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JPMorgan Funds JF India Fund

Share class: JF A (acc) - USD

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A S&Pfundrating(asat31/01/07) S&Pfundstars(asat31/01/07)

550 500



450 400 350 300 250

JFA(acc)USD BenchmarkA


200 150


100 31/01/02 31/01/03 31/01/04 31/01/05 31/01/06 31/01/07

Toprovidelongtermcapitalgrowthbyinvestingprimarily inIndiancompanies.

JFA(acc)USD BenchmarkA 1month 1.59% 2.55% 3months 12.38% 11.80% 1year 37.33% 43.96% 3years 171.80% 160.02% 5years 439.83% 397.84% 10years 672.92% 295.64%

Fundmanager(s) Clientportfoliomanager(s) Fundsize(asat01/03/07) Fundlaunchdate Shareclasslaunchdate ISIN Umbrellaname Fundlegalstructure EdwardPulling RukhshadShroff AdamMatthews USD3,740.9m 31/08/95 31/03/05 LU0210527015 JPMorganFunds SICAV

JFA(acc)USD BenchmarkA 3years 39.56% 37.51% 5years 40.10% 37.85% 10years 22.69% 14.74%

JFA(acc)USD BenchmarkA YTD 1.59% 2.55% 2006 49.20% 51.00% 2005 43.02% 37.57% 2004 24.79% 19.10% 2003 103.08% 85.51%

JFA(acc)USD BenchmarkA 2007/2006 37.33% 43.96% 2006/2005 57.10% 50.63% 2005/2004 25.98% 19.91% 2004/2003 108.47% 87.66% 2003/2002 4.73% 2.03%

Fundcharges Initialcharge 5.00% Annualmanagement&advisoryfee 1.50% Operating&administrativeexpenses 0.60% Redemptioncharge 0.50% TER(TotalExpenseRatio)=AnnualMgt&AdvisoryFee+ Operating&Admin.expenses

Stockname BharatHeavyElectricals BhartiAirtel Larsen&Toubro InfosysTechnologies AssociatedCement Mahindra&Mahindra SatyamComputerServices HousingDevelopmentFinance IciciBank GujaratAmbujaCement Economicsector Industrials TelecommunicationServices Industrials InformationTechnology Materials ConsumerDiscretionary InformationTechnology Financials Financials Materials


Weight 6.2% 6.1% 5.9% 5.8% 5.2% 5.0% 4.6% 4.0% 3.4% 3.2%

Youshouldrememberthatpastperformanceisnotaguidetothefuture.Thepriceofinvestmentsandtheincomefromthemmayfallaswellasriseand investorsmaynotgetbackthefullamountinvested.
AllperformancedetailsareNAVNAVwithgrossincomereinvested. Allperformancefigurespriortothe31/03/05relatetotheA(dist)shareclasswithgrossincomereinvested. Source:JPM/JPMorganChase

JPMorgan Funds JF India Fund

Share class: JF A (acc) - USD
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Correlation Alpha Beta Annualisedvolatility Sharperatio Trackingerror Informationratio


Sector Industrials Financials InformationTechnology TelecommunicationServices Materials ConsumerDiscretionary Utilities HealthCare ConsumerStaples Energy Cash Total Fund 19.1% 16.5% 14.3% 10.4% 10.1% 9.6% 5.7% 5.3% 3.2% 3.0% 2.8% 100.0% BenchmarkA 9.4% 20.7% 21.5% 5.2% 6.8% 6.8% 2.4% 5.0% 6.0% 16.2% 0.0% 100.0%


3years 0.97 0.32 0.93 21.69 1.62 5.69 0.23

5years 0.96 0.31 0.94 22.46 1.59 6.45 0.24

Theinformationabovemaydifferfromfigurespublishedelsewheredue todifferencesinthestandarddeviationcalculationmethodologyused. Theabovefiguresarequotedbaseduponthepopulationmethodology.

Bloomberg ISIN Reuters Sedol Valoren WKN JPINAAULX LU0210527015 LU0210527015.LUF B1FMZH9 2051156 A0DQQN

Deviation 9.7% 4.2% 7.2% 5.2% 3.3% 2.8% 3.3% 0.3% 2.8% 13.2% 2.8% 0.0%

From01/02/98to31/07/03thebenchmarkwastheBombaySENationalPriceIndex.Priorto01/02/98thebenchmarkwastheBombayStockExchange200Index.On01/08/03the benchmarkforthisFundwaschangedfromagrossdividendsreinvestedbasistonetdividendsreinvestedasthisbetterreflectsthetaxstatusoftheFund. B Asat01/09/06theinvestmentobjectiveoftheFundwaschangedtoharmonisethewordingacrosstheFundrange.

JPMorgan Funds JF India Fund

Share class: JF A (acc) - USD
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q q q q

ThissinglecountryfundinvestsexclusivelyinIndia,aimingtocapitaliseontheinvestmentopportunitiesthatexistincompaniesfromthisfast growingmarket. Indiaisconsideredtobethesoftware'centreofexcellence'forAsiaandhasemergedasarelocationsiteforglobalcompanies'helpdesk functions,whoaredrawnbythecountry'sEnglishspeakingskillsandlowerlabourcosts. InvestorsbenefitfromactivemanagementatthestocklevelasJPMtypicallylookstocapitaliseoninhousestockselectionexpertisewithinIndia. TheFundissuitableforinvestorslookingtoenhanceinvestmentreturnsthroughaconcentratedexposurewithinthisregion.

The opinions expressed in this report are those held by the authors at the time of going to print. The views expressed herein are not to be taken as advice or recommendation to sell or buy shares. This material should not be relied on as including sufficient information to support an investment decision. Telephone lines are recorded and may be monitored for security and training purposes. For up-to-date information and performance data please contact your JPMorgan Asset Management representative. You should remember that past performance is not a guide to the future. The price of investments and the income from them may fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the full amount invested. Please note that the fund star ratings are as at the end of the calendar month but are calculated by Standard & Poors based on the previous months performance data. When a subscription involves a foreign exchange transaction, it may be subject to the fluctuations of currency values. Exchange rates may also cause the value of underlying overseas investments to go up or down. Investments in emerging markets may involve a higher element of risk due to political and economic instability and underdeveloped markets and systems. Investments in smaller companies may involve a higher degree of risk as small cap markets tend to be much more volatile than their larger capitalisation counterparts. Where a fund invests in non-investment grade bonds an increased risk to the capital will arise. The document should be read in conjunction with the Prospectus. All transactions should be based on the latest available prospectus and local offering document (as applicable) which contain more information regarding charges, entry fees and minimum investment amount. A copy of the Prospectus, local offering document, annual report, semi-annual report and the articles of incorporation of the JPMorgan Investment Funds, JPMorgan Funds, JPMorgan Liquidity Funds and JPMorgan Lux Funds are available free of charge upon request from JPMorgan Asset Management (Europe) S. r.l., European Bank and Business Centre, 6 route de Trves, L-2633 Senningerberg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, your financial adviser or your regional contact. Please consult your tax or legal advisor about any issues regarding accounting, legal or tax advice, or investment recommendations discussed here. Materials issued in the United Kingdom will be approved for use by JPMorgan Asset Management Marketing Limited, 125 London Wall, London EC2Y 5AY. JPMorgan Asset Management Marketing Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority and is part of the JPMorgan Asset Management marketing group that sells investments, life assurance and pension products. Investors should note that there is no right to cancel an agreement to purchase shares under the Rules of the Financial Services Authority and that the normal protections provided by the UK regulatory system do not apply and compensation under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme is not available. Issued in all other jurisdictions by JPMorgan Asset Management Europe S. r.l.

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