Hosereel System

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OBJECTIVE 1. To explain the hose reel system for their operation and function and maintenance.

REFERENCE 2. Manual of Fireman ship Book 9.

CONTENTS 3. Introduction. It is one of the First Aid Fire Appliance and can be used easily by everyone in attending to and fire-fighting on the initial stage of a fire outbreak. 4. The water pressure can be obtained by either through gravity (if the tank is big enough and high enough to give the required head or height for a sufficient throw and pressure) or the system is boosted by combination of electrical motor and diesel pumps. 5. The hose, normally of either 75/100 or 150 ft in length is coiled into a drum or casing. This drum or casing can be of 2 types either (a) a fixed drum if it is sited such that do not require turning or swinging of the hose and (b) a swing type which can be swing left or right. Also these hose reel drums can be mounted on wall or flushed into a wall and normally metal (red painted) boss is mace to accommodate the drums and reels. 6. The normal standard internal diameter for hose reel is 19 mm (3/4 in) and one of three types as follows: a. b. c. 7. Type 1 maximum working pressure 10 bar (150lb/in 2). Type 2 maximum working pressure 14 bar (200lb/in 2). Type 3 maximum working pressure 20 bar (300lb/in 2).

Each type of hose shall consist of: a. b. c. An inner rubber tube as lining. Suitable reinforcement. Non ablation-resisting rubber cover.

8. The lining and cover shall be uniform, reasonably concentric free from air holes, porosity and other defects. The lining shall be seamless and reinforcement shall be suitable construction and material and well impregnated with rubber. Color of hose reel shall be red as for the drum and all piping. 9. The hose(s) shall be fitted to a controlled nozzle or a standard jet nozzle of sizes. The nozzle assembly shall be or corrosion resistant materials and have permanent working to indicate the open/shut position. 10. Provision and Sitting: a. Provision. One hose reel should be provided to cover every 800 M sq. of floor space or part thereof. b. Sitting.


c. Hose reels should be sited in prominent and accessible positions at each floor level adjacent to exits in corridors on exit routes, in such way that the nozzle if the hose can be taken into every room and within 6 m of each part of a room, having regard to any obstruction. Where heavy furniture or equipment may be introduced into a room, the hose and nozzle should be capable additionally of directing jet into the back of any recess formed. d. In exceptional circumstances consideration may also be needed as to the desirability of sitting hose reels in such way that if a fire prevents access to one hose reel site, the fire can be attacked from another hose reel in the vicinity. 11. Installation Of Hose Reels: a. Hose Reel In Recesses. Preferably hose reels should install in recesses so that they do not from obstructions on a route of escape. The details of installation will vary considerably owing to be wide variation of types of hose reel and their size. A typical example of an installation a fixed hose reel is illustrated. b. Recess Doors. Any doors provided for hose reel recesses should be so hinged that they open approximately 180 so as not to offer any obstruction to the hose being run out in either direction. The doors should not normally be fitted with looks. c. Hose Reels In Open Areas. When installed on open floor areas it may be necessary to position hose reel above head height, but in these cases the nozzle retainer, the hose guide and the inlet valve should be fitted at about 900mm above floor level. It may also be desirable to provide an anti-over-run device to prevent the hose from becoming entangled when run out. d. Importance of Firm Fixing. Hose reel brackets should firmly fixed to the wall so that casual knocks received during normal use of the building and the stresses incurred during use for fire-fighting will not prevent the unimpeded use of the hose reel. 12. Coordinating Spaces for Hose Reels: a. The space required for most types of hose reel and recommendations concerning their location in relation to floor or ground level are indicated in hose reel specification. Spaces for horizontal hose reels are not given as these are considered special installation. b. The definitions of the different types of hose reel and the maximum overall size if each are given in BS 5274.

Hose Reel


NOTE 1 : NOTE 2 :


13. Water Supply for Hose Reels. Minimum requirement. As a minimum, the water supply to hose reels should be such that when the two top-most reels in a building are in use simultaneously, each will provide a jet of approximately 6 m in length and will deliver not less than 0.5 liters/s (30 liters/min). For example, when a length of 30 m of hose reel tubing (type 1 of BS 3169) is in use with a 6.35mm nozzle, a minimum static pressure of 1.25 bar will be required at the entry to each reel and with a 4.8 mm nozzle, a minimum static pressure of 3 bar will be required. 1 bar = 10 N/m 14. Booster Pumps: a. Where the water pressure in hose reel mains need to be boosted, the provision of an electrically driven pump is usually a confided method. A duplicate standby pump should also be provided. It shall be a diesel pump with a nickel/cadmium battery supplied for starting. b. Both motors and pumps should be sited in fire protected positions and the electrical supply to them should be by an exclusive circuit with the cables following a route of negligible fire risk or be provided with adequate protection. c. The booster pumps system should come into operation automatically on a drop in pressure or a flow of water. Both pumps should be automatically primed at all times. Pressure gauges are employed to sand any pressure dropped for both pumps. d. All pumps should also be capable of being started or stopped manually. The standby pump should be so arranged that it will operate automatically on a failure for any reason of the duty pump. The NIC/Cad battery rechargeable shall withstand 6 scissile starts with minimum capacity of 75 AH in 5 hours rate of discharge. = 100 kPa. 15 lb/sq in (14.7 psi)


e. An audible and visual alarm should be provided at an agreed position to indicate that the equipment and the pumping plant have operated, especially to warn of manual stop. f. Connection for Boosted Supplies. Some water undertakings do not permit a booster pump to be connected direly into a supply main. In such cases the installation should be fed from a section tank or inter-connected tanks having a minimum capacity of 1.125 liters. The tank or tank should be automatically supplied from a towns main, controlled by a valve of minimum diameter 50mm. g. Use of Domestic Water Tanks. Tanks supplying water for domestic purpose should not be used as suction tanks for hose these domestic supplies to be drawn off in such a manner that the requisite resave of water for the hose reel installation is always preserved. 15. Hose Reel Notices. For hose reel which do not have automatic action a notice should be provided indicating the need to turn on the inlet valve before running out the hose. This notice should be affixed to the wall in a prominent position adjacent to the reel. 16. Switching Procedures. On both the Duty Pump and Diesel Pump panels, the mode starts switches shall be at AUTO position always and current input available as indicated. 17. On normal condition with the NEB or LLN (TEN) electrical supplies available, the electrical pump will be in used. In case of electricity not available than the standby diesel pump will come into action. The standby pump is started by the Nickel/Cadmium battery with a capacity of 75 AH with a discharge rate of 5 hr and capable of 6 successive abortive start of the pump. 18. The electrical pump will be switch on and off automatically with sensing of pressure drop by a pressure sensor gauge. It can be switch on and off manually too depending on the mode switch. 19. The diesel pump with the mode switch set to AUTO will only switch the pump automatically with the drop in pressure as sensed by the sensor but cannot be switch off automatically. (A requirement under the Fire Officer Committee to ensure safety operations). It can only be switched off manually. Thus, to ensure the diesel pump operates efficiently, daily servicing is required to ensure: a. b. c. d. Diesel fuel top up. Engine oil top up. Battery in serviceable condition. All wirings is good condition.

e. Starting-up and stopping can be easily executed by daily running up of the pump for at least 10 minutes. f. g. Water level in the tank. Running up to be carried out in both auto function and manual.

20. Time Delay and Sensor. The sensors are adjusted to a certain requirement each differently to the electrical and diesel pumps. Adjustment being carried out on the timer relays and delay cells. This timer and delay relays are not normally adjusted after initial installation as per manufacturers specification. What ever it is all adjustment must follow closely to the specifications given. 21. Whatever the mode of switching, the moment either pump is run up an alarm bell (6) will be sounded or a buzzer. This has two factors: 181


To inform and indicate that operation of the pumps.

b. To ensure that whenever the pumps are no longer required, especially the diesel pump because of its particular requirement and wire up be manually switched off to prevent burning of pump. c. This wiring and indication will be linked to the master control panel in operation with whole fire detection system. 22. In the latest set up, water level micro switches wire up with the pumps starting circuit is also installed. This feature will inhibit both pumps from operation when the water level in the Hose Reel System water tank falls below a set level. This is to ensure that both pumps will not burnt out should there be no water, and pump keep running especially so in the case of diesel pump.


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