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Capstone Project 1 and 2 Information Technology Division ICS Department

Capstone Project Guidelines Version 1.2

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar

Table of Contents Definition Suggested Areas/Topics Project Duration / Content Group Composition Adviser / Panel Member Composition Capstone Project / Thesis Adviser Technical Adviser Panel Member Schedule / Time Table Proposal Presentation / Defense Format IPR Grading System Submission of Requirements Appendix 1: Title Page format Appendix 2: THS Forms THS1-Form1: Title Proposal Form THS1-Form2: Oral Exams Endorsement Form THS1-Form3a: Capstone Project Oral Defense Panel Schedule THS1-Form3b: Memorandum to Capstone Project Oral Defense Panel THS2-Form1: Oral Exams Endorsement Sheet THS2-Form2a: Capstone Project Oral Defense Panel Schedule THS2-Form2b: Memorandum to Capstone Project Oral Defense Panel THS2-Form3: Approval Sheet Appendix 3: Evaluation Forms THS1-Evaluation Forms THS2-Evaluation Forms Appendix 4: Documentation Content 6 6 6 6 8 8 10 11 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 36 42 3 3 4 5

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar

A. Definition According to the CMO Research 2010, a Capstone Project is an undertaking appropriate to a professional field that should significantly address an existing problem or need. Students who will be taking this course are encouraged to come up with original ideas, outcomes, and applications by applying their knowledge, skills and competencies learned in previous subjects. The Capstone Project Adviser will be the one to determine the appropriate level of complexity of a specific projects scope, implementation and proposed solution by considering the duration of the project, the composition of the team, and the resources available. Based on the CMO memorandum of 2010, an Information Technology Capstone Project should focus on the infrastructure, application, or processes involved in introducing a Computing solution to a problem recommended infrastructure and its implications on other systems should be clearly specified in the final report with the introduction of the project. Based on the focus, capstone projects need not require descriptive methodologies, theoretical frameworks, surveys/questionnaires, or statistical treatments, unless considered appropriate or needed in determining project results.

B. Suggested Areas/Topics As recommended by the Commission on Higher Education, the following topics are considered for students taking up BS Information Technology: 1. Software Development a. Software Customization b. Information Systems Development for an actual client (with pilot testing) c. Web Applications Development (with at least alpha testing on live servers) d. Mobile Computing Systems 2. Multimedia Systems a. Game Development b. e-Learning Systems c. Interactive Systems d. Information Kiosks 3. Network Design and Implementation and Server Farm Configuration and Management 4. IT Management a. IT Strategic Plan for sufficiently complex enterprises b. IT Security Analysis, Planning and Implementation

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar

C. Project Duration / Content Capstone Project is divided into two (2) semesters THS1 and THS2. THS1 or Capstone Project 1 is the projects Title which will be taken during the second semester of each school year and must be defended at the end of the term. Chapters 1, 2, and 3 will be presented and defended in front of a group of panel members. THS1 will be composed of the following chapter content: Title Page (see format in Appendix 1) Executive Summary Table of Contents List of Figures, List of Tables, List of Notations Chapter 1: Introduction 1. Project Context 2. Purpose and Description 3. Objectives a. General objective b. Specific objectives 4. Scope and limitations Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature, Studies, and Systems Arranged per topic (minimum of 25 citations) Include Synthesis at the end Chapter 3: Technical Background 1. Methodology 2. Requirements Analysis 3. Overview System requirements Prototype (if any) Bibliography THS2 or Capstone Project 2 is the projects implementation and results analysis which will be taken on the first semester of the succeeding school year. An additional two (2) chapters will be presented and defended in front of the same group of panel members. Chapter 4: Implementation, Results and Discussion 1. Requirements Documentation include Design Methodology include Event/ Use Case Diagram include Systems Requirements 2. Design of Software, Systems, Product, and/or Processes Flow chart (for hardware) Class Diagrams (for software/system) Sequence Diagrams (for software/system) Network Design (if applicable)

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar

Database Design (if applicable) Circuit diagram (for hardware) 3. Development and Testing, where applicable Include test procedures and test case scenarios 4. Description of the Prototype, where applicable Include screen shots/ pictures 5. Implementation Plan (Infrastructure/Deployment) where needed 6. Implementation Results, where applicable Tables, statistical treatments Chapter 5: Recommendations Bibliography Appendices (may include the following) Relevant Source Code Evaluation Tool or Test Documents Sample input/output/Reports Users Guide/Manual Process/Data/Information Flow One-Page Curriculum Vitae per team member See Appendix 4: Documentation Content for brief descriptions of each part. It must be duly noted by both Adviser and Panel members that the project is feasible within the given time frame.

D. Group Composition A student who will enrol in THS1 must have complied with all of the subjects pre-requisites. Subject co-requisites must also be strictly followed. Pre-requisite IM201 PRACT1 Co-requisite ENG108A, IM203, IT256 PRACT2


The group will be composed of a maximum of five (5) members composed of four (4) students and one (1) Technical Adviser. The choice of group members is crucial as students need to be enrolled in the same section and retain the same grouping in THS2. The Technical Adviser must also still be the same. The Technical Adviser will be introduced after a Project Proposal has been approved by the Capstone Project Adviser. Recommendations as to who the Technical Adviser will be will also come from the Capstone Project Adviser.

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar

E. Adviser / Panel Member Composition Who is the Capstone Project Adviser? A Capstone Project Adviser or a Thesis Adviser is responsible for one Thesis class with a maximum of 40 students. Thesis Advisers determine if the project follows CMO guidelines and documentation content jives with the system being developed. Project status must be closely monitored and documented. THS1 Thesis Advisers must closely coordinate with ENG108A (Technical Writing) advisers in the Engineering Sciences Department. Document check will also be done in this subject to add to students overall proficiency. Once a groups project proposal has been approved, the Thesis Adviser will recommend a Technical Adviser to the group who will serve as a co-author of the capstone project. Thesis Advisers must closely coordinate with the Technical Advisers to check on the progress of the group. Who is the Technical Adviser? A Technical Adviser or Co-Author is chosen based on their field of expertise and its relevance to the groups project output. Only one (1) Technical Adviser can be assigned per group. Their role is to identify and discuss the technical needs of the project and work handin-hand with the group in order to create the project. Technical Advisers are faculty members of the Information and Computer Studies Department. The Technical Adviser must be present during the title and final defense as part of the project proponents. Having a Technical Adviser is mandatory, thus, if a group is unable to get one, the Thesis Adviser will become the groups Technical Adviser. Who is the Panel Member? Panel Members are chosen based on their field of expertise and its relevance to the groups project output. They are composed of at least three (3) members that includes the Thesis Adviser. A Technical Adviser cannot be a panel member of his/her own group.

F. Schedule / Time Table Thesis Advisers are to meet their respective section on the first week of classes and closely monitored every week thereafter. It is recommended that the group keep a Thesis Journal a notebook which records all weekly progress from THS1 up to THS2.

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar

Groupings must be done within the first two (2) meetings immediately followed by submission of five (5) Project proposals. For a Project proposal to be approved, it must be duly signed and noted by three (3) professors, based on recommendations given by the Thesis Adviser. More often than not, the three (3) signatories can also be the panel members later on. Once accepted, the Thesis Adviser must handover the group to a Technical Adviser. Upon acceptance of the Technical Adviser, that is the only time the group may proceed to do their documentation. The Thesis Adviser is still responsible for checking each groups status to meet the project deadlines which are recommended as follows: THS1: Project proposal Chapter 1 Chapter 2 and 3 Pre-oral defense Title oral defense

two (2) weeks prior to the Preliminary Examinations two (2) weeks after the Preliminary Examinations two (2) weeks after submission of Chapter 1 immediately after submission of Chapters 1 to 3 immediately after the pre-oral defense

THS1 oral defense need not have a working prototype/system. Overview of expected outcome should be discussed in Chapter 3: Technical Description. THS2: Implementation Plan (Gantt chart) Requirements documentation System Design (diagrams) Prototype (50% working) System Testing User Testing (if applicable) Implementation Results Recommendations Pre-oral defense Final oral defense

Prelim Period Two (2) weeks prior to the Prelim Examinations Final Period Four (4) weeks after the Prelim Examinations Immediately after gathering of Results Immediately after completion of Documentation Two (2) weeks prior to the Final Examination

THS2 oral defense must have a 100% working system/prototype. Schedule (time and room) of pre-oral defense will be upon the discretion of the Thesis Adviser. Panel members are not yet required during the pre-oral presentation.

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar

Schedule (time and room) of Title defense and Final defense will be defined by the IT Thesis Coordinator. Technical Adviser and Panel members must be present all throughout the entire presentation.

G. Proposal A Project Proposal must meet the standards set by the CMO of 2010 (Refer to Section B Suggested Areas). Project proposals must be submitted during the Preliminary period of THS1. Each group is encouraged to submit a minimum of five (5) proposals of varying topics in case a proposed title already exists. Thesis Advisers must closely coordinate with the IT Thesis Coordinator to ensure that project titles are unique and different from other sections. For Project proposal form, refer to Appendix 2: THS Forms: THS1-Form1 H. Presentation / Defense For Information Technology Capstone Projects, presentation in a public forum is encouraged. In this case, any target clients or beneficiaries, industry experts or industry practitioners can be invited as audience or be a member of the panel. Before the oral defense: During pre-oral defense, the group must first fill out the Oral Exams Endorsement Sheet (See Appendix 2: THS Forms). The Thesis Adviser must receive and evaluate the final copy of the Project document during the pre-oral defense before signing the form. Note: The group cannot proceed with the oral defense if the Thesis Adviser does not sign Form2. This only indicates that the group is not yet ready to defend their thesis. After the pre-oral defense, the group must fill out the Capstone Project Oral Defense Panel Schedule and Memorandum to Thesis Oral Defense Panel (See Appendix 2: THS Forms). Verify from the IT Thesis Coordinator the schedule available for the oral defense. The forms should be duly signed by the Thesis Adviser, Technical Adviser, and IT Thesis Coordinator. Note: Panel members are chosen by the Thesis Adviser and/or IT Thesis Coordinator only. Each panel member is to receive an honorarium for their services rendered. Groups must prepare the honoraria at least three (3) days prior to the oral defense schedule and must be

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar

coursed through the Thesis Adviser. After the oral defense, the Thesis Adviser will be the one to distribute the honoraria to the panel, in which an acknowledgement is made Php200 for THS1 in the form of vouchers or gift certificates and Php500 for THS2 in cash. Provide a copy of the required forms and thesis document to all the panel members at least 3 working days before the defense date. During the oral defense: Each group must have a scribe or secretary to take down notes during the defense proper. All group members must be present during the defense. If possible, remind the panel members of the defense schedule an hour before it starts. Group members must be in proper business attire: Men: Long sleeve shirts with necktie Dress slacks Leather shoes Formal Coat (recommended) Ladies: Dress shirts/blouses Skirt of appropriate length Closed shoes with heels Blazers (recommended) The duration of the oral defense is thirty (30) to ninety (90) minutes, broken down as follows: THS1: Equipment set-up Presentation of slides Q&A Panel deliberation Equipment set-up Presentation of slides System demonstration Q&A Panel deliberation 5 min. 15 min. 20 min. 10 min. 10 min. 20 min. 20 min. 30 min. 10 min.


The Oral Defense Evaluation Sheet should be given to the Panel members and Thesis adviser during the defense proper. For THS1, see Appendix 3: Evaluation Forms: THS1-EvaluationForms. In THS2, the Endorsement Sheet should be given to the Thesis Adviser during the defense proper

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


For THS2, see Appendix 3: Evaluation Forms: THS2-EvaluationForms. During deliberation: Group members, technical adviser and scribe are requested to leave the defense room during deliberation. After which, the Thesis Adviser will call back the proponents to give the verdict. After the oral defense: As a form of courtesy, the group must prepare food for the panel members. This should be served to the panel after the defense. The Thesis Adviser will announce the verdict to the group which includes: Grade Pass the group has successfully passed the course. Expectations have been met successfully. Conditional Pass The group has revisions that need to be met before being given a grade of pass. Required revisions and changes need to be reviewed by either Thesis Adviser or Panel Members or both. A re-oral exam may again be required. Fail The group has failed the course due to unresolved issues (i.e. Prototype not fully functional, document does not match outcome, etc.) NOTE: During THS1, if a group fails in their proposal defense, they are given a grade of INC instead of 5.0. The failing grade is only applicable to THS2. See Section K Grading System for more details. Required Revisions and changes No revisions no revisions, revisions on document format only Minor revisions minor revisions on document OR prototype/system Major revisions minor revisions on BOTH document and prototype/system, major revision on document OR prototype I. Format The Capstone Project documentation will follow the APA format. Writing styles and techniques need to be closely coordinated with ENG108A Advisers. Other formats include the following: o o o Document size 8 x 11 Margins: 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 (left hand margin is bigger for binding purposes) Font style: Arial

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


o o o o o o o J. IPR

Font size: 11 pts Double spacing, paragraph single indent Pagination on upper right hand portion of paper (page 1 starts with Chapter 1, pages prior to Chapter 1 will use small roman numerals, i.e. i, ii, iii) Use of Chapter format: headers are centered and bold Paragraph content are all justified Figure number and labels are centered and italicized BELOW the figure itself Table number and labels are centered and italicized ABOVE the table itself

All Capstone Projects must be new, unique and not infringe on any existing intellectual property. Proper citation must be given to previous Projects, including but not limited to open source software and technology. References must be properly cited, most especially in Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature, Studies and Systems. Copy-pasting from books, journals, websites, etc. is not allowed. According to CHED memorandum, an undergraduate research paper must have a minimum of twenty-five (25) citations, each of which must be properly cited. K. Grading System Groups will be graded based on the following recommendations: Panel grade 70% Thesis Adviser grade 20% Individual member grade 10% Individual member group grade will be based on member cooperation. Grading will be done individually. Thesis Adviser grade will be based on timely submission of requirements and overall group performance throughout the entire semester. Grading will be done as a group. For THS1, Panel grade will be based on document content and oral defense. Grading will be done individually and as a group. For THS2, Panel grade will be based on document content, system/prototype, and oral defense. Grading will be done individually and as a group. See Appendix 3: Evaluation Forms for grade sheet formats. All the members of the group must be present during the defense. A no show on the part of the group member shall be a valid ground for a grade of 5.0. Only for valid reason/s, shall a group be allowed to re-schedule their presentation. The Thesis Adviser of the group will determine whether the group will be allowed to present at a later date.

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


Schedule must be verified with the Panel members and the IT Thesis Coordinator. The concerned group seeking a re-schedule will be the one to find a schedule that will not compromise the schedule of the panelist and the students. The students are discouraged from seeking excuses from their classes because of the scheduled defense /presentation. The last day of presentation/defense will be determined by the IT Thesis Coordinator, usually prior to the final exam week. No defense/presentation will be allowed during the final exam week and the semestral break. If the group foresees that they cannot make it to the scheduled slot, they have to inform, through their Thesis Adviser, their intention to defer the defense. The deferment of schedule must be made at least four (4) school days before their scheduled date. Otherwise, their schedule will be considered final. The Thesis Adviser then needs to inform the IT Thesis Coordinator of said changes. All groups who failed to defend on the scheduled (Sunday) date but were able to defend before the last day of classes (prior to the Final Exam week) will have a ceiling grade of 1.50. All groups who failed to defend before the last day of classes will be given a grade of INC. For THS2 only: Based on the decision of the panel members after the deliberation, all revisions (major and minor) must be presented on or before the last day of classes. Failure to present revisions on the deadline will also mean an INC grade. All groups which were able to defend on the prescribed date but incurred a re-defense or major revision status will have a ceiling grade of 1.50. All groups which were unable to defend their project on the 1st semester of this school year will have a grade of INC and will have subsequently a grade of either PASS (3.0) or FAIL (5.0) NOTE: All groups who get a grade of FAIL (5.0) in the Proposal defense (THS1) will subsequently still be recorded as INC. This is to encourage students to rather defend their Project Proposals rather than wait for the next semester. At the same time, it will be fair to the group who defended but failed compared to the group who did not defend their proposal, yet got an INC.

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


L. Submission of Requirements After revisions have been checked and verified by concerned parties, each group is required to submit the following: THS1: Revised document in PDF Format sent via email to the following: o Thesis Adviser o IT Thesis Coordinator 1 copy of the Revised document (ring-bound) to be used as reference for THS2 (optional)

THS2: Revised document in PDF Format sent via email to the following: o Thesis Adviser o IT Thesis Coordinator o Department Chair Installation CDs (for systems/applications), prototype

Final grades will only be encoded once the ICS Department Chair signs the Approval Sheet. Note: The Department Chair will only sign once he receives the PDF format of the revised document via email. A scanned copy of the signed Approval Sheet will be emailed to the Thesis Adviser later on. See Appendix 2: THS Forms - THS2-Form3: Approval Sheet. The order of signatories will be as follows: 1. Thesis Adviser 2. Panel Members 3. Department Chair Deadline of submission of requirements (including signed Approval Sheet) will be the last day of classes of the given semester. A group who fails to submit the requirements on time will automatically be given a grade of INC regardless if they were able to defend the project on time.

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


Appendix 1: Title Page format

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


<insert capstone project title here>

A Capstone Project presented to the Department of Information and Computer Studies Faculty of Engineering University of Santo Tomas

in partial fulfilment of the requirements in the degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

<proponent 1 Last name, First name, MI> <proponent 2 Last name, First name, MI> <proponent 3 Last name, First name, MI> <proponent 4 Last name, First name, MI> <Technical Adviser Last name, First name, MI>

<Month Year>

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


Appendix 2: THS Forms

THS1-Form1: Title Proposal Form

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS Faculty of Engineering Information and Computer Studies Department 2ND Semester A/Y 20__-20__ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CAPSTONE PROJECT PROPOSAL Proposed Title : <insert proposed title here> Proponents: 1. <LastName1, FirstName1> 2. <LastName2, FirstName2> 3. <LastName3, FirstName3> 4. <LastName4, FirstName4>
Short Description of the Study: Source code plagiarism in laboratories is one of the problems of the professors. There are already existing Java source code comparators; however, there is a trade off between the reliability and the speed of similarity detection. There is also a need for approximation on what grade the student will receive which is driven from the similarity percentage. <YOU CAN WRITE AS WELL THE PROBLEMS THAT YOU AIM TO SOLVE>

The team decided to enhance Plaggie, an open source software version of Jplag which is the most efficient Java source code comparator according to the related literature that the team had researched on. There will be two possible approach to the problem. First is combining the algorithm of a fast but less reliable java source code comparator and combining Plaggies algorithm. Second is formulating a new algorithm with the use of tokenizing and other methods to balance or optimize the reliability and speed of Plaggie. With regards to the grade approximation for the student, the team will use the algorithm of the C++ Source Code Comparator Plug-in for Eclipse (a thesis of the previous year) as a basis.
Area of Specialization:___<ex. Artificial Intelligence or Data Mining, etc.>_________ Tools/Programming Language to be used: <ex. Java, C#, etc>_____ ____________________________________

Reviewed by/date: ________________ <name of Adviser> __________________ <name of 1st Approver> __________________ <name of 2nd Approver> __________________ <name of 3rd Approver>

Comments/Remarks: ___________________________________




THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


Appendix 2: THS Forms

THS1-Form2: Oral Exams Endorsement Sheet

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS Faculty of Engineering Information and Computer Studies Department 2ND Semester A/Y 20__-20__ Project Title : <Insert the capstone project title here> Proponents : 1. 2. 3. 4.

<LastName1, FirstName1> <LastName2, FirstName2> <LastName3, FirstName3> <LastName4, FirstName4>

Technical Adviser : <Title, First Name, Last Name>

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in <Choose 1 : Computer Science, Information Science, Information Technology> the capstone project mentioned above, has been adequately prepared and submitted by the proponents and is hereby endorsed by the undersigned for Title oral examinations.

______________________ <Name of Thesis Adviser> Thesis Adviser Date: ________________

Cc: <Panel Member 1> <Panel Member 2> <Panel Member 3>

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


Appendix 2: THS Forms

THS1-Form3a: Capstone Project Oral Defense Panel Schedule

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS Faculty of Engineering Information and Computer Studies Department 2ND Semester A/Y 20__-20__

Date: <mmm-dd-yyyy> To: <name of Panelist> __________________ __________________

This is a reminder for the oral defense of the capstone project Project Title : <Insert the capstone project title here> by the proponents: 1. <LastName1, FirstName1> 2. <LastName2, FirstName2> 3. <LastName3, FirstName3> 4. <LastName4, FirstName4> on DATE: <mmm-dd-yyyy> Attached is a copy of: [ ] The thesis chapters 1-3 (Please bring this with you during the oral defense.) [ ] Thesis Proposal Oral Defense Evaluation Sheet Should there be other information you may need, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. TIME: <hh:mm to hh:mm am/pm>

Sincerely yours,

Noted by:

______________________ <Name of Adviser> Technical Adviser

__________________ <Name of Adviser> Thesis Adviser

CC: IT Thesis Coordinator

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


Appendix 2: THS Forms

THS1-Form3b: Memorandum to Capstone Project Oral Defense Panel

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


Capstone Project Defense Panel Schedule THS 1 Section: <section> Title: <insert project title here> Researchers: <name> <name> <name> <name> Technical Adviser: <Title, name>

Dear Esteemed Panel, We would like to invite you to be part of our project title proposal entitled <insert project title here>. Kindly indicate the date and time of your availability for the scheduled defense. Thank you. Preferred Schedule: Name of Panel 1. 2. 3. Availability

Noted by: _________________________ <Title, Name> Thesis Adviser


<Title, Name> IT Thesis Coordinator

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


Appendix 2: THS Forms

THS2-Form1: Oral Exams Endorsement Sheet

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS Faculty of Engineering Information and Computer Studies Department 1st Semester A/Y 20__-20__ Project Title : <Insert the capstone project title here> Proponents : 5. 6. 7. 8.

<LastName1, FirstName1> <LastName2, FirstName2> <LastName3, FirstName3> <LastName4, FirstName4>

Technical Adviser : <Title, First Name, Last Name>

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in <Choose 1 : Computer Science, Information Science, Information Technology> the capstone project mentioned above, has been adequately prepared and submitted by the proponents and is hereby endorsed by the undersigned for Final oral examinations.

______________________ <Name of Thesis Adviser> Thesis Adviser Date: ________________

Cc: <Panel Member 1> <Panel Member 2> <Panel Member 3>

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


Appendix 2: THS Forms

THS2-Form2a: Capstone Project Oral Defense Panel Schedule

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS Faculty of Engineering Information and Computer Studies Department 1st Semester A/Y 20__-20__

Date: <mmm-dd-yyyy> To: <name of Panelist> __________________ __________________

This is a reminder of the oral defense of the capstone project Project Title : <Insert the capstone project title here> by the proponents: 1. <LastName1, FirstName1> 2. <LastName2, FirstName2> 3. <LastName3, FirstName3> 4. <LastName4, FirstName4> on DATE: <mmm-dd-yyyy> Attached is a copy of: [ ] The thesis chapters 1-5 (Please bring this with you during the oral defense.) [ ] Final Oral Defense Evaluation Sheets Should there be other information you may need, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. TIME: <hh:mm to hh:mm am/pm>

Sincerely yours,

Noted by:

______________________ <Name of Adviser> Technical Adviser

__________________ <Name of Adviser> Thesis Adviser

CC: IT Thesis Coordinator

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


Appendix 2: THS Forms

THS2-Form2b: Memorandum to Capstone Project Oral Defense Panel

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


Capstone Project Defense Panel Schedule THS 2 Section: <section> Title: <insert project title here> Researchers: <name> <name> <name> <name> Technical Adviser: <Title, name>

Dear Esteemed Panel, We would like to invite you to be part of our capstone project entitled <insert project title here>. Kindly confirm the date and time of your availability for the scheduled defense. Thank you. Preferred Schedule: Name of Panel 1. 2. 3. Availability

Noted by: _________________________ <Title, Name> Thesis Adviser


<Title, Name> IT Thesis Coordinator

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


Appendix 2: THS Forms

THS2-Form3: Approval Sheet

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar



Thesis Title: Proponents:

<THESIS TITLE all caps>

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

<Proponent 1 First Name Middle Initial. Last Name> <Proponent 2 First Name Middle Initial. Last Name > <Proponent 3 First Name Middle Initial. Last Name > <Proponent 3 First Name Middle Initial. Last Name > <Technical Adviser First Name Middle Initial. Last Name >

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in <write your course ex. Computer Science>, the thesis mentioned above, has been adequately prepared and submitted by the proponents. This thesis was duly defended in an oral examination before a duly constituted tribunal with a grade of

___________________________ <name of Panel 1> Panel Member

___________________________ <name of Panel 2> Panel Member ____________________________ <name of Adviser> Thesis Adviser

___________________________ <name of Panel 3> Panel Member

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in <write your course ex. Computer Science>.

_____________________________________ <Name of Chairperson> Chairperson Information and Computer Studies Department Faculty of Engineering

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


Appendix 3: Evaluation Forms


THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS Faculty of Engineering Information and Computer Studies Department 2ND Semester A/Y 20__-20__ GROUPMATES EVALUATION SHEET Project Title : <Insert the capstone project title here> Proponents : 1. 2. 3. 4. Section: _____ <LastName1, FirstName1> <LastName2, FirstName2> <LastName3, FirstName3> <LastName4, FirstName4> LEGEND: 0 - NOT APPLICABLE 1 - POOR 2 NEEDS IMPROVEMENT 3 AVERAGE 4 SATISFACTORY 5 EXCELLENT

Evaluating Member : <LastName, FirstName> (Write the name of the members being evaluated.) Name Name Name

CRITERIA Group members cooperation in completing the research Groups members attendance during meetings with adviser and group / Members attendance during oral presentation Group members knowledge of the research undertaken Group members attitude towards the research activity / presentation Group members ability to present findings during the oral presentation TOTAL

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS Faculty of Engineering Information and Computer Studies Department 2ND Semester A/Y 20__-20__ PROJECT PROPOSAL ORAL DEFENSE EVALUATION SHEET Project Title : <Insert the capstone project title here> Instructions : The thesis adviser and each panel member must fill up this Evaluation Sheet. Rate each member from 1 to 5 (1-Poor, 3-Satisfactory, 5-Excellent) Members Name: _______________________________________ SCORE: _____________ Questions: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Members Name: _______________________________________ SCORE: _____________ Questions: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Members Name: _______________________________________ SCORE: _____________ Questions: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Members Name: _______________________________________ SCORE: ____________ Questions: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATIONS

________________________ Signature Over Printed Name Date:

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


Appendix 3: Evaluation Forms


THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS Faculty of Engineering Information and Computer Studies Department 1st Semester A/Y 20__-20__ FINAL ORAL DEFENSE EVALUATION SHEET Project Title : <Insert the capstone project title here> Instructions : The thesis adviser and each panel member must fill up this Evaluation Sheet. Rate each member from 1 to 5 (1-Poor, 3-Satisfactory, 5-Excellent) Members Name: _______________________________________ SCORE: _____________ Questions: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Members Name: _______________________________________ SCORE: _____________ Questions: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Members Name: _______________________________________ SCORE: _____________ Questions: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Members Name: _______________________________________ SCORE: ____________ Questions: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATIONS

________________________ Signature Over Printed Name Panel Member Date: ______________

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS Faculty of Engineering Information and Computer Studies Department 1st Semester A/Y 20__-20__ THESIS ADVISERS EVALUATION SHEET Project Title : <Insert the capstone project title here> Group Evaluation Criteria Ability to submit requirements on time Openness to suggestions and criticisms Was able to apply classroom learning to development of project Performed literature research thoroughly Consulted resource person for certain problem areas Project envisioned is innovative Approach used in project development is innovative Use of appropriate tools during project development, implementation and testing (Document) Results were clearly discussed (Document) Observed proper typing of manuscript including pagination, citations, etc. TOTAL Rating (0 to 5)

Printed Name over Signature Thesis Adviser Date: ___________________

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS Faculty of Engineering Information and Computer Studies Department 1st Semester A/Y 20__-20__ PANEL MEMBERS EVALUATION SHEET Project Title : <Insert the capstone project title here> Proponents : 1. 2. 3. 4. LEGEND: <LastName1, FirstName1> <LastName2, FirstName2> <LastName3, FirstName3> <LastName4, FirstName4> Section _____


Evidence of Comprehensive Work 1. Draft is well-typed and well-written as to correct grammar and textual coherence 2. Document is complete with the necessary appendices 3. The style of writing is appropriate and can be understood Evidence of Sound Organization of Material 1. There is sufficient research to support the document 2. Facts are documented and sources are reliable 3. There is a thorough coverage of subject matter Clear Thinking 1. There is a clearness of purpose, ideas, and alternative solutions 2. Appropriate tools were used and decisions from logical analysis were derived 3. Recommendations were analysed based from the results Evidence of Creativity and Innovation 1. The project is relevant and innovative 2. The work shows transfer of learning from classroom to praxis 3. The project recommendations highlight extensions that can be done TOTAL

Printed Name over Signature Panel Member Date: ___________________

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS Faculty of Engineering Information and Computer Studies Department 1st Semester A/Y 20__-20__ PANEL MEMBERS EVALUATION SHEET Project Title : <Insert the capstone project title here> Proponents : 1. 2. 3. 4. LEGEND: <LastName1, FirstName1> <LastName2, FirstName2> <LastName3, FirstName3> <LastName4, FirstName4> Section _____


The Project 4. Accuracy and Reliability Results derived are accurate and properly validated based on specific tools 5. Time efficiency Output shows consistency, eliminating redundancy 6. Originality and creativity Project is innovative and shows creativity in adopting new solutions 7. Usability Process flow is standard, consistent and well thought out 8. Maintainability (for systems with implementation) Project is well documented with a maintenance plan 9. User satisfaction (for systems with pilot testing) There exists a user report of satisfaction and user acceptance test results The Group 4. The group shows coherence and synergy in their presentation 5. Presentation was clear. Appropriate presentation tools were used 6. Questions were well answered with good communication skills

Rate 1 to 5

Printed Name over Signature Panel Member Date: ___________________

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


Faculty of Engineering Information and Computer Studies Department 1st Semester A/Y 20__-20__ GROUPMATES EVALUATION SHEET Project Title : <Insert the capstone project title here> Proponents : 1. 2. 3. 4. Section: _____ <LastName1, FirstName1> <LastName2, FirstName2> <LastName3, FirstName3> <LastName4, FirstName4> LEGEND: 0 - NOT APPLICABLE 1 - POOR 2 NEEDS IMPROVEMENT 3 AVERAGE 4 SATISFACTORY 5 EXCELLENT

Evaluating Member : <LastName, FirstName> (Write the name of the members being evaluated.) Name Name Name

CRITERIA Group members cooperation in completing the research Groups members attendance during meetings with adviser and group / Members attendance during oral presentation Group members knowledge of the research undertaken Group members attitude towards the research activity / presentation Group members ability to present findings during the oral presentation

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS Faculty of Engineering Information and Computer Studies Department 1st Semester A/Y 20__-20__ ENDORSEMENT SHEET Proponents : 1. 2. 3. 4. <LastName1, FirstName1> <LastName2, FirstName2> <LastName3, FirstName3> <LastName4, FirstName4> Section _____

Project Title : <Insert the capstone project title here> Technical Adviser: <Title, Name> Thesis Adviser: <Title, Name> Oral defense date: <month/dd/yyyy> Thesis Oral Defense Panel: 1. <LastName1, FirstName1> 2. <LastName2, FirstName2> 3. <LastName3, FirstName3> 4. <LastName4, FirstName4> Panels Evaluation of Capstone Project Oral Defense A. Grade 1. _________ Pass 2. _________ No re-oral ________ Conditional Pass ________ re-oral ________ Fail

B. Required revisions and changes 1. _________ No revisions ________ Minor revisions ________ Major revisions 2. Revisions/Changes Submission Date (Specific) _________________ 3. Revisions/Changes to be reviewed by _________ Thesis Oral defense Panel and Thesis Adviser _________ Thesis Adviser only C. Specific comments on revisions, changes and recommendations

Noted by:

<Title, Name> Thesis Adviser

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


Appendix 4: Documentation Content

Chapter 1: Introduction Project Context Details how the group came about with the project. What technology was used before arriving with the project initiative Detailed introduction of system Purpose and Description What is the purpose of this project? Who will benefit from this project? What are the technologies behind the development of this project? What are the possible tools that will be used in the development of this project? Objectives Statements which specify what will be done General objective o General statement which addresses the solution to the problem at hand Specific objectives o Statements which specify certain scenarios in determining the solution to the problem at hand Scope and limitations Scope details what your project is supposed to do Limitations detail what your project is not supposed to do in relation to given specifications and attributes Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature, Studies, and Systems The content of this chapter must be comprised of literature taken from books, journals, online technical communities, verified websites and existing technologies. Note: is not a reliable reference material and should be limited in use. Researchers are encouraged to gather as many references as possible. CHED memorandum states that researches written by undergraduate students must have a minimum of 25 citations. This rule will be followed. Having a working bibliography is recommended. This chapter will be closely monitored by the ENG108A Advisers. Chapter 3: Technical Background Methodology Indicates what methodology will be used to develop the system/prototype Requirements Analysis Indicates how the project will be started

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar


Overview For those with working prototypes, an initial hardware layout is encouraged For those working with systems/applications, an initial flow chart or use case diagram is needed to determine process flow Chapter 4: Implementation, Results and Discussion Requirements Documentation Discusses how the requirements were used and analyzed in creating the project (Hardware and Software requirements, Minimum and Recommended requirements, etc.) Design of Software, Systems, Product, and/or Processes Detailed description of creating the project Development and Testing, where applicable Must include test procedures and test case scenarios Description of the Prototype, where applicable Must include screen shots/ pictures of project during design phase and implementation phase Implementation Plan (Infrastructure/Deployment) where needed Usually includes a Gantt chart to keep track of projects progress Implementation Results, where applicable A summary of test scenarios done to check overall functionality of the project Chapter 5: Recommendations Based on the results, the group must come up with possible recommendations to further enhance their projects capability. This is usually intended for future researchers and developers. Bibliography Refer to ENG108A advisers for the correct format Appendices (may include the following) Relevant Source Code Evaluation Tool or Test Documents Sample input/output/Reports Users Guide/Manual Process/Data/Information Flow One-Page Curriculum Vitae per team member Note: The appendices (of the documents to be submitted) maybe optional. However, if the group senses that such appendix (or appendices) is necessary for understandability and readability, it is the groups responsibility to provide the panelist a copy.

THS1 and THS2: Capstone Project Guidelines

Prepared by : Engr. Mia V. Eleazar

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