GameFAQs Shin Megami Tensei Persona 4 (PS2) Quest FAQ by ssk9716757

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*Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4: Quest FAQ* by *ssk9716757* </users/ssk9716757/contributions> *Version:* 1.

00 | *Last Updated:* 2009-05-23 | *View/Download Original File* <> Hosted by GameFAQs </> Return to *Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 (PS2) FAQs & Guides* </ps2/945498-shin-megami-tensei-persona-4/faqs> *Liked this FAQ? Click here to recommend this item to other users.* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------S H I N M E G A M I T E N S E I : P E R S O N A 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------.,. .DN8$. DMDDNN. IDNDDDDDN. ..DNDDDDDDNN .NDDDDDDDDDN .:8DDDDDDDDDDD. .DNDDDDDDDDDDDN .NDDN7.NDDDDDDDD,. .,DDDD. .NDDDDDDDD. .DDDD.. 8DDDDDDDDD .+NDDN .DDDDDDDDN. .NDDN... ..DDDDDDDDDD ..NDDD8. .DDDDDDDDNM. :NDDD. . NDDDDDDDD, .DDDD: ..MDDDDDDDDD.. .. .MNDNN. .DDDDDDDDDM, ...IDD. .,MDDNNDN. .NDDN.. ..7DDDDDDDDD=. .NDNDD:.. .$NNNNDDDDDDDN. NDDDD. .DDDDDDDDDN8DDNNN .... MDDDDDDDDDDDDDD7 .MNDDN . .NDDDDDDDDDNN.. .. ..DNNDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.. DDDDN.. . MDDDDDDDDN:.. NDDDD. ...DDDDDDDDN. .NNDDD. ..DDDDDDDDDDD, DNDD.... ..DDDDDDDNZ. 8DNDNO. ..DNDDDDDDDDDDDNN. .NDDD .. ..NDDDDDDD .NDDDD . .=DNNNM ..NDDDDDDDND, .DNDD.... ..NDDDDDD7 DDDDD.. ..8NNDN?... . NDDDDDDDDN D8DDDN.. 7DDDDDN. DDDDD. ..ODNDD8 .. . .,DDDDDDDDD+. .NDDDDDDN. .DDDDDN..DDDDD. .DNNDD=.. .NDDDDDDDDN. M...NDDDDO. :DDDDD..ONDDDDDNNDD...... . DDDDDDDDDN.. .. .=DDDDD NDDDN7. 8DDDDDDN.. . .ODDDDDDDNNM...,. . DDDDD .NDDD7. DNDDD8.... .DDDDDDDDDDNDO. .DDDDD~ ,NDDD,..IDD$ .NDDDDDDN ... ..NDDDNN. .ZDND8.. . . ..8DDN8....... ~DDDDD . .DDDD... .NN ... .DDDNN .~NNDN . .... . .DDDDDD.. ?8DDM.... .NDDDDD=DDNN.. ,NDDDDDD= ... .DDDDDN... .NDDDDD. .NDDDDD. 8DDDDDD ..DDDDDD. ..NDDDDN..

..NDDDDN= ..ODDDDDN. .DDDDDD ,DDDDDD... .DDDDDNDMNM .MDDDDNZ ..... .. ..=.... ... Quests FAQ by ssk9716757 Version 1.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you have any questions, comments, corrections, or suggestions feel free to e-mail them to me at [email protected]. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------C O N T E N T S ================= I. Intro/Disclaimer II. Quests III. Credits/Thanks ================= I. I N T R O / D I S C L A I M E R ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello, and welcome to the guide. Persona 4 is an extremely deep and involving game that offers many deviations from the main quest, one of which are the various requests you can fulfill for people. In this guide I'm going to try and detail each quest (there are 50 in all) and let you know exactly what you need to do in order to complete all of them. Completing quests has its own reward. Once you complete a request, the person who made the request will give you a reward. You can also max out the Hermit Social Link with the fox by completing the wishes on each ema that he gives you at Tatsuhime Shrine. The fox will give you a discount on his healing inside the TV for fulfilling the wishes on each ema, and the higher your Social Link level is, the greater the discount. Before moving on, I'd just like to clear up the legal stuff. You can use this guide on your site or any publication as long as you give credit and ask my permission first. Just e-mail me at [email protected]. I'll more than likely give permission, but only if you ask first. These are the sites this guide may be used on currently: As stated above, if you want it on your site simply e-mail me for permission. II. Q U E S T S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------You can accept requests by talking to the person making it and agreeing to fulfill it. You can also view data on the quests you've accepted and completed by going to the menu, selecting System, and then selecting Quest. Quests that

are highlighted in yellow are ones that are currently in progress, and ones highlighted in gray are ones you have completed. If you have not accepted a certain quest, the slot for that quest will simply say "No Quest". =============================================================================== No. 01: Acquire an Angel Statue Date Unlocked: 5/2 In Class 2-2 (your class) there are two girls near the back of the classroom. Talk to the one on the right (Timid Female Student) to accept the request. You need to find an Angel Statue, which are dropped by Avenger Knights in Yukiko's Castle on the sixth and seventh floors. You'll receive 3 Chest Keys for completing the request. =============================================================================== No. 02: Acquire a Demon Statue Date Unlocked: 5/2 Talk to the Shady Student on Classroom Building 2F. He can be found standing in front of the Calligraphy Room. He asks for a Demon Statue, which is dropped by Magical Magus in Yukiko's Castle on the sixth and seventh floors. You'll get 3 Dokudami Teas as a reward. =============================================================================== No. 03: The Girl on the Rooftop Date Unlocked: 4/25 In Class 2-2, talk to the male student standing by the window near the front of the classroom. The student wants to know the hobbies of a girl he likes. Go to the roof and talk to the girl. Ask her about her hobbies, and repeat this for the next three days, asking her about her hobbies on each day. Report to the student after this and he'll give you a Goho-M. =============================================================================== No. 04: Acquire a Ritz Wire Date Unlocked: 5/2 In Practice Building 1F, talk to the kid in front of the Science Lab. Find him a Ritz Wire, which is obtained from the Heat Balances in Yukiko's Castle on the sixth and seventh floors. He'll give you Olympic Tape as a reward. =============================================================================== No. 05: Acquire Mori Ranmaru Shochu Date Unlocked: 5/2 At the Samegawa Flood Plain, run all the way to the left and talk to the guy in the suit. He'll ask for a type of sake called Mori Ranmaru. This can be found in the Twisted Shopping District (Yosuke's dungeon in the TV World). Check the containers on the right. You'll get 4,000 yen as a reward. ===============================================================================

No. 06: I Wish for Love Date Unlocked: 5/6 This is an ema request at Tatsuhime Shrine. After visiting the Fox on 5/5, go back to the shrine the next day and accept the ema's request. Afterward, go back to school and talk to the girl near the shoe lockers on 1F of the Classroom Building. She'll run off. Talk to her again the next day on 2F of the Classroom Building and tell her you read her note. Wait until tomorrow and come back to the same place to talk to her again. The request will be complete. Report to Tatsuhime Shrine to level up the Hermit Social Link. =============================================================================== No. 07: Desk Refurbishing Date Unlocked: 5/18 On 2F of the Practice Building, talk to the girl at the end of the hall (Homely Student). She needs a Fitting Board, which can be found in Yukiko's Castle. It is dropped by Laughing Tables, which are found on the sixth and seventh floors. After giving it to her you'll receive Royal Jelly x5. =============================================================================== No. 08: Book Exchange Date Unlocked: 5/23 Talk to the man outside Yomenaido Bookstore. Give him a Peach Seed in exchange for a book called "The Gentle Way". Peach Seeds are fairly common in treasure chests in any dungeon. =============================================================================== No. 09: Acquire an Old Key Date Unlocked: 6/5 At Samegawa Flood Plain talk to the old woman standing past the stairs. Get her an Old Key, which is dropped by Bribed Fuzz on 1-2F of the Steamy Bathhouse. Your Courage and Knowledge will increase. =============================================================================== No. 10: Extracurricular Activities Date Unlocked 5/18 Classroom Building 2F, talk to Ms. Sofue (all the way at the end of the hall, near the stairs). Get her a Suspicious Pole, which is dropped by Trance Twins in Yukiko's Castle 3-5F. You'll receive 2 Pulsating Stones as a reward. =============================================================================== No. 11: Acquire Coal Date Unlocked: 6/5

In the north side of the Shopping District, talk to the old man near Tatsuhime Shrine. Coal is dropped by the Selfish Basalt in Steamy Bathhouse 7-8F. He will give you 15,000 yen for completing the task. =============================================================================== No. 12: Desk Refurbishing Part 2 Date Unlocked: 6/7 Practice Building 2F, talk to the same girl from the previous desk request (Homely Student). She needs a Reflecting Board, which is dropped by Crying Table in the Steamy Bathhouse 9-10F. You'll receive 2 Snuff Souls. =============================================================================== No. 13: I Wish I Didn't Crave Snacks Date Unlocked: This is unlocked by completing Quest No. 06 This is another ema request. Go to Tatsuhime Shrine and accept the ema's request after completing the previous one. Then go to Shopping District, South, and talk to the woman in front of Shiroku Store. Go find Chie and get the Meat Gum from her, then give it to the woman. Go talk to the Fox afterward to level up the Hermit Social Link. =============================================================================== No. 14: Please Feed the Cat Date Unlocked: 6/3 (Only if you completed Quest No. 08) Talk to the man in front of Yomenaido Bookstore. He'll tell you to feed the cat on Samegawa Flood Plain. The cat only eats fish, so you'll have to catch fish at the riverbed and then feed them to the cat. Feed the cat repeatedly day after day until it is full, and then go talk to the man in front of the bookstore. He'll give you a book called "The Punk's Way". =============================================================================== No. 15: Acquire a Crooked Cross Date Unlocked: 6/7 (You must complete Quest No. 01 first) In Class 2-2, talk to the girl who requested the Angel Statue (Timid Female Student). She'll ask for a Crooked Cross now. This is dropped by Tranquil Idol in the Steamy Bathhouse 7-8F. You'll get 3 Ointments. =============================================================================== No. 16: Acquire a Horn Date Unlocked: 6/9 In Shopping District, South, talk to the old woman in front of Shiroku Store. She needs a horn, which is dropped by Grave Beetle in the Steamy Bathhouse 9-10F. You'll receive 18,000 yen for completing the quest. ===============================================================================

No. 17: Please Find My Younger Twin Date Unlocked: 6/9 In Shopping District, South, talk to the girl near Yomenaido Bookstore. She is looking for her twin, who is at the Samegawa Flood Plain. Run all the way to the left and then to the back near the little pavilion with the bench in it to find her. You'll get Goho-M x5 for your efforts. =============================================================================== No. 18: Carbon Copy Date Unlocked: 7/13 (Must have completed Quest No. 17 first) On Samegawa Flood Plain, go to the riverbed and talk to the younger twin. She wants a Flower Brooch, which is dropped by Soul Dancer in Marukyu Striptease 1-3F. You will receive Emergency Kit x3. =============================================================================== No. 19: Acquire a Silver Lump Date Unlocked: 6/30 (Must have completed Quest No. 04 first) Practice Building 1F, talk to the student who asked for the Ritz Wire (the one in front of the Science Lab). He needs a Silver Lump, which is dropped by Silver Dice in Marukyu Striptease 7-10F. He'll give you Uplifting Radio x2. =============================================================================== No. 20: We Wish Our Dog Would Return Date Unlocked: You must complete Quest No. 13 to unlock this Quest Accept the ema request from Tatsuhime Shrine. A family is looking for their dog, Koro. Find Koro at the Samegawa Flood Plain riverbed and talk to him. The next day, go to Shopping District, North, and talk to Koro again. This time, pick the option "Talk to it gently". Wait another day, and find Koro again at the Samegawa riverbed. Talk to it gently once more, and wait another day. This time, go to Souzai Dogaku and buy a Beef Skewer. Go back to Samegawa and find Koro. Feed him the Skewer. Go back to Tatsuhime Shrine and talk to the Fox to level up the Hermit Social Link. =============================================================================== No. 21: Acquire a Charmed Veil Date Unlocked: 7/12 (Must have completed Quest No. 15 first) Class 2-2, talk to the Timid Female Student again. Get her a Charmed Veil by defeating Liberating Idol in the Marukyu Striptease 5-10F. You'll receive 5 Chest Keys as a reward. =============================================================================== No. 22: Acquire Hard Boots Date Unlocked: 7/3 (Must have completed Quest No. 14 first)

Talk to the man in front of Yomenaido Bookstore. He'll trade you a book for a pair of Hard Boots. Hard Boots are acquired by giving 10 Thick Hides to Daidara. Thick Hides are dropped by Dancing Hands in the Steamy Bathhouse 5-8F. You'll receive a book called "Guide to Pests" as well as 5,000 yen. =============================================================================== No. 23: Who's the Riddle Master?! Date Unlocked: 4/18 Classroom Building 3F, talk to the kid with the afro right in front of the stairs. He'll challenge you to answer his riddle. The correct answers are "Group A" and "Top 6 flag colors". You'll get 3 Chest Keys as a reward. =============================================================================== No. 24: Acquire an Eternal Lamp Date Unlocked: 8/22 Talk to the old man at Samegawa Flood Plain (the first peron you see when you arrive). Get him an Everlasting Lamp. They are dropped by Amenti Ravens in Void Quest 3-4F. He'll give you a whopping 30,000 yen as a reward. =============================================================================== No. 25: Feed the Cat Date Unlocked: 6/3 (Must have completed Quest No. 14 first) Talk to the cat at Samegawa Flood Plain after completing Quest No. 14. You'll make a request to yourself to feed the cat. Feed the cat fish until it is full. You'll receive Heal Jelly as a reward. =============================================================================== No. 26: I Wish I Had Friends Date Unlocked: Must complete Quest No. 20 to unlocked this Quest Accept the ema request at Tatsuhime Shrine. Go to Samegawa Flood Plain and talk to the boy standing in front of the board. Tell him "I don't want your money" and he says he wants a sticker. You can give him a Prize Sticker, which is obtained by watching Tanaka's Amazing Commodities in your room on Sunday morning and ordering any item (the item may take a while to arrive after you order it). After you get it, give it to him. Come back the next day, and he'll tell you he wants a sticker for kids. Go home and talk to Nanako, who'll give you a Tankiriman Sticker. Give it to the kid the next day. Wait another day and come back to talk to the kid. Talk to Fox at the shrine to level up the Hermit Social Link. =============================================================================== No. 27: Acquire Some Fashionable Dishes Date Unlocked: 8/9 (Must have completed Quest No. 2 first) Talk to the man in front of Yomenaido Bookstore, who wants some dishes. They are dropped by Sky Balances in the Marukyu Striptease 9-10F. You'll get a

book called "Riddlemania" as well as 10,000 yen as a reward. =============================================================================== No. 28: Carbon Copy Part 2 Date Unlocked: 8/22 (Must have completed Quest No. 18 first) Talk to the younger twin at the Samegawa Flood Plain riverbed. She wants a Leaf Pochette, which is dropped by Blind Love Couple in Void Quest 3-4F. You'll get 3 Mega Leaves as a reward. =============================================================================== No. 29: Experiment in Telepathy Date Unlocked: 9/5 (Must have completed Quest No. 28 first) Talk to the younger twin at the Samegawa Flood Plain riverbed and pick the first choice. You'll receive Dokudami Tea x5 as a reward. =============================================================================== No. 30: I Wish My Life Had Meaning Again Date Unlocked: Must have completed Quest No. 26 to unlock this Quest Accept the ema's request at Tatsuhime Shrine. Go to Shopping District, North, and find the Haggard Man. Ask him to let you make the model robot. You can finish it in four days by working on it at the work table in your room. After you finish it, show it to the Haggard Man. He'll give you another unfinished model. Then go to talk to the Fox to level up the Hermit Social Link. =============================================================================== No. 31: Extracurricular Activities Part 2 Date Unlocked: 9/20 (Must have completed Quest No. 10 first) Talk to Ms. Sofue on 2F of the Classroom Building. Defeat Giant Soldier of Steel in Void Quest 9-10F and give her the Culurium. You will get 2 Mysterious Scarabs as a reward. =============================================================================== No. 32: Acquire a Crystal Ball Date Unlocked: 10/8 Classroom Building 3F, talk to Mrs. Nakayama. She needs a Crystal Ball, which is dropped by Constancy Relic in the Secret Lab 1-2F. You'll get 35,000 yen for your efforts. =============================================================================== No. 33: Acquire Fine Coal Date Unlocked: 10/8 (Must have completed Quest No. 11 first) Shopping District, North, talk to the old man in front of Tatsuhime Shrine.

Get him some Fine Coal, which is dropped by Power Castle in the Secret Lab 7-8F. You'll get a whopping 40,000 yen as a reward. =============================================================================== No. 34: A Test of Literary Memory Date Unlocked: 9/26 (Must have completed Quest No. 27 first) Talk to the man in front of Yomenaido Bookstore. Give him the following answers to his questions: -"Judo Medalist Names" -"How one should live as a punk" -"2 pages per pest" -"Me" You will get the book "Who Am I?" as a reward. =============================================================================== No. 35: Desk Refurbishing Part 3 Date Unlocked: 9/29 Talk to the Homely Student in Practice Building 2F. She wants a Proof of Passion. Get these from Furious Gigas at the Secret Lab 3-4F. You will get a Bead as a reward. =============================================================================== No. 36: I Wish I Was Better at Speaking Date Unlocked: You must have completed the previous Hermit Rank Up events to unlock this Accept the ema request at Tatsuhime Shrine. Go to the roof of Yasogami High and talk to the girl on the roof. Ask her, "Do you need help speaking?" and then choose to "Give her lessons." Come back the next day and pick "Apologize to her". Go talk to the Fox to level up the Hermit Social Link. Also, your Understanding must be level 3 or higher to do this quest. Thanks to Caitlin B. for pointing this out. =============================================================================== No. 37: Acquire a High-Speed Gear Date Unlocked: 10/8 Classroom Building 1F, talk to the girl. She will ask for a High-Speed Gear, which is dropped by Mach Wheel at the Secret Lab 5-6F. You will get 3 Physical Mirrors as a reward. =============================================================================== No. 38: A Twin's Independence Date Unlocked: 10/9 (Must have completed Carbon Copy Part 2)

Go to Samegawa riverbed and talk to the younger twin. Bring her a Branch Headband, which is dropped by Elegant Mother at the Secret Lab 7-8F. You will get a Bead Chain as a reward. =============================================================================== No. 39: Acquire a Training Shell Date Unlocked: 10/8 Find the principal on 3F of the Classroom Building. Training Shells are dropped by Wicked Turrets at the Secret Lab 7-8F. Your Understanding and Diligance will increase. =============================================================================== No. 40: Experiments in Telepathy Part 2 Date Unlocked: 10/31 (Must have completed Experiments in Telepathy) Talk to the twin in front of Yomenaido Bookstore. Then go talk to the younger twin at the Samegawa riverbed. Go back to the other twin and talk to her. In order for this to work, your Expression must be Enthralling. Go back to the riverbed and talk to the other twin, then back to the other twin to receive Super Sonic x3. =============================================================================== No. 41: I Wish I Didn't Fear Cats Date Unlocked: Must have completed previous Hermit Rank Up events to unlock this Quest. Must also have completed Please Feed the Cat. Go to the Samegawa Flood Plain and talk to the man who is afraid of something. Answer, "Is it a cat?" and then go talk to the cat outisde the Dojima house. Choose to bring the scared man to see the cat. The next day, talk to him again at the Flood Plain and bring him a Red Goldfish (these can easily be caught by fishing). Talk to him the next day and then report to Fox to level up the Hermit Social Link. =============================================================================== No. 42: I Wish My Wallet Would Return Date Unlocked: Must have completed all previous Hemit Rank Up events. Go to the Samegawa Flood Plain and run all the way to the left. Talk to the woman near the trash can. Go to the riverbed and check in the bushes until you find the wallet. Bring it to her to find out that it's the wrong wallet. Go to Tatsuhime Shrine and check around outside in the bushes. Bring the wallet you find to her, and then go talk to the Fox to level up the Hermit Social Link. =============================================================================== No. 43: The Girl on the Rooftop Part 2 Date Unlocked: Must have completed The Girl on the Rooftop. Class 2-2, talk to the guy who requested you to talk to the girl on the roof the first time. Bring him an Animal Guide, which is dropped by Prime Magus

in Heaven 1-2F. You will receive a Mokoi Doll as a reward. =============================================================================== No. 44: Desk Refurbishing Part 4 Date Unlocked: 11/22 (Must have completed Desk Refurbishing Part 3) Talk to the Homely Student in Practice Building 2F. Bring her Classy Lumber, which is dropped by Revelation Pesce in Heaven 6-7F. You'll get 3 Assault Signals as a reward. =============================================================================== No. 45: Acquire an Old Ore Date Unlocked: 11/22 (Must have completed Acquire a Silver Lump) Practice Building 1F, talk to the guy who is asking for an Old Ore. These are dropped by Revelation Pesce in Heaven 6-7F. You will get a Spirit Radio as a reward. =============================================================================== No. 46: Acquire a Modest Lamp Date Unlocked: 11/22 (Must have completed Acquire an Eternal Lamp) Samegawa Flood Plain, talk to the old man who asked for a lamp. Bring him a Modest Lamp this time, which is dropped by Phantom Lord in Heaven 3-5F. You will get 45,000 yen as a reward. =============================================================================== No. 47: Riddle Senpai Returns! Date Unlocked: 9/2 (Must have completed Who's the Riddle Master!?) Classroom Building 3F, talk to the kid with the afro. The answers to his riddle are "Group A", "Human motion", "Group B", and "Indefinite articles". You will get a Snuff Soul as a reward. =============================================================================== No. 48: I Wish to See the Samegawa's Guardian Date Unlocked: Must have completed all previous Hermit Rank Up events. Accept the ema request fish until you catch a about the Guardian. He Guardian. The Guardian you catch him, talk to at Tatsuhime Shrine. Next go to the Samegawa River and Huge Fish. Bring this fish to the old man and ask him will give you a better fishing set to catch the can only be caught on rainy days or in December. Once the Fox at the shrine to max out the Hermit Social Link.

=============================================================================== No. 49: Cat Needs Food Badly Date Unlocked: 6/3 (Must have completed Feed the Cat)

Talk to the cat on the Flood Plain after completing the Feed the Cat quest to trigger this one. Feed it 19 more times to receive a Soma. =============================================================================== No. 50: Revenge of Riddle Senpai! Date Unlocked: 11/12 (Must have completed Riddle Senpai Returns!) Classroom Building 3F, talk to the kid with the afro. Answer his riddle with the following answers: "Group B", "The way they're drawn", "Promethium", and "Need". You will receive a Chewing Soul as your reward. =============================================================================== III. C R E D I T S / T H A N K S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------First I would like to thank Atlus for creating such a fun and original game for me to write about. I would also like to thank GameFAQs and other sites for hosting this guide, and I would also like to thank you, the reader, for making sure my efforts didn't go to waste. ########## EXPERIMENTAL ########## I've seen other FAQ authors sometimes include their PayPal info at the end of a FAQ so people can send small contributions if they feel like it. So I thought what the hell, I'll stick it in as well. If you ever feel like sending any contributions through PayPal, direct them to: [email protected] Your contributions could go towards things such as bags of chips and cases of soda that would be consumed during the FAQ writing process. You know, all the important stuff. E-mails themselves are appreciated even if you don't want to send money. I always like to hear whether or not a FAQ helped you out so I can see if I'm doing it right. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Copyright 2009 by ssk9716757 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4: Quest FAQ* by *ssk9716757* </users/ssk9716757/contributions> *Version:* 1.00 | *Last Updated:* 2009-05-23 | *View/Download Original File* <> Hosted by GameFAQs </> Return to *Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 (PS2) FAQs & Guides* </ps2/945498-shin-megami-tensei-persona-4/faqs>

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