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have contacted the collection agency using our debt validation meth ods, and they have failed to send you adequate proof of your legal obligation to pay a debt, this is the letter you need to write to the credit bureaus. Company Address1 Address2 City, State Zip Date RE: Account XXXXX-XXXX-XXXXX Dear Sir/Madame: I am continually being called on the telephone by your firm over an alleged $900 0 debt. I'm sure you are aware of the provisions in the Fair Debt Collection Pr actices Act (FDCPA), and I am requesting validation of this debt. I am requesti ng proof that I am indeed the party you are asking to pay this debt, and there i s some contractual obligation which is binding on me to pay this debt. I reques t that you stop contacting us on the telephone and restrict your contact with us to writing, and only when you can provide adequate validation of this alleged d ebt. To refresh your memory on what constitutes legal validation, I am giving a list of the required documentation: Complete payment history, the requirement of which has been established via Spea rs v Brennan 745 N.E.2d 862; 2001 Ind. App. LEXIS 509 and Agreement that bears the signature of the alleged debtor wherein he agreed to pa y the original creditor. Letter of sale or assignment from the original creditor to your company. (Agreem ent with your client that grants you the authority to collect on this alleged de bt.) Coppola v. Arrow Financial Services, 302CV577, 2002 WL 32173704(D.Conn., Oct. 29, 2002) - Information relating to the purchase of a bad debt is not prop rietary or burdensome. Debtor must phrase their request clearly to obtain: The s ource of a debt and the amount a bad debt buyer paid for plaintiff's debt, how a mount sought was calculated, where in issue a list of reports to credit bureaus, and documents conferring authority on defendant to collect debt. Intimate knowledge of the creation of the debt by you, the collection agency I'm sure you know, under FDCPA Section 809 (b), you are not allowed to pursue co llection activity until the debt is validated. You should be made aware that in TWYLA BOATLEY, Plaintiff, vs. DIEM CORPORATION, No. CIV 03-0762 UNITED STATES D ISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF ARIZONA, 2004, the courts ruled that reporting a collection account indeed is considered collection activity. While I prefer not to litigate, I will use the courts as needed to enforce my ri ghts under the FCRA. I look forward to an uneventful resolution of this matter. Sincerely, Signature Your Name Your Address City, State Zip


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