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Make up Assignment Tien Dao Rel 212 Prof. EDWARD.



1. Mohammed was born in what year? a. 570 BC b. 570 AD c. 750 AD d. 507 BC Answer: A 2. Who is the last messenger (prophet) of God? a. Abraham b. Moses c. Jesus d. Mohammed Answer: D 3. Islam traces its ancestry to the Patriarch a. Adam b. Joseph c. Abraham d. Samuel Answer: C 4. The most sacred book of Islam is called the a. New Testament b. Quran/Koran c. Vedas d. Suras Answer: B 5. Abraham and his son, Ishmael, built the holiest sanctuary in Islam known as the a. Korban b. Caliph c. Kali d. Kabah Answer: D 6. The name for God in Islam is a. Yahweh b. Allah c. Jehovah d. Brahman Answer: B 7. The Angel who came to Mohammed during an intense spiritual retreat was a. Gabriel b. Moroni

c. Raphael d. Ariel Answer: A


8. The migration of Muslims from Mecca to Medina is known as a. hijrah b. harjir c. habiru d. jihad Answer: A 9. TRUE OR FALSE: Muslims believe in much of the Old Testament AND much of the New Testament. Answer: T 10. TRUE OR FALSE: Muslims believe that Jesus is one of the holiest of prophets AND that He was born of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Virgin Birth). Answer: T 11. Islam teaches that Muslims must obey the Five Pillars because a. of the Sunni doctrine b. it is politically correct to do so c. of the threat of samsara d. they are part of Divine Law Answer: D 12. Name the Five Pillars of Islam:

Daily confession of faith (shahada)

2. Daily ritual prayer (salat) 3. Paying the alms tax (zakat) 4. Fasting during the month of Ramadan (sawm) 5. Pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj)

13. Fasting during the month of Ramadan commemorates a. the first revelation of the Quran to Mohammed b. the birth of Mohammed c. the persecution of Husyan d. the ascension of Mohammed Answer: A 14.What Islamic word is most commonly MISTRANSLATED holy war even though it really means resisting evil, and especially combating the interior war in ourselves to gain self-control. a. Jihad

b. Hadith c. Quran d. Zakat Answer: A 15. ________________________ is the first Patriarch recognized as holy by Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Answer: Abraham


1. Christianity is a religion based on the life and teachings of a. Paul of Tarsus b. The Patriarch Abraham c. Jesus of Nazareth d. Pope Gregory the Great Answer: C 2. Jesus taught for approximately how many years? ______________ Answer: 3 years 3. Which religion has more followers than any other? a. Hinduism b. Judaism c. Christianity d. Islam Answer: C 4. All Christian Bibles contain a section of 27 books known as the a. Apocrypha b. Code of Hammurabi c. Old Testament d. New Testament Answer: D 5. What are the first 4 Books of the New Testament called a. The Synoptic Gospels b. Revelation/Apocalypse c. Letters/Epistles d. Gospels (Good News of Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John) Answer: D 6. How old was Jesus when He came to St. John the Baptist to be baptized? a. 15 b. 20 c. 25 d. 30 Answer: D 7. Which was the central teaching of Jesus a. Love b. Obedience to authority c. Humility d. Tithing to the Church Answer: C


8. Jesus taught primarily through the use of a. fables b. riddles c. parables (earthly stories with a heavenly meaning) d. temple sermons Answer: C 9. The title Christ literally means the ___________________ _________ Answer: ANOINTED ONE 10.According to the Acts of the Apostles what event involving the sound of a whirling wind, tongues of fire, and, speaking in foreign languages, galvanized the Christian movement into action? a. Pentecost b. Easter c. Epiphany d. Resurrection Answer: D 11.Who, after persecuting Christians, converted, and became one of Christianitys early proponents and writers? a. Constantine b. Paul (or Saul) of Tarsus c. Joseph d. Timothy Answer: B 12.Who is chiefly remembered as the leader of the Protestant Reformation in the 16th (1517) century? a. Martin Luther b. Ulrich Zwingli c. John Calvin d. Saint Ignatius Loyola Answer: A 13.What is the central sacrament in most forms of Christianity? _______ ___________________ Answer: the Christian sacrament 14.What is the name for the Christian celebration of Jesus birth? a. Easter b. Lent c. Advent d. Christmas Answer: D 15.What is the name for the Christian celebration of Jesus resurrection? a. Christmas b. Easter c. Lent d. Advent Answer: B

STUDY GUIDE: REL 212 Judaism

1. The name of the Nation traditionally associated with Judaism is a. Israel b. Germany c. England d. Palestine Answer: A 2. Tanakh is what Christians call the a. New Testament b. Old Testament c. Apocrypha d. Deutero-canonical writings Answer: B 3. Pentateuch refers to the a. 3 books of Moses b. 4 books of Moses c. 5 books of Moses d. 6 books of Moses Answer: C 4. Who was the 1st Patriarch of Judaism? a. Moses b. Isaac c. Jacob d. Abraham Answer: D 5. TRUE OR FALSE: The term Semite is a modern linguistic word applied to all 3 groups: (1) Jews, (2) Arabs, (3) others of eastern Mediterranean origin whose language are classified Semitic. Answer: F 6. Who was the Israelite from the tribe of Levi who escaped death and was raised by Pharaohs daughter? Answer: Moses 7. What is the name for the portable tabernacle designed by God? a. Ark of the Law b. Ark of the Temple c. Ark of the Covenant d. Ark of the Mishna Answer: C 8. Israels greatest king was a. Solomon b. David c. Jesse d. Saul Answer: B 9. The 1st Temple of Jerusalem was built under king a. Solomon b. David c. Jesse d. Saul Answer: A

STUDY GUIDE: REL 212 Judaism 10. The Persian king Cyrus allowed a small group of devoted Jews to return to their homeland from 50 years of captivity in a. Rome b. Arcadia c. Iran d. Babylon Answer: D 11. The word diaspora means a. disperse b. diverse c. law d. lifestyle Answer: A 12. While under Roman rule, the belief emerged that God would send someone to rescue the Jewish people from their suffering, and through this person the world would recognize the legitimacy of Israels beliefs in her God. What was the title for this person? a. King b. Messiah c. Prophet d. Priest Answer: B 13. The Roman army destroyed the Temple of Jerusalem for the 1 st time in the year a. 56 A.D. b. 66 A.D. c. 70 A.D. d. 80 A.D. Answer: C 14. What is the name of the Jewish holy day in which sins are confessed communally, forgiveness asked, and prayers for reconciliation with God offered? a. Rosh Hashanah b. Sukkot c. Pentecost d. Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) Answer: D 15. The Holocaust occurred during which war? a. Babylonian b. Syrian c. World War I d. World War II Answer: D 16. How many millions of European Jews died during the Holocaust? Answer: appropriate 9 millions 17. What is the 4-word Message (synderesis: DGAE) of all prophets? 18. TRUE OR FALSE: Rabbinic (Jewish) tradition emphasizes that the way out of exile (political and spiritual) is through study and righteous living. Answer: T 19. What is another name for the Decalogue? Answer: Ten Commandments 20. TRUE OR FALSE: In the Old Testament God assures Abraham that Abraham will be the father of 2 nations one line through his son Isaac (to become the Israelites), and one through his son Ishmael (whom Arabs consider their ancestor). Answer: T


1. The Buddha focused his teachings on a. earthly disease and its cure b. earthly suffering and its cure c. karma and its effects d. reincarnation and its effects Answer: B 2. The title The Buddha means The __________________ _______ Answer: enlightened one 3. Buddhism began in the country of ____________________ Answer: India 4. The Buddha was born in approximately a. 560 B.C. b. 145 A.D. c. 250 B.C. d. 4 A.D. Answer: A 5. What were the Four Sights that Siddhartha experienced? List them: 1. A sick man 2. An old man 3. A dying man 4. A holy man 6. Which of the following terms describe Buddhism? a. Theistic b. Nontheistic c. Moral Philosophy d. Way of Life Answer: C 7. The First Noble Truth states that a. all morality teaches wisdom b. life inevitably involves suffering c. happiness is the true goal of life d. there is spiritual life after death Answer: B 8. The Second Noble Truth teaches that suffering originates in a. our inordinate desires/cravings b. the thoughts of other people c. natural phenomena d. creation Answer: A 9. The Fourth Noble Truth teaches about the Noble (hint: 4x2) ___________________ ___________ Answer: Truth. 10. According to the Noble Eightfold Path, the teaching that ones trade should not harm others is known as a. right action b. right livelihood c. right effort

d. right mindfulness Answer: A

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