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Reimbursement of surrender leave salary in respect of Sri I/c Chief Engineer (R&B) on deputation with for a period of days

as on 01-01-2012 for the financial year 2011-12 APTC FORM 56 (See Subsidiary Rule 18 (C) under Treasury Rule 16) Detailed Countersigned Contingent Bill (Countersigned before payment) No Note: This form should be used in the case of bills countersigned by the Controlling office before payment Dist: Detailed Bill of contingent Voucher No. Charges for month of List Of 20 of payments For ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Number of Description of charges and Amount Sub-Voucher No & Date of authority of All charges requiring special Sanction ______________________________________________________________________________ 1) Rc. No. Office expenses, materials Dt - - 2012 and supplies Rs. 2) Proc. No. Ser.I(4)/2012-1, Dt. - - 2012 of the O/o The Engineer-in-Chief (R&B), Dept., Hyderabad, AP. ______________________________________________________________________________ Total Rs ____________________________________________________________________________ (Rupees ) 1. I certify that the expenditure charged in this bill could not with due regard to the interests of the public service, be avoided. I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief the payments entered in the bill have been duly made to the parties entitled to received them, with the exception noted below which exceed the balance of the permanent advance and will be paid of the money drawn on this bill. Vouchers for all items of expenditure above Rs. 25 in amount and all bills to be paid by book transfer are attached to this bill save noted below, which will be forwarded as soon as the amounts have been paid. I have as far as possible obtained vouchers for other sums, and am responsible that they have been so cancelled that they cannot be used again. 2. Certified that the acquaintances of the several menials for whom pay has been drain in the previous bills have been duly taken in the office acquaintance register. 3. Certified that the materials and stores billed for above have been brought on the respective inventories and that all materials and stores are being duly accounted for the verified in the manner laid down in Articles 133-145 Andhra Pradesh Financial Code. 4. Certified further that the articles or materials billed for have been purchased on the tender system prescribed in Article 125, A.P.Financial Code and have been received in good order, that their quantities are correct and their quality good, that the rates paid are not excess of the accepted and the market rates and that suitable notes of payment have been recorded against the original indents and invoices concerned to prevent double payments. 5. Certified that a. The expenditure on conveyance hire charged in this bill in terms of item II of Appendix 7 of A.P. Financial Code was actually incurred was unavoidable and is within the schedule scale of charges for the conveyance used and b. The Government servant concerned is not entitled to draw travelling under the ordinary rules for the journey, and he is not granted any compensatory leave and does not and will not otherwise any special remuneration for the performance of the duty which necessitated the journey.

6. Certified that the furniture taken to camp is not in excess of the scales prescribed in the Annexure to Appendix 7 A.P. Financial Code Vol II 7. Certified that all menials whose pay has been charged in this bill were actually entertained in Government service during the period concerned 8. Certified that the expenditure on watermen or the supply of water has been scrutinized and is necessary 9. Certified that in respect of the amount drawn on account of rents rates and taxes in this bill a. No portion of the building for which the expenditure was incurred was utilised for residential or other purposes during the period the charges were paid b. The expenditure in respect of the portion of the building used for residential or other purposes during the period for which the charges were paid has been recovered from the under mentioned Government Servants from whom it was due. ( in the case of drawing and disbursing officers who do not find it possible to furnish the first portion of this certificate due to the fact that the imprest amounts haled by each of them are much less than the monthly rate of contingent expenditure on rents, rates and taxes etc required to be paid by each of them to different parties the following certificate should in lieu of the first portion of the certificate) Certified that a) The amounts drawn on account of rents, rates and taxes etc. in the previous contingent bill of the type (number and ate to be given have actually been paid to parties concerned and that) b) The amounts drain in this bill will be paid to the parties on realization. 10. Certified that the monetary or quantitative limits prescribed by the Government in respect of the items of contingencies included in the bill have not been exceeded. 11.Certified that in respect of pensioners re-employed as menial whose pay has been charged in this bill, such has been fixed with reference to paragraph 521 of the AP Pension Code and Government Memorandum No. 86584 Financial (Pension-I) dt. 30th November, 1951. 12.Certified that the menials whose pay has been charged in this bill are reemployed pensioners. _____________________________________________________________________________ Received contents Appropriation of Current year A Cheque / DD may be Expenditure including this bill __________________ May be drain in favour of the Amount of bills to be paid by book transfer annexed Balance available _________________________ ____________________ Signature and Designation of the Drawing Officer _______________________________________________________________________________ X Note : The progress of expenditure should be recorded under each sub-head of appropriation and , if so directed by a controlling authority, under each detailed account head. For use of controlling officer Passed for Rupees ( in words) I certify that in support of every charge of more than Rs. 25 made in this bill, a receipt or other voucher has been given to me and is in my possession. The receipts and vouchers for items in excess of Rs. 100/- are attached to the bill with the exception of those noted above which will be sent after payment and I am responsible that the receipts and vouchers for all other items of more than Rs. 25 are in proper form and order, and that they have been so cancelled that they cannot be used again to support claim against the Government. All bills to be paid by book transfer as also appended. Dated Signature

Designation Controlling Officer __________________________________________________________________________________ For use in the Accountant General Office Head of Service Admitted for Rs. Chargeable Objected to Rs. Reasons for Objection Auditor Senior Accountant

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