. The 551 patent also claims a therapeutic composition comprising

lacosamide, and a method of treating central nervous system disorders in a human. 21. The PTO issued a Certificate Extending Patent Term Under 35 U.S.C.

156. With the patent term extension, the 551 patent expires on March 17, 2022. A of the Certificate Extending Patent Term for the 551 patent is attached as Exhibit B.


The 551 patent is assigned to RCT, and RCT is the owner of the 551

patent as recorded by the PTO at Reel 008538, Frame 0093. 23. RCT granted an exclusive patent license, subsequently amended, to Harris

under, inter alia, the 551 patent to make and have made, use, sell, offer to sell and import lacosamide in a territory co-extensive with Harris patent rights. Under the amended license agreement, RCT granted Harris the right to sublicense its rights under the licensed patents, including the 551 patent. 24. Harris exclusively sublicensed to Schwarz, under know how and licensed

patents, including the 551 patent, the right to make, have made, use, sell and import lacosamide for the purpose of Schwarzs making, having made, using importing or selling products containing lacosamide, worldwide, excluding Japan, for the treatment of diseases in humans. 25. UCB S.A. acquired Schwarz and all its rights in lacosamide. The license

agreement entered into by and between Harris and Schwarz was restated, amended, and effective for all countries of the world, by and among Harris, UCB Pharma GmbH, formerly acting under its name Schwarz, and UCB S.A. 26. UCB, Inc. markets and sells Vimpat tablets and oral and intravenous

solution in the United States. 27. On information and belief, Zydus USA submitted to the FDA ANDA No.

204947 under Section 505(j) of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (the Act), 21 U.S.C. 355(j), seeking approval to engage in the commercial manufacture, use, offer for sale, sale and/or import of generic lacosamide tablets containing 50 mg, 100 mg, 150 mg, and 200 mg of lacosamide in a tablet dosage form.

28. ANDA Products. 29.

The subjects of ANDA No. 204947 are referred to as Zydus USAs

Zydus USA submitted its ANDA to the FDA for the purpose of obtaining

approval to engage in the commercial manufacture, use, offer for sale, sale and/or import of Zydus USAs ANDA Products before the expiration of the 551 patent. 30. By filing its ANDA under 21 U.S.C. 355(j) for the purpose of obtaining

FDA approval to engage in the commercial manufacture, use, offer for sale, sale and/or import of Zydus USAs ANDA Products before the expiration of the 551 patent, Zydus has committed an act of infringement under 35 U.S.C. 271(e)(2). 31. On information and belief, when Zydus USA filed its ANDA, it was aware

of the 551 patent and that the filing of its ANDA with the request for its approval prior to the expiration of the 551 patent was an act of infringement of that patent. 32. On information and belief, Zydus USA made and included in its ANDA a

certification under 21 U.S.C. 355(j)(2)(A)(vii)(IV) that, in its opinion and to the best of its knowledge, the 551 patent is invalid and/or will not infringed. 33. On June 14, 2013, RCT received a letter from Zydus USA dated June 13,

2013, purporting to be a Notice of Certification for ANDA No. 204947 under Section 505(j)(2)(B)(ii) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. 355(j)(2)(B)(ii), and 21 C.F.R. 314.95(c). 34. Zydus USAs letter alleges that the active ingredient in Zydus USAs

ANDA Products for which it seeks approval is lacosamide. 35. The commercial manufacture, use, offer for sale, sale and/or import of

Zydus ANDA Products will infringe one or more claims of the 551 patent.


Plaintiffs are entitled to the relief provided by 35 U.S.C. 271(e)(4),

including an order of this Court that the effective date of any approval of ANDA No. 204947 be a date that is not earlier than March 17, 2022, the expiration date of the 551 patent, including any extensions. 37. Plaintiffs are entitled to an award of damages for any commercial

manufacture, use, offer for sale, sale and/or import of Zydus USAs ANDA Products and any act committed by Zydus with respect to the subject matter claimed in the 551 patent, which act is not within the limited exclusions of 35 U.S.C. 271(e)(1). PRAYER FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs UCB, Inc., UCB Pharma, RCT and Harris, pray for a judgment in their favor and against defendants Zydus USA and Zydus Cadila, and respectfully request the following relief: A. A judgment that, under 35 U.S.C. 271(e)(2)(A), Zydus has infringed one

or more claims of the 551 patent by filing the ANDA No. 204947 seeking approval for the commercial manufacture, use, offer for sale, sale and/or import of Zydus USAs ANDA Products before the expiration of the 551 patent; B. A judgment that the manufacture, use, offer for sale, sale and/or import of

Zydus USAs ANDA Products will infringe the 551 patent; C. D. A judgment declaring that the 551 patent remains valid and enforceable; A permanent injunction restraining and enjoining Zydus and its officers,

agents, attorneys and employees, and those acting in privity or concert with it, from engaging in the commercial manufacture, use, offer for sale, sale and/or import, of Zydus USAs ANDA

Products, as claimed in the 551 patent, until the expiration of the 551 patent or any later date of exclusivity to which Plaintiffs are or become entitled; E. An order that the effective date of any approval of ANDA No. 204947 be

a date that is not earlier than the expiration of the right of exclusivity under the 551 patent, or any later date of exclusivity to which Plaintiffs are or become entitled; F. To the extent that Zydus has committed any acts with respect to the

subject matter claimed in the 551 patent, other than those acts expressly exempted by 35 U.S.C. 271(e)(1), an award of damages for such acts; G. A determination that this case is exceptional under 35 U.S.C. 285, and

an award of attorneys fees; H. I. Costs and expenses in this action; and Such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and proper. Respectfully submitted, Date: June 28, 2013 s/John E. Flaherty John E. Flaherty MCCARTER & ENGLISH, LLP Four Gateway Center 100 Mulberry Street Newark, NJ 07102 Tel: (973) 622-4444 Fax: (973) 624-7070 Attorneys for Plaintiffs OF COUNSEL: Robert L. Baechtold Scott K. Reed Ha Kung Wong FITZPATRICK, CELLA, HARPER & SCINTO 1290 Avenue of the Americas New York, New York 10104-3800 (212) 218-2100

CERTIFICATION PURSUANT TO L. CIV. R. 11.2 Plaintiffs, by their undersigned counsel, hereby certify pursuant to L. Civ. R. 11.2 that the matter in controversy is not the subject of any other action pending in any court, or of any pending arbitration or administrative proceeding.

Date: June 28, 2013

s/John E. Flaherty John E. Flaherty MCCARTER & ENGLISH, LLP Four Gateway Center 100 Mulberry Street Newark, NJ 07102 Tel: (973) 622-4444 Fax: (973) 624-7070 Attorneys for Plaintiffs

OF COUNSEL: Robert L. Baechtold Scott K. Reed Ha Kung Wong FITZPATRICK, CELLA, HARPER & SCINTO 1290 Avenue of the Americas New York, New York 10104-3800 (212) 218-2100


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