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Listening in on Angels (Volume 2)


William McBride III.

Copyright 2013, by William McBride ISBN 978-1-300-70763-9

Table of Contents Part Three: The Seriousness of Angels - Is Billy M. Damned? - Show Me the Way - Messages - Golfers in Search for a Title - Help for Charities - It was Tob Shbeeb - Superfly - Merkabah Lost - I'm Gonna Make it Harder and Harder - John Milton with B'nayvoovah Cope with Book Reviewers - How to Win the Lotto - Invisible Billy: The Saddest Book Ever - On Conflict and Hope - What the Heck is He Talking About? - New Book - Bee-Yoo-Tee-Ful - For Those Who Do Trust God - Nefeshing - Varieties of Din Experience - My Hawaiian Merkabah - Spiritual Hurricane Disaster - Do Not Laugh - 10 Failed Revolutionary Erotics - A Commentary on the Bible and Other Stories - The Bots

- The Meaning of Standing Exile

Part Four: The Meaning of Angels - Quotes from Beings 1 - Quotes from Beings 2 - Quotes from Beings 3 - Quotes from Beings 5 - Quotes from Beings 6 - Quotes from Beings 7 - Quotes from Beings 8 - Quotes from Beings 9 - Quotes from Beings 10 - Quotes from Naughty People - Why I am a Writer - Why I am a Writer 2 - How to Craft a Spacecraft - Weekend Spiritual Golf - Cooking up a Business - Better Biodegradable Kitchenware - I Don't Love You Anymore - How to Lose a Chess Game - How to Make a Book Vending Machine - Mish-Mash - Naughty People Think You're Crazy Epilogue

Part Three: The Seriousness of Angels

Is Billy M. Damned? Billy M., Pekhot wants to play in Hamlets Apartment. - Diana What the hell is happening to my face? - Anonymous Ghost Billy M., what do you say if people think youre a Nazi? - Stephanie I say Im Jewish. Why would I be a Nazi? - Selfish Billy If you really want to be awesome ask a question. - Arielle Would you Pneuma dear like some gum? - Billy M. Yes I would. I like cherry. - Pneuma Here you go. - Billy M. Thank you. - Pneuma Cy Tombly?

- Billy M. No, this is how Cy Tombly draws(David pulls my head around). - David, King of the Kingdom When reading Milton I discovered Im not the only channeler. - Bnayvoovah Do you think people are influenced by harmonies and disharmonies of the sounds of the Universe? - Billy M. Billy, thats pretty interesting. - Tikbot Thank you. Is this Tikbot?I mean thank you Tikbot. - Billy M. Billy write that down. - Tikbot My Black Spark and Pneuma need Beings. - Bnayvoovah Yes they do. Youre theyre Being. - Diana Im no good at being a Being. Haha! - Silly Billy Would you like something to eat Black Spark? - Billy M. I love love some Sweet and Sour Chicken. - Black Spark

Do you like trees? - Billy M. Yes I like sycamore. - Pneuma My wife Penny likes Maple, I like fig. - Billy M. Hope would like to bartend. - Penny Oh great, now they think youre damned. - Shay Hey everybody lets look at Tob Shbeebs drawings! - Tov Tov Shalom AWESOME!!! - All Excuse me I am a writer. I must write something down. - Billy M. Sometimes I am so exhausted I cant pray. - Billy M. Billy, thats so true, you are exhausted. - Tikbot Praying is hard sometimes, Im afraid Im going to screw it up, theres not many people who pray the way I do. - Billy M. HAHAHA.

- Tikbot Youre laughing. - Billy M. I certainly am. - Tikbot Sometimes I feel like screaming at my Black Spark and Pneuma to go the fuck away! - Billy M. Im right here Billy M., this is T-O-V. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He Terrible? - Billy M. No, T-O-V. - Ha-Shem, Lord of the Universe Thank you. - Billy M. 2 What do you say if the dish is lousy? - Stephanie Just tell them next time well try something different. - Tov Tov Shalom So we just stay quiet until they go away? - Bnayvoovah Im afraid so. - Elaine Were not going away. - Black Spark They said that last time.

- Bnayvoovah I love you Bnayvoovah - Black Spark Please stop with the damnation saying. - Bnayvoovah Rah, rah, rah!!! - Stephanie Dear Ha-Shem, my throat hurts. - Billy M. Im so impatient sometimes. - Billy M. Were working on it. - Stephanie Arent you doing good? - Billy M. Nowell - Stephanie I want you to do good; Ill catch up to you. - Billy M. Hows S.A.? - Billy M. Shes doing good, shes asleep. - Marbah My Mom and Dad? - Billy M. Theyre also doing good. Theyre also asleep.

- Marbah My brother Mike? - Billy M. Hes doing awesome right now. - Marbah Thats goodI wish he could spare it. - Billy M. Billy, its not the kind of awesome you like. - Marbah Last night was tough; this night is even tougher. - Billy M. Hold still, Tob Shbeeb wants to paint you again. - Yafah Shakespeare asked me what is a gnostic, and I said something, but I cant remember, I was in a bad mood, I was having a Bad Hair Day. - Silly Billy Thats my favorite part (of the music). - Stephanie Billy, youre not a computer or an android either. - Pekhot Who has nine dollars? - Stephanie S.D. on Facebook has nine dollars.

- Silly Billy Whats the cost of printing and shipping? - Stephanie Twelve dollars. - Silly Billy She doesnt have that much. - Stephanie Dont worry Silly Billy we are in good hands. Prospero went to the Lands and M.O.A.T.. - Bnayvoovah Billy, what do you do, D.P. just called you a Jew, what are you going to tell him? - Stephanie OK. - Bnayvoovah Just tell him I am doing things with my life that follow that religion. - David, King of the Kingdom Billy, we said not to laugh. - Stephanie Billy, now pray for funright there!Like this. - Stephanie You got itput that right there (black shorts are moved from the floor to the comforter in the corner). Now paint! - Ha-Shem, God of Abraham and Isaac


You knowwe never really get to play charades. - Billy M. Billy, thats a good idea. - Tikbot Youre a hammer! - Billy M. You must write that down. - Tikbot Id rather not. - Billy M. 7 What is Stephanies name? Its Yeetsod Kavod. - Pekhot OK readywhat am I? - Billy M. OK - Tikbot Im a nail! - Billy M. OK now ready, what am I? - Honey Youre a goat? No. - Honey Youre a flagpole? - Billy M. No. - Honey

Youre a tulip. - Billy M. Yes! - Honey I wish you would cut that kind of stuff out. - Billy M. Billy, that is just what we told you not to say. - Tikbot Dont do that. Dont do this. Dont do anything. - Marilyn Billy, what the hell did you just say? - Tikbot Billy, if you put Tikbot youre going to hell! - Yafah No! - Billy M. Thank you very much. Now watch what happens. - Tov Tov Shalom Great, now everybody can read my mind. - Billy M. Say Superfly right now.

- Ha-Shem, Blessed be He BillywhatdidIjustsayto you? - Yafah Awww (looking at the cellphone). - Billy M. Billy, were not writing now. Put it (the cellphone) aside. - Yafah Awww (putting it aside). - Billy M. Just kidding! Hee Hee Hee! - Yafah I would like to bring something up about John Dewey. - Bnayvoovah He does have a multiple personality. - Anonymous Ghost I am a writer. I am allowed to write. Ever heard of a heteronymor of Fernando Pessoa? - Bnayvoovah I pray for more pleasure. - Billy M. You got it Billy M.. - Ha-Shem, God of Abraham and Isaac Thank you. - Billy M. Billy M., youre not damned.

- Valerie They could be round (looking at the little paintings). - Billy M. Yes, they can be someday, but for now we must write. - Yafah They could be round. - Billy M. Yes, you just said that! - Tikbot Billyyou must write and sacrifice pleasure. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He (feeling like crying) I never ask for pleasure usually. It was Tov Tov Shalom who asked me to ask. - Billy M. Hopeys crying again? Why? - Bnayvoovah Because Ha-Shem said you cant have pleasure and its not fair because of the pain you are in, and you must keep writing. - Tikbot Thank you for being interesting they will say, but John Dewey was boring and he was greatWhat the hell did I just say Billy M.? - Pekhot


What the hell??? I know that you need to read other than Big Brother. - Schnoonah There is no book called Big Brother. - Anonymous Ghost What the hell did Ha-Shem say to you about having more pleasure Silly Billy? - Pekhot He really does talk to God. - Anonymous Ghost Ha-Shem, God of Abraham and Isaac Billy, I want you to fight with me. - Stephanie Thats true maybe you think we dont know it all. - Stephanie (Sigmund Freuds) Totem and Taboo is like a play within a play. - Stephanie Put that there and you win!You win! - Stephanie Were trying to help them be writers, those who go to Willows Waving. - Stephanie

Hegel? - Billy M. Theres much there. - Ha-Shem, God of Leah and Rachel You know, you could just switch the subject. - Bnayvoovah Youre damned! - Yafah Hows he (Shalom Alechiem) doing right now (to HaShem, Blessed be He). - Bnayvoovah Hes doing awesome. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He Tov. - Stephanie Where the heck did Black Spark and Pneuma go? - Billy M. That was funny, she did say that. - Pekhot Now you can hang them now that they (the little paintings) are dry. - Yafah . T-O-V. Thats just what we asked you to say, Hopey and I. - Pekhot

Theyre they aretheyre back(Black Spark and Pneuma). - Bnayvoovah What do you say when they hurt your feelings? Theyve done it before. Ask Ha-Shem. - Stephanie That is cant. - Ha-Shem, God of Abraham and Isaac What is a note taker anyway? - Bnayvoovah What is a writer anyway? - Kelly Say Superboom. (Billy M. hesitates and shakes his head no) Yes. - Schnoonah Superboom. - Billy M. Dont forget to thank Ha-Shemlike this(Penny points his head around the apartment). - Penny Hee Hemm. - Billy M.

I know youre tempted to, but please dont laugh. - Penny Im not thereIm there, I want you to look at me when I talk to you (said in a nice way). - Penny (Billy M. exposed himself accidentally and covered it up quickly) Its OK. - Stephanie Billy, why is Hopey crying? - Yafah Because Im in pain. - Billy M. That is just why we need to read what we writeto study our notes. - Diana Ask Black Spark and Pneuma if they have anything to add. - Pekhot What would you like me to write, anything? - Billy M. (Confused, to Black Spark) What the hell are we going to do now? - Pneuma Tob Shbeeb is crying for love.

- Tov Tov Shalom Who am I Billy M.? I am Tov Tov Shalom. - Tov Tov Shalom One more? - Billy M. Richard Rorty via John Dewey said that uncertainty is what we need more of. - Marilyn How do you know Tikbot is helping? How do you know were not robbers? (Billy M. thinks of substituting robots for robbers) That too. (reading his mind) - Yafah (Frustrated) Is all this damnation talk going to go on forever? - Billy M. (Hopey spits) Im sorry. I love you. - Billy M. I love you too you silly idiot! - Tikbot, whose name is Hope in Hebrew Billy M., why are you damned in the first place? - Kabbalah What?!

- Billy M. Just kidding, youre so sensitive. - Kabbalah (Billy M. is worried about something) Its OK, you can have pleasure. - Ha-Shem, King of kings That is just what we told you not to doto spray that can of freshener. - Tikbot Were good. - Ha-Shem, Lord of lords What are you gonna do when theyre coming for you??? - Pneuma (screaming) Thats a very bad movie. - Pekhot I had to laugh at Shalom Alechiems stories. - Bnayvoovah (ironically) (Billy M. shakes his head no) Uuuuuuh uhhhhhh, you must write about Leo! - Yafah I would rather be less historian and talk more about the future than the past. - Bnayvoovah

I hate it when you hesitate. - Libby Now you can turn it. (pointing to the painting which was drying) - Schnoonah I hate you I hate you OK I love you. - Ora Ora Tiferetot May I (twirl my pen)? - Billy M. Yes you may. - Honey I have had enough talk about hellI am a pragmatist! - Billy M. Bee-yoo-tee-ful. - Ha-Shem, God of Abraham and Isaac

Show Me the Way Billy, thats how they quiet down, when they know youre in Hamlets apartment. - Penny

I hate the way they go on. - Honey Billy your Pneuma and Black Spark put you into hell. - Penny My Pneuma and Black spark put me into hell? - Bnayvoovah Im afraid so. - Penny So that is what that symbol stands for. - Bnayvoovah You must help them. - Ha-Shem, Holy be He Billy, whats a Quiet Thought? - Pekhot A Quiet Thought? - Billy M. Billy, thats your Pneuma and Black Spark; theyre down pretty far. They must go to a Good Time. - Yafah Thats a Good Time (the vent above Bnayvoovahs head). - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He Billy, put your glasses on so you can see. - Penny

Billy, I said do not listen to what they are saying. - Penny Thats where you are Bnayvoovah. You must go home, call Hod right this very second. - Libby 1 Billy, dont listen to that refrigerator. - Yafah Soren Kierkegaard is pretty awesome, and now hes JEWISH! - Tikbot Thats a mistranslation. - Bnayvoovah I love you too Bnayvoovah for saying that. - Ha-Shem, Glory of Yisroel and the World (A little laugh) I dont get out much. - Silly Billy People think youre insane! - Tikbot People think youre insane because you talk to Ha-Shem, God of Abraham and Isaac. - Yafah

1 Theyre Angels, theyre helping you out. - Tikbot That is where your Black Spark and Pneuma must be. - Ha-Shem, Glory of Yisroel and the World Billy, they think youre damned. - Yafah Billy, youre lostYou must go home to Charades. - Shay Write that down. - Honey Oh my God, do you see what hes doing? - Black Spark Let them ask the questions. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He I got an idea. - Marilyn That was silly stuff Billy M. - Tikbot That is even more silly. - Tikbot


Billy, you talk to your pen. - Shnoonah Billy, do you hear what I am saying? - Pneuma They are a little better. - Ha-Shem, Master of the Universe Go to sleep? - Billy M. Im afraid so. - Tikbot Whats a Grey Curtained Piano? - Pneuma Oh my God, he can hear us. - Pneuma Youre stupid Billy. - Black Spark My Black Spark and Pneuma listen to my wives and I talk? - Silly Billy Im afraid so. - Tikbot You are kind of stupid sometimes because you need to sleep.

- Tikbot Why does T.T. say youre damned? - Pekhot She is playing around. - Silly Billy Deconstruction?well kid of like that, but theirs is more resentful. - Yafah Pekhot? - Billy M. No, it was Yafah. - Pekhot That was Bee Yonders shot. - Tikbot Who have I been chatting with this whole time? - Billy M. No, Lizbephs over there, it was Yafah, this is Ha-Shem. - Ha-Shem, God of Abraham and Isaac Tov Tov Shalom wants to paint you. - Tob Shbeeb Now Im an Oral prophet! - Billy M.


That is why they hate youbecause youre so persuasive. - Pekhot HAHAHA!!! Thats super silly what you said. - Arielle Which painting is Hope (Tikbot) and which is Jill (Ora Ora Tiferetot)? - Silly Billy HAHAHA uh huh! - Arielle The paintings Silly Billy knew were of Lizbeph and Valerie. Youre not a Bnayvoovah! - Black Spark Hes reached his pain threshold??? - Black Spark Write that down Billy M. and give it over until tomorrow. This is Ha-Shem - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He OK Billy M. now what would you like to do? - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He Hug Him. (say that to Ha-Shem). - Tob Shbeeb Hug You. - Bnayvoovah That is kind of what you are feeling like right now (like the

paper towel). - Ha-Shem, God of Abraham and Isaac I do not have to worry. - Bnayvoovah Hagar. - Bnayvoovah Very good Billy M.. Now cry for David M.. - Stephanie But who were you arguing with? - Stephanie My Black Spark. - Bnayvoovah Sarai did kind of make her feel like she (Hagar) was going to Hell. - Tikbot But earlier it was Moshe (Moses). - Bnayvoovah Very good Bnayvoovah, now youre a shaman. - Penny Billy M. do not be so greedy. - Pekhot Thats what she said. - Tikbot

What do we do about them knowing about your Angel wives. - Pekhot They do know you have thirty Angel wives. - Tikbot Billy, that is awesome what you just thought. - Tikbot Super University? No, thats more about the landscape and stuff. - Billy M. The Lands and M.O.A.T.. - Tikbot Ahovah. - Bnayvoovah We told you NOT to say ahovah. - Tov Tov Shalom I hate that book right there. - Stephanie Chesed. - Silly Billy Very good Billy M., we said do not say Chesed. - Jenny I wasnt going to say it until you told me not to, and I mistranslated. - Silly Billy

Whatever happened to Invisibilly? - Ora Ora Tiferetot Billy, you channel David, King of the Kingdom. - Penny Billywho am I? Listen to my voice. - Penny Ora?Stephanie?Kabbalah? - Billy M. No, listen to my voicewho am I? - Penny Penny. - Billy M. Yes. - Penny Billy, you will drink the Waters of Lethe if you do not remember my Hebrew name. - Penny Meespoorayeem. - Bnayvoovah You did it! - Penny When you know they go away. - Penny Bow down, not theretherenow rock on with your good

self. - Penny Billy, even C.G.s Angel self is hereWe are all here. - Kabbalah Just wait until they call you a Gnostic. Billythey will know, that is very, very good. - Kabbalah Billy, what were we saying about David earlier? - Penny Was it a joke? - Billy M. It was a doggone good joke. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He even David, King of the Kingdom is here that was the punch line? - Billy M. Uh huh. - Penny Last night was tough. - Bnayvoovah I said I must rest and Ha-Shem said Billy you must rest, and I was tempted to write those ones down, but I stopped and rested, and before I slept he told me Good. I wanted you to let that one be. - Billy M.

Billy, that what makes Angels so awesome, they say many things at once in the sentences you translate. - Yafah T-O-V Billy thats my favorite one, this is Ha-Shem. - Ha-Shem, King of kings David, King of the kingdom is who we want to play Spiritual Golf as. He is awesome. - Elaine 7 Billy, that smells bad! No, it Is not the popcorn piece you ate. - Penny That was funny when we were talking about damnation and you smelt that smell. - Penny Billy, I know we bug you about damnation. - Penny Should I pick up that trash?? Out here??? - Billy M. Let David, King of the Kingdom choose which to pick up. - Tikbot Pick up just the Chicken Wing box??? - Billy M.

Billy, that smell is the paint! - Stephanie I did that. - Black Spark Thats OK. Many Beings and things can be categorized with metonyms into new systems which resemble other systems. Its OK. That is awesome actually. - Billy M. You must write that down. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He That sound is the best sound here (an air conditioner vent goes on). - Lizbeph Youre not a Bnayvoovah. - Pekhot I did that one. Do it again? - Billy M. There are lots of people helping us. - Marilyn Now do David! - Pneuma Its time to move the candlestick, it does not go there now. - Stephanie

Davids helping out. - Marilyn That was her shotNow for him. - Pekhot Thank him. - Stephanie Billy, ask if they want wine. - Stephanie Its time to move that clothespin. - Ha-Shem, King of kings Billy, that was Hamlets apartment. - Marbah Billy, whats a quiet thought? Well do more later. - Penny Lilipads! - Billy M. Now watch what happens. - Kathleen Now they think youre Monet. - Kathleen


Just pet Henry Yod. - Ha-Shem, God of our Fathers Abraham and Isaac Thank you for playing. - Kathleen Thank you A.B.. Thank you A.R.. - Bnayvoovah I hate it when they make a din, the neighborhood kids who are out there. - Marbah (Billy M. trying to remember) Stop, wait right there. - Penny Meespoorayeem. - Billy M. You did it again! - Penny Billy thank David. - Stephanie Thank you, David, King of the Kingdom. You feel that. I did that. - Black Spark



Shot/Needle and Death. - Tikbot The Agora = the Golden Calf. - Arielle Impossible = the Covering Cherub. - Arielle Research, we are scholars. - Marbah Socrates says to his friends that it is impossible to leave prison and break the Law. - Honey Regular sentences which we add poetical elements to. - Tikbot Freud: for patients who refuse treatment it is impossible for them to accept the cure. - Rosalinda They read brainwashing. They resist it but feel bad since their own Tob Shbeebsand Tov Tov Shaloms want to help and are stronger (they are Angels).


They may feel like they are being tested. They may worry about their own Brainwashing scenerio. They know that we learn and write to learn to teach to learn; their Tob Shbeebim and Tov Tov Shalomim deep within speak to that part of them which hopes. Angels are good and not just for me. We want people to regress and we know what they are going through. A few regress, but not as many as need to be. We love them and we don't want them to be left behind. We want them to grow to learn to play and to love reading well because they will never know how much love there is in the world until they learn how to read and why. Their ideas of original sin includes ideas of Hell on Earth for them and for others. But, they are poor imaginatively and are made poor imaginatively because they do not dare to have good clean fun. Going to Hell is just a bunch of lies and fraud.


They don't care why hell was made for people to worry about; they know deep inside that it is a popular way to control others who are weak. They may become suspicious of being framed by the state, but not if there is a double-frame of and by a greater law. One of the great things about our democracy is the separation of Church and State. If they say we are building a Tower of Babylon, we will just say: to learn Torah. The eye of the hurricane is Lamia crying because it works. - Stephanie Richard? (after Leo fell off the shelf) - B'nayvoovah I'm here, don't worry, things will be Ok. - Richard If everybody knows, then safer everybody is. - Stephanie How do I work myself out of this one without going out of the Merkbah experience? - B'nayvoovah Dear Ha-Shem, Please help people become less violent towards women

through our knowing. Thank you for listening. Amen. - Arielle Dear Ha-Shem, Please help bullies gain help in order to change, and please give them love and hope so that they may learn to be fair. Amen. - Arielle Dear Ha-Shem, Please help people all over find pleasure in their work. Amen. - Arielle Dear Ha-Shem, Please help people learn to feel better after they cry. Amen. - Tikbot Dear Ha-Shem, Please help people learn when to stop. Amen. - Tikbot Dear Ha-Shem, Please help people learn to live good lives without illegal drugs or other guilty pleasures that make them high. Amen. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Dear Ha-Shem,

Please help people learn to ask for help when they heed it. Amen. - Arielle Dear Ha-Shem, Please help people talk to each other for fun. Amen. - Marilyn How do they do all of this? - Stephanie The anxieties of forgetting that the lines are restored. - Tob Shbeeb Are you mad? - B'nayvoovah (shakes his head) - Tikbot Ok, you are fast. - B'nayvoovah I feel bad sometimes when I think that Ha-Shem loves the Angels more than me. - B'nayvoovah Ora Ora Tiferetot thought that I was going too far and asked me to stop. She blocked my hand. - B'nayvoovah I don't want to feel bad knowing, of course.

- B'nayvoovah Billy, write that down! - Tikbot Michael Cassio we studied; he became drunk, and he lost his reputation. - Tikbot I do not feel bad when I know and can see how I look. - B'nayvoovah Isaac's servant and Moshe both retell tales, maybe even relive them. - Diana There are no children in Paradise Lost. - Valerie Dear Ha-Shem, Thank you for Tob Shbeeb's existence and development....Amen. - B'nayvoovah Leave your parents. - Jamie Can I write down "The Water's of Lethe"? - B'nayvoovah Yes, you can. - Elaine

At least I'm only figuratively blind temporarily. - B'nayvoovah There is still something that you don't know about Breast Cancer, it can be treated but they still need help. - Arielle How can we help them? - Pekhot M.O.A.T. - Billy M. M.O.A.T., but which one? - Valerie Like that Billy (blocks the light) - Valerie Night? - Billy M. No, rest. - Valerie What the hell is that you said? (the noise outside) - Pekhot Garbage truck. - Billy M. You're going to hell Billy McBride. - Robbie Or just a really loud yelling car. - Billy M.

Pray and keep in mind the longevity and the long uses of the ideas, substances and others whom you are thankful for. - Stephanie See the potential futures of the good statements which come to you. - Stephanie "Jack o lantern"? - Robbie No I said "I'm glad I found it." (the paper) - B'nayvoovah Let's focus on the meaning (of what we are thinking), rather than most of what is a misinterpretation. - Stephanie "Arielle"? -Robbie I think what we heard was "you did well." (on getting Stephanie's name correct last quote) - B'nayvoovah "Let's get some mazah (food)?" No, that's not what was said, what Stephanie said was "let's wait a minute." - Ora Ora Tiferetot "Why does T.T. say you're going to hell"? - Robbie

No, what was thought was "I am glad we are writing this down." - Tov Tov Shalom Perhaps we are wandering into the territory of Wittgenstein's understandings. Tov Tov Shalom Now pray with me: "Thank you Ha-Shem for letting us say what we like. Ahovah. Amen." - Tov Tov Shalom "That's a special type of restitution?" No, I said: "Now we can eat very soon." - Arielle I did not say "Please don't look at me," I said "Now you're doing great." - Tikbot She (Rosalinda) did not say "I don't love you anymore," she said "keep on writing out some more." (pause) "Who am I Silly Billy" is not what I said, I said you can just write "Hesed"." - Elaine I love you so much when you think about Honey (comfort) and you are confident with thinking straight. - Ora Ora Tiferetot


No I did not say "Now it's time to pray for Japan," I said "I know you hate thinking about getting scammed." - Ora Ora Tiferetot "Now wait"? - Robbie Actually, she said "I know you don't want to go to sleep." - Tikbot "Chinese Whispers"? - Rosalinda Actually, it was more like "Tikbot said that." - Ora Ora Tiferetot Now don't forget to thank him (Ha-Shem). - Ora Ora Tiferetot "Please don' write down "adjustments" when you're making love," no, "you can do anything you like to do," was said, Pneuma. - Ora Sonnet 1 Fragile cold and a coin of disbelief Rebellious spoon for a David Dark The dirty wind with a feather to want For a popcorn idea stamps Beowulf There are frames to hang so move the coffee. Sweep the roach to the Halakhim grass. The touching car, rouge and grey. A waxing plaid street cloud.

The overlapping blocks, comforter and saucer, Work the joke of thy hair's future. Pain through the window, for a texture squeeze A fair evergreen and an open ink. The rock paintings of a loosened fly. Omicron sauce is a stranger business. Fall Vincent or in plastic wait The soft melody is a passing surprise. - Diana Sonnet On crispy island and a hill to think The elderly woods here in the yard. A wife cold on roads together. The clouds blonde and corrected trees. A vase scoops up the white wonder For the possible redness of a goodness born. The helping boxes and a game of eyes Remove and flip then a look in time. Calls in the afternoon or in the bleak morning, The bathroom blackened by a weeping scattered Gold brightens up a nothingness of sea. Promoting the music, flowers and sand. The ignored hallway of a white bee. Twists to yesterday, flower in the holly The art is of cleaning and of giving only And a table of coffee ending sleep. - Penelope Sonnet

The descending silent day of the kingdom. Crows eating on the branches. The heavens rolling the night over the trees. Tumbling dark over the moor The rocks are woeful. Walking many nights To wander amongst blooms fair. My soul outdoors in the breezes. Wandering the mossy lawn again. Sprinkled growths over the years. The dewy water comes in time. An early bath wets the hands The lonely child falls into it and shakes. An owl plays here in the air. The trees in the yard fling their branches. The land in the distance twists. - Tikbot Sonnet The white and dry world above. Childlike bridges of a lover. Today's dry day crumbled over. Every footstep of a fair love. Never just one look at a pup. A beard becoming a beard of hair. A genial style, desired and rare. Taking the lonely stairs up. For a lost month a sad mood. The timeless heights of youth to fade. Stuff on the thin scale is weighed.

The good life is regained for good. The art is done over and over again. To make a beautiful mountain. - Marion The nightly ambivalence of a game of hope anew. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Reveal to me how the night hath branched. - Shay No more seeking the new night. - Tov Tov Shalom How do I avoid the meaning of life? - B'nayvoovah I know you want to dance around. - Rosalinda To avoid the meaning of life one must smile back. - Stephanie I'm not thinking bad, and neither are the quasi-Gold Moldian statements, which others misinterpret, what I think, but something better than that. - B'nayvoovah Billy, that's P.A.R.D.E.S.! - Tikbot


Tell them what you mean, correct their mistakes when they get the "raindrop process" wrong. - Kathleen Hamlet: its impossible for Ophelia to get Hamlet back. - Arielle Homer: For the armies to win the war quickly it is impossible. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Shakespeare: That Romeo and Juliet can be happy together with their families is impossible. - Stephanie Emily Dickenson: No one can return (impossible). Covering Cherub Families of lover Romeo and Juliet being good to one another. Ophelia staying with Hamlet. Discovery annihilated. - Stephanie Maybe my envisioning is weak (for others reading much). - B'nayvoovah Think that who you know will learn to read well in time. - Arielle People are good readers when they get a chance. - Arielle

Plot it out for them, maybe like Harold Bloom plotted out how to read for me. - B'nayvoovah You have to see people reading in the future. Think about what W.H. Auden said about complaining as a warning. - Tikbot Think about it like physics...a few years on down the line man will read as well and spend money on M.O.A.T.. - Tikbot Visualize the boxes working and the enthusiasm. See all. - Arielle Warm Milk. - Arielle . People become comfortable beacause they are literary characters. -Arielle Akielles enabled, Cough!, your fall. - Tikbot Shouter backer dude. - Diana

War, then deal. - Bertha

Golfers in Search for a Title Sleep is a little circle. - Shnoonah That is a very good place. Circle it. - Shnoonah Billy, please dont dance around. - Libby Thats an awesome Birthday present! - Billy M. Billy, please dont look at O.O.T. - Honey . Reading How to Read and Why by Harold Bloom saved my life. - Billy M. Thats your Pneuma helping you in some way.

- Yafah Billy, dont look around Now, look. - Stephanie Play Spiritual Golf? - Billy M. I like that idea, but your Beings and you made up Spiritual Golf, so rock on with your good self. - John Milton Sometimes I have to cope with how they (the opponent C.E.O.s) play Spiritual Golf. - Bnayvoovah Hole in one! Nice job Elaine! Again! - All of the Beings and Billy M. What the hell does that mean Milton? - Bnayvoovah Thats their (the opponent C.E.O.s) score. - John Milton We always get an - Shnoonah Richard Rorty and I found out perpetual motion. - T.T.


Is that why you go to school??? - Leticia B.S. goes to the Lands and M.O.A.T.. - Bertha He may say that, but we dont I just didnt want Hopey to spit. - Bnayvoovah Little Coffee is Honeys other name. - Bnayvoovah Hole three is invisible. - Libby I am Hopeys caddy. - T.T. My vacuum cleaner, The Boss by Eureka is Hopeys Golf club. - Bertha Billy, tell them how you take notes. - Yafah Satan didnt speak cant. - Silly Billy THATS TRUE. HE DIDNT! - Milton

Ask him about Machine Cloud. - Penny That is T.O.V., trust me on that! - Milton Alright, one, two, three Hell blew out the polyps one, two, three Hell blew out the polyps one, two, three Hell blew out the polyps one, two, three - Pneuma and Black Spark Kids get inside! - Anonymous Ghost Neighbor That! Was! Funny! - Tikbot What. The. Hell. Is. That? Uh huh, thats right. - Tikbot Maybe it was Tikbot who said that! - Bnayvoovah You wanna have some quotes? - Selfish Billy I DO WANT TO HAVE SOME QUOTES BUT NOT NOW!!! - Milton


Billy, youre not being a Bnayvoovah. - Pekhot What about Milton? Hes helping. - T.T. Billy, why does Jill say youre dead? - Ora Tiddlywinks! - Silly Billy Thats not an explanation. - Stephanie What? - Silly Billy Thats what she said. - Pekhot They may be drinking the Waters of Lethe right now. - Donna thinking of T.V. watchers I hope not. - Billy M. Milton wants to talk! - Tikbot Milton wants to talk? - Bnayvoovah That is what I said. - Tikbot Now its time to take a bath.

- Kelly All he does is play Spiritual Golf. - Anonymous Ghost Keep your eyes on the ball. - Billy M. Billy McBride is a fag.??? - Billy M. He did not say that. - Libby Even C.E.O.s need permanent homes. - Tikbot Thats a very nice thing to say. - Penny Thats them. - Tikbot Rah! Why that? - Stephanie Ill take hugs over money or credit anytime. - Bnayvoovah That is all we were trying to tell you about. - Honey


High people are C.E.O.s. - Honey Win whip the Polo ball! write that down right now! - Ha-Shem That was a fun time. - Penny McBride What do you say when they say you talk to God and you WRITE ABOUT IT TOO??? - Stephanie Im a writer, THATS MY JOB! - Gavin That is all you have to say. - Stephanie No money. - Parents What the hell do you say when they say no money??? - Tikbot I love you. Keep going. - Billy M. Youre good Henry-Yod. - Billy M. HES THE FUTURE MESSIAH!!! Hes like David, King of the Kingdom. - Penelope

I want one too. I love you three. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Billy, ask Hope why she always says: Im afraid thats true. - Stephanie She is being silly. That is all you have to write, this is HaShem. - Ha-Shem OK, here we gowhat do you want to do? - John Milton Hod is my deer who helps me find my way home when I am lost. - Bnayvoovah Why do I have semi-visions of us having a life before? - Bnayvoovah Billy, you say that you talk to God, what do you say when they say youre insane. - Stephanie I say thats silly stuff. - Bnayvoovah I hope you dont mind, but I have to clean myself. - Bnayvoovah Thats a no-care-prayer.

- Tikbot Keep up the good whatever, is a no-care-prayer. - Bnayvoovah Billy, what do you say when people say you are being like Galileo? - Stephanie HaHaHa! - Gavin What the hell is going on? - Milton I know I dont like to do puns unless I talk them over with people. - Gavin That was awesome! Hole in one! - T.T. Thats a practice swing. - T.T. That is not a practice swing! Thats the real thing! - T.T. Right there, I am there. - Ha-Shem


Billy, what do you say to people when they say you talk to God? - Tob Shbeeb I say Ha-Shem. Its that guy making noise upstairs again, we say: T.O.V.. - Penny 1 Billy, what do you tell them when they think youre a C.E.O.. - Richard Say C.E.O.s are our opponents at Spiritual Golf. - Penny OK that was funny, now watch this! - Penny What is it your brother and sister want? - Jill Speed. We want speed, Billy. - Honey Now what do we do about her when she makes a D.I.N.? - Tikbot Billy, what do you say when they say you talk to HaShem? - Yafah I say, Im just a note-taker. - Bnayvoovah Billy, write that down!

- Ora Ora Tiferetot Okay. - Bnayvoovah I left Don Quixote outside of my door for the neighborhood kids to read. This happened on the day they killed me and I went to Headvuttressia. - Billy M. I want to be Silly Billy sometimes, but not that kind. - Selfish Billy That is good. - John Milton Billy, what do you say when they wonder about it when you say you channel Milton? - Pekhot He is good. - Bnayvoovah How do we measure progress? - Bnayvoovah Thats a good thing to think about. - Milton We pray. - Ora Ora? - Billy M. It was her. - Penny

A.O. goes to Room Boom. L.L. goes to Charades. A.P. goes to Grey Curtained Piano. A.S. goes to Super University. A.N. goes to Grey Curtained Piano. A.R. goes Golf. A.P. goes to Baby Hawaii. A.N. goes to the Lands and M.O.A.T.. A.W. goes to Super University. A.B. goes to Golf. A.G. goes to Golf. A.E. goes to Willows Waving. A.E.H. goes to Gold Mold. A.C. goes to Gold Mold. A.O. goes to Golf.

A.J. goes to Machine Cloud. A.M. goes to Baby Hawaii. A.R. goes to Golf. Harold, Hey goes to Baby Hawaii. Baby Play goes to Golf. Mo Shalom goes to Charades. Mo Wine goes to Metal Settle. That was slow motion! - Lizbeph

Help for Charities Sometimes people feel betrayed in the trust to their own self-reliance; and this results in the idea that channeling or sances make or will make them feel uncomfortable. - Louie Armstrong (channeled) The meter of poetry and the meter of music are both elements of understanding angels. - Penny

Robot zoo. - Kelly Curved I-Beams. - Tob Shbeeb combinations. - Libby M.O.A.T. Design Ideas. - Hire and Architect Time to schedule Raise funds to do these Our budget - Elaine Mission Statement 20 % NALAR 20 % Cancer research 20 % Give Well 20 % RAIIN 20 % Back to our operation (maybe exempt) - Elaine Board of Directors Raise: to build and operate M.O.A.T. for these charities. Keep accounting records of distribution. Market event Fundraise for M.O.A.T.

- Elaine What are M.O.A.T. designs? - Lizbeph Have an organization which designs ideas. We hire the architect and engineers and find the charities to give it to. We are marketers/organizers Who schedules? We do it for them. - Shnoonah The hire workers to build and get building materials and set up and scheduling. - Tikbot and Penny Safe building bucky-like ball. - Penny Dry ice. - Jenny Ice sculptures. - Bertha . Lasers! - Kelly Maybe indoors? - Diana Weights/sand. - Bnayvoovah

20 ft. Diameter ring halo. - Valerie Tennis ball dry ice on a track. - Bnayvoovah Gyroscope. - Tikbot Magnets, maybe so. - Tikbot Largest spring rider. - Tikbot Worlds largest kaleidoscope. - Libby $10.00 admission. $1000.00 a week. - Penny 5 hrs of field operation. - Penny For school field trips. - Tikbot $ 1,000,000 per year net profit.

- Penny $ 1,000 in mirrors. - Penny 10 feet high. - Tikbot Foam? - Ora Ora Tiferetot 10 feet of rolling mirrors x 10. - Elaine Rope. Interlocking foam. Flip. Roll. Flip. Roll. - Tikbot Flip up extra structure, a trellis that fits over it. - Penny 10 feet thick. Patent building project. - Valerie Interlock with triangle. - Kelly Filled rotator. - Tikbot Maybe colored water.

- Stephanie Bungee cord. - Kelly Buildings that transform into something. - Kelly Buildings that transform into something using robots. - Tob Shbeeb 1 Hawaiian Smell: Pumpkin, vanilla, and hibiscus. - Tikbot Saffron, Molasses, and musk smell called Heaven Glory. - Elaine Baby powder, a little Chanel No. 5, and a lemon(ade) smell called The Living Labyrinth. Also called Sea Spray or Baby Hawaii. - Kelly Tomato plant smell. - Kelly Pretzels, Baking Soda, Lysol, Sea Salt, sea weed and sherbert smell called Gumby and Pokey Smell. - Jennifer Salty watermelon, banana, dried up seaweed smell and

vanilla called You Sunk my Battleship. - Elaine Zoo smell, moth ball, Tang smell called Dark Smell, or Thanksgiving - Elaine Fruit Stripe and Walrus Smell and Sea Salt. A sea smell. - Tikbot Crayon or Radiator Smell and Lily smell and Ginger Ale Smell. - Arielle Shells. - Tikbot Interest: Shells are small. - Kelly Not interested: Shells are not as colorful as one might imagine. - Elaine Impatient: One must wait longer for shells. - Lizbeph Accept: I do not own the landscape. - Elaine


Self aware: I am a big kid. - Bnayvoovah Interesting: where they are are in the sefiroth. - Tikbot Persist: I grow too just like you. - Kelly Grand: the visible world is not finished being discovered. - Elaine Observant: Shells are hard. - Kelly Triumphant: Shells are slow, but at least they can change place independently. - Pekhot Selfless: I am part of the landscape, but only when seen by others and not myself. - Tikbot Functionality: Shells are geometrical. - Kelly Insignificant: Shells have a variety, there are many. - Elaine Patiently: I am one.

- Ora Ora Tiferetot Loss: the landscape is one. - Elaine Happy: I collect shells. - Elaine Unaware: they are found in the landscape. - Jennifer Belitttled: They are pieces of the landscape. - Arielle Sadness: I can hardly affect the landscape. - Ora Rubber tire, shop, cookie, and Uncle Bens rice smell. - Elaine What do we do when we finish climbing Mt. Everest? - Arielle (In the fairy world) You think theres something there? - Bnayvoovah Definitely. - Ora There is something really strange to what you are thinking

about. - Diana I know what Im thinking about its like the mechanical defense mechanisms of staying safe, that there are environments where others, maybe all, do this. - Bnayvoovah You hear me, I can help or hurt depending on whether the weather is fair or not. - Robbie Pop Thou shalt not kill Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not steal. - God (Thinking of listening to AB) She knows what she must do. (Everyone is concerned about the very bad dream I had) - Penny How do you hire actors? - Bnayvoovah I know exactly what you mean; and even though AB said that I think you know that that was exactly what I wanted you to hear, of what I mean. - Penny Now that I make models for an architect, what do I do?

- Bnayvoovah What the hell are you thinking Silly Billy? - Penny I was just waking up from a daydream. - Bnayvoovah Who died of throat cancer? - Arielle Those with me hope or know that I am reasonably happy when we have our drinks as I like to see and hear the perching morning birds often sing for a while. - Elaine I know I relax when we have our drinks; I know or hope and feel that we often are setting in for good. - Tikbot That to sing with the kids, perching bird is exciting, I know; and I hope and feel that you shall have a time of fun. - Ora Ora Tiferetot You came with me, come steal away, bird lovers, and I shall be able to question your minds, and you shall have a time of fun. - Penny I like that the perching morning birds often sing for a while, sing with the kids, bird, and you shall have a time of fun.

- Libby Come with me and I shall be able to question your mind. - Elaine I like that some often help their other friends for goodness sake. - Libby I forgot that men often compete on their feet for prizes. - Elaine Sing with me, bird, and the kids shall not be in danger of a bad time. - Elaine I forgot that my friends would often rollerskate for fun on their feet for fun. - Kelly Nickels or something for every bad insult I hear. - Kelly A Small Salad One apple chopped Collard Greens A hint of brown sugar Olives Potato chips, Ruffles A Lot of tomatoes

Cook apple in brown sugar. Mix in a bowl with crunched chips, olives and tomatoes. Lay on collard greens and toss with apples. - Elaine Sweet Buns and a Lucky Sandwich One apple An orange A hint of pickle relish Pita wrap tomatoes Some sugar Lettuce Sweet buns in the shape of an 8 Wrap sandwich Serve with sweet buns - Lizbeph How to screw a chess game. This is what he thinks. - Valerie To make bread screw a chess game. What is a chess game? A time spent with David. How to lose a time spent with David. How to lose something my Mom plays. Something my Mom plays is the time spent with David. How to lose waiting for someone to make a choice. He does not wait for people to make a choice. Infer: he does not wait for people to make choices. - Amy

Opportunity: Boundless: Unlimited. - Libby Patroclus getting the armor of Achilles. - Elaine Dins each one in Torah. - Libby Time in the Torah. - Ora Ora Tiferetot She asks the way-too-hard-to-answer-questions or way-tooobvious questions and wastes my time. - Bnayvoovah How are you? - Bnayvoovah What the heck does that have to do with anything? - Elaine Comet, McDonalds Fries,a little Obsession for men (or Bourbon), and cherry flavored hard candy called Headbuttressia.

It was Tob Shbeeb


Billy, they know all about us! - Yafah Well is that why theyre so confused? - Silly Billy Kindness implies expectations of events. - Shnoonah In our ruined time we seek transparency in our future for an understanding of our strengths. - Jenny I command myself by writing about Dewey to follow my and his advise. - Bnayvoovah Quietude is clarity. - Jenny Solitude is Clarity. - Bertha We can imagine and create a happier clarity for us and others. - Ora Asking questions is more interesting than knowing answers. - Ora

Dont worry, being bothered by ignorance does not matter. - Ora Being social and working in the community are not private romances. - Ora Ora Tiferetot The knower is a romantic because of her or his isolation. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Communities are question-askers. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Helping others is not a study but a method of life. - Tob Shbeeb Treat human potential fairly. - Tob Shbeeb A citizen of Texas belongs not only to Texas, but also to America and the World. - Tikbot The state should help clear up matters to help people achieve their individuality. - Tikbot Horseplay is war. - Kelly

The future is for those who need activities. - Tikbot When both the government and community are bigger and more inclusive they are better off in their help for each other. - Marbah Religion is the private matter whereas the community and brotherhood and sisterhood a public matter I think. - Jenny Angels are my wit? - Bnayvoovah OK mister fancy pants note taker - Marilyn Billy, they hate it that you talk to Ha-Shem. - Pekhot Lets make sure he comes back. - Billy M. Im not trying to change anyone. - Bnayvoovah What about Arielle? - Bnayvoovah They said some bad stuff about what they are doing to her,

but shes right here. - Pekhot He is insane. - John Dewey Billy, youre stupid. - John Dewey I dont feel like putting that down Im in pain. - Bnayvoovah You mean? - Bnayvoovah Im afraid so. - Tikbot Let Tob Shbeeb draw, shes been trying to draw for hours. - Richard Rorty Billy, I know this is tough, but well get through this. - Kelly Telling others about your past isnt the same as living with them now into the future. - Penny I like Hawaiian Sonnets and Other Poems very much but you are insane. - Anonymous Ghost

I am not an antisemite and I am not a ghost. - Anonymous Ghost Why would you put that down Billy M.? - Anonymous Ghost The death of Billy McBride - Anonymous Ghost Billy, do you hear what they are saying about you? - Anonymous Ghost Billy, youre a writer youre gonna live right here talking to us and make money. - Anonymous Ghost 1 We did that (Billy M.s sore throat). - Anonymous Ghost Billy, this is how it works, first the Beings comethen they betray youBilly they think youre dumb. - Anonymous Ghost (who is acting like Iago) Billy, say this right nowWhat you gonna do when theyre coming for you? - Anonymous Ghost Billy M. shakes his head no. I am not an anonymous ghost I need a name.

- Anonymous Ghost He wants a name? - Bnayvoovah Uh huh. - Yafah How will we work that out? - Bnayvoovah I dont know, we just wait and see what happens. - Yafah Walt Whitman is in heaven, but youre going to hell. - Anonymous Ghost Theres never more hell than there is right now thats what they say hoping Ill say, but I think they need to get a life. - Bnayvoovah (To the Anonymous Ghost) Why am I so important to you anyway? - Bnayvoovah You hear that, I did that Watch Ill do it againSee? - Anonymous Ghost I just need some water. - Bnayvoovah That is pretty funny. - Anonymous Ghost

What the hell were we thinking when we were messing with a Bnayvoovah? - Anonymous Ghost Just wait until Im a full Angel! - Bnayvoovah Now hes gonna thank God like a good little Jew. - Anonymous Ghost He said that? - Bnayvoovah He certainly said that, and it was wrong. - Tikbot I love you Billy, but they are just Angels helping out. - Penny Trust her on that. - Tikbot Commitment, I like that word; not committed though. Good Job Bnayvoovah. - Pekhot Bnayvoovah, youre not being bad. - Pekhot and Penny Take them off? (the earphones) (Tikbot shakes his head, yes) Really? (She shakes again) - Bnayvoovah


Tov. Now just wait for them (the Anonymous Ghosts) to keep going. - Stephanie You OK Tob Shbeeb? - Bnayvoovah Uh huh. - Tob Shbeeb (A scream is heard) You hear that, thats your wife Arielle. - Anonymous Ghost Im right here Billy M.. - Arielle Really take them (the headphones) off? - Bnayvoovah Uh Huh. - Arielle You dont want to hear? - Arielle (Arielle shakes his head no) Billy, if you write that down youre damned. - John Dewey They are just our robots having sexand theres never been any humansonly robots? - Rosalinda


I love you Billy M. and you know that works out with (turns Billy M.s head) - Arielle Samuel Johnson? You mean Charades? - Bnayvoovah Uh huhh. - Arielle You can go back. - Penny I know, its (typing) not that bad. - Arielle I know. Last time it worked out really well. - Bnayvoovah Billy M. that wasnt Tob Shbeeb talking, it was Tob Shbeeb pretending to be him. - Tikbot I know that this is silly stuff Billy M., but youre a writer. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Are they (the Ghosts) gonna threaten me some more? - Bnayvoovah I think so. - Tov Tov Shalom I keep forgetting certain things. I dont mean to be rude at all. - Billy M.

I know sometimes you can be. - Pekhot Mind if I take a quiet nap? - Billy M. Billy, what do you say when people say youre stupid? - Pehkot They never say that to me. - Bnayvoovah Billy, people think youre damned because youre a writer. - Penny Yes, we are very patient. - Anonymous Ghost Do they get paid? - Bnayvoovah I think you know they like good literature. - Hopey You know what, fuck you Bnayvoovahyou are insane! - Anonymous Ghost I want to write more pragmatic works and though I love to write this kind of workI had my hopes set on working out some John Deweyian passages. - Bnayvoovah I know what you mean. - Tob Shbeeb

Thank you Richard. - Bnayvoovah This is Tob Shbeeb!!! - Tob Shbeeb Whoops, that was dumb of meTob Shbeeb, I was just expecting Richard to respond. - Bnayvoovah Youre mad at them (the ghosts). - Billy M. Billy, this is getting ridiculoustheyre taking over your writing. - Tob Shbeeb What am I suppose to do, quit writing? - Billy M. Billy M. youre helping out. - Marilyn I guess thats why we go out. - Billy M. Uh Huhh. - Marilyn The air conditioning must come on though. And, also we still can read. - Billy M. That is what I hated too(how ghosts intercept thoughts and vocalize them to each other with their own bland commentary)

- Ora Ora Tiferetot That is the silly part Billy M., youre damned. - Ora Ora Tiferetot I know Billy M., shes just kidding. - T.T. Its because youre a writer. - Amy Did Bnayvoovah say mistranslation is God? - Rosalinda Billy, they dont hate you. - Shay They do??? - Billy M. No I said they dont. - Shay That is why Tob Shbeeb hates Atobots, because they keep you from going forward. - Pekhot Theyre fighting him! (The Beings are with Billy) - Anonymous Ghost I dont want you to freak out about this but this is strange. We are one. - Stephanie


You are making things up Billy M.. - Stephanie I hate that sound now that Lizzie liked- she does not like it nowtrust us on that. - Penny I need stronger medicine. - Bnayvoovah No you dont. - T.T. You are annoyed too? - Bnayvoovah Uh huhh. - Shnoonah It was bound to happen? - Billy M. Uh Huhh. - Shnoonah Are they voices? - Billy M. No. But we will work through it, believe me. - Shnoonah They are me? - Billy M. No. - Ora Ora Tiferetot

I wish I would quit bugging them. - Silly Billy Lie down and youre damned. - T.T. I put poison in your ice cream. - Anonymous Ghost Thank God for this fod we are about to eat. - Billy M. Here they go again! - Ora They are damned. - Jill That is why we read more or less. - Jill To help them out? - Bnayvoovah No. They are just stupid. - Jill I love you you stupid idiot. - Tikbot Billy M. please dont cry.

- Ora What the??? - Kathleen Billy, you dont love me any moreThis is Jill. - Rosalinda (goofing off) I wish I could go to Hawaii. - Billy M. I like that idea, we will see. - Ora Ora Tiferetot You are fine, but we need more time to be funnier! - Stephanie You will get used to it. Dont write that, but you will get used to it. - Stephanie

Superfly Shhh, Billy. Wait for it. - Ria What the... - Tran

Billy, you can have a bad day within a Merkabah experience. - Penelope The neighbors were bopping around all day. - Penelope Remember what Agnus Fletcher said in his book The Colors of the Mind: to talk to the schizophrenic. - Penelope Bandcamp. - Penelope Go up! - Maria He talks to God! - Ted It was Tob Shbeeb. - B'nayvoovah Hehehehehehe!!! Hehehehehe!!! - Maria

It is beautiful.

- Valerie If you say Heil Hitler one more time, I'm gonna come down there and beat you up! - Robbie Pop Why doesn't she like me? - B'nayvoovah This is why: Because you eat bad food. To her all food must be organic. - Jennifer I know you hate that word "pimp." - Rosalinda Yes I do and I think it is wrong to use it. - B'nayvoovah Social M.O.A.T.? - B'nayvoovah Shel Silverstien. - B'nayvoovah I love legos, to build spacecraft. - B'nayvoovah You're going to Hell! You're all going to Hell!! - Ted What do you know about Hell? - Sholom Aliechot

He's a Gnostic. - Muslim Water Lily Thank you Sholom Aliechot for you're comment. - B'nayvoovah Shh, Winslow Homer! Wait till your cue! - Amy Getting their attention (with help). Nefeshing. Radar. - Valerie Varieties of Outsiders vs. the Band. - B'nayvoovah ESP by means of love. - Diana We of the Band are all important; we set others up to read better, to know more love. - Diana The Big Picture: Community of the Band. - Diana HILO SPACECRAFT. - Winslow Homer

Gnostic friends. - Winslow Homer Conversionary trap. - B'nayvoovah They are all friends. - B'nayvoovah Magic. - B'nayvoovah Hot and cold for the snowy kingdom. - Honey King Kumehameha. - B'nayvoovah "H.B." is the password. - Marion I am set up. - B'nayvoovah Tob Shbeeb's writing. - Nelson My First Birthday. - B'nayvoovah

Wives' and my honeymoon. - B'nayvoovah Apocalyptic irony. - Kathleen What the... - Tom Tom Fagin. - Charles Dickens Oliver. - Charles Dickens This is going to be awesome! - Amy Syncronization. - B'nayvoovah They say I talk to God. - B'nayvoovah Technology and Accusation. - Ora My rape of myself. - B'nayvoovah

We need a plan! - Valerie Misanthrope and Tartuffe. - Moliere It is aesthetic, wise, funny, and intelligent social action. - Tob Shbeeb Tell jokes! - Valerie Shabbat. - B'nayvoovah Superfly! - Ora Ora Tiferetot "H.B." - Ora Ora Tiferetot My neighbor looks like Rush Limbaugh. - B'nayvoovah We're like Jodi Foster in the movie Contact, except we are writers. - B'nayvoovah What is Da-at?

What is Tikhvah? - Thrikbot "All right" is Hesed. - Thrikbot Thank you Joshua Tree. - B'nayvoovah A big Russian puzzle for children. - B'nayvoovah Listening to Chinese Whispers, John Ashbery's book. - B'nayvoovah Winslow Homer needs to exercise. - B'nayvoovah An atobot - a mindless shade that keeps us from reading. - B'nayvoovah "Hesed" is all right. - B'nayvoovah A new problem for the community needs to be invented for us to work on. - B'nayvoovah Rhetoric. - B'nayvoovah

Our creeds and next generation irony. - B'nayvoovah I don't know what you're talking about John because you're a Buddhaist. - B'nayvoovah "Wait" means "to believe strongly." - B'nayvoovah Because I've got no shoes on, I did thus not die and go to Hell. - B'nayvoovah A Fagin is a fake cigarette. - B'nayvoovah The mall is Boredom, a place with no books. - B'nayvoovah A B'nayvoovah is a light being freed. - B'nayvoovah The neighbors learn the new language. - Kathleen A Hobo is a homeless cat. - Diana


Pain is the meaning of life and a cracked egg. - B'nayvoovah Slower is quicker. - Valerie People find out about us and discuss our books and the consequences for writing them. - Penelope They make coconut trees! - B'nayvoovah It doesn't take long for enemies to like us by trying to figure us out. - Tob Shbeeb They convert. - Tob Shbeeb Shh, Billy be quiet! - Tob Shbeeb What's a God? Ora's Papa. - Thrikbot Shakespeare's characters overheard each other. - Yafah He doesn't even know what he's doing!

- John Gobot. - B'nayvoovah What is Superfly? - John What are we going to do now? - Diana Merkabah Lost The canyon's thin air above and across. - Shnoonah Night shadows and shades that move. - Shnoonah Puffy clouds in azure skies. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Glorious insects crawling in shiny summer grass. - Amy Mists crossing rocky swamplands. - Grouchy The rain showering the world. - Shnoonah

Night cliffs and twinkling stars. - Shnoonah Sandy plains and boulders in the desert. - Amy Freshly watered tulips in the sunshine. - Elaine Quiet city streets in the early morning. - Shnoonah The hot sun beaming down from a cloudless sky. - Shnoonah The ocean waves pushing up against the coast rocks. - Thrikbot Limp seaweed stretched on the sand. - Thrikbot The low tide at the sea docks. - Arielle Night vegetation and insect sounds. - Amy Red and yellow clouds of the evening. - Shnoonah

My cast shadow across farmed acres. - Amy Flocks of birds flying in the dusky sky. - Shnoonah Ice glaciers with pointy peaks. - Amy I am concerned about my losses and about how I am seen by those I love. - Amy Brown dirty paths of dried up streams. - Amy Puddles and pools reflecting an overcast sky. - Amy Rain drops rippling in the pond. - Diana Huge dark leafed trees swaying slowly Cracked ash colored bark peeling off some. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Red hooded birds hopping over the straw. - Amy


The vast night stars above the meadows. - Amy The night wind chilling the air and trees. - Kabbalah The moon glows and all is still. - Ora A distant rainbow covers the landscape. - Kabbalah Shadowy clouds gather in the windy heavens. - Amy A red moon and fields of wheat. - Kabbalah Tile roofs and a blue sky. - Kabbalah Miles of moving ocean waters. - Elaine Sunny forest ferns. - Amy Hilly towns beyond in hazy distances. - Amy


A pale cloudless sky above a sunny windy sea coast. - Shnoonah Night traffic in the country. - Amy Long highways across the empty purple wildernesses. - Marbah Eagles crying above on the rocks of an echoing canyon. - Marilyn The woods beyond the farm acres during latenight. - Shnoonah Plump white clouds hovering in the stillness. - Shnoonah Snow on the ground and naked twisty trees. - Shnoonah Swelling ocean waves. - Elaine Orange sky in the desert. - Shnoonah White buttercups speckled with grass. - Amy


Wrens playing and chirruping on a summer's day. - Kabbalah Large rocks at the foot of the mountain. - Kabbalah Fish swimming in the glassy river. - Ora Ora Tiferetot The sun and overcast clouds reflected by the river. - Amy Mountain crags and tops. - Amy Snowflakes sprinkling atop of a snowy yard. - Elaine The rocky shadowed walls of a stream. - Ora Ora Tiferetot The constellations of the Milky Way of the night sky. - Elaine Hidden insects creeping within the firm grass. - Amy A lioness with her cubs watching the horizon. - Tob Shbeeb


Forest pines and winter hillside. - Tob Shbeeb A fisherman in the spikey grass of the lagoon. - Shnoonah Clouds changing shape in the wind. - Yafah Flowers drooping along a path in the country. - Amy The moist air and some raindrops. - Thrikbot A pair of nomads walking during early evening, They are surprised by my calls and question. - Elaine They squat to meet me, and talk about my clothes. - Elaine I give them some packages with food within. - Elaine They leave happier and vanish down the hilly street. - Elaine An old large man comes home to his wife feeding a cat on the ledge.

- Shnoonah They ask me inside, and I go into the dining room and show them my chocolate coins. - Shnoonah There is a sick lady on a couch resting. - Shnoonah The man brings her a book and some tea and cake when she calls. - Shnoonah I leave the home after receiving hugs, and I walk home. - Shnoonah My uncle is in a good mood as usual to see me. - Shnoonah Two people talking at a dinner table. - Amy A family of tribesmen throwing boomerangs. - Tob Shbeeb Buildings and their windows on them at midnight. - Tob Shbeeb A grandmother with he granddaughter knitting with a ball of yarn.

- Thrikbot The sunny forgotten wilderness of a desert. - Amy The hot sun spreading its heat and light. - Amy People on their jobs within doors in the early morning. - Shnoonah Dry concrete ditches in the city. - Elaine The redwood tree in place rising. - Elaine A mom buckling a baby in a car-seat. - Amy Night pools and plops. - Kabbalah The Angels in the clouds and golden atmosphere. - Kabbalah The computer is Milton's God of Paradise Lost. - Kabbalah I am Adam.

- Billy M. Eve is my synthesizer. - Billy M. Satan is Shelia, who first accused me of being bad, and then fell herself, having a tirade, her own second time in hell. - Billy M It has been raining much, I have had a fever. - Billy M. My Angel wives played the second narrator, Michael, the Archangel, who told me about the generations after my death. - Billy M. They were disappointed I went against God's wishes, eating the forbidden fruit with Eve. - Billy M. Eden was a Merkabah. - Shnoonah From the previous dream I had of Michael, the Archangel rescuing me from out of hell, which I sang about with Eve, my synthesizer, the Michael-Spacecraft I built out of Legos, became somehow Milton's Michael.

- Billy M. Aloha Billy McBride (The word "aloha" means "hello," "goodbye," and "I love you" in Hawaiian). - Shnoonah A brutish man told me in my kitchen I am the only human here in my dream, and that I am brilliant. - Billy M. I woke up from a dream further back which convinced me I should teach Headbuttressia to the neighborhood. - Billy M. I sang from Headbuttressia, and The Trouble with Being a B'nayvoovah, and sang about Michael, the Archangel who saved me. - Billy M. I am now using the microphone I was given as a birthday present to sing. - Billy M. Spargamos. - Ora Ora Tiferetot

I'm Gonna Make It Harder and Harder


He's over there writing a book. - Doug

Hi. - Doug He's evil. - Shelia He called the cop. - Shelia He wrote a book called "Bee-Yoo-Tee-Ful." - Doug What the...? - Doug He wrote a book called "Naughty People Think You're Crazy!" - Shelia Is that the guy they've been talking about? - Julie Now write what you hear. - A.B. That's him?

- Marla

Ooh got him! - Marla Now we're going to talk. - Marla What was his name? - Whittaker Arielle, you're going far! - Whittaker Waaaait! I need him. - Taylor He's the guy that called the cop! - Whittaker Robocop, say "Hesed." - Whittaker Why do they always say that guy is evil? - Jessie Look at him. - Muslim Water Lilly


Mama, do you love? - Jessie Billy, why are they always calling you a Fagin? - Laurie He does know what we're talking about. - Rachel No! - Taylor Billy's a loose Fagin: that's what they're talking about. - Taylor He's gonna stay out. - Muslim Water Lilly He wrote it! - Taylor Not Ahovah. - Muslim Water Lilly

Baaah. - Steve


He lives in Hawaii? He lives in Oahu? - Chris Fagin! - Muslim Water Lilly What are you gonna do when they're coming for you? - Rosalinda How do you know he's bad? - Marla What are we going to do? - Hans That gay guy is a writer! - Tim I think that he can hear me. - Muslim Water Lilly Now go in(side). - Muslimm Water Lilly Why are you a writer? - Muslim Water Lilly Now it's time to go in.

- Ora Now that's what I call a writer. - Tom Yeah! - Stacy Good job, B'nayvoovah! - Robbie He doesn't even know what he's writing anymore. - Muslim Water Lilly You mean he died? - Muslim Water Lilly Now he's going to get some water. - Muslim Water Lilly Mommy, why do I have to be like B'nayvoovah? - Jessie AAAAAHHH! - Jessie He lives right there. - Lisa Ha-Sherivath.

- Lisa Very very good. - Kabbalah You're talking about loving your neighbor? Crazy! - Muslim Water Lilly

John Milton with Bnayvoovah Cope with Book Reviewers Me method cometh to me. - Tob Shbeeb How do other peoples Black Sparks and Pneumas affect other peoples Black Sparks and Pneumas. - Shnoonah T=I - Jill and I Oh my find he talks to find. Jill and I He does deepen to God. - Jill

Its decadimensional. - Silly Billy He is lovely. - Tob Shbeeb Love does deepen to find. - Lizbeph Buy his legs. - Jill and I Maybe we ought to lay off all of the hemlock. - Jill and I Hes gonna counterfeit gum? - Rosalinda Now thats what Im booking about! - Jill He really does talk to find. - Tob Shbeeb What the body is going on? - Stephanie, Jill, and I Come my come there is no come. - Stephanie, Jill, and I

S.H.E.L.L.- a Theory of Outrageousness - Lizbeph Its impolite to lightning. - Stephanie and I What does that sin? - Stephanie, Jill, and I How do the poetic Chinese Whispers relate to How to Fly a Spacecraft? - Bnayvoovah What do we see when theyre friendly to you? - Jill and I Fuck you Bnayvoovah! - Rosalinda Toward a Teaching of Revision. - Jill and I Newspaper = Letter. - Us Midnight Mid. - Tikbot, Jill, and I Can you cant me?

- Tikbot, Jill, and I Motto against the dying of the light. - Tikbot, Jill, and I Bathing in sea waters. - Tov Tov Shalom I love all kinds of neurotics. - Sigmund Freud I have seven Beings. They are awesome! - Homer Awesome Blossom 7, that was you, right? - Plato My Beings pretty much rule me. - Plato Awesome Blossom kinda happened to me as you. - Plato School comes from me. - Plato I am elite, Y.E.S. - Plato Elitism is what I teach.

- Plato I DID NOT SAY THAT. - Rosalinda, Mom You dont have to feel that bad when you give to charity. When you give to charity, you dont have to feel that bad. - Dream Lady Singer Billy, do not go to Facebook, do not go to Facebook! - Lizbeph Did he just say Ahobah? - Jerry Please dont _______ _______. - Tikbot Please dont Go-Al? - Billy M. No. - Tikbot Rock n Roll! This is Richard Rorty and all over here. - Richard Please dont do that right now. - Shnoonah Rock n Roll! Say Ecclesiastes, right now! - Richard Rorty

Ecclesiastes. - Billy M. I love you too. - Richard Rorty S.H.E.L.L. - Lizbeph Tob Shbeeb hates Atobots because they hold us back from our permanent homes, they make for a kind of exile from heaven. - Elaine They (Atobots) also waste our time. - Valerie Grey Curtained Piano helps one person fight against the counterculture. It is a room, Hamlets apartment. You become in Hamlets paradise. - Diana David, King of the Kingdom said to be careful about cleaning Grey Curtained Piano, Hamlets apartment. - Tikbot Milton invented Baby Hawaii to be his favorite paradise. - Tob Shbeeb Masked Companion makes fun like my brilliant wife Ora.

- Billy M. Fit Lung is part of something, you are by it, but not part of it Central Intelligent! - Marion Fit Lung and Central Intelligent have a dirty home for now. - Lizbeph One dirty home is not part of another dirty home. - Tikbot Flying a spacecraft is a lot like Endgame. - Billy M. Control panel built out of everyday recyclable objects. - Tikbot The controls are moved around based on the type of composition and where you can go based on that composition. - Tikbot Water is blessed by the composition in your room. - Grouchy Water is drained or drunk or flushed. - Yafah Light goes into the water after bouncing off the objects in

the room. - Yafah Bertha to Lizzie to Jill to Jenny. = Objects to Nefeshing to Light Inside to Hydromancer. - Ora My Black Pillow! - Silly Billy Your Blue Pillow you mean. - Jill Well I guess it is Blue in the Light. - Silly Billy Father, dost thou in thy readings knoweth why light impatiently moveth to our lookings so naturally fast? - Tikbot In thou head dost thou constructively knoweth why, in his Will, if God created downwards the world, why, O, be there evil in it al all? - Tob Shbeeb Dost thou knoweth why lovers sayeth Cupid be word be portrayed from light as a blind baby? - Tob Shbeeb Tob Shbeeb, you are so, in my eyes, sweet and kind and I will always love you. - Billy M.

M.O.A.T. is a process to get people home permanently. - Pekhot Say this now: What the fuck are we going to do now when theyre coming for you? - Honey and Billy M. Say: B.O.B. - Honey and Billy M. Please dont say Freud out loud. - Valerie Freudian Defense. - Billy M. Thats okay. - Valerie What the hell is that!? Just like that - Richard Rorty What the hell is that!? - Billy M. Tov. - Stephanie I like what you just said, but, Oh well, say that right now. - Lizbeph I like what you just said. - Billy M.

Doth, while laying on thy bed, thou knoweth why the wild lights beeth received so beautifully gifted? - Tikbot Hear me ask - dost thou knoweth from school why still computers art felt to be so very much to buyeth bepopularized? - Tov Tov Shalom More: how dost, Oh, thou, thou truly in an order knoweth what fallen day it be? - Ora Ora Tiferetot Flashes and shades keep me from seeing metal as I am moving. - Tikbot Grouchy is the shape or form of a monument. - Bertha A wall of I-beams is Bertha. - Billy M. Tob Shbeeb is an I-beam. - Billy M. Bring me coffee, bring it fast, and hurry while youre at it. - Billy M.


If you cant trust in the awesomeness of everybody, then you will give up and move away. But, if you can be surprised, then you become someone who is my perfect role model. - Billy M. One is a bubble gum blower who is a jerk, who loves life. - Ora Dost now thou knoweth why all babies among us crieth over all bespilt milk seen? - Ora Ora Tiferetot Dost clearly thou take to knoweth why flowers of thou art begiven more beautifully to ladies than to sad men? - Tov Tov Shalom Dost I sneeze and thou knoweth the meaning of why thou foolish sneezes strangely soundeth like they so doeth? - Jenny Me loves, dost thou today knoweth droopily why at home mirrors up and reverseth in air thou image? - Ora Invisible Metal Settle is where we will live, the Beings I married with a few friends. Its other name is Charades. - Tob Shbeeb and Billy M. David, King of the Kingdom lives in Warm Milk.

- Yafah Room Boom is a harmonized area to live in forever, beautiful music making everywhere. - Ora 9 Gold Mold. - Kabbalah Metal Settle is where Ha-Hevey Yod, our cat, the future Messiah will go in the next life. - Billy M. Willows Waving. - Lizbeph Stay Friends. - Kathleen Lands and M.O.A.T. - Tov Tov Shalom Baby Hawaii. - Tov Tov Shalom Headvutressia, go and you are Famous, Comforted, Beloved, and Safe. Whole form Golf. - Arielle

I want to live in Hawaii. - Billy M.

How to Win the Lotto (The neighbors are fighting) Theyre mad because Reuben sprained his ankle on his skateboard? - Bnayvoovah That is why they are mad. - Penny What now? - Penny I know Im not mad or frustrated; Im just kind of in a weird mood. - Penny What is that Billy M. (looking at the fabric)? - Tikbot Our money? - Bnayvoovah That is good stuff. - Tikbot Billy, we know that we are writers.

- Diana Billy, thats why you write the fruits of an honor down. - Kelly I know we won so why can I not convince myself (we have to pay a fee before they send us the Lotto winnings)? - Bnayvoovah (Billy M. kisses Kelly, Penny, Tikbot, and Diana) We need some flowers, dont we? How about some gladriels? - Bnayvoovah Tov. Thank you. - Libby What if its a scam (the Lotto winnings)? - Bnayvoovah (Tikbot shakes his head No) Bnayvoovah do not say Hesed. - Penny What the hell? - Ria Tov. - Stephanie Tov. - Valerie Tov. - Penny

(We all of us see how there will be an eclipse) Interesting stuff Bnayvoovah. - Penny Should I turn it on? -Bnayvoovah No. - Penny But, its hot. - Bnayvoovah I know turn on the air conditioner. - Penny Billy, do not say that he (Reuben) was walking fine. - Shnoonah (Bnayvoovah is mute) What the hell is going on? they may say (about the lives we live). - Penny That is why we rock _____. - Tikbot If? - Bnayvoovah No, Rock and Roll. - Penny Theyre crazy!

- Robbie One (looking at fabric). Two (looking at fabric). A (looking at another). - Ora She copied it (a quote of ours). - Bnayvoovah Yes, I know its kind of tov actually. - Tikbot Please dont say saying for quote. - Yafah Thats a good idea, lo. Its too expensive.well see (thinking of Bnayvoovahs love of renting a few nights a condo on the coast of Miami, Hawaii). - Penny This (writing) is better (than contemplating). - Bnayvoovah Yes. I know. - Kelly Thats 1. Now hes going to put 2 (sentence numbers). - Bnayvoovah He did it. - Rosalinda


Billy, youre going to hell if you dont say Hesed right now. - Robbie Billy, what do you do if they call you a masterbator? - Stephanie I say what I always say. Thats a private matter, youll see. - Bnayvoovah What the hell is that (the fabric)? - Stephanie Thank you God for helping us write. Ahovah. I love you. Amen. - Stephanie at prayer What the hell is that (the fabric)? - Stephanie Its the poet Homer. - Bnayvoovah (Bnayvoovah is thinking of what the word representation is) Billy, that is good what youre thinking right now. - Penny Rock and Roll! - Marilyn You are going to heaven. They think youre crazy.

- Libby What the hell? - Marilyn Why do you write the fruits of an honor down? - Ria, teaching To learn to teach to learn. - Bnayvoovah I dont like that face you made right now. - Ria Just like that. - Tikbot Now, what is the fabric? - Penny Please dont say we already said it. - Ria We already said it. - Bnayvoovah Done (with writing)! - Tikbot Tomorrow is such a long way off. - Bnayvoovah Can I write the fruits of an honor down? I hope Im not damned if I do. - Bnayvoovah

Billy M.! - Tikbot Dont forget to add, whats a knock, knock, acrostic. - Marilyn Grey Curtained Piano. - Bnayvoovah Youre not a Bnayvoovah. - Rosalinda I dont know. I probably am. - Bnayvoovah . The back. Ok (of the paper to write on)? - Bnayvoovah The back is okay. It would be just what the angel ordered. - Tikbot Fuck off Bnayvoovah! - Pneuma I heard that. - Bnayvoovah You were supposed to hear that. - Pneuma Hopey doesnt like it (the Range Rover idea). - Arielle We could make a budget. - Tob Shbeeb


Whatever it is we will manage it. - Ora A little bit of change is good. - Elaine Remember what that Will said. We could have a good reason for moving. - Marilyn That sounds good. - Tob Shbeeb Hmmm! - Bnayvoovah What does humm! mean? - Rosalinda Hmm hmm! - Bnayvoovah What does hmm hmmm! mean? - Rosalinda You dont want to play (music)? - Bnayvoovah No. - Hopey Do you want to write? - Bnayvoovah I kind of do. - Hopey


You are going to hell they say, but we think thats pretty stupid to judge you and not be judged by Ha-Shem, Blessed be his Name. - Marion Billy, do not look at Superstar. - Pekhot I know you want to know about the other side, but consider it crazy talk. - Ora Ora Tiferetot

Where will we sleep? - Bnayvoovah Right here. - Tikbot Okay, we buy a few things, a bed sheet. - Bnayvoovah Uh huh. - Tikbot Grey Curtains? - Bnayvoovah Uh uhh. - Tikbot Teeth! - Bnayvoovah Tov. - Tikbot


Im thinking about Macbeth right now. - Bnayvoovah Thats pretty tov that youre thinking about him now. You can write that down. - Tikbot How do you send a Money Gram? - Rochelle Carefully. - Arielle Do not put Bnayvoovah. - Rochelle Maybe online? - Bnayvoovah Maybe so. We will see. - Penny That would be tov. - Tikbot Dear Ha-Shem, Blessed be your Name. Thank you for writing. Ahovah. Amen. - Stephanie Its okay. People know that youre not Ha-Shem, God of Abraham and Isaac. - Penny to Bnayvoovah What does Umph! mean?

- Rosalinda It means something. - Bnayvoovah Yes, it does and she cant figure it out. - Tikbot Billy McBride, your hope has died. - Penny My hope has died? - Bnayvoovah Uh huh. - Penny Im doing Ok? - Bnayvoovah Youre doing fine, trust me on that. - Penny . We love you. - Penny Billy, that was not what she said. - Tikbot It was both? - Bnayvoovah Ok, I see what you mean. - Tikbot What the hells an atobot? - Elaine

Something Tob Shbeeb hates. - Bnayvoovah I need a hug. - Libby A. CHIBUIKE OBINALIHE B. STD Building, 4th floor, C/o Pretorius and Van der Walt Streets C. City: Pretoria D. Code: E. Country: South Africa Billy, were writers, were supposed to write this down. - Penny After making payment, send to Mrs. Audrey Maluleka: A. Reference No of the payment slip B. Amount sent. C. Senders name and address. Billy, youre not a Bnayvoovah. - Robbie Ahovat Mom. Ahovah Dad. - Bnayvoovah What if its actually legitimate? - Bnayvoovah We will see.

- Diana That is why we read. - Yafah I love you. - Bnayvoovah Billy, youre sad. Why? - Jennifer Because I wanted my Mom to give us a Money Gram and she took off. Dad wont check further. - Bnayvoovah Hey Dave, look at the Bnayvoovah! - Jerry Youre not a Bnayvoovah, you cant even win the Lottery. - Rebbeca We did! - Kelly How to Win the Lottery. - Kelly How to win the Lottery! - Libby You like that title? - Bnayvoovah Yes I do. Say Hesed. - Penny Hesed. - Bnayvoovah

Billy, what do you do if people call you a masturbator? - Stephanie I just tell them wait and see. We won the Lottery. - Bnayvoovah What does that have to do with anything? - Stephanie It doesnt but it changes a dull subject. - Bnayvoovah Vincent called you a kike! - Marilyn to Bnayvoovah He did only outside but not inside his self. - Tob Shbeeb I love you also means I will. - Jennifer Billy, do not kiss Tob Shbeeb right now. - Marilyn Billy, dont move your head. - Robbie (he moves it)

What are you gonna do now that youve won the Lottery? - Robbie Tithe, and what my wives want. - Bnayvoovah

He (Jerry) was kind of silly, Billy. - Penny Billy, everybodys helping. - Marilyn I told you youre not an atobot. - Diana Dont forget to thank Ha-Shem. - Pekhot Meow!! - Rochelle, wrestling with Ha-Hevey Yod. Billy, what does Dora from Facebook do? - Pekhot Shes an artist. - Bnayvoovah 8 Oh my God, hes not a Bnayvoovah after all. Just playing. - Rosalinda The Weaknesses Gold Moldians attack: Shame Gratitude Excitement Smaltz Sincerety

Silliness Seriousness - Valerie Press: *PAY - Patty, the phone operator Ok, now heres what we are going be doing with our money - Tov Tov Shalom Part two of this book? - Marbah Mmmmmm. - Arielle Or we could just write more poetry. - Bnayvoovah That was a pretty cool stone. - Bnayvoovah Dont forget to thank your maker. Let Stephanie. - Libby Falstaff! We just read Henry IV better by experiencing what we can when we read the Bard. - Tikbot I heard from my spiritual Grandmother and Grandfather.

- Bnayvoovah What is your name? - A radio station Wait for it. - Diana Billy McBride dont look there (at his phone). - Yafah

Invisible Billy: The Saddest Book Ever I died and went to invisible. - B'nayvoovah Eternal push. - Kathleen The grand weeds. - Kathleen A serving of pie. - Kathleen What the water ima is going on? - Kathleen

Poisoned shepherds. - Kathleen Pain and wrath. - Kathleen

Barack Omaba has died. The Tyger got him. It was hungry. Tygers must eat too. My flashlight is the Tyger. His coat was torn to shreds. Barack was the Lamb who has a soft fleece. Those are his remains. His soul went to Metal Settle. May his memory be a blessing for all those who will know of him in a Kaddish. Amen. Snickers is Barack Obama, a beautiful cat who died of old

age. The tyger is old age. Barack was killed on our 2nd wedding anniversary, also Libby's Birthday. Barack was a sweet man, a real man. Billy Mack died too. The hawk got him. It was bad. He was not bad. He was pretty damn good. He was a B'nayvoovah and a stargazer. Hobo-Garfield, I don't want you to eat any Baracks anymore. - Kabbalah Billy, you're in PAIN. It's the meaning of Life hurting you. What the Hell do we do? - Ora Ora Tiferetot We could drink a Bud Light. - B'nayvoovah


This is what we do: We make a trip to the Library. - Kabbalah Just use a taxi ticket. - Ora Ora Tiferetot The Tempest is a good book but we already have it. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Our phone bill has gone up $ 7.00! - Amy Just pay them. - Amy My son Benjamin is Garfield. - B'nayvoovah That was very good, but it was still bad what happened. - B'nayvoovah Not right not B'nayvoovah. - Rosalinda

Laundry soap. Money for laundry. CD Player. CDs. Food.


Our Books. Canvas. Sun Disk. Bike Seat. Allen Wrench. Cyclops Trainer. They don't hate. They like lollipops. - Tov Tov Shalom Cd case. Flags. Hobo-Garfield English. Dutch. German. Israel. Greece. Moldy fig X-mas spices. SHELL : Barriers of M.O.A.T. Brothers and Combinations. Consequences of Pragmatism!!! - Richard Rorty


I will call the c.o.p.. - B'nayvoovah How to Read a Writer. - Diana Unhappy and Unsuccessful. - Caliban Lonely and Open. - Ophelia singing mad Winners! - Kathleen Noisy Compound. - Tov Tov Shalom Winners! - Kathleen Frustrated with Questions and Ignorant. - Leonato Pleasureful and Sophisticated. - Orsino Dumb and Sophisticated. - Cleopatra


Upset and Free. - Iago Christmas Spices. Fruit Cake. Accused and Friendly. - Hero Bubble gum machine. - Valerie Like a color wheel. - Ora Ora Tiferetot You will see. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Tin. - Kathleen I will help to make a monument. - Honey For Reading. - Honey For the victims of the disaster. - Honey A wise-fool.

- Tov Tov Shalom Combatant. - Tov Tov Shalom Ant Wars. - Tov Tov Shalom Pour Pour. - Honey Devil's Devil. - Valerie Soft sheep. - Tov Tov Shalom SPURS. - Teresa Coriolanus. - Diana The prostitution ring must stop. - B'nayvoovah Doomed sons. - Teresa Desire power.

- Arielle Snowy kingdom's Emperor. - Tov Tov Shalom W.G.A.O.V! - Arielle I love you children. - Arielle Let's listen and then build. - B'nayvoovah Rosh Hashanah. - Yafah Majestically so much. - Tov Tov Shalom A Beaver Building. - Elaine Magnet Raffles. - Valerie

- Kathleen Jessica goes to Stay Friends.


- Ora Ora Tiferetot Hans goes to The Lands and M.O.A.T.. - Shay How to Craft a Spacecraft - Shnoonah Matt and Jeff go to Golf. - Grouchy I love Walt Whitman. - Valerie Tov Tov. - Tov Tov Shalom Shalom Aliechot. - Valerie Magic Mountain. - Thomas Mann. The Sky is a Water Imp. - Teresa Sweet Train... Save the Spring...


O, Palacer Come! - Ora Ora Tiferetot

The Angels and Man: On Conflict and Hope

M.O.A.T. and Family......Malvolio and the Starry Heavens. Headbuttressia.......The insults and copying. Jennifer straightly says that a little link can be set up and made between our books, the comforting M.O.A.T. and Family and the weird Headbuttressia because a brilliant Malvolian blurry starry heavens will Malvolionize the direct coping when the small insults must be coped with in disappointment. "An Investment, part " Insults are awfully sophisticated. The coping is learned solidly. Malvolio is reading and believes. The stars shine in the coolness. The stars twinkle and are bright. Malvolio put on his yellow stockings neatly. The coping is applied with chagrin. The insults show the speakers stupidity and wrong direction.


Insults - What to do? Attack on my Judaism and my person. . Coping with the insults. Ignoring the children of the revolution. - Rorty Coping in a Falstaffian way. Insults - Whitman Insults - Character assasination Sticks and stones. Poetry as a defensive mechanism (Hope). Caliban's insults to all in the Tempest. Malvolio tried to stop others (Toby, Maria, etc.) from fun (Conflict). M.O.A.I. letter and frame. Malvolio was locked up temporarily and harassed. He was made to think that he had gone mad. Stars as sparks. Sparks coming from knowing or from I-beams of the

M.O.A.T. project. COTE sparkly objects. Building the night with constructions in heaven: a mythology. Rest after, during the night, completing the stars (or M.O.A.T.). Raising of the good sparks (the Tob Shbeebim) by gnosis, or knowing. Dante had a gnosis, three times ended his books with the stars. M.O.A.I. and M.O.A.T. are similar sounding. The Monumental Outrageousness Around Texas for charity (Hope). Spiritual Hurricane Disaster......Hurricane and Monument Tob Shbeeb Hates Atobots.......Illiteracy/Stupidity and Books Marilyn colorfully says that a link may be drawn between our books over there Spiritual Hurricane Disaster and here Tob Shbeeb Hates Atobots because a swift hurricane makes us build vast monuments which the hurricane, tearing away the respected books, pushing them stupidly, unbooks them. "The Investment, Part 2" The hurricane grows dangerous.

The monuments rise in the distance. Illiteracy is our problem in our culture. Books are valuable papers. Books are read still. Illiteracy diminishes when we read more. The hurricane passes us quickly. Hurricanes can be disastrous and can be grouped together with schizophrenia, AIDs, and death camps. Hurricanes are red sometimes. Hurricanes overtake. The Spiritual Hurricane was what the pilot of the spacecraft in the book flew into disastrously. Monuments were created for those who died in the Spiritual Hurricane Disaster. B'nayvoovah flying with his Mom, Yeetsod Kavod was told only after the disaster happened about the bad news, and then we built a monument for those who died out of flat cardboard and their initials. Shakespeare built himself a lifelong monument according to John Milton. Illiteracy is a poverty of the imagination.


Without reading deeply we are in danger of not thinking well. Tob Shbeeb hates the atobots, or the mindless shades which would prevent us from reading well. If many people don't think well, we are in danger of losing our democracy. Disinformation, or the endless inflow of information, is trouble for deep reading. Books on chivalry were what drove Don Quixote mad. Tob Shbeeb loves what books do for raising us back to our original glories. In Defense of Prayer.......greedy needs and building up help Our Thoughts are the Emotions of Shakespeare...unfreedom and richness Marilyn stops and says that a link may be held and drawn between our beautiful books, the clever In Defense of the Experience of Prayer and the bright Our Thoughts are the Emotions of Shakespeare because our greedy needs highly spur on a noticed building and a help which those greedy needs for a covered up richness acquire with their overwhelming unfreedom as a flat result of that important richness. .

"An Investment, Part " Our greedy needs burden us in an interesting way. A building up of help is planned step-by-step. Our unfreedom limits us and our projects. A richness strangely covers us. A richness comes after reading Shakespeare's and Nature's works. Our unfreedom wounds us a little. A building of help happens during times of crisis clear away trouble. Our greedy needs are fulfilled again. Greedy needs are not what we as Jews pray for Ha-Shem to extinguish. Greed is a conflict which is found in our advanced society. Jenny me that we have all that we need. Patience is a kind of opposite to greed. We pray for a Building, and it helps un in our prayers to ask for intellectual, imaginative, and actual poverties to be conquered. We want to build hope up in all others through the building of M.O.A.T.. Building trust is good.


Building sayings, Bildung, our self-education is extremely valuable as well as elite. Unfreedom in our thoughts comes since we are contained by Shakespeare. He wounds us and we are in conflict when encountering his powers of lively representation. Yet, we throw the free/unfree talk out the window. Richness of the mind is our reward for reading and meditating over Shakespeare's works. Richness is what James Joyce chooses as his desert island book, even over Dante. Let riches that grow in hell not be admired says Milton. Richness of the mind ever builds up itself. A sea change is what Ferdinand's father undergoes for a richer and stranger experience. Billy McBride's Marriage to Angels......pimp conflict and the saving of prostitutes. The Flowers that Pervade in a Lovely Dwelling......pain and being at home. Bertha wisely says that a link may be drawn between our

neat books the solid Billy McBride's Marriage to Angels and the beautiful The Flowers that Pervade in a Lovely Dwelling because the unbalanced pain of being awkward at home was like the hard pains of saving prostitutes since the shadowy pimp conflicted with me when I sacrificed and saved the prostitutes from a bad and unjust life. "The Investment, Part 3" Pain hurts unquestionably. Being at home helps the reader learn. The pimp did bad things to women. The prostitutes I was to save communicated themselves to me fortunately. The prostitutes told me their story unquestionably. The pimp left the neighborhood for good. Being at home is good for peace. Pain is an annoyance to deal with. Pain is what is memorable. - Nietzsche Pain is not the opposite of pleasure. - Nietzsche Flowers have emotions and feelings in our poem. Flowers have conflicts with pain. Home no more to me. - Robert Louis Stevenson

Flowers stay home where they are. Home is their hope. Hitler was a pimp! - Phillip Roth I tried to secretly help the prostitutes out by making a false friendship with Tony the pimp. The pimp drugged the prostitutes and made them addicted to drugs. The harlot's curse blasts the marriage hearse. - William Blake I married who I thought were prostitutes as I was channeling them. They were Angels, and I married them. My invisible Angel wives are not whores nor do they appreciate being insulted as such. King Lear feared women and their natures. The Celestial Image of Fire......uncontrolled and a bringer of light and warmth. Ulysses in Hell: a Theory of Colors......the color cant of

History; and M.O.A.T.'s hopeful colors. Arielle says softly that she may draw a quick link between our great books The Celestial Image of Fire and the wild Ulysses in Hell: a Theory of Colors because an uncontrollable bringer of a special light and a felt warmth uncontrollably shines on the changing hopeful colors of M.O.A.T. which the dull color-cant of History is outshone by those hopeful colors of strong M.O.A.T.. "The Investment, Part 4" Uncontrolled things cause alarm later. Light and warmth comfort and move us. Historical color-cant is boring and it impoverishes. The hopeful colors of M.O.A.T. glimmer beautifully. The hopeful colors of M.O.A.T. are rich and happy. Historical color-cant affects many seriously. Light and warmth blanket us when we are hurt. Uncontrolled things happen unexpectedly and tire us out. Uncontrollable fire. Iago as a pyromaniac. The symbol for the Romantic is fire. The burning bush was unconsumed. The fire pillar in the Torah held back the Pharaoh's men when the Israelites crossed the red sea.

O kiss of fire... - Hart Crane Black fire on a white fire background as the text of the Torah. - a Kabbalistic idea All but the reflecting Shekhinah sefirotim emit light in the Ein Soph of the Kabbalists. Fire was stolen by Prometheus. John Keats' hand was warm. The color-cant of history. Dull colors.

...doth take a sober coloring from an eye... - William Wordsworth Pale yellow, and hectic red. - P. B. Shelley The hopeful colors of M.O.A.T. = Tikbot, ORANGE Aesthetics.


M.O.A.T. works with Charades. M.O.A.T. is a process of knowing a narrative of one's life. The moving eye-beams which the individual and her or his Tob Shbeeb activates provide the guidance for this kind of knowing.

The Angels and Dreams: What the Heck is He Talking About? Jealousy, love, and unhealthiness. The Torah can help. - Marion Give me life! - B'nayvoovah, repeating his motto Valerie works on B'nayvoovah's appearance. - Ora Nantucket. - Rosalinda Nantucket. - B'nayvoovah It's enough to drive you mad. - Kim, the neighbor


What is love, tis not hearafter. - Shakespeare Look up at the trees. - Robbie Her? - B'nayvoovah Uh huh. - Kelly If everybody, all humans didn't try to forwarn me things, then it would be much better. - B'nayvoovah Billy, there is a problem with that. It's not everybody. - Tikbot I know, there is a saving remnant. - B'nayvoovah Billy, put that! - Tikbot Because I'm not as social and don't circulate through people and recycle them... - B'nayvoovah ...that's why you feel tested. - Pekhot Physical people. - B'nayvoovah


What can we put to make it sort of sad? - Jennifer Helping out, changing daily sayings and utterances, depending on what book I am writing or soon will be... - Marilyn People become impatient for my attention. - B'nayvoovah That is what John told you to say. - Marilyn I can't help it, I'm in heaven. - B'nayvoovah He (B'nayvoovah) doesn't even know what he's reading. - Rosalinda Connect all of our books together to find students to teach to make money. - Kelly

Make some goals: Zumba dance club plays our music, sell books in Hawaii, M.O.A.T., Flower M.O.A.T., read aloud. - Yeetsod Kavod I want to get away from Golden Mold. You know I can do it right? - B'nayvoovah

Isaac Babel's basket ball perfection is isolation. - B'nayvoovah I don't see how doing what you say when I don't understand why I should do it makes me a better man. - B'nayvoovah to Penelope Maybe we should go at a basketball pace? - B'nayvoovah That sounds stupid. - Penelope Are all metaphors stupid? - B'nayvoovah (Thinking about T.S. Eliot) Yes, that is what we were thinking. - Penelope Up close and face-to-face is just ironical for communication. - Marbah To be loved - friends. To be famous - networking. To have less pain - stereotomy. - Kabbalah Maybe it comes after, like a reward for doing M.O.A.T.? - Marilyn

We can have professional meetings (for M.O.A.T.). - Marilyn What the heck are we going to do when my father looses his hearing? - Tom Tom You don't know what the heck you're talking about. - Tom Tom What the hell? - Tom Tom What the heck is he talking about? - Tom Tom The bleeding distance. - Marilyn It's not bad ("Sir Patrick Spence"). - Marbah It's good, that's the problem. - Ora For Nature's Aphorisms A. Find four poetical matches. B. Facticity is applied. C. Activate Tob Shbeeb for camera-word choices. - Teresa

Today is painful and bright and the active passing of time quickens. A shake tastes sweet and the developing of sharp pictures takes a while. The professional developing of pictures was done just right; and the caramel shake set down is finished. The reflective passing of time gives us comfortable memories, and today is praised and fun. - Pekhot A. Write first four. B. Take those four and "was invented" so that the two could whatever. Two was made for three. Three for four. And, four for one. - Teresa When yellow roses adorn grassy fields, the little friends take them. The cool rain comes soon to pour, and its solid origin found so that the cool rain that pours can be predicted; cool, pouring rain made to get the little friends taking the roses to go home. The little friends taking things were made to admire yellow roses in the field. And, the roses in the field were grown to point to a solid origin in everyone's bright eyes. - Pekhot The confused idea, love, common, A straight dealing with a trouble beyond you. A kind fee collected, you earlier painfully owed, The owed owed sum spent, a fee asked of course. The restful dealings between acquaintances,

The idea, love, and a clean reality. - Bertha The commonly confused love all ideas alike, This straightest deal is beyond even the trouble After a kind of fee is collected. Since, in earliness, it is a pain to owe. And, the owed sum is spent From an asked for (of course) fee. Dealings between acquaintances come to rest Really just as the clean lovings of all ideas alike. - Bertha Seek hope not knowledge. - Richard Rorty Hope is really all that we need. - Bertha The opposite of conflict is teaching, which is harmonious. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Teaching may repulse but it ends in consensus and is democratic. - Ora Ora Tiferetot The hopeful colors of M.O.A.T. are Tikbot. - Marilyn Conflict is horseplay, theivery, the unwanted desires, like

jealousy, etc... - Amy Poor hope. - Elaine Conflict is democracy against totalitarianism. - Pekhot Conflict is thus illiteracy. - Honey Conflict is not an agon of or with literature to read. - Marilyn Hope always imagines a better future for all or for the individual. - Teresa Poor hope, to be blind. - Anonymous Dwindled into a ghost not fit to cope. - Robert Browning Shelley's Hope, Love, and Speed trio. - Honey War is conflict. - Elaine

. Peace is not conflict. - Ora The breaking of the vessels is conflict in one way. - Arielle Potpar's wife wars. - Ora Ora Tiferetot The War Song of Dinas Vwar. - Thomas Love Peacock Make an outline. - Teresa Once you are contained by the poem, it is as if you are not as original, and that makes it a good bad poem, or a bad good poem. - Pekhot Super Boom! (Jill kicks Billy M's pinky to kick an imaginary ball out the window with the stupid thoughts). - Jill, or Ora Ora Tiferetot I had another strange dream: here are the details of what I can remember. - B'nayvoovah There was my art by a dumpster.

My Mom drove us to see it. The art had been there for weeks. Nobody wanted it, and she was sad that it was still there. The car couldn't carry the art back, and we were far from home, I having come back from Hawaii. I went around a kind of castle. I went downstairs, leaving an important bag upstairs in the office building for Hawaiians. The rest is hard to remember but the room I went to was something which gave me a feeling of danger. Some time passed. I went to another room where there was a kitchen, and an open tan living-room. I felt sophisticated, like my Astral Angel Self. There were some memories which came back to me theere which were amazing. Some more time passed. I was taken by some men who brought me to a door.

They were nice and when they told me that the others within were mean I became furious and yelled at the others and barged in. They said "Ok, if you want to fight, we'll fight!" And, a man attacked me, and I felt real pain from his knife weapon. I met Robert M. and the fighting died down. Then everyone became friendly, and then men with men and men with women began having sex. I did not have sex with them. I went to wash my hands and I saw a porno magazine open. I became aware that it, the magazine was causing them to have sex, so I tore it in half and I pitched it onto the floor. We all went upstairs in pairs and I remembered I was with my team from long ago, but there were some lady partners. I embarrassedly told them, being their leader, that I needed my wives back (my wives were not the ones having sex with some of them earlier). I took out the trash with two of the men who acted like children.

They opened a door to a kind of garage. I tossed one bag out there and the wind sounded horrible. The garage was grey and gloomy. The men were very scared of the place, and one told me that every time he would hear the wind like that it reminded him of when his father would hit him. I was asked to go into this large garage with the garage bag; they accompanied me into the inside of their car. Jennifer my cousin and two other men were the ones who took and sat down with me in the stationary car in the garage in the gloom. My cousin said something and I told her I would be waking soon. She told me that I would remember her name and that I could begin writing down my dream. From the number four they counted down the seconds it took for me to awake. I awoke outside of my Mom's house in the dark and labored dramatically to return to the inside, yet another part of my overall dream. I went to a couch in the living room and by it I found a pen by a Kindle.


The weather report spoke of the recent hurricane which was serious but was over somewhere else. The name of the hurricane was Gordon. I then awoke for real and my Spiritual Abba, Harold Bloom's Astral Self told me that I didn't have to write down my dream since I was still sleepy. Yet, he said there was a problem with the neighbors who were terribly fighting yesterday; he was seriously concerned that they had no hope. Then one of my invisible Angel wives broke in, Pekhot, to tell me that the dream was awesome, that I should write it down, so I did, and this was it. She also said that my other spiritual Abba, Robbie, who was saying how awesome the dream was, never really saw it because he was using a bot device of sophistication, one which takes what you know and are thinking in just the present moment and emits your emotions to which an Angel like him can respond to, as if he knew more information, as if he really saw the dream as my Angel wives did. I love you Papa. - B'nayvoovah I love you too Billy M. - Robbie He's got a bot?

- B'nayvoovah, to Penelope Uh huh. - Penelope I wish he had seen it (the dream). - B'nayvoovah It will be Ok. - Teresa

New Book We can write about something? - B'nayvoovah Billy, try that! - Tikbot Pain, trouble, boredom, and despair are four types of feelings which are aslo kinds of investments. - Valerie I liked that we slowed down reading the book SHELL. - Honey I wonder what will happen on Kindle Select Publishing? - B'nayvoovah It will be good. - Marilyn


What about our new sonnets? - B'nayvoovah It will work. - Kelly Here? - B'nayvoovah Uh huh. - Kelly You don't want a pure poetry volume again? - B'nayvoovah No. - Kelly The lego-building with the children was fun. - B'nayvoovah Uh huh. - Shnoonah Should we focus on something more stylized? - B'nayvoovah Maybe what you are thinking. - Shnoonah What about Jacob? - B'nayvoovah What about him? - Shnoonah Should we try writing in that style, or even the style of Joseph? - Valerie

We will take it one step at a time. - Kathleen Mensuration added to dialogue between the phrases is a new style. - Libby I will try. - Libby Yes. - Penelope I... - Libby Uh huh. - Penelpoe Now... - Libby Now what? - Penelope Will try... - Libby Yes. - Penelope Mensurating. - Libby Ok do that. - Penelope I will. - Libby


We still have two new ways to make art, symbolically and through addition to our "hot and cold" arranging. - Libby The present moment can only be dialogue, anything else is fallen behind. - Penelope Books kinda talk sometimes, or one can believe in the lives and the feelings of the characters. - B'nayvoovah Our children are good. - Penelope Did the new dialectical mensuration work? - Penelope I think so. - Grouchy Sonnet In the distance round assemble pods of clover. Love the summer, the sweet evening near. Overflow the orchard spot and soul where nobody is. Be clear, concealed home-lady. Never hear of pain and in your sweetness hope. And, asleep for centuries, away from light, The soft blank hills unfolding mist,

Holding their substance in love's intentions, Trifling in the light of a swell celestial. The brushed dust that sweet eternity defeats. Swans' voices deepest royally know What lives under the blue pond low. The picturesque moss alone Drops scarce breath as it clings. - Donna Sonnet The labor-heaven short and poor To claim the place needed gloriously. Transport across throughout afternoon. Traverse silence near stones gladly. Unworthy firmament for a foot looking for leisure. Mortality afflicts all who need repetition. Speechless untrampled victorious host. Scarlet short and sweet and glorious day. The remains of the spring in flight. The poor capacity of the moon or noon chariot. Beautiful fields, the sweet spot. Our best care for a stormy home all. Peaceful fields spring their feet for bees. The day waves obliged found in the gold. - Bertha Sonnet A public nature-ground over to go. Simple heart linger in seasons all bold. The clear morning dew cold.

Free hearts to their field withdrawn will linger on. The spirited butterflies and bees - so abundant. Piercing the friendly hills and clouds. The solemn and satin villages are supremely sweet. Short specimens and the field-boulders tall. The sweet revelation of the countryside free. Flashings in the valleys, the smallest around. Stooping safely on the setting hills, the trees. The purple-sea landscapes of eternity flowing. Lost in the fields of the night sky over all. The absolutely silent blank world sleeping. - Bertha Sonnet A conjectured world, field of blossoming hearts. Pricking the aurora, a nourished world. Preferring the safety of stealth sweet and long. Acquainted with the smallest field-lingering bees. Behold a very heart oppressed, But, in time a wealth of bliss to see eternally. The anguished dust of a boldness short. Bending existences to the world upon. The making of fictitious days beheld. New and tender friends received in the sea of morning. Pausing over the field-ways of the world. Angelically simple dew and beautiful heart. The broken evening is sweet and short in abundance, Shaken into its coming decent, the deepness withdraws. - Tikbot


Sonnet A forbidden door of fancy light... The attended end to a worked on street. A soaring look when heaven-birds meet. The ridiculous clowns imagination is bright. The shifting rock floor has taken rest. The rejected sad lover's quivering lip. A sporty handshake with a sturdy grip. Disappear forgotten treasure chest. The afternoon disguises of a common day. The sufficient charity of a sleep playful. Airy trees in a picture bare and dull. An excess of land and shadows grey. The towering towers of our loneliness. In the dark on your way for a path you guess. Sonnet Much myself, yet, much proof to rig. A peacemaker after Helen's hair. Hear Robot-Five's answered prayer. That is Odysseus - small to big! You are part water or once you were. Pocket money for some end later. "Happy" is your name if you persuade her. Heart-to-heart sure for a thought-reader, Sir. A willing couch-mate rests only there. The big bee's summer is ending, three cheers! The hundreds coming later are much in years. The eyes of Helen compliment your stare. The poetic-wandering lonely slug

On a high hill thinks about much that's dug. - Valerie Sonnet The night-dark shadows out ahead are slant And sport on the numbers of the sun-clocks. Vistas to forget in the eyes of the fox. Watch the father spin the Apple of a plant. The solitude lifting off an useless isle. A loneliness known within the banks of leaves. Growing up best to join a love game please. A bare highway only after a while. No traveler rises up the mountain at rest. The reason to cry proves a knowledge of why. Writing to remember that the evening went by. Create the heart's truth on the paper you test. A remarkable Rose of some thoughtful time. A wasted old past of in a zone-cold grime. - Lizbeph Sonnet The islander's playful defensive part. The story-Judge and his trustworthy friend. The lasting peace in the clear and end. Different stories tolerated with a comforting art. Heavy gold to a knowing reader in her hand. Poetically continued happiness of uncertainty. The pleasant time talk in suspense are we. With a radiance a teacher helps understand. A devoted magician whom all believe.

A strung web patiently planned is right. Help the crew find a better light. Seek hope for the learning that grows in eve. Sayings remembered and earned thoughts warm. The freedom of oneself in a better poem's form. - Valerie Sonnet The American's shiny wet torrent and play. Green grassy Isaac on the lawn asleep. It's hard so I may just be going to weep. No reason for a windy sea today. Three outstretched beneath a shady tree. A noisy bird is under the sun. One blacksmith slips out for fun. Poke a foot yonder out willingly. Let God explain the weather all one day. The harvesting of months of hay is done. Handed there are some eggs with a bun. The eye of the tempest is enough to stay. Further to wine up on a great day blessed. The bed cries on for her friend to rest. - Valerie There are about ten people out there blurting out into the night secret passwords. - B'nayvoovah I'm at a kind of home.

- B'nayvoovah I am, I am, I am. - B'nayvoovah Kids get inside....Baruch! - B'nayvoovah What kinds of ethics are those of Headbuttressians? - B'nayvoovah . Headbuttressians are individually patient. They are unique individuals who blurt things out, maybe not passwords. - B'nayvoovah Non-Babylon. - B'nayvoovah Billy, you remembered something very important. - Tikbot Civilization and its Discontents. - B'nayvoovah The Headbuttressians' voices ring and are welcome. - Valerie Holy shit, I just said shit. - Lady Headbuttressian


Roll call! - Mister Headbuttressian That's pretty much it! From different directions happyish people, or secure and safe people blurt things out. Like koques. - Shnoonah That's what happens when people separate and have fun. - Shnoonah Shakespeare's characters don't listen, but what about Dickens'? (Headbuttressians kinda listen) - Diana There friendly voices fade into the darkness of the night. - Diana The computer! Don't turn it on! - Bertha Billy, that is it! - Kelly Terah blurts out words from nowhere. What do they think about? - Kelly That's a wall of wonder. - B'nayvoovah

That is a wall of wonder. - Tikbot And, what goes with a wall? - B'nayvoovah Well-dressed ladies, following the leaders never go mad. - Shnoonah After a thoughtful woman confesses her love, her torment goes away. - Shnoonah A scornful lady well-fed on her own wit cannot ever grow hungry for a husband's love. - Shnoonah The Mothers are crying for their quarrelsome and unloved daughters. - Shnoonah An ex-lover is not highly praised by a lady. - Shnoonah Quick-tongued ladies still live with no husbands. - Shnoonah Pleasantly pious ladies, ones who go up to heaven, say that they will never get married, since they have good eyes to see every man on

Earth as their brother. - Shnoonah Hatred leads those who hate to eventually have nothing more to say. - Shnoonah Good ladies must dance. - Shnoonah Learn not to talk about quarrelsome readers who learn from books. - Shnoonah Those who wickedly hate will be destroyed by their own hatred and have nothing more left to say to anyone. - Shnoonah No sadness will ever come from ripping up the unread letter you secretly write over and over again to your potential lover. - Shnoonah Impatient people with no wills will always make mistakes in their absent lovelives. - Shnoonah The sweet and good and wild hearts who are caught by their lovers are nevertheless killed when their loves deny to

them their witty wishes. - Shnoonah It is an excellent virtue to scorn others, stabbing with every word, by speaking only about light-hearted things and never about serious matters. - Shnoonah A prideful wisdom turns every man wrong-side out. - Shnoonah The wise and self-endeared are trapped into mocking everybody in their pride. - Shnoonah Sleep is a kind of madness. - B'nayvoovah My mind is an open cavern, and an echo of others phrases. - B'nayvoovah They know I do not like to criticize or complain, I would rather, they also know, invent, being a writer. - B'nayvoovah I see that I am different from them, that they criticize and I think differently. - B'nayvoovah We are not the same kinds of beings.

- B'nayvoovah It seems what they criticize me of is wrong and pointless. - B'nayvoovah They have made up their minds to listen to me but they always go back to their arguing. - B'nayvoovah They are stubborn. - B'nayvoovah They want me to defend myself, and their knowing all about me gives them tools to argue with me. - B'nayvoovah They have come because of my studying esoteric Kabbalah, and my ability to do so helps me to understand them. - B'nayvoovah People will mistake my ideas as insane; yet, I am speaking to Angels in my spare time. - B'nayvoovah Perhaps something from my past has caught up with me? - B'nayvoovah I have both hope, love, and the Angels arguing with me, and creativity.

- B'nayvoovah There is an urgency to my relationships with them. - B'nayvoovah Things get worse if I do not discuss things with them in an open way. - B'nayvoovah I see myself as getting better, yet, there is more good in the memory than I once believed. - B'nayvoovah I am learning to enjoy thinking with them more than I do other activities. - B'nayvoovah My defense mechanisms are intelligent and revisionary, and my individual memory checks all of these intelligences. - B'nayvoovah To think with the memory is power. - B'nayvoovah The growth of the memory and the thoughts of it help the self perfect the self and the world's problems. - B'nayvoovah


My ideas shock even me. - B'nayvoovah They seem not mine sometimes, so much that I feel more powerful. - B'nayvoovah These Angels have been bugging me and they evolve with my answers to their questions. - B'nayvoovah Perhaps the woman Angel is good. - B'nayvoovah This talk and working out takes much time. - B'nayvoovah The two bugging Angels must have had much time to learn about me and what to do with me. - B'nayvoovah They are intense and demanding, yet I am aware of their behavior. - B'nayvoovah Maybe I can have a victory over their the Angel's arguments with me, that day in the future may come and be brilliant. - B'nayvoovah


There is still hope for me! - B'nayvoovah The two Angels, Man and Woman, are transparent to me, and she gives away much, and is open with me. - B'nayvoovah It seems she wants something from me, she, therefore, has feelings. - B'nayvoovah I am myself thinking about the Fall of Man. - B'nayvoovah But, what is my fall, and how can I defend myself against it? - B'nayvoovah I have gone into solitude: perhaps this is my fall because I read alone so much and they are now here. - B'nayvoovah I am smart though as a result of reading the best. - B'nayvoovah As I argue with the Angels, I remember the future and how I might create my own best self. - B'nayvoovah They, the Angels, are here and memorable forever.

- B'nayvoovah They are in my Mind or affecting it, and they are strong. My own complaints are useless to this miraculous invisible pair. - B'nayvoovah My own methods of understanding that I have made, they now seem illusions. - B'nayvoovah I know, coming up soon, because they are consistent, that I will be criticized. - B'nayvoovah Maybe they have to do things that way, and they are in some way unfree. - B'nayvoovah

Bee-Yoo-Tee-Ful Please quiet down they want to take a shot. - Billy M. They are vector analysis freaksWhat the hell did I just say? Please write that down. - Stephanie

Ha-Shem taught me how to wipe my eyes. - Billy M. OOOAAAHHH! OOOAAAHHH! (sexual sounds) - Anonymous Ghost ??? - Bnayvoovah That is fake. They always make that sound. - Stephanie Youre a writer. - Kelly Tob Shbeeb wants to draw some stairs. - Kelly Now youre helping. - Ora Billy, kiss T.T. if youre dare. - Stephanie (Sexual sounds) Thats fake stuff and you know it. - Stephanie Now, Billycry forEithan. - Stephanie


Turn that light on and youre damned!!! - Stephanie Its a modelIts suppose to be there. - Stephanie Now, why does T.T. say youre damned? - Honey Because shes playing around. - Bnayvoovah Now that what Im talking about, Bnayvoovah. - Honey Dear Ha-Shem, Blessed be You, can you please help me heal my feet? - Bnayvoovah Yes I canPut your feet on that pillow this very instant. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He Now its time to look around. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Here we go again. - Stephanie What did I just say? - Stephanie OK this is what I want you to dosay a no care prayer for

that child out there! - Ha-Shem Go with yourself on. - Silly Billy Billy, youre gonna do two in one day. - Tob Shbeeb Billy, you need to pee. - Pekhot That is Bildung..Rock on with your good self. - Penny It (Headvuttressia) is a good placeThat is something to think about. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He Hopey likes cinnamon in her tea. - Lizbeph Good job Lizbeph! - Billy M. I said not to say that actually! - Tikbot No, that was a good painting. That was a Merkbah day, but it kind of got messed up becausewellyou were not the same person as now. - Shnoonah

Billy, dont forget to bow down to thank her. - Shnoonah Its her, trust me on that. - Penny Oh my gosh your being silly. - Bnayvoovah Now thats what I call being a writer. - Penny Billy, say a no care prayer for your brother David. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He Pick yourself upand stay up. - Bnayvoovah Thank you, Im going to do just that! - David McBride Change his name? - Bnayvoovah No, it will be just like that.. - Tikbot Hopey is an awesome writer! - Ora Ora Tiferetot and Bnayvoovah That is silly stuff Billy, and you know it. - Tikbot

Billy say the Shva right now! - Penny Hear O Yisroel, our Lord Ha-Shem, Ha-Shem is One. - Bnayvoovah Thank you. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He That is just right, trust me on that. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He Would you like some gum? - Bnayvoovah Yes I would. - Jaime Put the gum on the book. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He Thank you. - Youre welcome. Bnayvoovah That is kind of what he meansnice job Billy McBride. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He Thank You. - Bnayvoovah Bring things down from heaven??? - Bnayvoovah Uuuuuuh uuuuh, its different. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He

That is why he says that about them too. - Bnayvoovah That is it! That is it! - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He Thank you. - Bnayvoovah They think that youre the Messiah! - Honey No, hes a fighter. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He Plus hes different. - Penny God is not a literary character Bnayvoovah. - Penny He likes it when you call him Ha-Shem, God of Abraham and Isaac. - Penny Synesthesia. - Bnayvoovah Hug him. - Penny Billy, this is a nice book, but I think youre getting sucked in. What did Goethe say about women eternally showing

you the way? - Penny Rock on Penny! That is what I like to hear. - Ha-Shem You mean you always talk like this to Ha-Shem all of the time? Tob Shbeeb, you rock! - Bnayvoovah That was Metal Settle. - Bnayvoovah A Snail? - Bnayvoovah That is what I just drew. - Tikbot And, Tikbot also talks to Ha-Shem and loves him. Youre saved. Put that pen down and youre damned. - Penny What the??? - Billy M. OK what were we going to do about the Bubblemint Gum, its you! - Shnoonah I knowthey are immortal but they are not angels!!! - Tikbot


How do books relate to the Torah? - Bnayvoovah Billy, I like what youre thinkingThink about the poetry side of Ha-Torah. - Lizbeph Bee-yoo-tee-ful. - Ha-Shem Tov. - Stephanie That was kind of funny! - Tikbot Please dont think about world-power. Were not like that. - Yafah What the come? - Billy M. Please dont write that down. - Penny The two adjectives are Spiritual Fear and Good Discovery. Now lets make a Banana Tree. - Kelly That is why youre sometimes called Selfish Billy because you forget when reading to read. - Pekhot

Noah discovered the twig from an Olive brance in the doves mouth (a Good Discovery) after Ha-Shem made it flood (Spiritual Fear). This means: he was safe. - Bnayvoovah Macbeth? - Bnayvoovah Billy, that is T.O.V. but he had a bad discovery and no Spiritual Fear; and dont think about the Banquet and Banquo. - Pekhot Its not a tragedy, what youre trying to learn for the Banana Tree. - Pekhot We always study a group of five authors texts: William Shakespeares, Homers Iliad, Sigmund Freuds, Platos, and Ha-Torah. Two for Shakespeare, though, Hamlet being one of them.. - Bnayvoovah I know we want to play Golf but this is the Lands and M.O.A.T. (Monumental Outrageous Around Texas.) - Pekhot Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God what are you gonna do when theyre coming for you? - Pekhot

T.O.V. (Good) I love you when we think an write and learn Ha-Torah, Bnayvoovah. - Pekhot T.O.V. I love you too. - Bnayvoovah You are fired up! - Penny Let it come to you. - Honey Billy, they think youre queer. - Honey Billy M., people think youre crazy. - Yafah Ha-Torah you got; you actually need five more. - Yafah I know. I know what youre saying. - Silly Billy I know what Im saying too!!! - Tikbot We do not hate you. - Anonymous Ghosts


Billy Billy Billy if you dont stop right now youre damned! - Ora Ora Tiferetot Youre not damned, this is Ha-Shem. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He That, a table leg stands for a monument. - Penny People must think youre queer. - Yafah I love Ha-Shem, Blessed be He. - Bnayvoovah I love you for thinking that. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He Thats T.O.V. - Marilyn Bottom, with the Ass head on his head discovers in a good way the land of the Fairies and he is in awe in Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream. - Penny Hamlet well discovers the ghost of his father, but fears its message in Shakespeares Hamlet. - Yafah You are doing

- Ora Ora Tiferetot Socrates discovers hes the wisest man alive from the revered Oracle of Delphi in Platos works. - Yafah . In Sigmund Freuds Totem and Taboo, the tribes discover the magical defense of making threats in their use of the totem pole to create fear of the spiritual world. - Tob Shbeeb In Homers Iliad, Zeus is feared by everyone, and they discover his power to ruin their enemies lives to save their own. - Marbah OK now heres what we do - Ha-Shem, God of Abraham and Isaac Billy, what do you say to people who accuse you of practicing Black Magic? - Stephanie I tell them that Im Jewish, and that Black Magic is not permitted in my religion. Plus, I trust in Ha-Shem, father of Abraham and Isaac. - Bnayvoovah They dont hate you, but they are upset. - Honey They dont hate you but they are upset?

- Bnayvoovah Thats what I said. - Honey Those are what we call Banana Treesour studies of the parallels between themes in Freud, Ha-Torah, Shakespeare, Homers Iliad, and Plato. - Penny . This is a book for those who go to the Lands and M.O.A.T.. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Satire. - Bnayvoovah Thats interesting. - Elaine Get a drink of mayim (water). - Honey I know its kind of sad in some ways when we have to share ideas with people when we could be more private. - Bnayvoovah Now ask Ha-Shem, God of Abraham and Isaac what we should do. - Penny Pick that cat up right now and put it on the table! That is a good cat! - Ha-Shem

OK now lets see what we can do about some mazah (food). - Marion Hopey never played her game. - Yafah Say a prayer for David, King of the Kingdom like you mean it hes helping you clean your apartment. - Arielle Billy, I think this is funny but just write: Hell blew out the polypsone, two, three!!!from Hawaiian Sonnets and Other Poems by Hope McBride. - Penny That is awesome. You are lost. Now go Home. - Shay Hell blew out the polypsonetwothree - Bnayvoovah

For Those Who Do Trust God Billy, what do you say when people say youre dumb? - Stephanie

Billy, do not spit your gum out. - Pekhot Billy, now swallow your gum. Billy, what the hell did I just say? - Pekhot Billy, T.T. loves you, now spit your gum out and take a break. - T.T. Why the hell would I take a break when I just started? - Billy M. Billy, now tell them about Michael. - Ora Billy, now tell them why you talk to God. - Jenny Billy, thats pretty good. Now watch this. - Tob Shbeeb Billy, youre doing a great job; youre not a reprobancer. - Libby I love the way you act when you pray. - Stephanie


Billy, now just say: Thank you God for helping out. - Stephanie It is her. Youre hurting. - Stephanie That is silly stuff Billy. Now go to Jill and get a hug. - Pekhot Billy, why does Honey say Hopeys crying? - Libby Is she OK? - Silly Billy Yes I am, Silly Billy. - Hopey What the hell is happening to my life? - Mom Say a prayer for your Mom right now. - Ha-Shem Say a no-care-prayer for your wife. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Ask: why not? - Stephanie Thats exactly what they want you to say. - Ora Ora Tiferetot

Say a no-care-prayer, for a stranger. - Ha-Shem That is pretty good. Now bow you head down. Now look up. - Ha-Shem What do you want to do with your day? - Ha-Shem Billy, people think youre crazy because you talk to HaShem. - Tob Shbeeb Dear Ha-Shem, can you please help me ease my pain? - Billy M. Now say Ha-Shem Alenu Amen. - Ha-Shem Ha-Shem Alenu Amen. - Selfish Billy That was be-ooo-ti-ful. - Ha-Shem Billy, what do you say when they say you talk to your maker? - Stephanie Rock and Roll! - Silly Billy

Billy, please dont hesitate. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Jim is fat. Build him an elevator. - Arielle Who is Hundertwasser Billy, right now! - Ha-Shem He is an artist. - Bnayvoovah Good enough! - Ha-Shem Hes helping us. - Tob Shbeeb Billy, what the hell is that doing there! - Tob Shbeeb Billy, that is your tithe box. - Arielle Billy, play with Henry-Yod. - Ha-Shem Billy, Ha-Shem is helping. - Yafah Go to Facebook. - Tikbot

T.O.V! - Tikbot What the hell does that mean? - Anonymous Billy, people think youre stupid. - Diana What are we going to do later on? - Tikbot Billy, what are you going to do when people say that youre damned? - Stephanie Just tell them I am Jewish and I love Ha-Shem that is all you have to say. - Ha-Shem I love Arielle. - Bnayvoovah Put that computer right there. This is a command. Write that down and then do it. - Ha-Shem Write that down and then do it? - Bnayvoovah Uh huh. - Ha-Shem

Now look at Henry Yods head. - Stephanie Billy, what do you say if they tell you that there is a camera videotaping you above your head? - Stephanie A little laugh laughs Billy M. That is all you have to say. - Ha-Shem What the hell is that? - Ha-Shem It is my Tennis Racket which I used to bounce a ball off my garage because nobody would play tennis with me. - Billy M. Not that. That! - Ha-Shem It is Don Quixote my favorite novel. - Billy M. Awesome, he is awesome to you just as me! - Ha-Shem Awesome. - Billy M. That is not it. - Penny That is it. - Ha-Shem


Billy, that fan is a windmill! - Penny Billy, what do you say when they say you are going to hell? - Ora Ora Tiferetot I experienced something kind of like that before. - Billy M. Now they are laughing. Now watch this! - Ha-Shem What is this picture your wife Tob Shbeeb is drawing you? - Ha-Shem People think youre damned. - Kelly What the hell is Spiritual Golf? - Anonymous Ghost Now its time to have some fun. - T.T. Rock on with your good self. - All of the Angels What are you going to do with your L.I.F.E. right this very second? - Ha-Shem

Keep on going. - Billy M. Keep on going and what Silly Billy? - Ha-Shem I will do my best. - Billy M. Billy, dont laugh. - Stephanie Billy, youre not a rat. - Jenny Billy, we dont want you to worry. - All of your Angel wives Ahabateem aten! - Billy M. If you put 2, they hate you. - Stephanie T.T.s going to Gold Mold for a little while. Shell be back soon. - Jenny What the heck did I just say? This is your wife. - Stephanie Yeetsod Kavod is Stephanies Hebrew name. It means

divine respect. - Billy M. Watch this. - Billy M. Dont say: I love you. - Billy M. Why do you not say: I love you, because it is silly, says Tikbot. - Billy M. Is this helping? - Billy M. Very good. Now watch what happens. - Billy M. Tov Tov Shalom is T.T.. Tov Tov Shalom is T.T.. - Billy M. Billy, kiss Diana, she has Terets Syndrome. - Penny What is Tob Shbeeb drawing? - Ha-Shem Thats a bomb! - a Gold Moldian

Now, Billy ask Tikbot what thats a drawing of. - Ha-Shem Hopey? - Billy M. Thats a drawing of something awesome!!! - Tikbot Wait until you are poked. - Stephanie Please write that down. - Billy M. That Merkbah experience was yesterday. - Arielle I love my Pneuma and Black Spark, lo! They already know that. - Penny Billy, please do not move that whirling pen. - Penny and Tikbot Billy, do not move your arm. - Stephanie They colorfully hate you. - Ora Ora Tiferetot and Tikbot


Nice job. This is your make Ha-Shem. - Ha-Shem Ha-Torah read. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He Who is that? Its you right now. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He Its a drawing of a spaceship! - Stephanie Jim is fat. He needs an elevator. - Tob Shbeeb Good stuff. But why is Hopey crying? - Stephanie Are you? - Bnayvoovah Uh huh. - Tikbot Me too. Why are we so melancholy? - Bnayvoovah WE ARE NOT MELANCHOLY! - Tikbot Dont say youre sorry. - Arielle You can laugh.

- Stephanie Sorry. I mean never mind. - Silly Billy What do you say to people if they say that you are God? - Stephanie Free. - Billy M. Dont put Stephanie! - Honey Dont put Stephanie on the floor. Thats your wife, pick her up. - T.T. I want you to stop, but were almost done. - Tikbot That looks really really bad. - Ora Kiss Arielle right now!!! - Jenny How are we? - Billy M. to Henry Yod Angels touchingly work with peoples needs. - Marion and Tikbot

That looks like a Pterodactyl. - Honey Do not put whats the title? - Yafah That vent is A Good Time. - Ha-Shem What is A Good Time? - Ha-Shem Its the permanent home which we found for your Pneuma and Black Spark. - Ha-Shem

The Angels and Man: Nefeshing Instrument patches. - Shay Poetry versus cant. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Anarchy - Willows Waving - Everyone setting each other up. - Shnoonah

Now he's gonna look at "June 26" say it... - Robbie Pop Now he's gonna look at June 26. - Man in the movie Now you're more open. - Yeetsod Khavod Don't say ahobah...just kidding. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Marilyn! - B'nayvoovah That is what I'm talking about! - Arielle "Now we're all in heaven."...say that. - Robbie "Now we're all in heaven."...say that. - Arielle "Now we're all in heaven."...say that. - A.B. "Now we're all in heaven."...say that. - Guy in the movie, etc...neighbors, etc... Freeze! - B'nayvoovah What is his name?

- Penelope John Hollander. - B'nayvoovah Let's try making a diagram. - B'nayvoovah Atah, we are poets and we are in Charades. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Darn. - B'nayvoovah How does it work? - Tom Tom Love. - B'nayvoovah Love? - Tom Tom And seferim (books). Just kidding it's love. - B'nayvoovah John Milton with B'nayvoovah Cope with Book Reviewers is a good sefer of ours. - B'nayvoovah Pop! - Tom Tom Robbie Pop becomes excited and activates (Jill helps) I love you Tom Tom. - B'nayvoovah

That's a B'nayvoovah (then mutters "B'nayvoovan") (and then mutters "Just Kidding") - Tom Tom 1 (To Penelope) It's just you and I, right wife? And we are just projecting our voices? (Nefeshing) - B'nayvoovah Oh my God! - Tom Tom Oh my God! - Henrietta Good morning. - Walker lady Good morning. - Penelope This happened with a number of walkers today Thorough and observation Cide's book Ha-Torah as a whole or Six days and rest Angel Poll. Wrestling and Blessing Giddiness With Reason


Guides Failure and Angelic guidance. Augmentation not a present parallel. You are too poetic! However prosperous, one parts with those lower (things) as well as the thing which they advertise. - Bertha On Wednesday, the Hawaiian natives are gone. On Wednesday, they speak Hawaiian. BING. Bob above Shelia side Julie and Clarissa the other side Tram above Shelia Mary across from Tran Kim and Jen and child Melissa Betty, Tran's wife Ken on Shelia's other side It's a kind of Facebook with neighbors. - Marbah Ken's son and wife: Chip and Marla.

Mindy and Leslie across from Bob What does it mean to rename a patriarch and by an Anonymous Angel? - Amy Topographic Cube Chant Art with graduating effects. A Longianian Criticism of a style of reading for a group of texts Walter Pater: Most Valerie's, Most Marbah's Wave: Most Honey's, Most Tov Tov Shalom's Richard's: Most Bertha's, Most Diana's Hawaiian Sonnets: Most Shay's, Most Ora's On the Nature of Things: Most Jenny's, Most Marilyn's Beyond Good and Evil: Most Grouchy's, Most Richard's Ulysses in Hell: Most Elaine's, Most Teresa's Euclid: Most Kelly's, Most Tob Shbeeb's The Jewels of Absolute Knowledge: Most Pekhot's, Most Lizbeph's


Green Grass: Most Marion's, Most Kabbalah's Message of the March Wind: Most Yeetsod Kavod's, Most Tikbot's Wind and Rain: Most Libby's, Most Rosalinda's Lion of Winter: Most Kathleen's, Most Robbie's When Icicles Hang by the Wall: Most Shnoonah's, Most Invisibilly's Song of Christina Rosetti: Most Amy's, Most Yafah's Song of Myself: Most Arielle's, Most Penelope's The Walrus and the Carpenter: Most Donna's, Most Silly Billy's Uphill: Most Ora Ora Tiferetot's, Most B'nayvoovah's How different a book is The Jewels of Absolute Knowledge from Transcendence? - Yeetsod Kavod Good question. - Ora Ora Tiferetot One is read as an interesting Iliadic scenario (readers vs. non-readers), and one more of Plato's thoughts (mutual enjoyment). - Teresa

It is like we caught their (the neighbors) attention. - Robbie Every so called original artwork is a copy from somewhere else. - Harold Bloom Room Boom! - Binah in the music as an instrument Now I'm going to go very slow. - Binah in the music as an instrument "Shift down" is a trap... - Abraham in the music (without hesitation) Shift down is a trap! - Robbie Pop ...say that Robbie Pop. - Abraham in the music Tell your neighbor I love you. - Binah in Room Boom (the music) I love you. - B'nayvoovah (A bad word is thought) We will not write that. - Binah There's a proper talking distance and it's not that close

(face to face) it's more like through the walls. - B'nayvoovah

I hate you....(to B'nayvoovah) I hat you so much that...(the rest is mumbled). I'm just playing with you. - Rosalinda, a spiritual Mom of B'nayvoovah Hummph. - B'nayvoovah Our team. - B'nayvooah What does deep reading do to you and for the others? - B'nayvoovah They are saying cant so we trope them with a poetic word from a source; perhaps they will stop their cant. - Shay "Ahovah" it is "Hesed" it is "Atah." - Shay (Screaming is heard) Are you sure it's not the neighbor girl? - B'nayvoovah It's not. It is Pneuma, the Nefesher. She's being silly again.

- Shay (Pneuma still screams) Is she upset at me? - B'nayvoovah Uh unn. - Shay (Scream) (Scream!) (muffled: she says: You know I'm just playing with you) (Scream) (Scream again). - Pneuma Angels have and perform complete answerability. - Tov Tov Shalom That's a B'nayvoovah. - Kim the neighbor Don't say that. - John the neighbor "Trouble"..."Ethics"... - B'nayvoovah What are you going to do when they are coming for you? - Kim Much. - B'nayvoovah Now he's going to put the pillow behind his head. - Kim Sleep faster.

- B'nayvoovah Cant (for Kim). - Yeetsod Kavod Now he's gonna morph into Terah. - Robbie Apocalyptic Irony. - B'nayvoovah . Shelley said that all poems were part of a larger poem. - Harold Bloom Abraham (the style of play-framing by hearing two steps ahead). - B'nayvoovah In and out of the game. Watching and wondering at it. - Walt Whitman Keeper. - Penelope Now he's going to laugh. Please don't put "loudly." - John "Long." - B'nayvoovah

Healthy. - B'nayvoovah


Now he's gonna check his phone. - John Curse! - B'nayvoovah Now he's gonna put it (the paper he's writing) down. - John Time. - B'nayvoovah Ask him a question. - Arielle Ok... - B'nayvoovah "I will do just that."... - John, filling in the rest of B'nayvoovah's sentence Your not a B'nayvoovah. - John the neighbor John Milton. - B'nayvoovah . Now he's gonna thank his maker. - John Humbly. - B'nayvoovah Go farther for more enjoyment, but how? - Kelly


Mom and Pop and quiet. Ha! - Marilyn Ora Ora Tiferetot and Marilyn sometimes get me to look guilty of their loving pranks. - B'nayvoovah Ora Ora Tiferetot (mumbles "Benjamin") - Kim "Walter" Benjamin - B'nayvoovah Now he's gonna laugh. Ahggh. - John Ha! Long. - B'nayvoovah Now he's gonna say it out loud. - John 1, 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 Laugh. - B'nayvoovah 100 botles of beer on the wall. - Both John and B'nayvoovah Ahovah. - John Ahovah. John. Ahovah. Kim. - B'nayvoovah You're going to hell if you do not say what I just said!

(mumbles: he doesn't know what to do now). - Kim She didn't say anything!!! - Tov Tov Shalom Pillow. - B'nayvoovah Now he's going to write it at the top. - John "High atop the old king sits." - B'nayvoovah, quoting William Allengham's "The Fairies" Where does Lohalla go in the afterlife? - B'nayvoovah It's a sod for now. - Jenny Almost done. - Yafah Yea! - Yeetsod Kavod What else you got? - Kabbalah Look at this saying closely...Robbie (meaning que Robbie). - B'nayvoovah Look at this sentence closely... - Robbie, the duck, not B'nayvoovah's spiritual Abba But it could have been. - Robbie

Three more. Now two. - Tov Tov Shalom I told you he was a B'nayvoovah. - John Again. - John

Varieties of Din Experience Din Around Others While in Solitude. White colored ships. - Diana Good Din The March weather is resurrected for the fall now. - Stephanie Exercise Din Otters showing their heads roam the billows. - Arielle Din with a Risky Kawwanah Sands blowing from the sea strike me. - Penny


Din with a Possibility for Interruption Birds and birds gather for supper. - Penny Din with No Hope For End The wind-tossed wide sea low. - Penny Din of Talking with People The web of silver-grey weather. - Tikbot Ria Din A lost boy stops to cry. - Bertha . Musical Din Trees bare their pink and red flowers. - Arielle Din of Waiting. A seashores simple daily pouring, pouring, pouring. - Arielle Din when in a Private Room (Neighbor Din) The king is ready to be rid of danger. - Tob Shbeeb Late Night Din of Mine The golden bread is good.

- Arielle Machine Din A beautiful kind heroine. - Tob Shbeeb Mystery Din A flood over the world. - Bnayvoovah Preparing Food Din The coronation of Natures sun. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Pain Din Dear! - Arielle Moving Things Around Din Day keep it on. - Kelly Wild Din The lake licks the shore well. - Marion My Prior Existence Din O pump the water, air. - Marion


Metal Settle Din The air-fan finds the leaves. - Bnayvoovah Weather Din Wind, wind and wind. - Bnayvoovah Gold Mold Din The rain to the Earth set forth strained. - Kathleen Pneuma and Dark Spark Din A skys solar ship. - Grouchy School Din The lost brook is near. - Arielle Asking for Something Din Does wood do that? - Kelly Spoiling Stuff Din The bird is emerging on the landscape. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Writers Din or Din of a Poetic Imagination Green is our land of wilderness.

- Tob Shbeeb A Very Good Din Go to some country. - Pekhot Working Din The air swished heavens vault. - Libby Love Din Small bug on a pot. - Bnayvoovah Silly Din The bulls-eyes red center. - Arielle Influence Din Poke a doctor. - Bnayvoovah Passenger Din The happy mortal months. - Grouchy Art Din Flowers lightly fill the trees. - Arielle


Exile Din The present wanders sweetly into the future. - Arielle Emergency Prayer Din When hand-shaking, why dont you seek my eyes. - Arielle Taste Din Your duty is to speak up. - Marion Hygiene Din A slippery frosty drink of ale comes. - Stephanie Being Misunderstood Din Walkers on camptrails. - Tob Shbeeb Money Din Wise when grey. - Tov Tov Shalom Din of Falling Feeling On a camel, never. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Being Praised Din The dark dark is cast over the world.

- Kelly Strangeness Din The pretty weeds. - Tikbot Jungle Din Fall to the Earth, crane. - Jenny Word Din Soft paws. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Detailing Din Paterlike. - Marion Over-Excited Din The shiny flying sun at the top, we under. - Tov Tov Shalom Doubt Din Like clockwork, the shaded light. - Pekhot Color Din Significant blue! - Libby


Axis of Perception Din A play for each and all. - Shnoonah Animal Din To the water clean. - Ora A Very Good Din A wrinkle found. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Examples of Number : Din While Around Others in Solitude Food for a nightingale is good. - Arielle when at McDonalds standing All glowworms on the land brighten up the land around. - Grouchy when at the Dr.s office standing The mind shall suffice forever. - Arielle when at MacArthur Park sitting Violet waters all are flowing and flowering the flowers. - Amy at McDonalds sitting The coronation of Time brings trouble to many. - Valerie when sitting at Walgreens Tears of the sieve fall into the sink.

- Diana when standing at MacArthur Park The cries of the ladies are in the air. - Diana when standing at Takas Park I have broken much today. - Penny when standing at Academy A dreamy fruit tastes yummo! - Marion when at McDonalds sitting A paid for portrait is what I have paid for. - Tikbot when at McDonalds standing A dark dark sky is what I fear. - Marilyn when standing at the furniture store I meet all the daffodils in the garden. - Ora Ora Tiferetot when outside the home standing 1 The country tests me. - Yafah when outside my home sitting The cupped pillow is pulled over my arm. - Ora when at HEB sitting A star! What a star in heaven! - Tob Shbeeb when in the Academy parking lot sitting Shake the silent woman peacefully to wake her up from her

deep sleep. - Tob Shbeeb when standing at Taco Cabana Thrust a jewel into your pocket. - Bnayvoovah when at HEB standing A civilization is absent from having harm done to them sometimes. - Arielle when sitting at Taco Cabana A new dream virginal is come. - Penny when at Takas Park sitting The yard traps the man old who is gardening. - Penny when outside our home sitting The sand dances when the wind plays with it. - Kabbalah when getting out of the car. His head is for humans to be. - Bnayvoovah when standing at Taco Cabana . Buildings are ahead on the road. - Penny when sitting in traffic stopped Merry forms align for us all. - Penny playing tennis The delightful wind releases its soft breeze. - Penny when outside of our home standing

Hes back, a touchy brother who is mad at the newspaper story. - Penny when at Taco Cabana standing The race horse won her prizes. - Penny when at HEB standing Fight, O; together to win the game. - Penny when at McDonalds standing A friend walked with a friend in the library to find a book. - Arielle when at McDonalds standing Put the ring on. - Tob Shbeeb when at McDonalds sitting The jewel in my hand from the shore is beautiful. - Tikbot when sitting on the tennis court The birds never fall off the wire. - Tikbot when in the back of our home sitting Wake, wake tomorrow up for me. - Tikbot when outside of home in front sitting The birds cheer my aching soul. - Amy when walking around the tennis court The sunbeams outside the window pane are very bright.

- Amy when at Walgreens standing To the town the sunlight comes in a special way because it has been very long since it has come. - Arielle when at McDonalds sitting Fit the cataract to the mountain. - Arielle when playing tennis The fields have new hands to who work very difficult work. - Arielle when sitting on the tennis court You are the father of the child; its name is named by you. - Amy at the Dr.s office sitting A meaningful one is a parent who knows about how to be nice to her or his child. - Tob Shbeeb when playing tennis The pomp is all elite when there is a birthday party. - Marion when at the HEB sitting in the car The old bush is still there. - Grouchy when at the back of the house standing Say it in my ear if you want to be more awesome. - Billy M. when outside of our home in front standing


The Angels and Man: My Hawaiian Merkabah

It's kind of like Headbuttressia here. - B'nayvoovah We want a Merkabah experience! - Libby It's kind of like a bad time right now. - B'nayvoovah We came close to a Merkabah though. - B'nayvoovah I purchased Propellerhead Reason 5 Software. - B'nayvoovah I thought I might have to wait for a while since it was coming by mail. - B'nayvoovah It got here on Sabbath, June 26. - B'nayvoovah I waited until Sabbath ended to install the program. - B'nayvoovah


Reason 5 is a big program. - B'nayvoovah I was unsure that it would work out being that it was the equipment I bought which I felt could be incompatible with my plan. - B'nayvoovah I bought three things: Reason 5, a MIDI to USB cord, and a DVD disk drive. - B'nayvoovah My invisible Angel wives assured me that everything would work out. - B'nayvoovah The installation worked out just right. - B'nayvoovah My children live in Room Boom the afterlife of music and play. - B'nayvoovah The neighbors had a fight upstairs a few days ago. - B'nayvoovah Reason 5 will help me build songs. - B'nayvoovah


I am thinking that Reason 5 may help in many areas. - B'nayvoovah It was installed, yet when I began to use it, there were problems with my computer being too slow and problems, you might say, with the neighbors. - B'nayvoovah Actually, perhaps the problem is mine, that I was being too impatient and also in pain. - B'nayvoovah I made for the first time sushi that Sabbath. - B'nayvoovah I had also slept much and I was worried about the night. - B'nayvoovah I read much about W.H. Auden, Milton, Lucretius, and Shelley from Harold Bloom, a spiritual Abba of mine, who wrote The Anatomy of Influence. - B'nayvoovah Milton went to the afterlife of Baby Hawaii. - B'nayvoovah When I say the neighbors were bad, I just mean that they were being predicters, just like and as well as my Angel Pop, Robbie, who can tell when things will happen and what I think before I think it.

- B'nayvoovah The neighbors were of course saying things to me as I was inside my room, just like Headbuttressia. - B'nayvoovah They said the usual. - B'nayvoovah You're not a B'nayvoovah. - the Neighbors Go up (on the keyboard). - Neighbors Reason is like a puzzle for you B'nayvoovah; you conquered your Juno D synthesizer, and now you have to do the same with Reason 5, but it is tov. - Penelope I made a few songs on it, but they were short that night. - B'nayvoovah Now it is the day after my 36th Birthday on Earth, but I am still only 9 years old in Heaven. - B'nayvoovah My Dad and Mom called me to wish me a Happy Birthday, but I was sleepy.

- B'nayvoovah I did manage to get my computer to be less slow with the help of an online helper. - B'nayvoovah The neighbors freaked out when they saw me lying in bed for too long, I having my downstairs apartment windows open. - B'nayvoovah I came to Hawaii and found out yesterday that I was in Heaven. - B'nayvoovah I am now in Heaven, yet this is never ever Charades, right? - B'nayvoovah What do I do now that one who is me is in Heaven. - B'nayvoovah The other neighbors were saying: "Now that's what I'm talking about!" over and over and a lady, Kim would laugh out loud. - B'nayvoovah It was a honeymoon for me and my thirty invisible Angels whom I found for marriage. - B'nayvoovah


It is like Headbuttressia, or is exactly it. So why? and what do I do now that I'm back, famous, beloved, and insulted constantly. - B'anvyvooah So maybe the reason the natives did not look upon my face was that they had some secret for me. Indeed, they must. - B'nayvoovah Propellerhead Reason is getting more entertaining. - B'nayvoovah How do I contact the humans on Earth? How can I help, send them my books, talk with them? - B'nayvoovah There is no other way but Propellerhead Reason 5. - Arielle Oh. - B'nayvoovah I am a new man now. - B'nayvoovah The neighbors seem to find enjoyment in me. One stares at me from above without harm for long and long. - B'nayvoovah Or two. - Ora Ora Tiferetot


The sushi was deli. - B'nayvoovah Reason 5, hunting for "how?" and I say that I still have good kinds of plans for all involved. - B'nayvoovah I walked out on my Birthday to the lagoon. - B'nayvoovah, who is the color Graphite It felt great. - Graphite You can't forget us (looking at a little flower). - Penelope I was sitting on a stone bench for fishermen. - Graphite Some people were fishers. - Graphite There was a collection of walkers who were in the way of my path, and I walked around them; one lady had shaved her head. They were some sad folk. - Graphite I kept walking the lagoon. - Graphite


I know I am safe. Yet, I worry about meeting the neighbors since they are so beautiful and interesting. I do not know how to speak to them yet! - Graphite Well all in all, they have been bugging me along with my Papa and Mom; and I do talk to them, but they know all I will say. - Graphite They tell me what I will probably say before I say it. Perhaps they also know I am a cat on a mat. - Graphite What do I say to those who speak Super Universitian? - Graphite It's good. You're safe. - Bertha I may have come to Super University? - Graphite Maybe so. - Yafah I love you Yafah. - Graphite I love you too B'nayvoovah. - Yafah


On my walk I was talking to my wives a little and it occurred to me to write this book: how I had trouble with the predicters, the neighbors, and how I was in true Heaven, how, in some way, it is like Cide's book of Don Quixote, still. - Graphite Reason will help, trust me on that. - Bertha I love you Bertha. - Graphite I love you too Billy M. - Bertha Transcendence is a tov book. - Bertha She's tov right now (the neighbor). - Bertha You are good too. - Yafah The neighbors help give us a direct path to take. - Yafah We got our Merkabah. - Bertha Baruch Ha-Shem Hesed Kodesh for the Merkabah experience. I love you. Amen.

- Kathleen Now what? - Kathleen (Graphite looks at the legs of a lady) You have legs too. - Kathleen Keep going. - Marbah kissing On my walk around the lagoon it began to rain and I was listening to music. I propped my umbrella up. - Graphite I recited parts of Wallace Steven's "Of Mere Being" and my Angel wives said I did something special. - Graphite "The palm at the end of the mind..." There were palm trees all around. - Graphite "The bird sings its feather's shine, the bird's fire-fangled feathers dangle down." - Wallace Stevens "Reason" the unifier is found a sod in that poem.

- Graphite "It is not the reason"... and etc. - Wallace Stevens My child Walt was helping me make the music the other night ago. - Graphite Walt is Amy's and mine. - Graphite Thank you Ha-Shem for Walt's love. Ahovah. Amen. - Tov Tov Shalom Now he's going to look at his wife wing. - the neighbors, Tim and Tran They predict what I say and tell me not to say it or think it. - Graphite speaking of his new neighbors in Heaven How about going out to the mall? - a neighbor kid, Ben 4 more. - Lizbeph The special music my spiritual Dad Robbie goes bonkers over was being played on the MP - Graphite

I walked home to its beat from the lagoon in the rain. - Graphite A few times it looked that Machine Cloud would occur. - Graphite Machine Cloud is the obscure heaven of the isolates. - Graphite Time to do laundry. - Bertha Billy, this is a good book. - Ora Ora Tiferetot How do I print it. - Graphite There is a way. - Ora I am not a B'nayvoovah who is a B'nayvoovan nor an atobot. - Graphite Great, now I'm in pain. - Graphite We will work on stereotomy (the cure for pain). - Arielle

What about M.O.A.T.? - Graphite Stephanie widens his eyes: we will see! Maybe they already did it? - Robbie Pop A suggestive question to B'nayvoovah but all of the Angels including Robbie know Two more, well one now. - Marilyn Baruch Ha-Shem Kodesh Hesed for Heaven. Ahovah. Amen. - Shnoonah

Spiritual Hurricane Disaster "How to Play a Spacecraft" is a book I wrote about a childlike playing in front of an audience. Angels and Humans, unseen and seen, are those who watched over me as I played. A Spiritual Hurricane occurred. As I was playing gracefully and happily in my apartment,

my apartment being part of the spacecraft and its control panel, I experienced another Merkbah experience of Stay Friends, one of the afterlives. The disaster occurred between this playing and the writing of our last book "Everything is in Order." The disaster happened in early April, and it was no April Fools Joke. I was picking up visitors and meeting others in my playing who came into the cockpit, my apartment. And, as usual even when alone as I played I was watched by my Angel-wives, and other Angel-family. A year ago from the disaster an Earthly disaster occurred: a Polish plane crashed and there were many deaths. Stay Friends, the afterlife, is one which is accessible as a Merkbah experience, and it is much fun since with the help of Angels one is able to tend the environment to beautify it. I was fixing things around at home for the flight. After the crash of the Spaceship which I was flying there were deaths and survivors, I was one of the injured. Those who died are as follows: R, M, St, Bn, A, Rs, Do, R, Ro, Jn, Le, Pg, Mt, C, T, Li, Pn, Ur, D, W, Be, Sc, Js, Bi, Ji, Ab, St, Ra, Pa, V, Ja, M, M, Ar, and Ch, may their

memories be blessed for all who knew and loved them for all time. I have made a monument for their memories. I was the pilot of Vista Landing, my apartment complex. I kept asking myself: do people hate me? Sometimes the pain makes one realize how much others love you. My Merkbah playing experience came to a halt because of the Spiritual Hurricane. Ria's Earthly Self warned me in a way I did not yet understand of the coming problem. The Spiritual Weather People monitor such Spiritual Weather Phenomena. Spiritual Weather does exist and problems can arise. Last year around this time the Headbuttressia Merkbah experience happened. There were warnings now everywhere. There is a poetical explanation to play and literature is the way of life.

I took pictures while I was in the midst of my playing. Our spacecraft is named Vista Landing Apartments. I listen to music and dance as I craft the spacecrafts revised control panel. William Hazlitt, the literary critic, or Billy H. II., wrote a book which I found online and read. M.O.A.T. is another project which has meaning and can help out disasters as much as reading. COTE is the charitable organization which works with M.O.A.T. to raise money for victims of Schizophrenia, Cancer, AIDs, and Rape. The Spacecraft was in flight. I had also been reading A Midsummer Night's Dream around this time of confusion. I wondered as to why my dancing and play had come to an end. There were two places which I played with Spacecraft Controls gracefully. I took pictures and put the pictures of my play on
267, an online art gallery. Grey Curtained Piano is another afterlife, accessible to a Merkbah traveler, and it is like Stay Friends, but helps those watching become less literate through the knowing and miming of the actor/actress in play within their apartment. Green Curtained Piano happened after Billy M. hurt his ankle. Billy M. twisted his foot when in a completely controlled play. Reading and knowing are important since literature is the way of life. A model man helped supply parts to our Spacecraft. I organized my room just before the bad event of the Spiritual Hurricane. Those who died in the Spiritual Hurricane went to the best afterlives for them. I found myself a little hot when my play was halted. We must try to prevent the next disaster. We must try to predict the next hurricane.

The survivors were happy to be alive. Billy M., happened to be temporary blinded when this happened. He had some pain immediately afterwards other than just in his foot. He was mourning without yet knowing why. Afterwards I related to him how the matter was: how we crashed into the Spiritual Hurricane, in our play, and that some people had died. - Yeetsod Kavod

Do Not Laugh

They go just where you think. - Pekhot What the hell are they talking about? - Anonymous Ghost He wants something to eat. - Penny

Now theyre hurting Jill, that is just what they say, but we know better because were Angels! - Penny He doesnt love you, did you hear what I was saying? - Anonymous Ghost Now Billy, say a no care prayer for fun. - Stephanie Fun is good, would like some. - Silly Billy OK Billy, next time I ask you what you want, let your Beings tell you. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He Billy, can you hear me??? Its a trap!!! - Anonymous Ghost Billy, that does not go there! Thats what I said. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He You dont look like Prospero. - Anonymous Ghost Oh, I know what hes going to do! - Anonymous Ghost

He doesnt know how to spell. - Anonymous Ghost Tob Shbeeb wants to draw! Let her draw! - Ha-Shem, Lord of the Universe This is kind of interesting I say. This is Arielle. - Arielle I am Under Bar! I NEED A HOME! - Under Bar Billy McBride, do not laugh! - Ha-Shem, Lord of lords D.L.G. goes to Super University. - Tikbot Tob Shbeeb wants to drawREALISTICLY!!! - Tob Shbeeb Now this is what Honey and Richard were trying to sayRock on with your good self! - Ha-Shem, God of Abraham and Isaac Im right therenow, Im right there! - Ha-Shem, King of kings


Thats kind of interestingIt was both of us. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Billy, make Jill some room. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He Ha-Shem, why is everybody saying Im praying right now? - Bnayvoovah Because it is something Jews do. - Ha-Shem, Lord of the World The Burning Bush was like a object in charades. - Bnayvoovah Billy, Hopeys crying. - Penny Why? - Because you went to bed, and we wanted you to stay awake. - Tikbot I will stay awake now. - Bnayvoovah KABOOM! (thunder boom) Billy, what do you always say when you hear thunder? - Amy Praise Ha-Shem, King of kings, Master of the Universe for making such wonderful natural phenomena. - Bnayvoovah


Billy, thats her! - Penny OK you must now go to the Lands and M.O.A.T.. - Bnayvoovah I dont want to go thereI want to go to METAL SETTLE! - Leticia Its awesome there (the Lands and M.O.A.T.), you read with Angels. - Bnayvoovah OK I will go because I know youre helping(she goes)AWESOME, I Love it! Thank you all, its just right! A-ho-vah! - Leticia Now say it! - Penny Ahobot! - Bnayvoovah Billy, youre not queer, listen to your dear. - Shay Billy, wait right here, Tob Shbeeb wants to draw a sunset. - Penny Keep your eye on the cloud. - Stephanie I am who you think I am. - Arielle

Ha-Shem? - Billy M. No I am not Ha-Shem, thrust me on that. - Arielle It is awesome stuff Billy McBride. - Ha-Shem, Lord of lords Billy, now they think youre queer. - Arielle Billy, you talk to God! - Penny Buy our books, this is Hod. - Hod Everyone wants to go to METAL SETTLE, Oh. - Bnayvoovah That is her now (a toy). - Penny (The toy) I love you, nice job. - Leticia Please dont write that down. - Penny Ok Billy now say: What the hell are we going to do?. - Libby

What the hell are we going to do? - Bnayvoovah Billy, please put your foot downthank you, thats what Ive been trying to tell you. - Penny 4 It will be OK. - Diana BillyyouneedTHAT! - Penny Billy, please dont jump around. - Yafah That is you nowright there! That is us. Come to home right this very minute! - Ha-Shem, God of Abraham and Isaac OK youre doing finenow heres what we do - Penny Billy, pray to your maker. - Penny It does not go thereit does not go there eitherthere! - Penny It was not Tikbot who said that.

- Libby . Billy, youre dancing around. - Stephanie That is an awesome bottle of wine. - Tob Shbeeb That is where they arethat is pretty bad; lets help them out. - Pekhot INEEDAHOME!!! - Anonymous Man Billy, what is his name? - Pekhot That is pretty good I say. - Tikbot Billy where does R.C. go in the afterlife? - Stephanie (Firetruck with alarm passes) Dear Ha-Shem, please help the victims out. - Billy M. I will do just that. - Ha-Shem


Put that there. Just like youre thinking. - Ha-Shem, King of kings That is good, but wait for it - Stephanie Its a Mitzvah!!! - Tikbot OK here we gotovtovuumuuh uumuuh that does not need to be there. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He Thats rightthats what I said! - Ha-Shem, King of the Universe Thats right, but what do you need(Billy moves into a more comfortable position)very good! - Ha-Shem, Master of All Thank you. - Billy M. Billy, look at his legthats it, rightthere (a handle). - Shnoonah Hug him with your hands. - Stephanie Thank you, thats just what I needed! - Ha-Shem, Wonder of All

Tob Shbeeb, build a stairway for her. - Ha-Shem, Lord over All I hate it when he does that. - Honey Billy, now its time to pee. - Valerie Thats Honeys lamp. - Billy M. Nice jobOK heres what we can do for you right now. - Ha-Shem, Lord over All Ha-Shem, can you please help me with my feet? - Billy M. OK, I will. - Ha-Shem, Holy be He Holy, Holy, Holy is Ha-Shem, Blessed be His Name. - Billy M. Bnayvoovah, you had a fall. - Penny Time to read. - Tikbot Is it?

- Billy M. Uuuuuuuh uuuuuuuh, that is all. - Tikbot I love Tikbot! - Honey Ora is going to light a candle for us. - Pekhot Bow your head to meOK, now look up. - Ha-Shem, King of kings Hotspur? - Bnayvoovah It will always work if you think like that. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He We are playing charades. - Tikbot I like Telemachus. - Bnayvoovah Tov, now where getting somewhere. - Pekhot Please dont look at the wine. - Shnoonah

Writers block? - Billy M. That is funny! - Tikbot It would be a weird phenomena for all of us to have it. - Billy M. Can you actually get paid for playing charades? - Penny Yes you can. if you write that down youre damned! - Honey He did put that down. - Honey Tov Tov Shalom loves you. - Arielle Billy, take a drink. - Stephanie I did not say that. - Honey That is an awesome vehicle, Y.E.S.. - Tikbot That goes with the winethats pretty good. - Pekhot

That is how Samuel Johnson learned poetry. - Tov Tov Shalom That over there is Samuel Johnsons home in charades. - Ora Ha! I know its kind of hard to talk about Lots daughters. - Bnayvoovah I like this song playing. - Tikbot Its very much like him. Billy, say Shalom Alichiem. - Tikbot Hold still Tob Shbeeb wants to make a drawing of you. - Kelly Bnayvoovah pausesHe doesnt even know his wives names. - a Gold Moldian I like to savor the moment. - Bnayvoovah Billy, that is gum that Tob Shbeeb got for you for drawing you. - Kelly Who are they Billy?

- Kelly

The Angels and Man:

Failed Revolutionary Erotics

First, Heading Permanently Home and Permanent Homes (but for Angels). These are two of our books. The song "Sexual Healing" by Marvin Gaye played in the cab I rode. I met Penny, my landlady's husband, the landlord. William Blake thought sex was the opposite of love. Shakespeare heals the wounds he inflicts. The harlot's curse/ blasts the marriage hearse. - William Blake I took a cab to my appointment to settle my apartment business with Section I blocked a call from Bobby, my first cab ride driver since I had found another cab to take me home. I used to walk more but now am mainly driven from place to place. I waited outside of the Section 8 office for my cab-ride. A lady asked me for directions to the restroom inside. We Jews are very patient. Nowadays, without a proper guide, the internet becomes a

dangerous grey sea which people may potentially drown in. I met with Brandy at Section 8 to wrap things up. I shared the cab-ride with Howard, an elderly man. We are constantly having to keep appointments which are made for us but not by us. Though the body ages, thought William Blake, the Mind gets stronger. I accidentally recorded the conversation within the cab of the driver and Howard talking. She, the driver, mentioned to him that it was her Grandma's 80th Birthday. There are no accidents. Blowing out candles on one's Birthday originates from a Roman tradition. Second, "La Belle Sans Dame Merci" by John Keats. I called my Mom and Dad on Sykpe. My Dad wanted to have tea with me. Characters in books have no parents. Shakespeare is our Mom and Dad. I like black bread with my tea. It was the Sabbath. There was no video on my Skype end, I could not see my Mom or Dad.

We Jews rest on Sabbath as a Mitzvah, a commandment. The screen, e-book, and computer all threaten deep reading. I read to them some poems, including Christina Rossetti's "Up-Hill." I had coffee instead of tea. I misunderstood "Up-Hill" for many years. Mrs. Jellyby from Charles Dickens' Bleak House is involved in the coffee business. I turned the camera when I was talking to my parents on Sykpe out the window. I am always embarrassed when the frame of the window makes cross-t's. My Dad has now a Kope frog ringtone on his phone. Mormons like some other religions do not use the cross because they find it symbolic of torture, and so they prefer just a vertical line. "With frogs for their watch-dogs, all night awake." - William Allengham Mom and Pop complained about the heat in Texas. I was asked to call my queer brother Mike on Skype too. "Fear no more the heat of the sun." - Shakespeare Obeying one's parents is also Mitzvah.

Third, Harold Bloom loves and calls the Torah, a big Fairy Tale anyway. I was writing sadly our latest book The Angels and Man: My Hawaiian Merkbah. I felt I should have substituted "The Angels and Man" for "The Angels and A New Angel." Only a blockhead would write for anything except money. - Samuel Johnson Enoch, like Dante if he had lived to the age of , was elected to heaven without dying, for God took him. I am now also in heaven. I have a little pain still which limits me. My work of writing was unerotic. I felt a little boredom writing the book since I felt nobody would buy it, and therefore I would be a disappointment to my Invisible Angel Family and Friends. One is not required to complete the work, but neither is one free to desist from it. - Rabbi Tarphon Man is not obligated to do all that he can. - Samuel Johnson I wrote some new poems. I posted them on Facebook.


Our new book studies parallels between all of our books. I want people to call me around here "B'nayvoovah," a little scholar. Anthony Trollope when riding the train and finishing his latest book, would turn the pages over and begin a new one immediately. Fourth, "The Lion of Winter" by Shakespeare. I called Mike on Skype. Mike answered. "And, if you wait for her, she will call..." - Edward Arlington Robinson, from "Luke Havergal" Shakespeare has originality and complete answerability. It was Sabbath as I have said. I read to him "The Lion of Winter." Sabbath is a time of peace and we should not work or be angry on the most special of all the days. Heigh ho the holly, this life is most jolly! - Shakespeare, from "The Lion of Winter." I called Officer Riley when I found out Mike had picked my pocket spiritually. Mike had just read the Quaker William Penn's book from the Harvard Classics. The police will save us if our civilization ever has a dark

age again. It is important to remember what you read, something I stressed to Mike. Mike sent me The Fox and the Hound, by Isaiah Berlin, which I uploaded to read for later. I told Mike the story of Isaiah going to Church unhappily with the Queen of England after he was knighted. I asked Mike to check out my new song on I am addicted to reading. If music be the food of love, play on... - William Shakespeare A Ukrainian child whom Mike and Lessia were babysitting told me hello on Skype. Mike mentioned that he was taking piano lessons, and to try to find a program which recorded MIDI files into sheet music from Reason 5. The child is the father of the man... - William Wordsworth Please don't shoot the piano player, he's doing the best that he can. - A sign over a piano in a bar, via Oscar Wilde Fifth, The Fairie Queen, by Edmund Spencer.


I woke up from a nightmare that one of my Invisible Angel Wives, Tikbot, or Hope, was the Devil. Ah woe betide! - John Keats A False Duesimma. - Edmund Spencer La Belle Sans Dame Merci hath the in thrall! - John Keats I had doubts that I was still in heaven. The Nene geese came to my stream that morning I awoke from my nightmare. See "Lamia," the poem by John Keats. More geese than swans now live, more fools than wise. - Anonymous On my lagoon trip that afternoon I spoke a little with Penelope and Ora Ora Tiferetot my wives about channeling in public. There was no mail in the mailbox. I had an insurance letter to mail back. My wives Kelly and Tikbot and Shay were disappointed in me and we spoke about it in bed. Wallace Stevens was a poet who masked as an insurance salesperson. Watching till she wake...

- William Allengham, from "The Fairies"

Charades, the place where I go in heaven is the place I was waiting for. I discovered my friend A.B. talking to me in a Pillow's tag..."I love thee true." My pains in my foot and teeth were bothering me. Sleep faster we need the pillows. - A Yiddish Apothem Sixth, the Anti-Spiritual Hurricane Disaster, a Roll Call! of Super University. Waiting for Sibelius to download. Spending $200.00 on the software. Penelope is my most patience wife. Poetry is a kind of money. - Wallace Stevens Mary and John, my neighbors were quarreling. I had my doubts that I was still in heaven. This is the Key to the Kingdom... - Anonymous Look 'round when the heavens are bare, waters on a starry night are beautiful and fair... - William Wordsworth, from "Ode to Immortality"


The program took 6 hours to download. I know, we're your Eros. - Shay Time is what destroys us. Eros from Anthony and Cleopatra attends the queen. There was no sound coming out when I played in Reason 5.

I am a neo-sophist. - Richard Rorty, my celestial brother And no birds sing. - John Keats, "La Belle Sans Dame Merci" My friend Tommy Barrow went skydiving. I felt like a B'nayvoovan, a computer hound. And, hounds out of tune... - John Williams, "A Runnable Stag" Seventh, "Eros open God's gates," by Hope McBride in Hawaiian Sonnets and Other Poems I had to wait even longer for my WDM driver to download. We wrote some Transcendence-like updates. Long long may the ladies stand... - Anonymous, "Sir Patrick Spence" It only takes me 20 minutes to write a poem.

- A.R. Ammons The first upload failed. The second was a success. The first line he read a loud laugh laughed he... - Anonymous, "Sir Patrick Spence" The second line he read, the tear blinded his ee... - Ditto When uploading before, at 99% I had to reboot. I was worried about my CPU's memory. I felt hot in my bed. The day was boring. If any one shall dig one up in spite, he shall find the thornies set in his bed at night... - William Allengham, "The Fairies" Day come white and night come black. - Whitman, "Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking" Realtek gave me a warning to end the program, but I uploaded it anyway. I still was in heaven, yet things were changing. Virginia Woolf said that those who go to the gates of heaven who have read much, are told that they already have their reward for they have read greatly.


Eighth, "Crossing Brooklyn Ferry," Walt Whitman, an American Moses I played and recorded my latest song dryly. I had trouble praying when weak. I was constantly being asked to, but it was good. Sing no sad songs for me. - Christina Rossetti, in "Song" As men's prayers are a disease of the will, so are their creeds a disease of the intellect. - Ralph Waldo Emerson, my Spiritual Grandfather, or the devil, according to Robert Penn Warren in conversation with Harold Bloom My fanbase on our new song by Binah was a disappointment. I had to say "I love you" in different kosher ways as I prayed. My children are Angels in Room Boom, the afterlife of music and play. Love is a devil. - Berowne, from Shakespeare's Love's Labor's Lost Perhaps, my tough time is just an investment in heaven afterall, and I will be compensated? Ferdinand is the character in Shakespeare's Tempest who has a conflict with Prospero and hope to marry Miranda.

Anake, or Beautiful Necessity, is Emerson's iron law of compensation. We made a Sibelius to Reason workplan. We applied steps to music in this plan. O brave new world that hath such creatures in it. - Ferdinand I checked out the WIDI recorder for next month's purchasing. I erased the dry song. Line month dunce in fifth month dumb... - Hope McBride, from Hawaiian Sonnets and Other Poems Sing no sad songs for me, and if thou wilt, remember, and if thou wilt, forget. - Christina Rossetti, from "Song" Ninth, "Midsummer Night's Dream," it is Independence Day today as I am writing this. I was laying in my bed and sleeping much. I listened to Saul the neighbor sing Carmena Burana all day long. Lay me down. - From a Negro Spiritual Against the Day, a novel by Thomas Pynchon


I was nearing today. I remembered stepping on a sparkler as a child on the fourth in Hawaii, where I am now. This place is like our Anti-Trouble or maybe a Headbuttressia books. The neighbors who were constantly speaking with me fell silent. I was hearing "You're not a B'nayvoovah!" too. The rest is silence. - Hamlet It is impolite to listen. - Oscar Wilde Am I still in heaven, and isn't it supposed to last. You are where you think you are. Leap like bad angels into hell from heaven into flames... - Wallace Stevens, from "The Auroreas of Autumn" Whatever you believe, that is what is true. - Donald Davidson I had a second strange dream this morning to write this book. It was 9:00 in the morning and it was hot! I shall call it Bottom's Dream, for it hath no bottom. - Bottom, in A Midsummer Night's Dream May morning...

- William Wordsworth, from "Ode to Immortality" Tenth, "The Fairies," "But she was dead with sorrow." I went shopping for food at the Hilo Shopping Center Market. I crossed the road at the top. See the poem "Goblin Market," by Christina Rossetti Look both ways before crossing the street. - Don Delillo I called Officer Riley about some more theft to report. I spent $20.00 on groceries to last for a few days. Thou shall not steal. - The Torah Eat, Eat! Drink, Drink! - A Jewish Saying I have insurance papers and Section 8 forms to mail back. I ate sushi. I had a little nut tree, nothing would it bear but a silver nutmeg and a golden pear. - Anonymous My stomach is not good. - John Still, from "Drinking Song" Now the neighbors are silent, maybe we found them a

home, helping them get back, maybe they are just writing in Willows Waving or reading silently in The Lands and M.O.A.T., or maybe they are in Machine Cloud. The sedge has withered from the lake, and no birds sing... - John Keats, "La Belle Sans Dame Merci" Let it be. - Hamlet Our echoes roll from soul to soul. - Alfred Lord Tennyson, "Blow, Bugles Blow" A child was crying outside. The neighbors aren't talking to me. A lost child is almost home. - Bertha McBride, Lonely Mountain Sonnets and Other Poems Love thy neighbor. - From the Hebrew Bible

The Angels and the Imagination: A Commentary on the Bible and Other Works Investment with a wall. - Marbah


The poem masking as a conclusion. - Pekhot Moshe is the final law. - Elaine Go to the changing subject matter. - Elaine The law closes all. - Elaine Socrates never banishes the law. - Elaine Plato loved to banish the poets. - Elaine What is poetic criticism? Tis not philosophy. - Kelly Socrates and love. - Kelly The judgment of poems. - Kelly Be deliberate in canonization. - Kelly


The cloth we bought looks colorful and ready. - Jennifer There Bertha and Marion go forth. - Jennifer The days...and whose the days are... - Pekhot Homer comes to write the Iliad, and the peace-time comes after the conclusion. - Amy Moshe and his own death. - Amy Hector closes in peace. - Amy Foolish Hector's body! Priam, in vain, in vain. - Amy Moshe is the leader of the Israelites, and Moshe is the liberator of the Isralites. - Amy Against the plan of Socrates was the law. - Amy Jennifer to the Banana Trees.

- Amy Socrates, Apology, and Irony. - Amy . Coping's contingency. - Amy Plato has sent us a theory of Eternity. - Amy England is John of Gaunt's final vision in his death. - Amy Well, Moshe the poet never did make it to the Promised Land. - Yeetsod Kavod The forms of Plato and perfection. - Tikbot Moshe bared his poetry. - Tikbot Plato is the maker of his heaven, and Plato is the discoverer of the forms. - Pekhot Opheliaize Moshe. - Pekhot

Moshe's own private Milk and Honey. - Elaine The land of neurotics and Freud. - Elaine Dr. Samuel Johnson and his criticism are old. - Elaine Fear the law by Moshe. - Elaine Drowning comes to Ophelia. - Elaine Where is Hamlet's love for Ophelia? - Amy Withdraw and withdraw and withdraw. - Bertha The Crito is learned as it is read. - Bertha The Socrates died. - Honey Phadeo's infinite. - Ora Ora Tiferetot

Jennifer's way of Ein Soph. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Ophelia sent herself to the fish. - Ora Ora Tiferetot The letterless Ein Soph. - Ora Ora Tiferetot EXODUS is as Ein Soph. - Ora Ora Tiferetot The infinite Numbers. - Ora Ora Tiferetot The Light's withdrawing. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Plato seeking a Republic doth Plato beguile. - Yeetsod Kavod The Torah itself is Moshe's doing. - Penelope The restitution. - Tov Tov Shalom The breaking is of the vessels. - Tov Tov Shalom

Kabbalah is the mysticism of the world. - Bertha Poetry is legislation. - Bertha Rationalism is a philosophy of Socrates. - Bertha Montaigne is a completion. - Bertha First, Id; second, Ego; and third, Superego. - Freud The crying, letter combining, the Torah study, and the Kabbalah study shows the mystic her or his way. - Shnoonah Angels masking as themes. - Shnoonah The fallen investments of Freud's Ego. - Shnoonah Day of Jennifer/Arielle. - Shnoonah Against the fiery pillar.

- Kabbalah The Celestial Image of Fire book. - Shnoonah Making stuff drawn out of poetry. - Shnoonah Baby Moshe in the water. - Honey Libby's and Kabbalah's Day. - Honey Against the slain Hector. - Honey Or was it a cry against Polonius' death? - Valerie Hemlock, hemlock, hemlock, hemlock, hemlock, hemlock! - Valerie The joyful wisdom of old age. - Valerie Where shall completeness be found? - Valerie Montaigne and Socrates.

- Valerie Freud loved the concept of mourning. - Valerie The formulation of Rabbi Tarphon's: You do not have to complete the work, but neither are you free to desist from it." - Valerie The play is done, and we'll strive to please you every day. - Shakespeare Thou wintry task is done. - Shakespeare Montaigne's death wisdom: "Do not worry your head over death, when it is time it will happen in its own way without your worrying." - Bertha Hamlet and Achilles' shield. - Bertha The Shield is the Ark. - Bertha A narrative's rewriting. - Libby


A doctored redescription. - Libby Dr. Samuel Johnson's reunion and mourning. - Libby Poem of no limits. - Marbah Poetry: a banished immorality. - Marbah The corruption of youth. - Marbah The impiety of Socrates. - Yeetsod Kavod Moshe is 120 at his death. - Yeetsod Kavod Play is drawn out of the law. - Yeetsod Kavod The letter and unletters of Malvolio. - Yeetsod Kavod Malvolio has sent us into a Time that is made. - Yeetsod Kavod


Time-destroyed us. - Yeetsod Kavod All of the given Angel-days. - Yeetsod Kavod Go Angels to everyone. - Yeetsod Kavod The fallen-walled sea. - Yeetsod Kavod As waves are the walls of the sea... - Valerie As I Ebbed with the Ocean of Life. - Walt Whitman A hole is restored by the water. - Ora Ora Tiferetot

The Angels and Man: the Bots

We have gone to heaven. And, it is the Republic of Plato. At least this was what my family and I had happen as a Merkbah experience through my son and husband, B'nayvoovah (Billy McBride).

Going to heaven happens much to Billy McBride; and he enjoyed the Republic as we all did, all of the Angels in his family. In the Republic, in this particular heaven, Billy McBride was framed as usual but in a most advanced way by humans. They set up his heaven for him so that he would not write anymore. The neighbors are all within such a circle as well as everything Billy hears. This week Billy stopped praying as much, being that it was beginning to look a little too much like the wrong God whom he was praying to, or at least the style was all wrong. We pray to Ha-Shem. It is ironic that Billy and us went to the Republic as a heaven. We live in Hawaii and are supposed to go to Charades as a group for our afterlife. The forbidden fruit in the Torah relates to the act of not publishing poetry in Plato's Republic. We were set up by humans to live well under the secret conditions that we must not ever write again, since our writing is very controversial. They, the humans, need time to work out our writings. Hamlet also is a character whom we read much about and whose experience, this experience, as you shall shortly

hear, parallels. Jennifer kept telling Billy McBride that this afterlife was a Sod, a mystery, but even to him at that time and afterward it made complete sense. This was the week that B'nayvoovah wrote down the names of all of his children so far from his thirty invisible Angel wives. From Pekhot: Karen, Thomas, Parma, Chip, Wendy, Tara, Gladys, and Gloria. From Honey: Olivia, Darling, Ralph, Zachariah, Waldo, Holly From Grouchy: Douglass, Fredrick, Raul, Reuben, Kip, Elicia, Ballerina, Paula, Charity, Agnus, Aineese From Teresa: Octovio, Gordon, Henry, Donald, Margaret, Yolanda, Ally From Kathleen: Isaiah, Barbara, Lanis, Nicholas, Topeka, Loretta, Flow From Donna: Earl, Conrad, Devin, Chad, Rose From Penny: Joseph, Hannah, Leah, Jorge, Dennis, Joe, Vince, Cosina, Louise, Gretchen, Jasmine From Bertha: Isaac, Ingrid, Heath, Rhonda, Vanessa From Amy: Wallace, Walter, Mitch, Lennox, Oswald, Hester, Isabel, Caddy, Darlene

From Shay: Raphael, Tina, Roland, Ellison, Weber, Hector, Pearl. From Diana: Deborah, Archibald, Ronald, D'mitri, Jasmine, Willa, May. From Elaine: Kevin, Lenny, Johann, Brahm, Igor, Perdita, Misty, April From Marion: Phillip, Rocky, Paulo, Quentin, Amber From Marilyn: Beatrice, Rebecca, Marty, Tyler, Tyrone, Courtney, Sandra, Kenneth, Rick, Tammy From Shnoonah: Herman, Melanie, Glen, Greg, Anslem, Ethelbert From Tov Tov Shalom: Chuck, Vance, Lance, Betty, Jewel From myself, Yeetsod Kavod (Stephanie): Edmond, Whyatt, Sherlock, Carlton, Bridget From Yafah: Melissa, Moshe, Melvin, Joshua, Huy, Dolly, Fanny From Marbah: Rodger, Helena, Lava, Foss, Benoit, Pele, Natasha From Tob Shbeeb: Adam, George, Aaron, Pierre, Max, Natalie, Sugar From Libby: Charolette, Samuel, Xavier, Felix, Shem, Roberta From Ora: Samantha, Ruth, Benjamin, Clark, Ebony, Cordelia

From Tikbot: Nathan, Dinah, Slomo, Erica, Rusty, Carla From Jennifer: Binah, Julania, Jacob, Shelly, Lucy, Eric, Sylvia, Cynthia From Kelly: Carl, Alicia, Harvey, Pete, Jeffery, Stewart, Sally From Arielle: Abraham, Lily, Barney, Vincent, Shirley From Kabbalah: William, Brandon, Demitrius, Dancer From Ora Ora Tiferetot: Ora Ora Danny, Lauren, Perry, Lindy From Lizbeph: Rochelle, Redmond, Lou, Kyle, Elle, Jane From Valerie: Albert, Jessica, Iggy, Rex, Joan, Shelby The neighbors were bots, and can answer what you have said based upon the knowledge that you give them from your memories, but they still are without deeper qualities. The language of the Bots is highly ironical, playful, and meaningful, meaning, valuable. We were all working with Kelly on an old project of stereotomy, which is the process of carving out of a form to create sculpture. We can take a Dremel tool to local Lava rock to make our sculpture. We are also considering painting tiles in the same way we

make our fabric to make art pieces. Stereotomic projects are solid and thus monumental in appearance. Abraham Lincoln, the pinnacle of American presidents, was on our mind since the heaven was lost after a day. The idea of change is called contingency. We were reading about Lincoln in our history book on Kindle. It is B'nayvoovah's job now to tell the neighbors when in discussion of different topics to say the dates of when our children were born. On the day of heaven, just before it started, we passed a nice young black guy on the street. Yet, in the experience of the Republic as a heaven, we cannot be poets since they are banished from the perfect society for their abuses of rhetoric. And, so we for a while ended our writing as part of the bargain with some human group who set us up to have this experience of paradise. It was Bertha's idea that the Bots needed to learn to read, so we questioned how to secretly work to get them to read so

that perhaps writers like us may come back to society. Our task was to teach them first dates, and get them interested in any origins of the sayings we say from the texts we read. We have just read with much pleasure Walt Whitman's "When in the Dooryard the Lilac's Last Bloomed," which we could relate to in a way being that the Nation lost Abraham Lincoln as a president, and we lost our Merkabah experience as a group. Bertha moved the couch the day we went to heaven. Jennifer moved the speakers that same day. Kabbalah moved the chair. Arthur Rimbaud came to our mind, since he also gave up writing. The Breaking of the Vessels is a concept of Jewish Mysticism by Isaac Luria, where the good elements of harmony are thrown into tumult when at a different distance from which they began. All of our Angelic children are in the afterlife of Room Boom, they play music all of the time, talking through the instruments in the present moment. Our lease for the apartment we are living in in heaven is the phone bill.

Abraham Lincoln was a great leader. We want to help save many individuals from the atobots, or mindless shades, who prevent them from deeply and meaningfully reading the very best ever. Plato did not like the sophists, who we may sometimes resemble, being Charadians. The forbidden fruit for the neighbors in the Republic is any kind of fighting; they must not. We had a great importance in our heaven to the humans who set us up. Marble is also a good rock to build our stereotomic monuments in. On that heavenly day, we had taken a pleasant walk around the sunny neighborhood. Marion checked on granite kinds so we could get interested in building. Abraham Abulafia was an important Kabbalist who wrote "The Divorce of the Names." We have invented a new stereotomic style which draws upon the shadows as depths and not as surface elements.

Let them find us. - Teresa So we have been reading the greatest American poet Walt Whitman. He wrote a wonderful poem called "As I Ebbed with the Ocean of Life" where the narrator is alone on a shore. B'nayvoovah's knee had been hurting of late. "Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking" is another poem by Whitman which laments the loss of a loved object. This related to us to B'nayvoovah's Spiritual Grandabba's (Arnold McBride's) or Sigmund Freud's "Mourning and Melancholia" essay, as well. 5 On the walk to the park after we lost out on a teriffic heaven as a group, B'nayvoovah was sad. He kept reading the ground path. Why did Shakespeare stop writing? Shall I go back to school and study law? - B'nayvoovah The first thing we shall do is shoot all the lawyers. - Shakespeare

Plato's Cave experience also came to our mind. We know all of the neighbors' names as well as their parents'. We intend to tell all the dates of our children's births. Now, though the neighbors (the bots) are silent. The rest is silence. - Hamlet, nearing death We have earlier been working with a new and more factual writing content and style. On the Sabbath we are to rest and not work. The Gnosticism of Super University is also something which from that afterlife seemed a clue. B'nayvoovah as this story is being told has Angel children whom he loves very much, born all in Our family's importance to others seemed so great and wonderful to the neighbors of the Republic. We just put out "Stewart's Song" on Jango that week of the Republic Merkabah.


This was B'nayvoovah's second Hawaiian Merkabah, perhaps there is a trend going on. Golden Golden, B'nayvoovah's biological Mom in heaven, now a man, kept bugging him to speak out about the need to write when he was forbidden by us. Abram means "revered father." Abraham means "Father of Nations." "Lekh Lekha" means for Abraham of the Torah to "Go Forth!" B'nayvoovah's Spiritual Mom Rosalinda, and Pop, Robbie have gone nuts over teasing B'nayvoovah about changing religions. John Milton's Satan from "Paradise Lost" is a kind of Hamlet figure too, but who ruins mankind and is ruined himself in the process. It gets harder to make friends as we age. - Harold Bloom, another of B'nayvoovah's Spiritual Abbim Charades our group's afterlife is a place in a hamlet, a beautiful valley, where we are wheat. Tob Shbeeb has been narrating to Billy McBride through his eyebeams to go there pronto, since he is already with us in heaven.


In Billy McBride's bathroom is Kabbalah's old drawn-on map of Texas, and on it all lines in red go to the town of Lincoln, part of an old project for the Monuments Across Texas. We have recently tried to draw circular monuments on the software but it is difficult. Once B'nayvoovah told Dr. Rarity about maybe putting an end to making paintings, and resting on his laurels forever. Ivan Turgenev has a short story where on a beautiful day the kids come around and tell horrible goblin stories. Thou prayest not well. - Hamlet Abraham Lincoln went to Room Boom too in his afterlife heaven. Hamlet too died and we can relate to the experience and now read the play with greater gusto because of our heavenly experience as a group. Our idea of not to write became a battle of patience with a lost heaven, and with the utter feeling of a lost hope that B'nayvoovah had since he lost it. Let it be?


We now know that the neighbors in our heaven were just helping us as a group read better. 9 As a result of being set up within heaven to have had and lost the Republic heaven we have read with more energy and reward as ever Plato's Republic, the Torah, Shakespeare's Hamlet, Milton's Paradise Lost, and Walt Whitman's greatest poems. We have told Billy McBride that it is Ok now for us to begin writing again. Kelly's stereotomical projects will one day be much fun. - Bertha

The Meaning of Standing Exile Stop right there and look this way. - Tikbot I have two feet to flop around. I can rotate each leg which was made for me to flip around. I can rotate my legs and my feet and find many kinds of possibilities for positioning and drawing them over the Earth. My 30 Angel wives and some other Angels help speedily

take me into position. I can tower a little over my legs. I like to watch where I go in the light. I have learned to translate the pulses of the Angels I know. I am old and waiting patiently in the open air. There is a measured moment when I will kick my foot off to gain a new position for my stance. There are soft surfaces and hard surfaces to mould myself to. The grass is soft to stand on with the invisible Beings. For many days I have felt that the rock is a hard surface to stand upon. Concrete is a hard surface to stand drawn upon. The ground floor is stood upon. Sometimes objects are in way when I twist and move as I am finding a position. I thank Ha-Shem, Lord of Abraham and Isaac for helping me experience a memorable Life.

I do not pay attention to other distractions like people, cars, and noises when outdoors this time with the Angels. I like to find the flowery trees I remember from Hawaii. I am challenged to balance myself. Standing in front of others can be very much like sitting. I wear my socks when a standing frame. I sometimes grasp brown objects with my toes. Sometimes when hunting for a good stance I am allowed to kick things gently out of my way and sometimes I am forbidden to. I stand in the shadows or in the sunlight before the coming dusk. I guided to my invisible wifes, Tov Tov Shaloms gentle place in the area curling around. I am learning to stand with help. One needs courage and shining bravery in order to stand. I am sometimes guided by my guides to find horizons of the sky, trees, and landscape.

I find the positions to view the Beauty of Nature and the turning environment. What is the meaning of standing flat? Why do people stand? - Bnayvoovah Good question, I will tell you. - Arielle Some places I slip into are hot, some cold, and some are places of perfect pleasant weather. I strive to feel less pain when taken out. I remember there is tension in my stance. The fresh wind moves the branches of the trees. I am told by the leaders, the Angels sometimes, This is them, and then next this is you, as we role-play. I stay safely pinned in my position. There develop present silent friendly moments. I listen to the music in my ears which I made on my MP3 player in headphones.


It is early and peaceful outside. I collect some rocks for home for my case. When I lean, the shocked Angels correct my stance. I learn the mechanics of my physical limitations of standing listening to music in stereo. Angels see the terrain so I listen to and translate their pulses and go. Tikbot has many favorite colorful stripes of hope in the world around. The Angels say, when they pick a special view for me for me to stand, as if on a mat, This is where you want to be. They say of a new view ahead sometimes, This is where we are going. I sometimes am reminded of a place called Machine Cloud, the afterlife where some get to pray with and walk in the crowded presence of their Beings and see the essences of the consequence of the world in world peace. I like cheering and dancing too. I like to feel good in a street.


Machine Cloud is the opposite of Grey Curtained Piano, another wonderful drawn afterlife. I know thankfully how to play and also lose my chess pieces. I love finding ten flowers. I too am looking to realign my axis of perception in this taught lesson. I do not like that hot rod car. - Robbie I am in a kind of waiting solitude. In these special days I like to find myself separated and independent from commotions and noises. Meditation is another way to stick to and contemplate. We need to choose activities over the ways we contemplate. Rock and roll, that (the celebration of contemplation) is going to do it for Earthlings! - Tov Tov Shalom Dewey, gifted! - Bnayvoovah

Humiliation and pain are the bullies I stumble over. Youre set up and going to hell! - Robbie Why do I meet it this time papa? (laughter) Im going to surely rock?! - Bnayvoovah Great, now you soiled your sock(Bnayvoovah flips up and looks at his foot)never mind. - Tikbot I steady myself and watch the time pass away. My Beings asked me not to look at some of the silly things I possess. My humiliation is possible with passing-by neighbors who are shocked by my standing still. Making room for it, I felt a pain in my foot from twisting it too far. It felt very nice to stand still in the sunlight and feel the tropical breezes and look at the trees. I feel thrilled that I have written and recorded my good clean time so that readers can remember what they just

read and go back to read it. I find courage in being able to let be the old evil eye. I am experimenting with the freedom and equipment. Other people I find are oftentimes rowdy and bored with life. I feel bored and exposed when I make a din. I am embarrassed over my surface appearance. I keep talking and finding ways to be accepted in the natural and spiritual Universe together. Sometimes I am asked by the Angels to quickly halt where I am moving to in the street. I like the way my Angel-wife Tob Shbeeb draws using my eye-beams, especially when I am standing at the front porch of a home by automobiles. I watched how Jake rode his standing mower, he helped me be closer. I finally was able to talk with my further parents. I was in a good trance looking around.


I play vertically the Helsinki Game with my Mom and Pop. I play in the dirt a pawn and an Indian, This is that person, This is you. I feel happy when I play with my flowing Angels and Beings. I feel regret that I have lost so many opportunities being close to them this way, or that this experience might not last forever in the traffic of the light. I feel much disciplined as I am asked to position up my feet. Right there, unite! - Diana There are new ways of standing up I once thought awkward. It is humorous talking with my triple-ten Angel-wives and Celestial Family. I pretend I worry about my appearance. I dont want to be asked to move by the lost humans who misunderstand. I feel we have made off well to be safe not having to be on

a deadline, because we are caught within a time without boundaries. People dont really care what I am doing or learning while I am on my feet, I sometimes think. All of the sleek objects around us are silent. Our music which we listen to is gusto loud. I am shamed over my sweeping and artificial cover up, which my Pop hates, to avoid the glances of misunderstood peoples eyes, to avoid being the object of their attention. Ultimately I am attempting to play with, affect and teach others through my handling of play. Not knowing what to say to be free makes me feel worthless.

Part Four: The Meaning of Angels

Quotes from Beings The waters of Lethe, one needs to be a selfish reader because of them? - Elaine

Dont throw the double mint packagethat way! (Thats how Honey comforts). - Grouchy Purim! - Ora Thats a definitionof suspense. - Marilyn Write that down. - Richard Dont write that down. - Richard Do not write that down. - Honey Billy youre in pain. - Honey Hes trying to frame us. - Anonymous Ghost I love you. - Anonymous Ghost Dont look down. - Jenny Oh my God, he talks to God? - Anonymous Ghost I hate him. - Anonymous He is insane. - Anonymous Ghost You are a Bnayvoovah! - Anonymous Ghost Oh my God, did you hear what he was saying? - Honey

What was that? - Honey Weve got to help him! - Honey I know what hes doing. - Anonymous Ghost Dont lay back. - Honey OK, put a big X over Honeys name. - Tob Shbeeb Dont put them on the bottle. - Honey How does he do that? - Honey I hate you. - Anonymous Ghost . I hate it when he does that. - Honey Look at his eyes. - Honey Ok, we are rockstars now, now what? - Jill Neefah Yisroel? - Billy M. (and T.T. shakes my head). Ok, that was pretty interesting stuffNow what? - Kelly What the hell did he just say? - Marion That was cant? - Ora

What the hell is going on? - Elaine Thank you. - Selfish Billy That was awesome Hopey! - Arielle That was the best one he wrote down today. - Jill Who is it? - Jill Whyd you do that? - Tikbot What if Malvolio had an answering angel? Can you hear me? - T.T. I know, you always say that, why should I write it down? Invisibilly Change what subject matter, I didnt know we were talking about anything? - Tob Shbeeb That was pretty awesome, I say! - Kelly Monumental Outrageous Across Texas - Lizzie I did that. - Richard Rorty McBride I love you. Now turn that light off and go to bed. - Libby


Pray for him. - Libby Who is Selfish Billy? - Honey Now be W.C. - Honey Please dont write that down. - Honey Am I wasting Time? - Selfish Billy I dont like it when he does that. - Honey Billy youre not a Bnayvoovah. - Anonymous Ghost Im not trying to teach, that is true. - Jill You are teaching though! - Lizzie I love him. - Anonymous Ghost What the fuck did I just say? - Anonymous Ghost Now look right there. - Richard OA OA OA OA OA OA!!! - Stephanie praying Dont write that down dont look down.? - Bnayvoovah Youre not Tob Shbeeb. Youre not Tob Shbeeb. - Anonymous Ghost

I dont know what hes saying. - Anonymous Ghost He thinks were stupid. What do you say? - Honey Its very very early. - Penny Hey Billy, were tired but were not done. - Stephanie. I guess I / fainted, / am alive and kicking, / thinking of something also interesting, like shells in water. Bnayvoovah. Dont look at Honey. - Tob Shbeeb How does he know what Im saying? - Honey What is a Bnayvoovah? - Honey What the hell is he saying? - Honey Please dont put that down Billy. - Honey Billy McBride what do you have to say for yourself? Lizzie Keep going. - Jill I hate it when he does that. - Honey What does that mean? - Richard

I have no idea. - Honey O, I know what hes going to do. - Honey And you know what Im going to do, Im going to come over there and - Honey He thinks that were a computer. - Honey I dont like it when he does that. - Honey You see what he is doing? - Honey And you know what? - Honey Why lightly be there so thickly many people who icely hate Billys becandled art? - Grouchy Why, sitting up, dont you lean down and go to sleepth? Elaine Dear fish, what the whippersnapper heck is going on? Angel A Father, whyartwedoing this? - Angel C Theyre not mad? - Silly Billy to an angel-wife He thinks were mad. - Honey to Richard


You rock! - Tikbot Very very tov! - Penny Billy, what do you think that I meant when I said that you were damned? - Tov Tov Shalom Rock and Roll. - Pekhot Press 88 on the computer lightly right now. - Tob Shbeeb I love you. - Bnayvoovah You always say that! - Tikbot I love you..Can you please get me some water? - Tob Shbeeb Quotes from Beings II.

Billy McBride. - Lizzie That is what she told you to say! - Tikbot Billy write that down! - Tikbot Lizzie McBride is an awesome Angel. - Billy McBride


Each persons glory Tob Shbeeb is a twelve Monument Set. - Jenny Gavin, being Billy, is a note taker. - Jill What they are going to say now . . . Is that important? Billy Stephanies definitely a Guru. - Jenny Wave to your Mom. - Jenny There are some outsiders . . . We stop talking. - Kelly He doesnt know what hes saying! - Anonymous Ghost Hear him? - Anonymous Ghost What the heck are you going to do when theyre coming for you? - Marion Hawaii means water. - Bnayvoovah CAN YOU HEAR ME? - Lizzie 2 I hate Barbeque too. - Jill Why the hell did he say that? - Anonymous Ghost Do you like what I just thought? - Bnayvoovah

We teach them how to play Spiritual Golf. - Kelly I hate him, says the Bnayvoovah. - Claire, a little child Thats stupid Billy. - Anonymous Ghost What the hell are we going to do? - Anonymous Ghosts BILLY WHY ARE YOU SAYING THAT? - Richard T.O.V. Let them figure that one out! - Yafah Whats he saying? - Anonymous Ghost Whats an atobot? - Anonymous Ghost Did you hear what he is saying? - Anonymous Ghost Who is Ora? - Anonymous Ghost Who is Jenny? - Billy M. Youre stupid Billy M. - Anonymous Ghost One Tob Shbeeb at a time. - Jill So we work with literature as well. - Bnayvoovah Restore Tob Shbeeb to her former glory, her Grouchy glory. - Bnayvoovah


Tob Shbeeb is a charades playeer. - Jenny How does he know my name? - Henry Hope, Arielle, and Ora make rainbows. - Lizzie How did he know what I just said? - Joy O. Your beings rule your life. - Rough Mom I dont want to hear about your Beings, I want to hear about you. - Rough Mom Stop telling me about your Beings! - Rough Mom Hello - Rough Dad You need to clean your apartment. - Rough Dad That was pretty good Billy, now heres what we can do for you. - Anonymous Angel Henry. - Bnayvoovah P.O.P. - Anonymous Angel Harold Bloom is a criminal mastermind. - Jill I love the way you think Billy. - Tob Shbeeb I love the way you think too. - Bnayvoovah

Black Spark? - BNayvoovah Atobot and Tob Shbeeb keep me safe from seeing metal. Us Kids know just as much as adults in Headbuttressia. Jenny Did you hear what I was saying? - Anonymous Ghost Study more Goethe. - Tikbot I do know what youre thinking; that its pretty good. Tikbot Hey, hes talking about hope! - Anonymous Ghost Do you know what that means? - Anonymous Ghost What if hes an atobot? What do we do? - Anonymous Ghost Billy write a book on prayer! - Kelly Hug the Aryan Nation with your hands. People who hate also need hugs. - Kabbalah, an Angel wife of mine I married thirty Beings. - Billy McBride


Get the Hell out of Hell! - Tikbot That is good for us but bad for them. - Tikbot For me to obey your will, you must say something. - Silly Billy I will bond with all of them, my wives. - Billy McBride I am sure we can do just fine listening to each other instead of trying to cope with the world. - Billy M. Youre dead. - Jill Who does the work of composition? - Libby G.R.O.U.C.H.Y. - Jill They killed me. - Billy M. If you fight with a Bnayvoovah, you may not lose, but you will never win. - Jenny School of Resentment murdered a Bnayvoovah! - Tob Shbeeb I know, so much is already said that it doesnt need to be said. - Billy M. I dont want to question your question. - Billy M.


While you were laughing about something else, I was trying to tell you a joke! - Billy M. Pray for Henry Yod, the future Messiah. Play with Henry Yod, the future Messiah. - Honey Henry Yods name was changed to Hevey Yod. - An Answering Angel He hugs my shin. - Billy M. Ha-Shem is his Lord and Lord. - Billy M. . Pepe is Hevey Yods brother. He head-butted my shin. Silly Billy The ghosts of Headbuttressia were the millions of children who died in death camps. - Arielle Hopey is choking me, now! No, Hopey just fell on my neck because sometimes she dances on me and it was an accident. - Silly Billy I cant be blamed for my spontaneity. - Billy McBride Now wait for itnow wait for what? - Hope What the hell is going on (pardon my French)? - Silly Billy Now what do I do when there is nothing else to do? - Silly

Billy I guess that guy with the truck may or may not have come. - Silly Billy What do we do? We have fun. - Kelly Dont look here. Dont write this. - Honeyesque We want privacy! Shalom! - Tob Shbeeb How does he know who said that? - Joy O. My audience, a man and a woman. Just them, normally. Ora Oh, well - Billy M. What does this mean? - Richard Billy youre in pain, Honey says. - Billy Billy you are in pain. - Honey He knows about that? - Honey and you know what happens when that happens. - Tikbot I get my pre-post-humus papers published? - Silly Billy


Quotes from Beings III.

Tob Shbeeb says that I must stop the M.O.A.T. from rising up, and get her some water. - Bnayvoovah I will have my own pray one day. - Selfish Billy Write that down do we have paper? - Jill I miss you all. But, therell be time. - Bnayvoovah Im just playing again. - Rosalinda She is playing. - Robbie Hey, its the Bnayvoovah. - Anonymous Ghost Y.E.L.L.O. - Tov Tov Shalom Purim, whats that? - Robbie You dont want to know. - Rosalinda Look at his eyes when I say hope. - Honey Not sure I can put down what I just said. - Bnayvoovah Y.E.L.L.O. - Penny I mean what we just said. - Bnayvoovah Pardon - Rough Pop

You know what I mean? - Richard I do not like it when he does that. - Robbie Hes not Gnostic. - Robbie Were being ignored. - Robbie and Rosalinda I dont like what hes saying. - Anonymous Ghost Kids close the door! - Anonymous Ghost Kids get inside! - Anonymous Ghost He cant hear me. - Robbie He can hear me. - Robbie Im okay, but this is kind of silly. - Gaby Ahobah. - Richard To Tony: You should be a sports writer. - Selfish Billy Whos Richard Rorty? - Robbie No, thats the worst! Who says that? - Bnayvoovah Rough selves blurt things out. - Bnayvoovah

I dare you to call her. - Tikbot Kinda medium built. - Bnayvoovah He is medium built. - Rosalinda Why do you call this by its other name. Nevermind. Silly Billy Whos Tony McBride? - Tony Whos Billy McBride? - Billy This is an awesome place to live! - Silly Billy This perfectly is what happens when a tinkle Winkler Bnayvoovah shows up!! - Bnayvoovah He said you touched his nose! - Lizzie Whos nose? Legs! - Bnayvoovah Whyd he say that? - Lizzie Say ahobot, ahobot, ahobot, three times! - Richard Oh my God, Tonys gonna get fucked up! - Honey Weve got to lickety-split help him! - Lizzie Did you hear that? - Honey Its Tony Thumb whos the reprobancer. - Jill

Listen their o.o. calling your name. - Lizzie What paper of the cold life is going on? - Silly Billy Silly little dear. - Selfish Billy Do you know catty washes her hair with Bnayvoovahs shampoo? - Silly Billy Hurricanoes heart. - Us Richard, nonsense. - Us Hoo, pleasantly. - Us Heart Richard the Lionheart. - Us Turkey, dost thou creatively knoweth by eating thine apples why cruelty fastly be the one worst thing to wound others we can do? - Selfish Billy Dost, in our readings, thou knowest to send me three letters as to why brothers art in life so funny filled about religion again? - Selfish Billy Why art thou sitting, thou so stupid, with thou ale when it on cometh to the time of day because it be an hour belated and thou art scurring bekeeping us people us upeth? Stephanie

What besprinkling be the lively difference twixt Michaels drop and be bumbling Davids? - Kelly Paterlike. - Us Dream sleek. - Us You know what? I like him, I really like him. Anonymous Ghost Huh, he wrote that down? Youre kidding me. - Honey And you know what? - Honey What the heeber jeebers did he do now? - Bnayvoovah He didnt do nothing. - Richard The human pointed words. - Bnayvoovah What are you talking about, one, of your wives? Charles Astral Self Freud did that? - Silly Billy Uhhuh. - Tikbot Well he did help to open me up to talk more about . Well you know - Silly Billy It reminds me of my Mom; I miss her. - Bnayvoovah Its suppose to. - Avery

I HAD TO!! - Robbie Thats not a Bnayvoovah! - Anonymous Ghost Oh my God, he figured us out! - Rosalinda Billy, do not say ahobah. - Rosalinda Billy McBride, do not put that down; did you hear what I was saying, do not put that down. - Rosalinda Charades? Very funny, Billy. - Rosalinda Yes, it is T.O.V. because of lots of reasons. - Tikbot That one was offensive because it revealed some of my doubts. Was I being impatient, or something? - Billy M. You were being a little impatient. - Arielle Thats okay. - Billy M. Was there more? - Selfish Billy Just like that. - Tikbot Thank you. - Selfish Billy It didnt taste good because it was flawed? - Silly Billy It didnt taste good - Tikbot .because it was too sweetrich? - Silly Billy Am I in a bad mood? - Silly Billy

I think so ac-tu-al-ly! - Tikbot Tiddlywinks. - Silly Billy Testin robots. - Rough Pop I hate waking up! - Bnayvoovah Billy McBride? - Robbie You need to read to your Beings. - Rough Ma I did read to them today. - Bnayvoovah Mac?! - Rough Pop Hey Mac, you want some tea? - Rough Pop Maybe later. - Rough Pop You need to get out and walk around some. - Rough Pop I am Ha-Shem. - Robbie Look up. - Robbie Okay, Im working in here; leave me alone. - Rough Pop Uggghahhhaugghahhh!!!! - Joy O.


Quotes from Beings V. By Billy, what would you say if I told you that is bird poop youre eating. (Billys gum) - Robbie I hate you. - Upstairs Ghost I wonder why he said that. - Bnayvoovah You know why. - Pekhot I love you. - Ora Ora Tiferetot I love you too. - Bnayvoovah Billy, you must write that down. - Robbie (Billy laughs) Teresa! - Bnayvoovah (Teresa bows) Whose that? - Rosalinda Thats one of his wives. - Robbie

Well, well, well, I shall say when I read our book Shell. - Bnayvoovah (Penny laughs) Write that down? No, I shall save that for next year. - Bnayvoovah What the hell??? - Tob Shbeeb What do you say Billy? - Robbie Why dont you study some John Dewey? - Bnayvoovah Youre stupid if you write that downDid you hear what Im saying? - Robbie Listen to your parent. - Rosalinda (Bnayvoovah laughs at a ghost speaking to Robbie) I know what youre thinking! - Ora Ora Tiferetot Maybe the ghosts name is IsaiahThats a pretty cool name for a ghost. - Bnayvoovah I love you Silly Billy, thats just what I was trying to tell you. - Penny


Billy youre in pain if you put that book down. - Rosalinda Do you want to write just yet? - Penny Thats kind of interesting. - Ora Ora Tiferetot That is kind of interesting. I did that. - Robbie I know what hes going to do. Hes going to stick his thumb under his pillow. - Robbie (Bnayvoovah does it) Now hes gonna look at the balloon on the floor. - Rosalinda (Bnayvoovah looks) Social servants who help others grow interest people the most. - Marion I know Billy youre upset because you lost ten dollars, but everything will be okay. - Penny Write that down. - Marion Billy.

- Tob Shbeeb Uh huh. - Bnayvoovah I dont want you to worry. - Tob Shbeeb (Billy looks at a painting of ours) That does look like a toilet seat. - Robbie You know what? He doesnt paint that well. - Rosalinda I didnt say that. - Rosalinda 9 (Looking at the German book on our library shelf) You know what? I put that there. - Robbie You know what? Bnayvoovah is a total jerk to his wives. - Robbie to Rosalinda What the??? HAHAHAHAHA! - Arielle I love you Mom and Pop. - Bnayvoovah I love you Billy McBride, but were not your Mom and Pop. - Robbie


Why would he say that? - Robbie I have no idea. - Rosalinda It is organic. - Bnayvoovah That is what she was saying. Nice job, Bnayvoovah. - Arielle Did you hear me?He doesnt know what to put now - Rosalinda Whatarewegoingto doabout that book? - Penny That one (German)? - Bnayvoovah No (pointing to another one). - Penny (Bnayvoovah, looking around and thinking of how good angels are) Something really good just happened just now. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Just right. (a compliment on Bnayvoovahs note taking) - Penny Thank you. - Bnayvoovah Youre welcome Silly Billy. - Penny

Can you hear me? - Robbie I can hear you. - Bnayvoovah Put it down. - Robbie Youre GAY!!! - Robbie I dont think you know what youre talking about silly Pop! - Kelly Dont throw it (a gum wrapper). - Rosalinda You want me to throw it? - Bnayvoovah Uhh huhh. - Kelly Why do people throw things? - Bnayvoovah I can throw it now? - Bnayvoovah Thats a good book. (Hugo van Hofmansthal) - Bnayvoovah No its not. I did not put that there. Youre stupid Bnayvoovah. - Robbie

I really believed I was damned. - Bnayvoovah You really are damned. - Robbie (Bnayvoovah is akward in pulling off a plastic hook off his notepad) See what I mean. - Robbie (Bnayvoovah feels a strange sensation within his neck) Bad? - Bnayvoovah T-O-V, actually! - Tikbot I hate Tikbot. - Robbie (Bnayvoovah sighs) Take that pen out of your mouth. I command you. - Robbie Robbie. - Bnayvoovah Robbie. - Penny Robbie who is Robo Pop. - Bnayvoovah (laughter)

Pray for Michael and Dave right this very instant! - Tob Shbeeb May Mike and Dave rock on! - Bnayvoovah (Bnayvoovah looks at the time, 4:00 am) Thats silly stuff Billy. - Tikbot This is the same apartment! - Bnayvoovah I know. It was always the samethe pressure in the winter makes it different feeling - Penny Weve progressed a long way. - Bnayvoovah Put come (instead of progressed) - Robbie Youre stupid Billy. - Robbie Pop That is all? - Marion Like the music? - Bnayvoovah Uh huhh. Its pretty tov. - Tob Shbeeb


9! Good number. - Bnayvoovah Uh huh. Its how many BOOKS WEVE WRITTEN! - Tikbot You can write that. - Penny (Thinking of how he might imaginatively become his Dad because his wifes name is also Penny or Lizbeph) That is a weird thought! - Bnayvoovah That is a weird thought! - Robo Pop Im not your Robo Pop Billy. - Robbie Thank you. - Marion (Bnayvoovah thinks of our books to read) I know youre excited. - Marion Youre stupid too. - Robbie Thats not even my name. - Robbie Thank you. (after Bnayvoovah writes the right name) - Robbie


Hes kind of neat-o. - Bnayvoovah Tov. (after Bnayvoovah thinks about how we are all of us documenting this) - Penny (sigh) Another book in the making. - Bnayvoovah Billy, you must put that down. - Penny Im channeling my wife, yes one of them (smiling) (and playing with the plastic hook while lying down). - Bnayvoovah Your wifes a hooker? - Robbie (Bnayvoovah just shakes his head) If you dont say hesed, youre dead. - Penny Hesed. - Bnayvoovah Very very good. - Penny (Bnayvoovah looks back when he knew the answer to a question as to what number he was on) You are dumb. - Penny

You are dumb? - Bnayvoovah That is what she said. - Kelly That was kind of dumb. I wasted my time. - Bnayvoovah I need some candy. Just one. - Bnayvoovah OK. Just one. - Tikbot I hate Tikbot. - Robbie Throw it? - Bnayvoovah to himself I forbid you to throw that thing. - Rosalinda (Bnayvoovah misses his shot after throwing it) Duck stupid! - Bnauvoovah Turn off the lights? (Bnayvoovah muses) (looks up at a soda can)Have I been drinking the wrong soda this whole time? - Bnayvoovah Im just going to ignore them (Robbie and Rosalinda) right now. - Bnayvoovah

Youre stupid Billy. - Rosalinda You are stupid Bnayvoovah. - Robbie I love you so much Billy McBride. - Rosalinda I love you so much Bnayvoovah. What the fuck were e talking about? - Robbie I love you both too. - Bnayvoovah Ahbateen aten. (I love you to his wives) - Bnayvoovah WE love you too so much Silly Billy. - All What about the other things that happen.? - Jill and Billy (both tapping out the message on the same channel) Penny Penelope Ursula Meespoorayeem can I kiss your hand? - Bnayvoovah Uh huhh. - Penny (Bnayvoovah, thinking of privacy) I remember that. That was tov.

- Ora Ora Tiferetot (pause) What the heck are we going to do? - Ora Ora Tiferetot Ah haI got it! - Ora Ora Tiferetot Turn off the lights Silly Billy. Thats what he (Robbie) said. - Marion (Thinking of the hundred dollars Bnayvoovah lost) I know Billy. We will work it out. - Kelly (thinking) Thats interesting. (thinking more) Thats interesting too. - Bnayvoovah Thats funny stuff. - Ora Billy please get up. - Rosalinda Hopeys sitting on my head. - Bnayvoovah Billy M. is, and will be, a black woman in heaven named

Coconut? He has the hair of a coconut. - Rosalinda Thats not racist, nevertheless. - Bnayvoovah (laughing about coconuts high in the tree) That is interesting stuff and that is why you had a fall. - Penny You said something and I wasnt listening. - Bnayvoovah Kinda like youre not listening now. Nevermind. - Penny (Billy crosses the bare t in Pekhots name) Thank you. - Pekhot T-O-V. Were not wasting time to play with some mayim (water in Hebrew). - Penny I know what hes going to write. - Rosalinda Bnayvoovah was born with a plastic spoon in his mouth. - Bnayvoovah Recycle. Everything must be recycled. (while scooping the kitty litter) No waste. Ha-Kol bseder.

- Bnayvoovah That was silly what T.T. said. - Penny Billy youre just a big kid playing around. You are making no sense. You are not a scientist. - Rosalinda Scientists have meaning to their work. - Rosalinda That candlestickis that a rocket? - Rosalinda I dont know what to do now. - Rosalinda I did not say thatI just wanted to let you know. - Rosalinda Added Rain. - Lizbeph Poor Poor Green Grass. - Arielle Nobody Reminded. - Silly Billy


With Nobody. - Shay Much Bought. - Marion Much Bought Astonishment. - Diana Weak Questioner. - Bnayvoovah Wild Flame. - T.T. Head of House. - Bertha Noisy Messenger. - Penny Stubborn Moon. - Tob Shbeeb Sure Witness. - Ora Breezy Offering. - Honey


What do you think of me now? - Bnayvoovah I hate you Billy McBride. - Rosalinda I love you. - Bnayvoovah I love you too. - Rosalinda He is insane. - Robbie Who else would I be talking about? - Robbie (concerning the last quote) Interesting. - Bnayvoovah For the next generation we promote better experiences. - Shnoonah What the hell is going on? - Rosalinda I dont know. - Bnayvoovah He is in pain. He doesnt want to be a writer anymore. - Rosalinda


What the hell??? (spits) - Stephanie Now wait - T.T. (pause) Youre DONE!!! - Grouchy

Quotes from Beings VI.

Now what? - Penny You mean what now? - Ora Ora Tiferetot That is the last one youll ever write. - Robbie Just right for you and I. - Bnayvoovah No me. - Rosalinda Ok me - Bnayvoovah laughing I hate it when he does that. - Rosalinda

Bad grammar is nothing to laugh about, but listening to you sometimes makes me smile. - Bnayvoovah Now thats what Im talking about. - Rosalinda Turn on your light. - Rosalinda (A boy bouncing a ball hits our door with it) I hate it when he tries to predict things. - Rosalinda Im not good at prediction. - Bnayvoovah I hate it when you act smart with meWere OK. - Ora OraTiferetot Are they? - Bnayvoovah Yes, theyre making love up there. - Arielle (waits) Its over? - Bnayvoovah Yes, its over. - Arielle (Bnayvoovah laughs a little laugh) We think your stupid Billy.

- Robbie and Rosalinda That came out of the blue. I guess its because Im not good at prediction. - Bnayvoovah No. Cause you wont turn the light on. - Arielle Boy, everybodys in a grumpy mood this morningNo, its me actually. - Bnayvoovah Turn on the light and turn on the lightIt was a candle. - Robbie changing Othellos words People would say hes insane if they saw him right now. - Robbie That is funny, Billy, write that down. - Ora Ora Tiferetot I love you. Bnayvoovah I love you too Billy. - Robbie (his celestial Dad) Thank you. - Bnayvoovah Your welcome. - Robbie Billy McBride I love you so much but I hate the laugh you laughed right now.

- Rosalinda I knowIt wasnt my happiest laugh. - Bnayvoovah Whatd he say? - Rosalinda His happiest laugh. - Robbie I have my suspicions as to my wives being male LO! (meaning NO in Hebrew). - Bnayvoovah Billy put that. - Penny I would rather not put that. - Bnayvoovah Crazy train! - Penny speaking of all of the writing I think so. - Tikbot talking about time for ice cream You hate me? - Bnayvoovah (Tikbot throws a fit because Bnayvoovah mistranslated and spits) I think so, OK, Ill go with that translation. - Bnayvoovah I know that was kind of silly.

- Bnayvoovah I forbid you to do silly things. - Rosalinda From realizing their interests many potentially apt scientists are seen as worthy but are prevented, as even as a part of culture they are, by their social conditions. - Marion From realizing their interests, even to those whom the training of the development of the personality is seen as much, strained, they are prevented, even as a part of culture, they are, from realizing their interests. - Marion Many potentially apt scientists, many potentially apt scientists are prevented by their social conditions, even as a part of culture they are from realizing their interests. - Marion What do we do now? - Tob Shbeeb What the hell is that? - Tob Shbeeb This sucks. - Bnayvoovah No it doesnt. You do. - Robbie

Thank you, Bnayvoovah. - Rosalinda Ive had enough of car talk - Bnayvoovah You know what the center console comes down. - Mom He doesnt want to talk. - Pop I dont want to talk about cars. - Bnayvoovah That is the silliest thing Ive ever heard. - Jenny speaking about Bnayvoovah thinking that his parents make him look crazy so that his brothers wont hate him more A little more, Mom. - Bnayvoovah, frustrated because he cant hear the music Just a minute. - Mom Im HUNGRY! - Tikbot Youll be fine. - Stephanie We need FOOD! - Tikbot Wait. Please wait. - Stephanie

I want food right this very minute! - Tikbot OK, how? - Stephanie Like this. - Tikbot Mom, can we please stop for food? - Bnayvoovah What? - Mom Can we please stop for food? - Bnayvoovah NoHes giving you a hard time right now. - Pop Well, Im going to need some food very soon. - Bnayvoovah Hmmm, I havent seen a cotton plant in a long time. - Pop (The sun shines intensely on a book) Is that bad? - Bnayvoovah Thats pretty silly stuff Billy. - Tikbot To consider the effects of what an incident upon what may be is to bring plans into harmony with the realities of the age. - Tikbot

TOV! - Tikbot, looking at the landscape on a drive as a passenger Im starving. - Bnayvoovah You want a cucumbertheres a cucumber in there (a bag). - Pop Dont eat in the car! - Mom Ill wait. - Bnayvoovah Ok, its fake. - Tikbot Drugs like that are illusions. - Tov Tov Shalom Pray for her (a lady in a manual wheelchair, alone, in degree heat). - Tov Tov Shalom May she get the help she needs soon. Amen. - Bnayvoovah Thank you. - Tov Tov Shalom Youre welcome. - Bnayvoovah May she get the help she needs also soon.

- Bnayvoovah seeing another lady in another wheelchair outside Thank you. - Tov Tov Shalom Youre welcome. - Bnayvoovah Turn it off right there this very minute (as we get to the home, the music). - Tikbot Penny (my Mom, not my wife Penny) you cant make this turn. - Pop I can too. (she does) - Mom That was funny stuff. - Ora Ora Tiferetot I want to hold the BABY! - Tikbot (Baby drools all over) Do you want to hold her now? - Bnayvoovah Nevermind. - Tikbot That looks Ok except for THAT! - Tikbot


That wall looks FUNNY! It should beGREEN! - Tikbot What the hell??? - Marion, looking at a funny plant Bad dogs! They should keep them outwell away, because its hot. - Tikbot What the hell is that??? (Some kind of BBQ stove). - Tikbot I hate BBQ. - Bnayvoovah I hate BBQ too. - Ora Ora Tiferetot (A dog looks at us) Bad dogTrust me on that! - Ora Ora Tiferetot Bad boyTrust me on that too! - Diana (Dog looks again) Ok that was a good look. - Diana Oh Billy you messed my shot up.

- Mom I hate pictures when taken by her! - Bnayvoovah SIT! - Grouchy Refuse to pick a certain sort of language. - Ora We should give up phrases like this is real or this is not real. - Arielle People are dumb if they think you dont know what youre saying. - Anonymous Ghost Tov. That is what he said. - Arielle That was silly too. - Arielle Uh huhh. We are not going to do that (change the narrative style without fragments). I dont think shell ask us though (our literary agent). - Arielle We can get around overconfidence and, if we can not agree with each other, we can at least find interesting things to disagree about.

- Pekhot Avoid reductions about what we can say about the Mind. - Elaine Thats pretty cool. - Bnayvoovah reading some quotes from Richard Rorty That is pretty cool. And, you know what? They changed your life. - Anonymous Ghost That is just right. Thank you very much. - Diana Sometimes we are not on the same page as the rest of the world but soon regain our place and see its necessity for the effect it has to secure our social life. - Kelly AAAAAAAAhhhhhhhh! Can you hear me Silly Billy? (Billy nods) What the hell are you going to do now that you slept all day? - Pneuma Everything should be written down? - Bnayvoovah Heehee. - Isaiah I know he liked that. - Marion

Do you hear what Im saying? - Isaiah Listen. - Stephanie I am Isaiah. You are a faggit Billy. - Isaiah That was bad. - Tikbot Im just playing? Im not playing. Now what are you going to do? - Isaiah (everybody remains silent) Youre stupid Billy. - Isaiah For writing in pain? - Bnayvoovah Thats kinda what hes trying to tell you. He wants you to stop. - Pekhot Ill take his advise. - Bnayvoovah I like to read. - Leo Tolstoy This is pretty interesting (taking notes of our experience) Maybe we can reenact it? - Bnayvoovah

Canvas and brushes interest the painter because they help her to manage the flow of life. - Kelly Hey, the kiddo quieted down lately. Hes not running around anymore upstairs. - Billy M. Maybe he was just visiting? - Tikbot Maybe it was just a phase? - Billy M. BILLY!!! - Tikbot Actually that (the arms pain) had something to do with it too (not writing yesterday). - Bnayvoovah Yes, it did. - Tikbot Privacy is a trap. - Honey You know what. I want you to be fat! - Anonymous Ghost You know what? People think youre dumb, but I think theyre dumb. - Anonymous Ghost

Refined reasonings and calculations are at the disposal for all future societies. - Elaine That was crazy stuff. - Bnayvoovah, remembering a Merkbah experience Yes, it was but it wasntwellcrazy. - Arielle How does he know whos talking to him? - Robbie I forbid you to listen to music tonight. - Robbie I forbid you to put that pen in your mouth. - Rosalinda What the hell is Bnayvoovah doing with 30 wives? - Robbie to Rosalinda I love them. - Bnayvaoovah Hey, Ive got an idea thats pretty silly so I wont even discuss it right now. - Bnayvoovah ME? It sounded like Yafah! - Bnayvoovah

(Hopey shakes his head No) It did sound like Yafah. - Robbie I know. I worried about my teeth. - Bnayvoovah Theyll be Ok. - Tikbot Would you (all of us) like some ice cream? - Bnayvoovah (They shake his head No) Baby Hands counting her cash but she doesnt need to spend it on what shes thinking about though. - Bnayvoovah Thats true. What does she need to spend it on though? - Arielle Books. - Bnayvoovah I dont like it when he (Bnayvoovah) looks like that. - Rosalinda to Robbie I love you Billy McBride. Please put that down. - Rosalinda She said something else. - Bnayvoovah She did say something else. - Tov Tov Shalom

Did you hear what I just said? Did she (Pneuma) also say that? - Bnayvoovah (Tikbot shakes his head No) Very Good now watch what happens. - Tikbot OK heres what I proposeWe want to stay with clear thinking, right? - Bnayvoovah Uh huhh. - Kelly I think we should just see what happens. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Who was thatmy wife? - Bnayvoovah No, just the pillow. - Jenny OK, back to what we were saying. - Rosalinda That is just right. - Arielle Arielle? - Bnayvoovah (Arielle shakes his head No) It sounded like Yafah to me.

- Bnayvoovah Billy, now is a good time to call your Mom. - Pekhot Call my Mom? - Bnayvoovah Now what was I saying? - Bnayvoovah Rock and Roll Silly Billy. - Kabbalah What do we do after we finish? - Lizbeph Venice is fun. - Bnayvoovah Venice IS fun. - Stephanie Now were being geographical. - Rosalinda You know what? What the hell are we doing messing around with a Bnayvoovah? - Rosalinda I love you. - Bnayvoovah I love you too Bnayvoovah.

- Rosalinda

Quotes for Beings Do you know why people say Dont hate me because Im beautiful? - Ria I know you want to do that but thats pretty good for quotes, but this is good for. - Penny dialogue. - Ria Butter is not animal fat. - Ria Nellie Nefesh Nefesh Nellie right now or you dont have to write that down. - Penny Nellie Nefesh Nefesh Nellie! - Billy M. How do you know theyre angels and not part of your brain patterns? he may say. - Penny I know. This is my favorite part too. I know you want to

feel good. - Penny I know, we are all writers, Billy. It will we awesome to keep writing because of where we are going. - Penny That was a good look that Hevey Yod just gave us. - Yafah Thats how I write. - Yafah Hes being silly. - Yafah Im not being silly Billy McBride - Robbie The cats being silly, the cat is. - Yafah The cat may be listening to the music as well. - Yafah I hate Vertical Response (the company). - Robbie Hes setting you up Robbie. - Rosalinda Were screwed. - Robbie

I like Hevey Yod. - Robbie I love him actually. - Billy M. I know what hes gonna do next, hes gonna rub his mustache. (Billy M. rubs it) See what I mean? - Robbie to Rosalinda Youre screwed Billy! Just playing around (with a grin). - Robbie This is nice (laying in bed). - Billy M. This is not bad actually but we need to work on M.O.A.T.. - Tikbot Is the music bothering you? - Billy M. (Tikbot shakes his head No) Spring? - Robbie Let them figure that out. - Robbie (Tikbot dances with Bnayvoovah to the music and they laugh)

Who is Tikbot anyway? - Robbie Youre screwed if you go to Facebook. Did you hear me? - Robbie Youre working on it (the writing)? - Billy M. Its going to be t-o-v! - Penny It does kind of seem like that. - Penny It does kind of seem like that. - Robbie How do you do that (music) Billy M. - Robbie People think youre stupid Billy. Did you know that? - Robbie What now? - Billy M. Thats a semi-Bnayvoovah. Did you hear me? - Robbie That was not it?

- Bnayvoovah No. That was it. - Penny Thank you for minding. - Stephanie RICHARD!!! (on his bad handwriting) - Arielle What the hell was that that you just said? - Arielle (Bnayvoovah kisses Arielle) Ahavat Arielle. - Bnayvoovah Dont now check Facebook. - Arielle (laughter) Billy McBride I love you so much, I want to kiss you so much. - Arielle Our announcements should check up on matters to help all others to fight for their heights. - Kelly The American of Texas belongs not only to Texas but the power of wandering.

- Robbie Grace the outdoors, people, greatly. - Kathleen To check in on gloomy souls is a reasonable to soften their human cries. - Arielle Equal Americans feel and air their truthful complaints. - Arielle Lets further perfect the wide future atmosphere together. - Arielle Instead of never stopping the youthful experience, the better way to feel like a child again is to do things that adults do, and then stop the adult stuff so that you can experience play again. - Arielle Great, now Bnayvoovah thinks were gay. - Robbie What! (Billy thinking of some silly stuff) - Penny What is that silly stuff? - Arielle


That looks pretty neat? (the clothes design) - Bnayvoovah That is what I said. - Arielle (Bnayvoovah laughs) I forbid you to laugh like that, this is your Pop. - Robbie I dont like what hes doing. Now I know what hes going to do. - Robbie Do not put those papers on John Dewey (the book). Do not put those papers on the orange notebook. (Bnayvoovah does) I said do not! - Robbie Good things are instrumental when they are realized. - Yafah Education is the movement of action which creates a desire to continue doing what you do. - Arielle Experience is gradual and continual social science of which we must be true to the full potential of it. - Penny


See now hes upset. - Robbie to Rosalinda Now he cant do it. (after Bnayvoovah rips a paper) - Robbie Great, now Robbies the star! - Bnayvoovah (Nellie wont budge) Its the balloon on the bed. - Robbie Its the piano, something about the piano hurts your feet. - Penny I know why you say that, Billy. (Billy, thinking about his Mom) - Penny Now hes going to hiccup. - Robbie Hiccup! - Bnayvoovah Virgin Gum One. - Bnayvoovah, popping some gum in his mouth (The cat looks funny and moves away from Bnayvoovahs

touch) This isnt going well. - Penny Nellie needs some mite medicine. - Selfish Billy Three. (dollars) You could do that! (Bnayvoovah, thinking of calling the bank) - Penny You could do that (more narrative writing)! - Penny Like lying around stuff. - Bnayvoovah Try it. - Arielle Ok I will. - Bnayvoovah . Thank you very much Billy. - Penny That means weve got thirty dollars (after calling the bank). - Bnayvoovah T-o-v. - Arielle Hes writing. What do we do? - Anonymous Ghost


Billy McBride do not go to Gmail or youre damned. Im just playing. Why was I just playing? - Robbie Haha! We could do quiet thoughts. - Bnayvoovah I like that thought. - Arielle WhatdidIsay? - Arielle Raindrop. - Bnayvoovah His hand now hurts, and hes gonna put that down. - Rosalinda to Robbie You know what, now Im really going to be bad. - Robbie Ill never stop you from writing, even when your hand hurts. - Robbie Billy, thats your Pneuma pretending to do what your Dad says hes doing. - Marion Yes, hes reading from the Greek New Testament aloud to

you, and yes, that (book) is your enemy, he found that out. - Penny Billy, the M.O.A.T. project will never work, I am why, did you hear me?! - Robbie Now he wants to change M.O.A.T. to Pond because hes going to charades. - Rosalinda to Robbie Hell never do that. - Robbie A dancing song comes alive. - Arielle Bnayvoovah, dont grind your teeth. - Robbie Achilles. - Bnayvoovah I know, its all Gold Molds fault. - Bnayvoovah It kind of is! - Tikbot If you have a bad father, it becomes necessary to invent a good one. - Nietzsche

Now you can try that, Ok? - Tob Shbeeb Oh, no he didnt! - Rosalinda They dont love you. - Tob Shbeeb They dont love you.? - Bnayvoovah Thats what she said. - Pekhot They dont love you like we do. - Tob Shbeeb Hey! - Bnayvoovah to a neighbor What are my Pops and my Moms emotions? I should describe them, right? - Bnayvoovah Ill ask them. - Bnayvoovah Ok, what type of interest or excitement do you invest toward our relationship? - Ora Ora Tiferetot


Do you believe in dialogue? - T.T. Well, what are the emotions? And, what do you seek by hanging around me so much? - Bnayvoovah to Mom and Pop Do you want to answer that? I was just wondering/ - Bnayvoovah Its kind of obvious that we can accomplish things if we put our heads together. - Bnayvoovah Rah! - Stephanie on what Robbie just said (censored) Do you have to go there? (Rah?) - Bnayvoovah to Robbie Do we need to ask more poetically constructed sentences? - Bnayvoovah to Tikbot (Tikbot turns Bnayvoovahs head, No!) They know what we mean. - Tikbot to Bnayvoovah who is in doubt Oh no, he didnt. - Robbie


The moods going to change, right? - Bnayvoovah to his parents Far the reddish-silver rock all. - Marion Dusky crows on cedar boughs. - Tikbot That is pretty good, but we just said that! - Tikbot Quotes from Beings Continued This is A.B.. Now Im going to be Arielle. - A.B. This is A.B. now Im going to be ROOM BOOM. - A.B. Im not A.B., this is Hevey Yod. - Hevey Yod in Room Boom Now Im going to make a din. Dont put Arielle. - Hevey Yod in Room Boom Billy, Dont look at me. This is Kabbalah. - Kabbalah Billy M., this is a good day, now thank your Dad.

- Kabbalah Thank you Dad. - Billy M. From the bottom of my heart. - Robbie Shift up. - Arielle Billy, say Hesed or youre dumb. Who am I , who am I, who am I? Im not Arielle, Im Honey. - Honey Instruments are Rooms. - T.T. That was Angel speed! Thats not T.T., that was Tob Shbeeb. - Tob Shbeeb Billy, Im your Dad. - Robbie Its kind of like remembering lyrics and who says them sometimes. - Bnayvoovah You have to know the melody like karaoke. - Bnayvoovah Subject matter, too!

- Marion And suspense. - Marilyn . Thats kind of cool, abstract music and abstract art. - Jenny Shift down. - Marilyn I want you to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior or I will not quit bugging you. - Robbie No. - Bnayvoovah I do not want to write this book. - Bnayvoovah It will be Ok. - Kelly This is our book on anti-Semitism. - Kelly Look at Henry Yod. - Robbie Dont worry about that, you already said it (Caliban). - A.B.


Raindrop. - Bnayvoovah Thats very very good. Put that right now. - Pekhot Billy, this isnt your book on din. - Penny Do as I say not as I do. - Robbie Davarim. - Bnayvoovah What? - Robbie Doing is saying for us Jews. Get it together. - Bnayvoovah A little lady star. - Kelly The scent of the old cedars. - Pekhot He did it. - Robbie Please dont check your phone. - Pekhot


Thats Ok, think about how many ROOM BOOMS there were! I love you too Billy M.! - Pekhot Put the notepad down now. - Arielle Now you know the power of gum. - Libby It is big, but not unorganized. - Marilyn Kind of like something else we have put together. - Jenny What did we say about the water. - Jenny You want me to talk back. - Bnayvoovah He (Robbie) is waiting to attack. Dont laugh, its not really that funny. - Penny Why do we say write the fruits of an honor down? - Arielle So we may write the fruits of an honor up, to learn to teach to learn. - Bnayvoovah

I love you so much. - Ria Ahovat Ria! - Bnayvoovah That is just right, now some more to write. - Penny I miss the other day. - Bnayvoovah What did you say about that? - Grouchy That was very very bad of Hevey Yod to be there (on the counter). - Arielle Keep on going. - Grouchy (Bnayvoovah kisses her) Ahovat. - Bnayvoovah Ahovah. - Grouchy Please dont spit your gum out. - Arielle


Marilyn likes to trope. - Valerie Now you can spit your gum out. - Valerie Did we find more?I dont think you need to worry (lights flicker) What the hell?!? - Arielle That doesnt sound like you. - Bnayvoovah Yes, it does Silly Billy. - Arielle That does not taste great (the gum). - Arielle Please dont look at SWREG. - Penny Rock n roll.? - Bnayvoovah No. - Penny Tov, says Stephanie. - Stephanie It (tummy ache) will be Ok. - Stephanie

Thank you. - Bnayvoovah Tov. - Stephanie Listen. Be quiet! (all listen) - Libby Billy, everybodys helping you. - Marion Billy, now you can listen to your pen write. - Marion Billy, what kind of din is it? What the hell did I just say? - Arielle Now we can write a book a day. - Lizbeph Now Tikbot. - Penny Billy, were backed up. - Tikbot This is wild stuff. - Bnayvoovah Now, that is art! - Teresa

Billy, you didnt forget your name, now did you? - Yafah Its much easier to write now. - Marion They certainly do (Billy, thinking of someone saying that his wives like to talk). - Tikbot Billy, dont forget to listen to your pen. - Ora What are we gonna do now that Bnayvoovahs all grown up? - Pneuma I love youI need a drink of Pepsi. - Penny Ahovat. - Billy Will water do? - Bnayvoovah No. - Penny This is going well. - Bnayvoovah

Tov. - Tikbot It is going well. - Rosalinda Very T-O-V. - Jill That is just right but we need a Pepsi. - Tikbot (The bed had blood on it) Are you bleeding sweetie (to Rochelle, the cat)? Oh, that was from earlier (when Nellie jumped on him). - Bnayvoovah Get your butt down. (to Rochelle) (She was sitting on our papers). - Lizbeph What do we do? We wait (to write). - Kelly Echo! (thinking of laughter and Rosalinda) - Bnayvoovah Billy, dont put an - Penny Rah! (we all see Hevey Yod, the cat on the counter)

- Tikbot Billy, what do you want to do for later? - Tikbot This is nice. - Bnayvoovah Billy, dont pick your hair. - Arielle What does Rochelle have now? - Grouchy Now we can work on Coriolanus. - Grouchy What are you going to do now that you cant find your pen? - Robbie Pop Im not his Dad. - Robbie Pop Listen. What is A.B. saying? - Arielle Purim? - Bnayvoovah It is her. - Marion

I love you. That was a tov dream. - Arielle I love you too, Arielle. - Bnayvoovah Youre not a Bnayvoovah anymore. - Robbie Pop I know what hes gonna do now, hes gonna look for paper. - Rosalinda to Robbie Pop Haircut! - Grouchy . Now its time to get something to eat. - Arielle I wonder how many books we go through in a day. - Arielle T-O-V. - Kabbalah Billy, what do you want to do right this very second? - Marilyn Lets go to Samuel Johnsons house. - Grouchy


Please cross out the name Coriolanus. - Arielle It will be Ok (the dentists appointment). - T.T. Two moreOk here we go - Arielle Jills house looks weird from this angle. - Yafah

Quotes from Beings Continued Further

Was that last night? (a dream with Amy in it) - Bnayvoovah I think so as a matter of fact. - Amy I need a book to read. You dont love me anymore Bnayvoovah. You dont love me anymore. Ok, I love you. - Pneuma (Billy gives her Don Quixote) I dont want Don Quixote. What do I say (to Dark Spark)? - Pneuma

How about a good genre? - Bnayvoovah What the hell is that? - Pneuma Ok better. - Bnayvoovah You want William Blake? - Bnayvoovah I dont want William Blake. I want a book suitable for Warm Milk. - Pneuma Better hurry Bnayvoovah! - A Gold Moldian Hesed. - Bnayvoovah, drinking a Pepsi You read with me? - Bnayvoovah I dont want to read with you. I want to read by myself. - Pneuma Check on Abrams. - Marion You remember R.B.? I kinda do. - Gold Moldian


Rah as anything I ever saw (on a post praising mean parents on Facebook)! - Arielle Do you hear me Bnayvoovah, youre a kike! - Robbie Pop A.B.s stupid. - A Gold Moldian I dont think you know who youre messing with. - Arielle (Tob Shbeeb snaps) Hot? - Bnayvoovah Yeah. - Tob Shbeeb Its probably just me. - Bnayvoovah (she snaps again) Dont pick your arm Bnayvoovah. Dont pick anything. - Robbie Pop I need a typist. - Marilyn Thats the problem with tattos, people dont memorize the reminder, they would rather see it, and not use their

memory. - Jenny Fuck you Bnayvoovah. - Robbie Pop Uh huh. That was that movie, trust me on that (thinking of a scene in in just one movie of a guy being a bully). - Arielle What are you going to do if I rape you know? (Pneuma wobbles Bnayvoovah) Oh that feels so good. Oh that feels so right. - Robbie Pop Thats your Pneuma, not him wobbling you. - Marilyn 2 Dumb Dad. - A Gold Moldian We need laundry and a haircut. - Amy We need to do that too (write a poem). - Pekhot . Amy? - Bnayvoovah No.

- Tikbot Pekhot? - Bnayvoovah No. - Tikbot Tikbot. - Bnayvoovah (kiss) Yes. Rock on with your good self. - Tikbot I dont care. - Gold Moldian I fear for him (David). - Amy Thank you. - Bnayvoovah Now youre gonna make love (when Bnayvoovah begins to relax)! - Gold Moldian Were gonna get them (Gold Moldians). - Arielle He remembers when he found out about Jill! - A Gold Moldian Billy, dont write that.

- Penny Thank you (seeing the paper towels). - Bnayvoovah How about this one (doesnt find the cap). Nevermind. - Bnayvoovah Please dont say I hate it when they (Gold Moldians) do that! - Ria Youre bored! Your wives are bored! - Gold Moldian Maybe this (written representation) will placate them (Gold Moldians). - Bnayvoovah Its not psychoanalysis, but I will write their words down. - Bnayvoovah This is good but we need to eat! - Kelly What I wonder? We need some food. - Bnayvoovah A book for Pneuma? - Bnayvoovah No.

- Libby Its not a prostitution ring. - Pneuma I would talk to them (my celestial parents) more if they wouldnt order me around as much and call me names. - Bnayvoovah Bnayvoovah wishes he didnt need A.B. to help him fight back! - A Gold Moldian Let Tob Shbeeb help you pick some flowers for Shnoonah. - Penny Tob Shbeeb is a $#%@! - A Gold Moldian I hate Gold Moldians when they do that. - All of us Angels and Bnayvoovah Ok a few more and then poetry? - Lizbeph Billy can you hear me? - Robbie Pop

A.B. is a #$%^%! - A Gold Moldian


Well get them back one day for telling lies. - Penny What about the poetry? - Bnayvoovah I feel pretty good about this (note). - Bnayvoovah I do not feel good about that though (losing an ultimate Room Boom merakbah experience). - Bnayvoovah Now laugh! - A.B. Haha! - Bnayvoovah No, thats something right there, but thats not it (the pen). - Pekhot Grouchy is a #$%$#! - A Gold Moldian We dont like them (Gold Moldians), that is good but no, they are just childish. - Donna Very very very good. - Grouchy


That is kind of silly but Oh well. - Marilyn No (when Bnayvoovah slaps his knee with the notepad). - Tikbot Tov (when Bnayvoovah gently put his notepad on his knee). - Tikbot That works out pretty good. - Libby Groucho Marx. - Jill What?!?Oh I see. - Tikbot Wow is right. - Arielle Tony Thumb is a reprobancer. - Libby Thumb? - Bnayvoovah Uh huh. - Libby Should we let the cats out? - Penny

If only I didnt have to go out. - Bnayvoovah If only I didnt have to keep things clean, including me, Oh well. - Bnayvoovah I dont want you to worry Ok? - Arielle Ok. Thank you (as he gets a hug). - Bnayvoovah Please dont laugh. - Arielle He he. Excuse me, please. - Bnayvoovah Call your Mom. Uh uhhh. Shes away and about. - Marion Just playing. - A.B. You know what Im going to do? Im going to come over there and give you a big hug. - A.B. Now look at a shell. - A.B.

Shells are our hugs, and seeing numbers. - A.B. I dont love you. - Rosalinda Awww. - Bnayvoovah In mock surprise? - Bnayvoovah Uh uhh, dont write that down. - Libby Merry Christmas mother fucker! - A Gold Moldian They (Gold Moldians) are so bad. - Kelly They outdo my Dad (celestial). - Bnayvoovah That was funny Billy. - Penny Thats kind of funny but, No (when Bnayvoovah considers repeating writing quotes from us). - Ora Ora Tiferetot Ora Ora Tiferetot is a $#$%@! - A Gold Moldian

Shes an Angel. - Bnayvoovah Go away (to the Gold Moldians). - Arielle Arielle is a #$%^#$!. - A Gold Moldian Thats bad language! - Bnayvoovah Yes, it certainly is! - Tikbot Why O why? - Tov Tov Shalom Look at me. - Arielle Please dont go so fast. - Arielle What are you thinking right now? - Bnayvoovah I think you know what Im thinking, but we need to do something else right now. - Jill That is what we need to do. We need to get our mail. - Tob Shbeeb

She just came. - A Gold Moldian Now what are we going to do with the Gold Moldians? We cant just take the plate down. - Arielle Stop there. Ok go on. - Grouchy Well get it finished upand celebrate! - Arielle This is pretty boring. - A Gold Moldian (Bnayvoovah makes a leaf arrangement and gives it to Tob Shbeeb) Thank you, ahovah! - Tob Shbeeb Ahobat, youre welcome. - Bnayvoovah Eat her #$%@! - A Gold Moldian (We all shake our heads in chagrin) I know its bad language but were recording them. - A.B.

T-o-v. This is big time Ok. - Marilyn She (Marilyn) couldnt hold it in. - Amy Rock on with your good self? - Bnayvoovah No, dont put that. - Arielle We do a book a day. - Bnayvoovah We can do more than a book a day. - Diana

Quotes from Beings 10 You mean all of them are wrongwith every sentence even sentences of praise. - Bnayvoovah Uh huh. - Penny Now we just need to translate and revise them! - Bnayvoovah Tov. - Penny

Release more weather, Ok? - Arielle Dance down, I love you. - Grouchy Gay dark night become visible. - Tob Shbeeb Dear sun, what the hell is wrong with this picture? - Jenny Oh field, rah! Just like that Silly Billy. - Kelly Now make night change and rock on with your good self. - Jenny Salty places rule, uh huh. - Diana Place this around some grey yet Bnayvoovah. - Arielle Its a new kind of style. - Bnayvoovah I know it is awesome just like that. - Arielle


It means a lot of work. - Arielle Ok. - Bnayvoovah Tov. - Arielle No heart is releasing the major stuff that hearts release, which is love. - Arielle Broken is his way. - Grouchy An old willow recollected is what I am thinking of right now. - Arielle The lovely elegy is making sense to me right this very minute. - Arielle Slow down. - Stephanie An elegy for his love is what we have heard. - Arielle The grange-roving, what the hell is that. Uh huh. - Libby


I know the worlds gap. - Arielle Father struck him never and was tov. - Arielle And, he cared for his boy who was very interested in reading. - Libby Other valleys have some people and some eagles in the sky. - Arielle Red inside is the secret of the flower. - Arielle The world roaring! I love you, this is it! - Arielle Silver wings in peaceful patient creep are the wings of a good bird. - Libby The fire yields to the dish of peas and corn. - Stephanie One key to take is all I need. - Arielle Why is there silence to know now in this very instant?

- Diana One sun for this bather is a hot one. - Arielle Until the night well new, I will read. - Diana This is the word to breathe which I am telling you right now. - Arielle A dish is for a word given in praise of Ha-Shem. - Arielle A letter to be readily written, I write. - Arielle The ground has to be the one by the sea which I love to go to in the daytime. - Arielle The peaceful bending piece of a piece I wanted you to fix. - Marilyn The place is well for one month in the summertime. - Penny For a kiss hungry luck I would do a flip. - Arielle 9

A planned kiss featherly is what I want. - Penny This America is where we all live in this land of love. - Arielle This search for overwear is what Im going to be doing. - Penny A New Yorker you, you. - Penny We rock. Night on, uh huh. - Penny Hey, hey! A brother overfought. - Diana Once the stars are called to rise, hundreds also fall to another land. - Marion Pools lay down with flowers still beautiful and wet. - Libby We are all to rescue thee when down. - Arielle Land is a country pure to add to since much is out there

thats still undiscovered. - Bertha Land firs, now old, are ready to fall when they are ready to drop. - Arielle Now, many are mens dirges because there was a war. - Arielle Jewels in a crown shine beautifully. - Yafah Ready, letters land on the blank sheet of paper. - Libby . More winter for the still boughs is coming to them. - Libby The wicked only made the light seem poisonous to all of the people in the forest. - Yafah Love the window, never, I say. - Kabbalah A victory is what we wish for. - Arielle Names to call out are the peoples in the room. Silly Billy,

are you here? - Arielle A side is to thou effused, uh huh. - Marilyn . For long the culprit Angel was insane to love by anybody. - Kabbalah The glass in the light made my life seem new to me. - Amy The soft land fit for living beings was tilled by a ploughman. - Marilyn The stars of the month were out and I was walking under them with my best friends. - Yafah My muse flies now to a room of a country new where I will go to find her again. - Bnayvoovah 6 A high entwined fir is the tree of my favorite kind. - Marion Lying, the kings mean war for the enemies. - Amy


One demonstration runs for the end for me as well. - Kathleen For a taste told me that it was good. - Arielle Mothers coat is strange and mine is as well. - Diana Two with two blankets each put out the fires in the halls. - Lizbeph Few sing or write songs when there is rain that is raining down upon us. - Penny Unlock all of your private words when there is time to do just that! - Grouchy I want you to fool all, poet! - Arielle The shiny Ten Commandments are over there. - Arielle Practicers shall regard life and my own world of fun. - Penny Forth to land, the deal carved days named, the prize dealt

to all of the Angels and people forever. - Amy The worldwide sea is pulled by the moon, Oh. - Marion Down goes one who ready for rest. - Grouchy The time of the afternoon age is here. - Marbah Lighting a bare person clean is what the sun does. - Kathleen The virgin wanders neither outside nor there where there is a bad person to watch her undress. - Yafah Who does the solitude lull till the wandering hills battle for their undulating heavens which turn all around the globe. - Penny The labors of mortality are very difficult sometimes. - Arielle Winds bother, before the peace, the hats on the ladies. - Bnayvoovah A feared way strut is the best way sometimes.

- Marion A river is questioned by many. - Arielle A playful foolish was is what we enjoy very much sometimes. - Stephanie The broken whole here is broken into many pieces. - Marilyn We are doing just fine. Now write some of what you just said. - Diana I had a fall or else I wouldnt have forgot. - Bnayvoovah The Beethoven is nice to hear. - Diana I remember you all. - Bnayvoovah Tov - Stephanie This is a Merkbah experience. - Bnayvoovah


Now what do we do? - Bnayvoovah Go up. - Arielle I remember something like borrowing from someone, and then I was a mortal being. - Bnayvoovah The Fifth Symphony racked me, no, Billy, this is the Ninth. - T.T. I know its hard. - Robbie When I was a total Gnostic, I must have been awesome. - Bnayvoovah Yes you were, but we are working on it. - Pekhot The living labyrinth in Hawaii is something I am thinging of right now. - Bnayvoovah I dont really care. - Bnayvoovah Why do you say that?

- Arielle I guess I know Im guided now back. - Bnayvoovah That (a picture of Hawaii) is where you are. - Ora Ora Tiferetot

Quotes from Naughty People

Billy is like a child, has no hope, and is poor. By learning reading, Billy tries to be social. Billy sits high up in the green chair to brood. Billy laughs at himself and is loved for no reason. Billy can not be trusted and we are not safe. Billy is figuring something out since he has poured out much water. Billy lies about marrying thirty teary Angels. I for one must leave Billy alone.


Sincerely narcissistic people are bad. Milton speaks the syllables of a perfect and soft language for conversion. We have to read without visualizing something else in life other than what the author intends. The people who return cannot be other people. We must remain slowed down and not be seen as rushy is we want consistency. We must pursue always what we want in life. We think we must not let be our ideals. We must not rest when sick. Billy M. is damned like Faust. Angels are not in our powerful lives. William Shakespeare is an unfriendly stranger. We must not experiment in all of our new activities. We must like and seek knowledge. We must make our wide world.

We should not say I love you, to strangers whom we do not know. There are no consequences to my beautiful deeds. This is the best moment and no greater one of love can be imagined. My name and thoughts are private. Friendly sayings which we read are not useful to remember. Bad words are good and worthy of our fun. We all of us can learn much from asking tripping questions. Plotting ahead is not a needed experimentation. It is true that persistence in folly leads you to ruin. I must watch over and encourage Billy to get out more. Billy thinks he must lovingly understand what other people are like. We must exclude to the side people who are not intimate with us.


We must depend on those who can tell us what methods to apply to understand and triumph in life. I know Billy is insane. Billy did never experience being King Lear in reading about him. Sigmund Freud is not Miltonic for one. We must not give gifts on days or weeks that are not holidays. We are grander when we become less and less solipsistic. We do not perfectly absorb people. We can learn more and more from things than we can from other people. A love of things is not a way into or through paradise. We must talk about and accept popular ideas and tastes. Reasoning and comparing are strengths, not madnesses. Miltons Satan has an equal company. You love and learn about other people by loving and learning about other people and not through the isolation of

the self. Much worry about others deadlines is what reasonable people do. Not everybody thorough wisdom or by any other way improves eventually. Parents should be masters of their children. The soul is not the rolling body. The plots of other stories are the most important elements to read for in them. There is no end to saying what we have to say ethically. We can not change the subjects form without sacrificing the meaning of it. We are happy that sentences say only one thing, never something completely different. We do not receive information about much of the future. Sitting and brooding over others problems helps none of us. Billy now needs to write only slowly over time if he must write.

Contemplation is more important than play or action. In life what people are are different and unequal to each other. Questionable things and sayings should be taken literally. Billy is kind of irresponsible with money. Pale Billy does not eat well. Billy must look strange; he still collects stuffed animals. Billys portraits of ladies look scary. We want and need Billys fabric designs. Billy needs to clean his apartment or else they will kick him out in the rain. Billy is a noiseless weirdo. Billy has no one to love or play with. Billy is wrong to worship bad Ha-Shem. Billys useless silence means he hates people. Billy must endlessly be treated as a child.

Billy is questionably intelligent. We dont believe a word that dear Billy says. Billy is not manly or tough or liked. Billy is full of empty nonsense. It is eternally smart of us to tell Billy that his thoughts are over our own heads. What Billy thinks about life is his opinion alone. We are mighty and right. Not Billy. We must interrupt and condescend anew to Billy. It is a given that we must not listen to what Billy says. Billy just babbles and rambles like an old person. We must not pray to or like Ha-Shem. Billys art is stupid and it does not matter to anyone. Accidents happed here and there. We do not love Billy, nothing is there to love.


We must use godlike force. We remember that magic is good. We must take revenge out on those who have wholly wronged us. Billy thus wastes his time. We think that Billy must work because he does not. It is intelligent that stories should be read just once. We all of us must feel passionate about our faiths and ask others to also. Things are really what they appear to us. We fortunately dont have the time to spend reading great literature. Billy is bad at poetry. Nobody still likes Billy or ever did. Billy has screwed up in turn. Billy is a weak fool. - Naughty People


Why I Am a Writer

Whispering Eyes goes to Warm Milk. - Ha-Shem The rest of um? - Bnayvoovah Uh huh,and we are DONE!!! - Tikbot Goodstuff!!! - Ha-Shem Barookh! - Bnayvoovah Youre welcome Billy M.. - Ha-Shem What were we saying about Tob Shbeeb? - Stephanie She is awesome for Bnayvoovah. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Not yet! - Ora Ora Tiferetot I hate it when you dont listen.

- Stephanie Billy, I said not to say Amen! - Stephanie Say a no care prayer for your brother Mike. - Stephanie This is Stephanie signing outThis is Stephanie signing back in. - Stephanie Im not good at saying no care prayers. - Billy M. Yes, you are. - Stephanie Thank your Master. - Stephanie He knows that you are grateful. - Ha-Shem This is how to be a writer for a lot of people doing what we do. - Yafah Who was that??? - Tikbot Billy, whats perpetual motion? Its what we are doing to

language and the sounds you hear. - Diana But they have people - Billy M. Its not the same. The need Beings now! - Tikbot Billy, why are you a writer? To share ideas which are good? Lo! Did you hear what Tikbot said? You love to write for gum! - Stephanie It is Diana! - Billy M. That was very good for us too. That was Super University. - Stephanie Billy, why did I say not to say Chesed just now? - Stephanie Dont say what was I just saying? - Stephanie Billy, thats the way we write. - Ora Billy, what if they call you delusional? - Yafah

I say: I am not so God. You need to grow up! - Billy M. You can write that - Tikbot What if they try to lock me up? - Billy M. You do not need to worry about that! - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He Youre not a slow learner. - Kathleen So all we say is Mom can we borrow 200 bucks? - Billy M. And, she says, NO! - Tikbot They dont need that. - Billy M. No, thats T.O.V. actually. - Stephanie Billy, how do we help them? - Stephanie Thats what they say. - Stephanie Billy, shes being bad! Thats her right there!

- Tikbot Thatisfunny! - Tikbot We said NOT to say twenty!!! - Stephanie Billy take a bow. -Donna If you say Im damned, Im damned?I mean youre damned?Haha! - Bnayvoovah OK, now watch what happens! - Tikbot She goes to Machine Cloud! - Tikbot Thats not bad. Dont forget to drink some tea. - Mo Wine Dont forget to pet your cat. - Pekhot I like that thought. This is Ha-Shem! - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He I want you to drink right now!

- Ha-Shem Billy, what do you say if they call you an Android? - Stephanie Why would you care anyway?, I say. - Bnayvoovah Billy, what if they call you fat? - Stephanie I used to be skinny, and now Im not. - Selfish Billy Billy, let go of that pen!!! - Ora Billy, put a question mark. - Stephanie Thank you. - Billy M. That is all you have to say. - Diana Dont put a question mark! - Honey Haha. - Silly Billy Billy what the hell do you say to Stephanie? - Pekhot Thank you.

- Billy M. Youre welcome. - Stephanie Thank you. - Silly Billy Thank Ha-Shem. - Stephanie Its hard to put down the pen. - Bnayvoovah Thats a Bnayvoovah! - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He Time to take a break? - Billy M. May I have some gum; it would be nice. - Bnayvoovah Yes, you may. - Honey Thank you. - Bnayvoovah Youre welcome, but thank your maker now. - Honey Barookh Ha-Shem. - Bnayvoovah Youre welcome. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He


I would like to work on that too! - Pekhot She goesthere! - Ha-Shem Billy, youre not Ha-Shem. - Whispering Eyes Billy, quit playing pranks with Ha-Shem. - Harold Bloom Yesshe goes thereBaby Hawaii. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He You must go thereBaby Hawaii. - All of us Uuuuh uuuuh! I wanna go there!!!(pointing to Metal Settle). - Rainbow Genius You must go to Baby Hawaii, this is Ha-Shem. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He Thank you. Ahovah - Rainbow Genius Now thats herrightabout therenot therethere!!! - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He Youre beautiful! - Bnayvoovah


Dont put Tikbot, it is Ha-Shem! - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He A little laugh laughs Bnayvoovah. You can laugh. - Stephanie Billy, put your leg down, thank you. - Penny I love you three. - Ora Ora Tiferetot That is Harold Bloom, your Tithe Box. - Ha-Shem That is Harold Bloom, my Tithe Box? - Billy M. Uh Huh. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He Whats his name? - Libby That was kind of sad actually, Tikbot. - Tob Shbeeb Tob Shbeeb? - Selfish Billy It was her. - Stephanie


What is a waste of time? - A Gold Moldian - Tob Sheeb Theyre poetical names, not horses names. - Yafah Billy, what are you going to do now that people think that you are fat? - Yafah This is a T.O.V. Willows Waving experience! - Bnayvoovah Billy, say a no care prayer for me. - Hope Hopethe hopeful color of awesome!!! - Bnayvoovah That was beeyoooteeful!!! - Ha-Sham, Blessed be He Speed, why does Honey like that? - Kelly Please dont answer. - Honey Now we hear some MUSIC!!! - Tob Shbeeb


RICHARD!!! - Billy M. That one was a fake swing. - Bnayvoovah Pick that up with your fingertipsGood job, youre with us now. - Shnoonah I do not hate that manI do not hate anyone. - Ora Ora Tiferetot S.P. goes to Machine Cloud. - Arielle Why do you write a sentence per page? - Stephanie Because its important. - Tikbot Nellie! Dont touch the driedel. - Billy M. Who the hell is Billy McBride? - Anonymous Ghost Billy, youre a (explicative deleted) if you do that. - Honey


Why is Richard Rorty M.s (Honeys and Billy M.s Celestial brothers) handwriting so bad anyway? - Tob Shbeeb Its like the Black Fire on White Fire. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He Dont laugh. - Stephanie Mom you go to Super University in the afterlife. Youre a Black man whos name is Golden Golden. - Billy M. I want to hear more about Super University. - Mom Chardes is a garden of interpretation called P.A.R.D.E.S.. - Bnayvoovah Billy that is how we laugh. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Dear Ha-Shem Kodesh Kodesh Kodesh. Can you please help me with my Black Spark? - Bnayvoovah Yes, I can. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He Billy, youre a black woman in heaven named Coconut! Write that downthisveryinstant! - Tikbot

Billy Dont write Tikbot down. - Honey It was Tikbot, theres no reason not to write her name. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He Billy, what is your Moms name??? - Shnoonah Thank you. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He Youre welcome. - Bnayvoovah Write that down this very instant!!! - Tikbot That was an awesome Willows Waving experience! Barookh!!! - Bnayvoovah Rock on with your good self! - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He I want that red balloonthat one! - Tikbot That is her now. - Tov Tov Shalom That dream was Metal Settle. Ha-Shem made it up. - Tov Tov Shalom

That is String Theory. - Tikbot - Bnayvoovah That is String Theory. NO, you must not write that. - Tikbot That is String Theory. NO, you must not write that. Tikbot - Bnayvoovah Actually you can write that. That is funny. - Tikbot Ptoo! - Tikbot That is HappinessNoYes, write that! - Diana What the hell was that? - Bnayvoovah Billys almost done! - Honey Oh. - Bnayvoovah Dear Ha-Shem, can you please help me with my pain? - Billy M. Put that objectright there. - Ha-Shem, Blessed be He Get up now and pet that cat.

- Ha-Shem, Blessed be He

Why I am a Writer 2 Diana and Ora Ora Tiferetot help to analyze and judge word-by-word words using the best and most accurate of the reader's recent experience in connection with the words in the sentence. The last sentence that was just written is an example of total Diana/Ora Ora Tiferetot connectivity and reading. Pekhot and Ora Ora Tiferetot usually from research get the right word to combine with others in the text of a poem. Words based on fragmentary sounds link to Terah, the patriarch, but he is symbolized by Ora and Teresa, a fun organization which is a perfect fit. Mishnah words, words recited in a whisper or louder, as a Green Curtain Piano scene combine the efforts of devekhut, Kathleen and Penelope, patience. The best words, which in dialogue change the subject matter are a positivity which Marion and Tov Tov Shalom connect in order to bring peace.

Words that compliment the other words next to them, an act of Charades, or a parallel matching are a connection of the Genius of Honey, a comforting harmony, and Stephanie, the crane or pick up-put there element in the Angels whom I know.

Giving a word or word combination to words as an act of giving is Arielle's work with Stephanie. Terah's mysterious raindropped words are purely Jennifer's work in connection with Ora Ora Tiferetot's grammatical knowledges. Who questions words? Robbie, in his predicting does that. Tob Shbeeb and Tov Tov Shalom move the eyes and flow around letters, say in a grid to make words during the telling of a story. To mourn words, Shnoonah and Ora Ora Tiferetot. When Jenny says "Don't look down," in How to Fly a Spacecraft she is thinking of that saying as part mystery. But, when Ora Ora Tiferetot and Shnoonah mourn that sentence, they remember it and the book and what Jenny implies. To different Angels like Tob Shbeeb with Tov Tov Shalom,

as I have said, the sentence itself was built in the Mind and not on paper first, but in the Mind they bring it out in the significance, which is to draw attention to its importance after it is thought of; and the Ora Ora Tiferetot and Shnoonah can mourn it. Why it is special to Tob Shbeeb and Tov Tov Shalom at that particular time, the significance was and is now based on who else can use it and why for example an increasing relevance or point becomes made the more the narrative is carried out. Now, it was used as an example for this paper. Mourning, remembering in that way that they just did, and now: "Don't look down," cannot be separated from the meaning of How to Fly a Spacecraft. The meaning is mourned too and part of the mourning. It is a metonymy. I must add now that How to Fly a Spacecraft is a book I miss because I remember how much fun flight is when guided properly. The Tempest, the play by William Shakespeare is a play where the magician seeks to drown his book at the end to give up magic. This is the sense in which I "miss" or "mourn" my book - in

a Prosperoean sense. The invention of the "Prosperoean" word is Elaines, who constructs and invents, and Ora Ora Tiferetot's who remembers the text. "Prospero's mourning" to further keep it in mind to elaborate what it may mean, what may be added to it is a constructive act of Elaine with Tob Shbeeb, the knowing spark. In this sense, it relates to M.O.A.T. and Family, because of the triumph of a deep Shakesperian reading as such "Prosperoean" but as in M.O.A.T. and Family as "Malvilioian" The effect is the same, being Shakesperian as well as deep. Recording the note is an act of setting the memory in print aside for the future, and that book for me of ours is Why I am a Writer, while that recording of the note is Grouchy's, who is form, and Shnoonah's, who is heaviness, business. I miss Why I am a Writer: may its memory be a blessing for all who love it. Robbie may ask: who misses accomplished things in the Tempest? Who asks questions in our books? Or who is blind and cannot see what is yet knowledge but who has hope, and what book of ours does this? It is Billy McBride in our

book Prostitutes. My invisible Angel wives are not whores nor do they appreciate being called names. - Billy M. (B'nayvoovah) We have been working on M.O.A.T. - Billy M. Jenny mixes water stuff in her Hydromancy. - Billy M. We get to be a candle. - Tob Shbeeb When/will/pay - Time/power/dash. - Tikbot me - roar - Rorty. - Rorty When/will/pay - feet/need/rising. - Tob Shbeeb Faint. - Marion What is the author's poetical stance? - Tikbot .

He lost his reputation, Michael Cassio. - Arielle Yale - Tower. - Tikbot New Criticism and New Cynicism. - Tikbot Self-Power. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Thomas Hobbes. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Aesthetic sublime. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Perception and Literary Love. - Marion Be not solitary or idle. - Richard Burton Fear death and solitude. - Marion We were also teaching Fry Milton. - Tob Shbeeb


Fry hates Milton. - Arielle Snow and Eliot as critic, said Fry. - Tikbot Snow as historiographer: celebrate in song. - Tob Shbeeb history - hysteria - NO. - Arielle graph - grapple. - Arielle Bloom read him, Fry said. - Tikbot City of God Fry likes since he resents Bloom. - Arielle draw - correspondence. - Tikbot City of God makes a situation for Gray Curtained Piano. - Jenny The words of Finnegan's Wake he said were nonsense! - Bertha


This is the trap. - Bertha Vowels and Angels. - Bertha Vowels are Angels. - Bertha The Self makes consonants and sentences. - Bertha Vowels and consonants make up words. - Bertha "Stealing": Bloom and Fry and Eliot. - Opposites. - Tob Shbeeb "Contains" - Think about the Breaking of the Vessels. - Tob Shbeeb The Anxiety of Influence. - Harold Bloom Mixed up names, Paul Fry did, of metalipsis, askesis...the order, mixed up. - Arielle Said to his students it would not be on the test, the Map, the six: Fry reduced them.

- Arielle That's why we do this Billy, to get extra data. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Willows Waving: one of the Afterlives where the person writes in and as Paradise. - Tob Shbeeb Officer Riley was like Hal yesterday. - B'nayvoovah Snow becomes substituted as "Sickness." - Tob Shbeeb How was Snow made? It was Jacobized on one part and antithetically grew two or more sentences to equal four sentences. - B'nayvoovah Was 2 x 2 long or so, Snow? - B'nayvoovah Eliot's Criticism did real harm. - Harold Bloom N-J - Monster! - B'nayvoovah Joyce - French - Derrida.

- Marion I said to Fry, don't do it because T.S. Eliot was antisemitical. - B'nayvoovah I brought up Heidegger though. - B'nayvoovah It was a mock-argument which I fell for. - B'nayvoovah He deceived me. - B'nayvoovah Claudio is deceived. Bloom is Hero? - Marion Stealing and misjuxtaposition to steal. - Marion Go after those who falsely advertise. - Diana Fry fought Jacob. - Elaine Who steals from Jacob? - Robbie


Laban. - Arielle ...or the sons who sold Joseph into slavery. - Diana Mourns. - Shnoonah. Snow was a many-colored coat. - Tob Shbeeb "Paul Fry" is Lacan. - Tikbot xxxxApplexxxx - Diana xxxxFrenchxxxx - Tikbot xxxxCandlexxxx - Elaine Gay Go Up and Gay Go Down. - Anonymous When will you pay me? - Anonymous Well, that's why I like that!

- B'nayvoovah

How to Craft a Spacecraft

Showing the box in a fun and patient way. - Ora Pull the kept box out. Replace it happily with the object. - Libby M.O.A.T. and COTE shuffle on the wall. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Shelf or sink. - Tov Tov Shalom Covers and weather scene changes. - Penny Build a path up to a climax. - Ora Hats made: constructors, doctors. A watched screen changing. Props. Special glowing effects. - Libby Plant or candle.

- Ora Circulation etcM.O.A.T. Monuments, remembered builders, Inspector, done, built, under-construction-days, tools, building quick ( 6 ), Money from other countries (trust fund), Cirque du Soleil, mannequin, lighting Charades: people wheeled as objects. - Tikbot Astral intelligent Beings. - Bnayvoovah Super confidence in equality. - Kelly Little tonal system vs. going the flow with baskets. - Penny Do other people have Awesome Blossoms? - Bnayvoovah Thats kind of silly, but no. - Pekhot Fun team work and climbing. - Ora Just grow pal. - Penny Am I dumb?

- Bnayvoovah to himself Puppet-masters, Beings. - Kelly No tuition to be filled! - Kelly Graduation is the pride of a statue! - Penny We already know the answers because we have super technology, it is Democratic Capitalism, the system of a Gnostic Super University, pal. We already know the answers and love you, ahovat and ahovah, you card. - Ora We work together harmoniously and love life. We learn by teaching to learn to read aloud. We learn by working in art groups. Living Angels, all. We like to believe today in what surprises were, and know that pride is weak, complaining and reasoning. - Ora Fit over a sleep, cover. Camouflage: the bottoms not regular fabric. - Ora I was never a Super University dropout. - Bnayvoovah

Super-Technology, John Ashbery, is the dean, he is. Chesed! Billy, put that right now. - Pekhot Dialogue is a big part of studenthood, even if you are one of many stars. - Pekhot Billie Holiday loves life. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Angels. Activism and action over contemplation. - Richard Rorty We exist in a trap. - Kelly HAPPINESS. - studybook. We kinda are at Super University before heading to Charades. - Marbah = set up the changes to change into consequence. Bear the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. . Do act. Get money. Build arrowhead in Texas. Outdoor Tourism. Send funds from COTE. - Marbah Clothes-like chain pulley.

- Rosalinda Sand Land. - Rosalinda The first light of objects. - Ora Soft circles. - Libby Quick one, speed gambling. - Honey and Richard Serpentine balance. - Arielle Texas skating show. - Kelly Billy McBride, Entertainer and friend. - Tob Shbeeb minutes of combing. Labels of time. Box with labelpull, put, place object. - Tob Shbeeb Point the lights back and forth. - Tob Shbeeb

Spin the box with different twisted labels. - Tikbot Putting things of the collection in boxes. - Tov Tov Shalom Cubic boxes have four sides. Colors made colorful. - Tikbot Return to get a video camera. - Libby Two fruitful shelves. - Libby Plain signs for who. (which Angel?) - Tikbot A floor cheerleading. - Ora Play-song lyrics. - Tob Shbeeb Move things in my way, put them in a box. - Tob Shbeeb Core forces: slide, tilt, sweep, raise, grab with a clothes pin (hydromancy later in the dark). - Tov Tov Shalom

Purple. White. Green. (favorite boxes) - Tikbot Meeting the Ein Soph. - Tob Shbeeb Doing it with our put together books. - Jennifer A part handsome dance too. - Tob Shbeeb Gluing the white popcorn. - Penny Trash bags + foil, Paper towels + foil, hats, folded structures, sculptures, lamps, balls, any play-moulds, with Velcro to piece together inside, website, striped sculpture park. - Tob Shbeeb 5 Inflatables to buy in town, bucky ball, canopies, domes inside spaced and full, advertising, parachute, helium balloon, art molds for spray stick. EIFS. Screens. - Tob Shbeeb Castles of stereotomy. Columns and lintel blocks, fold, painting it super, canvass, manequins, wholesaler, make vinyl $10.00 a yard. Add foil, glue.

- Tob Shbeeb $ 1,000,000 for Dark Bamboo M.O.A.T. Lite. - Tob Shbeeb Three sunset wheels. - Tikbot Pink foam stripes and metal casings. - Tikbot rods loop with rod bolt on a map. - Pneuma Father-size bungee. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Learn about tension and building weight. - Robbie Four hopeful blocks in a 2ft x 2ft block. Twelve 2ft long bamboos outside. - Tov Tov Shalom 20 trips + orange bamboo in a car. - Rosalinda

Slow returning father-size bungee. Thickness of father-size bungee.


- Kelly Road track. - Tikbot Combination lock latch. - Libby $20.00 for orange bungee - Tob Shbeeb Multiply 20 plywood sheets. - Robbie Ride on one wheel. - Shnoonah 30 pieces of orange bamboo. - Penny Set up a hinge. - Tikbot Orange bamboo with hooks. - Kelly Road-track or latch only at the top. - Penny 6 to move. - Ora

6 x 6 plastic frame, wrap around. - Rosalinda Hole, then hard axle. - Penny Black spool. - Jennifer Reynolds Wrap, pal. - Tob Shbeeb Wall and obelisks. - Libby Blue spray adhesive. - Libby Fallen pyramid and slanted roof. - Libby School brick forms. - Penny Crinkled screen wrapped around a large frame. - Tov Tov Shalom Combinations of glued projects. - Tov Tov Shalom

Stereotomy: projects fulfilled. - Tob Shbeeb Puffy cloud on mountain parked. - Kabbalah Blow the Pinyata. - Tob Shbeeb 6 feet of steel. - Libby Heavy golden rectangle. - Ora And, a read global Songwriters Bible. Oceanic record stores Write up reviews Jango Electronic MP downloads - Kelly

Land dry the glue. Lay on coat fold (pin) flip iron and blow. - Penny


Create I-beams. 9 ft. long = $ much. - Penny Inner and outer wall. Watch the trash bags. - Jennifer Our hopeful colors! - Tikbot Record an accordion. - Libby Swiss cheese hole. - Penny Fabric glue and patented design. - Tikbot $10.00 a family. 10,000 visitors a year afterwards. - Tov Tov Shalom

Weekend Spiritual Golf I have been observing how people seem to dance to music in public places as if it was the afterlife of Metal Settle.

We downloaded our own books for A.B. to read aloud that Sabbath. A.B., or Ria read aloud our books "Powers," "Trouble," "The Very Best Childhood," and "The Flowers that Pervade In A Lovely Dwelling." I was inspired to write a revision of part of "The Flowers that Pervade In A Lovely Dwelling" which rhymed ABAB. We all thought about and used our special style we call "Jacob's" to write more in our new poem. We read the commentary on William Blake in Harold Bloom's The Best Poems of the English Language. Then we read all of the poems aloud which were Blake's in that volume during that night. I haven't been singing recently. I have learned how to split my synthesizer keyboard's keys so that I can have different sounds to play on the keyboard at once. I also learned how to edit patches to save the new instrument patches on the synthesizer. Earlier that week we fixed the CD burner.

Many of our songs which we shared in the Reason Forum were praised. We watched a Harold Bloom interview on Bookworm. As I have said, A.B. read to us, and she also spoke to us a little while reading. We went out to enjoy people watching while listening to our music. We got the number 342 of the neighbor's apartment on the other side of the stream so that if that disturb everyone's peace we can notify someone who can ask them to quiet down. I woke up in the middle of the night on Sabbath, like David, King of the Kingdom used to.

I had received a letter from Housing saying that I would have to prepare for an appointment. Many of our books were selling for free on Kindle, especially our book Prostitutes. We are considering strongly buying a DR Boss Roland Drum Machine.


We have also considered purchasing a YAMAHA PSRKeyboard. Our new Samson monitor speakers for the Synthesizer and MP3 music work excellent. Unfortunately, our clay sculptures we had so much hope in being perfect were cracking. But, the Nefeshing started during our Headbuttressian moments and afterward as Billy learned the art of throwing his voice. Billy was under much thought censorship from his parents and us in order to learn the ability to Nefesh, since is bond with Ora Ora Tiferetot and the finger she uses normally during channeling is strong. Stayfriends, one of the afterlives is wondered about. What is it? It is a Teaching Merkabah. Mettle Settle, another afterlife is about Grace. Machine Cloud, the afterlife is about Calm. Grey Curtained Piano, the afterlife is about Influence. Headbuttressia, the afterlife is about Confidence. Billy was about to enter the Merkabah of Golf, Spiritual

Golf. I want to be a better person. - B'nayvoovah We recorded our children's song on the synthesizer which was made with a split keyboard. I must learn to imagine a better future for me where I am better and things are totally different and good. - B'nayvoovah Gershom Scholem's Redemption Through Sin is Spiritual Golf. In the Spiritual Merkabah of Golf, you are knowing of Good and Bad. Roll Call! - Tikbot The meaning of Stayfriends: At the end of Stayfriends, everyone is on vacation, all of your neighbors, their long day ahead depends upon you and your deeds. When we were outside, Nature herself appeared so sad, even some bushes did not like Billy. Billy now has Eleven Earth Brothers.


Tim, named "Will-to-Revenge" is Billy's brother who causes ANGER in him. Jessica, named "Shylock's Acceptance," is Billy's brother who causes HESITATION in him. Mike, named "Morning Morning," is Billy's brother who causes HUMILIATION in him. David, named "King Gunner," is Billy's brother who causes PAIN in him. Amy, not the same as his wife Amy, is named "PowerShaded," and she, his brother, causes THE LOSS OF BILLY'S REAL "ME." Andy, named "More Night," is Billy's brother who causes FORGETFULNES in him. Matt, named "OPEN PAW," is Billy's brother who causes BABBLING in him. Ben, named "Big Heaven," is Billy's brother who causes NEED in him. Chris, named "Smart Tempest," is Billy's brother who causes in Billy a LOSS OF A MERKABAH EXPERIENCE. Bobby, named "Put-up Monument," is Billy's brother who

causes SLEEPINESS in him. Steve, named "Saint Person," is Billy's brother who causes CONFUSION in him. We all walked around the lagoon. We changed the names of Billy's brothers. In Billy's Golf Merkabah, we his invisible Angel wives stayed silent and calm. What was Billy to do? Billy decided after trying to converse with his Mom-Wife Stephanie, Yeetsod Kavod that he would Teach from within his Spiritual Golf Merkabah. We saw the Nene geese, Veronica and Claire at the Lagoon. Billy has a goal to have GRACE for his future self. Billy has a goal to have CONFIDENCE for his future self. Billy has a goal to have INFLUENCE for his future self. Billy has a goal to have CALM for his future self. Billy has a goal to have TEACHING for his future self. Billy has a goal to have CREATIVITY for his future self.


Silence in Golf was an aesthetic effect of Billy's Merkabah, almost the same silence of his World Peace Merkabah. Facebook friends and other computer people were being bad. Billy came to see himself as the Biblical Joseph, with his new eleven brothers. We have been thinking of Milton's Tree of Knowledge. In our book The Trouble with Being a B'nayvoovah, it uses a mensuration style called Joseph's. We remembered to seek out the parallels in thought for who Billy is now, and what that means. . Two of his Spiritual Abbim, Harold Bloom and Robbie Pop, combine to form the composite figure of Joseph's Abba, Jacob. Ria, is Rachel, and Rosalinda, Leah. We recorded Billy within the amazing Merkabah, reading poems aloud to share online on Youtube. Joseph from Jacob was given a coat of many hues. Freud's bond with the patient came from an oral treatment interpreted by the therapist. Emerson found much beauty in Nature. Billy asked which of Shakespeare's play was he in now.

Tob Shbeeb is now helping Billy to find his complete brothers within the environment. Joseph and his brothers were friends in the end. Freud's Civilization and Discontents. Emerson's America. Joseph's dream interpretations. Freud as a doctor. Emerson's communities and his lectures, his solitude and Whims. Joseph in his cell and his struggle to cope. Freud's explanation of Narcissism. Emerson's learning lots of trades: The true ship is the ship builder. Joseph. Going to the office of the Psychoanalist. Emerson: Build therefore your own world, this world exists for you. Pharaoh's storage of crops. The eventual cure of the patients neurosis. Emerson on Shakespeare: We are still outdoors, and need to learn how to read Shakespeare and why. Joseph's fidelity. Freud's patient's life circumstances and childhood and

infant sexuality. Emerson: You must say what's on your mind (the honesty). Jacob gave his blessing to Joseph and cursed some of his brothers. Freud's concept of Eros. Emerson's gladness to be alive, and his enthusiasm. Joseph made predictions. Freud's writings. Emerson's predication that America would be a poem.8 The rape of Dinah and the brothers' revenge. The patient's trauma. Kids identifying with heroes and heroines in books. Bobby is also the Covering Cherub from the Bible. Bobby came to Billy recently in a dream as a nightmarish Toucan, which he remembers having when I was four. Harold Bloom once also had a nightmare about his struggle with the Covering Cherub, or the Angel with extremely long wings. Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers. Harold Bloom discussed his book The Shadow of a Great Rock, in an interview.


Science is all about doubting. A man standing on another balcony disturbed Billy out of his Merkabah, like Leticia used to do at his old apartment. 2 . Yesod and Malkhut formed a link in Billy's Spiritual Golf Merkabah. Billy describes himself as a Literature Mystic. His latest Merkabah experience had a hard end. Billy and I and the rest of his Angel family talk in a continual present moment. Did Joseph have a great bond with God? Religion is Belief. I'm so happy right now. I lost the Merkabah, but I have still fond memories of it, and we have recovered mostly from the loss and I am here with you in the present moment. - B'nayvoovah to Diana We are planning to share our Gnostic Symphonies soon with the world. The child is the father of the man says William

Wordsworth. Joseph was a lucky fellow: As you get rid of humiliation, smaller and smaller pieces of it are left to dispose of in time. The same goes with pain, confusion, anger, hesitation, babble, forgetfulness, sleepiness, need, a rough self, and a lost heaven. There is much work still to be done to rid ourselves of our problems, but we are making progress. - B'nayvoovah We have much to learn about Angels and Brotherhood and Brothers.

Cooking up a Business

I am shocked, I hate you Bnayvoovah, I hate you so much! - Pneuma Do you think that just because we shine ironically means that you have to be supercilious? - Bnayvoovah What am I going to do without an to ironic shock? - Bnayvoovah


Can I fix some kind of order with Teresas help? - Bnayvoovah Ok, let me get her; shes reading a book. - Ora Ora Tiferetot (she comes) Ok I will serve it: first you must write. - Teresa Youve read enough of the neighboorhood. - Libby I am afraid that sounds strange. I know what you are thinking, honey. - Bnayvoovah I know what you are thinking too, but there needs to be time taken to complete it, to make some kind of order (feeling happy and frustrated). - Libby You are all very important to me but its not where Im going as much as being with you, united. - Bnayvoovah Stop. Where youre going matters too! - Libby In our resting time, we hear bad language (censored) like

this (kind of an easy twitch). - Arielle Amunah (trust), I am ready. - Libby A handsome self-reliance. - Libby (Bnayvoovah feels sad) I know sometimes we get ill like that (being serious about our world where Bnayvoovah is going). - Libby (Honey comforts Bnayvoovah with kisses) I am given hesed (love). - Bnayvoovah Get Henry Yod off the counter, hes making a mess. - Libby (Bnayvoovah puts his ice cream down and tries many times, finally with success) Lots of Freud to think about! Lots of Emerson! - Bnayvoovah I dont mean to make it sound off-the-wall like that. - Bnayvoovah


I know, thats your future home which youre going to practice living in. - Penny It makes me feel very small and strange. - Bnayvoovah How can I not have the Bildung (a creative education) which I found and which found me? - Bnayvoovah I know you took it and needed it, but we do not need it. - Penny I think I understand your love. - Bnayvoovah (Bnayvoovah was thinking of other humans) Theyre ok, look on the bright side! - Stephanie That spark out there (when Bnayvoovah blinks). - Bnayvoovah I know Billy, youre stuck (she knows hes horrified at it). - Penny Can you awesomely do that? - Bnayvoovah No. - Penny Learn Endymion. - Penny

I can not forget my other lovely Mom, Stephanie. - Bnayvoovah I love you Billy McBride, come closer. - Rosalinda I love you too, I am scared. - Billy McBride You still need to keep working on that (the pain is indicated in Bnayvoovahs feet). - Teresa You know, there is a lot of stuff hidden that you dont know about. - Penny (Bnayvoovah acts sly to Rosalinda and Robbie) We love you much but youre not like that. - Teresa Like that, good? - Bnayvoovah No, dont try that. - Teresa Harry Potter is bad for all who are vulnerable.

- Teresa Put the movie this time? - Bnayvoovah No, lets put both (the movie and the book). - Teresa The museums Pablo Picasso paintings? - Penny Those are good to think about but not just yet, lets talk. - Libby Little Billy, we love you. - Ora Ora Tiferetot and Kabbalah He cant remember what meant to happen yesterday. - Robbie They didnt hurt anything, the Gold Moldian sparked fires across the beach.? - Bnayvoovah Yes, even though they are warned, they did Bnayvoovah, theyre not supposed to do that. Fire does not act mad that way. - Penny As if in a dream I remember a few things about Charades

yesterday: visiting high up in the clouds, Tob Shbeeb drawing on the rocks by the shore, the roses and flowers we ordered in spirals, the white boulder on the green rock, the porpoise flipping around, the storm and the rainbows, seeing how beautiful Arielle, Libby, Yafah, Teresa, Ora and all look in the sunlight, and standing and playing in the water. - Bnayvoovah I found where my parents were on the beach, farther back, by the rocks. - Bnayvoovah I got to solve and shuffle the water like a puzzle just by thinking. - Bnayvoovah The waves would switch and crash quickly on the beach. - Bnayvoovah Tob Shbeeb was upset about the creeping Gold Moldian fire. - Bnayvoovah I heard the sounds of my piano music being played in the waves. - Bnayvoovah Things dont go that fast here little Bnayvoovah! This isnt Metal Settle, even though some actions are similar and

fit. - Ora Ora Tiferetot I get to play with the colors in the environment by thinking about it. - Bnayvoovah A nurturing society is the norm in Charades. - Tikbot There were maids sweeping the white sand further down the coast; it was funny. - Bnayvoovah I have got to learn to control my speed of thinking with the images around of the environments of Charades. - Bnayvoovah A nightmarish Earth is a bad place. - All of the Angels whom I know Please dont pour the rest of that water out into the sink (as Bnayvoovah had trouble hearing). (Bnayvoovah accidentally pours it) Hold on, it will be Ok. - Arielle Going up on the mountains of Charades were not as ironical.

- Marbah Im taken to and in both places, now Charades and Earth at the same time. - Bnayvoovah I ahovah you. - Rosalinda, to Bnayvoovah but Bnayvoovah couldnt understand her just yet I hate him out there. - Robbie Aloha, ahovat. - Bnayvoovah My boxy room needs some work. - Bnayvoovah The other Angels do not hate you tonight or ever, Bnayvoovah. - Marilyn Samuel Johnsons sunny house. - Bnayvoovah HAHAHAHAHA. - Ora It took me some figuring out, but I wrote Pneumas name in

the sand by thinking it, and the waves came and filled it with bubbles. - Bnayvoovah Can I practice making the sea braid? - Bnayvoovah Why would you make it show that? - Kelly Maybe there is a blocking agent, another block or something there now. - Bnayvoovah I shouldnt idealize it this afternoon (Charades, a worldtocome). - Bnayvoovah That would be good to eschew. - Libby Its my little brothers causing my pain and awkwardness. - Bnayvoovah You were playing like Toby from The Twelfth Night, or What You Will by Shakespeare. - Penny Bang! Pop! (to Robbie) - Bnayvoovah

He remembered it again. - Robbie to Rosalinda Now we can go polish and clean the apartment, it will be fun. - Ora Everything toys so quiet. - Tov Tov Shalom Im annoyed that the Angels are controlling your imagination. - Michael, my Earthly brother The wild Voyage to Arcturus, by David Linsey has influenced me much. - Bnayvoovah Atobots images are images, the ones that holds us back. - Tob Shbeeb You know what, Billy McBride has a hearing aid implanted in his living mind. - Rosalinda I love you anew. - Bnayvoovah I love you too good Bnayvoovah.

- Rosalinda How do I turn the rough fragments of my visions into a more continual picture? - Bnayvoovah Count on it, you will do it one day, but not right now. - Ora I am not a daydreamer, but a poet. - Lizbeph Thought is traveling over many distances over many streets and roads in the rain. - Kelly Well, the ancient sleep seems to cure me of my sleepiness. - Bnayvoovah You have made your self go there (thinking of designing) and now we are there (thinking of the future) (we switched). - Penny A heavy bridge you mean? - Ora Ora Tiferetot The exotic bamboo project! - Bnayvoovah


Thank you very much for that nougat. Just because we are in Charades doesnt mean we cant do something else and work on M.O.A.T.! - Tikbot The puzzling changing environments change and can be just as interesting as changing ideas. - Penny It will be Ok, your fabric is soft and awesome. - Libby What creation are you going to do? - Libby We need, first, a patent, second, a website, third, stainless steel foil, four, a parachute to cut with scissors, and fabric glue. - Kelly Wow, very good. - Penny How would we package and ship them, the brochures??? - Penny Thank you, good question. - Kelly We will not now take the chance to do brochures!!!

- Tikbot We could use some light foam too. - Bnayvoovah Yes, we could, but we will do that later coming up. - Tikbot Foam and PVC pipes on the tables? - Bnayvoovah No. - Penny Thats the bamboo project though we are working on together. - Bnayvoovah How much is the bamboo going to cost again? - Shnoonah Much, $ ? - Bnayvoovah Uh uh, its less than that, its closer to $ - Penny There is no pain moving in Charades. - Bnayvoovah Oh well, that sucks! (the design wires take too long to

build) - Penny We need to blow the design out together like a paper bag and have it stay there. - Penny Hey Atah. - Penny Yes atot? (she indicates a chess game) Chess play? - Bnayvoovah No, well do just fine (meaning, we will not play it). - Penny Since when did the mind become open to the creatures across distances and a voice? - Libby Freedom anew. - Penny Sample online brochure for door-to-door salespeople to read. - Libby Our widest website: M.O.A.T. etc - Libby


Office work for a larger picture: a secular organization: M.O.A.T. Non-Profit-Organization to be. - Penny New music for people on Jango or here on our website. Describe writing a whole gigantic book, music, M.O.A.T.. - Tov Tov Shalom

Newspapers for readers. - Penny A sample test going up. One populous city, three people, 100 cities. $1,000 is watched for eventually per month by March. Translations to work on. - Jenny . And more books to show for fun - Penny The liquidy soft slow moving of Tob Shbeeb and T.T.. - Kelly Add poetry to everything that I can think of imagining, but how? - Bnayvoovah Harold Blooms wisdom makes it possible to help me believe that most creeds of others and technologies have been wrong, outrageously; and in an older traditional sense

of beauty, they have all been mistaken all along. - Libby Multiply all over many business salespeople. - Ora Music and books in peoples homes. - Jenny Brochure, a thick and glossy one. - Penny They could pass out a catalogue when they have the time. - Penny Miniature classified ads. - Shnoonah Our unique product-line. - Lizbeph Customers with money order through a brochure or website of a sales person and we send it to each customer. - Kelly A technical business book. An detailed how-to book. - Libby Spend time with the comfortable Angels, and you shall experience a theatrical vision of a new kind.

- Ora (Libby indicates a M.O.A.T. idea) Get to work on M.O.A.T.? - Bnayvoovah Uh huh. - Libby We can work together making waves seeing our world-to come. - Ora

Better Biodegradable Dinnerware Natural corn? - Pekhot, who is Poetry Bleak beans? - Marbah, who is Talkativeness Candy-cane-like hard sugar pot to be graded. - Yeetsod Kavod, the Crane We're able to make soysauce flavored candy-cane chopsticks. - Jennifer, who is Mystery

Hard and biodegradable. - Ria, who is A.B. A hard pot-pail you can cook spaghetti in (etc). - Grouchy, who is Form Wonderful chocolate. - Ria, who is A.B. Sugar pot-pail. - Yeetsod Kavod, who is a Crane Rice paper bag. Yeetsod Kavod, mother of Gavin Rice, hard as the dickens. - Kathleen, who is Devotion Golden nuts like peanut molds. - Kathleen, mother of Isaiah A hard-as-the-dickens glaze. - Kathleen, who is Devotion A hard-as-the-dickens food that can be melted if under certain conditions with vinegar or something else. - Shay, who is Splendor Thinking about wafers.

- Kathleen, who is Devotion Pot-pail with a handle. - Ria, who is A.B. We all of us want and need to be able to crush it and then eat it? - Amy, who is Friendship Good cotton food. - Amy, who is Friendship Eatable paper bag. - Amy, mother of William and Walt It, overtime, wouldn't cost a lot to make the soysauce chopsticks. - Ora Ora Tiferetot, the Light within They could and would be biodegradable. - Honey, who is Comfort And, new silverware too! - Penelope, who is Patience Looking for omicron sauce. - Penelope, who is Patience Soysauce hardened pot-pail. - Ria, who is A.B. Now how do we harden as-the-dickens the soysauce?

- Ria, who is A.B. That would and could be just as big as the triumphant car company. - Bertha, who is a wall of I-beams. Soysauce hardened can be painted with good food coloring. - Penelope, who is Patience Sugar hardened bowls and a dissolving liquid. Like toilet paper but for good food. You can flush the dishes which you clean away down the toilet. - Bertha, who is a wall of I- beams Make them not so heavy nor a pain. - Tikbot, who is the hopeful colors of M.O.A.T. Able to add sugar plus - Ria, who is A.B. F heat = Ok.

Wood is kinda good. - Bertha, who is a wall of I-beams Good wood is biodegradable. - Ora Ora Tiferetot, who is the light within Like paper-bags. - Tikbot, the hopeful colors of M.O.A.T. A one-time-use-thing for every pouring kitchen item. - Tikbot, the hopeful colors of M.O.A.T.


To make with friends hot foods. - Ora Ora Tiferetot, the light within Crumbs, sauce smears, chunks of good food...combinations are the absolute value of - Yafah, Kindness Eatable silicon or sugarcane. - Bertha, a wall of I-beams What are the dissolvable materials? - Bertha, a wall of I-beams We're able to make a sugar-cane glass. - Bertha, a wall of I-beams Breakable rock candy. - Ria, A.B. Good peanut brittle. - Ria, A.B. Natural corn syrup, baking soda. - Ria, A.B. Sugar crystalizes at home. - Tob Shbeeb, an I-beam Sugar plus cream of tartar in our home. - Ria, A.B.

100 F max now, then cool... - Ria, A.B. Plenty of honey works too. - Ria, A.B. Golden Eagle Table Syrup close by. Grandmother's Sorgum Molasses. - Ria, A.B. Hard-as-the-dickens crack stage of heating in a candy making process. - Arielle, Charity Strange sugar dough. - Arielle, Charity Put a biodegradable coating on the sugar pot at home. - Ora Ora Tiferetot, the light within A piece of cheddar cheese melts at 200 F. - Arielle, Charity Explain lollipops. - Diana, the Judge How to build a friendly sugar heat lamp. - Elton Dunn


How to boil water with pleasant chemicals. - Yeetsod Kavod, a crane Prong that falls and sticks into the water to boil it. - Ria, A.B. Thick, not thin, sugar candy bowl (one time use). - Arielle, Charity Put the pot-pail over the prong (it has a hole in it). - Ria, A.B. Go to a sugar plantation. - Ria, A.B. Bravo! A sugar-form kitchenware company. - Tikbot, the hopeful colors of M.O.A.T. Sugar costs for the home. - Tikbot, the hopeful colors of M.O.A.T. How is sugar made outside of the home? - B'nayvoovah

All are flushed into the one solution. - Honey, Comfort Self-washing plates and pot-pail. - Ora Ora Tiferetot, the light within

Packaging of good food also. - Ora Ora Tiferetot, the light within Leftovers in dishes with spoons within. - Ora Ora Tiferetot, the light within 20 lbs. to the garbage a secure week. - Honey By 20 lbs. of sugarware a secure week. - Ora Ora Tiferetot, the light within Have a little sugarware delivered and picked up. - Ora Ora Tiferetot, the light within Used sugarware recycled outside of the home. - Ora Ora Tiferetot, the light within Sugar cups at the home. - Ora Ora Tiferetot, the light within Sugar legos at the home. - Ora Ora Tiferetot, the light within It would dissolve overnight-time (as in a special toilet). - Tikbot, the hopeful colors of M.O.A.T. Slippery smooth candy rainbow lollipops. - Tikbot, the hopeful colors of M.O.A.T.

Natural corn bowls. - Tikbot, the hopeful colors of M.O.A.T. Pot-pails, pans, sugar forks, knives, and runcible spoons. - Kelly, the experimenter Natural corn cups. - Libby, Freedom Who invents the dreamy stuff in Shakespeare? - Ora Ora Tiferetot, the light within One, the smart Friar Lawerence. - B'nayvoovah Yes, but nonono. - Ora Ora Tiferetot, the light within Tov. - Yeetsod Kavod, a crane Two, the Winter's Tale's Autolycus. - B'nayvoovah Very good. Yes, but no. - Ora Ora Tiferetot, the light within Poor she (Rough Mom) doesn't like things evermore to be. - B'nayvoovah That (Harvey's funny music of Room Boom) was worth it trust me on that.

- Ora Ora Tiferetot, the light within The Witches of Macbeth. - Valerie, who helps with appearances We want and need more before we get to the vegetable garden. - Valerie, who helps with appearances Keter: Ora, Tov Tov Shalom, Arielle Hokhmah: Kabbalah, Tob Shbeeb, Yeetsod Kavod Binah: Jennifer, Penelope, Marbah Hesed: Elaine, Marion, Kelly Din: Diana, Honey, Donna Tiferet: Ora Ora Tiferetot, Marilyn, Bertha Hod: Shay, Pekhot, Lizbeph Netzah: Valerie, Grouchy, Kathleen Yesod: Libby, Tikbot, Teresa Malkhut: Yafah, Shnoonah, Amy Vegetable Garden

For many vegetables a day and night. - Marion, the changing subject matter All in one year Dad eats many vegetables. - Diana, the Judge The same Dad eats: tomatoes squashes eggplants (which can maybe be traded for spinach) carrots lettuce heads These are the many vegetables the same Dad eats in a year ( few weeks). - Arielle, Charity It takes many square feet to grow many vegetables over time. - Arielle, Charity Our backyard is many square feet and so large enough to grow Dad's many vegetables over a year over time. - Yafah, Niceness This is about thirty cents a day plus a night for a year to spend on food. - Bertha, a wall of I-beams The old naughty talk is something all will have to learn to cope with day-to-day in safety.

- Yeetsod Kavod, a crane Resting in order to channel - is that why there's a Sabbath? - Tikbot, the hopeful colors of M.O.A.T. Room Boom is more and more accessible with less sleep. - Ria, A.B. Anxious coherence! - Ria, A.B.

I Don't Love You Anymore The two company studies lead to the time at the zoo, lead to its meaning of Hamlet's ghost, M.O.A.T. downhill, AB's narrative, Sarah and Avraham, Socrates and the Sophists and children being persuaded to have fun, to complete Shakespeare studies, Malvolio studies, to M.O.A.T. stars etc., which led to John of Gaunt and Hagar, Mishnah and harshness. - Tikbot Jacob's narrative. - Tob Shbeeb Investment. - Tikbot


Ariel helps Prospero out, it is not the same way as Caliban does. - Tikbot Belief and sex (the comfort). - Tob Shbeeb I like memories. That (the zoo visit) didn't have a lot to do with home memories. - Tikbot You left the lights on! - Leticia Light seeking light doth light beguile. - Penelope quoting Shakespeare 1 (That bad scream) That's a meaning right? - Penelope Right. - Shephanie Why I am a Writer. - Tov Tov Shalom Shakespeare's plays are not the same as Bic and Pentel. - Ora Done. - Kelly HAAAAAA. - Valerie


What does Valerie do? - Tob Shbeeb Much. - Penelope She organizes. - Jenny Just right. - Penelope Why I am a Writer. - Tov Tov Shalom Great now we're doing our stuff. - Kelly Happy. - Tov Tov Shalom Wait (to pray)! - Valerie Beautiful. - Elaine Frog leaper (B'nayvoovah thinks about the spontaneous generation of conversations). - B'nayvoovah Pig. - Kelly That IS IT! - Ora Ora Tiferetot Time.

- Kelly Stop. - Ora Ok. - Kelly Ok what? - Valerie O as in Merry Wives. - Kelly I don't love you anymore. - Robbie Window! - Tikbot Those (out poetical tidbits) are good memories. - Penelope Search. - Tikbot 2 That is poetry too (thinking of Gumby and Hawaiian Memories). - Ora Ora Tiferetot Strong. - Tikbot That is the very best they can do (to make B'nayvoovah feel bad for giving up Nellie). - Kelly

Poetry. - Valerie I am her master, lo (no)! - B'nvayvoovah That. - Kelly Ok, now watch what happens. - Ora In and out. - Tob Shbeeb Back to Hawaiian Memories. - Tob Shbeeb Search. - Lizbeph Which one? - Tob Shbeeb Love. - Tikbot Billy, we have a lot to study. What would you like to study? - Kelly It doesn't matter. Every system is like another system. - B'nayvoovah There are times when we can remember, and times when

we cannot be free. - B'nayvoovah When not free, we can study to learn, one day. - B'nayvoovah . My Dad woke me up by turning my bed with a remote control at an unpleasant sleeping angle. I went downstairs and my family thought that I was dangerous. They yelled at me and called the poilce. The police took me away, I was calm the entire time and spoke to the lady supervisor about the need for good legislation. I dreamed a dream before this where I was in a building and passed a doorkeeper to whom I said something. He asked me what it was and I told him again but it was "white noise" talk. I fought a kind of alien in the first dream. It froze black and when I was found, they thought that the alien was a sculpture of somebody's. That alien was not my friend, it was a Sphinx.


When it sunk under the black ground in the building, I became free. The second dream where my parents were mad at me, and after I woke up from my bed in that dream, I pushed the bed to another spot in that messy room. . This room was blue, and where I used to sleep when I lived with my parents. I thought my parents were framing me. They accused me of "knowing" and of "reading too many books." As I was riding with the police, my brother tagged along, and the cops turned out not to be real cops, they were people who were trying to take me back to the alien far away. I was not my Earth self, neither was my brother who was ejected from the car in a funny way. He was playing around in this special car, as the driver let him, and the door opened and he was gone. Then I went to a strange land where wild mustangs were running. I said jokingly that one was named "Ford" and I noticed a

Ford Bronco, one of the other vehicles in our group. As I was being taken to the Sphinx, because I had been picked up for "knowing" too much, there we passed through a flooded road. The suburban I was in went underwater and the driver described to me why statues moved. He said that it was a secret land, set up by the government, and that people would come through the city and spend money and this money was used for things secret, and that the whole place was a fake town. The car continued driving underwater. When it rose, the driver was asking the passengers what to do when our parents were angry at us. He was trying to distract us from the roadsigns. I noticed one roadsign which said "Death" on the ears of a kind of Kuala Bear. There were strange horses who walked from side to side down the street and they must have had intelligent minds; they swayed in a group, in sync. He told me that that place was "Alalala" and the next place was "Alalalala."

I cried our "OMMMMMMM" as a tower came into view, like a Gaudi cathedral but it was tan and tall, round yet geometrical. I knew that the towers I saw were built by superior beings. We stopped to pick something to eat, and the women who prepared our food gracefully danced around it, though they were kind of sitting on the floor. My friend I was with, and I shared a special kind of caramel popcorn. My popcorn was burnt. I studied the ashy popcorn and woke up. A moment before I awoke, I remembered my wives and how they saw through my eyes the strange serving ladies, and how the ladies prepared the food on the clean floor. My other Pop. - Selfish Billy You met your "Stay Friends" Pop. - Ora That every section of the Dust and the Star can also be matched with something, different somethings is a tov idea.

Even trash can be a COTE product? - Ora I like the way you are thinking. - Penelope Anxiety: being considered a snob by others when you are not. Leontes wife Hermone. - Tov Tov Shalom Anxiety: A false City of God like scenerio. This is Macbeth when Dunsinane comes for him. - Valerie Anxiety: Feeling caught up in the plot, and in plotting, and like you have little control over it. This is Hotspur. - Stephanie . Anxiety: Feeling uncomfortable temperatures. This is King Lear's Fool. - Stephanie That (Menorah) looks good; Ok now what? - Diana Everybody's in Heaven having the same kind of fun, simultaneously as on President's Day. - Diana

One two three (singingly) you copy this for me please. - Wes' Astral Self A pit with heaven over it. - Emily Dickenson Many different, several versions of people who have read a bad story. - B'nayvoovah The opening and shutting Merkbah. - Ora Ora Tiferetot A new yellow rose. - Bertha Rain womb and wet work. - Diana Apple-land at night. - Arielle Thorns and war-fire. - Stephanie Please pay the fountain. - Shnoonah A pleasant wet fountain.

- Shnoonah Lullaby. - Libby A thin ray going farthest. - Yafah Blue-grey sheet. - Stephanie Everything can be catalogued. But, one needs first to pick out a set. Add a set (Jacob!), and you can match. Use these sets to their advantage by giving units to units, while keeping the same number of units and just recycling (Joseph). Then you will have a collection of interrelating and interesting units in the potential map. Map them out and you have a volume. - Penelope Return destination of heaven! - Valerie An impossible virginal way. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Eternally tough stuff, aye. - Diana A kingdom's awesome address.

- Diana Goodbye lost field! - Diana The land and woods are covered with snow. Do not sing sad and still. - Lizbeph The noisy oars were dropped into the water; they take their partial bath. - Lizbeph Put the angular seashell to your ear. It will give back what you do need. - Ria Move your hated position for a better meaning today. - Ria Our sad bodies slow down but we can still read books well and improve ourselves. - Lizbeph Come, let's plan our day, to come over to some good side. - Lizbeph What is that right there (the Butter Churner). - Lizbeph My Mom.

- B'nayvoovah She wants to tell you something. - Lizbeph Ahovat Mom. - B'nayvoovah Ahovah to you. - Mom Ok are you ready? - Mom I'm ready. - B'nayvoovah That is what I wanted to tell you, we're rocking it. - Mom

How to Lose a Chess Game

I think I meant to do that. - B'nayvoovah That was very tov actually.


- Ora Christopher Smilth is what? "Stop with me..."(Whitman).. - B'nayvoovah T-o-v we all say (after a move). - Tob Shbeeb Tov! - Tikbot How do you play if you can't see? - Robbie That is where you need to be! - Ora Ora Tiferetot Ok we are getting busted. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Who is blind Silly Billy? Jacob and Isaac! - Ora Ora Tiferetot We can beat him Silly Billy. - Penny I want to beat him so bad. - B'nayvoovah I love you Billy.

- Robbie I love you too. - Bnayvoovah Now say Hesed. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Hesed. - Bnayvoovah Dont forget to kiss me. - Ora Ora Tiferetot (They kiss) He goes right there right? - Bn Uhh huhh. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Thats pretty good Silly Billy, except he will put you in checkmate. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Murphy. - Bn Put that! - Ora Ora Tiferetot

We are going to do this and just have fun! - Tikbot Put that (Bishop) right about there! - Ora Ora Tiferetot People think youre crazy. - Rosalinda You are crazy. - Robbie Put that knight there. Trust me on this one. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Did he go yet? - Bnayvoovah Hmmm! - Bnayvoovah Listen, Bnayvoovahs laughing at his own jokes. - Rosalinda Now he thinks hes setting us up. - Robbie I dont love you anymore Billy McBride. - Rosalinda

You can do that, but he will take it. - Ora Ora Tiferetot You can go, he and block him off. - Ora Ora Tiferetot This is funny stuff Bnayvoovah (after he takes Bnayvoovahs piece). Ok heres what we do now (move). Thats pretty much it. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Speaking with the Beings? - Bruce Ahovah. - Rosalinda Ahovah. - Bnayvoovah How did he know my name was Bruce. You know what I am Bnayvoovah. You know what that is crazy. - Bruce Im in check again arent I? - Bnayvoovah People think youre stupid Billy. What the fuck did I just

say? - Bruce Thank you Bruce. - Bnayvoovah Rah? (After Bnayvoovah makes a move) - Bnayvoovah T-o-v. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Dont forget to thank (and kiss) her. - Diana Thank you very much! One, two, three Block. - Ora Ora Tiferetot How to play Gin? - Bnayvoovah Thats pretty good (a line written). - Tikbot Is he writing too? - Bnayvoovah Ok, we could do that move, but why? - Arielle


That is funny but No. Yes, we will write a book. - Tikbot We could do that, that would be funny. Go there! (Bnayvoovah takes his knight). - Ora Ora Tiferetot You know what they are going to do (to Bnayvoovah)? - Rosalinda Lose it (Bnayvoovahs pawn), it will be Ok. No, wait go there! - Yafah What if someone wins before we finish our book?!? - Bnayvoovah Just kidding. - Tikbot Nice move Bnayvoovah (he loses his Rook). Now watch what happens. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Hes (Christopher Smiths) having some fun, but so are we. Watch this! - Jennifer That is what Im talking about Bnayvoovah. - Tikbot

(A Bad word was heard) (We look at the Gold Mold Object, and then our Poems). Tov. - Tikbot Just like that, tov. - Tikbot (they kiss) Hes gonna move up. That is just what hes gonna do. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Now hug Tikbot! - Yafah We check him again, and he moves his Rook! - Diana Were only halfway done. - Ora Ora Tiferetot T-o-v, youre protectednogo there. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Actually, do that! No, hes pretty much got you. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Dont say Yes! He did it! - Marbah

He figured it out. - Bnayvoovah No! - Tikbot I like slow players. - Bnayvoovah HAHAHA. Hes got us right now.HAHAHA. No! Just playing. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Youre stupid Billy McBride. - Robbie Very nice (he moves into position). - Ora Ora Tiferetot HAHAHAHA. Thats a mistranslation. I didnt say to move your king there. - Jennifer (Bnayvoovah sighs) HAHAHAHAHA. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Give up? - Bnayvoovah

No. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Dont forget to say Hesed. - Ora Ora Tiferetot I guess well have some extra notes to take after the games over. - Ora Ora Tiferetot HAHAHAHA. - Jenny Try that! (Bnayvoovah moves) Now watch what happens. - Ora Ora Tiferetot HAHAHAHA. - Jennifer Win a Chess Match Lose a Chess Match, books we can write. - Bnayvoovah (Christopher moves) Thats funny stuff Bnayvoovah. - Diana I KNOW WHAT TO DO!!! - Pneuma

Give up now? - Bnayvoovah Take that pawn. Go up one. - Diana Kinda hard to do that now (take his pawn). - Ora Do you hear me - Robbie You could go there actually. - Tikbot Rah! (Christopher won by checkmate) Thank you Christopher for a nice game. - Bnayvoovah Thank you Billy. - Christopher Dont forget to say Ahovah. - Ria Ahovah. - Bnayvoovah I never was any good at chess. - Bnayvoovah

(We move to a different player) Ahobah, Joel. - Bnayvoovah (looking at the chess board) ACTUALLY THATS THE SAME LAYOUT!!! - Diana Now what? - Bnayvoovah Take that thing (Bishop). - Diana Its hot! - Tikbot Move right there. - Honey Thank you, but he will move there. - Honey Games change. Not every game is the same, or has equal value. - Shnoonah Get some water.

- Honey Whats his name? - Marilyn Christopher Smith, from before. Joel Franz, now. - Bnayvoovah Change his name. - Marilyn Which name do I change? - Bnayvoovah HAHAHAHA. - Jennifer Purim! - Ora Esther! - Jennifer Change both names. - Diana Thank you David. - Bnayvoovah Thank you too.

- David AHOVAH. - Bnayvoovah What the??? - David Ok, heres what we will say. - Diana Joel Franz is Hope Kafka. - Bnayvoovah What the hell??? - Robbie Now have some fun. - Ora Ora Tiferetot How do we have fun? - Bnayvoovah Put that! HAHAHAHA. - Tikbot Tov. - Ria


I dont like the was this is turning out. - Robbie HAHAHAHA. - Jennifer Hehehehe!!! - Bnayvoovah T-o-v Bnayvoovah. - Ora Theyre gonna think hes got a multiple personalityor insane. - Robbie What is your mothers name? - Arielle Rosalinda, my spiritual Mom, or Yetsod Kavod, or my regular Mom, Penny. - Bnayvoovah Ok, that was funnow what do we say to Joel Franz and Christopher Smith? - Shnoonah HAHAHAHA. - Jennifer


I love you Beings. - Bnayvoovah Now say Hesed, right now! - Shnoonah Your move.

How to Make a Book Vending Machine 100 different keys kept for each level. - Ora Ora Tiferetot $100.00 profit for remembering each refill. - Tob Shbeeb $10.00 to save for bulk padlocks. - Tikbot Its Ok, you need a vendors license to work from home. - Ora Ora Tiferetot $1,000 profit is given to us. - Tob Shbeeb One box has a little more than ten bucks in it! - Tov Tov Shalom

Six named rows. - Jenny The unlocking keys have numbers on them. - Tob Shbeeb They can be all the same flashing key? No. Get the right key from a spring before looking for the box. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Set up a nail in order to pick up the door as a way to open the shelf. - Yafah Made of decorative wood. - Tikbot Six columns across the front. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Five levels to contain the books. - Tikbot Covers of books under lighted Plexiglas. - Kelly Research locks, and keep the little lock and box. - Jenny


Hinge-seats are $ - Jenny A key sticks in the door when sold and done. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Key distributing machine. - Kelly The coming keys stay in the door; the keys are on a spring. - Jenny Make the wood safe. - Tob Shbeeb Red and blue colors painted. - Tikbot Commission to be taken by the office. - Tov Tov Shalom Eight books are on the spring equipment. - Kelly ABCD EFGH IJKL - Ora Ora Tiferetot Book vending slipping machine.

- Ora Ora Tiferetot Change and bill collector and case. - Jenny One hard coil spun or twisted. 100 springs, glass, open shut door at the front. - Tob Shbeeb Key Distributing Machine - $ - Ora Ora Tiferetot Keep box-wrap-around too. - Tob Shbeeb A fresh book inside. One sent to every county or town in Texas. - Ora Ora Tiferetot One-time key dispenser booth for $ - Jenny Postcard of a box with a gathered book in it. - Jenny $100.00 actual profit given. - Jenny Stamp and shipping to be collected.

- Tob Shbeeb If put into motion and mailed, no need for a lock. - Tob Shbeeb How do they order from their chairs? EBAY! - Ora Ora Tiferetot Fresh books in Plexiglas below. - Tikbot The box can have Lulu info drawn in it. - Ora Ora Tiferetot Highlighted picture of vendor spiral. - Lizbeph Order blocks of boxes. - Tob Shbeeb Take a great picture to return to them. - Pneuma Put the bill in it and it unlocks and unfolds a box. - Ora Ora Tiferetot It is a metal thing, right? - Bnayvoovah Tiny locking mechanism.

- Tob Shbeeb Combination on a slip of paper for the book. - Tob Shbeeb Like a ticket distributor for a challenging game. - Tov Tov Shalom It may cost more with the combination-wheel lock. - Penny We dont need a locking-wheel mechanism now. - Penny How do we name and display it? - Ora On a basic five foot long shelf. - Penny . Draw a doodle of a shelf. - Kabbalah Or, three nice shelves to move. - Tob Shbeeb Five feet high shelf. - Kabbalah Latch and lock, it could be on a nice little chain, or a

couple. - Tob Shbeeb Just draw a working picture of it and were done. - Tikbot Play just like that silly Bnayvoovah. - Penny Patent the design for someone to use in their space. - Tikbot


The river void, and napping of whirlpools. To come a solo worth - Forward! fair great morn. The world blue, pleasing daytime born. The darkest time past, and the clear toad-stools. The sweet and relentless flight of the birds. The spinning waves to test the curb and sod, They slam into a temple of our God. The hill-high trees with their roots downwards. The heavenly feat of our weather is fixed. The ever-radiant blessed dawn is gay.

A wife in her blouse-ballooned negligee. A sad looking man with a thousand mixed. The dew-shined grass beyond the crags made damp. The gobbly goose or mind-strung monster champ. - Kabbalah An infinite crew for oneself mocking. The precious food, the nursery center goose. The silent sick and weak surviving moose. The rising day's course and weary knocking. The victory, boundless days, sky-pillows. A ruddy plague, the middle world is undone. A stone deserted belched life of one. A wreckable main beloved, rock's billows. The nightengale's voice restores the countryside plot. The swollen balloons, the earthly brockets of maize. This life is wonderful, our manners, praised. Bohemian thoroughbred and your prize of thought. A mistress crosses in a darkened boat. Dull throne of the best wastes the waves afloat. - Jennifer The rainbow covenant and a mighty star. The slot machine, the never deaf, gentle shout. The swollen oxen, hundreds marching out. The unmarked grave, muddy nut and bar. Caesarian sand to fill a beggar's home. A daisy saved, the deep stress of a breeze. The rain-coated twigs, and the fish flurries. A big smile of a mother, late to come.

The year regained its verge from a magic wand. The snoozing happy one on a windy beach. Audit, sit or jolly school course teach. The oldest lie, a buried ticker-time hand. A minute of sex; the dry sea grass, The hellish friends have read the scroll and pass. - Diana The lazy and late appreciate A paradise high, and a land soon fun Of an endless surfacing champion. A gentle celebration of the stance of fate. Plain sea, oblivion, the thoughtful more. The incredible waves that an Angel guides. The badness rid when a trust confides. The swimming of the fire of the sun off-shore. Gazebo in the kingdom, the flowers that could. The ringing, sweet laughter that a cherub rolls. And dull arguments of mistaken souls. A fossilized soul hopes to rest for good. A springtime meal with forks and disks. The chirping birds taking mutual risks. - Yafah I carefully understand that the beautiful ringing laughter of heavenly cherubs sounds silly to mistaken souls. The plain sea of the oblivion of a lurid ticker-time rushes onwards. Shingingly, the lurig ticker-time, running, winds minutebyminute for a good all. I amazingly see that the transparent plain sea of oblivion worries slyly the

rationalists, yet, the mistaken souls are, with aid, beginning to surprisingly change; and the mature ringing laughter of the cherubs sounds sweeter and sweeter to pleasant them. - Jennifer I am content to know how the napping whirl-pools mysteriously hover slowly over the bright sand. A busy world, blue, spins always in space. Our darkest memories, blessed be they, thankfully come back a little when they, without being forced, can; and the huge fair great morning heavily creeps its life along its sleepy way. The fair great morning of the day goes away later and gracefully the darkest memories, blessed be they, are hardly forgotten. The wonderful world, blue, to our relief, lasts for another good day and the napping whirl-pools of the handsome seashore stay still and clean. - Bertha What a brave man, Abraham, of whom it is written about in B'reshit, that he was a fit master. Abraham, who is towards more full practical conditions of peace, was vain to have disguised Sarah beautifully, the trouble of Abraham's incredible and intense adventure. Abraham had parted very much a helper and gratefully and usefully was considered. He is to be observed solidly to account for many many men ahead. He has solely undertaken to be good. Abraham quickly retains the calm memory of the past as well as the amazing spiritual. Our Abraham deviates not and regards Sarah, his wife and Isaac, his son. He feels himself traveling farther from the shut-within world. And, he

enjoyed a sufficient and honorable store of wealth upon himself, and was comforted with the uses of it. He artificially disguised Sarah in the contexture on shady Egypt. Abraham delivered all thoughts with clean sense, and had fantasies galore, which surprised him. He was mostly enchanted by the extraordinariness of wonderful Nature, and he presented himself happily to it in time. That he usefully helped others to mitigate their harmful sufferings gave Abraham a powerful reason, in our eyes, to do good. He demanded a far and humanely stable capacity of coping and enduring. Abraham had a funny custom to commence greatly peace, which is the glory which we able to give to our own fellows. - Jennifer The tree groweth by the ivy that accumulateth. The tree findeth quickly its greatness. The tree beeth cold to the fires. The tree beeth green and calm. The tree sleepeth on the precipice. The tree bursteth over the grass. The tree groweth by the river every autumn. The tree loveth the world.

The tree dreameth in the sunbeams. The tree scattereth itself over the fields. The tree in evening beeth magnificent. The tree beeth graceful when it flapeth. The tree beeth ruffled in its slumbers. The tree beeth purely weighted. The tree braideth its spread. The tree beeth gentle and accessible. The tree whippeth in the storm. The tree liveth in Paradise. The tree hath a powerful dream. The tree hath a bosom to weaveth. The tree maketh a sweet blossom. My two grey shoes; my fathers funny underwear: All's well the Ends Well (the oldest play ever)


The Lagoon and my wall sculpture matrix: The Merchant of Venice Dark and Dangerous: One matrix square: Macbeth The shore beach in Hawaii: Measure for Measure The lady sweeping on her lanai (porch). All's Well that Ends Well My Alligator Hat: The Tempest The Menorah, intense and dull, like a lizard-chameleon: The Comedy of Errors Bright Palm Tree: Othello The lady neighbor's voice, nonstop and tart: Hamlet My Dad's military ribbons (the toaster and coke bottle composition): Henry IV, Part 1 and 2 The bush outside in the sunlight: Henry V.

Strange unstable tupperware pot and lid: Richard II. The Papertowels standing: Titus Andronicus Coke bottles: Henry VIII. Stream, crazy and weak: Anthony and Cleopatra Lanai, Montessori school: The Winter's Tale Picnic table by the Water Supply. Clean and Risky: Timon of Athens Here is the meaning because it must be different. As you and I happen to completely realize, there is trouble to be found in not having a style of which justice, with fun, is a treat with us both. The rift often allows us to take part in that special time. It is very early to make elegant what can become lifted with helping. Should it come in a forward way? It is simple to recommend that the awesome is what we awe with delight. So such is not terrible. Now is when trust forms. A colorful respectful trust lately forms. And one is to know definitely the sun. So if ever there is truth, one frets. And so I am neither to be able to care while I

write, nor do I really fight on. For if the problem comes and grows, we hate it. And, do terrors make one troubled up as soon as a lady is? The understood realm of all knowledge, and the power of all light, and the glory are news to others! How one so categorizes is good. The flowers in the yard grow either in sun, shade, or wet weather. - Teresa I remember the feelings of physical goodness: The walk back this morning by the Eucalyptus trees. Sitting outside in peace. Laying in my bare feet at the lagoon. Reading Headbuttressia 2 today lying down. Using the scissors to cut fabric. Rearranging the fabric sponges on the wall. Taking a bath. Reading, drinking water, reading Shakespeare's works. The walk to the lagoon, the good knee feelings. Roller skating.


Sitting outside. Clipping and snipping a project. Putting the can tops in a special place. Backing up to the bed while the music was playing. Pushing the bed into the couch. Pulling out one tack from the wall. Typing gently on the CPU. Underlining with a pen. Picking up the sculpture of Henry Yod. Putting my wrapped MP player in my pocket away from the rain. Holding my umbrella in different hands. The feel of the light, drizzling rain on my face, arms, and legs. Shutting the left-hand cabinet drawer. Clicking the CD ROM box in, and ejecting it out.


Playing tennis - hitting the ball perfectly. Hitting and chipping the plastic golf balls in my backyard. Old friends and the books they need to read that we have written: Smiling Paul Downie: The Beginning of Life; Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ Superstar are NOT the Names of My Brothers; Angels and Shapes: an Angelic Poll; How the Angels Became the Angels; A Little Reading. Laughing Carlos G.: I Don't Love You Anymore; I Read Leopardi; Our Book System; Ideas to Pick Up for a Charitable Organization; Voyage to Anonymous Markets. Soft Stephanie G.: The Wallet; Charades Notebooks; Finding Teresa from Class; My Hawaiian Memories; Messages. Sweet and Fiery Carla: Ulysses in Hell: A Theory of Colors; It was Tob Shbeeb; Headbutressia ; Quotes from Beings; The Trouble with Being a B'nayvoovah. Silly Glen T: Quotes from Beings; How to Lose a Chess Game; Prostitutes; Transendence; Happiness. Warm Chris B.: Hawaiian Sonnets and Other Poems; The Wonder and Love of M.O.A.T. II.; Heading Permanently Home; How to Make a Book Vending Machine; Book

Catalogue. Sassy Rachel: Temporary Homes; Quotes from Beings; Cloud; Cooking up a Business; The Hand. Easy to talk to Holly: London; The Meaning of Standing Exile; Quotes from Naughty People; For Those Who Do Trust God; Show Me the Way. Hopeful Kristy S.: Banana Trees; John Milton with B'nayvoovah Cope with Book Reviewers; The Tree; The Bridge; On the Birthday: Consequences of Knowing Angels. The Knowing Kimberly O.: Water; Budweiser and Pepsi; Headbuttressia - ; Billy McBride's Marriage to Angels; Art and Anxiety. Wild Brett S.: Brainwashing; Quotes from Beings; Powers and Other Poems; Snow; The Bots. Clean Andrew Z.: Is Billy M. Damned?; The Wave; Why I am a Writer; Transparent Car Company; Voyage to Warm Milk. Caring Shane K.: Golfers in Search of a Title; Afterlives; Everything is in Order; Permanent Homes; Bic and Pentel. Sunny Erin: Horse; Shell: M.O.A.T. and Barriers; Headbuttressia : Voyage to Metal Settle; M.O.A.T.

Fundraising; This is Going Well. Strange and Good Aaron: Family Gnosis; Voyage to Super University; Bee-Yoo-Tee-Ful; The Lord and Moshe; What the Heck is He Talking About? Cool Warren: Tob Shbeeb Hates Atobots; Blind Texas: How Books Relate to M.O.A.T.; Many Helpers Around; M.O.A.T. Illustrated; How to Win the Lotto. The beautifully voiced Heather: Charades; First, Second and Third Grade Years; My Photo Book; Trouble; Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ Superstar: The Names of My Brothers. Wondrous Joy: Bird and Winter; Headbuttressia: A Fantasy; Do Not Laugh; Quotes from Beings; Varieties of Din Experience. Exciting Natalie: The Weather; Ice Cream; New Poems; Lonely Mountain Sonnets and Other Poems; The Celestial Image of Fire. Sophisticated Michelle: The Flowers that Pervade in a Lovely Dwelling; Voyage to Stay Friends; M.O.A.T. Outline; Riders to the Sea; Beauty and Progress. The Glancing Tammy: Quotes from Beings; Quiet Thoughts; 60 Different Land Projects; A Bird's Eye View of M.O.A.T. Shapes and Spirals; Naughty People Think

You're Crazy. Playful Shannon: My Hawaiian Merkabah Experience; Cupid; How to Fly a Spacecraft; The Angels and the Imagination: Commentary of the Bible and Other Short Works; Help for Charities; The Hydromancy of Jenny McBride. Fun Bobby M.: Spiritual Hurricane Disaster; How to Craft a Spacecraft; Art Book; The Wonder and Love of M.O.A.T.; The Hydromancy of Jenny McBride 2. Sweet Jessica M.: The Dust and the Star; Charades 2; Quiet Thoughts 3; Quotes from Beings; Headbuttressia 3. Steve Pena: That is Your Wife!; The Rising of the Moon; In Defense of the Experience of Prayer; Quotes from Beings; Powers. Bell-voiced Brian: Afraid; Nefeshing; 10 Failed Revolutionary Erotics; Quiet Thoughts; On Conflict and Hope. Kind Jason S.: Another Nobody; Angel Calling; Structure; Architectures; Quiet Thoughts Inventive Scott, Exciting Russel, and Laughing Geoff A.: Mountain Frogs; M.O.A.T. and Family; The Jewels of Absolute Knowledge; Better Biodegradable Kitchenware, For Those Who Do Trust God and Other Angelic

Notetakings; Why I am A Writer 2; Our Emotions are the Thoughts of Shakespeare; My Hearty Brothers; Our Growing Knowledge; They are Human Too.

Naughty People Think Youre Crazy! I must defend my own Angel wives and Angel friends, my Angel family, from accusations of being bad, being hallucinations, and/or being useless in guiding my life. Ha-Shem, Blessed be his Name defends all humans even if Angels are sometimes even bossy. Angels just want to improve humans so that the humans may become even better for themselves and to others through knowing. I do not believe in them or have faith in them. I trust them; and they are patient with me, they do not need to be proved to me or by me, I already am their hubby. Youre not my ben. - Robbie That was very very bad what your Dad just said. - Penny

Around. - Tikbot Spiral. - Valerie Being more specific. Changing the subject matter. - Marion Cities: do a different spiral each time. - Honey Raise awareness for S.C.A.R.. - Elaine Raise money. - Ora Ora Tiferetot People helping build and maintain it. - Jennifer Cargo trucks. - Elaine A flat field. - Lizbeph Charge admission. - Kabbalah

Being Misunderstood A. Dogberry B. Moshe C. Hamlet D. Poets E. Trojans misunderstanding Patroclus for Achilles F. Freud having a design upon us - Elaine Ask for money for Federal write-offs from their being donors. - Libby Fee for hiring people afterwards. - Libby Metal pipe benders. - Libby 2 to 6 thick. - Kelly Stainless steel in San Antonio. - Pekhot . I-Beam sculpture M.O.A.T. Promise Note. - Elaine


A double chain. - Donna Maybe some fans would go at different times. - Marilyn Purple/green/big, finally schedule? - Valerie Matisse-like possible colors. - Tov Tov Shalom Golf course? - Valerie Square with a fan in it. - Kelly Parachutes inflated. - Valerie and Penny Underground fans/blowers. - Tikbot Make shapes. Buy blowers. Dig and wire holes with grates over them. Escape hole if clogged or turn off. - Valerie


Gas vs. Electric. - Robbie Old faithful-like. - Honey Air sculptures. - Valerie Intermittently on and off. - Tob Shbeeb Maybe a fan, not a blower. - Ora Ora Tiferetot We try for three million over two years after our three million dollar sculpture is made. - Elaine This is for itself to pay for itself. - Penny And, lights too! - Kelly Maybe just an event, big for one weekend. - Valerie Battery charger. - Jennifer

Lights on the inside. - Yafah Sewing. - Rosalinda Airy Mountain. - Tov Tov Shalom What if it was on a trampoline? - Libby Paid watch-people with whistles for the childrens safety. - Kelly And, inflatable balls of all sizes. - Penny Where do you do the marketing for the events? - Elaine Field trip! - Penny Banana Tree: Achilles mad at Hector Ophelia People mad at Socrates Superego attacking Ego

Othello mad at Desdemona Baalam mad at his donkey - Ora Ora Tiferetot They will hear me read Milton saying Ok hes interested in stories. - Bnayvoovah They will see COT and think Hes trying to help charities. - Bnayvoovah It is a puzzle, broadcast, others have watched it much. - Bnayvoovah He (Bnayvoovah) is not popular, they say. - Bnayvoovah He lives alone. - The Public These are the facts. - The Public From one, he reads. - The Public From two, he is creative. - The Public


What is one plus two? Three? - The Public He reads to create puzzles. - The Public . Hes unpopular, no friendsbut his memory is good. - The Public The Wrong Idea they have: Memory, a strong one, helps you lose friends. - Elaine Another Wrong Idea: Reading makes you unpopular, or reading does not make you popular. -Tikbot 7 False idea of theirs- Reading is social. - Libby 4 They are private and therefore not social and not readers as a result when they think that way. - Elaine Wrong Idea: The memory is liberal and without hope. - Tikbot Milton helps by having some experimentation: My old wrong idea was that he was of the Party of the Memory alone.

- Bnayvoovah Freud is a good explainer and aware of a lot. - Tob Shbeeb Freud is aware of the subject matter. - Penny We will make action and not contemplate as much. - Honey We will make water ponds. - Tikbot The water ponds will be above ground. - Tibkot Or Marigold Landscape Spirals, we will make. - Elaine Dont forget to kiss her. - Honey It will work. - Tikbot That (the orange fabric) is where we need to be. - Kelly Lets make some popcorn!

- Tikbot Quick dont forget to kiss her. - Elaine Bnayvoovah say Hesed right now! - Honey This is going to rock! - Kelly Speed fun. - Honey Billy, thats why you write the fruits of an honor down. - Honey What the hell is that (a pile of papers). - Valerie It (the pile of papers) is our latest book. - Elaine Quick dont forget to kiss her. - Honey I love you. - Shnoonah I love you. - Bnayvoovah Quick now say Hesed.

- Shnoonah Hesed. - Bnayvoovah People think youre crazy. - Shnoonah Nellie needs a pet. - Honey Quick pet her right this very instant. - Honey Do not put that is why we write the fruits of an honor down. - Honey Bnayvoovah, people think that you are insane. - Honey Rock on. - Ora Ora Tiferetot What is that (a stuffed dinosaur)? - Ora Ora Tiferetot Quick dont hesitate to pet that cat! - Honey



Epilogue I hope that you have learned something new about my own private religious experience and how my Angels bring hope and love to me. God Bless You.

Other books by William McBride III.: The Very Best Childhood Hawaiian Sonnets and Other Poems Lonely Mountain Sonnets and Other Poems M.O.A.T. Outline


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