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Published Monthly In Kohler, WI 53044

KOHLER, WI 53044
219 Church St., Kohler, WI 53044
Volume 4, Number 5
The 2009 property tax levy for the
Village of Kohler, which was approved by
the Village Board on November 17, has
been set at $1,628,180 down slightly from
the 2008 levy of $1,628,836. The largest
capital expense for 2009 is expected to be
street projects at $620,500.
General fund expenditures are planned to
be allocated as follows:
General Government (legal counsel, vil-
lage hall, postage, etc.): 13.3%
Public Safety (police, fire, etc.): 34.1%
Public Works (streets, storm sewers,
garbage collection, etc.): 23.9%
Public Health Services (animal control): 0%
Culture/Recreation/Education (library,
youth center, parks, etc.): 16.4%
Debt Service (principal, interest & fiscal
charges): 12.3%
Although the Village mails out and col-
lects property tax bills, only about 20 per-
cent of a property owners payment is allo-
cated to the Village. The majority of the
property tax payment is distributed to
Sheboygan County and the Kohler School
District. See the Village View on page 23
of this issue for details about tax bill mail-
ings and payment options.
Village tax levy down slightly for 2009
Enlistment of youngest McKnight culminates family Air Force tradition
By guest writer Master Sgt. Bob Reeve
(USAFR Ret.)
Kohlers McKnights and their ties to the
Air Force make them a truly unique family,
clearly dedicated to the noble cause of
national defense and scattered to the four
winds in the process.
Janet and son Brandon, 22, are reservists
with the 440th Airlift Wing, based at Pope
AFB, N.C. Son Robert, 20, is on active
duty, stationed in Japan. Son Allen, 19, just
left for basic training and also will serve on
active duty. Gregory (a.k.a. Dad) served on
active duty from 1984-90 as a helicopter
crew chief, attaining the rank of sergeant.
The Air Force even gets credit for Janet
and Gregs matrimonial match-up and as
the springboard for their offspring. Before
joining the Reserve in 1992, Janet served
on active duty from 1982-85 with a stint at
Tyndall AFB, Fla., where Greg was sta-
tioned at the time. They met, their relation-
ship took flight, and they wed in 1986.
Greg was later reassigned to Elmendorf
AFB, Alaska, which became the McKnight
boys birthplace.
Being a Kohler-based Air Force
reservist requires stick-to-itiveness and get-
up-and-go, in more ways than one. Once a
month on a Friday, Janet and Brandon drive
65 miles to Milwaukees Mitchell Airport,
board a 440th Airlift Wing C-130 transport
plane with many comrades, and make the
3-hour, 950-mile flight to Pope AFB. They
perform their duties on Saturday and
Sunday, then reverse the process: fly to
Milwaukee, drive to Kohler, get home
about 8 p.m. Sunday. Theyre also required
to serve two weeks of active duty each year,
not necessarily at Pope or even in the U.S.,
and are virtually on 24/7 alert status.
(Note: The 440th Airlift Wing was
based at Gen. Mitchell International
Airport Air Reserve Station in Milwaukee
from 1957 until June 2007 when the instal-
lation was abandoned by action of the fed-
eral Base Realignment and Closure
Commission and the wing reassigned to
Pope AFB, which is located within the
Armys Fort Bragg.)
Its like seeing double looking at Janet
and Brandons military-civilian occupa-
tions. Both are assigned to the 440th
Medical Squadron. Janet, a master ser-
geant, is a medical laboratory specialist.
Brandon, a senior airman who enlisted in
July 2005, is a biomedical equipment jour-
neyman. As a civilian, Janet is ACL
Histology supervisor with Aurora Health
Care in West Allis. Brandon is a
Biomedical Equipment Technician II with
Universal Hospital Services in Madison.
Hes also a part-time volunteer firefighter
intern with the Blooming Grove Fire
Department. Talk about full plates.
I enjoy the small successes of rebuild-
ing the 440th at Pope, Janet said. I dis-
like leaving home every month to go there.
But its been more than a year now so its
getting easier and feeling more like home
away from home. There are good people
there who I enjoy working with.
And spoken like a true mom: Im also
able to see Brandon and am very proud to
see him build a strong reputation for him-
self. Hes really quite impressive in his
As for the reservist triad, It has been a
difficult road to balance family, full-time
work and a successful military career,
Janet said. When away working with the
Air Force Im engaged and enjoy the chal-
lenges. I know that my work is appreciated.
You see, four among this familial quintet
are Air Force members and the fifth is a for-
mer member. Interestingly, only one of the
four works on airplanes and its Mom who
has the most service time.
Off we go into the wild blue yonder to
meet these McKnights in shining armor.
Kohler family of five aims high
Continued on page 3
The McKnights: Allen, Rob, Brandon, Greg, Janet
Ser vi c e
Cul t ur e/
Rec r eat i on/
Educ at i on
Publ i c
Wor k s
Publ i c Saf et y
2008 Kohler property
tax distribution
How the Villages 20% piece of
the pie is allocated
Photo: Keith Leistekow
Lakeshore Tech
State of WI
Village of
District 48%
County 24%
2 DECEMBER, 2008


Kohler Kohler
I ndependently owned and published 12 times yearly by Terra Media, L.L.C.
2008 The Kohler Villager -- All Rights Reserved
Printed by The Plymouth Review
Editor - Mary Struck
Terra Media, L.L.C.
219 Church St.
Kohler, WI 53044.
E-mail: [email protected].
THE KOHLER VILLAGER welcomes contributions of news and photos of civic
events from readers. Editorial staff reserves the right to edit as necessary.
Advertising and submission deadline: The 20th of each month.
Jason E. Dierkes
The holidays are a
great time for
family gatherings.
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But theres always stress in leaving my
civilian job, expecting a challenge to get
caught up when I return. Theres been
some guilt that has come from leaving
Greg and the boys every month for all
these years, she said of her 16 years in the
Reserve. But they became very self-suffi-
cient and independent.
I wasnt ready to settle into the college
life, Janet said of her 1982 enlistment,
fresh out of Hartford High School. I had a
desire to leave Wisconsin and see the
world. The Air Force gave me that oppor-
tunity while learning a trade and deciding
what career path I wanted to take.
Fortunately, it gave me the foundation for
the (civilian) work that I still do today.
Shell be eligible to retire in less than a
year but said her retirement plans are indef-
Robert (a.k.a. Rob) and Allen are the
new kids on the McKnight Air Force block.
Rob enlisted last January, hoping to
become a pararescueman. He injured a
shoulder early in training and it didnt suf-
ficiently heal for him to continue. He was
transferred to the aircraft maintenance
field, schooled as a turboprop/turboshaft
engine mechanic and aerospace propulsion
technician, then assigned to Yokota Air
Base in Tokyo.
Hes seeing more of the world at his
young age than most people see in a life-
time. An airman first class, Rob said via e-
mail that his unit is deployed for temporary
duty to Thailand, Cambodia, Laos,
Vietnam, Guam, Korea and The
Philippines as the need arises. As a relative
newcomer he hasnt gone to those places
yet, but is now trained and likely to accom-
pany the unit on future deployments.
Like father like son, hes taken a bride
while in uniform. Rob returned to Kohler on
November 20 and the next day married
Alissa Brock, who graduated from
Sheboygan North High School last spring.
Three days later the newlyweds soared to
the Far East.
Who wouldnt want a honeymoon in
Japan? Janet said.
Allen, who this year graduated from
Kohler High School like his brothers before
him, left on December 2 for eight weeks of
basic training at Lackland AFB, Texas.
Then come 13 weeks of technical school
(Security Forces) training, also at Lackland.
He said hes leaning toward a civilian law
enforcement career, which prompted him to
sign up for whats essentially military police
work. Upon completion of tech school, hell
be assigned to a base still to be determined.
All three McKnight boys credit their par-
ents for their decision to join the military
and choose the Air Force over other branch-
Brandon: The fact that my parents were
involved with the military introduced me to
the idea of enlisting. Although I may have
made the same decision if they had not
served, their experience made it much easi-
er for me to compare and contrast serving in
the military with other options after high
Rob: Always hearing the positive talk
about the military at home was huge.
Growing up with my mom in the Air Force
and a prior-service father, who to this day
has a GI haircut and military-training-
instructor mustache, joining the service just
seemed like the right thing to do.
Allen: Im sure that having everybody
else in my family in the Air Force had some-
thing to do with it. Peer pressure?
There were other factors. All three said
their perception of highest quality technical
school training tipped the scale in favor of
the Air Force. They figured that skills
acquired and lessons learned in their chosen
fields would be readily transferable to the
private sector. The GI Bill, travel opportu-
nities, and the call of patriotism also made
the military look pretty attractive.
I joined because I wanted to help other
people, assist in protecting our country and
our rights, and to become a better person
overall, Brandon said.
Said Rob, I like the respect people give
me for serving my country. Someone has to
do it and Im proud that I decided to.
Having three precious sons in uniform
and potentially in harms way could certain-
ly be cause for parental concern. How do
Janet and Greg see it?
I dont have any reservations about my
boys serving their country, Janet said.
Its an opportunity for them to learn and
grow into young men who will have a sense
of pride for what is sacrificed for our free-
dom. They will experience ups and downs
and see firsthand the reality of our country
at war. But I have concerns as all parents
are concerned for their childrens safety.
I always have concerns but the posi-
tives outweigh the negatives, said Greg,
47, a native of St. Petersburg, Florida, and
plant manager with Stern Tanning Co. in
Milwaukee. I think that it (military serv-
ice) is a great opportunity and its given me
the life that I have today. I hope the boys
get out of it as much as I did. I dont regret
any of the time I spent in the service and
hope that they will have those same experi-
It was Rob who perhaps best summed up
Kohlers McKnights: We really are the
definition of an Air Force family.
Newlyweds Rob and Alissa McKnight
R e la tive o f K o h le r
k id s d e p lo ye d to
Afgh a n ista n
Christmas care package being
assembled for troops
Trent Stock, a second grader, and
Kelsey Stock, a third grader at Kohler
School had an exciting summer participat-
ing in their big sister Nicoles wedding.
Nicole married Sergeant Mike Stuckert on
August 9th. Mikes unit of the Army
National Guard from Elgin Illinois
deployed to Afghanistan on October 30,
2008. Their tour is expected to last 12
months. Mike has previously spent 16
months in Iraq.
Trent and Kelsey will be assembling a
McKnights, Continued from page 1
Trent and Kelsey Stock with Sergeant Mike Stuckert
(Editors note: Bob Reeve is a 24-year
veteran, including 16 years with the 440th
Airlift Wing. He was noncommissioned offi-
cer-in-charge of the wings public affairs
office when he retired in 2004. He and his
wife now reside in Broomfield, Colo.)
care package to go to the soldiers for
Christmas. Community members inter-
ested in helping with a donation are asked
to please contact Robin Stock at 467-
The following items are greatly need-
ed: Gum and hard candy, powdered
drinks, snacks, coffee, chapstick, pens,
envelopes, paper, magazines, books,
DVDS, AAbatteries, disposable cameras,
twin sheets, blankets, pillows, cards of
encouragement and prayers.
Photo: Keith Leistekow
4 DECEMBER, 2008


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The Wine House
to hold sparkling
wine tasting
The Wine House Presents: 3rd Annual
Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! & Wine Club
Combo Wine tasting. Come and sample
various styles of Sparkling wines to help
you decide on that special bottle for your
holiday season.
This year The Wine House will feature
the Mystery Pak for Decembers Wine
Club. Try before you buy a great gift idea.
The event will take place Thursday,
December 11 at The Wine House, 217 Pine
Street in Sheboygan Falls from 6 p.m.-8
p.m. Cost is $15.00 per person. Tickets on
sale Now! (advance ticket purchase only).
Phone 920-467-1701.
Road America Kart
Club banquet to be
held December 6
The Road America Kart Clubs 2008
banquet and awards ceremony is scheduled
for Saturday, December 6th at Racers Hall
in Plymouth.
Doors open at 5 p.m., dinner at 6 p.m.
with awards ceremony to follow. All Kart
racers, crew, family, friends and sponsors
are welcome to attend. Door prizes will be
drawn throughout the evening.
Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for
youth age 12 and under. The deadline to
purchase tickets is December 2nd. No tick-
ets will be sold at the door, advance pur-
chases only.
Call the Road America administrative
office at 920-892-4576 / 800-365-7223 for
further details or to learn more about the
2009 Road America Karting club season
and membership.
Songbirdie Studio will be holding its
grand opening, open house on Saturday,
December 6th, during Sheboygan Falls
Main Street Memories Celebration.
There will be plenty of Christmas Cheer on
hand, with TWO grand concerts (piano con-
cert from 1:00-2:00 and the vocal concert
from 2:30-3:30), christmas giveaways, door
prizes, christmas carolers, homemade
christmas goodies, hot apple cider, and
much more! The fun starts at 1:00 and goes
until the holiday jingle bell parade, which
starts at 5:00. Stop in and meet the new
songbirds in town!
S o n gb ird ie
S tu d io to h o ld
gra n d o p e n in g
o p e n h o u se

Dear Amy,
MyHusbandhas beengivenagreat jobopportunity.
Wearetryingto decideif weshouldput thehomeon
themarket nowor if I shouldstayhereandwait until
Weareworriedabout puttingour homeonthemarket
duringthewinter. Do youhaveanysuggestions that
will helpit sell duringthewinter months? Sue
Dear Sue-
Congratulations on the great job offer! I will do
everything I can to make this a easy move for you
and your family. Yes, In many parts of the country,
selling a home during the winter months can be a challenge.
Dreary, cold weather and the end-of-the-year holidays can keep
buyers away and heighten fears of your home staying on the mar-
ket longer than expected.
However, there are a few things you can do to enhance curb
appeal. And when that happens, buyers will take notice.
When setting the asking price through a comparative marketing
analysis, compare similar homes sold in the winter months. Many
owners set their asking price too high because of comparisons
with sales prices during peak seasons. Always try to compare like
properties sold at the same time of year.
Once weve settled on an asking price, its time to spruce up the
interior and exterior of your home. I recommend opening as many
curtains as possible to add light and color to rooms. Also, I suggest
that you keep spring and summer pictures of your home out on
tables and in clear view. Photos of your front yard flowers or the
backyard shade tree in full summer bloom can help swing many
buyers in favor of a purchase.
Staying on top of winter maintenance and chores is another
sure-fire way of adding value to your home. A neatly shoveled
driveway and cleared walkway can add a nice touch. Make sure
the furnace is in good working condition and that the room temper-
ature is kept at a comfortable level. Also, check to see that the
basement if dry and sealed from any drafts.
Take yourself on a tour of your home. Start in the basement and
work you way through the house. More than likely youll see many
previously undiscovered cluttered spaces and needed repairs that
can turn off potential buyers.
Dont overload your home with holiday decorations, either. The
buyer should have a chance to see you home in its everyday con-
dition. You will soon see with my suggestions and marketing plan
we will have you placed strongly against whatever competition
exists and get your home SOLD!
If I can offer anyone else advise or if you would like to hear
more about my strong marketing plan to set my listings apart
from the competition, please go to my web site, or EMAIL ME
DIRECTLY AT: [email protected].
4000 N. Frontage Road, Sheboygan
Toll Free
Lakeland Automotive is Proud to Welcome
Jim Truman to our Sales Staff
Jim Truman is a resident of Sheboygan county and
has joined our staff with over 28 years of automotive
I understand the importance of customer
satisfaction. I am dedicated to providing all my
customers with the best automotive purchasing
experience they could possibly have.
I am excited to be able to serve Sheboygan County
in my new position at Lakeland Automotive and invite
you to call or stop by and see me.
Jim Truman
Jim Truman is a resident of the Village of Kohler and
has joined our staff with over 28 years of automotive
I understand the importance of customer
satisfaction. I am dedicated to providing all my
customers with the best automotive purchasing
experience they could possibly have.
I am excited to be able to service Kohler and
Sheboygan County in my new position at Lakeland
Automotive and invite you to call or stop by and see
Kohler High School classmates
from the Class of 48 enjoyed their
60th Reunion this past July 5th and
A traditional Friday night fish
dinner at the Seabird Restaurant in
Sheboygan started the weekend
activities, and on Saturday the class-
mates had two tours plus lunch and
their reunion dinner.
Classmates also toured the
Stephanie Weill Center for the
Performing Arts in Sheboygan,
guided by Bill Jens, Sheboygan.
Lunch at Blackwolf Run
Restaurant and a reunion dinner at
The Bull Restaurant in Kohler con-
cluded reunion activities.
Pictured reunion attendees after touring Kohler Schools, led by Kohler Elementary School Principal Susan Jaberg: Walter Sohn, Oostburg; Al Weeden, West Bend;
Andrew Carolan, Sun Prairie; Dr. John Reinemann, Sheboygan; Richard Sutter, Hartford; Elroy Wirtz, Beloit; Sister Canise Kolbeck, Milwaukee; Principal Susan
Jaberg; and Charmaine Chopp Kneevers, Sheboygan Falls.
Class of 1948 holds its 60th reunion
Hospice Center launches holiday memories light display
The public is invited to enjoy the many
displays lighting up the countryside and
grounds of the Sharon S. Richardson
Community Hospice. The show is open
from December 1-31 for drive through
from 6-9 p.m. daily at W2850 State Road
28 in Sheboygan Falls. For safe entry -
approach from the east on Hwy 28, and
make an easy right turn into the Center.
The Holiday Memories Light Display is
made possible by our generous sponsors:
Town & Country Electric (Lifetime
Sponsor); Meyer Electric Services; Wenig
Funeral Homes; 1420 AM The Breeze;
Veolia Environmental Services; SaberCor;
Zimmer Funeral Home, Inc.; The Duke of
Devon; Jim Pankow, Inc.; Home Care
Resources; and Libby's House. Volunteers
and staff will be available to share a candy
cane and holiday cheer with all visitors.
There is no admission charge; however,
donations for the Patient Care Fund are
welcome. Any donations dropped into the
box outside the Holiday Gatehouse will be
matched with $2 for every $1 given by
our anonymous Memorial Donor. This
donor family recently issued a challenge
grant in the amount of $500,000 through
January 31, 2009. Plan to join us - cre-
ate new holiday memories and share old
memories with your family and friends.
Thank you for your support throughout
2008 - warmest holiday wishes. Call
Linda Cates, Development Director
with any questions at (920) 467-1800.
See ad on page 14 for more information.
6 DECEMBER, 2008


Chef Paul Smitala
Honored with
Salute to
Excellence Award
Chef Paul Smitala, from Blackwolf Run
Restaurant at the championship golf course
in Kohler, was honored as the chef recipient
at the 2008 Salute to Excellence Awards,
presented by the Wisconsin Restaurant
Association Education Foundation (WRA
The WRA EF honors Chef Paul Smitala
with the Chef Award for both his passion for
the industry and for dedicating his time to
education and his community.
Chef Smitala has been involved in the
restaurant industry for over 20 years as a
reliable and stable source of information for
the community, lending his time and expert-
ise for workshops, demonstrations and facil-
ity renovation design to area ProStart
Chef Smitala has proven his enthusiasm
for education by serving as a mentor to
foodservice students at Sheboygan North
and South High Schools and Lakeshore
Technical College. He has acted as an ACF
Apprenticeship Program Sponsoring Chef
for Milwaukee Area Technical College.
And, his activity on the Sheboygan Area
School District Food Service and
Hospitality Co-op Advisory Committee, the
Moraine Park Technical College Advisory
Council, the Milwaukee Area Technical
College Culinary Advisory Council, and his
service as Kitchen Volunteer Coordinator
for the Meals on Wheels Love Bowls
Fundraiser, all demonstrate Chef Smitalas
loyalty to the community and to the future of
Each year, the WRA EF recognizes five
individuals and one company for dedication
and commitment to education in the restau-
rant industry as Salute to Excellence hon-
Other 2008 Salute to Excellence hon-
orees include: Joe Bartolotta (Bartolotta
Restaurant Group), Jenn Solloway-Malvitz
(Fox Valley Technical College), Russ
Tronsen (Badger High School), and David
Ross (Lake Lawn Resort). Each honoree
has worked in a variety of roles to create
opportunities for people interested in food-
service industry careers. They work in dif-
ferent parts of the state and in different pro-
fessions, but they share an enthusiasm and
optimism for the future of the restaurant
The Salute to Excellence awards were
presented at the 2008 Celebration of
Excellence held on Sunday, October 5 at the
Nakoma Golf Club in Madison.

Kohler High School senior Angela
Lisa Fiorini will again perform in
Milwaukee Ballet Companys The
Nutcracker throughout the month of
December. Angela auditioned for and
received the role of Clara and Maries
friend, a role she loves as it allows for
her to act, as well as dance. The
Milwaukee Ballet Company performs at
the Marcus Center for Performing Arts,
in downtown Milwaukee, where Angela
will perform in eleven of the twenty per-
Angela will also be performing
locally with the Moscow Ballet in their
Great Russian Nutcracker at the
Stephanie Wiell Center for Performing
Arts in downtown Sheboygan. She audi-
tioned for and will perform the role of
the Spanish Dancer on the evenings of
December 10th and 11th.
Angela is currently a student in the
Milwaukee Ballet Schools Pre-
Professional Academy, where she trains
under full artistic merit scholarship.
She most recently attended additional
training with The Atlanta Ballet during
Fiorini to performin Milwaukee
Ballet Companys The Nutcracker
their summer intensive program for advanced
students. While in Atlanta, she was selected to
perform a featured pas de deux during the final
performance showcase.
Angela Lisa Fiorini
Where the community and trust come together!
1160 Fond du Lac Ave., Sheboygan Falls
Looking for the
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is the perfect gift to bring Holiday Cheer!
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Try Woodlake Markets new
stone hearth artisan pizzas.
Neapolitan-style crust
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from Woodlake Market
Voodloke Morkel ls locoled ln lhe Shops ol Voodloke Kohler * Cpen om lo Ppm, seven doys o week * P204ZZ0 *
The Kohler Kiwanis Club and churches
in the Village of Kohler are jointly spon-
soring the 32nd Annual Christmas Walk in
Kohler on December14, 2008.
The walk begins at 6:30 p.m. at St.
Johns Catholic Church at 621 Pine Tree
Rd., then proceeds to Grace UCC, 500
School St. The walk concludes at Bethany
Lutheran Church, 222 Church St.
Christmas carols, choral pieces and
devotions will be shared at each site. The
public is invited and participants are encour-
aged to cover the entire walk, but may join
or leave the group at any time. Each walker
is asked to donate a gift of non-perishable
food items for local pantries. Light refresh-
ments to be served in the fellowship hall of
Bethany Lutheran Church after the service.
Annual Christmas Walk to be held
8 DECEMBER, 2008


Find your perfect Christmas
tree at Restoration Gardens.
Cooki es & Pi ct ur es wi t h Sant a
Saturday, Dec. 13 from1 to 3pm
We provide the first cookie & decorations free,
one cookie per child. Additional cookies
will be available for purchase.
Pictures with Santa available
for a donation to our favorite charity.
Dont forget your camera!
This year find the perfect tree, from people
who know trees. Fresh Balsam Fir from Nova
Scotia, Fraser Fir from Northern Wisconsin,
Canaan Firs and White Spruce in sizes from
4 to 14. Make us your new holiday tradition,
plus we offer FREE delivery in Kohler.
FREE Christmas tree delivery in Kohler
Handmade wreaths with dried florals,
garlands, boughs and branches for natural
holiday decorating.
6018 Superior Ave.
Kohler, WI
Stop in and check out
our Bistro Specials!
Order your fresh baked
holiday cookie assortment
2 dozen for $20
Book your Christmas party
here. Call for details
and availability.
As seen in The Chicago Tribune eco-friendly destinations article.
Start a new tradition
202 Pine Street

Sheboygan Falls

Store Hours: M-TH 10-6

Fri 10-8

Sat 10-4
Visit The New Chefs Corner!
Enhanceyour visit with premium
tea andaccompanimentsat the
See our unique holiday gift ideas
Food prep items
One-of-a-kind serving pieces
Decorative storage
April Cornell linens
Paula Dean foods
Kitchen dcor
Innovative utensils
and more . . .
Complete your shopping in a
relaxing setting.
A total of 1,353 Kohler voters turned
out to cast their ballots in the November 4
general election. The voter turnout rate
was 90.6 percent.
Though Barack Obama was the victor
in the presidential election, John McCain
was the winner in Kohler. Congressman
Tom Petri was also favored by Kohler vot-
ers, as well as Kohler resident Alex Pieper,
who lost to incumbent Terry Van Akkeren
for the state assembly race.
The national results for the presidential
election were Obama/Biden: 365 electoral
votes/66,882,230 popular votes over
McCain/Palin 173/58,343,671. Tom Petri
won his 16th term to U.S. House of
Representatives defeating challenger
Roger Kittelson 208,196 to 116,932. Terry
Van Akkeren defeated Alex Pieper 16,044
to 8,460.
Alex Pieper was favored by his home-
town of Kohler receiving 716 votes to Van
Akkerens 577, but it was actually the City
of Sheboygans 13th ward that delivered
Pieper the most votes at 739, (though Van
Akkeren received 1,211 votes from that
ward making him the eventual winner). The
13th ward encompasses an area widely sur-
rounding Evergreen Park and the quarry on
the citys northeast side.
I want to thank the village of Kohler
for all their support. I learned a great deal
about myself and my community.
Wherever I went throughout the village, my
friends and neighbors appreciated that I was
running and supported me in many ways,
and for that I am grateful. It was a fantastic
experience that I will take with me in each
new endeavor. I am so thankful for my wife,
Carrie, for all her work and support during
How Kohler voted on November 4
my campaign, said Pieper.
The November 4 election results for the
Village of Kohler are as follows:
150 Democratic
335 Republican
2 Wisconsin Green
1 Libertarian
President - Vice President
546 Obama & Biden
781 McCain & Palin
0 McKinney & Clemente
0 LaRiva & Moses
7 Nader & Gonzalez
1 Baldwin & Castle
0 Wamboldt & Klimisch
Rep in Congress
344 Roger A. Kittelson
962 Tom Petri
Winner: Tom Petri
Rep to Assembly
577 Terry Van Akkeren
716 Alex Pieper
Winner: Terry Van Akkeren
District Attorney
802 Joe DeCecco
County Clerk
798 Julie Glancey
811 Laura Henning-Lorenz
Register of Deeds
809 Ellen Schleicher
The various election results from
throughout Sheboygan County can be
viewed by visiting the Sheboygan County
websites election results page at:

We feature at least
1 Diabetic Dessert
FeaturingAny Kind of Dessert
Any order
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Good only at
May not be combined with any other special.
Orders must be placed by 12-31-08
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Christ mas Cookie Tins
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Located inside
To place orders or speak directly to Natalie~call (920)946-7436
Natalies Hours are Mon 8am-1pm; Wed-Sat 8am-6pm
Pastries available during Piggly Wiggly Hours
announces holiday
The annual Gingerbread Festival offers fam-
ilies an opportunity to experience the sights and
sounds of an old fashioned Christmas at the his-
toric Waelderhaus in Kohler, WI. Admission is
free and includes holiday musical performances
each Saturday and Sunday at 2:00 between
Thanksgiving and Christmas. Add to this the
excitement of seeing more than 50 gingerbread
houses amidst the old world craftsmanship of
the spectacular Waelderhaus.
Each year the Kohler Foundation invites
local classes, pre-school through high school, to
be part of the annual Gingerbread Festival com-
petition. Using candies, sweet treats and other
edible items, the youngsters build creations that
stretch the imagination. Visitors are asked to
vote for their favorites, and the popular vote
determines the winners in five age categories.
Cash prizes are awarded for first, second and
third places in each age category.
Local musical groups will share their holiday
spirit amid a delight of gingerbread creations
and authentic Austrian Christmas decorations.
Musical performances will take place in the
large, central room known as the saal. The
schedule follows:
November 29, Saturday, Golden Chordeliers -
Sheboygan Senior Center
November 30, Sunday - St. Marys Parish
School, Belgium
December 6, Saturday - Concordia Singers of
December 7, Sunday - Cooper Elementary
December 13, Saturday - Northern Lights
North High School
December 14, Sunday - Madrigals Kohler
High School
December 20, Saturday - Jane Van Maaron
Music Group - Violinists
December 21, Sunday -
Spencer Hamann.
Admission to the Waelderhaus and the spe-
cial musical performances is free. Visitors are
welcomed to the Gingerbread Festival weekdays
1 p.m. - 5 p.m.; Saturdays 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.; and
Sundays 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. The Waelderhaus will
be closed Christmas Eve day, Christmas Day,
New Years Eve Day, and New Years Day
Regular Waelderhaus tours will continue to
be offered daily at 2, 3, and 4 p.m. throughout
the month of December. Admission is always
free. Group tours are available by appointment
and may be arranged by calling the
Waelderhaus. For more information or to
arrange a tour, please call the Waelderhaus at
Kohler/Howards Grove production of High School Musical
Access online photo gallery from: (click on the Photos link)
10 DECEMBER, 2008


Kohler High volleyball
team makes strides
Submitted by Coach Becky Luedtke
The Kohler Varsity Volleyball Team
made big improvements this year both indi-
vidually and as a team. The team finished 5-
27 overall for the season and finished 8th
place in conference out of 10 teams. Kelsey
Stefanczyk and Megan Patterson were
voted all-conference honorable mention for
the Central Lakeshore Conference. The fol-
lowing girls were also recipients of team
awards: Molly Schaetz Most Improved,
Kelsey Stefanczyk Most Valuable Player,
Crystal Simon True Blue Award, Jordyn
Scheuren Outstanding Senior Award, Kali
Lidhold Most Improved JV, Christina
Lindstrom JV True Blue Award.
Congratulation to all girls on a hard fought
From front left: Megan Patterson, Sarah Westphalen, Nicole Beine 2nd row: Kelsey Stefanczyk, Molly
Schaetz Top row: Coach Becky Luedtke, Anna Berlin, Carissa Gartman, Jordyn Scheuren, Crystal
Simon, Coach Diane Navis. Photo courtesy of Network Photography.
Blue Bombers boys a season of success
Submitted by Coach Scott Feltner
The Kohler High School Boys varsity
soccer team achieved many successes on
and off the field this fall. They were Central
Lakeshore Conference Champions for the
second year in a row with a perfect 14 wins
and 0 losses. They were also WIAA
Regional Champions for the third year in a
row. The team has won Regionals every
year since becoming a varsity program
three years ago. The teams overall record
was 22-3 and they finished the regular sea-
son ranked #1 in the state by the Wisconsin
Soccer Coaches Association. The team also
won the Wrightstown Invitational tourna-
ment and the Central Wisconsin Christian
Invitational tournament.
According to head coach Scott Feltner,
the Central Wisconsin Tournament was one
of the highlights of the season, Because
one of the teams dropped out of the tourna-
ment we had to play two top ten teams with
only a half hour rest between games. We
beat #4 ranked Central Wisconsin Christian
2-1 and then turned around and beat
Columbus (eventual 2008 WIAA State
Champions) 3-0. It was the best soccer I
had seen the team play and led directly to
our #1 state ranking.
The Blue Bombers had 11 shutouts dur-
ing the season and averaged 4.4 goals per
game with a goals against average of 1.
They scored 109 goals overall while only
letting in 25 over 25 games. Coach Feltner
said, This teams success was built on
defense. We had a close knit group of sen-
ior defenders who included Steven Esche,
Shane Anderson, Doug Bocchini, AJ
Armstrong and Sam Mehoke.
The team proved they are good athletes
but they are good students too as they are
being considered for the National Soccer
Coaches Association of America Academic
award for the second year in a row. The
award is given to high school varsity teams
that have a cumulative 3.25 GPAas a team.
While achieving much success as a
Standing from left: Doug Bocchini, Brandon Tomlin, AJ Armstrong, Tucker Barrie, Peter Cope, Eric Mehoke, Steven Esche, Garrett Griswold, Ryan Zittel,
Shane Anderson, Nick Venn, Austin Van Treeck. Kneeling: Alex Romanoski, Kevin Beine, Adam Kellner, Sam Mehoke, Ryan Stefanczyk, Shawn Vroom,
Jimmy Mani
team, they managed to pick up many indi-
vidual honors as well. Senior Forward
Jimmy Mani led the conference in scoring
this year with 27 goals despite being double
and triple teamed all season. Junior Forward
Austin Van Treeck was second in the con-
ference with 18 goals. Mani, Van Treeck
and Senior Doug Bocchini were all voted
All Tournament at the Wrightstown
Invitational tournament.
The team placed more players (7) on the
CLC All Conference teams than any other
team in the conference. Austin Van Treeck,
Doug Bocchini, and Senior Goalkeeper
Steven Esche were All Conference (Second
Team). They were joined by the only soph-
omore to make the All Conference team,
Shawn Vroom.
All Conference (First Team) players
included Jimmy Mani, Senior Midfielder
Ryan Stefanczyk and Senior Defender
Shane Anderson. Mani was chosen as a
unanimous #1 pick by all of the CLC coach-
Group photo from October 25 Sports Core Junior Tennis Tournament champions Kara
Saemann (Girls 16s), Audra Hoffmann (Girls 14s), Tyler Lewis (Boys 16s), Tim Valicenti
(Boys 14s). (See complete write-up in November issue of The Kohler Villager).
Kohler girls varsity tennis #3 doubles Alex Mauer & Mary Molepske finished the season
with a record of 13-3, not 13-8 as reported in the November issue of The Kohler Villager.

Make a change toward a new
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* Carriage Rides * Pony Rides
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Parade at 5 p.m., sponsored by M & I
* Letters to Santa
For more info. call 467-6206
Main Street
in Historic
Sheboygan Falls
Saturday, December 6
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
West End Shops in Sheboygan Falls
offer unique shopping experience
and dried arrangements for weddings,
funerals, and special occasions. Gift items
include candles, oil lamps, comfort candles,
stained glass, fusion art glass, tea pots,
picture frames, wall signs, hand bags, baby
items that are both plush and framed, hand
embroidered dish towels made locally, and
hand etched jewelry boxes by a local artist.
The also store offers items for weddings,
showers, birthdays, or any special day,
including wedding pictures done by a local
Magpies Cottage, at 312 Pine Street, is
a creative specialty shop featuring high
quality, reasonably priced yarns, fabrics,
beads, and gift items for everyone from
novice to expert. The shop also provides
demonstrations and quick drop-in learn to
knit classes. Visit
Richardson Furniture Emporium, 202
Pine Street, invites visitors to step inside
their two beautifully restored, century-old
buildings to see the unique selection of
quality furniture, home accents and dcor,
bath and body care, and ever-changing gift
galleries. It is a truly special shopping
experience where shoppers can feel fabrics,
see intricate details of quality construction,
and behold the varied selection of all they
have to offer including design services that
help create stylish interiors that transform a
house into a home. Visit
Atrium Tea Room, 202 Pine Street,
promises a precisely brewed pot of
premium tea from their trained tea artisans.
They also offer a sampling of
A group of retail establishments located
in a historical district in downtown
Sheboygan Falls partnered together to form
the West End Shops.
Located west of the Evans store on Pine
Street, the shops are committed to giving
their customers a unique shopping
experience in one location.
The group consists of The Wine House,
Share-N-Flowers & Gifts, Magpies
Cottage, Richardson Furniture Emporium,
Atrium Tea Room, The Corner Studio, and
The Fringe, A Country Inn.
The Wine House, located at 217 Pine
Street in Falls, features wines priced
between $9 and $15, with emphasis on
wines to drink everyday for various
occasions. They offer a friendly
atmosphere to shop and explore, including
a tasting bar where they offer tastes of
wine daily for a small fee. Their motto is
discoveries to enhance the mind and the
palate to various wines of the world one
wine at a time.
Wines are arranged according to the
types of grapes they are made from. Wines
from different countries but made from the
same grape offer wine connoisseurs a
chance to explore the different styles of
wine a grape can produce. The Wine House
also strives to be Sheboygan Countys wine
store by assembling an inventory based on
taste and style of its customers, whether it
is white, red, or semi-dry. Visit
Share-N-Flowers & Gifts, 308 Pine
Street, sells fresh flowers as well as silk
accompaniments such as soup, salad,
quiche, gourmet cheeses, and mouth-
watering desserts. Their ever-evolving
furniture, dcor, and tea room are a
destination youll visit again and again. Visit
The Corner Studio, 222 Pine Street, bills
itself as Sheboygan Countys most unique
jewelry store. Award winning goldsmiths
Karin Burg and Tim Pinkert create one-of-a
-kind jewelry in platinum, gold, and silver.
In addition to custom jewelry, they also size
rings, repair jewelry, and remount
diamonds and gemstones. Visit
The Fringe, A Country Inn, located five
minutes west of I-43 at 711 Giddings
Avenue, is an historic structure that was
formerly owned by members of the Kohler
family before it was transformed into a
unique bed and breakfast. Patrons are
invited to enjoy one of four brand new and
spacious luxury rooms that are custom
designed for comfort, privacy, and quiet
relaxation for both Wisconsin business
travelers and vacationers alike. Lodgers
enjoy a delicious home style breakfast each
morning while relaxing in the ultimate in
The common area in The Fringe can
comfortably fit up to 40 people, from small
family gatherings (including showers,
reunions and small weddings) to business
meetings. Other events held at The Fringe
have included scrapbooking weekends, art
and jewelry shows, wine tasting parties, and
retreats. Visit
Sheboygan Falls
202 Pine Street
222 Pine Street
Fabric ~ Fiber ~ Fun!
312 Pine Street
202 Pine Street
217 Pine Street ~ 920-467-1701
308 Pine Street
711 Giddings Avenue
12 DECEMBER, 2008


Sheboygan, WI 53081
(920) 457-1950
[email protected]
Jason E. Dierkes
Where the community and trust come together!
Holiday Inn Appleton
equon Vein & Laser Center
11725 N Port Washington Road~ Mequon 53092
TLC Casuals
Located inside
rs rs rs s
Toall businesses and readers who
supported TheK ohler Villager during 2008...
Thank You!
Pat Weeden
Darryl Gumm
(Dale Carnegie)

The Shops at Woodlake, Kohler, WI
M-F 10-6, Sat 10-5, Sun 12-5
Crystal H.Fieber
Attorneyat Law
Bruce Nowak
Sales & Leasing Consultant
Bill Cain

/ Auctioneer
312 Pine Street - Sheboygan Falls
Thaddeus ONeill, MD
INNovative. INNspired. INNviting.
S teve
R e in b a ch e r
Jo h n E lm e n d o rf
(Villa ge Tru ste e
ca n d id a te s a d ve rtise rs)
J im Truman
And may youhavea
happy holiday season and
prosperous newyear!
Kohl er
Publ ic
School s
Mary Struck, Publisher
14 DECEMBER, 2008


Health and Hope Support Group for adults being treated for major
Six-week series begins Thursday, September 18 from 10 - 11:30 a.m. at the
United Way building, 2020 Erie Avenue, Sheboygan. Call Mental Health
America for information, 458-3951.
Kohler School Friends
Second Monday of the month at 10:00 a.m. in the Theatre lobby.
Kohler Police Athletic League (KPAL)
Second Thursday of every month at the firehouse. Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m.
Kohler Soccer Club
Second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Library.
Kohler Athletic Booster Club
First Monday of each month (excluding July) at 7:00 pm in the Library.
Kohler Kiwanis Club
Every Wednesday at noon at The American Club, lower level banquet rooms
(unless noted otherwise). Rich Balge, president. 459-5787 Ext. 1102.
Announcements and milestones are printed free of charge. Mail or leave in drop
box at: 219 Church St., Kohler, WI 53044.
Please include self-addressed stamped envelope to ensure return of photo
Classifieds are $5 per issue. Make checks payable to The Kohler Villager
Domenica Kristina Plaza Homiston was born November 5 in
Santiago, Chile. Her parents are Kristi Homiston de Plaza and Antonio
Plaza and brother, Diego, of Santiago, Chile. Grandparents are Richard
and Janice Homiston of Kohler and Arturo and Myrna Plaza of Santiago,
Mary Overbeck Manuele, age 76,
passed away peacefully on November
3, 2008 after a brave battle with cancer.
She was born on March 28, 1932 in
Sheboygan, Wisconsin, to the late Carl
and Rosalie Overbeck and graduated in
1950 from Kohler High School in
Wisconsin. She spent many years in
South Florida and has lived in
Jacksonville for the last fifteen years.
Mary lived the active lifestyle and
loved boating, golfing, fishing and
waterskiing while raising her children.
She later worked many years as an
agent secretary for Equitable Life
Assurance Society and retired in 1987
after fifteen years of service. After
retirement, she and Frank moved back
from Springfield, Illinois to Jacksonville
to be close to her loving family. She
loved to go to her grandchildrens ath-
letic games and to play bingo with her
friends. Over the years, she also had
many beloved dogs.
Mary is survived by her loving hus-
band of 38 years, Frank Manuele, their
six children Raye Robinson (Ralph),
Jennifer Swoboda (Mike), Peter Jacob
(Cindy), Frank Manuele, Laura Jacob,
Timothy Manuele and their 10 grand-
children. All will miss her greatly. She
is predeceased by her sister Nancy
A Memorial Service in celebration of
her life will be held at 1:00 p.m.,
Wednesday, November 5, 2008 in
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home in
Jacksonville Beach, with the family
receiving friends at 12:00 p.m., before
the service.
Please visit our online Tribute at Services under
the care and direction of Quinn-Shalz,
A Family Funeral Home, Jacksonville
Beach, Florida.
Molepske appointed as
chief executive officer at
Bank First National
Thomas J. Bare, President, Bank First
National, has announced his plans to retire
as President of Bank First National and
director of the Bank and First Manitowoc
Bancorp, Inc. effective December 31, 2008.
Mr. Bare has agreed to continue in a con-
sulting role at the Bank through mid 2009.
The Banks Board of Directors has
appointed Michael B. Molepske as Chief
Executive Officer and David J. Diedrich as
President effective January 1, 2009.
Messrs. Molepske and Diedrich will work
together to provide leadership and direction
to meet the organizational goals. I am con-
fident that Mike and Dave can assist our
organization in attaining the goals and
expectations of shareholders, customers
and employees. I look forward to continu-
ing to work alongside Mike, Dave, and our
existing team of highly talented managers
to implement Bank First Nationals strate-
gic plan in the months ahead, stated Mr.
Mike Molepske has been with Bank First
National since 2005 in the capacity of
Regional President and Executive Officer.
Prior to joining the bank he was President at
a large regional bank. Since joining Bank
First National, Mr. Molepske has coordinat-
ed the opening of a location in Sheboygan
and the acquisition of Acuity Bank in
Sheboygan. The Sheboygan location has
assets in excess of $144 million. Mr.
Molepske is originally from Manitowoc
and holds his Bachelor of Business
Administration from the University of
Wisconsin Madison. He obtained his
Master of Business Administration from the
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. Mr.
Molepske and his wife Amy reside in
Kohler with their two children. I am very
excited to expand my leadership position at
Bank First National and honored that the
Board selected me for this role. I have a
deep respect for Tom Bare and what he has
accomplished during his tenure here, stat-
ed Mr. Molepske.
Dave Diedrich has been with Bank First
National as Senior Vice President
Business Banker and Executive Officer
since 2007. Mr. Diedrich also worked at
Bank First National from 1996 to 2004 as
Vice President. He has over 29 years of
banking experience. Mr. Diedrich was
instrumental in developing and implement-
ing the banks strategic plan and is involved
with other management areas of the bank.
Mr. Diedrich is a graduate of the University
of Wisconsin Green Bay and obtained his
Master of Business Administration from the
University of Notre Dame in Notre Dame,
Indiana. Mr. Diedrich and his wife Sandy
reside in Manitowoc. Im grateful to have
the Board and Mr. Bares support as we con-
tinue to focus on the culture and vision of
Bank First National which has made us a
leader in the financial services areas, stat-
ed Mr. Diedrich.
First Manitowoc Bancorp, Inc. (OTCBB:
FMWC.OB) provides financial services
through its sole subsidiary, Bank First
National, a national banking association
incorporated in 1894. The Bank is an inde-
pendent community bank with 15 banking
locations in Manitowoc, Brown, Calumet
and Sheboygan counties. The Bank has
grown through both acquisitions and de
novo branch expansion. The Bank offers
loan, deposit, investment advisory and trust
products at each of its banking offices.
Insurance products are available through its
wholly owned subsidiary, The Vincent
Group, Inc. and asset management services
are available through its wholly owned sub-
sidiary, George V. Reis Investment Group,
Inc. The Bank employs approximately 250
full time equivalent staff and has assets of
$769 million as of October 31, 2008.
For more information on Bank First
National, visit
Holiday Memories
Drive Thru
Light Display
Holiday Memories
Drive Thru
Light Display
December 1-31
Daily 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
December 1-31
Daily 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Donations Appreciated ~ All Proceeds to Patient Care Fund
Sharon S. Richardson Community Hospice
W2850 State Rd. 28, Sheboygan Falls
Thank You to Our Sponsors

Send or drop off business card and $15 payment (per month) to: Terra Media, L.L.C., 219 Church St., Kohler, WI 53044
[email protected]
Exit 123 East I-43 2701 Washington Ave. Sheboygan, WI 53081
Bruce Nowak
Sales & Leasing Consultant
(920) 459-6020 (800) 459-6020
(920) 377-1948
[email protected]
Or Visit
Amy Gutschow
Broker Executive
Manitowoc (920) 682-5767
Kiel 773-2270 Sheboygan (920) 452-5696 MikeHartmann, owner
Lincoln Town Car
Interior of 14
Passenger Limo Coach
14 Passenger SUV
Bill Cain

/ Auctioneer
P.O. Box 220, 433 E. Mill Street
Plymouth, WI 53073
Office: (920) 893-8842 x313
Toll Free: (800) 470-2684
Fax: (920) 892-6848
[email protected]
BC-211075 - 10/08
Proudly serving the
insurance needs of Kohler.
Sue Breitbach Fenn Agency
3626 Erie Ave.
Sheboygan, WI 53081
(920) 457-1950
[email protected]
Home Office Madison, WI 53783
American Family Mutual Insurance
Company and its Subsidiaries
We're here to help you with
all of your insurance needs.
108 Pine Street
Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085
[email protected]
Pattys Animal Walking Service
Providing daily exercise for your pet
9204672734 [email protected]
16 DECEMBER, 2008


See all the Humane Societys
adoptable pets at
Visit the Sheboygan County
Humane Society at:
3107 N. 20th St.
Sheboygan, WI 53083
Shelter hours:
Monday: Noon - 4:30 p.m.
Tues.& Thurs: Noon - 6:30 p.m.
Wed. & Fri.: Noon - 4:30 p.m.
Saturday: Noon - 4:00 p.m.
Closed Sundays.
The Humane Society offers discount
adoption rates on adult cats. Please
help us end pet overpopulation in
Sheboygan County, please SPAY and
NEUTER your pets. Ariel
C8-10-1261 This pretty little gray female with lime green eyes came to
the shelter as a stray with her front paws declawed. Its amazing that she
survived out there with all the dangers in the world. Now that the holi-
days are near, Ariel deserves a safe, warm home and to be the sugar
plum cat of your home.
Pets of the month at the Sheboygan County Humane Society
K o h le r stu d e n ts ra k e le a ve s to fu lfill co m m u n ity se rvice
re q u ire m e n ts fo r sch o o l a d viso ry p e rio d
S e e m o re p h o to s a t ko h le rvilla ge m (click o n P h o to s lin k ).
#D8-07-441 Coona
is a spayed 5 year
old female
Coonhound. She
came to the shelter
as a stray in July
and is still waiting to
be discovered by her
new family. The
shelter staff is hop-
ing that Coona will
be home for the hol-
idays because she
is so deserving,
amazingly sweet,
smart and well-man-
Kohl er Publ ic School Newsl et t er
Produced and published by the School District of Kohler with the cooperation of staff, community members, and the Village of Kohler
Sponsored by
Kohler School Friends
February 7, 2009
Kohler School Cafeteria
Doors Open 6:30, Game Starts 7:00
Nothing's too Trivial for Trivia Night!
Is your head full of useless information, like this?
Wh ich two U S sta te s h a ve th e m o st n a tio n a l p a rk site s?
Wh a t a re five o f th e first e igh t Je lly B e lly fla vo rs in tro d u ce d in 1 9 7 6 ?
Wh a t is u n u su a l a b o u t M o n a Lisa s eye b ro ws in th e fa m o u s Le o n a rd o d a Vin ci p a in tin g?
Wh o sa id th is? I t's wo n d e rfu l to b e h e re in th e gre a t sta te o f C h ica go .
H o w m a n y tim e s ca n a wo o d p e cke r p e ck in 1 se co n d ?
E ve n if yo u d o n 't k n o w th e se a n swe rs, it's su re a lo t o f fu n gu e ssin g! Jo in u s fo r Trivia N igh t o n
Fe b ru a ry 7 , 2 0 0 9 .
Thetoptablewill receiveacashawardof$200.
Assembleyourown8personteamorregisterasanindividual andwewill trytomatchyouupwithateam.
Eachtableof8will bescoredasateam.
Complimentarybeveragesandlightsnackswill beserved.Playersarewelcometobringownmunchiesandbeverages.
Walk-inswill beacceptedtheeveningoftheeventiftablesareavailable.
Questionswill beorientedtowardadults.
All proceedsbenefittheKohlerSchool FriendsOrganizationandwill beusedtoenhancethecurriculumforall students.
Foradditional questionspleasecall DianeKelly,920-452-2737.
To reserve 1 table of eight (8) in your name at $100.00 per table.
Pick up a format the Library, Village Hall or School Office.
A n s w e r s :
1 . C a l i f o r n i a a n d A l a s k a - 8 e a c h
2 . O r a n g e , G r e e n A p p l e , R o o t B e e r , V e r y C h e r r y , L e m o n , C r e a m S o d a , G r a p e , a n d L i c o r i c e 3 . S h e h a s
3 . n o n e .
4 . D a n Q u a y l e
5 . 2 0
Thanks to you another successful
Holiday Arts & Crafts Fair
Hints of the holidays could be found at Kohler School on November 15th as the Kohler School Friends PTO held their annual Holiday Arts & Crafts
Fair. Kohler School Friends would like to thank everyone who helped to make this year's Holiday Arts and Crafts Fair a success.
The proceeds of the Craft Fair pay for field trip transportation and curriculum materials that our JK - 12th grade students use in the classroom every
day. Without your continued support of this event, funding these items would not be possible!
2008Craft Fair Committee
Event Co-Chairs Suzanne Fink & Diane Venn
Applications Marlene Yang
Facility Katie Maki
Finance Lisa Morrissett
Raffle Martha Safford & Mary Janssen
Concessions Kim Post
Bake Sale Lisa Gartman & Tracy Maggi
Volunteers Beth Tengowski & Holly Pellowski
Decorations Elise Cantrell & Katie Creek
Advertising Laurie Lindow
Design & Print Vicki Friske
Hospitality Cathy Cassady
Storage Facility Ray Venn
2008Craft Fair Donors
Bicycle Works
Big Apple Bagels
Blattners Piggly Wiggly
The Bull at Pinehurst Farms
Camp Anokijig
Camp Y-Koda
Chissys Bar & Grill
Firehouse Pizza
Melvin Free
The Gameboard, LLC
Green Bay Gamblers
Green Bay Packers
Amy Gutschow Realty Executives
Todd Gutschow Larrys Distributing
Highland House Restaurant
Lori Hucke
Shari Jensen Village Realty
Herbert V. Kohler, Jr.
Kohler Company
Kohler Jazz Band
Kohler Madrigals
Kohler Police Department
Kohler Waters Spa
Wendy Kukla
Ms. Lewinski & her World of Foods class
Ellwood H. May Environmental Park
Milwaukee Bucks
Milwaukee Wave
Odyssey Fun Center
Pick n Save
Plymouth Foam
Q Mart
Road America
Rochester Inn Bed & Breakfast
Salon 511 Kathy Hillstrom
Bob & Michelle Schwoerer &
Sheboygan Falls YMCA
Sheboygan Youth Sailing Club
SkyBox Sports Pub & Grille
Sweet Potatos Boutique
Rich Tengowski
Torke Coffee Roasting Co.
Village of Kohler Tourism
Woodlake Market
2008Craft Fair Volunteers
Michelle Albrecht
Paula Anderson
Ev Baka
Lisa Bates
Carol Benishek
John Benishek
Anna Berlin
David Berlin
Lesley Cassidy
Caren Chung
Sarah Chung
Kelly DeAmico
Henry Dentz
Tonya DePagter
Sue Dexheimer
Sonia Egbert
Heather Ertel
Cathy Farrell
Kim Feltner
Noah Fink
Suzanne Fink
Kara Friske
Vicki Friske
Cody Gartman
Alvida Groom
Jane Halverson
Sarah Hapeman
Stacy Harriott
Julia Hart
Kathy Hoekstra
Michele Hoeppner
Len Hucke
Lori Hucke
Steven Jaberg
Sue Jaberg
Michael Janssen
Travis Janssen
Kathy Kane
Jen Kelm
Key Club Students
Bobbi Knapp
Logan Knapp
Dave Krueger
Donna Krueger
Deb LaDuke
Nancy Madigan
Karen Mani
Dale Neil
Linda Neil
Zach Neil
Lori Neurohr
Celeste Nugent
Tamra OKeefe
Rachel OKeefe
Ann Reinbacher
Kristin Renzelmann
Jen Roeber
Mel Romanoski
Sue Ruminski
Kathy Rutten
Martha Safford
Liz Sprinkman
Joni Stefanczyk
Julie Steinert
Beth Tengowski
Ryan Tengowski
Laura Tesmer
Lynn VanderSchaaf
Michelle VanZeeland
Diane Venn
Michael Venn
Nick Venn
Ray Venn
Nicole Wallander
Ted Weidman
Patti Wenberg
Nancy Wright
Marlene Yang
Ebben Field Update:
The Fall construction cycle of the
Ebben Field restoration project has come
to a close. With help from moderate
weather patterns, the construction crew
was able to place the foundational layer of
asphalt for the new track. The track was
also given a basic striping pattern so that
the Spring track season can begin on time.
Please note that the Ebben Field complex
will be closed for the winter. As a matter
of safety, we ask that individuals avoid
traversing the area.
At the November Board meeting, The
Kohler Public Schools Board of
Education approved the creation of the
Ebben Field Master Planning Steering
Committee. This advisory committee will
be primarily responsible for soliciting pub-
lic input on the Ebben Field Master
Planning Project, as well as presenting sub-
sequent recommendations to the School
Board. The goal is to create a thoughtful
and aesthetically pleasing multi-use facility
that meets the needs of both the school and
the community for years to come. A num-
ber of community forums and focus groups
will be scheduled so that all stakeholders
can share ideas and offer suggestions
regarding the design and development of
the Ebben Field complex. Specific details
on meeting dates and times will be forth-
The Junior Class of Kohler High School is holding a
prom fundraiser on January 15, 2009. It will be held in
the school cafeteria from 4:30-7:30 with Chef Ted
Weidman of Taher Foods preparing the meal.
An all you can eat pasta bar with choice of cheese tortellini or cavatappi pasta
tossed with choice of marinara sauce, Alfredo sauce, pesto sauce, and topped
with your choice of chicken or Italian sausage.
The meal also includes Caesar salad with French bread, coffee or lemonade.
$7.00 per person at the door or $6.50 per person with pre-purchased ticket.
$4.00 for children 8 years old and under.
Children 2 years old and younger free!
18 DECEMBER, 2008

KOHLER TIMES is publishedfor residents of the
Kohler School District
Kohler Public Schools
333 Upper Road, Kohler, WI 53044
Boardof Education
Dr. J aneA. Bishop, President,
J imODonnell, V. President
DianeVenn, Clerk
J ohnSuralik, Treasurer
LauraKohler, Member
Dr. Robert Kobylski
E-mail submissions: [email protected]
Phone: 331-4904
Kohler Times deadline: 20th of every month
As we begin another year, it is once again time to review the procedures for school closings due to inclement weather.
As in the past, we ask parents to discuss this issue with their children NOW- before the actual emergency occurs. If
you are generally not home during the day, be sure your child knows NOWwhere they are to go if school closed early
(Will they go home with a classmate? Older sibling? A relative? Have you made prior arrangements with this individual to
be on stand by for these occasions?) In emergency closing situations, forty or fifty children wanting to call home/work to
find out where to go, seriously delays the entire closing process. Please make sure your arrangements in advance and be
sure your child is fully aware of what to do.
Any decision to close schools for all or any portion of a school day will be made as early as possible in order to afford
parents the opportunity to make alternate child care transportation plans. All closing announcements or early dismissals
will be made on the following area radio/television stations:
WHBL (1330 AM), WXER (104.5 OR 96.1 FM ), WSTM (91.3 FM) The Breeze, WLKN (98.1)
WTMJ - Channel 4, WFRV - Channel 5, WISN - Channel 12, NBC 26 - Channel 26, WLUK -Channel 11, WITI - Channel
6, WBAY-TV/DT 2 - Channel 2.
Counselors Corner
Happy Holidays from the Student Services office.
On November 13
all Kohler students were asked to participate in Mix It Up at Lunch Day. This was a national
event and a simple call to action for students to step out of their comfort zones to meet new people in the
school cafeteria. Students in grades Kindergarten through 12
were assigned to a table as they came into
lunch. At the table they had the opportunity to meet and talk with other students they might not otherwise get to
know. Our students did a nice job of participating. Prizes such as cards for KFC, Quiznos, McDonalds, Marcus
Theatre and Target were given via a raffle for participating students. This is a positive event and I am currently
looking for a few motivated students or a student organization who might want to take over the running of this
annual event. If you know of a student or a student group who would like to run future Mix It Up at Lunch
events please contact me.
As always, parents feel free to make an appointment to meet with me or call (459-2921 ext. 1301) or send an e-
mail ([email protected]) if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child(ren).
UpcomingACT/SAT Dates:
Test TestDate RegistrationDeadlines
ACT February 7, 2008 January 6, 2009
April 4, 2009 February 27, 2009
June 13, 2009 May 8, 2009
SAT January 24, 2009 December 26, 2008
March 14, 2009 February 10, 2009
May 2, 2009 March 31, 2009
June 6, 2009 May 5, 2009
Apply on-line at for the ACT or at for the SAT or registration materials avail-
able in the Student Services Office. Kohler High Schools code is 501-035
The ACT and the SAT are typically administered at the following local schools: UW- Sheboygan, Sheboygan
North, Sheboygan South, and Sheboygan Falls. Students are responsible for completing the registration
process for these college entrance tests.
ACT recommends that students take the ACT Assessment during the spring of their junior year.
Reminder to all seniors who arestill workingonpost-secondaryschool applications or scholarshipapplica-
tions thestudentservices officewill not beopenover theholidaybreak. If a studentneeds a transcriptor
to haveforms signedtheyshouldtakecareof this BEFORE theDecember 24
J anuary4
order to meettheendof themonthor endof theyear deadlines. Mrs. Multer andMrs. Andersonarenot
intheofficeover theholidays.
Students are encouraged to check the daily announcements as well as the bulletin board across from the stu-
dent services office for information regarding available scholarships. A list is also available on schools high
school and Mrs. Multers school website.
Financial Aid Information
USE This is the real government Financial Aid site
DONT CONFUSE a site that charges families for filling out the fafsa . . . remember the first F in FAFSA
stands for Free
Complete the FREE application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA) as many institutions require this information for
determining aid and scholarship packages. Students can pick up these forms in Mrs. Multers office or better yet
they can apply on-line at www.fafsa.ed.gove after January 1
. Income Tax information from your 2008 form is
needed so you will have to complete this first. You can get a head start on the FAFSA form by visiting the web-
site and getting a PIN so that everything is ready when the new form is available after January 1, 2009. Parents
and students need to get their own pin in order to sign their application electronically. Parents you can use the
same PIN for multiple students in your family.
Kohler Families areinvitedto thefollowingFinancial AidWorkshops:
A Financial Aid Workshop will be held at in the Plymouth High School Auditorium on Wednesday, January 7
from 6:00-8:00 p.m.
A Financial Aid Workshop will be held at Sheboygan Falls High School on Monday, January 12
at 6:00 p.m.
CollegeGoal Sunday2-21-2009@2:00PM
@ UW Sheboygan
One University Avenue
Sheboygan, WI 53081
College Goal Sunday is a free event designed to assist families in completing the FAFSA form, considered the
essential first step to attaining financial aid for higher education.
PostHighSchool Options NightFor Freshman, Sophomores, Juniors andParents
Monday, March16, 2009
Are you confused about all the possibilities for life after graduation? If so, come and investigate all of your
options. Students and parents should not miss this chance to explore todays choices for life after high school!!!
This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Presidential Awards for Excellence in
Mathematics and Science Teaching. (PAEMST) The National Science Foundation
and Wisconsin held a gala celebration to highlight these twenty-five years by
honoring all of Wisconsins state and national PAEMST awardees. Jessie Good
and Dana Krejcarek, national awardees, were invited as two of Wisconsins out-
standing educators. Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent of Public
Instruction, and Anthony Evers, Deputy State Superintendent honored each of
them with a commemorative pin and recognition at the Capital Rotunda.
Governor Jim Doyle proclaimed November 20, 2008 as Presidential Awardee Day
for Wisconsin.
Presidential Awards for
Excellence in Mathematics
and Science Teaching
Kohler Elementary Musical
Friday, December 19
, 2008
2:00 p.m.
Kohler Memorial Theatre
J unior Kindergarten through Grade 6


Office of Superintendent
Kohler, WI 53044
Kohler School District
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Regular Board meeting of the Board of Education, Kohler
Public School District, was held at 7:00 p.m. in the KohlerSchool
Library,Dr. Jane Bishop, Board president, presiding. The meet-
ing was announced in the SheboyganPressand the agendas
were posted at the Kohler Village Hall, the Kohler Public Library
and the main entrance of the school building in compliance with
the Open Meeting Law of Wisconsin Statutes.
Dr. Bishop called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. in the Kohler
Roll call was taken by Ms. Venn, Board Clerk.
Present: Dr. Jane A. Bishop President
Jim P. ODonnell Vice President
Diane L. Venn Clerk
John Suralik Treasurer
Dr. Robert Kobylski Superintendent
Lee Benish MS/HS Interim Principal
Wendy Nasgovitz HR/IT Administrator
Tamra OKeefe Director Special
Nikki L. Schneider Executive Asst to Supt/Board
Absent: Laura Kohler Member
Susan M. Jaberg EL Principal
Board approved the hire of Sandy Lacerda as 50% special educa-
tion teacher
Board approved the hire of Colette Veldhorst as 7
grade girls
basketball coach for the 2008 basketball season
Board approved Ken Roeder as head boys basketball coach for
the 2008 basketball season.
Persons RequestingtoAddress Members oftheBoardof
Presentations,Recognitions andResolutions
- The Board recognized Kelly Suralik as National Merit Scholarship
recipient and Nicholas Henegar as National Merit Scholarship finalist.
Formal recognition will be held at the November Board meeting.
- The Board recognized Lori Neurohr as Wisconsin Representative
Teacher of the Year to National Teacher of the Year Program.
BoardPresidents Report:
- Dr. Bishop reminded the members of the Board to complete the
assignments regarding Neola Policy Review.
- Dr. Bishop shared an update regarding the non-motorized trans-
portation grant.
ReviewofFinancial Statement:
- Dr. Kobylski reviewed the information regarding the financial state-
ment, third Friday count results, expenditures/revenue, and reminded
everyone that our Annual Meeting will be held October 27th.
Superintendents Report:
Dr. Kobylski noted the following:
- Ebben Field track demolition is progressing; the pulverization
process of the existing track will begin on Wednesday. The track will
be painted prior to the start of the winter months. The Phase II mas-
ter planning and needs assessment processes will begin once the
track work has been completed. This phase will include upgrades of
the current electrical capacity, fencing, press box, etc.
- Homecoming activities were very successful; congratulations to Mr.
Benish for his hard work.
- NWEA testing has been completed at this time and data analysis
has begun.
- SIAC Committee formation - Dr. Kobylski is in the process of form-
ing a School Improvement Advisory Committee for the purpose of
identifying 21
century skill sets necessary for success in an
increasingly globalized community.
Several teachers and community members have responded. The first
meeting is expected to be held in November.
Prepared From Scratch
1 2 3 4 5
Contains Pork Grilled Cheese Sandwich Fresh Baked Pizza Grilled Chicken Sandwich "Beef Stroganoff" French Toast
Homemade Soup Cheese or Pepperoni Sweet Potato Fries Beef and Gravy Scrambled Eggs
Vegetarian Entre Crackers Caesar Salad Sugar Snap Peas Buttered Noodles Hash Brown
Broccoli Grapefruit
Harvest of the Month Wheat Dinner Roll
Alternative Entre Alternative Entre Alternative Entre Alternative Entre Alternative Entre
Taco Salad Chef Salad Fajita Salad Chicken Caesar Salad Oriental Salad
Buffalo Chicken Wrap Egg Salad Sandwich Roasted Veggie Focaccia Turkey BLT Wrap Tuscan Piegga
8 9 10 11 12
Chicken&Cheese Quesadilla 3 Cheese Stromboli 1/2 Day of School BBQ Chicken Legs Turkey Tetrazzini
Salsa & Sour Cream W/Zesty Pizza Sauce Sandwich and Salad Barley Baked Pilaf Garlic Bread
Mexican Corn & Rice California Blend Choice Served Green Beans Marinated Vegetables
Alternative Entre Alternative Entre Alternative Entre Alternative Entre Alternative Entre
Asian Chicken Noodle Salad Mediterranean Vegetable Bowl Chicken Caesar Salad Tuna Salad Garden Vegetable Salad
Ham Rollup Italian Turkey Sandwich Turkey Sub Chicken Club Sub Barcelonai Chicken Wrap
15 16 17 18 19
Hard or Soft Shell Tacos Chicken Nuggets Chili Con Carne Fresh Baked Pizza Cheeseburger on
Lettuce,Tomato,Cheese Tator Tots Cheese & Sour Cream Cheese or Sausage Wholegrain Bun
Mexican Rice Popeye Salad Corn Bread Marinated Pasta Salad Lettuce & Tomato
Oven Fries
Alternative Entre Alternative Entre Alternative Entre Alternative Entre Alternative Entre
Chef Salad Taco Salad Fajita Salad Chicken Caesar Salad Oriental Salad
Buffalo Chicken Wrap Egg Salad Sandwich Roasted Veggie Focaccia Turkey BLT Wrap Tuscan Piegga
Elementary $3.25 Italian Lasagna Beef Hot Dog
Secondary $3.25 Garlic bread on a Wheat Bun
Caesar Salad Mac & Cheese
Additional Milk $0.40
Adult $3.25
Alternative Entre Alternative Entre
Spinach Garden Salad Crispy Chicken Salad
Ranch Chicken Wrap Smoked Turkey Wrap
29 30 31 1 JANUARY
See you in
Kohler School District
Lunch Menu
Milk Choice of 1% or skim
is included with Lunch
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all
or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-
2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Ted Weidman
Chef / Manager
920-459-2920 x 1439
Fruit & Vegetable Bar
Fresh vegetables, plus fresh
and canned fruits, are
available daily with
lunch from
the Fruit
Chef's Special offered
to Secondary Students
Daily as additional
Lunch Choice
- The first Superintendent/Parent Listening Session has been
held at Woodlake Market. This session was well
attended and positive dialogue was shared.
MovedbyMs. Venn, secondedbyMr. ODonnell toapprovethe
itemsontheConsentAgenda. All ayes. Motioncarriedunanimously.
Consideration/ Approval ofKohlerSchool Friends Donation
List- Discussion was held.
MovedbyMr. ODonnell, secondedbyMr. Suraliktoapprovethe
KohlerSchool FriendsDonationList. All ayes. Motioncarriedunani-
Approval offirstreadingofpolicyUseofCameras andOther
RecordingDevices inLockerRooms Discussion was held. Dr.
Kobylski notes that this policy comes to us at this time due to state
MovedbyMs. Venn, secondedbyMr. ODonnell toapprovethefirst
readingof policyUseof CamerasandOtherRecordingDevicesin
LockerRooms. All ayes. Motioncarriedunanimously.
SanctioningofEbbenFieldTrackTaskForce Discussion was
held. Dr. Kobylski notes that Mr. Tom Schnettler will act as project
manager visiting twice a day and reporting back to Dr. Kobylski,
committee chair. Dr. Kobylski thanked all those involved for their
efforts in making this process smooth and successful thus far. Dr.
Kobylski will facilitate all communication with the Board of Education.
MovedbyMs. Venn, secondedbyMr. ODonnell tosanctionthecre-
ationof theEbbenFieldTrackTaskForce. All ayes. Motioncarried
PreviewoftheAnnual Meeting Dr. Kobyski presented a brief
overview of the upcoming Annual Meeting. No action was required.
Persons RequestingtoAddress Members oftheBoardof
At 8:25p.m., movedbyMr. ODonnell, secondedbyMr. Suralik
to adjournthemeetingbackto ClosedSession. Ms. Venn;
aye, Mr. ODonnell; aye, Dr. Bishop; aye, Mr. Suralik; aye.
At 9:00 p.m., meeting was called to order back into open session.
Roll call was taken by Ms. Venn, Board Clerk.
Present: Dr. Jane A. Bishop President
Jim P. ODonnell Vice President
Diane L. Venn Clerk
John Suralik Treasurer
Dr. Robert Kobylski Superintendent
Lee Benish MS/HS Interim Principal
Wendy Nasgovitz HR/IT Administrator
Nikki L. Schneider Executive Asst to
Absent: Laura Kohler Member
Susan M. Jaberg EL Principal
- The Board approved Ms. Kristen Romanoski as assistant high
school math team coach/head middle school math team coach.
At 9:01p.m., movedbyMs. Venn, secondedbyMr. ODonnell
to adjournthemeeting. All ayes. Motioncarriedunanimously.
Respectfully submitted by:
Kohler School District
Nikki L. Schneider
Executive Assistant to the Supt/Board
Yes, I was a busy parent! How did I
survive? How did my child grow into a
healthy adult? Sometimes I still won-
der! Id like to share with you some
approaches that worked for my hus-
band, Steve and me.
Researchers have been surprised to
learn that, when Parents are asked if
they wanted more time or money, most
people answered, More time. With
most parents already feeling so harried
they hardly have time to sit down for a
meal, how can they find the time to
help their children succeed in school?
The following are some suggestions
from experts and me that might help!
1. Use the time in the family car with
your child to have important discussions
or review homework. Parents this is
truly the best time to have those uncom-
fortable discussions. Turn off the radio
and have the heart-to-hearts. My daugh-
ter, Maria always knew that when the
radio was turned down I was probably
going to have the human growth talks.
Wed be on the freeway.there was no
way she could escape. Shes a grown
woman and still laughs about my
approach. Car time is also a good time to
review spelling words or practice for the
ACT Test.
2. Plan for the day ahead. Have your
children organize the night before school
so they know what they are planning to
wear or what theyll need tomorrow.
Place notes on the counter the night
before an event. We had a recipe box
with pre-made reminder cards and extra
blank cards. Wed set out the cards the
night before. In the morning, wed wake
up to; Dont forget permission forms or
Piano Lessons or Lunch Money
Everyone had cards even the family cat!
3. Find your childs prime time for
studying. This may be a key to his suc-
cess in school. My daughter was a lost
Ways Busy Parents Can Help Children
Succeed in School
Submitted by Susan J aberg -Elementary Principal
cause after 9:00 p.m.! She would only get
upset if she let things go until later. As a
mother, I would insist on her completing
homework early.
4. Remember to set priorities! My hus-
band will tell you this is the most impor-
tant rule of parenting. Our daughter signed
up for everything possible in her freshman
year of high school. She was convinced
that she couldnt get into college unless she
was in everything. After much stress on
her part, which caused us a great deal of
stress, we convinced her that she would be
no good to anyone if she didnt take time
for herself.
5. Spend one-on-one time. Kids need both
quality and quantity time with you.
Theres nothing like spending time alone
with a parent to make a child feel special.
My daughter and Id go for a bike ride
every weekend. It was not only enjoyable
but good for our health. We still try to get
together for bike trips even though she is
grown up and on her own. Biking is an
activity that is special to both of us.
6. Send notes with your child to school.
I often see adorable notes in childrens
lunch boxes that say, Have a great day!
or I love you! Children are always
showing me the notes their parents send to
school. Once they get older, they hide
them, but trust me they still enjoy receiv-
ing them. Wouldnt you!!!
20 DECEMBER, 2008

7th & 8th Basketball (Boys)
Day Date Opponent Place Time
Thursday Jan. 08 @ Ozaukee High School Ozaukee High School 4:00PM
Tuesday Jan. 13 Random Lake High School Village Gym 4:00PM
Thursday Jan. 15 Oostburg High School Kohler High School 4:00PM
Tuesday Jan. 20 @ Cedar Grove High School Cedar Grove High School 4:00PM
Thursday Jan. 22 Howards Grove High School Kohler High School 4:00PM
Tuesday Jan. 27 Elkhart Lake High School Kohler High School 4:00PM
Tuesday Feb. 03 Ozaukee High School Kohler High School 4:00PM
Thursday Feb. 05 @ Random Lake High School Random Lake High School 4:00PM
Tuesday Feb. 10 @ Oostburg High School Oostburg High School 4:00PM
Thursday Feb. 12 Cedar Grove High School Kohler High School 4:00PM
Tuesday Feb. 17 @ Howards Grove High School Howards Grove High School 4:00PM
Thursday Feb. 19 @ Elkhart Lake High School Elkhart Lake High School 4:00PM
7th & 8th Basketball (Girls) 20082009
Day Date Opponent Place Time
Tuesday Oct. 14 @ Ozaukee High School Ozaukee High School 4:00PM
Thursday Oct. 16 Random Lake High School Village Gym 4:00PM
Tuesday Oct. 21 Oostburg High School Kohler High School 4:00PM
Thursday Oct. 23 @ Cedar Grove High School Cedar Grove High School 4:00PM
Tuesday Oct. 28 Howards Grove High School Kohler High School 4:00PM
Tuesday Nov. 04 Elkhart Lake High School Kohler High School 4:00PM
Tuesday Nov. 11 Ozaukee High School Kohler High School 4:00PM
Thursday Nov. 13 @ Random Lake High School Random Lake High School 4:00PM
Monday Nov. 17 @ Oostburg High School Oostburg High School 4:00PM
Tuesday Nov. 25 Cedar Grove High School Kohler High School 4:00PM
Tuesday Dec. 02 @ Howards Grove High School Howards Grove High School 4:00PM
Thursday Dec. 04 @ Elkhart Lake High School Elkhart Lake High School 4:00PM
Varsity Basketball (Girls)
Day Date Opponent Place Time
Monday Nov. 10 (Practice) Kohler High School TBA
Monday Dec. 01 Lutheran High School
Kohler High School Gym 7:30PM
Friday Dec. 05 Kohler Tournament Kohler High School Gym 6:15PM
Saturday Dec. 06 Kohler Tournament Kohler High School Gym TBA
Tuesday Dec. 09 Howards Grove High School Kohler High School Gym 7:30PM
Friday Dec. 12 @ Elkhart Lake High School Elkhart Lake High School 7:30PM
Thursday Dec. 18 Oostburg High School Kohler High School Gym 7:30PM
Saturday Dec. 20 Wisconsin Valley Lutheran High Kohler High School Gym 3:00PM
Tuesday Dec. 23 @ Ozaukee High School Ozaukee High School 7:30PM
Friday Jan. 09 Random Lake High School Kohler High School Gym 7:30PM
Tuesday Jan. 13 @ Sheboygan Co Christian High
Sheboygan Co Christian High
Friday Jan. 16 @ Cedar Grove High School Cedar Grove High School 7:30PM
Saturday Jan. 17 @ Montello Jr/Sr H.S. Montello Jr/Sr H.S. 3:00PM
Saturday Jan. 24 @ Lutheran High School
Lutheran High School
Thursday Jan. 29 @ Howards Grove High School Howards Grove High School 7:30PM
Thursday Feb. 05 Elkhart Lake High School Kohler High School Gym 7:30PM
Saturday Feb. 07 @ Oostburg High School Oostburg High School 7:30PM
Tuesday Feb. 10 Ozaukee High School Kohler High School Gym 7:30PM
Friday Feb. 13 @ Random Lake High School Random Lake High School 7:30PM
Tuesday Feb. 17 Sheboygan Co Christian High
Kohler High School Gym 7:30PM
Friday Feb. 20 Cedar Grove High School Kohler High School Gym 7:30PM
Tuesday Feb. 24 Regionals Kohler High School Gym TBA
Thursday Feb. 26 Regionals Kohler High School Gym TBA
Saturday Feb. 28 @ Regionals Regionals TBA
Friday Mar. 06 @ Sectionals Sectionals TBA
Saturday Mar. 07 @ Sectionals Sectionals TBA
Junior Varsity Basketball (Girls)
Day Date Opponent Place Time
Monday Dec. 01 Lutheran High School
Kohler High School 6:00PM
Friday Dec. 05 Kohler Tournament Kohler High School 4:30PM
Saturday Dec. 06 Kohler Tournament Kohler High School TBA
Tuesday Dec. 09 Howards Grove High School Kohler High School 6:00PM
Friday Dec. 12 @ Elkhart Lake High School Elkhart Lake High School 6:00PM
Thursday Dec. 18 Oostburg High School Kohler High School 6:00PM
Saturday Dec. 20 Wisconsin Valley Lutheran High Kohler High School 2:00PM
Tuesday Dec. 23 @ Ozaukee High School Ozaukee High School 6:00PM
Friday Jan. 09 Random Lake High School Kohler High School 6:00PM
Tuesday Jan. 13 @ Sheboygan Co Christian High
Sheboygan Co Christian High
Friday Jan. 16 @ Cedar Grove High School Cedar Grove High School 6:00PM
Saturday Jan. 17 @ Montello Jr/Sr H.S. Montello Jr/Sr H.S. 1:30PM
Saturday Jan. 24 @ Lutheran High School
Lutheran High School
Thursday Jan. 29 @ Howards Grove High School Howards Grove High School 6:00PM
Thursday Feb. 05 Elkhart Lake High School Kohler High School 6:00PM
Saturday Feb. 07 @ Oostburg High School Oostburg High School 6:00PM
Tuesday Feb. 10 Ozaukee High School Kohler High School 6:00PM
Friday Feb. 13 @ Random Lake High School Random Lake High School 6:00PM
Tuesday Feb. 17 Sheboygan Co Christian High
Kohler High School 6:00PM
Friday Feb. 20 Cedar Grove High School Kohler High School 6:00PM
Varsity Basketball (Boys)
Day Date Opponent Place Time
S Saturday Nov. 22 Kohler Scrimmage Kohler High School Gym TBA
Tuesday Nov. 25 @ Kiel High School Kiel High School 7:30PM
Tuesday Dec. 02 @ Sheboygan Co Christian High
Sheboygan Co Christian High
Friday Dec. 05 Kohler Tournament Kohler High School Gym 8:00PM
Saturday Dec. 06 Kohler Tournament Kohler High School Gym TBA
Saturday Dec. 13 Oostburg High School Kohler High School Gym 7:30PM
Tuesday Dec. 16 Random Lake High School Kohler High School Gym 7:30PM
Monday Dec. 22 @ Sheboygan Falls High School Sheboygan Falls High School 7:30PM
Tuesday Jan. 06 Howards Grove High School Kohler High School Gym 7:30PM
Saturday Jan. 10 Ozaukee High School Kohler High School Gym 7:30PM
Tuesday Jan. 13 @ Elkhart Lake High School Elkhart Lake High School 7:30PM
Thursday Jan. 15 @ Lutheran High School
Lutheran High School
Tuesday Jan. 20 @ Cedar Grove High School Cedar Grove High School 7:30PM
Friday Jan. 23 Sheboygan Co Christian High
Kohler High School Gym 7:30PM
Tuesday Jan. 27 @ Oostburg High School Oostburg High School 7:30PM
Friday Jan. 30 Elkhart Lake High School Kohler High School Gym 7:30PM
Tuesday Feb. 03 @ Random Lake High School Random Lake High School 7:30PM
Thursday Feb. 12 @ Howards Grove High School Howards Grove High School 7:30PM
Saturday Feb. 14 @ Ozaukee High School Ozaukee High School 7:30PM
Thursday Feb. 19 Lutheran High School
Kohler High School Gym 7:30PM
Friday Feb. 27 Cedar Grove High School Kohler High School Gym 7:30PM
Tuesday Mar. 03 Regionals Kohler High School TBA
Thursday Mar. 05 Regionals Kohler High School TBA
Saturday Mar. 07 @ Regionals Regionals TBA
Thursday Mar. 12 @ Sectionals Sectionals TBA
Friday Mar. 13 @ Sectionals Sectionals TBA
Saturday Mar. 14 @ Sectionals Sectionals TBA
Freshman Basketball (Boys)
Day Date Opponent Place Time
Tuesday Nov. 25 @ Kiel High School Kiel High School 6:00PM
Monday Dec. 01 Lutheran High School
Village Gym 6:00PM
Tuesday Dec. 02 @ Sheboygan Co Christian High
Sheboygan Co Christian High
Saturday Dec. 13 Oostburg High School Kohler High School Gym 6:00PM
Tuesday Dec. 16 Living Word Lutheran Village Gym 6:00PM
Tuesday Jan. 06 Howards Grove High School Village Gym 6:00PM
Saturday Jan. 10 Ozaukee High School Village Gym 6:00PM
Thursday Jan. 15 @ Lutheran High School
Lutheran High School
Tuesday Jan. 20 @ Cedar Grove High School Cedar Grove High School 6:00PM
Tuesday Jan. 27 @ Oostburg High School Oostburg High School 6:00PM
Tuesday Feb. 03 @ Living Word Lutheran Living Word Lutheran 5:30PM
Thursday Feb. 12 @ Howards Grove High School Howards Grove High School 6:00PM
Saturday Feb. 14 @ Ozaukee High School Ozaukee High School 6:00PM
Tuesday Feb. 17 Sheboygan Co Christian High
Village Gym 6:00PM
Friday Feb. 27 Cedar Grove High School Village Gym 6:00PM
Junior Varsity Basketball (Boys)
Day Date Opponent Place Time
Tuesday Nov. 25 @ Kiel High School Kiel High School 6:00PM
Tuesday Dec. 02 @ Sheboygan Co Christian High
Sheboygan Co Christian High
Friday Dec. 05 Kohler Tournament Kohler High School 4:30PM
Saturday Dec. 06 Kohler Tournament Kohler High School TBA
Saturday Dec. 13 Oostburg High School Kohler High School 6:00PM
Tuesday Dec. 16 Random Lake High School Kohler High School 6:00PM
Monday Dec. 22 @ Sheboygan Falls High School Sheboygan Falls High School 6:00PM
Tuesday Jan. 06 Howards Grove High School Kohler High School 6:00PM
Saturday Jan. 10 Ozaukee High School Kohler High School 6:00PM
Tuesday Jan. 13 @ Elkhart Lake High School Elkhart Lake High School 6:00PM
Thursday Jan. 15 @ Lutheran High School
Lutheran High School
Tuesday Jan. 20 @ Cedar Grove High School Cedar Grove High School 6:00PM
Friday Jan. 23 Sheboygan Co Christian High
Kohler High School 6:00PM
Tuesday Jan. 27 @ Oostburg High School Oostburg High School 6:00PM
Friday Jan. 30 Elkhart Lake High School Kohler High School 6:00PM
Tuesday Feb. 03 @ Random Lake High School Random Lake High School 6:00PM
Thursday Feb. 12 @ Howards Grove High School Howards Grove High School 6:00PM
Saturday Feb. 14 @ Ozaukee High School Ozaukee High School 6:00PM
Thursday Feb. 19 Lutheran High School
Kohler High School 6:00PM
Friday Feb. 27 Cedar Grove High School Kohler High School 6:00PM
Dec ember 26, 2008
Kohl er Hi gh Sc hool Gym
6:30 p.m.
Open t o any Kohl er Hi gh Sc hool Gr aduat e
Men and Women
Bring all of your friends to see if your favorite basketball player has still
got it. Watch the former State Champion players do their thing. It has
been ten years since we had a State championship. These players are
planning a reunion for this event. Lets support them once again.
Go Bomber s!!!!!
For our older alumni, have you got enough in you for 5 minutes on the
court. No??? Come on over to encourage the others.
Player Fee $5.00
Spectator fee Adult $3.00 Student $2.00 Grade 1-12 $1.00
The gym will open at 6:00 for player warm up.
For boys and girls ages JK-3rd grade.
In the Kohler High School Gym
Saturdays @ 8:00 a.m.
January 10---February 7
Fee $12.00 resident $17.00 non-resident
Conducted by Ken Roeder and
The Village of Kohler Recreation Department
With the assistance of the high school basketball players, Mr. Roeder will
instruct the participants in the basic basketball skills, good sportsmanship
and how to have fun while playing the game. Please have you children
dressed appropriately and wear clean athletic shoes.
Any interested participants will be able to play during halftimes of games on
January 30 and February 5. More information on these dates will be hand-
ed out at practices.
Please register at the Kohler Village Hall, 319 Highland Drive, Kohler, Wil
Additional registration forms are available at


Early Release Day Activities for
December and January!
December 10th
1:00-3:00 p.m.
Ice skating is a great way to spend the afternoon with family and friends! Please join
us at the Sheboygan Lakers Ice Center (aka Blue Line Ice Center) during Public
Skating from 1:00-3:00. The Ice Center is located at 1202 S Wildwood Avenue in Sheboygan. Admission cost is $3
for skaters 12 years old and under and $4 for those over 12 years old. The cost to rent a pair of skates is $3. Please
note that supervision and transportation is the sole responsibility of the parent/guardian. Please let us know you are
coming by signing-up for this activity on the KSF Bulletin Board outside the Elementary Office or by emailing
Lesley Cassidy at [email protected].
January 14th
1:00-3:00 p.m.
We had a great turn-out in November, so please join us again for a fun afternoon of swimming at the Kohler Pool!
Please note that children under the age of 9 years old will not be allowed in the pool without parent/guardian super-
vision. In addition, the Pool rules will be enforced and non-resident fees will apply. Sign-up will take place in
Questions? Contact Lesley at the above email address.
No Lat ex Bal l oons
Latex balloons cannot be brought into the building
because of students with severe latex allergies. Mylar bal-
loons are the safe alternative.
No Ani mal s on School Gr ounds
It is Kohler School Districts policy that no animals are
allowed on school grounds. Dogs and cats must be on
leashes and on sidewalks when near the school. If a stu-
dent or parent would like to bring a pet to school, he/she
must receive permission from the Principal in advance.
This policy is in effect for the safety of our students.
Tar dy? Absent ? Par ent s, pl ease c al l t he of f i c e
In the event that your child will not be attending school or
will be tardy, please call the attendance voice mailbox and
let the office know the reason for the childs absence/tardi-
ness. You can reach the Attendance voice mailbox by dial-
ing 459-2920 Ext. 5.
Get your kids into a festive spirit this year, and give them
some delicious, healthy treats with our easy-to-make hol-
iday snacks. The three quick recipes below save time,
help your children avoid extra fat and calories, and pro-
vide ample opportunities for creativity! So let the fun
The search for green and red fruits is all part of the fun. It
can begin in your own pantry, or in the supermarket. Mix
family favorites with something new. Some preserved
fruits, such as dried cranberries or canned cherries may
require a bit of supermarket sleuthing. Specialty stores
and food catalogs are another good source for exotic
additions. See what you can dig up!
What you need:
Green fruits:
green grapes
green apples
gooseberries (canned)
honeydew melon (fresh or frozen)
Red fruits:
cherries (canned or dried)
red grapes
cranberries (dried)
red apples
Simple directions: Wash, peel, and cut fruits as needed.
Arrange on a platter in the shape of a wreath.
Tips for preschoolers: Adults can cut fruits into triangles
and squares. Talk about the colors and shapes of the fruit
while arranging. Your child can help arrange the fruits by
color, kind, and shape.
Tips for older children: Encourage your child's artistic
expression in arranging the fruits. Creative ideas include
concentric circles, wedges, pictures, or something a little
more abstract.
Welcome to my Christmas Edition of Getting to Know
Kohler High School Seniors. For my last edition of 2008,
I interviewed Lili Giertz.
Name: Lili Giertz
Parents names: Norm and Deb Giertz
How many years have you been a student at Kohler Schools?
I have been attending Kohler since the eighth grade.
What extra-curricular activities have you been involved in?
I have been the following extracurricular activities:
Future Problem Solvers, Key Club, Math Team, and
Testing the Waters.
What is your favorite class and why?
My favorite class is Science because Im going into
engineering and I like problem solving.
What is your best memory at Kohler School?
My best memory at Kohler School is hanging out with
my friends.
What are your plans after high school?
I hope to go to the University of Illinois and become
an engineer.
If you had an hour to yourself to do anything you wanted,
what would you do?
I would relax and read a book.
Where do you see yourself 20 years from now?
I see myself as an engineer at a successful company
and may be married.
If you could visit any place in the world, where would you
I would go to France because I want to see Paris.
Getting to know
Kohler High
School seniors
By AJ Bocchini
Stuffed dates
Dried fruits are traditional holiday foods. In earlier times
they were the only fruits available during cold winter
months. This easy-to-make treat is a classic, and one that
even the youngest child can help to make.
What you need:
whole dates (pits removed)
walnut halves
granulated or powdered sugar (optional)
Simple directions: Slide walnut halves into the slits on each
date. Squeeze the date flesh around the nut. Roll in granu-
lated or powdered sugar or leave plain. Arrange the stuffed
dates on a serving plate.
Roasted chestnuts
Fresh roasted chestnuts are a seasonal food, available only
during the winter holiday season. Although popular for cen-
turies in Europe, North America, and Asia, many Americans
have never tried them. Unlike other nuts, chestnuts are rel-
atively low in fat and calories, which makes them a healthy
snack. Remember, fresh chestnuts are perishable, so store
them in the refrigerator and keep them covered to prevent
drying out. Although this is quick and easy, cutting the tough
outer shell does require a sturdy adult hand. Children can
peel off the brittle shells with their fingers, after baking.
What you need:
fresh chestnuts
Simple directions: Preheat oven to 425 F. Cut criss-cross
slits through the shiny brown outer shell. This lets steam
escape and prevents the chestnuts from exploding. (If the
cut is deep enough it also makes peeling off the shells eas-
ier). Put in a shallow pan and bake for 15 to 20 minutes.
Take them out of the oven and let them cool for about 10
minutes or long enough to handle. Be sure to peel away
both the outer shell and the bitter inner husk. Enjoy the
sweet nutmeats inside.
Note: Instead of baking chestnuts in an oven, try cooking
them over an open fire. Avoid putting them directly in the
flames or they will scorch.
Healthy Holiday Snacks
by Linda Piette,
A Candlelight
Celebration was
enjoyed at the
Kohler Elementary
School as students
feasted on Chef
Carved Turkey,
mashed potatoes &
gravy, home-make
stuffing, winter
squash, cranberry
relish and a pump-
kin bar. Our
Thanksgiving event
also served as dress
up day. The halls
were filled with
girls in velvet
dresses and young
men in dress shirts
and ties.
From left: Taylor Sager, Mr. Scott Sager (Father) and Nicole Hoh. The students are in Mrs. Magles Senior
Children with disabilities procedure
The school district must locate, identify, and evaluate all children with dis-
abilities, including children with disabilities attending private schools in the
school district, regardless of the severity of their disabilities. The school
district has a special education screening program to evaluate all children
with suspected disabilities and are at least three years old. Upon request,
the school district will screen a child who has not graduated high school to
determine whether a special education referral is appropriate. A request
may be made by contacting Tamra O'Keefe, Special Education Director at
459-2920 x1200.
22 DECEMBER, 2008


Central Lakeshore Conference Honor Choir students will present a concert on
Thursday, January 8, 2009 at 7:00 PM at the University of Wisconsin-Sheboygan in the
theater. Greg Carpenter, director of choirs at Marquette University, will be conducting
the choir. Each conference nominates the top choral students from their school to sing
in a 90 voice choir.
Choral students from Kohler singing in the honors choir are pictured left to right: Mark Nebel,
Danielle Dyksterhouse, Katie Stastny, Markus Anderson, Tucker Barrie, Lauren Drury, Ryan
Stefanczyk, Lili Giertz, and Steven Esche. Lauren Drury and Markus Anderson will be accompanying
the choir.
Band students selected to
Honors Bands
The Kohler band department is proud to announce that two of their middle school
music students were selected to perform with the Northeastern Middle Level Honors
Band. Kristina Kusel (flute) and Kathryn Samuels (flute) were selected to perform with
the Honors Band. Hosted at St. Norbert College on Saturday, November 3, students
worked all day with guest composer Rob Grice. After six hours of rehearsal, the
Northeastern Honors Band performed an impressive concert.
Congratulations Kristina and Kathryn!
HATS ON DAY Celebrated at
Kohler Elementary as part of
Making a Difference Month.
Kohler Elementary School participated
in HATS ON DAY on Friday, October 24,
HATS ON DAY is a nationwide event
where students pay a nominal fee for the
privilege of wearing a hat of their choice to
school to help raise childhood cancer
awareness and funds for the Foundation for
Children with Cancer.
HATS ON DAY was founded by a
group of 6th grade students in St. Louis,
Missouri in 1995. Its amazing what a few
children working together can do to make
a difference. Our Kohler Students raised
over $400.00 to support the Foundation for
Children with Cancer. Yes, Students you
do make a difference!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Robin Stock, KSF Label Coordinator, and Vicki Friske, KSF President, pictured with Mrs. DeAmicos class and
their new playground balls. Mrs. DeAmico has had the classroom that's collected the most box-tops / caps /
labels for the last two years!
Did you ever wonder what hap-
pens to all those Campbells Soup
Labels that are collected at school?
The Kohler School Friends has a
Box-tops / Caps / Labels
Coordinator, Robin Stock, who
counts every single label for us and
sends them in to Campbells. This
fall, we were able to submit 18,900
Campbells Soup Labels and pur-
chase (6) balls for each of the 21
elementary classrooms. Thats 126
playground balls!
Thank you to all the families &
friends of Kohler School who take
the time to send in their labels, box
tops and milk caps all year long.
Keep them coming -- they really
do make a difference! A special
thank you goes out to Robin and
her family for donating their time
to count & cut all those labels &
box tops.
Elementary Students are
Having a Ball!
The Kohler Band and Choir will present their winter concert on Sunday, December
7, 2008 at 3:00 PM in the Kohler Memorial Theater.
Come hear a medley of Jamaican songs and a beautiful Cornish Folk Song I Love
My Love sung by the high school choir and an English Madrigal Say Love sung by
the Kohler Madrigal Singers. The high school band guarantees to ease you into the hol-
iday season with Intrada Festivo. They will also perform a medley of songs from
Phantom of the Opera. Markus Anderson, Lauren Drury, and Sydney Yang will accom-
pany the choirs.
Submitted by Kelly Suralik
The Kohler High School Student
Council has initiated a recycling program
in the elementary, middle, and high
schools. The start date for the program is
January 5th, 2009. New recycling recep-
tacles will be placed in classrooms,
throughout hallways, and in the cafeteria.
Items that can be recycled include glass,
plastic, aluminum, paper, and tin; all recy-
clables can be placed in the same contain-
er. The Student Council would like to
thank the Kohler Kiwanis Club, the
Kohler School Friends, and the Knowlton-
Kinsley Family for their generous dona-
tions to the program.

News and notices from the Village departments
Also visit
TomLeonhardt, President
John Egan
Thomas Gast
Bill Kunst
John Pethan
Steve Reinbacher
John Renzelmann
Laurie Lindow
Police Chief
Public WorksSupt.
Bruce Neerhof
Fire Chief
Mike Lindstrom
Recreation Director
Susie Wandschneider
Erin Coppersmith
Beer and Liquor License to include Yoga On
the Lake at 725B Woodlake Road opening
October 23, 2008.
Approved hiring new Recreation
Department employees, Allison Moore and
Dave Hart.
Approved request from Chief Rutten to
attend the 2008 Attorney Generals Summit
Public Safety October 22-23 in Wisconsin
Approved request from Susie
Wandschneider to attend Wisconsin Park
and Recreation
Conference from November 5-7 in La
Approved Interim Sanitary Sewer Services
Agreement, An Amendment to the 1975
Sewage Treatment Agreement for a boundary
change to authorize sanitary sewer service
To Morgan Aircraft.
Approved purchase of new wing post assem-
bly for payloader snowplow, cost not to
Exceed $830 plus shipping.
Approved purchase of new tires for trucks in
January 2009, cost $2,923.
Approved salt storage building repairs for
$2,619 from budgeted funds remaining from
masonry repairs at Memorial Hall.
Approved purchase of kitchen cabinets for
the Fire Department, cost not to exceed
Approved appointment of Tom Gast to the
Compensation Committee and Collective
Bargaining Committee.
Approved annual renewal for the Joint
Powers Agreement with the Sheboygan
County Sheriffs Department required by
Wis. State Stat. 146.70(9).
Approved engagement letter from Virchow
Krause & Company for the 2008 audit.
Approved recommendations from the
Compensation Committee regarding 2009
non-represented employee salaries as pre-
for residents non-perishable food items and for
non-residents $2.00 and non-perishable food
Christmas Break Pool Activities
December 26 - January 4
Open swim Daily from 1:30-4:30 pm. Open until
6:30 pm on December 30.
Water in Motion
Monday-Wednesday-Friday 7:00 AM
This is an energizing experience in the shallow
water. A cardio workout and muscle toning are
the emphasis for this class. We encourage partic-
ipants to wear water shoes, but they are not
required. Ability to swim is not necessary.
Please bring towels, shampoo and soap.
Fee $1.00 for residents per session
$2.00 for non-residents per session
A card is available for purchase at the pool. The
cost is $10.00 for 12 sessions for residents and
$22.00 for non-residents.
Deep Water Cardio and Abs
This class is held on Tuesday and Thursday at
5:30-6:30pm *** This class will be held from
5:30-6:30 pm. The participants in this class wear
flotation belts for buoyancy. 25 minutes are car-
dio exercises, 20 minutes
targeting specific muscle
groups and 15 minutes are
spent in the shallow water
targeting the core muscles.
You need not be a strong swimmer to take
advantage of this class.
The fee for this class is the same at the Water in
Motion class.
New Pool usage rates
The Village Board has readjusted the non-resi-
dent usage rates. Beginning October 1, Non-resi-
dents accompanied by a Village resident will be
$2.00 per visit per person. Non-residents not
accompanied by a Village resident will be $5.00
per person per visit.
AVillage resident is any person
living within the Village limits,
receiving a Village tax bill.
This does not necessarily
include all of the Kohler postal
Junior Bombers Basketball Clinic
For grades JK-3, Saturdays at 8:00 am January
10-February 7 at the Kohler High School Gym
Ken Roeder and the High School Basketball
players will be volunteering to
teach participants the basics of
basketball. The participants will
then be able to play during half
time of High School games on
January 30 and February 5.
Fee- $12.00 for residents and $17.00 for non
Please register at the Kohler Village Hall, 319
School Street. Go to to
print registration slips or they may be picked up
at the Village Hall.
Actions taken by the Village Board during
their meetings on October 20 and 27, 2008:
Approved closing the boulevard at Orchard
Approved the following Ordinances: 2008-5,
Amending Chapter 11.18 of the Municipal
Code, Regarding Speed Restrictions. This
amendment reduces the speed limit on
Greenfield Drive to 25 mph. 2008-6,
Amending Chapter 11.40 of the Municipal
Code, Regarding Enforcement and Penalty.
This amendment increases the overtime park-
ing fine from $6 to $10.
Approved Operators Licenses as requested.
Approved September 2008 Revenue &
Expense Reports.
Approved request to amend the premises
description for the Kohler Co. Class A and B
gal to blow snow into the Village streets.
Helping out in these areas makes our streets
cleaner and safer during the winter season.
Snow Emergency
To find out if a snow emergency is in effect for
the Village, call 459-3881 anytime, or watch
Kohler Cable Channel 989. There is no parking
on village streets during a snow emergency. A
snow emergency is called when accumulation is
expected to exceed six inches. Snow emergen-
cies are typically called from 8:00 AM until
12:00 PM to give the snowplows an opportunity
to clear the streets with no cars in the way.
Village residents are welcome to obtain salt
from the containers located at Valley Rd and
Upper Rd; Church St. and School Rd; and
Lower Rd and W. Riverside Dr.
Snow Removal
Winter is here. Here are some reminders on
Village snow removal ordinances and policies.
Please remember to shovel your sidewalks with-
in 24 hours after a snowfall event.
Do not blow or shovel snow back into the
street. Please remove vehicles from the street
when the plows are in operation.
Snow Removal Around Kiosks
It is the residents responsibility to have the
snow removed around the kiosks/NDCBU
(neighborhood delivery and collection box
unit)/cluster boxes. The Postal Service will not
deliver mail if the carrier is not able to reach the
unit the front as well as the backside.
Someone in the unit/neighborhood needs to take
the initiative to remove the snow; or maybe the
responsibility can be shared within the unit. The
Village is not responsible to keep these areas
clear of snow.
Christmas Tree Pickup
Christmas trees are considered garbage because
of the potential of lights or other ornaments that
may be accidentally left on the tree. Residents
should put them at the curb to be picked up
with regular garbage.
If you have any questions or concerns that you
would like to discuss with the Public Works
Department, you may contact our office at 459-
3881 or via email at
[email protected].
Building Permits
A reminder that building permits are required
for new structures, additions, remodeling,
accessory structures, pool, plumbing, electrical,
HVAC, siding, roofing, fences, signs and drive-
ways that encroach on right-of-way. Any ques-
tions about building permits and/or permit fees
can be directed to the Public Works Department
at 459-3881.
It is necessary to have approval from Kohler
Co., if stated in your property deed, and the
Village Plan Commission before construction
begins on projects including, but not limited to
fences, accessory buildings, garages, home
additions and decks. Guidelines are available at
the Public Works Department that include nec-
essary items for submission to Kohler Co. and
the Village Plan Commission.
Village pool Hours
Open swim hours will be as follows:
Winter Pool Schedule
Open Swim - Saturday and Sunday 2:00-4:30
pm, Lap swimming 3:30-4:30 pm
Tuesday and Thursday 4:30-6:30 pm
Bring your favorite floating toys and watch a
movie on the wall of the pool. Join us on
Friday, December 12 from 6:00-8:00 pm. Fee
Village Meetings Scheduled for December
12/3 Public Library Board 4:00 pm
(at Library)
12/8 Property Committee 4:45 pm
12/8 Finance Committee 5:00 pm
12/9 Tourism Promotion &
Development 4:15 pm
12/11 Planning Commission 4:30 pm
12/15 Village Board 7:00 pm
All meetings are held at the Kohler Village
Hall, 319 Highland Drive, unless otherwise
Nomination Papers for Spring Election
Monday, December 1, 2008, is the first day to
circulate nomination papers for the 2009 Spring
Election. Nomination papers are available at
the Village Offices during regular business
hours or on-line at
The due date for filing nomination papers is
Tuesday, January 6, 2009, by 5:00 pm. All
terms begin on April 21, 2009, and are for two
years. The following offices are to be elected to
succeed the present incumbents listed:
Village President Tom Leonhardt
Village Trustee John Egan
Village Trustee William Kunst
Village Trustee Tom Gast
If you have any questions regarding nomina-
tion papers, please contact the Village Clerk-
Treasurers Office, 920-459-3873. The Spring
Primary, if needed, will be held on Tuesday,
February 17, 2009, and the Spring Election will
be held on Tuesday, April 7, 2009.
Office Hours
The Village Offices will be closed from
Wednesday, December 24 through Friday,
December 26 in observance of Christmas. The
Village Offices will be open on Wednesday,
December 31 in order to collect property tax
payments. Regular office hours are Monday
Friday, 7:00 am 4:00 pm.
Trick or Treat Update
The Kohler Police Department is happy to say
that we were able to provide over 500 glow
necklaces to the trick-or-treaters in the village
on Halloween night. The glow necklaces went
fast and many good comments were received
from the residents about this program. The
police department wants Halloween to be a fun
and safe activity for the families of the Village
of Kohler and this helped that cause. We will
be handing out the glow necklaces again next
Driving Conditions
Now that winter is back upon us, we all have to
remember to drive more carefully. Even though
some vehicles seem to handle better in the
snowy conditions, remember to give yourself
more distance between vehicles when stopping.
Big SUVs can get going faster with 4-wheel
drive, but have the same problems stopping on
slick roads. Snow banks can reduce visibility,
so be aware of pedestrians. If a vehicle is
parked outside, remember to clear the win-
dows. Proper visibility is extremely important,
especially with children crossing the streets
early in the morning. Also, remember that get-
ting ready in the winter takes more time, so to
avoid having to rush, plan ahead.
Snow is on the Way
The Village of Kohler doesnt have winter
parking regulations like many other communi-
ties with parking on the even or odd side of the
street throughout the winter months. That is
typically done so if it snows the communities
can completely clear the streets after the snow-
storms over two days. Instead, we just rely on
residents moving their vehicles promptly after
snowstorms. Also, just a reminder that it is ille-
24 DECEMBER, 2008


Fabulous Fondues atCraverie
December, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Craverie Chocolatier Caf
Enjoy a heavenly pot of peppermint white chocolate
fondue with cookies, pretzels and freshly made
marshmallows for dipping. $10. 920-208-4933
HolidayCustomer ServiceCenter
December 1-24
The Shops at Woodlake
Concierge on-site for gift suggestions, complimenta-
ry gift-wrapping and Toys for Tots collection center.
12/1-12/23, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. 12/24, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
HappySpecial atSalonatSports Core
December 1-14
Salon at Sports Core
Enjoy a complimentary heat infusion skin treatment
from Thermasoft during select services. Thermasoft
is a deep heat therapy treatment for silky, soft hands
and feet.
December 2, 6-7:30 p.m.
Woodlake Market
Rebecca Turley of Majestic Fine Wines will be join-
ing us this evening where we will be pairing holiday
wines with cheeses. $10. Registration suggested
Kohler Waters SpaShoppingDay
December 3, 9 a.m.-7 p.m.
Enjoy complimentary hot cider and cookies all day
while shopping for the holidays. Take 30% off al sig-
nature Hollyhock, Waters and John Michael Kohler
for Him bath and body products and logo'd apparel
including spa robes, hats and tranquility towels. Call
920-457-7777 for more information.
December 4, 4:30-7:30 p.m.
Woodlake Market
Stop by during this open house to sample new and
unique appetizers, foods and beverages that are
sure to be a hit at your holiday party. Complimentary.
December 6, 1-3 p.m.
The Nursery Window
Reiki Seminar
December 6, 1 p.m.
Learn about healing energy at our free seminar. Call
920-457-9543 for reservations.
December Featured
Yoga On The Lake Special Events
Located at The Shops at Woodlake
12/13 De-Stress Your Holidays with Yoga,
11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Fee: $30 SC Members-$25
12/21 Celebrating the Solstice, 4-6 p.m.
Fee: $27 SC Members-$22
12/31 New Years Eve Rock n Roll Vinyasa
Class, 10 p.m.-Midnight
Fee: $60 SC Members-$50
Call 920-453-2817 to register or visit the
reception desk at Yoga on the Lake.
The 2009 schedule of Saturday
Demonstration Kitchen sessions is now
available. Home chefs and culinarians alike
will be inspired by the chefs of The Kitchens
of Kohler. On the heels of the Kohler Food and
Wine Experience, Kohler chefs continue to
educate guests from January through April with
interactive cooking demonstrations, tastings,
wine pairings and cooking tips.
The Demonstration Kitchen is a culinary
classroom with a functional kitchen centrally
located in The Shops at Woodlake Kohler next
to Ann Sacks Tile. The Kitchen seats up to 40
people allowing for comfortable and candid
interaction between the guests and the chefs.
Each session includes a chef-selected wine,
beer, liquor, tea or coffee pairing to
complement the cuisine.
Two sessions will be offered Saturdays at 11
a.m. and 2 p.m. from January 3 through April
25. All sessions are priced at $25 each, or
attend with a companion at two for $40. The
presentation will last approximately one hour
and includes beverages and food tastings.
For reservations call (920) 457-8000 or toll
free at (800) 344-2838 and ask for
Demonstration Kitchen reservations. A
complete schedule of programs is available at
2009 Demonstration Kitchen Schedule of
Interactive Cooking Demonstrations Announced
Chef Christopher Thee Blackwolf Run, Chef
Gary Wigand Whistling Straits
Chef Benjamin Sommerfeldt The Wisconsin
Room, Chef Lenny Sorce Riverbend
Pastry Chef Richard Palm The American Club
Chef Dan Dries, Special Events The American
Chef John Beauvais, Garde Manger The
American Club
Chef Gary Wigand Whistling Straits
Chef Paul Shimon Cucina
Chocolatier Karen Saberniak Craverie
Megan Turk, Manager Craverie
Chef Doug Stieber, Head Baker The American
Chef Benjamin Sommerfeldt The Wisconsin
Rod Markus, President and Tea Master, The
Rare Tea Cellar
Chef Lenny Sorce Riverbend
Pastry Chef Richard Palm The American Club
Chef Paul Smitala Blackwolf Run
Sean McMullen, Manager The Horse & Plow
Chef Joe Austreng The Horse & Plow
2009 Demonstration Kitchen Schedule
KOHLER Original
Recipe Chocolate
of the Month
This month Kohler Original Recipe
Chocolates proudly features Peppermint White
Chocolate Fondue, Peppermint Meltaway, Egg
Nog Truffle and Buttered Rum Truffle.
These products have been developed with
the holidays in mind! The Peppermint White
Chocolate Fondue is cookies, pretzels, and
freshly made marshmallows all to be dipped in
a heavenly pot of peppermint white chocolate.
The Peppermint Meltaway is peppermint
and milk chocolate perfectly balanced to melt
in your mouth. An Egg Nog Truffle is a white
chocolate shell filled with an egg nog ganache
to warm any cold day! Buttered Rum is filled
with special rum ganache surrounded by white
The seasonal offerings from Kohler Original
Recipe Chocolates are available exclusively to
guests of Craverie. Sure to become new holiday
favorites for friends and family. Craverie is
located at 725D Woodlake Dr. in The Shops at
Woodlake. All other Kohler Original Recipe
Chocolates can be found online at Craverie
Chocolatier Caf hours: 8 a.m.-8 p.m. daily.
December 9, 6:30 p.m.
Join our discussion group to exchange ideas and
share positive influences. Free. Call 920-457-9543.
Beer Maker Dinner Series - GooseIslandBeer
December 11 from 6:30-9 p.m.
Horse & Plow
Join the festivities as the chef prepares an evening
featuring a five-course menu paired with a variety of
superbly crafted brews. The beer maker will be on
hand to share tips and information to help you taste
different beer styles and create some memorable
pairings for your next dinner party. $55 per person,
inclusive of tax and gratuity.
December 13, 1-3 p.m.
Woodlake Market Atrium Caf
Kids ages 12 and under can stop in and decorate a
holiday cookie! While supplies last. Complimentary.
December 13 & 20, 1-3 p.m.
The Shops at Woodlake
Complimentary. Call 920-459-1713 for information.
December 27, 9-11 a.m.
Explore the outdoors on a dog sled! Up to four peo-
ple are pulled by 12 dogs at the Kohler Experiential
Learning Center. Event is weather permitting. $20
per person per ride for approximately 10 minutes.
NewYears EveGala&CelebrationPackage
December 31, 7 p.m.-1 a.m. The American Club
Celebrate New Years Eve with an overnight package
for two guests at The American Club. Package
includes the New Years Eve dance with open bar
from 10-1 p.m.. Package prices start at $176.50.
Package including the reception, dinner and dance
from 7:30 p.m.-1 a.m. with overnight accommoda-
tions at The American Club starts at $277.50.
MyFavoriteThings - ChocolateShop&Spa
Available Sunday-Thursday through March 31, 2009
This package includes a $50 Shops at Woodlake gift
certificate; a two-course lunch, non-alcoholic bever-
age, and two Kohler Original Recipe Chocolates at
the Craverie Chocolatier Caf; and a 50-Minute
Chocolate Pedicure at Kohler Waters Spa. $150 per
person. Price includes gratuity and tax.
Chef Doug Stieber, Head Baker The American
Pastry Chef Richard Palm The American Club
April 11
Teo Zagroba, Beverage Manager
Andrew Stockel, Food & Beverage Manager
April 18
Executive Sous Chef Ryan Anderson The
American Club
April 25
Chef Ulrich Koberstein, Group Director-Culinary
Arts-Destination KOHLER
Executive Sous Chef Ryan Anderson The
American Club
Chef Gary Wigand Whistling Straits, Chef Paul
Shimon Cucina
chef participation are subject to change.
Special Holiday Offer for Friends & Family
As a valued Village of Kohler resident please
enjoy a special offer for accommodations in
December at The American Club and the
recently renovated Inn on Woodlake resort
hotels. Special rates: $105 for a Prairie Guest
Room at the Inn on Woodlake from December
1-30, and $145 for a Standard Guest Room at
The American Club from December 23-26.
For reservations and moreinformation call
800-344-2838. Rates based onavailability.

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