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UnitedArabEmirates(theUAE)isaFederationofStatesattheSoutheasternendoftheArabian Gulf.ItisborderedbySaudiArabiatothewestandOmantothenorthandsoutheast.TheUAEisa Federationofsevenemirates:Dubai,Ajman,Sharjah,AbuDhabi,andUmmalQuwain,Fujairahand RasalKhaimah.India,China,USA,Germany,JapanandSouthKoreaaremajortradingpartnersand themajorexportproductsincludeCrudeOil,ReExports,NaturalGas,DriedFish,Aluminumand Dates. Abu Dhabi is the capital of the United Arab Emirates. Abu Dhabi margins with Saudi Arabia to the west and south, Oman to the east and Dubai to the north. Abu Dhabi is considered as a window to thewholeMiddleEasternregionduetoitsstrategicsite.AbuDhabiisplacedasapreferredlocation forglobalfirmslookingtospreadoutintothegrowthmarketsofAsiaandMENA. HugeinitiativesaretakenbyAbuDhabitodiversifyitseconomyawayfromanyoverdependenceon hydrocarbons. Abu Dhabi intends to be one of the most attractive investment opportunities in the region. With this in mind, various dedicated economic zones offering taxfree enticements to investorsandcateringtoadiversityofindustrialsectorsarebeingdeveloped. AbuDhabigovernmenthaslaidoutalongtermplanforeconomicassortmentknownasAbuDhabi Economic Vision 2030. Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development (ADDED) is its curator. AbuDhabiEconomicVision2030underlinestheneedforagreaterrolefortheprivatesectorinthe Emirates economic development. It emphasizes the value of investment in infrastructure, education and health driving the development of a sustainable knowledgebased economy, health andinfrastructureandonethatyieldsthevalue,heritageandcultureofthisgreatEmirateintact. Almost all types of legitimate business operations are permitted in the Free Zone areas of Abu Dhabi. And there is no minimum capital required for setting up a branch company in Abu Dhabi Free Zone.Abu Dhabi Free Zone issues three categories of licensing such as Industrial, Trading and servicelicensing.TheLicenseisforaperiodofoneyear,andisrenewableyearly. A foreign company that wishes to deliver goods and business services from abroad, but devoid of establishing a physical presence in Abu Dhabi, can appoint a Commercial Agent. A Company registered in a GCC country can open a branch in Abu Dhabi without obtaining prior approval from the Ministry of Economy. Companies operating in Abu Dhabi Free Zone are exempted from all importandreexportdutiesandnorestrictionsareplacedonhiringforeignemployees. Abu Dhabi Government authorities' approval is required for business operations in Abu Dhabi dependingonitsnature.Governmentapprovalisneededduringeachandeveryphaseofaproject. Companies/Businesses in Abu Dhabi's Free Zone can seek financing. Customs duties are imposed depending on the license owned, if goods are imported and exported within Free Zones in UAE areas. Agents holding an Abu Dhabi Economic Department Clearing and Forwarding License can clearcargoonbehalfoftheconsignee. Depending on the business nature, property ownership right is granted in Abu Dhabi Free Zone through a Standard Musataha Agreement. All employment contracts with companies operating in

the Abu Dhabi Free Zone are governed by the Employment regulations enforced by the Abu Dhabi Free Zone. And no restrictions are imposed by the authority for employees in transferring money outside the country. Employees can also obtain a driving license upon the completion of required formalitieswiththegovernmentauthoritiesconcerned. Morison Menons Doing Business in Abu Dhabi will play an informative and helpful role in promoting the kind of diversified economic environment that Abu Dhabi requires. It will augment Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Developments own activities of corporate listing and the provisionofgeneraladvicetoallkindsofbusinessesoperatinginthisregion. DoingBusinessinAbuDhabicoversAbuDhabiEconomicVision2030.Thebookdetailstherules andpoliciesandotherhelpfulinformationtohelpexistingbusinessesandfreshinvestorsplanning tohowtostartabusiness.DoingBusinessinAbuDhabiwillhelpentrepreneursinsettingup businessesinAbuDhabi,includingitsFreeZones,andshouldprovidethemwithalltherequired informationinoneplace.Formoreinformation,VisitOurWebsite

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