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[email protected] V. Syed Shafee, Sr.Asst. CHNC- Kanekal - Anantapur Dist.


All GS under administrative control of Andhra Pradesh Government whose pay is debitable to consolidated fund of state.


It includes parents, spouse, Children including adopted and step children Parents are eligible for transfer TA only Parents who are pensioners are not eligible.

All TA bills except fixed travel allowance (FTA) Bills should be counter signed by controlling officer (CO). (Rule 3) All heads of Offices (HOO) are the controlling officers. (Rule 4 ) Heads of Departments, District Judges cadre, District Collectors, Superintendent engineers etc can countersign their TA Bills. (Rule 5)

GRADES OF GOVT. SERVANTS ( Rule 8, Annexure 1 )

GRADE- I -Rs.14600-29250 and above GRADE-II -Rs.7770-18575 to Rs.13390-28500 GRADE-III- Rest of the employees * The Pay Scales assigned for A A S shall not be taken into account for determination of grades.

Details of posts for which FTA is given in AnnexureII Rates & number of days of tour fixed for FTA holders are given in Annexure-III. (Rule-12) FTA not admissible during leave other than casual leave & joining Time. (Rule-13) FTA claimed along with pay bill (Rule- 17)


Minimum No. of days required to be toured in a month

Rate to be allowed if the Jurisdiction is Mandal Within three Mandals but one division Within Revenue Division

Officers on a pay scale up to Rs.5200-11715*

15 days 20 days

Rs. 400 500 450 550

Rs. 450 550 500 600

Rs. 500 600 550 650

Officers on a pay scale of 15 days Rs.5470-12325* and above 20 days

Officers entitled to maintain and use motor car, Motor cycle/ scooter are given in Annexure IV. (24 i ) When MA is claimed, DA is not given (24 ii) rates applicable are Rs.10/-Km for journey by car & Rs3/- Km for scooter/ motor cycle journey.

All GS drawing pay in scale of Rs.7770-18575 and above as per 2005 pay scales are eligible to travel by 1st class in rail & others by 2nd class.(27i) Officers drawing the scale of pay of Rs.19675-30765/- & above as per 2005 pay scales & all HODs irrespective of Pay and Deputy secretaries of the Government can travel by air.(34) AIS Officers drawing a pay of Rs. 16400/- at their discretion Rs. 12,600/-to 16400/-if the distance involved is 500km &journey cannot be performed overnight by direct train Those Who are eligible by 1st class can travel by 2nd AC, 3rd AC & AC Chair car.( 27 ii) Those who are eligible for Air travel can travel by 1st class AC.(27iii) Reservation charges can be claimed for all. (27 iv)

DA is given when one is absent from Head quarters & travels a distance of 8 KM and absent for more than 6 hours. (Rule 36) DA for 6 Hrs - 12 hrs absence (Rule 40) 1 DA for more than 12 hrs absence. When tours outside state from alighting point to place of residence/ stay, actual taxi/auto charges are given. When visits various offices, not exceeding Rs.200/- per day is given

When holidays & Causal leave are availed during tour, DA is not admissible. When lodging & boarding is provided free 1/4th DA is admissible When lodging (or) boarding is provided free, DA is admissible When no free lodging or boarding is provided, but lodge reimbursement is given full DA is given.

Rates of Daily Allowance

Grade Grade- I Grade- II Within the state Outside the State 200/125/250/150/-

Grade - III 100/125/* All Govt. employees are eligible to draw full daily allowance for the entire duration of their official tour.


WITHIN THE OUTSIDE THE STATE STATE(Hyd., Warangal, A B class Others Tirupati, class Vijayawada, Guntur, Kurnool,Vishakap atnam.)



500 300 200

350 250 150

300 200 125

In case of Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata,Chennai and

Bangalore increased by 75% of normal rates


for touring within jurisdiction HOO To tour outside jurisdiction but within state - HOD To tour outside state - Government

TTA (Rule 55 to 59)

TA is given only on administrative transfers. No TA for request Transfer. GS will be given (2) fares when transferred for eligible claim. All family members who are elders are eligible for one fare and half fare for each child who is between 5 yrs 12 Yrs. When travel between 2 places not connected by public service, (2) mileages are given if more than (3) members of family travel one mileage if family members are less than (3) members

Mileages admissible
Between places not connected by train Between places not connected by train To self between places not connected by train 3 mileages 2 mileages 2 mileages 1 mileage if family members are 3 To family members between places not connected by train 2 mileage if family members are more than 3

Rates of mileage
GRADE GRADE-I GRADE-II GRADE-III Rate of mileage (when not connected by train) Rs. 5 per km Rs.3.50 per km Rs. 3 per km


when connected by train

When transports by train goods train rate is given.


GRADE ADMISSIBLE RATE (RSP 2005) Out side the state GRADE-I GRADE-II Rs.3500 Rs.3000 Within the Within the state zone Rs.500 Rs.250 Rs.300 Rs.150

GRADE-III Rs.2000 Rs.200 Rs100 *GS drawing pay in the pay scale of Rs. 1619527965 and above shall be allowed Rs.5400



Rs.7500 Rs.5000 Rs.2500

* GS drawing pay in the pay scale of Rs. 1619527965 and above shall be allowed Rs.8500


In respect of retired employees TA is regulated similar to what is given on a transfer. Only single fare is given to self & to all dependant family members who are eligible. It is given only when Home town is mentioned in SR. One should necessarily go to Hometown only.

Given once in a block year of 2 years to go to home town and anywhere in AP. All employees who have completed 5 Yrs of continuous service are eligible. Who is competent to sanction any leave other than casual leave is competent to sanction LTC. Atleast minimum of (01) day leave should be applied for

Parents of female Non-Gaz. Officers are also eligible provided they are dependent. Children born on or after 1.4.96 are not eligible provided if the GS has got (2) children as on 1.4.96. Parents of Gazetted officers are not eligible.

Home town can be native place, or place of permanent residence of parents (or) ownership of immovable property. Home town can be changed once in service under exceptional circumstances.

Time Limit
Type Tour TA claim Transfer TA LTC Time limit Within 3 months from the last date of journey within three months from the date of journey Within one month from the date of journey

80% of eligible amount can be taken as advance. DDO can sanction advance. If journey is not commenced within ONE (1) month from date of drawal of advance, it should be remitted

Regularities of claims
Original tickets of train/bus to be enclosed. Break journeys can be made. GS & Family can travel separately in case of transfer but time gap of (6) months of the onward journey. When spouse is a Government servant or private employee, only one is eligible for LTC for that year & should produce certificate to the effect that She/he has not availed LTC.

TA given not exceeding (2) times for those to attend departmental examination. DA is not given. (73 ) while attending courts regarding official cases, TA and DA is Given. ( 82) When individuals are sent for training, TA as on tour is given. DA is given only for 1st 90 days.

Entire amount be recovered in one lumpsum. Disciplinary action as per CCA rules. Right of GS to go on LTC be forfeited

Responsibility of DDO
Necessity, duration and frequency of journeys Verification of distances and rates Submission within the time limits

Calculate the T.A claims of an officer in the pay scale of Rs.19675-30765/- stationed at Hyderabad for the following journeys. 4.9.2007 to8.9.2007 Left at 8 AM by Air for New Delhi and reached by 10.30 AM, Air fare Rs. 4,200 Incurred Rs. 200 towards taxi charge from the Airport to Govt. guest house Stayed at Delhi till 8.9.2007 On each day spent R.300 towards Taxi charges (for 5 days) for visiting local offices as Government vehicle was not available 9.9.2007 Left Delhi at 8 AM and reached Hyderabad by 10.30 AM Incurred Rs. 200 towards Taxi Hire from guest house to Delhi Airport Air fare Rs. 4,200 from Delhi to Hyderabad 10.9.2007 & 11.9.2007 Left at 8 AM for Karimnagar by own car and reached by 1 PM. Stayed in a private Lodge paying Rs. 300 a day Distance 162 KM from Hyderabad to Karimnagar Left at 6 AM on 11.9.2007 and reached 10 AM by own car.

14.9.2007 Left at 7 PM from Hyderabad and Reached Nellore by 6 AM on 15.9.2007 Rail Fare 1st Class Rs.1750. Stayed at Nellore on 15.9.2007 . 16.9.2007 Availed Casual leave on Medical grounds 17.9.2007 FN resumed duty and left for Tirupathi by Government vehicle at 1 Pm and reached by 5 PM 18.9.2007. Left at 5 PM by Rail and reached Hyderabad on 19.9.2007 at 6 AM by Rail AC I Class Fare Rs. 4400. During his stay at Tirupathi for one day on 17.9.2007. Stayed in a Private Lodge incurring Rs. 400 towards Lodging charges.

A Non Gazetted Govt. Servant drawing a pay of Rs.11125/in the scale of Rs.10285-24200 was granted permission to avail LTC from Hyderabad to Tirumala. His family consists wife, father, mother. son aged 25 years ( wholly dependent), daughter aged 17 years. All of them went to Tirupathi by traveling in first class. From Tirupathi to Tirumala by Bus. On return journey from Tirumala availed free Transport. Distance from Hyderabad to Tirupathi 650kms. Bus fare from Tirupathi to Tirumala Rs. 40/First class fare is Rs. 3/- per km Second Class fare is Rs. 2/- per km The return Journey was performed by them as follows which is a long route. Tirupathi to Rajamundry : 600km by first class Rajamundry to Hyderabad 610km by second class. The father of the employee is a pensioner. The employee was sanctioned LTC advance of Rs.10,000/Calculate the LTC admissible.

Fixed Travelling Allowance A Government Employee drawing pay in the scale of Rs. 8815- 20300, whose jurisdiction extends to a Mandal, minimum touring required for month is 20 days and is in receipt of Fixed Travelling Allowance, availed earned leave for 12 days during the month of November 2007. He performed a tour of 14 days during the month of November 2007. Calculate and show how much Fixed Travelling Allowance the employee can claim with the pay bill.

No. of days in the month of November,2007 = 30 days Earned Leave = 12 days Duty Period = 18 days Minimum touring required per month = 20 days Minimum touring required per duty period = 20 X 18/30=12 days Days Actually Toured = 14 days Fixed Travelling Allowance to be paid per month = Rs. 550/Fixed Travelling Allowance to be paid for the Duty Period = 12 X550/20 = Rs. 330/-

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