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Purchase Order No: 3000033325

The purchase order No must be indicated on all documents. This purchase order is subject to Givaudan's General Conditions of Purchasing and site specific delivery requirements.

Givaudan contact person: Email: Tel: +65 67519100

Nicole Lim [email protected] Fax: +65 67544292

Date: 20 Jun 2013

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Delivery Address:

Vendor No: Attention of: Payment terms: Mode of Transport:

225261 THIAM GUAN GOH 30 Days from Invoice Date Road

Invoicing address:
Givaudan Singapore Pte Ltd Attention: Accounts Payable 1 Woodlands Avenue 8 SINGAPORE 738972 SINGAPORE


Ref Material No and/or Description Your material reference



Unit Price


Supply spare parts for Homogenizer M3# To purchaser:# (Attach Technical Assessment)# Supply spare parts for Homogenizer M3 ( 1 EA Delivery Date: 13 Aug 2013 Attention of: Ben Law Unloading Point: Flavour Emulsion Room

4,204.70 /1 EA

4,204.70 SGD

Total net amount excluding tax

This is an electronic document valid without signature

4,204.70 SGD

PO arrival date denotes arrival at Givaudan warehouse. PS: 5 days clearance from sea port 3 days clearance from air port Please ensure all Invoice(s) are sent to our Account Payable.

Givaudan Singapore Pte Ltd,

1 Woodlands Ave 8 Singapore 738972 Singapore, Tel: +65 67 51 9100, Fax: +65 67 59 1287, Internet: Company Registration Number: 199203766D


1. Applicability. These conditions shall apply to the purchase of goods and services by companies in the Givaudan group, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in seller's general conditions or in any other document issued by seller. Conflicting and additional terms and conditions of any such documents shall be deemed deleted and not binding upon the parties, except insofar as expressly agreed in writing by Buyer. Purchasing companies shall be referred to hereafter as "Buyer". 2. Order Confirmation. Any order of goods must be confirmed in writing by seller within 2 working days from the date of issue of the order. Without confirmation within the above period, Buyer is entitled to assume that the order has been tacitly accepted by seller. Buyer reserves the right to cancel any order which is not confirmed within the above period. 3. Price. The price indicated on the order is considered to be the price agreed between Buyer and seller. The price is fixed and cannot be increased by seller without the written consent of Buyer. 4. Payment. Payment by Buyer shall not constitute any admission by Buyer as to the performance by seller of its obligations, nor any waiver of its right to warranty or damages. 5. Delivery terms. Seller shall deliver the goods at the place of delivery in accordance with the terms stated on the order, and shall comply with Buyer's delivery instructions. Dangerous goods shall be declared and shipped in accordance with the regulations relating to such goods. Seller shall perform the services at the place indicated by Buyer. Please note that the Incoterms applied by Givaudan are Incoterms2010; except for DES, DAF, and DDU which are related to incoterms 2000. 6. Delivery date. Seller shall deliver the goods at the date specified on the order. Seller shall give notice of delay in delivery as soon as such delay appears likely and, in any event, before expiry of the date of delivery. In case of delay or notice of delay, Buyer will be entitled, at his option, to cancel the order or agree to an extension of the term of delivery without prejudice to its right for damages in either case. Seller shall perform the services within the deadlines indicated by Buyer. 7. Packaging. Packaging shall comply with Buyer's instructions, if any, and be labeled with the following indications : product name, production date, batch number, net weight, gross weight and tare, and other indications mentioned on the order, if any. Packaging and labeling shall also comply with the applicable regulations. Buyer is entitled to reject goods whose packaging, labeling or delivery documents do not comply with the above, are damaged or polluted, without prejudice to its right to damages. 8. Non conforming goods. At its election, Buyer may inspect the goods upon receipt, or any time thereafter. Buyer is entitled to reject , at any time, goods which are not fit for their intended use, or which do not conform to sample or agreed specifications, or which are delivered in quantities exceeding +/- 10% of the order. Furthermore, Buyer is entitled, at his option, to cancel the order or to call for replacement of the goods, without prejudice to his right to damages in either case. 9. Warranty and liability. Seller warrants that the goods shall conform to the specifications, be of merchantable quality and fit for their intended purpose. In case of services, seller warrants that they shall be performed in a professional and workmanlike manner. Seller represents certifies that (1) all materials incorporated into the goods or services comply with all applicable laws including, but not limited to, all laws regarding (a) child labour and human trafficking and (b) export controls of the country or countries in which they are doing business and (2) Seller complies with all laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, the above-mentioned laws and laws and regulations regarding anti-corruption, anti-money-laundering, organised crime and related areas applicable to it. Seller agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Buyer harmless, from and against any and all demands, claims, causes of action, damages, liabilities, losses, costs (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees and court costs) and expenses arising out of, or in connection with, the goods/services or Buyer's use of the goods/services. 10. Intellectual Property. Seller warrants that the goods or services shall not breach any third party intellectual property rights and agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Buyer harmless, from and against any and all demands, claims, causes of action, damages, liabilities, losses, costs (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees and court costs) and expenses arising out of, or in connection with, infringements of third parties intellectual property rights resulting from the goods/services or Buyer's use of the good/services. Any intellectual property rights arising out of, or in connection with the services shall belong to Buyer. 11. Confidentiality. The order and all information received from Buyer in connection with the order shall be treated by seller as confidential. 12. English version. In case of translation of these general conditions of purchase, the English version shall prevail. 13. Non-Assignment. Assignment of this contract or any interest herein by seller, without the written consent of Buyer, shall be void and of no effect. 14. Subcontracting. Seller shall not subcontract or delegate performance of all or any part of its obligations without the prior written consent of Buyer. 15. Entire Agreement. Buyer's orders or instructions, these General Conditions of Purchase, and any other documents issued by Buyer or agreed in writing by Buyer, together constitute the entire agreement between Buyer and seller, and the complete and exclusive statement of the terms of their agreement. 16. Applicable law and jurisdiction. This contract shall be governed by the law of the place of the registered offices of Buyer, excluding the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods. Any dispute arising out of, or in connection with, this contract shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the courts of the place of Buyer's registered office, without prejudice to Buyer's right to take action at the place of seller's registered office.

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