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2009 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential

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Understanding Accrual Reconciliation Process and Troubleshooting in R12

Pramod Sethi Pitchai Gopalakrishnan
2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential

Overview Of Accruals Setups Accrual Reconciliation Programs Reconciliation Data flow Common Reconciliation Issues Accrual Diagnostics Script Demonstration

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential

Overview Of Accruals
Accruals are accumulation of expense that is recognized before cash is paid. Accruals are liabilities to pay for goods or services that have been received but have not been paid or invoiced. Examples
Wages payable Sales tax payable Rent payable

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential

Types of Purchase Accruals

Types of Purchase Accruals
Online Accruals Period end Accruals
Online Accruals Inventory and Expense items Accruals generated while saving the receipts Accruals can be viewed from View Accounting form Accruals are knocked off when invoiced Accrue On Receipt = Yes Period end Accruals Only Expense items Accruals generated during period end for uninvoiced receipts Cannot be viewed from View Accounting form Accruals are reversed in next period. Accrue On Receipt = No

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential

Accrual Accounting Entries

Online Accruals
Receive Deliver Invoice

Accounting Entries
Accrual Receiving Inspection Receiving Inspection Inventory Valuation Supplier Control Accrual Cr Dr Cr Dr Cr Dr

Period end Accruals

Receive Invoice

Accounting Entries
Accrual Expense Supplier Control Expense Cr (Dr) Dr (Cr) Cr Dr

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential

Overview Of Accruals Setups Accrual Reconciliation Programs Reconciliation Data flow Common Reconciliation Issues Accrual Diagnostics Script Demonstration

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential

Defining Expense Accrual Options
At Receipt Period End

Expense A/P accrual account

This account is used to accrue payables liability for expense items at time of receipt. This account is used to accrue payables liability for expense items by receipt period end accrual process. Navigation Purchasing responsibility > Setup > Organizations > Purchasing Options

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential

Setup Expense AP Accrual Account

select expense_accrual_code,inventory_accrual_code,accrued_code_combination_id from po_system_parameters_all where ORG_ID=&OU_ID

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential

Setup Inventory Accrual Account

Inventory A/P accrual account
This account is used to accrue payables liability when inventory items are received. Navigation Inventory responsibility > Organization >Parameters > Other Accounts

Declare the accruals accounts

Before starting the reconciliation declare the accounts Navigation Purchasing responsibility > Accounting > Accrual Write Off > Select Accrual Accounts

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


Setup Inventory Accrual Account

select ap_accrual_account from mtl_parameters where organization_id=&INV_ORG_ID;

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


Setup Accrual Accounts

select * from cst_accrual_accounts where operating_unit_id=&OU_ID

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


Overview Of Accruals Setups Accrual Reconciliation Programs Reconciliation Data flow Common Reconciliation Issues Accrual Diagnostics Script Demonstration

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


Accrual Reconciliation Programs

Below programs are used for online accrual reconciliation process
Create Accounting Receiving / Cost Management Transfer Journal entries to GL Accrual Reconciliation Load Run AP and PO Accrual Reconciliation Report Miscellaneous Accrual Reconciliation Report Summary Accrual Reconciliation Report Account Analysis Report

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


Accrual Reconciliation Programs

Create Accounting Receiving / Cost Management
Transfers the data from receiving/ inventory subledgers to SLA. Create journals in SLA . Transfer and posting journals to GL can also be done.

Transfer Journal Entries to GL

Transfers journals entries to GL Posting the transferred journals can also be done.

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


Purchase Accrual Process

Receive Purchase Order

Receiving Transaction Processor

rcv_transactions rcv_receiving_sub_ledger

Create AccountingReceiving/Cost Mgt

xla_distributions_links xla_ae_headers xla_ae_links

Transfer to Journal Entries to GL

gl_je_headers gl_je_lines gl_import_references

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


Inventory Accrual Process

Inventory miscellaneous transactions

Cost Manager


Consignment transactions Create Accounting-Cost Management xla_distributions_links xla_ae_headers xla_ae_links

Transfer to Journal Entries to GL

gl_je_headers gl_je_lines gl_import_references

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


Payables Accrual Process

Payables Invoices

ap_invoice_distributions_ all

Create Accounting

xla_distributions_links xla_ae_headers xla_ae_links

Transfer to Journal Entries to GL

gl_je_headers gl_je_lines gl_import_references

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


Accrual Reconciliation Load Run

Accrual Reconciliation Load Run
The Load program is used to populate the accrual reconciliation tables with all the necessary transaction data needed to perform the reconciliation process. All the affected Po distributions within the date range will be deleted first and current/updated values for the transactions in the date range will be appended to existing data In upgraded instance Ignores the From Date specified and runs from the start of transaction history In upgraded instance upgrades the write off transactions from 11i and loads them into cst_write_offs and cst_write_off_details table.

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


Load Run Data Flow

xla_distributions_links xla_ae_headers xla_ae_links

Accrual Reconciliation Load Run

cst_reconciliation_build cst_reconciliation_summary cst_ap_po_reconciliation cst_misc_reconciliation

CSTACCLB.pls is file associated to Accrual Reconciliation Load run program

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


Load Run Log file

Accrual Reconciliation Load Run program log file
CSTACRLR module: Accrual Reconciliation Load Run +-----------------------------------------------------------------------**Starts**17-DEC-2012 14:57:37 **Ends**17-DEC-2012 14:57:37 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Start of log messages from FND_FILE +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ start_accrual_load + l_stmt_num :5 p_from_date :2012/11/01 00:00:00 p_to_date :2012/11/30 00:00:00 l_operating_unit:228 accrual_load+ p_operating_unit:228 p_from_date := 2012/11/01 00:00:00 p_to_date := 2012/11/30 00:00:00 l_stmt_num:5 l_req_arg:2012/11/01 00:00:00 l_req_running:1 l_stmt_num:10 l_acc_accounts:0 EXCEPTION FND_API.g_exc_error IN accrual_load l_stmt_num :10 x_msg_count:0 x_msg_data : accrual_load - l_err_status:E accrual_load - l_err_count :0 accrual_load - l_err_data : start_accrual_load+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ End of log messages from FND_FILE +------------------------------------------------------------------------

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


Accrual Reconciliation Reports

AP and PO Accrual Reconciliation Report
Shows the transaction details based on each accrual account for each PO distribution with the Receiving transaction amount and invoice transaction amount with a net balance greater than zero.

Miscellaneous Accrual Reconciliation Report

Shows the transaction details based on each accrual account which got hit because of Miscellaneous Inventory transactions and AP NO PO transactions.

Summary Accrual Reconciliation Report

Shows the total balances for each accrual account without any distribution details and individual transaction amount.

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


Overview Of Accruals Setups Accrual Reconciliation Programs Reconciliation Data flow Common Reconciliation Issues Accrual Diagnostics Script Demonstration

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


Reconciliation Data Flow

Setup Accrual Account

Accrual Load Run

AP & PO Reconciliation Report

Summary Reconciliation Report

Miscellaneous Reconciliation Report

AP & PO Write Off

Miscellaneous Write Off

Write-Off Report

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


Table Information

A record is inserted into this table each time Accrual Reconciliation Load run program is submitted. To verify whether Accrual load run program is run for the period this table data has to be checked.

Summary Accrual Reconciliation report picks data from cst_reconciliation_summary which gets populated during the load run process.

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


Table Information
AP and PO Accrual Reconciliation Report picks data from cst_ap_po_reconciliaiton which gets populated during the load run process.

Miscellaneous Accrual Reconciliation report picks data from cst_misc_reconciliation which gets populated during the load run process.

Write off data is stored in cst_write_offs Write off report picks data from this table.

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


Overview Of Accruals Setups Accrual Reconciliation Programs Reconciliation Data flow Common Reconciliation Issues Accrual Diagnostics Script Demonstration

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


Common Reconciliation Issues

Data not transferred from sub ledgers to SLA Data not transferred from SLA to GL Data corruption like
Negative Ledger id in GL Tables Data marked as transferred in SLA but not reached GL. Data marked as not transferred in SLA, but reached GL Records missing gl sl link id

Accrual account not unique. Periods are not upgraded in R12 instance which is migrated from 11i

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


Upgrade Process
The below options are available to upgrade 11i accrual transactions
SLA Pre-Upgrade, SLA Post-Upgrade and Hot Patch.

During the upgrade, existing accounting data from the subledgers (i.e., Costing, Payables) is upgraded into the new Oracle Subledger Accounting (SLA) data model. For more information refer note
Note 604893.1 -R12.0 and R12.1: FAQ for the SLA Upgrade: SLA Pre-Upgrade, Post-Upgrade and Hot Patch

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


Accrual Balance before Upgrade

In 11i
Transaction Type Receive Invoice Transaction Date 01-JAN-2012 Transaction Qty 10 Accrual Balance ($) -100 100

01-DEC-2011 10

Net accrual balance = 0 Pre upgrade done from 01-JAN-2012 to 31-OCT-2012

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


Periods upgraded before R12 Upgrade

JAN 2005 JUL 2007 . DEC 2009 . AUG 2011 .. JAN 2012 . OCT 2012
Data in this date range is upgraded using SLA Pre-Upgrade program

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


Accrual Balance after Pre-upgrade

In R12
Transaction Type Receive Invoice Transaction Date 01-DEC-2011 01-JAN-2012 XLA Accrual Balance ($) 0 100 GL Accrual Balance ($) -100 100

Net accrual balance in XLA = 0+100= 100 Net accrual balance in GL = - 100 +100 = 0

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


Periods upgraded in R12

Periods upgraded after R12 upgrade JAN 2005 JUL 2007 . DEC 2009 JAN 2010 DEC 2011 JAN 2012 . OCT 2012
Data in this date range is upgraded using SLA Pre-Upgrade program Data in this date range is upgraded using SLA Post-Upgrade program

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


Accrual Balance after Post-upgrade

In R12
Transaction Type Receive Invoice Transaction Date 01-DEC-2011 01-JAN-2012 XLA Accrual Balance ($) -100 100 GL Accrual Balance ($) -100 100

Net accrual balance in XLA = -100+100 = 0 Net accrual balance in GL = - 100 +100 = 0

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


If all periods are not upgraded(partial upgrade) then as on date accruals balances in XLA and GL will never match. If some accruals transactions in the upgraded periods have data missing in XLA tables then follow below note
Note 1472099.1 - Missing Accounting Entries In SLA For Transactions In Upgraded Periods

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


Use different accruals account for period end and online accruals. Ensure accrual account is not same as the below accounts
Charge account Receiving Inspection account Budget account Variance account Supplier liability account

Do not use Uninvoiced Receipt Report to reconcile online accruals.

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


Upgrade the CSTACCLB.pls file version to the highest version.
Product Ver. R12.0.X R12.1.X Latest file Ver. Patch 120.23.12000000.47 12951241:R12.BOM.A 120.27.12010000.39 13630026:R12.BOM.C

Run the Accrual Load program for incremental periods. Run the Accrual Load program for overlapping periods only if back dated transactions are done.

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


Overview Of Accruals Setups Accrual Reconciliation Programs Accrual Data flow Common Reconciliation Issues Accrual Diagnostics Script Demonstration

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


Accrual Diagnostics script

The Accrual Diagnostics script is designed to be run when there is a reconciliation issue between subledger and GL. The script is designed to spool full table contents to a html file. The script is being created to allow customers to run a single script to retrieve all data from various tables instead of having to run individual scripts - spooling to multiple files. The script is applicable only for R12 customers. The script is applicable only for discrete manufacturing and not process manufacturing customers. This script is not applicable for customers using Period Average Costing.

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


Script Input Parameters

It requires below as inputs :
Accrual Code Combination ID
Enter the Accrual Code Combination ID for the problematic Accrual Account

Start Date
Enter the Start Date of Reconciliation in Format: DD-MON-YYYY

End Date
Enter the End Date of Reconciliation in Format: DD-MON-YYYY

Ledger ID
Enter the Ledger ID for the reconciliation

Operating Unit ID
Enter the Operating Unit ID for the reconciliation

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


Reconciliation Steps
What is accrual balance in GL for Cost Management and Payables sources ? What is accrual balance in SLA for Cost Management and Payables sources ? Whether GL and SLA balances are matching ? If not matching check for known causes
In upgraded instance Is the respective periods upgraded ? Is there records missing gl sl link id ? Is there is any unposted journals ? Any data with Negative Ledger_id in GL tables. ? Any data marked as transferred in SLA but not reached GL. ? Any data marked as not transferred in SLA, but reached GL ?

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


KM Notes
1478292.1 -R12 Accrual Reconciliation Diagnostics And Troubleshooting Guide 1107953.1 -R12 Accrual Balance Mismatch Between Accrual Reconciliation Report and GL - Troubleshooting 1117353.1 - R12: Discrepancies with Accrual Reconciliation Report Troubleshooting 866733.1 -How To Diagnose Inventory Accruals And Accrual Write Off Issues 1126025.1 -R12: Discrepancies With Accrual Reconciliation Report For Consigned Items - Troubleshooting 883557.1 -R12: How To Avoid and Fix Corruption in Data Transfer from SLA Negative Ledger_ID, Not Reached GL, Duplicate in GL 604893.1 -R12.0 and R12.1: FAQ for the SLA Upgrade: SLA Pre-Upgrade, Post-Upgrade, and Hot Patch 1472099.1 -Missing Accounting Entries In SLA For Transactions In Upgraded Periods

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


Overview Of Accruals Setups Accrual Reconciliation Programs Accrual Data flow Common Reconciliation Issues Accrual Diagnostics Script Demonstration

2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential



2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential




2010 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential


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