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Scientific Remedies in Krishnamurti Paddhati Swami Omkar 30, Selvam Nagar, P N Pudur (PO),Coimbatore 641041.Phone : [email protected].

orgstrology is the wonderful tool to guide the human kind. In divine languageastrologer called as DAIVAJNYA that means messenger of god. These kinds of noble service are saved by lot of divine people in this world. I really appreciate KP AstrologersInternational summit for taken the good effort to keep KP Astrological system in good path.There is a big debate in world that remedies are works or not? Prof. Krishnamurtiexpressed in his readers that every moment of life is destined. KP followers never agree withremedies. The astrologer couldnt predict the future, if life event can change based on remedy.KP astrology helps to predict the life event very accurate. KP astrologers are arguing thatastrologer cant change destiny. At the same time KSK itself gave advice in reader VI to doganesha deity pooja for different kind of desires.Destiny never changed by any one then how markandaya got extra lifespan fromLord Shiva, savithri got her husband back from death and sudhama became rich because of lord Krishna. Our puranas are giving some message to change destiny from good faith onsupreme.In our old astrological scripts there is no evidence about remedies. MaharishiParasara or Kalidasa explained lot of astrological rules in their scripts, but not remedialmeasures. Based on karma theory the remedies are expressed by astrologers. We doing goodkarma then our life will be good in future and like same Bad karma reflects negative lifestyle.Dharma sasthra are sub limbs (upaanga) of Vedas which explain the way to reduce thenegative karmas. Olden days based on the dharma sasthra astrologers guided to do some poorfeeding, donating poor and pilgrimages to improve good karmas.Nowadays north Indian astrologers are advising to do remedy based on gems,lalkithab, rituals. South Indian astrologers guide people to go and worship the navagarpahatemple. Place to place the remedial measures are changing.In this existence every factors containing two dimensions. Human mind coveredwith dark shade called Maya that shows only one side. When people tells sun is not there atnight, but that time sun never gone any ware. The sun always exists. Our mind only notrecognizes it. Maya works logically. When we seeing a wooden statue of elephant. There is twoargument possibilities are there. Some people tell its wood. Some people tell its elephant. Butboth arguments are true. When ever we argue, there is no remedy; there is also a possibilityof remedies.Lord Krishna showed good way to handle Maya in our life. In Kurukshetra lordKrishna made a artificial solar eclipse to win gowravas. He never changed destiny. He justplayed Maya on the nature. Then that destiny worked under the illusionary way. We want tobreak the barrier of Maya through Maya itself. This is the message of lord Krishna.We are going to discus about scientific based remedies in KP. Through KP there isthe way to over come the Mayas shadow from our life. House characters play major role in KP.Prof KSK gave more importance for houses than planets. Our remedies are

based on thecharacteristics of houses. A Every house works opposite to its vyaya bahva. Marriage life is happy because of 2,7,11 at the same time that 7 th house connected with 1,6,10 then it breaks the marriage life.The 12 th house of particular house works then that house withdraws its effect.Houses 1, 6 operate then a person fall in illness. 1,5,11 houses want to operate forrecovering form the illness. If we suggest to do some work of 1,5,11 at the time of illness. Thenative get fast recovery from the illness. Even the native undergoing the period of 1, 6This is the example of scientific remedy. 1,5,11 houses denote mantra chanting,prayer and worship. A person undergoing illness, that time we can suggest them to doreligious works.3, 12 houses working in dasa-bukthi then a child could not study well because itsvyaya houses for 4, 11. To operate the houses 4, 11, we can give some costly products basedfor his studies. 4, 11 houses also denote property. We can suggest the parent to give somecostly pen or books. It becomes the property of the student then the 4, 11 houses started towork.In modern years women started to working equal to man. And also they are winningin all competitive exams compare to men. In this case 1-6-11 for self success and 10 th housefor status works well in their horoscope. This action shows most of the women having 1, 6, 10,11 combination in Dasa Bukthi. These same houses are against for married life. So we canrecognize that divorce become normal in modern married life in India. We can give some workbased on 2, 7, 11 to avoid divorce or married life problem.Scientific remedies are not only works for vyaya bhava. 4 th house is the vyayabhava for child birth. To energize the child birth we want to give the work of 5 th house. 5 th house should operate well for recover from illness and Child birth. For both purpose we cansend native to temple and chant some mantra. It gives the vibration of 5 th house. Some peoplehave difficult in child birth or they have some trouble in getting child. For them we can tell toworship god in temple and give some sweets to devotees because this action gives the work of 2, 5 houses. And advise them to avoid purchasing new property till they get child. In southIndian villages when women get pregnancy their family members avoid house construction.The house construction works are denotes 4, 11 and 12 then its vyaya bahva for 2,5,11getting child. Without knowing bhava characteristics, the people are

following this kind of beliefs from ancient days.We can handle the bhava as well as the natives life for good way of life. In myexperience, I checked and helped lot of people. Research orientated people can apply thistechnique and give me feed back. In Mahabarath Lord Krishna did same kind of remedy forpandavas. Lord Krishna never changed the destiny; he only changed the vibration of nature. Ipray the supreme to give all courage to support this humanity

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