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July 21, 2013

The Christian Messenger

Fifth Avenue Church of Christ
115 W. Fifth Ave. Lancaster, OH 43130


On July 1, we marked the occasion of our 113th year, here at Fifth Avenue. We are thankful for that brave band of believers who launched this congregation in July of 1900. May we ever be true to the faith commitment of those first members. e-mail [email protected] Brad Seevers Senior Minister (740-550-9882) David Tingler Associate Minister Hannah Martin Director of Childrens Ministries Sunday Services


Maywood Mission provides a food pantry for community members in need. Donations can be left at the nursery door entrance on Sunday, July 28th. Items needed for the pantry:
Canned soups Hamburger Helper Cake Mixes Mustard/Ketchup Corn bread mix Beef Stew Pinto Beans Spaghetti Sauce Navy beans Brownie Mixes Tuna Helper Spaghetti

1st Worship 8:00 a.m. 2nd Worship 10:30 a.m. Bible School 9:15 a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m.


During our Galatians sermon series, I have tried to better explain FREEDOM. How appropriate to do so during the month we recognize our national freedom. We have discovered that there is freedom in grace and that because of Jesus there is freedom from our past. Today I will speak on the theme of freedom from the Law. Because of the blood of Jesus, freedom cannot only be found but also experienced. Just as we thanked God this month for those who fought for our national freedom, may we never tire thanking God for His only Son who freed us from the bondage of our sin and the constraints of the Law. God is so good! On August 4th, we are designating our second service as a Family Worship. Hannah and I will both take part on bringing instruction during the service, she to the children and I to the adults. This ought to be a lot of fun, so please plan to join us on this day of celebrating family. Also on August 4th, our evening service will be family friendly. Our time together will be held in the fellowship hall as we share in devotions, communion and a movie. We will provide the popcorn, you can provide the drink. Please bring iced tea, 2 litre of pop, or lemonade. We hope you join us for this evening of fellowship. During the remainder of our Sunday evening services in August, we will have special guests who will deliver the message and share with us about their mission and their service to the Lord. I want to ask for your continued prayer support as the leadership seeks to make tough decisions concerning how we can better reach our community for Christ. May we be the conscience of our community and may Christ be glorified because we are faithful. In His Service, Brad


NEW HORIZONS RETREAT: We have 18 signed up for this event and I have forwarded 8 registrations, already. Registrations postmarked before 8/20 will be just $20.00 per person. First timers pay only $10. The folks at North Terrace always provide an excellent program, a very satisfying noon meal, and some surprises. Dont forget, the date is September 10 and the theme is Bring A Friend. This years program features Jim Book, Jeff Bullock, Tom Shelton and the musical group, 64 to Grayson. A sign-up sheet is posted and there is still time to register. You will find registration forms on the bulletin board. Complete one and pass it, along with your registration payment, to me, for forwarding to North Terrace. (You may make checks to North Terrace Church of Christ.) Our departure time will be 7:30 am and we will have a continental breakfast on arrival. LaCOMEDIA DINNER THEATRE: On Thursday, October 17, we will be departing the church parking lot at 8:15am for the trip to Dayton. We will be enjoying an excellent buffet dinner and a matinee presentation of The Church Basement Ladies: A Mighty Fortress Is Our Basement. This trip is KeenAger sponsored but is open to anyone who would like to go. The cost for the show, dinner and transportation is just $44 per person. At this time, we have filled all 28 reservations. However, we have added a stand-by list to our signup sheet as we often have cancellations. Due to personal scheduling, I am asking that you get your payment to me by August 5, or sooner, if you choose. SUNDAY EVENINGS IN THE SANCTUARY: This week (July 21), we will complete our series, Seven Lessons From Judges. The title is When A Nation Forgets God (Judges 17:6, 21:25). Next week (7/28) the theme will be The Secret Of Contentment (1 Timothy 6:6-8). I continue to encourage your attendance, if you are not involved in a small group. Please remember that we have activities for children each Sunday evening. Also, Communion is available at this service. WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDIES: We are in the midst of our summer break but we will return to these meetings after Labor Day. FINAL THOUGHT: When we call it the Lords Day are we thinking in terms of the whole day or just a couple of hours of it?


Sunday School 1st Morning Worship 2nd Morning Worship Total Morning Worship Evening Worship Weekly Budget Budget Received Building Fund 94 104 45 149 44 $ 4,790.00 $ 5,613.50 $ 30.00


At the Table 1st Serving 1st Serving 2nd Pastor of the week PM Deacon Larry Bussey and Tom Puckett Patrick Wersell, George Lambert, Carmel Marsh, Dick Shumaker Patrick Wersell Larry Bussey Patrick Wersell

COMMUNION PREPARATION 1st Worship 2nd Worship GREETERS 1st Worship 2nd Worship

Donna Cupler Donna Cupler

Last week at Sunday Night Live, we learned about The Armor of God. As Christians, we are always on the battle field. Every day is a war we must fight against sin and temptation. Thankfully, God has given each and every one of us a suit of armor to keep us safe. Belt of Truth, Breastplate of Righteousness, sandals of Peace, Shield of Faith, Helmet of Salvation and Sword of the Spirit which is the Bible. And Prayer is what Holds it all together! Thank you Lord, for your Protection! Ephesians 6:10-18 Coming up in two weeks!!! FAMILY SUNDAY. August 4th! This simply means, that for second service all of the kids will stay with their families for the service. Use this time to draw closer to the Lord as a family. This will be a very fun service that appeals to all ages! Hope to see everyone there! Hannah

Ray and Margie Ayers Mitch and Tamatha Shell

NURSERY Sunday School Shirley Marsh and Margie Ayers nd 2 Worship Samantha Hendricks and Michelle Czich VISITOR CENTER 1st Worship 2nd Worship SECURITY 1st Worship Bible School 2nd Worship Evening Worship

Janet Brown Michelle Czich

Paul Alexander Carmel Marsh Jeff Crook George Lambert

Prayer Requests
Jane King Millie Hoy Alice DeLong George Ellis Naressa Allen Our Troops Doris Byers Jeane Goldfarb Jeanne Noble Gladys McCoy Ann Carter John Dickson Alberta Ellis Betty Swartz Ron Ogden Angelica


At the Table 1st Serving 1st Serving 2nd Pastor of the week PM Deacon Mike Cooper and Dick Shumaker Tim Huffman, Hank Wellman, Ray Ayers, Richard Boyer Tim Huffman Mike Cooper Tim Huffman

COMMUNION PREPARATION 1st Worship 2nd Worship GREETERS 1st Worship 2nd Worship

Donna Cupler Donna Cupler

Ruth Andrews and Jeanne Noble Dick and Marg Shumaker

Upcoming Events
Thursday, July 25 Missions Meeting, 5pm

NURSERY Sunday School 2nd Worship VISITOR CENTER 1st Worship 2nd Worship SECURITY 1st Worship Bible School 2nd Worship Evening Worship

Laura Wersell Nick and Tracy Hinson

Sunday, July 28th Prayer Team, 5:00pm Gym-Spiration, 5:30-7pm Food Pantry Sunday Friday, August 2nd Self-Defense Class, 6pm

Shirley Marsh Kim Seevers

David Will Ray Coats Mike Bussey Jim Puckett

Andrew had a great time at church camp. His favorite part was swimming in Round Lake and visiting the canteen. He made a new friend and is looking forward to attending again. Thank you so much to everyone who made it possible for Andrew to attend camp this year through prayers, encouragement and financial means. Your support means a lot to us. Thanks again, Tim, Tracy and Andrew

WELCOME TO FIFTH AVENUE! At FACC, we focus on loving God, loving people, and turning the world upside down. We are happy you chose to worship with us today. We hope you return next week and bring your friends with you. If you would please take a few minutes to fill out a Silent Roll Call Card, located on the back of the pew, you can then place it in the offering plate as it is passed. Thank you. For more information about our great church, contact our minister, Brad Seevers at [email protected] or call him at 740.550.9882. Have a great week and may God bless your life.

Sunday School Classes for All Ages

Classes at 9:15 unless noted
Nursery (Birth through 3 years old) Jesus Loves Me Room 102 Preschool (Ages 3-6) God the Creator Room 105 Marie Huffman, Teacher Early Elementary (Kindergarten through 2nd Grade) Shaping Hearts with Gods Word Room 101 Deborah Will, Teacher Middle Elementary (3rd, 4th, and 5th Grades) Be Wise and Trust God in His Power Room 106 Becky Hoagland, Teacher Junior and Senior High Old Testament Survey Room 301 Nick Hinson, Teacher Young Ladies Class (8:00 a.m.) The Lies Women/Young Women Believe Room 306 Cassie Bull, Teacher Ladies Class "Soul Detox" Room 209 Beverly Puckett, Teacher Mens Class Hearing Gods Word Room 205 Adult Class Room 214 Brad Seevers, Teacher Harmony Adult Class God Establishes a Faithful People Room 204 Dave Tingler, Teacher Philothean Adult Class Parables Room 108 Jim Love, Teacher

Free From the Law Galatians 3:10-29 Brad Seevers preaching

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Core Values...
Values central to the life, mission and vision of Fifth Avenue Church of Christ are: Christ-Centered Worship
We make it a priority every Sunday to celebrate Jesus through our music. (Romans 11:36-12:1-2). We focus on Jesus through gracebased preaching and teaching & understand the Bible is our authority (2 Timothy 3:16).

Church Health and Biblical Balance

Church health becomes reality when God's people seek harmony & live consistently. We expect every member to protect the unity of Christ's Church. (Romans 12:16; 1 Peter 3:8)

Global Evangelism
We are constant to our founding call to worldwide evangelism, proclaiming to all that Jesus Christ is the Savior, Healer, and SoonComing King (Acts 20:27).

Fellowship and Ministry

After people begin their journey with Jesus, we will equip them to find a ministry based upon their strengths. We want everyone to serve in some capacity. (1 Corinthians 12:12-27) We also want His church to be the living evidence of His love and power to the world.

We do not want you to "get religion" here at Fifth Avenue Church of Christ in Lancaster. We are all about teaching you that Jesus seeks a daily relationship with Him through a life of obedience. In other words, we want to see the things you are taught actually change your lifestyle & your daily decisions.

How Can I Respond Today?

At FACC we look to the Bible for guidance on all issues. We believe that Gods Word is clear concerning what a person must do to become a Christian. Trust that Jesus can bring you to salvation. Turn (repent) from the sin in your life. Confess your desire to make Jesus the Lord of your life. Be baptized (immersed) in water for the forgiveness of sins and to receive the Holy Spirit into your life. To make this life decision for Christ, we ask that you come forward during our commitment song at the conclusion of the Sunday message. Baptized believers are welcome to become members at FACC by coming forward on Sunday morning or by seeing our Senior Minister to discuss this further. We ask that you complete a series of Curious classes to help you better understand what you are committing to as a member.

Social Conscience
We place high value on the sanctity of human life, of Biblical marriage and morality, and we welcome ethnic diversity (Isaiah 56:7; Philippians 2:15-16).


Exalt Gods Greatness; Evangelize Gods Work Equip Gods People Express Gods Love through Jesus Christ


To Love God and Love People!

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