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ENGINEERING COLLEGE, KARUR DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING INTERNAL TEST-I DESIGN OF MACHINE ELEMENTS Year/Semester & Branch: III Year/V Semester B.E. Mech.Engg. (A & B Sections) Faculty Name: M.Sathishkumar Date: Max. Marks: 50 Time: 100 min PART-A Answer ALL Questions (5x2=10 Marks) 1. Differentiate between keys and splines. 2. What is meant by shaft? List the various types of stresses induced in the shaft. 3. State repeated stresses and fluctuating stresses. 4. List any two reasons for preferring hollow shaft over solid shaft. 5. Define endurance limit or fatigue limit. PART-B Answer ALL Questions (8+16+16=40 Marks) 6. (a) (i) Determine the rectangular key for shaft of 50 mm diameter. The shearing and crushing stresses for the key material are 42 MPa and 70 MPa. (4) (ii) A 15 kW, 960 rpm motor has a mild steel shaft of 40 mm diameter and the extension being 75 mm. The permissible shear and crushing stresses for the mild steel key are 56 MPa and 112 MPa. Design the keyway in the motor for shaft extension. Check the shear strength of the key against the normal strength of the shaft. (4) OR 6. (b) (i) Design a taper key for a shaft of diameter 100 mm transmitting 60 kW at 300 rpm. The allowable compressive stress may be taken as 175 N/m m2. (4) (ii) A square key 10x10x75 mm dimension is required to transmit 1100 N-m torque from a 60 mm diameter solid shaft. Determine whether the length is sufficient or not if the permissible shear stress and crushing stress intensities limited to 60 MPa and 170 MPa respectively. (4) 7. (a) A pulley is keyed to a shaft midway between two anti friction bearings. The bending moment at the pulley varies from -170N-m to 510N-m as the torsional moment in the shaft varies from 55 Nm to 165 N-m. The frequency of the variation of the loads is the same as the shaft speed. The shaft is made of cold drawn steel having an ultimate strength of 538 MPa and yield strength of 400 MPa. Determine the required diameter for an infinite life. The stress concentration factor for the keyway in bending and torsion may be taken as 1.6 and 1.3 respectively. Use design factor N = 1.5. (16) OR 7. (b) A simply supported beam has a concentrated at the centre which fluctuates from a value of P to 4P. The span of the beam is 500 mm and its cross section is circular with a diameter of 60 mm. Taking for the beam material an ultimate stress of 700 MPa, a yield stress of 500 MPa, endurance limit of 330 MPa for reversed bending and a factor of safety of 1.3, calculate the maximum value of P. Take a size factor of 0.85 and a surface finish factor of 0.9 (16) 8. (a) A shaft is supported on bearings A and B, 800 mm between centers. A 20 straight tooth spur gear having 60 mm pitch diameter, is located 200 mm to the right of the left hand bearing A, and a 700 mm diameter pulley is mounted 250 mm towards the left of bearing B. The gear is driven by a pinion with a downward tangential force while the pulley drives a horizontal belt having 180 angle of wrap. The pulley also serves as a flywheel and weighs 2000 N. The maximum belt tension is 3000 N and the tension ratio is 3: 1. Determine the maximum bending moment and the necessary shaft diameter if the allowable shear stress of the material is 40 MPa. (16) OR 8. (b) A hollow transmission shaft, having inside diameter 0.6 times the outside diameter is made of plain carbon steel 40C8 and the factor of safety is 3. A belt pulley, 1000 mm in diameter, is mounted on the shaft, which overhangs the left hand bearing by 250 mm. The belts are vertical
Form No. AC 08a Rev.No. 01 Effective Date: 08/08/2011

and transmit power to the machine shaft below the pulley. The tension on the tight and slack side of the belt is 3 kN and 1 kN respectively, while the weight of the pulley is 500 N. The angle of wrap of the belt on the pulley is 180. Calculate the outside and inside diameter of the shaft. (16) Prepared by (M.Sathishkumar) Approved by

(M.Arun) V.S.B. ENGINEERING COLLEGE, KARUR DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING UNIT TEST-I DESIGN OF MACHINE ELEMENTS Year/Semester & Branch: III Year/V Semester B.E. Mech.Engg. (A & B Sections) Faculty Name: M.Sathishkumar Date: Max. Marks: 50 Time: 100 min PART-A Answer ALL Questions (5x2=10 Marks) 1. Mention the various types of keys and define Gib-head key. 2. List the various types of shaft and define transmission shaft and machine shaft. 3. State completely reversed or cyclic stresses and alternating stresses. 4. What is meant by whirling or critical speed of shaft? 5. Define endurance strength. PART-B Answer ALL Questions (8+16+16=40 Marks) 6. (a) A 40 kW power at 300 rpm is transmitted from 50 mm diameter shaft by means of Kennedy keys. The keys are made of C50 steel having yield strength 390 N/mm2 and the factor of safety of 3. Design the key. (8) OR 6. (b) Design a woodruff key to transmit 5 kW power at 300 rpm. The key is made of C45 steel and the factor of safety is 2. (8) 7. (a) A hot rolled steel shaft of 40 mm diameter is subjected to a torsional moment that varies from 330 N-m to -110 N-m and an applied bending moment which varies from 440 N-M to -220N-m. The material of the shaft has an ultimate strength of 550 MN/m2 and yield strength of 410 MN/m2. Determine the required shaft diameter. Take the endurance limit to be half the ultimate strength and size factor and surface finish factor to be 0.85 and 0.62. (16) OR 7. (b) A steel cantilever is 200 mm long. It is subjected to an axial load which varies from 150 N (compression) to 450 N (tension) and also a transverse load at its free end which varies from 80 N to 120 N. The cantilever is of circular cross section. It is of diameter 2d for the first 50 mm and of diameter d for the remaining length. Determine its diameter taking a factor of safety of 2. Assume the following values: Yield stress = 330 MPa, Endurance limit in reversed bending = 300 MPa, Correction factors for reversed axial bending and reversed bending are 0.7 and 1, Stress concentration factors for bending and axial loading are 1.44 and 1.64, Size effect factor = 0.85, surface effect factor = 0.90 and notch sensitivity index = 0.90. (16)

8. (a) A mild steel shaft transmits 23 kW at 200 rpm. It carries a central load of 900 N and is simply supported between the bearings 2.5 m apart. Determine the size of the shaft, if the allowable shear
Form No. AC 08a Rev.No. 01 Effective Date: 08/08/2011

stress is 42 MPa and the maximum tensile or compressive stress is not to exceed 56 MPa. What size of the shaft will be required, if it is subjected to gradually applied loads? (16) OR 8. (b) Power is transmitted to a shaft supported on bearings, 900 mm apart, by a belt drive, running on a 450 mm pulley, which overhangs the right bearing by 200 mm. Power is transmitted from the shaft through a belt drive, running on a 250 mm pulley, located mid-way between the bearings. The belt drives are at right angle to each other and the ratio of belt tensions is 3; with the maximum tension in both the belts being limited to 2kN. Determine the diameter of the shaft, assuming permissible tensile and shear stresses are 100 MPa and 60 MPa respectively. (16) Prepared by (M.Sathishkumar) Approved by (M.Arun)

Form No. AC 08a

Rev.No. 01

Effective Date: 08/08/2011

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