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Gemini Full Moon 2008

To whose temple the Arch is starlit, In whose temple the Sun is the image of gold, To whose temple the Moon goes every month And brings the message out every full-moon, And whose message the Moon sings as a word of sixteen letters, His religion I belong to, His temple I visit, His name I utter, His glory I live in. To Him I offer the lotus of my day, To Him I offer the lotus of my night. These seed thoughts from the Spiritual Psychology meditations of Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya give the note for the Lunar Messenger of the Circle of Good Will. The moon is the reflective principle and symbol of the mind. When pure and calm, it reflects impressions from higher circles. Especially the time of the full moon is conducive for higher alignment, if we are poised enough. The alignment of the sun, moon and earth in the sky helps experiencing the magic of the light of the soul and its manifestation down to the physical. The Lunar Messenger is published every month in time for the full moon. It contains thoughts from the teachings of eternal wisdom. Its purpose is to inspire us to put them into practical life.

The Importance of Prayers
Those who want to work for the good will should focus more on prayers. Prayers are an excellent means to manifest positive effects for the common good. Things cannot be changed on the outer plane, if the change doesnt start already on the subtle plane. Spiritual work consists in purifying the mental plane by invoking light and love and thus causing a better atmosphere. So prayers are a means to bring about harmonious changes on the subtle planes. Many people think that prayer is of lesser importance than meditation. It is an illusion to think that with meditation we can leave prayers behind. Prayer is of the same great importance, especially until we have attained perfection in meditation. It is just like some children already think in primary school about the university degree. The aspiration should not be cut off, but you have to take many steps until you arrive at meditation. Prayer helps us in this. We even can pray that our meditation might be fulfilled. Then it goes more easily and also makes sure that we dont enter into wrong ways and suffer. The highest completion of meditation goes to the point of experiencing universal consciousness. As prayer unites us with the universal consciousness; meditation helps us live within it. Prayer, meditation, worship or rituals are means to establish the connection with the stream of light, of love and of synthesis. If the connection is interrupted, obstacles come up. All types of thoughts concerning the problems then occur, disturbing the connection to universal consciousness even more.

Equilibrium, Over-Activity, Inertia

The purpose of prayer is to bring us back to the source from where we emerged. Our soul seeks help from the universal soul. Its intention is to consciously build a bridge between us and the source of our existence. The ancient wisdom always seeks to connect to the fountainhead and then moves from the original unity into diversity, from the subtle to the gross. When we regularly pray, we remain in inner equilibrium (sattva). Many things are prayed for: for daily bread, for health, for economic subsistence, for the right partner, for a harmonious marital life. Prayers with expectations demanding from God that he should do something for us, have the vibration of over-activity (rajas). The overactive mind cannot assimilate the hints coming from the soul. Here relaxation and meditation exercises become important in order to make the mind receptive through patience and waiting. Then we cease looking for results or instructing the Divine what it has to do. When we are linked up to the Divine, then events occur in due time, and we dont have to run after them. Where inner inertia (tamas) prevails, wrong results, illusions and glamour can come about through spiritual exercises. Some try to invoke with prayers deceased persons or spirits, and these beings can bewilder us. Some are during prayer like in a daze or have the feeling of sinking and are overcome with fear. They are asked to put their lives more in order and to become

more active. Out of inertness some make compromises with impure things impure places, impure food, impure thoughts. Prayers are only helpful when we keep an order. We should prepare ourselves and aspire for physical, emotional and mental purity.

Overcoming Obstacles
However, it is not easy to overcome ones own behavioural patterns and to implement new patterns in life. We have nourished the tendencies over long times. They are the structures of our past karma and dominate our good intentions. It is particularly difficult when we think that what we think and do is right and that others are wrong. Here prayers can help us. They are like an emergency call in a crisis, where we cannot cope with our tendencies: I cannot be better than I am. But you can make me better. Help me think better, act better and organize myself well during the whole day. In prayer we can submit all our problems to the divine, even our hopelessness and despair: I wait for the grace from you, so that all hindrances and inabilities disappear. Through prayers we can attune our will to the divine will, so that we receive strength in order to counter our tendencies. Prayers dont neutralise the karma of wrong actions of the past. Only through right actions and service we can neutralise it. However, prayers help us face the consequences of wrong actions, helps us fulfil our duties towards life and to serve our fellow men. Some days the prayers and meditations are very good, sometimes seemingly nothing happens. We dont want to sit down any more and are tired of meditating. No matter how much we try to draw down the soul energy, nothing happens. Everything remains dull and our service remains seemingly without any result. Sometimes we have the feeling: What is life all about? What on earth am I doing? A strange logic develops which then makes us angry. We should know that we never can establish the connection by ourselves, but the divine opens the door and also closes it again. We can only wait for the grace, through right actions and through right prayer. Intense prayers lead us with greater ease to the alignment with the soul than a mental meditation, which isnt done with full attention. That means, the mind aligns with the heart, and the prayer is done from the heart.

ual prayer and study is not so effective as group prayer, meditation and study. It is a quality of the Aquarian energy and Age that they work better in groups. Therefore prayers work better, when we gather in groups and pray together. Groups can also pray for adjustment in the group and between the group members. We should not conduct our prayers and meditations for our own well-being, but for global upliftment and the well-being of mankind as a whole. There are thousands of possibilities for prayer. The prayers given by initiates differ from other prayers which have a smaller vibration. The best prayers have survived time, for they touch the truth. There is no better prayer for the wellbeing than the prayer: Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu, meaning May all beings on all planes be in peace and poise.

The Prayer of Master CVV

For Master CVV prayer is the first step and the central theme on the spiritual path. He therefore calls the method introduced by him as prayer, not meditation. The master-prayer is unique and harmonizes with the Aquarian age. The blessings of this prayer are totally different and of a type which has never been here before. We feel or visualise the Master either in the heart centre or in the brow centre, while we invoke his name and say the invocation Namaskarams Master CVV. Then we remain an observer. When we observe correctly, we sense and fee a subtle movement in the body, a faint current running through us. We also can feel a movement in thoughts, impulses for the daily actions. The in-pouring energy causes many adjustments and alignments. He says: I am the Mastermechanic. I shall repair the organism. Park your car in my garage. The changes in the body or in the personality occur even without our awareness, even while we are asleep. In prayer or at a later time flashes of insights might occur to us, and we should record and follow them in our actions. If we are too idle to pick up the impressions, then other insights wont follow. Therefore it is recommended to keep an orange spiritual journal and record therein the messages and teachings received during prayer, so that we dont forget them. This way the Master works from the inner of the disciple and lifts him up, up to Himself.
K.P. Kumar: On Healing / notes from seminars / E. Krishnamacharya: Master CVV. The World Teacher Trust Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, ( )

Group Prayers
When we just live for ourselves, read books and meditate, we end up in frustration after some time. Individ-


Good Wil l is contagious !

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