10th Samacheer Kalvi Science - 5 Marks

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SCIENCE (5 MARK QUESTIONS) BIOLOGY 1. Human evolution has a record of changes for the past 15 million years. a) Name the different species of mankind in chronological order from primitive to modern man. b) When were the primitive cases developed? c) Narrate the life led by early man like hominids. 2. Kala has delivered a baby a) Suggest the immunization schedule for the baby, in the first six months. b) What are all the diseases that can be cured as per the schedule? 3. 15th October is observed as hand washing day a) Tell your friend the effects of hand washing. b) In a day, what are the occasions in which you wash your hand? 4. a) Name the process by which the fruit is developed. b) Give the development process in brief. c) Draw a neat diagram of that process and label. 5. a) Write the two events involved in the sexual reproduction of the plant. b) Discuss the first event and write the types. c) Give advantages and disadvantages of that event. 6. a) Fruit is the product of fertilization. Is there any fruit formed without the act of fertilization? b) Represent the classification of fruits in a diagrammatic sketch. 7. Compare aggregate fruit with multiple fruit with suitable examples. 8. Describe the structure of dicot seed. 9. Compare the respiration in higher plants with the respiration in lower plants. 10. Classify the following substance: a) wood, paper, plastic and grasses b) Give detailed account on your classification. 11. In your area, there is scarcity of water. Due to this the people are affected. So what are the measures to be taken by you to meet out the scarcity of water. 12. Smoke, smoke everywhere smoke. Do you agree this situation is good for health. List out the Harmful effect of coal burning.


CHEMISTRY 13. Can rusting of iron nail occur in distilled water? Justify your answer. 14. Why cannot aluminium metal be obtained by the reduction of aluminium oxide with coke? 15. Iron reacts with con.Hcl and Con. H2So4. But it does not react with con.HNO3. Suggest your answer with proper reason. 16. To design the body of the aircraft aluminium alloys are used. Give your reason. 17. X is a silvery white metal. X reacts with oxygen to form Y. The same compound is obtained from the metal on reaction with steam with the liberation of hydrogen gas. Identify X and Y. 18. Homologous series predict the properties of the members of hydrogen carbon. Justify this statement through its characteristics. 19. Fill in the blanks using suitable formula in the given table. No 1 2 3 Alkaline C2H6 Propane C4H10 Butane Alkene Alkyne .......Ethene C3H6 Propane .......Butene

C2H2 Ethyne Propyne .........Butyne

20. Write the common name and I UPAC name of the following: a) CH3CH2CHO b) CH3COCH3 c) CH3 CH CH3 d) CH3COOH e) HCHO OH

PHYSICS 21. a) Newtons First Law of motion gives a qualitative definition of force. Justify. b) The figure represents two bodies of masses 10 ms-1 and 5 ms-1 respectively. They are colliding with each other. After collision they are moving with vehicles 12 ms-1 and 4 ms-1 respectively. The time of collision be 2s. Then calculate F1 and F2.

22. a) Space stations are used to study the effects of long space fight on the human body. Justify. b) F=G m1 m2/d2 is the mathematical form of newtons law of gravitation, G gravitational constant, m1 m2 are the masses of two bodies separated by a distance d then give the statement of newtons law of gravitation. 23. The retractive index of diamond is 2.42. What is the meaning of this statement in relation to speed of light?

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