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Copyright 2002 Chicago Sun-Times, Inc.

Chicago Sun-Times May 31, 2002 Friday HEADLINE: 4th woman sues Kelly over sex tape BYLINE: Abdon M. Pallasch; Jim DeRogatis BODY: Another woman has filed suit against R&B superstar R. Kelly. Montina "Tina" Woods, 33, a Chicago dancer who tours with the Isley brothers, said she never knew Kelly was secretly taping her sexual encounter with him at his recording studio, Chicago Trax. The tape has made its way into a collage of three Kelly sexual encounters, bootleg versions of which are available on street corners across America. Woods "had a right to privacy to prevent her personal image from being recorded for the purpose of his personal gratification and possible dissemination to the public," the suit filed in Cook County Circuit Court states. "R. Kelly should have known this was likely to cause severe emotional harm and economic harm to [Woods]," the suit states. This brings to four the number of women who have sued Kelly in Cook County for inappropriate sexual behavior; two of them were under age. Kelly settled with two of the women. A fifth woman settled with Kelly out of court before filing suit, attorney Susan Loggans said. Those five do not include the then-14-year-old girl who appears on a 26-minute videotape engaging in sex acts with a man who appears to be Kelly. That tape was sent anonymously to the Sun-Times and turned over to Chicago police. Police investigated the tape and turned over evidence to the Cook County state's attorney, which empaneled a grand jury. Bringing the total number of women to at least seven is Aaliyah, the young singer and actress killed in a plane crash last year. Kelly married her when she was 15 and he was 27 in 1994. Her family annulled the marriage when they found out. They said Kelly encouraged Aaliyah to falsify her age. "R. Kelly has been aware of his acts for over 10 years that constitute violations of criminal statutes and flagrantly displays disregard of the law by way of his negligence from causing further harm to females," Woods' lawsuit states. Kelly's attorney said he had not seen the lawsuit and so could not comment. The suit states, "Kelly set up a hidden camera, prepared his office and background for the exclusive purpose of secretly recording Miss Woods." The tape includes nude dancing and sex acts. Patrice Jones, whose lawsuit against Kelly is pending, said the singer had sex with her, too, at his Chicago Trax recording studio. Jones said Kelly coerced her into a sexual relationship after meeting her at the Rock and Roll McDonald's on her senior prom night. They had sex 20 to 30 times before her 17th birthday and she got pregnant, she said. Kelly forced her to get an abortion,

her suit states. LOAD-DATE: June 18, 2002

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