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Nourish the Children

Fundraising With More Purpose Than Ever Before

Minimal Effort Maximum Return

Immeasurable Impact

Nourish the Children

FoodDrive & Fundraising Program Perfect for Teams, Schools, Churches & Countless Other Organizations

Raise Funds

W n i AW

n i in-W
Culture of Giving Break Cycle of Malnutrition

NTC FoodDrive ~ Minimal Effort, Maximum Return, Immeasurable Impact

Why Make a Nourish the Children FoodDrive Your Fundraising Program?

Raise Funds

Culture of Giving
NTC FoodDrive ~ Minimal Effort, Maximum Return, Immeasurable Impact

Break Cycle of Malnutrition

The Facts of Malnutrition

Break Cycle of Malnutrition

Every six seconds a child dies from malnutrition Almost 10 million people die each year from hunger & malnutrition Today, more than 800 million people, mostly children, suffer from hunger Most food aid provides calories but lacks nutrients necessary for health and development The effects of malnutrition in children stunted growth anemia improper bone development decreased learning capacity weakened immune system impaired vision and eye development digestive disorders

The solution is VitaMeal

NTC FoodDrive ~ Minimal Effort, Maximum Return, Immeasurable Impact

vitamin A for normal sight and immune functions

distributed in conjunction with educational programs


electrolytes necessary for maintaining normal uid balance and muscle function a balance of carbohydrate, protein, fat and ber provides bone nutrients for normal growth and skeletal development

Formulated with Dr. Ken Brown, UC Davis, world renowned specialist in treatment & prevention of childhood malnutrition in poverty essential fatty acids required for normal brain development, skin health and immune defense
NTC FoodDrive ~ Minimal Effort, Maximum Return, Immeasurable Impact

Agriculture schools & manufacturing plant = economic opportunity

Breaking the Cycle Nutritionally & Economically

Break Cycle of Malnutrition

A Hand Up ~ Not a Hand Out

Nutrient rich meals improve child development and learning Meal distribution brings families into educational programs School of Agricultural & Family Independence Family farming crops improved by 700% Manufacturing plants in Malawi & China creates local jobs and demand for ingredients Clean water programs Distributed by RedCross for disaster relief to nourish in times of crisis

NTC FoodDrive ~ Minimal Effort, Maximum Return, Immeasurable Impact

Why Make a Nourish the Children FoodDrive Your Fundraising Program?

Raise Funds

Culture of Giving

Break Cycle of Malnutrition

NTC FoodDrive ~ Minimal Effort, Maximum Return, Immeasurable Impact

Create A Culture of Giving Through Service

Culture of Giving

Teaching children that they can make a difference at a young age Humanitarian Relief Effort Rich opportunity for the organization to demonstrate a culture of giving Personal joy of caring for others & power to do something Encourages to look beyond own struggles Participants have added pride knowing the impact of their efforts Leading by example Walk the Talk When children are involved in giving they tend to grow into adults who give

NTC FoodDrive ~ Minimal Effort, Maximum Return, Immeasurable Impact

Why Make a Nourish the Children FoodDrive Your Fundraising Program?

Raise Funds

Culture of Giving

Break Cycle of Malnutrition

NTC FoodDrive ~ Minimal Effort, Maximum Return, Immeasurable Impact

Participants need only reach out to their

Circle of Inuence

Raise Funds

To secure donors of VitaMeal @ $24.75/month

NTC FoodDrive ~ Minimal Effort, Maximum Return, Immeasurable Impact

Raise Funds

VitaMeal FoodDrive ~ Fundraising Estimates

# Bags Sponsored Monthly Annual Funds Monthly Funds for You Raised 200 400 600 800 $1,092 $2,392 $3,900 $5,200 $13,104 $28,704 $46,800 $62,400 Meals Provided to Starving Children / Year 72,000 144,000 216,000 288,000

($ amounts are estimates based on participation level effective April 2013)

Practical Advantages over Other Fundraising Models

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Raise Funds

Funds continue to ow into organization throughout the year Turn-key implementation guided by a fundraising coach - a real live person No investment, No inventory, No product for participants to deliver VitaMeal Purchases / Donations are processed electronically Marketing templates provided digitally Complete web-based management system available minimal paperwork No cash or checks for young participants to handle Not only fundraising, but also a Humanitarian Relief Effort Create a culture of giving - participants have a sense of pride helping starving children, rather than simply "selling goods" 10. Signicant potential for raising funds 11. In-kind tax deductible for most supporters 12. Donation receipts are sent directly and automatically to supporters 13. Supporters contribute to both their local AND global communities simultaneously
NTC FoodDrive ~ Minimal Effort, Maximum Return, Immeasurable Impact

How It Works - Overview

1. Nutritional Manufacturer (for prot)
-meal developed exclusively for malnourished children -developed in conjunction with University CA, Davis -and scientic experts in child malnutrition -same nutritional company trusted by US Olympic committee -Forbes Most Trusted Company 2011 -provide purchase receipt

2. Organization Fundraisers
-rally donors to purchase & donate meals* -receive funds from manufacturer xx xx- -funds raised between $1.30$6.50/ bag* -auto mthly donations=ongoing revenue*

3. Charity Partners (501c3 non-prot)

-trusted to distribute meals where most needed
-provide donation receipt
NTC FoodDrive ~ Minimal Effort, Maximum Return, Immeasurable Impact

Thats Why
Raise Funds

Culture of Giving
NTC FoodDrive ~ Minimal Effort, Maximum Return, Immeasurable Impact

Break Cycle of Malnutrition

Nourish the Children

Fundraising With More Purpose Than Ever Before

Minimal Effort Maximum Return

m Im

e l b a r u s ea

t c a p Im

Will you Nourish the Children this year by letting us help you?

Raise Funds

Culture of Giving

Break Cycle of Malnutrition

NTC FoodDrive ~ Minimal Effort, Maximum Return, Immeasurable Impact

Some Additional Notes

Supporters Donate with Condence

Supporters Know
what their money will buy how their donated VitaMeal will be used

they will receive a receipt they are donating through highly respected charity partners
VitaMeal is created by NuSkin, a top rated US company and one of Forbes Top 5 Most Trusted Companies. NSE products are trusted & approved by US Olympic Committee Lee Iacocca, former chairman of Chrysler Corporation and former president of Ford Motor Company, is chairman emeritus of the Nourish the Children Advisory Board. The primary charity partner for Nourish the Children is Feed The Children, one of the largest international charities in the United States, which specializes in distributing millions of pounds of food each year to families in more than 60 countries. This charity partner distributes the donated VitaMeal at no addition costs and provides regular reports documenting the receipt of food by those in need.

NTC Fundraising ~ Minimal Effort, Maximum Return, Immeasurable Impact

Making a Difference Everyday

More than 300,000,000 meals have been donated since 2002. An average of 2.1 million meals donated each month to areas of the world in greatest need. In many cases, VitaMeal is served at school to attract children to nourish their minds as well as their bodies. With VitaMeal, we reached out to those suffering from severe drought conditions in Kenya and Somalia with an initial donation of more than 700,000 meals to humanitarian organizations. Convoy of Hope and Globus Relief are the charity partners that have transported VitaMeal to the affected countries. Combines the skills and resources of a for-prot company with the commitment and action of local communities, and then add the expertise of non-prot relief agencies to distribute nourishment to tens of thousands of malnourished children every month VitaMeal plants in Malawi are providing jobs and economic development, as well as nourishing food. These plants cut distribution costs, create a demand for cash crops and are improving the livelihood of many local farmers and local economies. In Malawi 95% of people are farmers Our School of Agriculture & Family Independence (SAFI) has improved student crops by 700%, more than 150 families have attended and return to their own village to teach others.

NTC Fundraising ~ Minimal Effort, Maximum Return, Immeasurable Impact

Some Additional Sites to Visit:

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