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STATEMENT OF PURPOSE To be Versatile & Knowledgeable, One has to be at Right place at Right time with Right Understandings Anonymous

s To be on the Acme is hard, especially when it comes to Survival of the best, but not impossible and there are so many aspects which need to be treated with care and attention. I realized my prime source of motivation at a very early stage in life the satisfaction that comes after determinedly facing challenges and emerging victorious. Be it cricket match against a stronger team or a complicated puzzle, I would never give up till the goal of winning was achieved. I constantly congratulate myself on my luck that I have experienced, and will continue to experience, a colorful life. Enamored with Electronics and Communication Engineering has enabled me to savor a much more colorful and fulfilling life. And after working for more than 3 years in corporate, I felt the need for acquiring knowledge of management to get a boost in knowledge as well as in career. I am a man with technical aptitude and an interest in management. According to me, we live only once, but if we live right, once is enough. The same truth applies to ones career decision because the career we choose is going to live with us through out our life and the education we perceive was, is and will be our most loyal friend and which will help us achieve our career goals. Moreover, education is an investment that will reap rich dividends in the future & will never go a waste. So one has to make wise career decisions in life for which he may not have to repent in the future. These elements have also contributed to another aspect in my personalitythe immortal courage to seek the fulfillment of my objectives & taking failures as teachers and always learning from them, as failure is not final. I crave for an opportunity to transcend existing boundaries, enhance my analytical and management skills so as to gain entry into management level. As part of my ambition to be a successful and knowledgeable senior level executive, I joined several technology related programs like basics of Networking. In my family, I have my parents, from whom I got to know about the sense of right and wrong. My hobbies include playing cricket, chess and solving puzzles. I love listening to music when free. To take my quest for becoming a successful Business Manager further, formal post graduate study in Business Administration has become a must and I believe that the Diploma program in Global Business Operations from one of most elite institute like SRCC would be significant in helping me achieve my objectives. It would enable me to channel my quantitative and conceptual skills in analyzing business issues and would open up new avenues. This study will provide me with the necessary theoretical and practical skills so essential for being a successful manager. GBO program will not only allow me to strengthen my base but also broaden my knowledge and understanding of business issues. After earning the GBO Diploma, I would like to apply for a corporate position, which would put my Analytical and Management skills to the best possible use

and help make a significant difference to the performance of the organization.

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